Engineering CV Checklist for Undergraduates

Undergraduate Work Placement - Engineering
CV Check list
Your CV must include all the details listed below. Before writing your CV, see the sample CVs and Guidelines by visiting and clicking on Students, Before Placement, write your CV.
Candidate Name
Addresses: Home Term
Telephone Numbers: Home Term Mobile
Email Address (college email only in name format i.e
age, gender and marital status not relevant
Career Objective
This is optional The Careers objective tells the reader what you are aiming for at this stage of your career. It should be short,
interesting and encourage the reader to continue reading your CV. Any statement of skills or abilities must be verified and expanded
on in your CV.
Third Level:
Most recent details first ensuring years tally.
Name and location of University, start and finish year of study, full course title
State that you are in 3rd year of 4 year course
Results ; overall result for 2nd and 1st year (most recent first) (e.g. Pass, 2H2, 2H1and individual % for each subject)
Educational Achievement ; College Scholar….
third year subjects
Projects/Assignments for both years. Highlight grade achieved and include individual responsibilities/contributions, highlight
skills acquired (both technical and personal i.e. meeting deadlines, teamwork, communication, research, planning workload,
analytical skills etc). In bullet point format. Highlight technical equipment used, software packages etc.
Name of School , town and county
Leaving Cert Points out of 600
Include relevant subjects with good grades and educational achievements
Language ….. level of fluency
Driving …. Full or provisional
Computer ; level of competency; Proficient use of….. Extensive Knowledge of…. Familiar with…. Or Programming languages….
Operating systems….. Software applications…… Include self taught ECDL etc.
Engineering skills/courses taken outside UCC such as Autocad or laser…
Highlight interpersonal skills: ie Team/ communication and where you have developed, ie Teamskills developed through
working on group projects/playing sports…..
Work Experience
Where possible try to have work experience heading at the start of second page. (CV reads and looks better)
Most recent details first - ensuring years tally:
Highlight Relevant engineering work experience, by putting it first and under a separate heading “Relevant Work
Name and location of employer, months/dates worked, job title
If many jobs, include only main ones ( go back max 2 to 3 years)
3 to 4 bullet points on each job,
Highlighting Skills learnt Technical and Personal and how you acquired them e.g. Teamwork, communication, problem solving
Include qualities shown e.g. enthusiastic, reliable, punctual, friendly
Include training received e.g. customer service, health and safety
Note promotion or achievement/recognition
Include initiatives taken by you e.g. to improve work procedures
Include voluntary and working in family/farm business.
Interests and Achievements
Hobbies, interests and achievements (Educational achievements should appear with educational details ie College Scholar )
Membership of Clubs and Societies – Position held.
Referees(optional) no need to include on CV
Approval must be given from referees prior to including their names on your CV
One Academic Referee from faculty of engineering (not school Principle)
One work Referee – based in Ireland
Name job title, organization, address and email/phone number.
General things to look out for in a CV
Check spellings and grammar (do a spell check)
Avoid clutter. Keep to a simple and easy to follow layout.
Keep the Language simple and concise (use bullet points)
Use the same style throughout when formatting CV font 10 or 12 style Ariel, verdana or tahoma
A Placement CV should be two pages, (no more or no less)
Do not use the personal tense, avoid “I” and “my” example “responsibilities included…..” or “Responsible for….” Not “I was
responsible for…”