Jim Shipley & Associates District Self

Jim Shipley & Associates District Self-Assessment
Deployment Strategies
The following examples of field-tested strategies should be considered, or alternative
strategies identified, in developing a written deployment plan.
Leadership Awareness and Commitment
Senior leaders (superintendent, cabinet, board members, division administrators,
employee association leadership) participate in an orientation to a systems
approach to continuous improvement in preparation for leading a district-wide
Baldrige-based improvement effort.
The district has formally adopted the systems approach to performance excellence
and implementation architecture, and all leaders understand their role in supporting
the approach.
There is a process in place for orienting new school and department leaders to the
district priorities and its continuous improvement approach to achieving those
Partner Development
 There is a process in place for orienting existing and new partners to district
priorities and the continuous improvement approach to achieving those priorities.
Strategic Alignment
 There is a documented strategic planning process for translating federal, state, and
community requirements into goals, measures, and action plans for the district.
 The district goals are posted on the district’s website. Every staff member receives a
poster listing the goals and key measures to be posted as visible reminders to
students, staff, and parents of the commitment of everyone to achieving these goals.
 There is a process in place to ensure systematic monitoring and reporting of
progress toward district priorities to the board of education, staff, and the community.
 The district strategic plan includes a timeline for evaluating goals and adjusting
 All district-level administrators and principals develop department or site goals and
action plans that support the district goals, key measures, values, mission, and
© Jim Shipley & Associates, Inc.
September 2014
Operational Planning and Deployment (Departments and Schools)
 The department/school improvement plan template and process are based on
continuous improvement principles and practices—alignment, use of data, staff
engagement, and process improvement.
 There is a process in place to guide, coach, and support schools in the school
improvement planning process.
 There is a process in place to guide support service departments in the
development of deployment plans describing how they will customize roll-out to meet
the unique needs of their department.
 Common expectations for the implementation of continuous improvement principles
and practices are integrated into key district processes like the classroom walkthrough guide and employee evaluation criteria.
 Teachers have received district-provided training in classroom implementation for
the purpose of building interest in, and understanding of, a systems approach to
continuous improvement.
 There are objective criteria in place for the recognition of demonstration sites.
 School and department results are systematically reviewed and incorporated into the
results-reporting process to the board and community.
 Cross-walks, showing how district, department, and/or school initiatives fit in the
continuous improvement framework, are easily accessible.
 Non-instructional support staff have received training in continuous improvement
principles and practices for the purpose of building interest in, and understanding of,
the district’s improvement approach.
 Non-instructional work units set goals and measures that align to the district
strategic plan and department improvement plan.
 Key stakeholders have been engaged in the development of a consistent, coherent
K-12 curriculum and assessment framework aligned to state standards.
Leading High-Performing Systems
 Administrators receive regular coaching and support in the implementation of
continuous improvement principles and practices.
Administrators and supervisors use continuous improvement principles and
practices to manage meetings and improve key district processes.
 The performance appraisal process for administrators and supervisors integrates
continuous improvement principles and practices into performance expectations.
© Jim Shipley & Associates, Inc.
September 2014
Technical Support Systems
 Technical support teams are in place to coach and support implementation efforts at
the department, school, and classroom level.
 Role model demonstration sites—schools, classrooms, support service
departments—are in place for the purpose of providing staff with visible examples of
 Continuous Improvement Classroom Certification Criteria are in place and used to
recognize exemplary classrooms.
 The district’s professional development plan integrates continuous improvement
principles and practices into recommended training, coaching, and practice
opportunities for staff.
 Onsite training/coaching/feedback is provided to increase the degree of
implementation in schools, classrooms, departments, and work units.
Process Improvement and PDSA—Using Improvement Tools and Techniques
 The use of PDSA cycles is embedded into the department and school improvement
format and process.
 The use of PDSA cycles is embedded into the classroom observation and walkthrough format and process.
There is a system of short-cycle predictive assessments in place to support school
and classroom PDSA cycles of improvement.
System Assessment
 The cabinet/district leadership team uses the  Systems Check process on a
regular basis to determine system strengths and opportunities for improvement.
 The school board uses the  Systems Check process on a regular basis to
determine system strengths and opportunities for improvement.
 Education operations departments and business operations departments use the
 Systems Check process on a regular basis to determine system strengths and
opportunities for improvement.
 Schools use the  Systems Check process on a regular basis to determine
system strengths and opportunities for improvement.
 Classroom teachers use the  Systems Check process on a regular basis to
determine system strengths and opportunities for improvement.
 The district uses an external system assessment process: Jim Shipley & Associatesfacilitated assessment process, state quality award process, and/or national quality
award process to validate system strengths and opportunities for improvement.
© Jim Shipley & Associates, Inc.
September 2014