Bachelor’s academic study programme of Riga Technical University COMPUTERISED CONTROL OF ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGIES SELF-EVALUATION REPORT RIGA, 2004 CONTENT 7. EVALUATION OF STUDY PROGRAMME 7.1. Aims and objectives of the programme 7.2. Organization of the educational programme 7.3. Practical realization of the educational programme 7.3.1. Description of educational subjects 7.3.2. Comparison of international Bachelor programmes 7.4. Evaluation system of the studies 7.5. Students 7.5.1. Number of students in the programme 7.5.2. Number of students entered the 1st year 7.5.3. Number of graduates 7.5.4. Questioning of students and analysis of their answers 7.5.5. Questioning of graduates and analysis of the answers 7.5.6. Involving the students into the educational process 7.6. Academic staff of the educational programme 7.6.1. Number of academic staff 7.6.2. Qualification of the academic staff 7.6.3. Policy of development, training and renovation of academic staff 7.7. Financial sources and provision 7.8. External contacts 7.8.1. Contacts with employers 7.8.2. Co-operation with similar educational programmes in Latvia and abroad 7.8.3. Academic staff working abroad 7.8.4. Number of foreign visiting lecturers in the programme 7.8.5. Students who study abroad for different educational programmes 8. Perspective evaluation and plan of development of the Bachelor programme CCET 7.1. Aims and objectives of the programme In order to start Bachelor studies a general secondary education or secondary professional education in Electrical Engineering are necessary. THE MAIN AIM OF BACHELOR STUDIES IS TO PROVIDE STUDENTS WITH THE FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICAL AND POWER ENGINEERING ACADEMIC EDUCATION IN THE FIELD OF COMPUTERISED CONTROL OF ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGIES AND TO PREPARE THEM FOR THE FURTHER ENGINEER OR MASTER STUDIES AS WELL AS TO GIVE NECESSARY SKILLS TO START PRACTICAL WORK. The main objectives of Bachelor studies: 1 – to deepen knowledge in mathematics and physics for solving tasks in Electrical Engineering; 2 – to teach to use skilfully and effectively computer technologies to solve tasks as well as for devices of automatic control; 3 – to train skills in solving electrical engineering tasks; 4 – to give a conception on the formation of electrical engineering devices, basics of their operation and automatic control; 5 – to give a conception on aspects of Power Engineering; 6 – to give a conception and knowledge in working organisation, social and economical operational principles; 7 – to increase knowledge of foreign languages. Finishing bachelor studies a student gets an academic degree of Bachelor in Electrical Engineering science, which allows continuation studies in all RTU programmes connected with Electric and Power Engineering. 7.2. Organization of the educational programme Bachelor educational programme EBO0 “Computerised control of electrical technologies” (CCET) was carried out by the decision of RTU Senate on the 28th of February in year 2000 (Supplement BP1) and confirmed by RTU Senate on the 25th of April in 2000. In fact studies in this programme have been started in academic year 2000/2001 in the groups of the third year students and this programme is joined as supplement BP2. Till this time Bachelor studies in the three directions of this programme – Power Electronics, Electrical Drives and Electronic Devices – were realized according to the common Bachelor educational programme “Electrical and Power Engineering”, accredited in 2001. The direct acceptance of the first year students for this Bachelor educational programme was in the academic year 2002/2003. In 2002 due to the changes defined by RTU Senate in Bachelor educational structure (Supplement BP3), the programme of 2000 have been partially transformed as follows: - the volume of credit points of Bachelor’s work was increased to 10 CP, - the volume of professional subjects of compulsory choice was increased to 13 CP, - the volume of subjects of free choice was decreased to 5CP. These changes in the programme “Computerised control of electrical technologies” were accepted at RTU Senate meeting on the 29th of April 2002. The programme changed in this way has been promoted for the accreditation in 2002 (Supplement BP4 and translated version attached to this paper) and has been accredited on the 7th of July 2002 for 2 years up to the 31st of December 2004 (Supplement BP5). The educational programme is realized at RTU at Electrical and Power Engineering faculty (EPEF), where Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering IEEI is responsible for it and the director of this institute is also the head of the educational programme. The department (chair) of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Technologies organized in 2003 and being a part of IEEI provides direct teaching this programme. The studying plans of educational programme “Computerised Control of Electrical Technologies” (Supplement BP6) correspond to the aims and objectives of IEEI, i.e., to the automatization of electrical engineering objects, with the use of modern elements and systems of automatization. 7.3. Practical realization of the educational programme Bachelor educational programme “Computerised Control of Electrical Technologies” (Supplement BP4) contains the following subjects divisions: A – compulsory subjects of 85CP volume; B – subjects of compulsory choice of 20CP volume, including B1 – special professional subjects of 13CP volume, B2 – humanitarian and social subjects of 4CP volume, B3 – languages of 3 CP volume, C – free choice subjects of 5 CP volume, E – final assessment (Bachelor’s thesis) of 10 CP volume. The common volume of Bachelor studies is 120 CP, which is realized during three full years of studies. Two terms and 32 educational weeks of 40 CP are foreseen every year with the total number of academic hours 1,760 (academics hours for the writing of Bachelor thesis are not foreseen). The general description of the studies distribution is given in table 1. General description of the programme EB00 studies distribution Division Number of CP A. compulsory subjects 85 B1. special professional subjects 13 of compulsory choice B2. humanitarian and social 4 subjects of compulsory choice B3. languages of compulsory 3 choice C. free choice subjects 5 Table 1 Possible Weight of number of division in subjects CP 27 70.4% 11 11.2% 3 3.3% 3 2.5% 4.2% E. Final assessment Total 10 120 1 8.4% 100.0% As we can see the weight of the compulsory subjects (70.4%) is the most important, the weight of the choice subjects (20.2%) is also large enough, that allows to master effectively special professional subjects. Studies foresee to carry out lectures, practical classes and laboratories. Distribution of the academic hours according to their types is given in table 2, which is performed in correspondence with real studying plans (Supplement BP6). Distribution of academic hours of Bachelor educational programme EB00 (in accordance with studying plans) Table 2 Type of Total A B1 B2 B3 C E Weight classes number group group group group group group % of academic hours Lectures 1,152 864 144 64 80 60 Practical 272 208 16 48 14 classes 336 288 48 17.5 Laboratories Final 160 8.5 assessment Total 1,760 1,360 208 64 48 80 160 100 Percentage 91.5 70.8 10.6 3.4 2.5 4.1 8.6 As we can see the real number of academic hours is only 1,760, because for Bachelor’s thesis of 10CP volume academic hours are not foreseen. The weight of lecture hours is 60% and lectures are the most important type of studies. 336 academic hours are taken for laboratories (or 17.5%). The volume of practical classes is less, containing 14% from the total volume. If we look at the subjects’ distribution in the groups we can see that the most important are those from A group of the volume of 1,360 academic hours (70.8%). 320 academic hours or 16.5% are taken for all the subjects of compulsory choice. Such principle of studies organization is acceptable for Bachelor studies, because Bachelors students should study mostly compulsory subjects. Also in A group of subjects the weight of lectures is the most important (864 from 1,360 academic hours). 208 hours are chosen for practical classes, but 288 for laboratories. 7.3.1. Description of educational subjects Bachelor studies are foreseen to increase and enforce knowledge in general technical subjects, which are necessary to master electrical engineering science, as well as to get knowledge in basic subjects of electrical engineering, which allows to consider a person obtained Bachelor degree as an educated in Electrical Engineering. To make comparison it is necessary to distribute all foreseen subjects in groups. The following distribution could be assumed: VEP – general basic subjects in natural science; TP – technical subjects; ETP – subjects in electrical engineering; HP – humanitarian subjects; VA – languages. Distribution of the subjects in groups is given in table 3, which also estimates a group’s weight in credit points. Distribution of Bachelor educational programme EBO0 subjects in groups Table 3 Group VEP ETP TP EOP HP VA Free choice subjects Bachelor’s thesis Subjects, KP Subjects in mathematics,16 Subjects in physics,8 Subjects in electrical materials,2 Theory of circuits and basics of Electrical Engineering,11 Electrical measurements,3 Electrical machines,5 Industrial electronics,3 Theoretical basics of electric drives,6 Electrical supply,2 Subjects in electronics,7 Choice subjects in electrical engineering, 13 Introduction into studies,1 Computer science subjects,11 Mechanics,2 Basics of control theory,2 Economics,3 Civil defence,1 Models of social development,2 Choice HP, 4 Foreign language,3 Number of CP 26 Weight 21.6% 51 42% 15 12.5% 4 3.8% 6 5% 3 5 2.5% 4.2% 10 8.4% As we can see from table 3 there is a large weight of electrical technical subjects in the Bachelor programme (42%), that allows really to see, that people obtained Bachelor degree are trained sufficiently to perform general electrical engineering tasks of state’s economy , i.e., they correspond to main requirements of Bologna declaration for “undergraduate” educational level. Expanded descriptions of all programme’s subjects are given in Supplement BP7 and attached in translated version to this paper also. During the Bachelor educational period the programme foresees 11 study projects to be elaborated, 22 exams and 24 tests to be passed. Distribution of the exams, tests and study projects performances in semesters is given in table 4. Distribution of Bachelor educational programme EBO0 study projects, exams and tests in groups Table 4 Type A B1 Exam Tests Study Projects Bachelor’s thesis 19 18 11 2 1 - Group of subjects B2 B3 C 2 - 1 1 - 2 - Educational term 02 03 04 E 01 - 4 5 1 4 6 - 5 4 3 1 - - - 05 06 5 3 2 3 3 4 1 3 1 - - 1 As we can see the distribution of exams in semesters is regular, excluding the 6 semester when it is necessary to concentrate on elaborating and defending of Bachelor’s thesis. In relation with the Bachelor’s thesis performance, studies are not foreseen during the last semester. If to evaluate the distribution of exams, tests and projects in the groups of subjects, mainly they are foreseen for the groups of compulsory subjects. Study projects are foreseen for the following subjects: 1. Computer studies II (special course) 2. Electrical measurement 3. Electrical engineering theory 4. Electronic Devices 5. Circuit theory 6. Electrical machines 7. Theoretical basis of electrical drives 8. Electric supply 9. Programming languages 10. Programming technology 11. Electrical technology equipment th Description of all study projects is given in Supplementary BP8. Analysing the description of the subjects (Supplementary BP7 and BP8 as also translations attached) we can ascertain that any repetition of content for all subjects in time-table is not recognised. The time-table corresponds to nowadays requirements for a time-table of such field of studies. Scientific and practical aspects of modern technologies are considered in special professional subjects. As we can conclude from studying plans and table 3 during the time of studies 10CP (or 8.8% from the whole volume) are taken for humanitarian, economic and social subjects, which is a good index in the area of technical education. 