Sacred Heart Mathematics Department : Connect 3B Unit 3 – A3 – Equations and Formulae – 9 lessons Extension Connect 3R Construct and solve linear equations [with or without brackets, negative signs anywhere in the equation, positive or negative solutions Use algebraic methods to solve simple non-linear equations Use trial and improvement methods and ICT to solve non-linear equations Construct and solve linear and nonlinear equations using an appropriate method Les- Lesson title son Objectives Starter FrameNo work 1 3.1 Solving equations Solve linear equations (with and without brackets, negative signs anywhere in the equation, positive or negative solution) Understand the meaning of the word ‘equation’ 2 3.2 Constructing equations Construct and solve linear equations (with and without brackets, negative signs anywhere in the equation, positive or negative solution) 3–4 32 6 5 3.4 Square roots and cube roots Estimate square roots and cube roots Use trial and improvement methods to find square roots and cube roots Solve a pair of simultaneous linear equations by first multiplying one equation by a constant and then eliminating one variable by adding or subtracting equations 6–7 3.5 Using ICT to find solutions to equations Use ICT to find approximate solutions to non-linear equations 3.6 Inequalities Know the meaning of an identity and the identity sign Know that an inequality or ordering is a statement that one expression is greater or less than another Know that an inequality remains true if you add or subtract the same number from both sides and multiply or divide by a positive number. The sign changes if you divide both sides by a negative number End of unit test. Mental Arithmetic. Review Test 9 Oral objectives: Key words: 9 3.3 Solving Use algebraic methods to solve simple non-linear equations equations involving squares Solve a pair of simultaneous linear equations by eliminating one variable (by substitution) 8 1 TESTING ICT/Additional Resources Badger: Yr8 10Ticks: L6 10Ticks: L6 Badger: Yr8 10Ticks: L5, P Badger: Yr8 Badger: Yr8 Support Connect 3G Solve linear equations with integer coefficients (unknown on one side) by transforming both sides in the same way Construct linear equations with integer coefficients (unknown on one side) and solve them by transforming both sides in the same way Solve simple linear equations with integer coefficients (unknown on both sides) by transforming both sides in the same way Begin to interpret the equals sign more broadly Construct linear equations with integer coefficients (unknown on both sides) and solve them by transforming both sides in the same way Substitute integers into simple linear expressions 7 Badger: Yr8 Begin to use graphs and set up equations to solve simple problems involving direct proportion 2 Badger solve, unknown, simplify, square, square root, cubic, inverse, cube root, trial and improvement, estimate, lower bound, upper bound, inequality, satisfy, identity