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Programs of Study Related to the Fields of Interest
Note: Programs listed are in English only. Please refer to the French version of the POP Index ( for programs in French, as some
programs of study may exist only in French. Also, programs listed were available as of the 2006-2007 school year, and are subject to change.
Field of Interest
DVS/AVS Programs
1. Administration
and Commerce
Accounting, finance,
marketing, management,
human resources, office
administration and office
management, event
Accounting; Professional Sales;
Secretarial Studies; Sales
Representation; Starting a Business;
Health and Social Services Assistance
in Nunavik;
Recreation Leadership in Nunavik
Social Science; Social Science International
Baccalaureate; Accounting and Management
Technology; Insurance and Financial Advising;
Business Management; Office System Technology:
Office Work Coordination; Office System Technology:
Micropublishing and Hypermedia; Computer Science
2. Agriculture
Agriculture, aquaculture,
Starting a Business; Aquaculture;
Beef Production;
Dairy Production;
Hog Production; Landscaping
Operations; Ornamental Horticulture;
Automobile Mechanics;
Science; Social Science International Baccalaureate;
Animal Health Technology; Farm Management and
Technology; Animal Production; Horticultural and
Environmental Technology: Ornamental Crops;
Horticultural and Environmental Technology:
Greenhouse and Field-Grown, Vegetable, Fruit and
Ornamental Crops; Horticultural and Environmental
Technology: Vegetable, Fruit and Industrial Crops;
Horticultural and Environmental Technology:
Environmental Technology; Ornamental Horticulture:
Landscaping; Ornamental Horticulture: Green Spaces;
Ornamental Horticulture: Marketing of Horticultural
Christine Lavoie and POP Network - September 2007
DCS Programs
Bachelor of Science;
Bachelor of Arts;
Bachelor or
Baccalaureate in
Bachelor or
Baccalaureate in
Bachelor of Science;
Bachelor of Science
(Agricultural and
3. Arts and Culture
Theater, cinema,
photography, dance,
painting, sculpture,
Interior Decorating and Display
4. Communication,
Documentation and
Radio, television, print
media, electronic news
media, publicity,
technology (library
services), printing,
archives, web design
Desktop Publishing; Printing;
Computer Support
Products and Services; Farm Equipment Technology;
Equine Technology: Harness Racing; Equine
Technology: English Horsemanship; Equine
Technology: Western Horsemanship; Equine
Technology: Pleasure and Trail Riding; Seafood
Processing; Aquaculture Techniques
Social Science; Social Science International
Baccalaureate; Creative Arts, Literature and
Languages; Creative Arts, Literature and LanguagesInternational Baccalaureate; Fine Arts; Music; Dance;
Arts and Sciences; Liberal Arts; Professional Music and
Song Techniques; Professional Theatre-Production:
Sets and Costumes; Professional Theatre-Production:
Stage Techniques and Management; Professional
Theatre-Production: Stage Techniques and Lighting;
Dance: Performance (Classical Dance); Dance:
Performance (Modern Dance); Professional Theatre:
Acting; Circus Arts; Illustration and Design; Interior
Design; Professional Photography; Industrial Design
Techniques; Applied Arts and Crafts; Furniture Making
and Cabinetmaking
Office System Technology: Micropublishing and
Hypermedia; Creative Arts, Literature and Languages;
Creative Arts, Literature and Languages-International
Baccalaureate; Computer Science Technology;
Illustration and Design; Professional Photography;
Information and Library Technologies; Graphic Design;
Museum Techniques; Animation; 3D Animation and
Image Synthesis; Computer Graphics in Prepress
Work; Printing; Printing Works Management;
Multimedia Integration; Television Production and
Bachelor of Arts;
Bachelor of Music;
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Bachelor of Arts;
Bachelor of Fine Arts
5. Computers and
maintenance and repair
of electronic equipment,
satellites, computer
networking, computer
programming, cable
networks and
6. Construction and
Public Works