7.3.2. Comparison of international Bachelor programmes The comparison of the Bachelor educational programmes is carried out with Electrical Engineering educational programme of Helsinki University of Technology (HUT), Budapest Technical University (BTU) and Stockholm Royal Institute (KTH) of Technology. Note that in Helsinki as well as in Budapest there are 4 years of Bachelor education, but in KTH Bachelor education is not foreseen at all, however there are civil engineering studies where general fundamental subjects are taught during the first two years. Adding to this part the subjects from the 3rd year, these studies could be compared to RTU 3 years of Bachelor education. In HUT as well as in BTU in order to obtain Bachelor degree the studies are foreseen in the volume of 160 CP or 40 CP per year. In RTU like in HUT and BTU practically the same subjects are taught and that means in HUT and BTU in many cases they are taught extended. Distribution of Bachelor educational compared programmes of RTU, HUT, BTU and KTH in groups of subjects is given in table 5. In supplement BP9 there are connected the copies of Bachelor study plans in electrical engineering field of HUT and BTU and as well copies of study description of the KTH. Description of subjects groups of the compared higher schools Groups if subjects VEP ETP TP EOP Subjects Mathematics Physics Subjects in Electrical materials Theory of circuits and basics of Electrical Engineering Introduction into studies Electrical measurements Electrical machines Power electronics Basics of electrical drive Electrical supply Subjects in electronics Choice subjects in Electrical Engineering Computer science subjects Mechanics Basics of control theory Theory of signals Other technical subjects Economics Civil defence Projects planning and control Management Table 5 Credit points RTU HUT BTU KTH 16 8 2 11 18 14 5 11 26 12 4 14 38 11 18 1 3 5 3 6 2 7 13 4 7 24 9 10 8 8 4 8 4 34 - 6 4 6 14 - 11 2 2 3 1 - 6 3 4 3 17 2 2 8 4 4 4 22 4 8 8 4 2 HP VA Free choice subjects Bachelor’s thesis Basics of business Marketing Models of social development Sociology Choice HP Language 2 4 3 5 2 2 9 - - 4 - 10 - - - As we can see in KTH there is less number of subjects than in other higher schools (12 subjects), but its weight of credit points is significant. Thus the weight of mathematics reaches 30% from the total volume, but electrical engineering – to 15 %. Programme of BTU is similar to RTU one, although in this programme is significant weight of credit points for mathematics too (16%) and, particularly, for electronics also (22%). In respect to subjects in electronics, in RTU programme “Computerised control of Electrical Technology” its weight in CP is small (7CP or 16% in volume). There are a lot of subjects with small weight in RTU programme which could be jointed into groups of subjects with larger weight. Distribution of subjects groups of the compared higher schools is given in table 6. Distribution of the compared Bachelor educational programmes in groups of subjects Table 6 Group of subjects VEP ETP+free choice+thesis TP EOP HP VA Total RTU HUT BTU KTH 26 66 37 73 42 72 49 48 15 4 6 3 120 33 8 9 160 42 4 160 20 4 123 Information about BTU was obtained from the programme of the number of academic hours, taking into account the given total number of credit points (160 CP). As we can see in general the RTU programme in some particular groups of subjects corresponds well enough to the programmes of the compared higher schools. If humanitarian subjects are not taught (the question is still under discussion) then VEP group could be enforced a little as well as TP group which are weaker than in higher schools abroad. 7.4. Evaluation system of the studies Studies in a subject are evaluated by a lecturer responsible for this subject, in the kind of exam or test, with the use of 10 point scale with the least successful mark of the 4 points. Students projects are included into academic plans and marked with letter D, student defend them and a teacher evaluates it with a mark. Defending of a qualification work – Bachelor’s thesis – is public, but it is evaluated by a commission of at least 3 professors, assigned by EPEF Dean. The volume of Bachelor’s thesis is approximately 50 computer pages realized in interval 1.5 lines with schemes and figures and descriptions . Each Bachelor’s thesis should be evaluated by an opponent. A student defending bachelor’s thesis also answers questions asked by commission members on theoretical and practical aspects of electrical engineering science, because the mark for bachelor’s thesis is based on the evaluation of general knowledge and skills. In accordance with the resolution of RTU Senate 29th of January 2001 “About transition to the common evaluation system of studies results” the Senate’s resolution 25.06.2001 defines the following criteria for evaluation of knowledge and skills in a particular educational subject: “outstanding” (10) – knowledge exceeds requirements of the programme in subject, give evidence of the ability to perform an independent investigation and deep understanding of a question; “excellent” (9) – the programme in subject is fully mastered, the skills for independent application of the knowledge are obtained; “very good” (8) – the programme in subject is fully mastered, but in some questions the understanding is not deep enough to apply knowledge for independent solving of more complicated problems; “good” (7) – in general the obtained knowledge is at the required level of the programme, but there are difficulties with solving some practical problems and lack of understanding of some insignificant questions; “almost good” (6) – in general the programme in subject is mastered, but sometimes a poor understanding of some significant questions is noticeable and the are partial difficulties with practical application of obtained knowledge; “satisfactory” (5) – in general the programme in subject is mastered, although there is an insufficient understanding of many important questions as well as difficulties with practical application of obtained knowledge are noticeable; “almost satisfactory” (4) - in general the programme in subject is mastered, although there is an insufficient understanding of some fundamentals and noticeable difficulties in application of the obtained knowledge in practice; “poor” (3) – knowledge is general and incomplete, student can not apply it in particular situations; “very poor” (2) – there is general knowledge in separate questions, the most part of subject is not mastered; “very very poor” (1) – there is totally no understanding and knowledge in fundamentals of subject. Mark “almost satisfactory” (4) is a lower satisfactory mark. 7.5. Students 7.5.1. Number of students in the programme The number of students in the programme “Computerised Control of Electric Technologies” after the accreditation in 2002/2003 was 64 students. In 2003/2004 the general number of the students at day department is 80 people. In 2004/2005 90 students will be at day department. Thus now in general 80 people study at the Bachelor academic course. 7.5.2. Number of students entered the 1st year Starting with 2002 RTU accepting will be directly for the programme and 34 Bachelor students are accepted to the programme “Computerised Control of Electric Technologies”. Starting with 2003 the strict norms were defined for the number of budget places thus 30 students were accepted at day department and 33 students – at night and correspondent department. 7.5.3. Number of graduates As programme “Computerised Control of Electric Technologies” is new the number of graduates is not large: 2001 11 bachelors, 2002 15 bachelors. After accreditation in 2003 14 graduates got diplomas. The same number of graduates is expected in 2004. And only with 2005 the number of graduates will increase up to 30…40 people per year, as night and correspondent students started the studies. 7.5.4. Questioning of students and analysis of their answers Short conclusions on the questioning of students (Bachelor programme, 1st and 3d year) Totally there are considered 59 questionnaires. Analysis of the answers is given in the order of questions. 2. Answering to the question of what defined the choice of an educational programme, most of the students (95%) chose a simple answer “ possibility to get higher education”. More than a half of them chose the answers “possibility to perform a well paid job in future”, “better outlook at the labour market in future” and “ better possibility of professional carrier in future”. Note there is a small difference among these variants, thus there are doubts weather they should be formulated in that way. An assumption that a speciality where a friend entered is decline clearly. 5. After obtaining Bachelor degree most part of the respondents (85%) are ready to continue studies at the professional programme. Academic studies were chosen by less respondents of this question. 6., 7. 56% of the respondents have already chosen one of 18 offered by RTU fundamental educational programmes. Those who have not made a choice noted that they still have time for it. At the same time there is not enough information about the programmes. 8. Difficulties at the beginning of the studies are mainly connected with differences in organisations of educational processes, comparing with lack of information. Respondents partly defined also too high requirements of the lecturers, unkind and formal attitude, as well as poor level of their previous knowledge. 11. Reasons of non-attendance of classes are illness and work. 12. As the most difficult subjects the following are defined more often: Electrical systems (19 forms), Basics of Electrical Engineering (15), Mathematics (14), Electric Technology and Basics of Electric Supply (10), Control Systems in power engineering and transport (9). 13. Complicated matters and absence of teachers’ ability to explain them cause difficulties in studies. 14. Totally 33 lecturers with whom students want to continue their studies are mentioned in the answers. Rozenkrons (16), Paperno (11), Ketners (10) are mentioned more often. 15. There are mentioned 25 lecturers with whom students would not like to meet more during the educational process. Gerhards (10 reizes), Obuševs (9), Ļevčenkovs (7), Feldbergs (6) are mentioned here more often. 16. The most important living problems of the students are low scholarship (29), small social activity (5), and expensive monthly tickets in comparison with scholarship. 17. Relations among students are characterised as good, but relations between students and teachers are formal and official. Analysing answers to the questionnaire, it is obvious that in most cases they are not strictly independently done, that reduces value of the questionnaire. Possible answers variants are not marked for questions 8.7. therefore there is no answer to this question in many forms. If starting this questioning of students, the processing of the answers with computer was not foreseen then there is no possibility to find a correlation and no reason in the 20th question – information about students. However processing of answers manually nowadays is antiquated. For the following questionnaires it is necessary to find a possibility to use modern sociological methods for answers processing. Analysing the results of the present questionnaire of the 3rd year Bachelor students we can conclude that plans of studies are evaluated good, obtained theoretical knowledge is good, practical knowledge and material supply are evaluated satisfactory. Doc.E.Blumbergs, prof.J.Dirba, doc.J.Valeinis, prof.I.Rankis, prof. L.Ribickis. were mentioned as the best teachers. 7.5.5. Questioning of graduates and analysis of the answers A questioning of graduates of ETDV Bachelor studies was carried out; the forms of it are enclosed in supplement BP10. 20 graduates were asked and they mentioned good level of studies organisation in the programme, effective individual teaching, and high requirements to the quality of bachelor thesis. Main objections to the process of studies are the following: 1 - material supply is not good enough; 2 – the volume of credit points for fundamental electrical engineering subjects is not enough: 3 – the weight of important subjects is much less; 4 – the weight of laboratory works is not enough; 5 – the familiarisation with real devices is not enough; 6 – classes take place in large groups and lecturers do not know names of the students; 7 – in the most important subjects students would like to perform practical tasks, which enforce knowledge in the best way. Some respondents expressed a willing to have classes in evenings already at the 3rd year of Bachelor studies, because many of them are busy at work. 7.5.6. Involving the students into the educational process In the educational process students generally are involved participating in the elaboration of laboratory installations under the supervision of experienced teachers. For example, under the supervision of docent I.Galkin students O.Krievs and L.Bisenieks performed complete sets for logical micro schemes of microprocessors and microcontrollers operation and programming. Under the supervision of professor I.Rankis at the laboratory of Industrial Electronics the laboratory work of a thyristor regulator and installations for rectifiers investigation have been elaborated with an active participating of student V.Brazis. Docent E.Blumbergs with student A.Bikshis made two laboratory installations with frequency converters in the laboratory of Electronic devices. Student A.Vitols continues the work with the installation “Device of power factor improvement”. Student M.Skerainis under the supervision of prof.I.Rankis made a test bench for investigation of a transistor frequency converter. 