Dear Parents, Thank you for your interest in Shaare Torah Nursery School for the 2014/2015 school year. We are looking forward to a year of discovery and connection for each child. This letter will provide you with information regarding our programs and registration process. We are very pleased to be adding a twelve month full day/three-quarter day option to our program in addition to providing flexible “add-on” coverage to the core ten month program, should you need one or more extended days. As you will see, we understand that flexible scheduling is very important. Please look carefully at our options—we have many for you to look at to provide you with the schedule that best fits the needs of your family. Our first day of school will be Monday, August 25th, 2014. Registration will begin on Thursday, January 2, 2014. If you enroll your child in our half day option on or before February 15, 2014, you will receive a $100 early enrollment discount. If you enroll your child in our full or three-quarter day option on or before February 15, you will receive a $200 early enrollment discount. Any Nursery School family that refers a family that enrolls for the 2014/2015 school year will receive a $50 credit on their tuition. We adhere to the Montgomery County Public School’s policy for admitting children according to their birthdays to our program. Your child must be: Four years old by September 1, 2014, for admittance to our 4’s program Three years old by September 1, 2014, for admittance to our 3’s program Two years old by September 1, 2014, for admittance to our 2’s program Two years old by January 1, 2015, for admittance to our Transitional Twos program. Please note that we cannot accept requests for specific teachers, but we will make every effort to place your child with at least one friend. Please complete pages 1 – 4 of the attached application and send them along with a check for $500 payable to Shaare Torah. This check includes a non-refundable application fee of $50 and a non-refundable tuition deposit of $450. An additional tuition deposit of $500 will be due within one month of acceptance to the Nursery School. All tuition deposits are non-refundable. Please send application forms and checks to: Shaare Torah Nursery School c/o Pamela Gorin 1409 Main Street Gaithersburg, MD 20878 If you have any questions, please call Pamela Gorin, Director of Early Childhood Education at 301-869-9842 ext 113 or e-mail at Pamela Gorin SHAARE TORAH NURSERY SCHOOL APPLICATION 2014/2015 Child’s Name: First: _______________________________ Middle: _______________________ Last: _________________________________________ Nickname (if any): ________________________________________________ Gender: (M) _______________ (F)___________________ Child’s Hebrew Name (Use English Letters) _________________________________ Date of Birth: ______________________________ Street Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip code: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent 1 Name: ___________________________________ e-mail: __________________________________________________________ Parent 1 cell phone: ____________________________________________Work phone: _________________________________________ Parent 1 address if different from above: ______________________________________________________________________________ Parent 2 Name: ________________________________________e-mail:_______________________________________________________ Parent 2 cell phone: _____________________________________________Work phone: ________________________________________ Parent 2 address if different from above: _______________________________________________________________________________ For children new to Shaare Torah, please answer the following questions so that we can plan properly for your child. Are there any special circumstances concerning your child of which we should be aware? Has it ever been suggested or has your child ever received a diagnostic evaluation? If so, please explain: _______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please name one friend whom you would like your child to be with in class: _________________________________________________ Are you a Shaare Torah member? Yes_____ No_____ If no, other Synagogue affiliation ______________________________________ Are you interested in receiving information about Shaare Torah? Yes________________________ No __________________________ A family must be in good financial standing with the synagogue for their child to be accepted to the Nursery School for the 2014/2015 school year. I certify that I understand that this document constitutes an application for admission to Shaare Torah Nursery School for the 2014/2015 school year, and that once my child is accepted into the school, I will remain current in my financial obligations to Shaare Torah Synagogue. Parent Name (please print:) : _______________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________ Signature____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The application and a check for $500 payable to Shaare Torah should be brought in or mailed