MSP LEGACY ALUMNI CAMPAIGN GIFT & PLEDGE FORM I would like my gift to support (check one): Minority Student Program Alumni Endowment Fund Other #065992 See page 2 for other gift options to support the MSP GIFT & PLEDGE INFORMATION I would like to make a $5,000 $1,000 PAYMENT INFORMATION GIFT of: Please charge my credit card account: $500 $250 $100 American Express Other $ Name (on credit card) I would like to make a PLEDGE of: $5,000 $1,000 $500 $250 Card # $100 Visa MasterCard Expiration date Other $ Security Code (3 or 4 digit # on back of Visa/MC, 4 digit # on front of Amex) one-time (once) Daytime phone monthly (12 per year) annually (1 per year) quarterly (4 per year) month/year to start month/year to end (5 year maximum) Enclosed is my check payable to: RUTGERS UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION Please state fund name on the memo line of your check. MATCHING GIFT REMINDER TRIBUTE GIFT In honor of Yes, my employer will match my gift. Please state employer name below. In memory of Name Name(s) and addresses(s) for notification: ______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ CONTACT INFORMATION Please indicate the billing address associated with your credit card. Name Business Home Address 1 Title Home Address 2 Business Address 1 City, State ZIP Business Address 2 Home Telephone City, State ZIP Mobile Telephone Business Telephone Preferred E-mail Business E-mail Home Business Yes, please send me news about Rutgers! A portion of all gifts will be used to fund further advancement efforts on behalf of Rutgers. The Rutgers University Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Gifts made through Rutgers University Foundation are deductible for federal income, gift, and estate tax purposes. PLEASE MAIL, E-MAIL OR FAX TO: DEVELOPMENT OFFICE RUTGERS SCHOOL OF LAW-NEWARK Center for Law an d Justice t e l e ph o n e 9 7 3 . 3 5 3 . 5 0 9 4 1 2 3 W a sh i n g t o n S t r e et , R o o m 1 9 1 N ew a r k , N J 0 7 1 0 2 fax 973.353.5267 e - m a i l d e v @ k i n o y . r u t g er s. ed u w w w . l a w . n e w a r k . r u t g e r s . e d u MSP LEGACY ALUMNI CAMPAIGN GIFT & PLEDGE FORM Page 2 OTHER GIFT OPTIONS FOR THE BENEFIT OF MSP STUDENTS AND PROGRAMS NAME DESCRIPTION Minority Student Scholarship #037199 Minority Student Program Summer Internship Fund #039571 Minority Student Program Operating Fund #039579 Association of Black Law Students: Wanda Green Endowed Scholarship #066161 Association of Latin American Law Students Scholarship #037744 Judge Murry D. Brochin Endowed Fund for Disadvantaged Students Judge John J. Dios Endowed Scholarship #061304 Awarded to full-time students based on academic merit and financial need. Hands-on experience for first-year students in law firms, government agencies and public interest organizations. General support for summer orientation program, conference and competition fees, speakers, supplies and other operating needs. Established by the Association of Black Law Students in memory of Wanda Green, attendant on 9/11/01 Flight 93, and friend of Donita Judge, class of 2003. Based on financial need with a preference to students who have overcome extraordinary circumstances. Established by the Association of Latin American Law Students in 2010. Awarded to full-time or part-time Hispanic law students based on financial need and demonstrated community service. In honor of Murry D. Brochin, retired judge of the Appellate Division, and a former adjunct professor of civil practice and appellate advocacy to provide academic support. In memory of Judge John J. Dios, class of 1949; first judge of Hispanic origin appointed in 1974 to the Newark Municipal Court; Essex County District Court and NJ Supreme Court judge. Based on academic potential and financial need. In memory of Justice Morris Pashman, class of 1935; NJ Supreme Court justice; passionate advocate of individual rights, human dignity and value. The only full MSP scholarship to date based on academic excellence and financial need. In memory of Marie Slocum, beloved wife of Prof. Alfred A. Slocum. Awarded to a first-year student based on academic achievement, financial need and public interest/community activism. In memory of Judge Herbert H. Tate, Sr., class of 1935; civil rights champion; NJ Assemblyman; Superior Court judge. Based on outstanding achievement and financial need. Awarded to students from Union County based on academic merit or financial need. #065635 Justice Morris Pashman Endowed Scholarship #065840 Marie Slocum Endowed Scholarship #065629 Judge Herbert H. Tate, Sr. Endowed Scholarship #065587 Union Foundation Endowed Scholarship #065745 If you would like to make a gift to a fund not listed above, please indicate the fund name or purpose below: PLEASE MAIL, E-MAIL OR FAX TO: DEVELOPMENT OFFICE RUTGERS SCHOOL OF LAW-NEWARK Center for Law an d Justice t e l e ph o n e 9 7 3 . 3 5 3 . 5 0 9 4 1 2 3 W a sh i n g t o n S t r e et , R o o m 1 9 1 N ew a r k , N J 0 7 1 0 2 fax 973.353.5267 e - m a i l d e v @ k i n o y . r u t g er s. ed u w w w . l a w . n e w a r k . r u t g e r s . e d u