7.6. Academic staff of the educational programme 7.6.1. Number of academic staff The total number of IEEI academic staff involved into CCET programme is 8 persons (Supplement BP 11 and attached translated CV): 1 – professor,, corresponding member of LZA Leonīds Ribickis, 2 – professor, Hab Jānis Greivulis, 3 – professor, Ivars Raņķis, 4 – docent, Jānis Valeinis, 5 – assotiated professor, Ilja Galkins, 6 – docent, Dr. Sc. Anastasija Žiravecka, 7 – docent Edvīns Blumbergs, 8 – assistants Viesturs Bražis. The following teachers of the professor group of Electrical Engineering and Theoretical Basics of Electrical Engineering of the Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering take part in the teaching of electrical professional subjects: 1 - professor, Ivars Dūmiņš, 2 - asoc. professor, Ņikita Nadežņikovs, 3 - docent, Jānis Briedis, 4 - docent, Uldis Zītars, 5 – docent, Ēriks Priednieks, 6 - docent, Vladimirs Hramcovs, 7 – docent, Uldis Antonovičs, 8 – docent, Andris Purviņš. Table 6.1. Academic staff Position Number Professors Asoc.professors Docents Lekturers Assistants 13 7 7 1 1 13 Scientific degree 7 6 1 1 1 In the teaching of fundamental technical, humanitarian, social, economical subjects and languages 19 lecturers more take part, their CV are enclosed in Supplement BP11. Qualification of all academic staff corresponds to the aims and objectives of the structural institution (IEEI) to perform CCET Bachelor Programme. Four of them are advisors of LAS grant projects. Others are actively involved into performing grant projects as well as into other research works in agreement in the area of automation of electrical engineering devices. IEEI specialists who are connected with Bachelor professional subjects, every year realise investigations financed from state budget in volume of 8,000 Ls, as well as they perform research in agreement in 15,000 Ls volume. The main investigations are connected with elaboration of modern semiconductor electronic converters. In the middle of a year 15 scientific articles are published with involving students of the Bachelor programme into this work. Thus in 2001 Aivars Vilks defended Bachelor’s thesis in investigation of semiconductors application and for this work he obtained Latvenergo award. In 2002 Oskars Plataiskalns defended thesis and got an award of Latvenergo for investigation of reactive power compensation. He reported also on his investigations at the international conference in May 2003 in Poland, Zelena Gura. Three persons from the academic staff are 30 years old or younger, professor L.Ribickis is 54. Admittance of young lecturers is foreseen. Thus IEEI engineer Oskars Krievs in 2002 had a practice in Turin TU, where he performed scientific and pedagogical work. In 2003/2004 O.Krievs teaches subject “Electronic Devices” 7.6.2. Qualification of the academic staff In 2001/2002 IEEI elaborates 5 investigations of financial grants of Latvian Academy of Science (LAS) with the total cost 8,500 Ls. The investigations deal with a new type of semiconductor converters elaboration and have connections with electrical technologies. Scientific advisers of the grants are as follows: 1 – grant 01.0636 – IEEI professor Jānis Greivulis, 2 – grant 01.0638 – IEEI professor Ivars Raņķis, 3 – grants 01.639 un 01.640 – IEEI professor Leinīds Ribickis, 4 – grant 01.645 – IEEI docent Anastāsija Žiravecka. In addition with these grants there are carried out Latvian Energy Company VAS Latvenergo financed investigations with the annual cost 15,000 Ls, which deal with semiconductor pulse controlled systems and power transmission over single wire. The best students are involved in these investigations. For example in 2001 Bachelor student Aivars Vilks actively worked and got a reward of Latvenergo for Bachelor’s work in the area of thyristor controlled reactors. Students Oskars Krievs, Ainars Biksis, Oskars Plataiskalns Viktors Prikulis and other participants of the Bachelor programme are also very active as well as many students of correspondence department. In 2002 Oskars Plataiskalns got a Latvenergo award for the investigation of reactive power compensation. Scientific work of IEEI academic staff positively influences the realisation of the educational programme, because it involves students into research as well as provides studies with modern devices. Publications performed by IEEI staff during the last 5 years are represented in Supplement BP12. Approximately all defended IEEI Bachelor’s theses are parts of scientific works and they are evaluated positively. 7.6.3. Policy of development, training and renovation of academic staff During the process of the staff renovation for the positions of professors and associated professors the persons with Doctor’s degree can be elected in accordance with the law of higher schools. RTU docents and head scientists should have Doctor’s degree. Docents (head scientists) are elected for 6 years at Council of Faculty by recommendation of a correspondent institute. To teach subjects for professional studies persons without scientific degree could be elected, but they should have at least 10 years of practical working experience in a correspondent area. RTU lecturers, researchers and assistants could be persons with Master’s and Doctor’s academic degree. Lecturers and assistants are elected at Council of faculty for 6 years. A continuous programme of renovation of academic teaching staff of the Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering is carried out. The stages of this programme are: 1) choice of the best students and their joining to Doctoral Studies; 2) election of docents at IEEI meetings; 3) election of docents at IEEI meetings after thesis defending; 4) after 4-5 years of work at the position of a docent guiding a person to the position of an associated professor. In May 2003 I.Galkins was elected for the position of an associated professor, but A.Purvinsh was elected for the position of a docent in January 2003. In the nearest future (2004) docents A.Žiravecka, V.Hramcovs and A.Purviņsh are foreseen to be guided to positions of associated professors. V.Bražis is foreseen to be docents. 7.7. Financial sources and provision Financial sources are: 1 – state budget, 2 – LAS grants, 3 – means of agreement investigations. State budget, which provides realisation of CCET programme at IEEI with salary funds, is 25,000 Ls per year, therefore the average sum for one representative of the academic staff involved into the Bachelor programme is 3,000 Ls. Except salary funds state finances for infrastructure provision are foreseen, these finances contain 8,000 Ls in connection with realisation of CCET programme. Total financial budget together with LAS grants and agreement financed works in 2001/2002 was 56,000 Ls. Particular sources for infrastructures provision are contributions, provided by operating in Latvia electrical engineering companies. These companies ABB, Siemens, General Electric, EK-systems and others in 2001/2002 provided the programme with modern frequency converters, controllers and other means of electrical technology automation in the volume of 5,000 Ls Special studies in CCET bachelor programme can be performed in EPEF rooms belonged to IEEI, that is an area of approximately 450m2 . These rooms are occupied with 5 laboratory installations as well as they can be used as lecture-rooms for 50 student places. Permanent work is carried out to increase financial technical support. One of the types of this support is obtaining modern literature. 2,000 Ls were given to get foreign literature in 2001/2002. 10 text-books in Latvian were published by own forces during the last year, these are synopses of lectures with the total number of pages 1,000. The text-books were issued by RTU publishing board in 300-500 copies. Financial support to IEEI for edition and publishing was given in volume of 3,000 Ls. Publishing house “Avots” issued a book “Iekārtu vadības elektroniskie elementi un mezgli” (Electronic Elements and Junctions for Control of Equipment), 268 pp. written by I.Raņķis, and J.Greivulis in 1997, financed by Soross fund. A book by I.Rankis “Power Electronics” (Energoelektronika) was published in 2003 especially for the students of this programme. During the last period of time in IEEI rooms for students of the Bachelor programme 15 personal computers are installed, 5,000 Ls were given for this purpose from the means of IEEI as well as 20 new laboratory installations for computerised automation were performed. 7.8. External contacts 7.8.1. Contacts with employers EEF IEEI graduates and students are necessary at the labour market. All graduates of the Bachelor programme find work at undertaking and servicing enterprises such as Riga trams and trolleys park, VAS Latvenergo, PU "Rīgas Ūdens", SIA EK Sistēmas, SIA Arcus Elektronika, SIA VEF KT, SIA Energy Line, SIA ABB Latvia, SIA Siemens Latvia, SIA Danfoss Latvia and others. RTU EEF actively co-operates with LETERA (Latvian Association of Electrical Engineering and Electronic Manufactures) and its enterprises. Professor L.Ribickis is a member of LETERA head board. LETERA is responsible for standards determination in the area of electric engineering and electronics. There are reports of employers given in Supplement. LETERA continuously is anxious about the lack of young specialists in the area of conputerised control of electrical technologies. We should mention such enterprises like SIA EK Sistēmas, VAS Latvenergo un SIA ABB Latvia which provided IEEI with means for laboratories arrangement and modernization. Thus EK Systems already four years running provides IEEI laboratories of industrial electronics with 5,000Ls annually. SIA ABB Latvia has gifted modern textbooks and frequency converters for modernization of laboratory class of electric drive control. 7.8.2. Co-operation with similar educational programmes in Latvia and abroad In Latvia there are similar programmes realised in LAE (Agriculture Academy) and LMA (Maritime Academy), and IEEI academic staff successfully co-operates with them. Thus I.Raņķis is also a LMA professor, but professor J.Greivulis cooperates with LAE as well as LMA academic staff, leading common scientific projects. In 2002 professor L.Ribickis is invited to give lectures in Tokyo Denki University in Japan and Virje University in Brussels, Belgium, but professor I.Raņķis was invited to Tallinn Technical University. 7.8.3. Academic staff working abroad Professor Ivars Raņķis worked as a visiting lecturer abroad (Tallinn TU) in 2001/2002. Professor I.Raņķis also admitted qualification classes in Stockholm’s KTH Power Electronics professor group. Professor L.Ribickis is Member of Board of European PEMC (Power Electronic and Motion Control) and constantly maintain a coordinating connections with specialists of this branch all over Europe. Professor J.Greivulis co-operates with Kharkov State technological university. 7.8.4. Number of foreign visiting lecturers in the programme In average two foreign visiting lecturers are invited each year. Thus in 2001 professor Francesko Profumo from Turine Technical university in Italy as well as docent Juri Joller from Tallinn Technical university in Estonia and professor Shoji Nishikata fron Tokyo Denki university in Japan gave lecturers at RTU EEF. 7.8.5. Students who study abroad for different educational programmes Many students of CCET Bachelor programme have worked abroad during their Bachelor studies (J.Berts in Turin, O.Krievs in Turin, M.Dumpis, A.Žurkovs, T.Podiņš, M.Liepiņš, V.Pumpurs – in Stockholm’s KTH). In 2001/2002 in RTU at the department of foreign students there was opened a CCET Bachelor programme named as “Computerised Control of Electrical technologies”, where at this moment Aymen Bass a student from Lebanon is studying. Duration of the course is 3 years of full time studies. Students of RTU EEF actively participate in international programmes of students exchange SOCRATES, Swiss – Baltic Net etc. 8. Perspective evaluation and plan of development of the Bachelor programme CCET In bachelor educational programme “Computerised Control of Electrical Technologies” students get special knowledge in electrical engineering as well as in computer technique application in automation. Such specialists are necessary in state’s economy because more technologies are supplied with modern information devices that allow increasing of operation quality. For the perspectives of the programme a large demand of specialists in this field could be mentioned as well as good opinion from employers. There are large and strong food production and textile manufacturing companies in Latvia widely using computerised technologies, maintaining of which could demand graduates of this programme. Also electric engineering industry is gradually renewed in Latvia and its production nowadays is directly connected with computerised control and application of such a technique. Foreigner companies distributing their modern equipment and technologies also willingly co-operate with graduates of this field because of their well – motivated knowledge of modern technologies and good practical skills, involving a language and computer ones. The main directions of development of CCET Bachelor educational programme are as follows: 1 – to improve technical base of laboratories, performing more works connected with computers application for control of electrical technologies, 2 – to prepare and publish text-books in Latvian language for all specialised study subjects, 3 – to involve gradually young lecturers into the work simultaneously providing them with prospects of qualification improving and practice abroad, 4 – to enforce contacts with foreign higher schools in the area of similar programmes, 5 – to continue educational plans optimisation , elaborating together with other state universities a general European curriculum in this field, 6 – to provide Bachelor thesis publishing in RTU scientific-technical issues, 7 – to participate systematically in LAS and Latvenergo annual competitions for best student works . RIGA TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Faculty of Power and Electrical Engineering Corrected programme accepted by Senate of RTU on 29 of April 2002, minute Nr467 Vice Rector on studies…………… E.Bekeris STUDY PROGRAMME RTU programme: Computerised Control of Electrical Technologies Bachelor academic studies 3 years 120 credit points (CP) Ordinary middle schools or middle professional Engineering Bachelor in Electrical Sciences Stage of studies: Nominal length of studies: Volume of studies: Previous education: Grade available: Code of study programme EBO0 Attendance from 2002./2003. studying year A. COMPULSORY STUDY SUBJECTS 1. Mathematics 2. Physics 3. Mechanics 4. Electricity and Magnetisms 5. General Chemistry 6. Computer Studies I 7. Computer Studies II 9. Economics 10. Models of Social Development 11. Introduction course in speciality 12. Supplementary mathematics (for electrical engin.) 