Exercises on Concepts Cht. 11, Work System Design MGMT4102, J

Exercises on Concepts
Cht. 11, Work System Design
MGMT4102, J. Wang
Name _________________________
1. The so-called “work system design” includes _____________.
a. work measurement design
b. worker compensation design
c. job design
d. All of a, b, and c.
2. What is “job design” supposed to do?
a. To create job opportunities.
b. To reduce the unemployment rate.
c. To specify the contents of a job in a business process.
d. To connect employers and people who want jobs.
3. What is “work measurement design” is supposed to do?
a. To determine how long a job takes.
b. To determine how to evaluate the worker in doing a job.
c. To determine the pay and bonus policy.
d. To determine what to do in a job.
4. What is “worker compensation design” supposed to do?
a. To determine how long a job takes.
b. To determine how to evaluate the worker in doing a job.
c. To determine the pay and bonus policy.
d. To determine what to do in a job.
5. “Method analysis” is an approach for ____________.
a. work measurement design
b. worker compensation design
c. job design
d. All of a, b, and c.
6. “Time study” is an approach for _____________.
a. work measurement design
b. worker compensation design
c. job design
d. All of a, b, and c.
7. Pay based on the work hours is the _______________.
a. time-based compensation
b. output-based compensation
8. Office of School of Sociology is considering whether it is cost-effective to do large
amount of copying job (more than 500 copies), compared to letting the college’s printshop do it. This is an example of job design consideration in terms of ____________.
a. technical feasibility
b. economic feasibility
c. behavioral feasibility
9. Providing good work environment is not a part of job design.
a. True
b. False
10. Engaging employees with more responsibilities is associated with the option of
_____________ for reducing employee boredom.
a. job enlargement
b. job enrichment
c. job rotation
11. Which of the following is a “vertical” expansion of job for reducing employee
a. job enlargement
b. job enrichment
c. job rotation
12. What does “alternative workplace” mean?
a. One worker is assigned to more than one workstation.
b. Providing each worker with more than one office.
c. Company provides options of workplaces so that a worker may choose to work
at the place he/she likes.
d. Bring work to the worker rather than the worker to the workplace.
13. ______________ is used to streamline the details of how to do a job and to improve
the efficiency of a process.
a. Learning curve
b. Method analysis
c. Time study
d. QFD
e. TQM
f. JIT
14. Time study is an approach for setting _____________.
a. standard time of activities and a job
b. normal time of activities and a job
c. average time of activities and a job
15. Doing all elements of a job from the beginning to the end is called “doing a(n)
_______ in the time study”.
a. cycle
b. observation
c. activity
d. calculation
16. When doing time study, a small number of observations are needed determine the
minimum number of observations.
a. True
b. False
17. General speaking, more observations in time study would make the result more
a. True
b. False
18. Suppose a job is composed of four elements, and the minimum numbers of
observations for the four elements are: (23, 16, 27, 12). What is the minimum number of
observations on the cycle of the job?
a. 23
b. 16
c. 27
d. 12
e. 78
19. In the formula for calculating minimum number of observations, letter s means the
a. variance of the initial trial observations
b. standard deviation of the initial trial observations
c. mean of the initial trial observations
d. desired accuracy
20. In the formula for calculating minimum number of observations, letter a represents
the desired accuracy or precision. If we want our result of time study more accurate, we
should use a __________.
a. smaller a
b. larger a
21. In the formula for calculating minimum number of observations, letter z reflects the
statistical confidence on the observation results of the sample. If we want higher
confidence, we need to have a __________.
a. smaller z
b. larger z
22. Personal time, fatigue, and unavoidable delays are considered in ______________.
a. performance rating factor (PRF)
b. frequency of occurrence (F)
c. allowance factor (AF)
23. The pace of the observed worker is considered in _______________.
a. performance rating factor (PRF)
b. frequency of occurrence (F)
c. allowance factor (AF)
24. MOT (mean observed time) of an elemental activity is calculated from
a. initial trial sample of observations
b. the sample of observations which is sufficiently large
25. If an activity needs to do only once in five cycles of a job, then the frequency factor
of that activity is _________.
a. 1
b. 5
c. 0.5
d. 0.2
e. 25%
26. To calculate the standard time of an activity, ST, we use the formula ____________.
a. ST = NT
b. ST = (MOT)(PRF)(F)(AF)
c. Both a and b.
27. The standard time of a job is equal to the sum of the standard times of its elemental
a. True
b. False
28. _____________ is a company’s database in which the results of previously completed
time studies are stored.
a. Elemental time data
b. Predetermined time data
29. _____________ is a published database of elemental time data used for establishing
standard times.
a. Elemental time data
b. Predetermined time data
30. To observe the proportion of time a worker spends on a particular activity, we may do
direct observations or do “work sampling”.
a. True
b. False
31. When one is doing work sampling, s/he ________________.
a. use a stopwatch to time the activity
b. make random checks to see the frequency the activity occurs.
32. In the formula for calculating minimum number of observations for work sampling,
letter p is equal to ____________.
a. proportion of time the concerned activity in the initial trial sample of
b. the true proportion of time of the concerned activity
33. The learning curve reveals that the time for a worker to do a job _________ if he does
it repeatedly, but the decreasing rate is getting _________ gradually.
a. increases, larger
b. increases, smaller
c. decreases, larger
d. decreases, smaller
34. In the learning curve formula, Tx = T1 * Ln, L is called ___________.
a. learning curve rate
b. learning curve coefficient
35. Table 11-9 on page 437 gives the values of ________.
a. L
b. n
c. Ln
d. Tn
e. Tx
36. In the learning curve formula, Tx = T1 * Ln, the value of L ________________.
a. can be any positive number
b. is between 0 and 1
37. The value of L is ____________ in the real world applications.
a. determined by the manager who is using the learning curve formula
b. provided by engineers or top managers
38. In the learning curve formula, Tx = T1 * Ln, n means ______________.
a. number of times the job is repeated
b. number of times the job’s repetition is doubled
c. number of observations
1.d 2.c 3.a 4.c 5.c 6.a 7.a 8.b 9.b 10.b 11.b 12.d 13.b 14.a 15.a
16.a 17.a 18.c 19.b 20.a 21.b 22.c 23.a 24.b 25.d 26.b 27.a 28.a
29.b 30.a 31.b 32.a 33.d 34.a 35.c 36.b 37.a 38.b