CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 College of Humanities and Social Sciences College Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee (CQAEC) Report to Senatus Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee (SQAEC) for 2005-06 1. Summary The report details the Quality Assurance and Enhancement procedures employed within the College and how they have been implemented in 2005-06. This covers monitoring by Schools of about 1290 UG courses and over 200 UG programmes, and about 100 PGT programmes, as well as programmes and courses in the Office of Lifelong Learning (OLL) (see below). The report also covers the QAE monitoring arrangements of Edinburgh College of Art (eca). The report is based on CQAEC’s review of the annual QAE reports submitted to the College by the Schools within the College, by OLL, and by eca. The report also takes account of External Examiners’ reports, external reviews and accreditations of programmes including Teaching Programmes Reviews. It provides the opportunity to share information and good practice, and thereby to enhance the quality of learning and teaching in the College. In general it is clear that Schools have broadly appropriate QAE procedures in place in line with College QAE requirements. There is evidence of improvements over the past year in relation to some Schools’ QAE procedures, though there are some areas where Schools need to make further progress (for example, in relation to the monitoring of postgraduate taught provision). The majority of the issues raised by Schools in their reports have been raised in previous years, and the College has been addressing them. Several new issues have emerged (for example, issues regarding the introduction of the Extended Common Marking Scheme). 2. Aims and Objectives This report indicates the extent to which Schools within the College have Quality Assurance and Enhancement procedures that can be said to be appropriate, comprehensive and effective, and the extent to which the relevant material and statistics have been returned. It also provides the opportunity to acknowledge and share good practice, and to aid the College in its review of quality assurance and enhancement procedures. It identifies any issues and trends arising from School QAE reports, especially those that might have wider bearing for teaching across the College as well as within any particular School. The report also aims to identify any generic problems with undergraduate or postgraduate teaching, so that the College can consider how best to support the Schools in addressing them. Page 1 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 3. College Quality Assurance and Enhancement Procedures Responsibility for the implementation of Quality Assurance and Enhancement is devolved to Schools and is overseen by the College Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee (CQAEC) through the Schools’ annual QAE reports. Each year the College sets out the requirements for Schools’ QAE reports in a guidance document, which is agreed with CQAEC and published on the College intranet. In summer 2006 the College, in consultation with School representatives, reviewed its guidelines to Schools. CQAEC agreed the revised guidance at its meeting on 13 November 2006. In most respects the draft guidance is similar to that which applied for reporting on 2004-05. The main change is that the College has revised the aspects of guidance that relate to course and programme monitoring, and the production of statistics, and provided guidance regarding the length of reports. Full details of the College procedures are available at: 3.1 Procedures for reviewing School QAE reports Each annual QAE report is reviewed by the CQAEC, both through focussed subgroup meetings and through a main meeting of CQAEC. As part of this process, a member of CQAEC is allocated as lead reviewer for each School report, as well as for the reports of OLL and eca. The lead reviewer identifies areas of good practice for dissemination within the College and any concerns arising out of the report. CQAEC then discusses these issues, and sets out specific and general issues arising from School reports in this report. To date, the Committee has allocated each School a different lead reviewer to the one allocated the previous year. The Committee has identified the benefit of enabling lead reviewers to develop a greater awareness of how the Schools they are reviewing have developed their QAE reporting process over previous years. The College will therefore, where possible, allocate the same lead reviewer to a School for two consecutive years. The College will also provide lead reviewers with a note setting out the main points from the previous year’s review of the School. 3.2 Location of responsibility for QAE within Schools The majority of Schools in CHSS now have well-established structures of responsibility for QAE issues, and do not have immediate plans to make substantial changes. However, it is clear from their QAE reports that four Schools (ACE, Health in Social Science, Education, and, to a lesser extent, History and Classics) are still reflecting on how best to organise their QAE structures. For several of the Schools, one of the key issues is whether to integrate QAE responsibilities more fully with wider responsibilities for the management of teaching (for example, by reporting on QAE issues through a Teaching Committee rather than a separate QAE Committee). For three of these Schools (ACE, Health, and History and Classics), the question of QAE arrangements is directly related to the intention of increasing the integration of teaching across diverse subject areas. Page 2 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 In the current session there were some issues regarding some Schools achieving continuity of representation on the CQAEC Committee in 2006-07 as a result of staff sabbaticals. It is important for Schools to have continuity of representation, in order that their representatives can participate fully in the process of peer reviewing of School QAE reports and in the activities of the Committee more generally. Whilst the School representatives have performed admirably under the circumstances, the College will encourage Schools to as far as possible nominate the same QAE representative for the full year, and over a number of years. 