13. Probability theory and mathematical statistics 14. Electrical engineering Theory 15.Computering realization mathematical tasks for electrical engineer 16. Electronic Devices 17. Electrical measurement 18.Power Electronics 19. Electrical machines 20. Basics of Regulation Theory 85 CP 9 CP 6 CP 2 CP 2 CP 2 CP 3 CP 2 CP 3 CP 3 CP 1 CP 2 CP 2 CP 6 CP 3 CP 4 CP 3 CP 3 CP 5 CP 2 CP 21.Digital electronic and computer’s architecture 22. Circuit Theory 23.Teoretical Basis of Electrical Drives 24. Electric supply 25.Programming Languages 26. Programming Technology 27.Physical Training 3 CP 5 CP 6 CP 2 CP 3 CP 3 CP 0 CP B. COMPULSORY SUBJECTS FOR CHOICE 20 CP 1. Subjects of specialization 13 CP 1.1. Basic Signals Theory 1.2. Electrotechnology equipment 1.3.Control and regulation of Electrical Drives 1.4. Basics of Production Systems automation 1.5. Digital Electronics (Basic level) 1.6. Electrical Micromachines 1.7. Basics of electric power engineering 1.8. Application of Computers in Automation of Technological Processes 1.9. Scientific Seminar in Industrial Electronics 1.10.Electron devices 1.11. Electrical apparatus 2. Humanitarian/social subjects 4 CP 3.1.General Sociology 3.2. Models of Social Development 3.3. Politics 3. Languages 2.1.German language 2.2. French language 2.3. English language 3 CP 5 CP 6 CP 3 CP 4 CP 3 CP 3 CP 2 CP 2 CP 3 CP 3 CP 2 CP 2 CP 2 CP 3 CP 3 CP 3 CP 3 CP C. SUBJECTS FOR FREE CHOICE E. GRADUATION WORK 1. Bachelor thesis Total: 5 CP 10 CP 10 CP 120 CP Director of the program prof. L.Ribickis DESCRIPTION of academic subject “Introduction Course in Speciality” EEL100.0 of RTU study programme “Computer Control of Electrical Technologies” Parameters of the subject: Compulsory subject for Bachelor course; II semester, 1 CP, L – 1, Pr – 0, Lab – 0 ; Test Topics of lectures Week Topic 1. General description of speciality, working places, profession. Main directions of studies and their description 3. Structure of modern electric drive systems and their elements. Engineering tasks for electric drive systems designing 5. Engineering tasks for electric drive systems modernisation 7. Application of semiconductor converters in electric drives and power supply systems 9. Application of semiconductor converters in power supply and consumer systems 11. Development and application of electronic control elements in electrical installations 13. Development and application of microprocessors in electrical installations 15. Application of controllers and computer control systems in control of electrical installations References 1. J.Greivulis, I.Raņķis Iekārtu vadības elektroniskie elementi un mezgli, Avots, 1997. – 260 lpp. 2. I. Raņķis Energoelektronika, lekc. konsp., Rīga,RTU, 2002.- 140 lpp. 3. J. E. Blumbergs, J. Greivulis, V.Putniņš Stiprās strāvas rūpniecības elektronika, Rīga:Liesma, 1977, 246 lpp. 4. A.Grantmanis Automatizētā elektropiedziņa, Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1973, 224 lpp. Responsible lecturer prof. I.Raņķis Subject description by I.Dūmiņš, ing., prof. Electricity and magnetism EEE101 (For the Bachelor students of Computer Control, Power and Electrical Engineering programmes) Studies:1.year 2.semester. Volume: Number of credit points – 2 CP Lectures – 24 h. Laboratories – 8 h. Assessment: Test for laboratories; Exam References 1.Briedis J., Dūmiņš I. u.c. Elektrotehnikas teorētiskie pamati. Elektromagnētiskais lauks / K.Tabaka red. – R.:Zvaigzne, 1991. 2. Elektrība un magnētisms. Laboratorijas darbi un uzdevumi patstāvīgai risināšanai. – RTU, 2001. 3. J.Platacis, Elektrība – R.: Zvaigzne, 1974. 4. Э. Парселл, Курс физики т.2, Электричество и магнетизм, М.: Наука, 1971. 5. Berkeley Physics Course, vol.2, E.Purcell, Elektricity and Magnetism/ Mc Grow-Hill Book Company. Plan of the studies Lectures NN of lectures 1 2 3 4 5 Topics Electrical phenomena in nature, its importance in humans practice. Intensity and potential of electrical field, correlation between them. The second Kirchhoff’s law. Equations of Laplas and Puasson for electrical potential. Examples of Laplas equation solutions. Basics of relativity theory, Lourenz transformations and their consequences. Electrical field presentation in rotating coordinate systems, force of magnetic interaction as a consequence of relative speed law. Induction of magnetic field, Bio-Savara-Laplas’s law, magnetic flux. Formulas of electrical and magnetic field transformation in rotating 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 coordinate systems. Geometrical correlations in electrical and magnetic field: Gauss’s theorem, law of full current, continuity principle of magnetic flux. Capacitance, inductivity, mutual induction, examples of their calculations. Inductivity and capacitance of coaxial cable for the unit of length. The 1st and the 2d Maxwell’s laws as a consequence of transformation formulas. Displacement current, full current, Kirchhoff’s 1st law. System of Maxwell’s equations in differential and integration forms Energy transmitting in electromagnetic field. Pointing vector Plane electromagnetic wave in dielectric and conducting medium. Surface effect, wave penetration depth. Superconductivity and perspectives of its application. Laboratories NN of classes 1 2 3 4 Topics Instructions. Modelling of two electrode electrical plane field. Determination of break-down voltage in a real device, with the using of modelling results. Dielectric cylinder in a homogenous electrical field Investigation of magnetic field of a coil Test DESCRIPTION of academic subject “Mathematics” DMF101 of RTU study programm “Computer Control of Electrical Technologies” Parameters of the subject: Compulsory subject; 9 CP, L – 2, Lab – 1; Test; Exam Topics of lectures I sem. Week Topics 1. Linear algebra elements 2. Vector algebra 3. Analitic geometry 4. Basics of math analysis 5. Differential calculation of functions of one argument 6. Differential calculation of functions of several argument 7. Complex numbers 8. Define and indefine integrals, unreal integrals 9. Integrals of multiorder 10. Differencial equations 11. Numeral and functional series Hometasks 1. Linear algebra 2. Analytic geometry 3. Investigation of functions of one argument 4. Investigation of functions of two arguments 5. Indefine integrals 6. Define and double order integral 7. Differential equations 8. Series and their application References 1. Кronbergs Е., Rivža Р., Bože Dz. Augstākā matemātika. 1. иn 2. daļa,Rīga, Zvaigzne, 1988, 5341pp., 527 lpp. 2. Kār1is Šteiners, Biruta Siliņa. Augstākā matemātika. Lekciju konspekts inženierzinātņu иn dabaszinātņu studentiem.1. daļa, Zvaigzne, 1997,96 lpp., 2. daļa, Zvaigzne, 1998, 115 lpp. 3. Kār1is Šteiners, Biruta Siliņa. Augstākā matemātika. Lekciju konspekts inženierzinātņu иn dabaszinātņu studentiem.3. dala, Zvaigzne, 1998, 1921pp., 4. daļa, Zvaigzne, 1999, 168 lpp. 4. Māris Bui1is, Biruta Sili1ņa. Matemātika. Definīcijas. Formulas. Zvaigzne, 1997, 288 lpp. 5. Dz. Boze, L.Bieza, B.Sili1ņa, A.Strence. Uzdevumu krājums augstākājā matemātikā. Zvaigzne, 1996, 328 lpp. Responsible lecturer doc. L.Bieza DESCRIPTION of academic subject “Physics” MFA101 of RTU study programm “Computer Control of Electrical Technologies” Parameters of the subject: Compulsory subject; I and II semesters, 6 CP, L – 2, Lab – 1; Tast; Exam Topics of lectures I sem. Week Topics 1. Introduction of a material point and absolutly solid body in kinematics. Dynamics of a material point. 2. Solid body dynamics. 3. Machanical oscillations. Waves 4. Thermodynamic systems. Ideal gas. 5. Physical basics of molecular-kinetic theory 6. Transient processes 7. Basics of thermodynamics 8. Electric field in vacuum. Electric field in dielectrics 9. Conductors in electric field 10. Direct current 11. Magnetic field in vacuum. 12. Magnetic field if current 13. Magnetic field in a substance 14. Magnets 15. Electric magnetic induction 16. Maxvell equation Topics of lectures II sem. Week Topics 1. Electromagnetic oscillations and waves 2. Dispersion of light 3. Interference of light 4. Diffraction of light 5. Polarization of light 6. Heat radiation 7. Outside photoelectric effect 8. Elements of quantum mechanics 9. Model of atom structure 10. Emission and absorbtion of light in atom 11. Formation of energy zones in crystals 12. Self-conduction and mixed conduction ability of semiconductors 13. Structure atomic nucleus 14. Radioactivity and its types 15. Nucleus reactions and conservation laws 16. Elementary particles Topics of practical classes Week 1. Topics Observing of software systems of different types and disscution on their functions. Tasks for the 1st, 2d, 3d projects. 2. Disscusion on given software models. 3. Disscusion on their functional and non-functional requirements 4. Preparation of documents according to standards. 5. Designing of system’s architecture. Turning in the documents of requirements (1st project). 6. Desscusion on the methods for designing of software system. 7. Turning in the discription of designing (2d project). Defining of the user’s interface. 8. Implementing of the user’s interface. 9. Demonstrating and disscution on the given software systems user’s interface. 10. Implementing of a software system 11. Testing of a software system 12. Demonstration of a software system on the computer. (3d project) 13. Testing of a software system using fulfilled tests. 14,15,16 Presentation and defending of the projects. References 1. Fizika I A.Valtera redakcija. - R.: Zvaigzne. 1992. - 643 'рр. 2. A.Apinis. Fizika. - R.: Zvaigzne, 1972. - 706 Ipp. 3. I.Petrovskis. Mehanika. - R.: Zvaigzne, 1976. - 360 'рр. 4. J. Krucans. Molekularfizika. - R.: Zvaigzne, 1975. 278 'рр. 5. J.Platacis. Elektrība. - R.: Zvaigzne, 1974. - 494 'рр. 6. М. Knite. Elektrostatika. - R.: RTU, 1993. - 34 'рр. 7. O.Students. Optika. - R.: Zvaigzne, 1971. - 412 Ipp. 8. K.Svarcs, A.Ozols. Holografija – revolūcija optikā. - R.: Zinatne, 1975. - 2081рр. 9. J.Eiduss, U.Zirnītis. Atomfizika. - R.: Zvaigzne, 1978. - 3281рр. 10. В. Rolovs. - Kodolfizika. - R.: Latvijas Valsts izdevniecība, 1964. - 390 'рр. 11. Fizikas uzdevumu risināšana I А. Valtera redakcija. - R.: Zvaigzne, 1982. - 175 lрр. 12. V.Volkensteine. Uzdevumu krājums fizikā. - R.: Zvaigzne, 1968. - 353 'рр. 13. Uzdevumi I Sast. A.Stiploka, M.Jansone, I.Klincare. - R.: RTU, 1998. - 53 'рр. 14. Uzdevumi I Sast. А. Stiploka, M.Jansone, I.Klincare. - R.: RTU, 1999. - 70 Ipp. 15. Uzdevumi fizikā аг risināšanas рiеmēriеm I Sast. J.Zvirgzde, A.Kalnača. - R.: RPI, 1989. - 191рр. 16. Fizikas praktikums Tehniskās universitātes studentiem I Sast. M.Jansone, I.Klincare, A.Stiploka. - R.: RTU, 1997. -113 lрр. 17. Nоvēгоjumu un mēгījumu rezultātu matemātiskas apstrādes pamati. Metodiski noradījumi laboratorijas darbu veikšanai I Sast. A.Valters, N.Zagorska. - R.: RTU, 1991. - 251рр. 18. Fizikas praktikuma laboratorijas darbu atskaites nоfогmēšаnа I Sast. A.Kalnaca, J.Zvirgzde. - R.: RPI,1989. -18Iрр. 19. Praktikums mehanikā I Sast. А. Kurzemnieks, V. Rupeneits. - R.: RTU, 1991. - 34 Ipp. 20. I.Abrams, J. Вēгzils, V. Rupeneits, U. Upmanis. Praktikums mehānikā un molekularfizikā.. - R.: RPI, 1982. - 65 Ipp. 21. А. Okmanis. Praktikums elektrībā. - 3. Parstr. izd. -R.: Zvaigzne, 1977. - 270 Ipp. 22. A.Valters. Praktikums optikā un atomfizikā. - R.: RPI, 1985. - 104 'рр. Responsible lecturer prof. A.Ozols DESCRIPTION of academic subject “Economics” IET 105 of RTU study programme “Computer Control of Electrical Technologies” Parameters of the subject: Compulsory subject; I semester, 3CP, L – 2, Pr – 1, Exam Topics of lectures Week 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Topics The economics problems Demand Supply and price Elasticity of Demand and Supply Market equilibrium and price Marginal utility and indifference curves The Productivity of factors of production Costs of production Perfect and imperfect competition The circular flow, aggregate demand and aggregate Supply. National income and Product Account Money Banking, the demand and the Supply of money Inflation Monetary policy Employment and unemployment Fiscal policy. International trade and finance. Responsible lecturer doc. L.Krilovs DESCRIPTION of academic subject “Mechanics” MMP 169 of RTU study programme “Computer Control of Electrical Technologies” Parameters of the subject: Compulsory subject; 2 CP, L – 1, Lab – 1 ; Exam Topics of lectures N 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Topics Material objects, their mathematical models Mechanic motion Space, time, mechanical interaction, force systems Basic laws of Newtonian mechanics Tasks of static and dynamics, their correlation with computer technique Models of strained solids Definition of deformation and tension. Difference. Oscillations and acoustics Responsible lecturer prof. J. Vība DESCRIPTION of academic subject “ Electrical Measurements” DAI 201 of RTU study programm “Computer Control of Electrical Technologies” Parameters of the subject: Compulsory subject of academic Bachelor studies; 3 CP, L – 2, Lab – 2 ; Project; Test Week Topic Topic of practical work (8 h.) 1. Terminology, measurement methods, errors, parameters of measurement means Galvanometer 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Measures, measure converters Electronic measuring instruments Bridge and compensation schemes Digital measuring instruments Measurement of parameters of an electric scheme 12. 13. 14. 15. Measurement of electric values Measurement of parameters of frequency and signals 16. Testing of a measuring instrument Testing of a current changing Ammeter Electronic rays oscillograph Defending of laboratory works DC bridge Compensator AC bridges Testing of a counter Measurement of resistance with the method of voltmeter, ammeter and wattmeter Measurement of inductivity and capacitance Measurement of voltages of different forms Defending of laboratory works Defending of student project Test Literature: 1. J.Miķeļsons u.c. Elektriskie mērījumi. Laboratorijas darbu praktikums 2-ās daļās. Rīga, RPI, 1978. 2. . J.Miķeļsons u.c. Elektriskie mērījumi. Uzdevumu krājums 3 daļās. Rīga, RPI, 1983. 3. Электрические измерения. Под ред. Ф.В.Фремке. Л.Энергия, 1980. 