M&N UCL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION SCHOLARSHIP ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA To be eligible for the M&N UCL Scholarship, applicants must: be domiciled in Hong Kong before the commencement of their studies; AND hold an offer of admission to study at UCL on an undergraduate full-time degree within any Department. Preference will be given to students who are admitted to either the LLB Law or BSc Economics programme. SCHOLARSHIP VALUE, TERMS AND CONDITIONS The value of the Scholarship is £20,000 per year for three years of undergraduate study. The Scholarship may not be held alongside other scholarships, studentships, awards, loans or bursaries. The scholarship cannot be transferred to another institution, nor deferred to a later year. Payment will only be made if the recipient is registered and enrolled for an Undergraduate Degree programme at UCL. All funding is subject to the provisions of the General Regulations. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY AND FOLLOW ADVICE GIVEN Your application must be complete at the date of the deadline in order to be valid. We are not able to acknowledge receipt of application forms. Incomplete applications are invalid and will not be processed. If you would like to be considered for funding for more than one programme, you should submit separate scholarship applications (incl. full documentation) for each of the programmes for which you are seeking funding. Please ensure that all information is typed if possible. The presentation and legibility of your application does matter. If you are unable to type the form and required documents, please explain why, and make sure you write legibly (print in black ink). Please complete all relevant fields. Do not provide information on separate sheets unless the form asks you to do so. Please make sure you include a valid email address on the form. Please only send us complete applications (i.e. applications including all required documents). All applications received by the relevant application date are treated equally; sending your application early will not increase your chances. Please enclose any additional documentation required for your application to be valid. Please do not enclose any documents not requested. Only applications including all supporting documents as per page 5 on the application form will be accepted. Before posting your application to us, please re-read it carefully for accuracy and make sure you keep a copy of your application for your files. If possible, please do not fold your application, but use an A4 envelope to post it to us. Please do not include your scholarship application with your application for admission. Each application must be sent separately to the relevant sections within UCL. Only successful applicants and reserve candidates will be notified Post to: Student Funding Office, G19 Registry & Academic Services, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, United Kingdom PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT THIS PAGE WITH YOUR APPLICATION Email to: studentfunding@ucl.ac.uk 1 M&N UCL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION Please complete ALL sections if only by ticking the ‘no’ box or entering not applicable (n/a). PERSONAL DETAILS (It is important to give your Family name and first names as they appear on your passport) Surname/Family Name First Name/s Title - select - Date of Birth dd/mm/yyyy HKG Permanent ID No Nationality CONTACT DETAILS (If successful, we will contact you by email) Email Address Mobile/Cell phone CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS (Please inform us if this address changes) Street Address Postcode City and Region/County/Province/State Country Telephone inc. country code UCL UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME/COURSE UCAS application submitted date Qualification sought UCAS No. BA, BSc, BEng, MEng, MSci etc. Programme/Course Title UCL Department/Institute Method of Study - select - Admissions/Enrolment Status Programme Start Date: Expected or Actual registration /enrolment - select - mm/yyyy Fee Status (specified in the offer letter) Please select 2 SCHOOL EDUCATION – qualifications already obtained Detail your education since academic year 2005/06 (for 2013/14 entrants to UCL) School/College Name and Location (City, Country) Start Date (mm/yyyy) End Date (mm/yyyy) SECONDARY EDUCATION – qualifications currently being taken Detail qualifications yet to be awarded. School/College Name and Location (City, Country) Qualification achieved/pending (e.g. A Levels, Baccalaureate, IB, Abitur, etc.) Graduation Date (mm/yyyy) Grading Structure/System highest - lowest Overall Grade/GPA/Class Best possible grade: Fail grade: EMPLOYMENT, TRAINING AND WORK EXPERIENCE Where relevant to the programme or Scholarship requirements Employer name and location Start Date End Date city, country mm/yyyy mm/yyyy Position held Language at work PAST/CURRENT PRIZES, AWARDS AND SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED We may request proof (copies of award letters or certificates) for the information you provide below. Name of Prize, Award or Scholarship Purpose Overall value GB £ Date awarded Please list only those awarded on the basis of academic merit/achievement What was the prize, award or Scholarship awarded for? 3 if applicable (mm/yyyy) as applicable FINANCIAL CIRCUMSTANCES and BACKGROUND This Scholarship is intended for academically able students in financial need, who would be unable – without financial help – to study at UCL. Please give full details of your current financial circumstances. All information provided is treated in the strictest confidence. Continue on separate sheet if necessary ANNUAL BASIC COST OF STUDY Cost Item Annual Tuition Fees Amount GBP£ Annual Living Costs (basic cost incl. local travel) Travel costs (Home to UCL/UCL to Home) TOTAL ANNUAL COST £0.00 4 PERSONAL STATEMENT What are you educational and career ambitions and goals, and what difference would this Scholarship make to your life? (300 words max.) Continue on separate sheet if necessary SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS (ALL APPLICANTS) The documents listed below MUST be attached to this application. Without them your application is invalid. Indicate in the right-hand column to confirm that you have enclosed all relevant documents. Photocopies of official school/college certificates and transcripts (incl. English translation if in foreign language). If official transcripts are not available, then please provide an academic reference (must be on the referee’s letterheaded paper, signed and dated by the referee, and submitted in a sealed, stamped envelope which is signed across the seal). Photocopies of documents proving financial circumstances. For example, summary/schedule of the family's financial means - i.e. assets, income, liabilities and expenses, bank statements for the last six months, parents’ tax assessments and/or evidence of bursaries and scholarships received whilst at school. CONFIDENTIALITY - DATA PROTECTION ACT (1998) University College London is a data controller in terms of the 1998 legislation. The Student Funding Office (SFO) follows UCL policy in matters of data protection. The data requested in this form is covered by the notification provided by UCL under the Data Protection Act. Personal data will be used to administer your award as appropriate, and for statistical purposes and electronic records keeping. The data will not be passed to any other third party without your consent, except when UCL is required to do so by law. Any formal enquiries concerning the use of data noted here should be addressed to the UCL Data Protection Officer. Once you are happy with your application, please print the form and date and sign below. Please keep a copy for your files. APPLICANT’S DECLARATION By submitting this application to UCL on (Submission date), I, (Name), declare that I understand that my application is valid only if all required information is provided and all required additional documents enclosed; the information I have provided is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge; If required, I authorise UCL to provide a copy of my application to the funders of the scheme in the event that my application should be successful. I understand that documents submitted with this application will not be returned to me. 5