3.3 Course and Programme Monitoring The College has well established procedures for course monitoring based on standard templates. eca and OLL have not yet wholly aligned themselves with CHSS’s course monitoring procedures (see sections 4 and 5 below). From School QAE reports, it is clear that a high proportion of CMFs have been completed and returned to Schools, with half of Schools obtaining CMFs for all courses. In general Schools have obtained a higher proportion of CMFs than they did in 2004-05, with notable improvements in several Schools. Health in Social Science has successfully incorporated new subject areas into the College’s course monitoring procedures, though they did not manage to obtain all CMFs in one subject area. History and Classics has improved its CMF collection rates in History as a result of appointing QAE representatives for the subject area. Where Schools have not achieved full returns, reasons include difficulties associated with the AUT industrial action, and requests for CMFs not being issued sufficiently early in the year. Schools which have not achieved full CMF return rates have provided evidence that they have plans to improve the situation. In some Schools course monitoring procedures are not yet running as systematically for PGT courses as they are for UG courses, though several Schools have improved their course monitoring systems for PGT courses over the past year. The Committee will closely monitor progress on this, particularly given the College’s plans to further expand PGT student numbers. Two Schools (Law, and PPLS) use course audit files to collate and collect the information required for QAE purposes, and to systematically monitor progress from year to year. This is an excellent practice, and the Committee encourages other Schools to adopt it. In 2005-06 the College for the first time asked Schools to extend course monitoring to include the taught element of postgraduate research degrees. One School (Social and Political Studies) has made good progress in relation to this. The Committee will continue to reinforce the need for monitoring the taught elements of PGR degrees. The College asks Schools to conduct annual programme monitoring for all their UG and PGT programmes. In addition to reflecting on statistics at programme level (see below), there is evidence of particularly good practices in some Schools regarding the use of questionnaires, focus groups and open forums as mechanisms for reviewing learning and teaching at programme level. However, there are further opportunities for Schools to monitor their provision at programme level, and the Committee encourages Schools to extend their programme monitoring activities. Page 3 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 3.4 Presentation and analysis of statistics As part of the 2004-05 QAE review process, some School QAE representatives sought clarification regarding what statistics should be presented in School QAE reports, how these statistics should be presented to aid analysis, and what questions School representatives should be asking in relation to the statistics. In response to this, for the 2005-06 review process the College substantially revised the aspects of guidance that relate to course and programme monitoring, and the production of statistics. The majority of Schools have taken into account this guidance and improved the coverage and presentation of statistics in their reports and the level of reflection on the statistics, though there remains room for further improvement, particularly in relation to several Schools. The Committee will closely review Schools’ progress in this area, and provide further guidance and examples of good practices where this will assist Schools. This year the College worked with Registry to provide Schools with standard information on joint degree outcomes, since some Schools have found it difficult to collate this information in relation to joint degrees for which they are not the lead School. This has assisted Schools in presenting this information in their QAE reports. There are considerable advantages to Schools taking a standardised approach to statistics on course and programme outcomes more generally, and College plans to explore with Registry whether it can provide statistics to Schools to meet all their requirements for the annual quality reporting process. This will however require the Committee to agree more precisely the statistics it would require, since Registry is unlikely to be able to take a different approach for each School. Several Schools have had difficulties producing statistics in line with the Extended Common Marking Scheme, since DACS reports on course results do not break the A grade into A1/A2/A3. As part of discussions regarding the provision of statistics, the College will explore with Registry whether it can provide data fully in line with the ECMS. The Committee anticipates that the EUCLID system, when implemented, will assist in providing data for QAE monitoring purposes. 3.5 Student feedback questionnaires The majority of School QAE reports reflect on alternative approaches to student feedback questionnaires, with some Schools experimenting with online questionnaires or machine-readable paper questionnaires. It is clear from School reports, and discussion with School QAE representatives, that Schools would welcome the opportunity to debate at College level the objectives of using student questionnaires and the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches. CQAEC had an initial discussion of this issue at its meeting in March 2007, as a first stage of its plans for wider debate regarding student engagement with QAE processes in the College. This discussion helped to clarify some important issues regarding student feedback questionnaires, and identified some good practices in Schools. The Committee plans to discuss the issue further at a future meeting. Page 4 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 4. eca The Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) between the University of Edinburgh and eca for the accreditation