4. Основы метрологии и электрические измерения. Под ред. Е.М.Душина. Л.Энергоатомиздат, 1987. Responsible lecturer docent J.Salenieks DESCRIPTION of academic subject “Theoretical Basics of Electric Drives” EEP201 of RTU study programme “Computer Control of Electrical Technologies” Parameters of the subject: Subject of compulsory choice; IV semester, 6 CP, L – 4, Lab – 2 ; Test, Project; Exam Topics of lectures Week 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Topic Introduction. Mechanics of electric drive. General characteristics of drive modes. Characteristics of electric drives Operation of DC motor with independent and parallel excitation. Operation of DC motor with series excitation. Operation of DC motor with compound excitation. Characteristics of asynchronous motors. Characteristics of synchronous motors. Parametric methods of speed regulation. System generator-motor with electric machine amplifier. Systems controlled rectifier- motor. Special types of electric drives. Transient processes of electric drives. Solving of mechanic transient processes of electric drives. Solving of electro mechanic transient processes of electric drives. Transient processes in asynchronous drives. Transient processes in synchronous drives. Balance of torques. Energetics of electric drives. Energetics of adjustable electric drives. Losses of energy in transient processes. Choice of motor power. Choice of motor power for different loads and special cases. Basics of electrical drives design. Topics of laboratory works N 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Topic Defining of moment of inertia in electric drive Mechanic characteristics of DC motor with independent excitation Mechanic characteristics of asynchronous motor Thermal test of asynchronous motor Investigation of fan drive with DC motor with independent excitation References 1. V.Baumanis. Elektriskās piedziņas teorija. 1.d. R.: RPI, 1988 – 70lpp. 2. V.Baumanis. Elektriskās piedziņas teorija. 2.d. R.: RPI, 1988 – 94lpp. 3. V.Baumanis. Elektriskās piedziņas teorija. 3.d. R.: RPI, 1990 – 61lpp. 4. J.Greivulis, B.Firago. Principles of electrical drives in questions and answers, RTU, 1993 – 215p. 5. В.Бауманис. Методические указания по курсовой работе, Рига, РПИ, 1984, 45стр. 6. Elektriskā piedziņas teorija. Laboratorijas darbi. Sastādījis I.Cūbergs, L.Ribickis. RTU, 1991, 63lpp. Responsible lecturer prof. J.Greivulis DESCRIPTION of the academic subject “Control and Regulation of Electrical Drives” EEP 202 of the RTU study programme “Computer Control of Electric Technologies” Parameters of the subject: Subject of limited choice; V semester, 6 CP, L – 4, Pr – 0, Lab – 2; Test, Exam Topics of lectures Week Topic 1. Objectives and principles of electric drive control, main functions. Classification of electric schemes, regulations of designing, standards of graphic and symbol indications. Main elements of adjustable drive systems (ADS) 2. Principles of adjustable drives. Starting, braking and reversible 3. Typical control electric schemes of asynchronous motors 4. Typical control electric schemes of synchronous motors 5. Typical control electric schemes of DC motors 6. Development and transforming of relay schemes using relay algebra laws. Inverse schemes. Relay schemes synthesis according to technological tasks. Carnough maps application for minimization of schemes. 7. Synthesis of schemes by cycloramas. Relay-contact contact-less analogues. Synthesis of contact-less schemes. 8. Operational principles of closed EDCS, feedbacks. Linearization and simplification of systems. Calculation of static characteristics. DC generator voltage stabilization. 9. EDCS of rotational speed of a DC motor with negative feedback of armature voltage, feedback of speed and positive feedback of armature current. Current and voltage limitation feedback. Stabilisation of asynchronous motor speed. 10. EDCS with electric machines and magnetic amplifiers, features of their application, characteristics and schemes. 11. EDCS with semiconductor converters, operational features. EDCS with DC and AC regulators. 12. EDCS with controlled rectifiers and frequency regulators. Operation of inverters in EDCS. 13. EDCS with subordinate regulation, operational principles, system tuning for technical and symmetric optimum. Double-loop subordinate systems with PI current regulator, calculation of parameters. 14. Special systems: schemes with double zone motor speed regulation; system source of current – motor, control schemes of electronic motors. 15. EDCS with servo-drive, operational principles, elements. Servo systems theory, calculation of errors. 16. Adaptive control principles, typical examples, examples of control systems. References 1. J.Greivulis, I.Raņķis Iekārtu vadības elektroniskie elementi un mezgli, Avots, 1997. – 260 lpp. 2. J.Valeinis, Elektriskās piedziņas automatiskā vadība. R., RPI, 1976. – 95lpp. 3. J.Valeinis, E.Blumbergs. Elektriskās piedziņas automatiskā vadība. R., RPI, 1977. 2 daļa – 94lpp. 4. U.Antons. Elektropiedziņas automatiskā vadības diskrēto shēmu loģiskā sintēze – R., RPI, 1973. – 51lpp. 5. Справочник по автоматизированному электроприводу\ Под ред. В.А.Шинянского. М., Энергоатомиздат, 1983.- 616стр. Topics for practical classes NN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Topic Automatic starting of DC motor with an independent excitation Application of logic elements in the systems of electric drive Closed electric drive system with electric machine amplifier DC electric drive with thyristor pulse regulator Investigation of an AC electric drive system with thyristor frequency converter Electric drive with electro magnetic Subordinate system with speed and current regulator. Responsible lecturer prof. J.Valeinis DESCRIPTION of academic subject “Supplementary mathematics (for Electrical Engineers)” DIM205 of RTU study programme “Computer Control of Electrical Technologies” Parameters of the subject: Compulsory subject; III semesters, 2 CP, L – 2, Pr – 1; Exam Topics of lectures I sem. Week Topics 1. Line integrals of the first and second type 2. Surface integrals of the first and second type 3. Scalar field. Derivation. Gradient. Vector field. Flux of Vector field. Formula of Ostrogradsky-Gauss. Divergence of vector field 4. Circulation of vector field. Formula of Stocks. Rotor of vector field. Potential, rotation less and solenoid fields. Hamilton operator. 5. Limit, continuity and derivation of a function of complex variable. KoshiRiman condition. 6. Integral of an analytic function. Theorem of Koshi and integral formula. Series. Power series. Series of Tailor and Loran 7. Residuum of functions. Calculation of integrals with method of residuum. Laplass transformation. Original and representation 8. Features of Laplass transformation. Inverse transformation. Solving of differential equations with symbolic method. Seminars 1. Linear integrals 2. Derivation in the given direction. Gradient 3. Flux of vector field. 4. Potential, rotation less fields. Potential calculation. 5. Series of Tailor and Loran. 6. Residuum of functions. Calculation of integrals with the method of residuum. 7. Features of Laplass transformation. 8. Solving of differential equations with symbolic method. References 1. Antimirovs М., Panfjorova А., Volodko 1. Vairakkārtigie integrāļi un lauku teorija. Rīga, RTU, 1998, 2261pp. 2. Antimirovs М., Panfjorova А., Liepiņa. Kompleksā mainīgā funkcijas un konformie аttēlоjumi. Rīga, RTU, 1990, 81 lpp. 3. Кronbergs Е., Rivža Р., Bože Dz. Augstākā matemātika. 2. daļa, Rīga, Zvaigzne, 1988, 527 lpp. Responsible lecturer prof. M.Antimirovs DESCRIPTION of academic subject “Computer Realization Mathematical Tasks for Electrical Engineers ” EEM208 of RTU study programme “Computer Control of Electrical Technologies” Parameters of the subject: Compulsory subject; II semester, 3 CP, L – 2, Lab – 1 ; Test Topics of lectures Week Topics 1. Solving of systems of linear equation with matrix method 2. Solving of systems of linear equation with iteration method 3. Solving of non-linear equations. Method of bisection 4. Solving of non-linear equation with chord, Newton and iteration method 5. Interpolation and extrapolation 6. Interpolation polynomial of Newton 7. Trigonometric interpolation 8. Mathematic processing of data 9. Synthesis of snap formula for non-linear connections 10. Numerical differentiation 11. Numerical integration 12. Analytical methods of approximate solving of typical differential equations 13. Solving of differential equations with method of Eiler and Runge-Kutt 14. Marginal problem of typical differential equations References 1. А. Zviedris. Datorrealizācijas matemātiskas metodes. R1U, 1998. 2. Данилина Н И, Дубровская Н С., Кваша О. П., Смирнов Г. Л. Вычиcлительная математика. М.: "Высш. школа", 1985. 3. Дaнилина Н И., Дубровская Н С., Кваша О. П, Смирнов Г. Jl, Феклисов Г. И. Численные методы. М: "Высш. школа", 1976. 4. Ашо А. Математика для электро- и радиоинженеров. М.: "Наука", 1965. 5. Бронштейн И. Н, Семендяев И. А. Справочник по математике. М., "Наука", 1981. 6. М. Buiķis, Мatemātika. Definīcijas, formu1as, aprēķinu algoritmi. R: "Zvaigzne АВС". Responsible lecturer doc. A.Zviedris DESCRIPTION of academic subject “Programming Languages” DIP211 of RTU study programme “Computer Control of Electrical Technologies” Parameters of the subject: Compulsory subject; V semester, 3 CP, L – 2, Lab – 1; Project; Exam Topics of lectures Week Topics 1. Notion of programming languages, their classification. Standards of languages and versions. Alphabet of languages, syntax and semantics 2. Problem oriented languages 3. Technologies of programmes developing 4. Structures of programmes. Example of a simple program 5. Basic objects of programming languages, operations with data 6. Review on control operators 7. Cycles and their implementation 8. Functions. Spheres of objects operations and classes of memories 9. Indices and arrays 10. Processing of symbol series 11. Structures 12. Files and work with them 13. Programming languages for work with data bases 14. Non-proceeding programming languages 15. Further development of programming languages Topics of practical classes Week Topics 1. Tasks for projects and the 1st laboratory work. Constants, variables, arithmetic and assignment operations of language C 2. Expressions. Assignment and defining operations. Tasks for the 2nd laboratory. Analysis of requirements for studying programme 3. Functions. Demonstrating (the 1st lab) of programmes on computer. Tasks for the 3d laboratory 4. Arrays. Demonstrating of programmes on computer (the 2nd lab). Tasks for the 4th laboratory 5. Structures and work with files. Demonstrating of programmes on computer (the 3d lab). 6. Demonstrating of programmes on computer (the 4th lab). 7. Review of other programming languages possibilities 8. Presenting and defending of the projects Topics for laboratory works 1. Programming of branchy processes. 2. Functions of arrays processing 3. Processing of textual information. 4. Processing of data, using structures and files. References 1. Кауфман В.Ш. Языки программирования: концепции и принципы. - М.: Радио и связь, 1993.-430.С 2. Sukovskis U. Ievads programmēšanas valodā С. - Rīga: RTU, 1990. –104lрр. 3. Ziemelis J. Ievads programmēšanas valodā С. - Rīga: RTU, 1997. - 124 lpp. 4. Zaiceva L., Rudzīte D. Laboratoгijas darbi programmēšana valoda С. - Rīga: RTU, 1997. – 69lpp. 5. Matisons G., Zaiceva L. Studiju darbu izstrāde. Norādījumi, uzdevumi, piemēri. Rīga: RTU,2000 6. Уинер Р. Язык Турбо С. - М.: Мир, 1991. - 384 с. 7. Бочков С.О., Субботин Д.М. Язык программирования Си для персонального компьютера- М.: Радио и связь, 1990. - 384 с. 8. Касаткин А.И., Вальвачев А.Н. Профессиональное программирование на языке Си: От Turbo С к Borland С ++: Справ. пособие. - Минск: Высш. шк., 1992. - 240 с. 9. Справочник по функциям Borland С++3.1-4.0. - Киев: Диалектика, 1994. -416 с 10. Ален И. Голуб. С и С++. Правила программирования. - М.: БИНОМ, 1996. 272 с. 11. Прокофьев Б.П., Сухарев Н.Н., Храмов Ю.Е. Графические средства Turbo С и Turbo С++.- М.: Финансы и статистика, СП "Ланит", 1992. - 160 с. Responsible lecturer prof. L.Zaitseva DESCRIPTION of academic subject “ Scientific Seminar in Industrial Electronics” EEP301.0 of RTU study programme “Computer Control of Electrical Technologies” Parameters of the subject: Compulsory subject of academic Bachelor studies; VI semester, 2 CP, Pr – 2 ; Project; Exam Week Topic 1. 2. Sources of novelty in industrial electronics (IE) New semiconductor elements 3. New passive elements 4.;5. Module and problems of technical packaging 6. 7. 8. 9.;10.;11.; 12. 13.;14.;15. Drivers and frequency converters (FC) New methods of FC control Fuzzy controllers Neural networks application in the devices of artificial intelligent in electric drives Built in (integral) electronics in different fields and devices Testing in the chosen topics 16. Subject of home works Review of literature on the chosen topics. Investigation of information about new IE devices and preparation of the reports. Participating in seminars. References 1. M.James. Higher Electronics // Planta Tree, 2002, 308 p.; 1. N.Mohan, T.Undeland, W.Robbins. Power Electronics // John Wiley & Sons, 1999, 567 p.; 2. M.D.Ercegovac, T.Langs, J.H.Moreno. Introduction to Digital Systems // John Wiley & Sons, 2002, 498 p.; 3. IEEE jaunākie žurnāli: “Power Electronics”, “Industrial Applications”. Responsible lecturer prof. L.Ribickis DESCRIPTION of academic subject “Basics of Regulation Theory” EEP273 of RTU study programme “Computer Control of Electrical Technologies” Parameters of the subject: Compulsory subject; IV semester, 2 CP, L – 1,5; Lab – 0,5 ; Exam Topics of lectures Week 1. 2.,3. 4.,5. 6.,7. 8. 9. 10.,11. 12. 