Construction and
maintenance of
buildings, public
infrastructure (roads and
bridges), architecture,
real estate, property
7. Education
Teaching, training,
psychoeducation, educational
8. Engineering
Computer Support; Automated
Systems Electromechanics; Business
Equipment Technical Service;
Electricity; Electronic Audio/Video
Equipment Repair; Installation and
Repair of Telecommunications
Equipment; Maintenance Electricity;
Networked Office Equipment; VCR
and Camcorder Repair
Carpentry; Commercial and
Residential Painting; Fire Safety
Techniques; General Building
Maintenance; Masonry: Bricklaying;
Northern Building Maintenance;
Plastering; Plumbing and Heating;
Refrigeration; Residential and
Commercial Drafting; RV Maintenance
and Repair; Tiling; Industrial Drafting
General Building Maintenance;
Postproduction Techniques; Media Communication
Science; Science International Baccalaureate;
Computer Science Technology; Industrial Electronics
Technology; Electronics Technology; Computerized
Systems Technology; Electronic Design; Electronics:
Audiovisual Equipment; Applied Physics Technology
Science; Science International Baccalaureate; Social
Science; Social Science International Baccalaureate;
Arts and Sciences; Illustration and Design; Interior
Design; Furniture Making and Cabinetmaking:
Architectural Woodworking; Architectural Technology;
Civil Engineering Technology; Building Systems
Technology; Realty Appraisal: Construction Estimating;
Realty Appraisal: Property Evaluation; Geomatics; Fire
Safety: Fire Prevention; Fire Safety: Fire Safety
Management; Urban and Regional Planning; Naval
Social Science; Social Science International
Baccalaureate; Science; Science-International
Baccalaureate; Arts and Sciences; Liberal Arts;
Creative Arts, Literature and Languages; Creative Arts,
Literature and Languages International Baccalaureate;
Music; Dance; Fine Arts; Early Childhood Education;
Special Care Counseling; Community Education
Leadership Training
Computer Science Technology; Science; Science
Bachelor of Software
Bachelor of
Bachelor of
Computer Science;
Bachelor of Arts;
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of
Education; Bachelor
of Arts; Bachelor of
Bachelor of
mechanical, civil,
aerospace, plastics,
robotics, etc.
9. Fashion and
Fashion, interior design,
Plumbing and Heating; Preparing and
Finishing Concrete; Residential and
Commercial Drafting; Automated
Systems Electromechanics; Business
Equipment Technical Service;
Construction; Electricity; Maintenance
Electricity; Networked Office
Equipment; Automobile Mechanics;
Marine Mechanics; Aircraft
Mechanical Assembly; Aircraft
Structural Assembly; Cable and
Circuit Assembly; Industrial Drafting;
Industrial Machinery Operation;
Machining Techniques; Mechanical
Assembly (Aerospace); Moulding
Machine Set-up and Operation;
Diemaking; Toolmaking; Elevator
Mechanics; Industrial Construction
and Maintenance Mechanics;
Preventive and Prospective Industrial
Maintenance Mechanics; Diamond
Drilling; Machine Operations, Mineral
and Metal Processing; Northern
Heavy Equipment Operations; Ore
Extraction; Welding and Fitting; HighPressure Welding
Interior Decorating and Display;
Cabinet Making; Furniture Finishing;
Aesthetics; Hairdressing; Electrolysis
International Baccalaureate; Arts and Sciences;
Chemical Engineering Technology; Civil Engineering
Technology; Building Systems Technology; Urban and
Regional Planning; Industrial Electronics Technology;
Electronics Technology; Computerized Systems
Technology; Electronic Design; Industrial Electronics
Technology; Applied Physics Technology; Avionics;
Marine Engineering Technology; Aircraft Maintenance;
Industrial Engineering Technology; Mechanical
Engineering Technology; Plastics Processing; Aircraft
Construction; Industrial Maintenance Mechanics;
Mining; Metallurgical Engineering Technology
Bachelor of Software
Bachelor of Science
Social Science; Social Science International
Baccalaureate; Arts and Sciences; Creative Arts,
Literature and Languages; Creative Arts, Literature and
Languages International Baccalaureate; Fine Arts;
