NSW PREMIER’S TEACHER SCHOLARSHIPS SCHOLARSHIP TERMS AND CONDITIONS Premier’s Teacher Scholarships Secretariat Department of Education and Training GPO Box 33 SYDNEY NSW 2001 Tel: 02 9244 5008 Fax: 02 9244 5646 Email: awards@det.nsw.edu.au Web: www.det.nsw.edu.au/awards The award of a NSW Premier’s Teacher Scholarship (“Scholarship”) is conditional on the individual selected for the award or part award of a Scholarship (“Recipient”) agreeing to be bound by the following terms and conditions: 1. 2. Terms and Conditions. The Recipient acknowledges that he or she has complied with the Application Terms and Conditions. 5. Use of scholarship funds. Scholarship funds must only be used for the purposes outlined and budgeted for in the Recipient’s proposal and approved by the Departments. The Recipient is responsible for all additional expenses. 6. Summary of expenses and receipts. Recipients must keep receipts for all expenses in excess of $50.00. A copy of the receipts together with a summary of expenses must be provided to the Secretariat within fourteen (14) days of the Recipient’s return to Australia. 7. Refunding funds. Any unspent Scholarship funds must be refunded to the Departments by cheque made payable to the “Premier’s Teacher Scholarships Secretariat” GPO Box 33, Sydney NSW 2001 within fourteen (14) days of the Recipient’s return to Australia. The Recipient may also be required to refund funds not spent in accordance with the approved budget or if the Recipient fails to comply with these terms and conditions. 8. Duration of scholarships. Scholarships are for overseas study for up to five (5) weeks duration. Projects must be completed within this specified period. In special cases, extensions of time may be granted upon written request to the Secretariat. 9. No deferral. Recipients must commence their study by the date specified in their proposal and approved by the Department. A later Application The Scholarship value at the time of payment may be less than the amount advertised. The Scholarship value is at the sole discretion of the Departments and subject to change without notice. The Recipient is not eligible for any additional funds. Scholarship amount. 3. Income tax. The scholarship is not provided on a tax-free basis. Recipients are advised to seek advice from a professional tax adviser regarding the tax payable on the Scholarship funds. 4. Payment of funds. Scholarship funds are paid as a lump sum directly into the Recipient’s nominated bank account prior to the commencement date of the study. Payment may be withheld until confirmation is received that the Recipient has finalised his or her itinerary, has all the necessary consents and approvals to conduct the proposed study and confirmation that he or she has complied with these terms and conditions. D2003/130643 commencement date may be requested in writing from the Secretariat, however it will only be granted in exceptional circumstances. Foreign Affairs and Trade accordance with that advice. and act in Recipients are solely responsible for their health, safety and well being at all times while overseas. This includes receiving recommended inoculations and medication for their proposed travel destination. 19. Health advice. The Scholarship and Scholarship funds are not transferable. 10. No transfer. The award of a Scholarship is contingent upon the teacher obtaining approval from their school, institute or employing authority to take leave from their school or institute for the full duration of the Scholarship. 11. Leave. Recipients must provide the Secretariat with an itinerary thirteen (13) weeks prior to the anticipated departure date. The itinerary must be provided to the Secretariat by the date specified and include all information and supporting documentation requested specified by the Secretariat. 12. Itinerary. The Recipient agrees to comply will all reasonable requests of the Secretariat for additional information and documentation and to provide all requested information and documentation by the dates requested. 13. Information requests. Recipients from the government sector require approval from the Minister of Education and Training to travel overseas. The Recipient agrees to be bound by any conditions attached to such approval. If approval is not given the Recipient may no longer be eligible for the award of the Scholarship. 14. Ministerial approval for travel. of ministerial approval. Ministerial approval for travel will be requested on behalf of the Recipient by the Secretariat. The Department gives no assurance that Ministerial approval will be granted. 15. Request Scholarship funds may be applied towards to the cost of one return economy airfare. Recipients are responsible for making their own travel arrangements and where possible must use an Australian airline for their flights. Scholarship funds must not be used to cover the costs of stopovers unless unavoidable. 16. Travel arrangements. Recipients are responsible for obtaining all necessary passports, visas and other travel documentation. The award of a Scholarship or grant of ministerial approval (where required) does not guarantee or provide any representation that the Recipient is eligible for a passport or visa to the intended destination. 17. Passports and visas. Recipients must consult the travel advice issued by the Department of The Recipient must take out comprehensive travel and medical insurance recommended for overseas travel to the country or countries of destination. Scholarship funds may be applied towards the cost of insurance. 