13. Topic Notion of regulating systems (RS), technical examples Tasks of RS analysis, ways of realisation, algebraic description of links and RS, algebraic transfer function, frequency investigation methods Typical links: P, I, D, PI, PD, PID Typical links: 1st order aperiodic link, series connection of aperiodic links and its features, 2d order links – aperiodic and oscillation links Technical example and investigation of RS block scheme Calculation of static error in proportional RS, notion of static astatic RS, RS with PI and PID regulators Influence of load on RS, calculation of static error by deviation and load, characteristic equation of RS, investigation of stability by Rauss, Michailov and Nyqwist criteria Open-loop system transfer function influence on stability, connection of Nyqwist criterion with logarithmic frequency characteristics, indexes of transfer processes quality, indirect evaluation of transfer process Approximate calculation of transfer process by real part of transfer function, calculation of frequency characteristic of RS transfer function real part References 1. I.Raņķis, V.Bražis. Regulēšanas teorijas pamati. R., 2001. 2. I.Raņķis. Regulēšanas teorijas pamati. R., 1999. 3. Uzdēvumi regulēšanas teorijas pamatos. R., 1999. 4. А.А.Воронов. Основы теории автоматического регулирования одной величины. Энергия. М.-Л. 1965. 5. Н.М.Луков. Основы автоматики и автоматизации тепловозов. М. Транспорт, 1989. Topics of laboratory works 1. Investigation of proportional regulating system – 4h. 2. Investigation of PID regulator Responsible lecturer as.V.Bražis Subject description Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Theory EEE 223 (For the Bachelor students of Computer Control, Power and Electrical Engineering programmes) Responsible lecturer - Andris Purviņš,, docents Studies: 2.year 1.semester. Volume: Number of credit points – 6 CP Lectures – 48 h. Practical classes – 32 h. Laboratories – 16 h. Student project – 1 (three steps) Assessment: Test for laboratories; Defending of each step of the student project; Exam Literature 1. Briedis J., Dūmiņš I. U.c. „Elektrotehnikas teorētiskie pamati. Stacionāri procesi lineārās ķēdēs” / I.Dūmiņa red. – R.:Zvaigzne ABC, 1999, 290.lpp. 2. Briedis J., Dūmiņš I. U.c. „Elektrotehnikas teorētiskie pamati. Stacionāri procesi lineārās ķēdēs” / K.Tabaka red. – R.:Zvaigzne ABC, 1985, 332.lpp. 3. Elektrotehnikas teorētisko pamatu grafoanalītisko darbu uzdevumi un metodiskie norādījumi. 1.daļa .R.: RPI EI, 1982, - 50.lpp. 4. Elektrotehnikas teorētisko pamatu laboratorijas darbi 1.daļa. R.: RPI EI, 1999, - 55.lpp. 5. Elektrotehnikas teorētisko pamatu laboratorijas darbi 1.daļa. R.: RPI EI, 1991, - 62.lpp. 6. ETP piemēri un uzdevumi. 1.Līdzstrāvas ķēdes. R.: RPI , 1969, - 95.lpp. 7. Sinusoidālu strāvu ķēdes. R.: RPI , 1977, - 26.lpp. 8. Trīsfāzu maiņstrāvas ķēdes. R.: RPI , 1976, - 58.lpp. 9. Periodisku nesinusoidālu strāvu ķēdes. R.: RPI , 1975, - 26.lpp. 10. Основы теории цепей / Г.В. Зевеке и др. – М.:Энергия, 1975. – 752 стр. 11. Бессонов Л.А. «Теоретические основы электротехники»: Электрические цепи - М.:Высшая школа, 1978. – 528 стр. 12. Брокс П. И др. Методические указания для заочников по изучению курса ТОЭ, часть 1. R.: RPI , 1987, - 50.lpp. Plan of the studies Lectures NN of lectures 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Topics Elements of electrical circuits Equivalent transformation of circuits Methods for analysis and calculation of network circuits Methods for analysis and calculation of network circuits Theory of two-pole networks Basics of four-pole networks Active four-pole networks. Types of four-pole networks and their equations Elements of AC circuits, physical processes Basic values of sinusoidal alternative current Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s Laws in complex form AC circuits calculation with a symbol method. Topographic diagrams Power AC circuits Voltage resonance R,L,C in series circuits Current resonance R,L,C in parallel circuits Self-induction AC circuits Multi-phase systems Delta and star three-phase systems Calculations of three-phase systems Calculations of three-phase systems Power of three-phase systems Symmetrical components of three-phase systems Periodical non-sinusoidal EMF and currents. Their descriptive elements. Calculations of non-sinusoidal currents High-order harmonics in three-phase circuits Practical classes NN of classes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Topics Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s Law’s, equivalent resistances Calculations of DC network circuits Calculations of DC network circuits Two-pole and four-pole networks theory in circuits calculations Two-pole and four-pole networks theory in circuits calculations Calculations of AC circuits Calculations of AC circuits Calculations of AC circuits AC circuits in resonance modes Calculations of self-induction AC circuits Calculations of symmetrical three-phase circuits Calculations of non-symmetrical three-phase circuits Symmetrical components in calculations of three-phase circuits Calculations of periodical non-sinusoidal modes 15 16 Calculations of periodical non-sinusoidal modes High-order harmonics in three-phase circuits Laboratories NN of classes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Topics Instructions Control of voltage with rheostat Active two-pole network investigation Analysis of AC circuits in different operational modes AC circuits with inductively connected elements Three-phase circuit with star connection Symmetrical components of non-symmetrical three-phase systems or Investigation of circuits with non-symmetrical currents Test Student project Steps 1 2 3 Topics DC network circuits Sinusoidal AC circuits Three-phase circuits Time 1.-5.weeks. 6.-10. weeks. 11.-15. weeks. DESCRIPTION of academic subject “ Scientific Seminar in Industrial Electronics” EEP301.0 of RTU study programme “Computer Control of Electrical Technologies” Parameters of the subject: Compulsory subject of academic Bachelor studies; VI semester, 2 CP, Pr – 2 ; Project; Exam Week Topic 1. 2. Sources of novelty in industrial electronics (IE) New semiconductor elements 3. New passive elements 4.;5. Module and problems of technical packaging 6. 7. 8. 9.;10.;11.; 12. 13.;14.;15. Drivers and frequency converters (FC) New methods of FC control Fuzzy controllers Neural networks application in the devices of artificial intelligent in electric drives Built in (integral) electronics in different fields and devices Testing in the chosen topics 16. Subject of home works Review of literature on the chosen topics. Investigation of information about new IE devices and preparation of the reports. Participating in seminars. References 1. M.James. Higher Electronics // Planta Tree, 2002, 308 p.; 4. N.Mohan, T.Undeland, W.Robbins. Power Electronics // John Wiley & Sons, 1999, 567 p.; 5. M.D.Ercegovac, T.Langs, J.H.Moreno. Introduction to Digital Systems // John Wiley & Sons, 2002, 498 p.; 6. IEEE jaunākie žurnāli: “Power Electronics”, “Industrial Applications”. Responsible lecturer prof. L.Ribickis DESCRIPTION of academic subject “Application of Computer in Automation of Technological Processes” EEP 341.0 of RTU study programme “Computer Control of Electrical Technologies” Parameters of the subject: Subject of the limited choice for Bachelor studies; VI semester; 2 CP, L – 2, E Topics of the lectures Week Topic 1. Introduction 2. Programming language LIBERTY BASIC (1 part): Basics of programming 3. Practical task – input, processing and output of complex, vector and matrix values. 4. Typical variables and operations with them. Practical task – texts consoles input, processing and output, searching for text fragment 5. Application of arrays. Application of indices in the work with arrays. Practical task – searching for maximum and minimum values; sorting of arrays using different algorithms. 6. Reading of the data from files and data inputting into the files Practical task – complex, vector and matrix values outputting from the files and processing and inputting of the results into the files. 7. Programming in Graphical User’s Interface – GUI (programme Free From) Practical task - complex, vector and matrix values input with the help of GUI, processing and output of the results with GUI. 8. Programming of graphs. Application of graph files. Practical task – drawing of a three-dimension object axonometric projection 9. Realisation of parallel port in computers 10. Programming of parallel ports in LB. Practical task – programming of the task “Running fires” with the using of a parallel port. 11. Realisation of a standard series port in computers 12. Programming of a standard series port Practical task – development of a computer connection with an outside controller with the help of series port. 13. Realisation of a universal series bus (USB) in computers. USB structure and elements. 14. Programming of USB. Practical task - development of a computer connection with an outside controller with the help of USB; programming of the task “Running fires” with the using of USB 15. Local nets. Types and classification 16. Industrial nets. Series port RS485 features and application. PROFIBUS and CAN buses. Responsible lecturer I.Galkins DESCRIPTION of academic subject “Power Electronics” EEP344.0 of RTU study programme “Computer Control of Electrical Technologies” Parameters of the subject: Compulsory subject for Bachelor studies; IV semester, 3 KP, L – 2, Pr – 1, Lab – 0 ; E Topics of lectures Week Topic 1. Types of power electronic converters 2. Semiconductor elements applied in power electronics. Diodes, static and dynamic features. Power bipolar transistors, switching mode. 3. Thyristors. Static features, calculation of losses. 4. Thyristors. Dynamic features and modes. 5. MOSFET and IGBT transistors, control elements 6. Rectifiers schemes, features of the diode rectifiers 7. Calculation of rectifier transformers, commutation processes 8. Controlled rectifiers, regulation characteristics 9. Load characteristics of the controlled rectifiers, inverter mode 10. Form of the supplying current, THD indicator, reactive power and power factor, its improving 11. Reversive converters. Cycloconverters. AC regulators. 12. Control systems of the converters 13. DC pulse-regulators, Buck, Boost, Buck-Boost converters 14. Reversible transistor pulse-regulators, PWM principle 15. Inverter on voltage, single-phase, three-phase, voltage control with PWM 16. Inverter of current, calculation of the parameters, control of voltage Topics of the practical works Week Topic 2. Volt-ampere characteristics of the diodes, examples of power losses calculations with different form of the curves of current 4. Examples of transformers calculations for rectifier schemes 6. Examples of calculations of the controlled rectifiers loading characteristics 8. Calculation of rectifier’s supplying current harmonics, THD evaluation 10. Approximate calculations of straightening current and reactor 12. Examples of analogue control systems of the controlled rectifiers. Realisation of microprocessor control systems 14. Schemes of transistor protection in switching modes 16. Example of a PWM control system References 1. J.Greivulis, I.Raņķis Iekārtu vadības elektroniskie elementi un mezgli, Avots, 1997. – 260 lpp. 2. I. Raņķis Energoelektronika, lekc. konsp., Rīga,RTU, 2002.- 140 lpp. 3. J. E. Blumbergs, J. Greivulis, V.Putniņš Stiprās strāvas rūpniecības elektronika, Rīga:Liesma, 1977, 246 lpp. 4. Thorborg K. Power Electronics – in Theory and Practice . – Lund: Studentliteratur, 1997, 522 p. 5. Mohan N., Undeland T., Robbins W. Power Electronics: Converters, Application and Design. – NY:John Wiley and sons, 1989, 667 p. Responsible lecturer prof. I.Raņķis DESCRIPTION of academic subject “Programming Technology” DIP376 of RTU study programme “Computer Control of Electrical Technologies” Parameters of the subject: Compulsory subject; VI semester, 3 CP, L – 2, Pr – 1, Lab 1; Project; Exam Topics of lectures Week Topics 1. Notion of program engineering. Classification of software. Life cycle of a software 2. Models of the software designing process. Model of a waterfall. Model of investigational software. Prototype model. The other models 3. Specification of software. Levels of specification. Units of requirements definition 4. Modelling of a system 5. Requirements definition. Functional and non-functional requirements. Specification of requirements. Documents of requirements 6. Designing of software. Process and steps of designing. Designing of architecture: method from up to down, method from down to up. 7. Methods of data stream analysis and JSP methods 8. Diagrams for design representation. Specification of systems. Designing of interface 9. Design of components. Designing of data structure 10. Strategies of designing: functional and object oriented. 11. Quality of the designing. Criteria of the quality. 12. Designing of the user’s interface. Principles of designing of the user’s interface. User’s graphic interface. Interface of instructions. Guide of a user. Evaluation of the user’s interface. 13. Implementing of a software. Notion of implementation. Stages of modules implementation. Notion of structured programming. Approaches to the implementation of the programmes. 14. Methods of assessment of algorithms and programmes. Testing of a programme. 15. Verification and validation. Purposes and techniques of the process of V&V. Static verification. Testing process. Strategies of testing. Planning of testing. Methods of testing: method of black box. 16. Storage of software. Notion of software storage. Process of software storage. Personal features of a programmer. Topics of practical classes Week 1. 2. 3. Topics Observing of software systems of different types and discussion on their functions. Tasks for the 1st, 2d, 3d projects. Discussion on given software models. Discussion on their functional and non-functional requirements 4. 