Illustration and Design; Architectural Woodworking;
Bachelor of Arts;
Bachelor of Fine Arts
10. Health
Medicine, psychiatry,
psychology, psychotherapy, nursing, health
care, homeopathy,
wellness, veterinary
Dental Assistance; Health Assistance
and Nursing; Pharmacy Technical
11. Humanities
Religion, clergy, history,
geography, philosophy
Home Care and Family and Social
12. Languages and
Literature, translation,
Desktop Publishing; Printing
Textile Technology; Textile Production; Fashion
Design; Apparel Production Management; Fashion
Marketing; Fashion Marketing-International Option;
Interior Design; Professional Photography; Applied Arts
and Crafts; Industrial Design Techniques; Furniture
Making and Cabinetmaking
Science; Science International Baccalaureate; Social
Science; Social Science International Baccalaureate;
Arts and Sciences; Livestock Production; Animal
Production; Animal Health Technology; Laboratory
Technology; Biotechnology; Analytical Chemistry;
Chemical Engineering Technology; Chemical Process
Technology; Biomedical Laboratory Technology;
Nursing; Dental Technology; Denturology; Dental
Hygiene; Acupuncture; Dietetics; Medical
Electrophysiology; Biomedical Laboratory Technology;
Respiratory and Anesthesia Technology; Diagnostic
Imaging; Nuclear Medicine Technology; Radiation
Oncology; Physical Rehabilitation; Orthotics and
Prosthetics; Optical Dispensing; Hearing Aid
Technology; Funeral Service Technology; Medical
Records Management; Occupational Health and Safety
and Environmental Protection
Social Science; Social Science International
Baccalaureate; Arts and Sciences; Liberal Arts;
Creative Arts, Literature and Languages; Creative Arts,
Literature and Languages-International Baccalaureate;
Geomatics: Cartography; Geomatics: Geodetic
Surveying; Special Care Counselling; Information and
Library Technologies; Museum Techniques
Social Science; Social Science International
Bachelor of Arts;
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of
Theology; Bachelor
of Arts
Bachelor of Arts
13. Law and
Law, human rights,
public security and civil
Computing Support; Secretarial
Studies; Fire Safety Techniques
14. Manufacturing
production and
Cabinet Making; Furniture Finishing;
Automobile Mechanics; Automotive
Body Repair and Repainting; Marine
Mechanics; Sale of Mechanical Parts
and Accessories; Aircraft Mechanical
Assembly; Cable and Circuit
Assembly; Industrial Drafting;
Industrial Machinery Operation;
Machining Techniques; Moulding
Machine Setup and Operation;
Precision Sheet Metal Work;
Diemaking; Numerical Control
Machine Tool Operation; Toolmaking;
Baccalaureate; Arts and Sciences; Liberal Arts;
Creative Arts, Literature and Languages; Creative Arts,
Literature and Languages International Baccalaureate;
Computer Science Technology; Information and Library
Technologies; Museum Techniques; Graphic Design;
Animation; 3D Animation and Image Synthesis;
Computer Graphics in Prepress Work; Printing; Printing
Works Management; Multimedia Integration; Television
Production and Postproduction Techniques; Media
Communication Techniques
Social Science; Social Science International
Baccalaureate; Liberal Arts; Creative Arts, Literature
and Languages; Creative Arts, Literature and
Languages International Baccalaureate; Police
Technology; Police Technology-International Option;
Correctional Intervention; Correctional InterventionInternational Option; Paralegal Technology; Social
Research Techniques; Social Service
Science; Science International Baccalaureate; Seafood
Processing; Food Processing; Furniture Making and
Cabinetmaking; Industrial Electronics Technology;
Applied Physics Technology; Industrial Engineering
Technology; Mechanical Engineering Technology;
Composite Materials Processing; Plastics Processing;
Aircraft Construction; Forest Products Processing; Pulp
and Paper Technology; Industrial Maintenance
Mechanics; Mineral Processing; Metallurgical
Engineering Technology; Textile Technology; Textile
Production; Apparel Production Management
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of
Bachelor or
