Topics for Discussion - Emory University Department of Pediatrics

Topics for Discussion – MES Track
Department of Medicine Faculty Mentorship Program
Faculty member’s professional interests and goals:
Name of Faculty Mentee:
Name of Faculty Mentor:
All faculty on the MEST shall be engaged in Teaching one or more of the following: medical
students, residents, fellows, biomedical graduate students, psychology trainees, allied health
students, and/or others in the School of Medicine. All shall also be engaged in providing
citizenship service in the School of Medicine and/or its affiliates. Faculty may also be involved
in clinical service.
To qualify for appointment or promotion to Associate Professor or Professor on the medical
educator and service track (MEST), the greater emphasis will be placed on teaching,
program administration, and professional clinical and citizenship service.
1. Teaching:
• What is the focus area/topic for development of teaching?
• What will your primary teaching venues be (i.e., bedside, classroom, small group
discussions), and who will you be teaching (i.e., medical students, post graduate
trainees, fellows, peers)?
• What skills development would enhance teaching?
• How will teaching be evaluated in these venues?
• Has a teaching portfolio been started?
What regional and national teaching activities/opportunities are available?
2. Service:
• Local: Are there leadership opportunities in the clinical arena, teaching programs,
or School of Medicine that are of interest?
• University and School of Medicine: What committees are of interest? Are you
interested in mentoring trainees?
• Regional or National: What academic societies are most appropriate to join? Are
there committees within these societies that are of interest?
• Editorial Boards/Manuscript Review: Are there journals within your area of
expertise for which you would be interested serving as a reviewer?
• Community: Are there leadership opportunities within the community that are of
3. Scholarship:
• How can teaching activities be turned into scholarship (case reports, review
articles, book chapters or a book, regional or national workshops, research
projects in education)?
• What is the focus area for development of scholarship?
• Is there an appropriate mentor for projects in the faculty member’s area of interest? What are
the needed skills to succeed in the area of interest and how to acquire these skills?
• What are potential funding sources to support the scholarship?
• What are the appropriate venues to present and discuss the work, e.g. academic society
meetings, workshops, journals?
Mentor will provide information to the faculty member on available resources for
development within Emory and other venues.
Activities to Consider While Developing a Plan for Professional Growth and Development
Note 1) that some activities may be appropriate for more than one area and 2) keeping records of
activities, e.g. placing documents related to an activity in a promotions folder, is very helpful.
Involvement in Division and/or
Departmental Teaching curriculum
for resident
Involvement in Medical student
education- Medical School course
teaching and lectures
Service as a resident or medical
student advisor/mentor
Service in either Divisional or
departmental clinical care activity
Authoring or co-authoring Case
Studies, Book Chapters, research
studies, etc.
Participation in clinical trials or
other research studies
Participation or leadership role in
CME courses either at Emory or
regional and even national level
Participation and leadership in
Local/regional education committees
Participation or leader in Hospital
Quality improvement initiatives
Document and record teaching
Participation in ACGME educational
initiatives either locally or
Striving to be recipient of teaching
Participation in ACGME educational
initiatives either locally or
Leadership service in Divisional or
Departmental administration:
Medical Director, section Vice Chief
Participation in Emory University
Participation or leader in regional
and national society committees
Participation in ACGME educational
initiatives either locally or
Developing guidelines on clinical
care, management, developing
Webinars, etc.
Clinical Trials compliance including
enrollment into patient trials (e.g.
Citi training)
Emory definitions and categories for promotion in MEST track:
Faculty are evaluated in three areas 1) Teaching 2) Service 3) Scholarship; using the ratings
described below:
Outstanding rating- Requires a national reputation and institutional leadership in
teaching and/or service. Ongoing contributions and recognition at national and/or
international levels
Excellent rating- Requires at least a regional reputation and institutional and regional
leadership in teaching and/or service. Ongoing contributions and recognition outside
the institution and/or at State and/or regional levels
Very Good rating- Requires participation above the level of the usual and customary
job assignment or mission performance. Ongoing contributions at the institutional level
Ratings Matrices
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Associate Professor, MEST: Candidates shall demonstrate at least excellent in clinical
professional service and/or citizenship service and at least very good in teaching or shall be at
least excellent in teaching and at least very good in clinical professional service and/or
citizenship service. In both cases, candidates must demonstrate participation in scholarship.
Candidates shall maintain this standard until their next promotion or throughout the remainder
of their careers.
Associate Professor MEST required rating matrix:
Service - at least excellent
Teaching - at least very good
Scholarship - participation
Teaching - at least excellent
Service - at least very good
Scholarship - participation
Professor, MEST: Candidates shall demonstrate outstanding performance in service or
teaching with a national reputation; a higher level of achievement in one or more of the
other areas than a candidate for the rank of Associate Professor, MEST; and shall maintain this
standard through their careers.
Professor MEST required rating matrix:
Service - outstanding
Teaching - at least excellent
Scholarship - substantial participation
Teaching - outstanding
Service - at least excellent
Scholarship – substantial participation