5. Preparation of documents according to standards. Designing of system’s architecture. Turning in the documents of requirements (1st project). 6. Discussion on the methods for designing of software system. 7. Turning in the description of designing (2d project). Defining of the user’s interface. 8. Implementing of the user’s interface. 9. Demonstrating and discussion on the given software systems user’s interface. 10. Implementing of a software system 11. Testing of a software system 12. Demonstration of a software system on the computer. (3d project) 13. Testing of a software system using fulfilled tests. 14,15,16 Presentation and defending of the projects. Topics for students projects 1. Definition and specification of a software system requirements. 2. Designing of a software system. 3. Implementation of a software system References 1. L.Zaiceva. Ргоgгаmmаtūаs izstrādеs tehnoloģija. 2. izdevums. - Rīga: RTU, 2002. - 244lрр. 2. Somerville 1. Software Engineering. - 6th edition. - Addison-Wesley Pub. 3. Schach S.R. Practical Software Engineering. - Boston: IRWIN, 1992. - 324 р. 4. Pfleeger S.L. Software Engineering: А production of quality software. - 2nd edition. -Macmillan 5. Pressman R.S. Software Engineering. А Practitioner’s Approach. - International Student Edition. - МсGгаw-Нill Сотр, 1982. - 352 р. 6. Экономика, разработка и использование программного обеспечения ЭВМ: Учебник / В.д.Благодатских, М.д.Енгибарян, ЕВ.Ковалевская и др. - М.: Финансы и статистика. 1995. - 228 с. 7. Липаев В.В. Проектирование программных средств. М.: Высш.шк., 1990. -303 с. 8. Зиглер К. Методы проектирования программных системю - М.: Мир, 1985. 328 с. 9. Боэм Б.У. Инженерное проектирование программного обеспечения. - М.: Радио и связь,1985. - 512 с. 10. Ван Тассел Д. Стиль, разработка, эффективность, отладка и испытание программ. - М.:Мир, 1985. - 319 с. 11. Голуб д'И. С и С++. Правила программирования. - М.: БИНОМ, 1996. - 272 с. 12. Керниган Б., Плоджер Ф. Элементы стиля программирования. - М.: Радио и связь, 1984.-160 с. 13. Липаев В.В. Тестирование программ.- М.: Радио и связь, 1986. - 293 с. 14. Майерс Г. Искусство тестирования программ.- М.: Финансы и статистика, 1982. -176 с. 15. Зелковиц М., Шоу Д., Гэннон Дж. Принципы разработки программного обеспечения. - М.:Мир, 1982. - 368 с. 16. L VS 66: 1996. Latvijas standarts. Informācijas tehnoloģija. Programminženierija. Programmatūras lietotaja dokumentacija. 17. L VS 68: 1996. Latvijas standarts. Informācijas tehnoloģija. Progгamminženierija. Progгammatūгas prasību specifikācijas ceļvēdis. 18. L VS 70: 1996. Latvijas standarts. Informācijas tehnoloģija. Programminženierija. Programmatūras testēšanas dokumentacija. 19. LVS 72: 1996. Latvijas standarts. Informācijas tehnoloģija. Progгamminženierija. leteicama pгakse programmatūras projektējuma apгakstīšanai. 20. L VS 73: 1996. Latvijas standarts. Informācijas tehnoloģija. Programminženierija. Programmatūras testesana. 21. L VS 75: 1996. Latvijas standarts. Informācijas tehnoloģija. Programminženierija. Sistēmas darbības koncepcijas apraksts. Responsible lecturer prof. L.Zaitseva DESCRIPTION of academic subject “Electrical Machines” EEM305 of RTU study programme “Computer Control of Electrical Technologies” Parameters of the subject: Compulsory subject; 5 CP ; L – 3; Lab – 2;Project, Test, Exam Topics of lectures Week Topic 1. Magnetic field of DC machines 2. DC motors. DC generators 3. Commutation of DC machines 4. DC machines of special purposes 5. Operation of transformers with load. Three-phase transformers with nonsymmetric load 6. Transient processes in transformers. Transformers of special purposes 7. Electro-magnetic torque and mechanic characteristics. Circular graph of asynchronous machines 8. Starting and rotation frequency control of asynchronous motors. Single-phase asynchronous motors 9. Non-symmetric modes of asynchronous motors 10. Symmetric load mode of synchronous machines. Vector diagrams of synchronous machines 11. Parallel work of synchronous machines. Characteristics of synchronous generator 12. Static stability and overload ability of synchronous machines. Fluctuations and dynamic stability of synchronous machines 13. Sudden short-current of synchronous generator (physical appearance, transient and over transient inductive resistance, short-current in a machines with and without damper winding) 14. Synchronous motors and compensators. Synchronous machines of special purposes 15. AC electronic motors 16. Electric machine converters and AC commutating machines (motorgenerators, single-anchor converters, single-phase and three-phase AC commutating machines) References 1. A.Zviedris. Elektriskās mašīnas. R. Zvaigzne, 1984. 2. J.Dirba u.c. Elektriskās mašīnas. Laboratoprijas darbi.R. RTU, 1991. 3. J.Dirba. Kursa projektēšana. Metodiskie norādījumi kursa darbiem. R.RTU, 1983. 4. Вольдек А.И. и др. Электрические машины. Л.Энергия, 1978. 5. Дирба. Я.И. и др. Электрические машины. Лабораторные работы. Рига, РТУ, 1991. 6. Дирба. Я.И. Курсовое проектирование. Методические указания по выполнению курсовых работ. Рига, РПИ. 1983. Responsible lecturer Prof. J. Dirba DESCRIPTION of academic subject “Electric Supply” EEA416 of RTU study programme “Computer Control of Electrical Technologies” Parameters of the subject: Compulsory subject; V semester, 2 CP, L – 2, Pr – 0, Lab – 0; Project; Exam Topics of lectures Week Topic 1. Types of electrical stations and their features 2. Development tendencies of the modern power engineering 3. Power system, balance of power and losses 4. Latvian power system, its organisation and problems 5. Electrical enterprises, their classification, consumers 6. Safety of power supply. Scale of rated voltages 7. Voltage drop, lose, direction 8. Regulation of voltage. Voltage quality indexes 9. Electrical appliances neutral modes. Net with an insulated neutral 10. Net with a compensated neutral. Electrical appliances with a grounded neutral 11. Neutral modes comparison and choice 12. Diagrams of load, its classification and aligning 13. Values and factors of diagrams of load 14. Methods of calculated load defining 15. Peak load, its defining. Power losses in lines and transformers 16. Notion of short currents calculations References 1. Elektroapgāde: Māc.līdz. RPI elektroenerģētisko specialitāšu studentiem / J.Gerhards, I.Kozlova, E.Lielpeteris, K.Timmermanis, E.Vanzovičs ; J,Gerharga red. – Rīga, Zvagzne, 1989.- 329lpp. 2.Switchgear Manual / Asea Brown Bovery Pocket Book. Germany, ABB, 1993. – 843p. 3. Электроснабжение промышленных предприятий . Б.А.Князевский, Б.Ю.Липкин – М.: - Высшая школа. 1976ю-431стр. Responsible lecturer E.Vanzovich DESCRIPTION of academic subject “Basics of Production Systems Automation” EEP473“ of RTU study programme “Computer Control of Electrical Technologies” Parameters of the subject: Subject of limited (compulsory) choice; VI semester; 3 CP, L – 2, Pr – 0, Lab – 1 ; Test, Exam Topics of lectures Week 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.,8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Topic Levels of automation, block diagrams, elements and their descriptions Technological information, its obtaining, processing, transmitting Sensors of analogue signals, transmitting of analogue information Examples of sensors of analogue signals Relay-type systems of stabilisation control, its development, description Development and features of continuous systems of stabilisation control Development of discrete combinational automatic devices Development of discrete sequentional automatic devices Application of microprocessors in automation Microprocessors controllers and its connection with objects Programming logic controllers Development of programmes with PLC Program control of motion path Linear and radial interpolation and its realisation with the means of MP Tasks and realisation of optimal control References 1. J.Greivulis, I.Raņķis Iekārtu vadības elektroniskie elementi un mezgli, Avots,1997.-260 lpp 2. Электронные промышленные устройства\ В.И.Васильев и др.М.:Высш.шк.,1988 – 303 стр 3. Автоматизация технологических процессов пищевых производств\Е.Б.Карпин и др. – М.:Пищ.пром.,1977.- 430 стр Laboratory works 1.- Microprocessor control of a turning disk – 4 h 2. – Control of turning disk with PLC GE Fanuc 3. – Computer control of step motor drives for a plotter 4. – Asynchronous frequency drive distance control with PLC Responsible lecturer prof. I.Raņķis DESCRIPTION of academic subject “Electronic Equipment” EEP475 of RTU study programme “Computer Control of Electrical Technologies” Parameters of the subject: Compulsory subject; III semester, 4 CP, L – 2, Lab – 2 ; Test, Project; Exam Topics of lectures Week Topic 1. Electron-ion elements, their modern application 2. Semiconductor elements: diodes, transistors, thyristors 3. Static and dynamic parameters of semiconductor devices 4. Operational amplifiers and their classification 5. Application of operational amplifiers in industrial installations 6. Comparators 7. Multipliers of analogue signals 8. Direct current stabilizers 9. ADP and DAP 10. Converter „voltage-frequency” and „frequency -voltage” 11. Basics of discrete schemes synthesis 12. Logical elements, multivibrators and triggers 13. Pulse counters and pulse frequency dividers 14. Programmable logic matrix 15. Microprocessors, their operational principles 16. Application of semiconductors in power electronics Topics of laboratory works Week 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Topic Supply sources of low power Operational amplifier Logic elements Converter „voltage-frequency” and „frequency -voltage” Direct current amplifier Controlled rectifier Programming of frequency converter Vector control of frequency converter References 1. J.Greivulis, I.Raņķis Iekārtu vadības elektroniskie elementi un mezgli, Avots, 1997. – 260 lpp. 2. J.Greivulis, I.Raņķis. Modernās elektronikas pamati. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1992.165lpp. 3. M.James, Higer Electronics. Newnes, 1999.- 310lpp. 4. С.В.Якубовский и др. Цифровые и аналоговые интегральные микросхемы. Справочник-М.: Радио и связь, 1990.-496 с. Responsible lecturer doc. E.Blumbergs DESCRIPTION of academic subject “Computer Studies I” DIP101 of RTU study programme “Computer Control of Electrical Technologies” Parameters of the subject: Compulsory subject; I semester, 3 CP, L – 1, Lab – 1 ; Project; Exam Topics of lectures Week Topics 1. Architecture of computer 2. Possibilities of modern computers 3. Logical basics of processor architecture 4. Computer application – analysis, specification of requirements, choice of tools, designing, elaboration of applications, testing, documentation 5. Algorithmization of solutions 6. Loading and processing of programmes. Programming languages, observing of PASCAL language 7. Basics of languages and operators 8. Application of PASCAL for mathematic calculations 9. Producing of data types 10. Methods of cycles developing 11. Basics of programming hardware Topics of laboratories Week 1. 2. 3. 4. Topics Computerized working place. Work with computer Algorithmization and programming of simple calculation tasks Vector algebra (set theory, probabilistic theory, financial, statistics or other task’s solution in speciality) Task of textual information processing References 1. Studying literature in electronic form available at the department of computer studies 2. Spalis Turbo PASCAL for WINDOWS for everybody. Riga computer Centre, 1998, 170pp. Responsible lecturer prof. J.Lavendelis DESCRIPTION of academic subject “Computer Studies II (special course)” DIP102 of RTU study programme “Computer Control of Electrical Technologies” Parameters of the subject: Compulsory subject; I semester, 2 CP, L – 1, Lab – 1 ; Project; Exam Topics of lectures Week Topics 1. Idea of WINDOWs. Programmes applied in WINDOWs (WORD, EXCEL etc.) 2. Basics of the Internet 3. More complete means of PASCAL 4. Special sets (corresponding to specialization) 5. Notion of work in computer nets Topics of laboratories Week 1. 2. 3. Topics Work in operational environment WINDOWs Processing of files Subprograms and models References 1. Studying literature in electronic form available at the department of computer studies 2. Spalis Turbo PASCAL for WINDOWS for everybody. Riga computer Centre, 1998, 170pp. Responsible lecturer prof. J.Lavendelis DESCRIPTION of academic subject “Electrical Machines” EEM305 of RTU study programme “Computer Control of Electrical Technologies” Parameters of the subject: Compulsory subject; 5 CP ; L – 3; Lab – 2;Project, Test, Exam Topics of lectures Week Topic 1. Magnetic field of DC machines 2. DC motors. DC generators 3. Commutation of DC machines 4. DC machines of special purposes 5. Operation of transformers with load. Three-phase transformers with nonsymmetric load 6. Transient processes in transformers. Transformers of special purposes 7. Electro-magnetic torque and mechanic characteristics. Circular graph of asynchronous machines 8. Starting and rotation frequency control of asynchronous motors. Single-phase asynchronous motors 9. Non-symmetric modes of asynchronous motors 10. Symmetric load mode of synchronous machines. Vector diagrams of synchronous machines 11. Parallel work of synchronous machines. Characteristics of synchronous generator 12. Static stability and overload ability of synchronous machines. Fluctuations and dynamic stability of synchronous machines 13. Sudden short-current of synchronous generator (physical appearance, transient and over transient inductive resistance, short-current in a machines with and without damper winding) 14. Synchronous motors and compensators. Synchronous machines of special purposes 15. AC electronic motors 16. Electric machine converters and AC commutating machines (motorgenerators, single-anchor converters, single-phase and three-phase AC commutating machines) References 1. A.Zviedris. Elektriskās mašīnas. R. Zvaigzne, 1984. 