AUSTRALIAN GRADUATE SURVEY The Australian Graduate Survey (AGS) is a national survey of university graduates that is administered by Universities on behalf of Graduate Careers Australia (GCA). The survey collects data that assists the University of Adelaide in improving the experiences of their current and future students. The results of the survey are published by GCA, reported in the Good Universities Guide and used to allocate funding to universities from the Learning and Teaching Performance Fund. (Insert survey year) AGS Results for (insert program name) Graduates The following results from the survey were obtained from graduates who completed a (insert program name) at the University of Adelaide during (insert completion year). To ensure the confidentiality of responses, survey data are only reported at a program level when there are more than five responses. Feedback Received from Graduates Statement Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this course (Insert statement) (Insert statement) % Agreement xx% xx% xx% % Agreement is the percentage of graduates who either agreed or strongly agreed with the statement. (Provide feedback on recent initiatives to improve the program or positive feedback received about the program. Include what actions have been initiated as a result of feedback from previous students in the program.) Graduate Outcomes Outcome Further Full-Time Study Full-Time Employment Percentage of Available Graduates xx% xx% The percentage of graduates in full-time employment is out of those graduates who were available for full-time employment (i.e. were either in full-time employment or seeking full-time employment). The percentage of graduates in further full-time study is out of all responding graduates. The template can be completed from information available on the OPQ website at: Contact David Hirst (X 37570) if assistance is needed. DSH (S&P) 687291768