of eca awards by the University came into force in 2004-05. The eca/ University Accreditation Committee monitors the operation of the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA). In its second report (July 2006), it found that eca has mature and effective processes for assuring the quality of its academic provision and maintaining appropriate standards for degree programmes, that eca appears committed to taking a systematic approach to quality enhancement, and that overall the eca and the University of Edinburgh have so far managed the accreditation arrangement effectively. The Accreditation Committee next meets in June 2007. Under the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA), eca is required to provide CHSS with an annual QAE report which as far as practicable is aligned to the University’s and CHSS’s QAE procedures. This is the second year that eca has provided CHSS with an annual QAE report under the Memorandum. As reported in CQAEC’s last report, in many respects eca’s quality reporting format is already aligned with CHSS’s quality reporting guidelines. The main area of current divergence is that CHSS expects monitoring to occur at the level of the course as well as the programme, whereas eca monitors solely at programme level (through its Annual Programme Monitoring and Review, APMR, processes). The Accreditation Committee has discussed the possibility that over time eca will become more closely aligned with CHSS’s requirements. In particular, eca could plan to pilot monitoring at individual module / course level (whilst retaining monitoring at programme level) within one School in 2007-08, with a view to introducing this across all of eca. The Accreditation Committee will discuss this at its next meeting. eca has signalled that it will confirm at that meeting that monitoring down to module level is inappropriate for a nonmodular studio based structure. 5. Office of Lifelong Learning OLL became part of CHSS during 2004-05 and as a result became subject to CHSS’s quality procedures. The nature of OLL’s work differentiates it from other CHSS Schools but many of its procedures echo those currently employed by CHSS. It does not currently use Course Monitoring Forms, though it has other processes in place for monitoring at course level, and does not apply student questionnaires for all courses every year, though there are mechanisms for student feedback. CHSS is encouraging OLL to move towards closer alignment with these aspects of CHSS requirements and OLL is developing appropriate procedures for 2006-07, on which it has been asked to report in 2007-08. 6. QAE arrangements for Continuing Professional Development provision The College offers a considerable amount of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) provision. OLL is responsible for coordinating and marketing some of this, and the School of Education is also a major provider of CPD. Appropriate QAE arrangements should be in place for monitoring CPD courses, in particular where they are for-credit. The College raised this issue at the SQAEC meeting in February 2007, and plans to work with relevant areas of the College to develop appropriate QAE arrangements, where they are not already in place. Page 5 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 7. Programme Review Teaching Programme Reviews The CQAEC report on 2005-06 indicated that Schools had not yet submitted formal responses for the following TPRs that took place in 2004-05: Nursing; Asian Studies; European Languages and Cultures (including Celtic); and Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies. The Schools have now provided formal responses to all these TPRs. The following TPRs took place in 2005-06 in CHSS: Community Education English Language English Literature Social Anthropology Sociology Schools have provided formal responses in relation to all these TPRs except English Language. This represents a substantial improvement on the previous year in terms of the time involved in closing this part of the quality loop. These formal responses are attached as appendices. We have encouraged PPLS to submit a formal response to the English Language TPR. The following specific issues arose from the 2005-06 TPRs: research links and research training; student feedback on courses and programmes; and postgraduate tutors and demonstrators. The themes of research links and research training are important elements of the CHSS L&T Strategy (see below). CQAEC has addressed student feedback in 3.5 above. School QAE reports identify some good practice in relation to support and development for postgraduate tutors and demonstrators. For example, SPS produces a Tutor’s Manual, and provides induction and on-going feedback and training. LLC and History and Classics also identify good practices. CQAEC considered the outcomes of the 2005-06 TPRs at its meeting on 6 March 2007. In line with the arrangements following the review of the TPR process, which recommended that the College UG Studies Committee also consider TPR reports, CUGSC will be considering the outcomes at its meeting on 26 April 2007. Quinquennial Reviews The CQAEC report on 2005-06 indicated that the College had not yet received formal responses for the QQRs of Divinity (2004-05) and Law (2003-04). The Schools have now submitted these reports. The following Quinquennial Reviews of postgraduate programmes were held in 200506: Arts, Culture and Environment Management School and Economics Page 6 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 MSE has submitted a formal response to the QQR. ACE has not yet done so yet. Professional and Statutory Body Reviews The following external bodies accredited programmes in the College in 2005-06: Architects Registration Board (ARB) and the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) reviewed the MA (Hons) in Architectural Design and the Master of Architecture (Design). The College has informed CQAEC of the positive outcome of each of these accreditations, and of the schedule of Professional and Statutory Body reviews in 2006-07 and later. 