20. Insurance. The Recipient accepts all risks resulting from their participation in the Scholarship program and overseas study that could result in loss, damage or injury. The Recipient hereby releases the Departments from all claims, demands and proceedings arising from the Recipient’s participation in the Scholarship program or overseas study and indemnifies the Department against all liability from all injury, loss or damage arising out of their participation in the Scholarship program or study. This is a continuing obligation on the Recipient and will extend beyond the term of the Scholarship. 21. Indemnity. The Scholarship will be withdrawn if the Recipient is found to have breached any of these terms or conditions or if he or she brings the Department, a sponsor of the Scholarship or NSW teaching profession into disrepute. The Scholarship may also be withdrawn if the Recipient has not fulfilled the Scholarship requirements or if the Recipient is not making satisfactory progress. In serious circumstances, the Recipient will be required to repay all or part of the Scholarship funds to the Department. 22. Withdrawal of Scholarship. The Recipient must return to the teaching profession in NSW for at least twelve (12) months on completion of the study. 23. Return to Australia. The Recipient is required to submit to the Secretariat a detailed report in the form and with the content specified by the Secretariat (“Final Report”) within ninety (90) days of the completion of the study tour. The copy of the Final Report submitted will not be returned. 24. Final report. The Recipient warrants that the Final Report is original and will not infringe any third party intellectual property rights (including copyright), defame any person or persons, breach confidence nor contravene any law. 25. Warranty. 18. Travel advice. The Recipient hereby assigns all intellectual property contained in the Final 26. Assignment of IP. D2003/130643 Report to the Departments (including the right to communicate to the public). The Recipient consents for the Departments to use or authorise the use of the Final Report with or without amendment or acknowledging the Recipient as author, including posting the Final Report or parts of the Final Report on the Departments’ web-site or making the Final Report available to other professional associations for dissemination. 27. Moral rights consent. The Departments hereby grant a non-transferable, non-exclusive copyright licence to the Recipient to reproduce and use the Final Report for teaching or assessment purposes. Any other use of the Final Report must be approved by the Departments in writing. 28. Grant of licence. The Recipient must not do any act (including making any oral or written communication) that could damage the Department’s or any sponsor’s reputation, be misleading or deceptive, result in victimisation or harassment, lead to criminal or civil liability, or be reasonably found to be offensive, obscene, threatening, abusive or defamatory. The Recipient must at all times be a good ambassador for the Australian teaching profession. 29. Conduct. Recipients must comply with all laws, rules, regulations, policies and standards applicable to the teaching profession in Australia and the overseas country or countries and institutions which will be visited by the Recipient. 30. Comply with laws. The Recipient agrees to support the Departments in publicising and promoting the Scholarship program. Recipients may, amongst other things, be requested to write articles and make presentations in relation to their experiences. Prior to release of any material referring to the Scholarship program, the Departments may request a copy of such material for its approval. The Recipient must comply with any such request and comply with any conditions of approval. 31. Publicity and ongoing support. The Recipient consents for the publication and/or use in any form of media of his or her name, image, voice, statement, study, reports or otherwise, without payment or compensation. 32. Consent. Any public lectures, media releases, films, publications and/or other work resulting from the Scholarship, must contain the following acknowledgment: “This work was produced by [insert Recipient’s name], a recipient of a [insert full name of the Scholarship and year], awarded by the Mr Bob Carr Premier of New South Wales”. 33. Acknowledgment. The Recipient consents for the Departments and associated third parties to use the information, including personal information, provided in the Application Form and Final Report, for the purposes of assessing the Recipient’s compliance with these terms and conditions and for publicising the Scholarships program. 34. Privacy. The Recipient agrees to provide the Departments and their appointed auditors access to all financial records (including bank and credit card statements) to verify payment of the Scholarship funds and to assess compliance with these terms and conditions. 35. Access to records. The Departments at all times have the right to withdraw the Scholarship and/or require the refund of the Scholarship funds if the Recipient’s circumstances change, including if the Recipient is: (a) no longer teaching or eligible to teach in NSW or (b) if in the Departments’ opinion the purpose for which the scholarship was awarded may, by reason of the change, no longer be substantially fulfilled; or (c) if the Recipient fails to comply with these terms and conditions. 36. Changes in circumstances. 37. Exceptions. These terms and conditions are standard for all Recipients. However, exceptions may be granted to Recipients based on their individual needs and circumstances. These terms and conditions are subject to change at any time without notice. 38. Subject to change. All references to “the Departments” in these Terms and Conditions means both the Premier’s Department NSW and the Department of Education and Training. All dollar amounts, including Scholarship funds, are in Australian dollars. 39. Miscellaneous. D2003/130643