Baccalaureate in
15. Military
Non-civilian occupations
Elevator Mechanics; Industrial
Construction and Maintenance
Mechanics; Preventive and
Prospective Industrial Maintenance
Mechanics; Diamond Drilling; Machine
Operations, Mineral and Metal
Processing; Northern Heavy
Equipment Operation; Ore Extraction;
Sheet Metal Work; Welding and
Fitting; High-Pressure Welding
Accounting; Computing Support;
Professional Cooking; Fire Safety
Techniques; General Building
Maintenance; Masonry; Bricklaying;
Northern Building Maintenance;
Plumbing and Heating; Preparing and
Finishing Concrete; Refrigeration;
Residential and Commercial Drafting;
Automated Systems
Electromechanics; Construction
Electricity; Electricity; Electronic
Audio/Video Equipment Repair;
Installation and Repair of
Telecommunications Equipment;
Maintenance Electricity; Networked
Office Equipment; Automobile
Mechanics; Marine Mechanics;
Aircraft Mechanical Assembly; Aircraft
Structural Assembly; Cable and
Circuit Assembly; Industrial Drafting;
Industrial Machinery Operation;
Science; Science International Baccalaureate; Social
Science; Social Science International Baccalaureate;
Accounting and Management Technology; Office
System Technology: Office Work Coordination;
Computer Science Technology; Laboratory
Technology; Chemical Engineering Technology;
Chemical Process Technology; Water Sanitation;
Architectural Technology; Civil Engineering
Technology; Building Systems Technology; Geomatics;
Fire Safety: Fire Prevention; Industrial Electronics
Technology; Electronics Technology; Computerized
Systems Technology; Electronic Design; Industrial
Electronics Technology; Electronics: Audiovisual
Equipment; Applied Physics Technology; Avionics;
Industrial Engineering Technology; Mechanical
Engineering Technology; Composite Materials
Processing; Plastics Processing; Naval Architecture;
Aircraft Construction; Industrial Maintenance
Mechanics; Metallurgical Engineering Technology;
Navigation; Aircraft Piloting; Transportation Logistics;
Dental Technology; Denturology; Medical
Bachelor of
Bachelor of Arts;
Bachelor of Science
16. Motorized
maintenance and repair
of industrialized
equipment; mechanics
Machining Techniques; Precision
Sheet Metal Work; Diemaking;
Toolmaking; Printing; Elevator
Mechanics; Industrial Construction
and Maintenance Mechanics;
Preventive and Prospective Industrial
Maintenance Mechanics; Sheet Metal
Work; Welding and Fitting; HighPressure Welding; Trucking; Dental
Assistance; Health, Assistance and
Nursing; Home Care and Family and
Social Assistance; Pharmacy
Technical Assistance
Automobile Mechanics; Automotive
Body Repair and Repainting; Marine
Mechanics; Sale of Mechanical Parts
and Accessories; Aircraft Mechanical
Assembly; Aircraft Structural
Assembly; Cable and Circuit
Assembly; Industrial Drafting;
Industrial Machinery Operation;
Machining Techniques; Moulding
Machine Setup and Operation;
Diemaking; Numerical Control
Machine Tool Operation; Toolmaking;
Elevator Mechanics; Industrial
Construction and Maintenance
Mechanics; Preventive and
Prospective Industrial Maintenance
Mechanics; Machine Operations,
Mineral and Metal Processing;
Electrophysiology; Respiratory and Anesthesia
Technology; Diagnostic Imaging; Physical
Rehabilitation; Orthotics and Prosthetics; Funeral
Service Technology; Nursing; Medical Records
Management; Correctional Intervention; Correctional
Intervention-International Option; Police TechnologyInternational Option; Social Research Techniques;
Community Recreation Leadership Training
Science; Science International Baccalaureate; Civil
Engineering Technology; Industrial Electronics
Technology; Electronics Technology; Computerized
Systems Technology; Electronic Design; Industrial
Electronics Technology; Applied Physics Technology;
Avionics; Marine Engineering Technology; Aircraft
Maintenance; Industrial Engineering Technology;
Mechanical Engineering Technology; Composite
Materials Processing; Plastics Processing; Navigation;
Forest Products Processing; Pulp and Paper
Technology; Industrial Maintenance Mechanics;
Mining; Welding
Bachelor of