2. J.Dirba u.c. Elektriskās mašīnas. Laboratoprijas darbi.R. RTU, 1991. 3. J.Dirba. Kursa projektēšana. Metodiskie norādījumi kursa darbiem. R.RTU, 1983. 4. Вольдек А.И. и др. Электрические машины. Л.Энергия, 1978. 5. Дирба. Я.И. и др. Электрические машины. Лабораторные работы. Рига, РТУ, 1991. 6. Дирба. Я.И. Курсовое проектирование. Методические указания по выполнению курсовых работ. Рига, РПИ. 1983. Responsible lecturer Prof. J. Dirba CURRICULUM VITAE 1. LEONIDS RIBICKIS 2. Personal Code: 3. Place of Birth: 4. Job: 240847-11818 Cesis region, LATVIA Vice Rector for Science and Research of Riga Technical University, Professor 5. Adress: Kalku Street 1, Riga, LV 1050. Phone: +371-7089415, Fax: + 371 7820094, E-mail: 6. Scientific Degree: Dr.Hab.Sc.Ing. B-Dh № 000080, Electrical Engineering 7. Professional Experience: Engineer, researcher, senior researcher and Head of Research Group, Laboratory of Power Traction Equipment, Riga Branch of SU Railway Carriage Building Research Institute, 1970-1975 Researcher, Ph.D. student, Assistant Professor,1975-1982; Associated Professor, 1983-1995; Head and Scientific Director, Research Laboratory of Electromechanotronics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, 1987-1999; Professor, 1996- ; Director, Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Drives, Faculty of Power and Electrical Engineering, Riga Technical University, 1999 Visiting Researcher, WEMPEC Group, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, 1986/87 (6 monthes) Director, German – Latvian Consulting Company AB&RTU, 1993-2000 Director, Latvia Technology Park Ltd, 1996-2000 Vice-Rector for Science and Research, Riga Technical University, 2000 Supervisory Council Member, J/S Company Latvenergo, January 2001 – August 2002 Chairman of the Supervisory Council, J/S Company Latvenergo, August 2002 –January 2003 Chairman of the Board, P/O CONNECT Latvija, 20038. Educational Expierence: Lectures: Invited Lecturer, Norvegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, November, 1994 Courses: Riga Technical University: Electrical Drives; Industrial Electronic Equipment; Frequency converters Baltech Virtual University Curriculum Vitae Ivars Rankis Personal code 01 10 37 - 10406 address Riga, Višķu 5 app.40, home ph. 7-267616, work ph. 7-089916 was born 1 October 1937 , Riga Latvian married, 2 child Education 1992 defended in Riga complete set of scientific works for obtaining a grade of Hability Doctor science in engineering 1970 defended in Dnepropetrovsk doctoral thesis for obtaining grade of Candidate of technical sciences (PhD) Doctoral student in Riga Polytechnic institute from 1966 till 1969 Studies in Electrical Power faculty of Riga Polytechnic institute from 1958 till 1960 graduating with diploma of engineer electric-mechanic Studies in Mechanic faculty of State Latvia university from 1955 till 1958 Scholl N 28 in Riga from 1944 till 1955. Work experience From 1998 Professor with Riga Technical university in power electronic From 1992 Professor with department of automated electrical drives From 1969 engineer, senior lecturer, docent with department of automated electrical drives RTU , former RPI From 1958 till 1966 engineer-constructor of Riga Electric machine building company Published all together 150 scientific papers, including 1 scientific monograph, 10 student books as also large number of scientific-popular articles 1994 have probation period in Stockholm Technology institute 1986 have probation period in Sofia (Bulgaria) polytechnic institute 1985 have probation period in Moscow Power institute Is member of professional labour committee of Riga Technical university (from 1993) Knowledge of languages Manage at level of conversation, reading and written skills English, Russian and Latvian, Swedish at level of reading May 2003 I. Rankis CURICULUM VITAE Surname, Given Name Bražis Viesturs Citizenship Republic of Latvia Date and place of birth 20.08.1976, Dobele,Latvia Scientific position and degrees,Ph. D student,Assistant in Power Electronics and Drives Ocupation’s place Riga Technical university, Faculty of Electrical and Power Engineering, Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering Kronvalda bulvaris 1,Riga, LV1010, Latvia phone +371 7 089 917 Private address Akaciju iela 3 dz.3, Riga, LV1029, Latvia phone +371 6 528 577 Languages Latvian, Russian, English Education, Riga Technical university, 2002 Experience Lecturer in Department of Electrical Drives, Riga Technical university, 1999-2000 Assistant in Department of Electrical Drives, Riga Technical university, since 2000 Teaching activities and lecture courses Electrical tehnology devices Basics of electrical tehnology and eletrical supply Theory of automation Scientific activities and fields of interest Asynchronous drives Publications Total - 18, Certificates of Inventions - 4, Abstracts - 10, Training materials - 2. Main publications in last 2 years 1. Brazis V., Gasparjans A., Greivulis J.: The experimental research of the asynchronous motor with frontal part winding mechanical characteristics, “Power and electrical engineering”, Riga, 2003. 2. Brazis V., Gasparjans A., Greivulis J.: The equivalent circuit of the asynchronous motor with frontal part winding, “Power and electrical engineering”, Riga, 2002. January 20, 2004 V.Bražis CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Name, surname: Janis Greivulis 2. Personal code: 070838-10748 3. Birthplace: Daugavpils 4. Work place:Riga Technical University, Faculty of Power and Electrical Engineering, Industrial electronics and electrical technologies institute, professor 5. Address: Riga, Raunas 45/4, home ph. 7-565303, work ph. 7-089915 6. LR academic degree, diploma number, speciality:, diploma B-Dh 000073, Electrical Engineering 7. Work experience: From 1998 Professor with Riga Technical University in electrical drive From 1988 Professor with department of automated electrical drives From 1962 scientific worker, postgraduate, assistant, senior lecture, docent with department of automated electrical drives RTU, former RPI From 1961 till 1962 engineer-constructor of Riga semiconductor factory Studies in Electroenergetic faculty of State Latvia university from 1956 till 1961 8. Pedagogic experience: Lecture courses – Courses in Electrical drives and Electronics Laboratory works: in Electrical drives 9. Direction of scientific work: electrical drives, automatic elements 10. Part in research works (1998 –2003): 10.1. Latvian Scientific Council theme Nr.: 96.0522, 01.0636 10.2. Chief of Latvenergo theme Nr.6595 11. Main publications of last 5 years, patents, inventions: 1. J.Greivulis, LV patent Nr. 12653 “Synchronous cascade“. Official journal “Patenti un preču zīmes”, 2001, Nr.6. 2. J. Greivulis, A.Gasparjan, A.Terebkov. “Evaluation of energetic losses of asynchronous electrical drives during the starting process.” Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical university, part 4, volume 2, , RTU, Riga, 2001. 3. J.Greivulis. LV patent Nr. 12709 “Generator of Legendre polynomial”. Official journal “Patenti un preču zīmes”, 2001, Nr.10. 12. Common number of scientific works: publications – 207, inventions – 144. 13. Knowledge of languages: manage at level of conversation, reading and written skills Latvian, Russian and English. 14. Qualification refresher: scientific seminars with RTU and LUA (Jelgava). 15. Professional-social activities: Member of RTU Academic chair, Member of EEF chair, Latvian Scientific Society, Latvian Energetic Society. 8 November 2003 J. Greivulis CV 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name, surmane: Anastasia Zhiravecka Personal code: 040171 - 11814 Place of birth: Rīga, Latvija Address: Dzelzavas ielā 73 – 30, Rīga, LV-1084 Working place: RTU Education: 1995-1999 – RTU – Doctor of science in Electrical engineering, Diploma Nr.BD001009 1996-1998.g. – LU – Master degree in English philologytņu maģistre, Diploma Nr.003945 1993-1995.g. – RTU – Master of science in Electrical engineering, Diploma Nr.000460 1988-1993.g. – RTU – Bachelor of science in Electrical engineering, Diploma Nr.001604 1978-1988.g. – Riga secondary school N 40 2000 - … - RTU IEEI docent 1999-2000 – RTU IEEI lecturer 1995-… - RTU Institute of Languages, lecturer 8. Pedagogical work: Practical classes in Theory of regulation, Power Electronics Lectures in Ragulation and Control of Electric Drives, Lectures in Power Electronics for DC High Voltage Systems, Lectures in Electricity and magnetism to foreign students, Teaching English RTU bachelor and doctoral students 9. Area of scientific work: Industrial electronics, Induction motors, compensation of reactive power in inductive motors 10. Participation in leading of scientific work: 2000-2003 – Head of scientific project of LAS “Reactive Power Compensation in Induction Motors” 11. Main international publications during the last 5 years: 1. Zhiravetska A., Rankis I., Evaluation of Thyristor Strategies of Soft-Starting of the Induction Motor. - Riga, Latvian Journal of Physycs and Technical Sciences, N1, 1998. 2. Žiravecka A., Raņķis I. To The Question Of an Optimisation Criterion Of The SoftStarting Of a Cage-Rotor Induction Motor.- RTU, Studentu Zinātniskās Konferences Materiali.- Rīga, 1998. 3. Pieteikums P-97-228 Latvijas republikas patentam “Asinhronā īsslēgtā dzinēja plūsošas palaišanas iekārta, autori I.Raņķis, A.Žiravecka, 1998. Gads. 4. Raņķis I., Žiravecka A., Žiraveckis V. Asinhrono elektrodzinēju drošinātāju izvēle // Enerģētika un elektrotehnika.- Rīga, Rīgas Tehniskā Universitāte, 1999. 5. Professionālo studiju loma kursa programmas veidošanā elektrotehnikas un elektronikas studentiem. – Promocijas darbs filoloģijas maģistra grāda iegūšanai, 1998.g. – 75.lpp. 7. Working experiance: CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Family name, Given name 2. Date of birth 3. Home address 4. E-mail 5. Education 6. Specialization 7. Scientific interests 8. Professional experience 9. Present position 10. Language skills 11. Civil status 22 of January 2004-01-29 Galkins, Ilya 05.02.1973 Riga, Pernavas 10A-4, phone +3717294528 -1993, Bachelor grade in Industrial Electronics -1994, Engineer qualification in Industrial Electronics -1996, Master grade in Industrial Electronics - 2001, Doctor science of Engineering in Industrial Electronics Industrial Electronics and Control of Electrical Drives Power Electronics converters for electrical drives, microprocessor control, measurment technique - Technicians in Railway depo Zasulauks, 1994 - Engineer in automation in SIA Lasma,19941999 - Cheaf of laboratory Riga Technical university, 1996 ongoing - Lecturer and docent (ass. of professor) in Riga Technical university, 1999 - 2003 - Associated professor in Riga Technical university, 2003 Ass. professor in Department of Industrial electronics and Electrical Technologies, RTU Russian, Latvian, English married I.Galkins CURRICULUM VITAE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Family name: First names: Date of birth: Nationality: Civil status: Education: • Institution [Date from-Date to] Blumbergs Edvins 28.03.1934 latvian married Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: Engineer of industrial electrical equipment Riga Polyechnical Institute 1956 - 1960 7. Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 excellent; 5 - basic) Language Russian Latvian mother tongue. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Speaking 1 Other skills, (e.g. Computer literacy, etc.): Computer literacy (Word, Excel), programming literacy Present position: Riga Technical University, Faculty of Power and Electrical Engineering, docent (ass. of professor) Years within the position: 44 Key qualifications: (Relevant to the project) Great experience in the field of industrial automation, frequency converters Specific experience in the region: Country Latvia 13. Reading 1 Date: from (month/year) to (month/year) 1958 - ongoing Other relevant information (e.g., Publications): 4certificates of inventions, one patent, 30 scientific publications 22 of January 2004 E.Blumbergs Writing 1 CURRICULUM VITAE Name Jānis Valeinis 310536-10729 Raunas street 45/4-192 Riga LV-1084 Latvia Telephone h-7565306, w- 7089415 Date of Birth 31 May 1936 Marital status Married Education Qualifications 1992 May Electrical Engineering degree (,diploma B-D Nr.000113 1980 May Automated Electrical Drives Department, sertificate of assistant professor, diploma ДЦ Nr. 036439 1975 April Grade of Candidate of Technical sciences (PhD), diploma MTH Nr. 104167 1958 – 1962 Riga Polytechnical institute, diploma of engineer electricmechanic, O Nr. 417282 Work experience 2003 – to date RTU EEF Department of Industrial Electronics and Electrical technologies, assistant professor (0.5) 2001 – to date RTU Head of Doctorate department 1996 – 2003 RTU IEEI Power electronic, assistant professor (0.5) 1989 – 1996 RTU EEF Department of automated electrical drives, assistant professor 1978 – 1989 RTU EEF Head of Department of automated electrical drives 1962 – 1978 RPI (RTU) EEF assistant, lecturer, assistant professor Pedagogical experience Lecture courses – Electrical drives automatic control, The elements of electrical drives automatic control, Power electronics. Responsible for guidance of ingeneer projects, course papers Laboratory works in Electrical drives automatic control Direction of scientific Electrical drives direct current impulse converters work Common number Publications - 39 of scientific works Skills Computer literate – Word, Excel,Internet Languages – fluent – Latvian, Russian - conversational – English Driving licence Interests Baminton, singing,draughts Personal Code Address January 2004