to: Pamela Gorin, Director of Early Childhood Education; Shaare Torah Nursery School; 1409 Main Street; Gaithersburg, MD 20878. APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT THE PAYMENT INFORMATION REQUESTED ON PAGE 2 OF THIS FORM. PAGES 3 AND 4 OF THIS FORM ARE PART OF THIS APPLICATION AND MUST BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED WITH THE APPLICATION. Page 2 – Shaare Torah Nursery School Application SHAARE TORAH NURSERY SCHOOL PAYMENT FORM According to Shaare Torah’s Financial Policies, all Nursery School parents must have a valid credit card on file. Completion of the credit card information section below is required to be accepted into the Shaare Torah Nursery School. ***American Express is not accepted at this time*** Shaare Torah will only use the credit card should you fall behind on your payments or if you authorize us to do so. If you have any questions or concerns with the policy, please email Pamela Gorin at Please indicate the type of payment (Please check one option): ______ Check: one half of the remaining tuition on or before July 1, 2014 and the remainder of the tuition will be due before January 1, 2015 ______ Credit Card (Information below): one half of the remaining tuition on or before July 1, 2014 and the remainder of the tuition will be due before January 1, 2015 ______ Credit Card (Information below): 12 equal amounts beginning July 1, 2014 ______ ACH - direct bank account withdrawal (Information below): 12 equal amounts beginning July 1, 2014 Mandatory Credit Card Information Credit card information must be supplied by all applicants, even if the credit card is already on file with Shaare Torah. Name on Credit Card __________________________________________ Number_______________________________________________________ Expiration Date______________________ Security Code______________ Signature_______________________________________________________ Direct Debit Form Must be completed, even if information is currently on file with Shaare Torah Bank Name:___________________________ Routing Number: ___________________________ Account Number: ____________________ (Please attach a VOIDED blank check with this form) I hereby authorize the withdrawal from my checking account on or before the 5th of each month. Signature:_____________________________________ Page 3 – Shaare Torah Nursery School Application SHAARE TORAH NURSERY SCHOOL 2014/2015 PROGRAM OPTIONS AND TUITION SCHEDULE PLEASE SELECT ONE OF THE OPTIONS BELOW: FULL DAY – 12 MONTHS Check One Program Days and Times Non-Refundable Registration Fee Member Annual Tuition General Public Annual Tuition Member Monthly Tuition General Public Monthly Tuition ______________ Twos M-F: 7:30am-6pm $50 $16,200 $17,400 $1,350 $1,450 ______________ Threes M-F: 7:30am-6pm $50 $16,200 $17,400 $1,350 $1,450 ______________ Fours M-F: 7:30am-6pm $50 $16,200 $17,400 $1,350 $1,450 ______________ Twos M-F: 7:30 am-3:30 pm $50 $13,800 $15,000 $1,150 $1,250 ______________ Twos M-F: 9:00 am-5:00 pm $50 $13,800 $15,000 $1,150 $1,250 ______________ Threes M-F: 7:30 am-3:30 pm $50 $13,800 $15,000 $1,150 $1,250 ______________ Threes M-F: 9:00am-5:00 pm $50 $13,800 $15,000 $1,150 $1,250 ______________ Fours M-F: 7:30am-3:30pm $50 $13,800 $15,000 $1,150 $1,250 ______________ Fours M-F: 9:00am-5:00pm $50 $13,800 $15,000 $1,150 $1,250 ______________ 3 day Twos MWF: 9:15am-12:30pm $50 $4,220 $5,240 $422 $524 ______________ 3 day Threes MWF: 9:15am-12:30pm $50 $4,220 $5,240 $422 $524 ______________ 5 day Twos M-F: 9:15am-12:30pm $50 $5,450 $6,760 $545 $676 ______________ 5 day Threes M-F: 9:15am-12:30pm: $50 $5,450 $6,760 $545 $676 ______________ 5 day Fours M-F: 9:15am-12:30pm $50 $5,450 $6,760 $545 $676 ______________ Transitional Twos Tue, Th: 9:30am11:00am $50 $2,420 $2,990 $242 $299 3/4 DAY – 12 MONTHS CORE PROGRAM 10 MONTHS **PLEASE SEE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS PAGE FOR OPTIONS THAT MAY BE ADDED TO THE TRADITIONAL HALF-DAY PROGRAM. Note: At the time of registration, applicants should submit a $500 check which includes the non-refundable $50 registration fee and a tuition deposit of $450. An additional non-refundable tuition deposit of $500 will be due within one month of acceptance to the Nursery School. Both tuition deposits are applied towards the annual tuition. Page 4 – Shaare Torah Nursery School Application SHAARE TORAH NURSERY SCHOOL 2014/2015 PROGRAM OPTIONS AND TUITION SCHEDULE THE FOLLOWING OPTIONS MAY BE ADDED TO THE CORE TEN MONTH PROGRAM. PLEASE INDICATE YOUR SELECTIONS BELOW: EARLY-DROP OFF: 7:30AM-9:15AM MONTHLY FEE PER WEEKDAY: $35 MEMBER/$45 GENERAL PUBLIC MONDAY: ___________ TUESDAY: ___________ WEDNESDAY: ___________ THURSDAY: ___________ FRIDAY: ___________ EARLY-AFTERCARE – 12:30PM-3:30PM MONTHLY FEE PER WEEKDAY: $75 MEMBER/$90 GENERAL PUBLIC MONDAY: ___________ TUESDAY: ___________ WEDNESDAY: ___________ THURSDAY: ___________ FRIDAY: ___________ LATE-AFTERCARE – 12:30PM-6:00PM MONTHLY FEE PER WEEKDAY: $125 MEMBER/$140 GENERAL PUBLIC MONDAY: ___________ TUESDAY: ___________ WEDNESDAY: ___________ THURSDAY: ___________ FRIDAY: ___________