Bachelor of Arts;
Bachelor of Science
Northern Heavy Equipment
Protection and Development of
Wildlife Habitats; Diamond Drilling;
Machine Operations, Mineral and
Metal Processing; Northern Heavy
Equipment Operations; Ore Extraction
17. Natural
Resources and the
Ecology, mines, forests,
plant and animal life
(non-domestic) and
18. Science and
Chemistry, biology,
physics, mathematics
19. Social Services
Social work, sociology
Assistance to Patients or Residents in
Health Care Establishments; Home
Care and Family and Social
20. Sports and
Leisure activities, sports
Recreation Leadership in Nunavik;
Assistance to Patients and Residents
in Health Care Establishments
Social Science; Social Science International
Baccalaureate; Science; Science International
Baccalaureate; Adventure Tourism; Occupational
Health and Safety and Environmental Protection; Water
Sanitation; Environmental Wildlife Management;
Hunting and Fishing Resource Development; Natural
Environment Technology; Urban and Regional
Planning; Forest Products Processing; Forest
Technology; Pulp and Paper Technology; Applied
Geology; Mining; Mineral Processing
Science; Science International Baccalaureate; Arts and
Sciences; Laboratory Technology; Chemical
Engineering Technology; Chemical Process
Technology; Water Sanitation; Occupational Health
and Safety and Environmental Protection; Computer
Science Technology
Social Science; Social Science International
Baccalaureate; Arts and Sciences; Liberal Arts;
Creative Arts, Literature and Languages; Creative Arts,
Literature and Languages International Baccalaureate;
Correctional Intervention; Correctional InterventionInternational Option; Early Childhood Education;
Special Care Counseling; Social Research Techniques;
Social Service; Community Education Leadership
Social Science; Social Science International
Baccalaureate; Arts and Sciences; Liberal Arts;
Creative Arts, Literature and Languages; Creative Arts,
Literature and Languages International Baccalaureate;
Bachelor of
Bachelor of Arts;
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Social
Work; Bachelor of
Bachelor of Arts;
Bachelor of Science
Air, ground and marine
22. Food Services
and Tourism
Creation, preparation,
sales and consumption
of foodstuffs; travel,
hotel management,
tourism, ecotourism
Accounting; Computing Support;
Professional Sales; Secretarial
Studies; Sales Representation;
Starting a Business; Food and
Beverage Services; Hotel Reception;
Pastry Making; Professional Cooking;
Restaurant Services; Retail Butchery;
Travel Sales; Contemporary Cuisine
Music; Dance; Fine Arts; Tourism; TourismInternational Option; Adventure Tourism; Hotel
Management; Hotel Management-International Option;
Food Service and Restaurant Management;
Professional Music and Song Techniques; Professional
Theatre; Dance; Circus Arts; Professional
Photography; Applied Arts and Crafts; Television
Production and Postproduction Techniques; Media
Communication Techniques; Physical Rehabilitation;
Early Childhood Education; Community Recreation
Leadership Training
Science; Science International Baccalaureate; Social
Science; Social Science International Baccalaureate;
Navigation; Aircraft Piloting: Planes; Aircraft Piloting:
Helicopters; Aircraft Piloting: Float Planes and SingleEngine Planes; Transportation Logistics; Naval
Architecture; Aircraft Construction; Avionics; Geomatics
Social Science; Social Science International
Baccalaureate; Accounting and Management
Technology; Business Management; Ornamental
Horticulture: Marketing of Horticultural Products and
Services; Seafood Processing; Food Processing;
Tourism; Tourism-International Option; Adventure
Tourism; Hotel Management; Hotel ManagementInternational Option; Food Service and Restaurant
Management; Occupational Health and Safety and
Environmental Protection; Fire Safety: Fire Prevention;
Dietetics; Community Recreation Leadership Training
Bachelor of
Bachelor of Arts;
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor or
Baccalaureate in
Commerce; Bachelor
or Baccalaureate in
Bachelor of Arts;
Bachelor of Science