8. External Examiners The procedures for dealing with undergraduate external examiners’ reports are as follows: External Examiners send their reports directly to the Head of College. The Associate Dean (QAE) reads and acknowledges reports on behalf of the Head of College. The Associate Dean (QAE) marks up the reports with starred points requiring responses or actions, and forwards them to the relevant Head of School. Schools respond directly to the External Examiner with copies to the Associate Dean (QAE). (Heads of Schools may delegate this task to a member of staff with an appropriate remit within the School.) The Associate Dean (QAE) provides Heads of Schools with more detailed analyses of the External Examiners Reports, and produces a College report on External Examiners Reports for the Head of College and University Director of Quality Assurance and Enhancement. This report identifies themes and issues within the College which may require actions. The element of the report that identify themes and issues is attached as Appendix 3. Through the annual QAE reporting process, Schools indicate any relevant Schoolwide issues arising out of the external examining process, and confirm that appropriate action is being taken in response to all external examiners’ reports. These issues are covered in section 9 below. In its report on 2004-05, CQAEC reported that it had not obtained reports from eight external examiners. The College had liaised with the Schools of Law and Education and ensured that they took all reasonable steps to obtain these reports, but the Schools did not manage to obtain further reports. The College has improved its system for tracking receipt of QAE reports, particularly in relation to Education. The College has managed to obtain almost all external examiner reports for 2005-06. In 2005-06 there were 140 External Examiners in the College at Undergraduate level (excluding ECA) and we have obtained reports from all with the exception of two external examiners in the School of Education. The School of Education does not expect to obtain the report from one of these external examiners, due to the long-term illness of the examiner. The School has taken steps to obtain the other external examiner’s report, and the College understands that its submission is imminent. Page 7 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 The College Postgraduate Office conducts a broadly similar process for postgraduate external examiners’ reports, with the difference that the College PG Dean does not routinely provide Schools with an analysis of their external examiner reports. This year the Postgraduate Office will for the first time produce a report summarising themes in postgraduate external examiners’ reports. Due to the timescales of PGT examination board arrangements, it is not possible for the College to produce the PG report as early as the UG equivalent. However, the PG Office has now made good progress with the report, and expects it to be completed in May 2007. The College also receives copies of external examiner reports for eca’s undergraduate and postgraduate provision. Since eca’s external examiner reports are subject to scrutiny in eca by the Academic Registrar as well as the Head of School / Department, CHSS would not routinely raise issues regarding eca external examiner reports, though it has the option to do so where appropriate. The Associate Dean (QAE), having reviewed the external examiner reports and eca responses for 2005-06, is satisfied that eca’s procedures and proposed actions are appropriate. 9. Issues identified from review of School QAE reports 9.1 Peer Observation of Teaching CQAEC indicated last year that peer observation of teaching (POT) was taking place across the College with varying degrees of effectiveness. CQAEC has encouraged Schools to further develop the use of POT, and has also kept Schools informed of progress on SQAEC’s discussion of the issue over the past year. Since last year, three Schools (History and Classics, MSE, and PPLS) have taken steps to increase POT activities. Two further Schools (SPS and Education) have plans to increase POT activities, and OLL is also considering how best to respond to this agenda within its particular context. CQAEC is aware that some staff in Schools can have reservations regarding the benefits of peer observation of teaching, particularly in relation to more experienced staff. However, CQAEC is of the view that POT can be a helpful and developmental practice both for the observer and observed, and should be a significant part of Schools’ learning and teaching strategies. It will therefore continue to encourage Schools to extend these practices. CQAEC will encourage Schools to implement systems for POT which would involve annual observation for staff early in their careers at the University, and the potential for a lesser frequency of observation for staff later in their careers at the University. CQAEC will take into account any further guidance from SQAEC on this matter. 9.2. Impact of AUT industrial action on assessment and exam board process During 2006 the Association of University Teachers (AUT) called on its members to take industrial action short of a strike, as part of a national dispute. All Schools refer to the industrial action in their reports, though OLL and eca do not. Most Schools report that the industrial action created challenges in terms of their teaching and assessment. Whilst only a very small number of examinations were Page 8 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 cancelled, Schools reported difficulties relating to links with placement supervisors, feedback to students on assessment, late submission of examination scripts to external examiners, external examiners being unable to attend examination boards, and difficulties with the completion of course monitoring forms. Whilst the vast majority of external examiners did not comment on the impact of the industrial action, most of those that did were positive regarding how Schools minimised the disruption on students. Neither School QAE reports nor external examiner reports give any grounds to believe that the industrial action affected academic standards. In some cases the combination of the introduction of the ECMS (see 9.3 below) and the industrial action will have made it difficult for Schools to compare trends in grade profiles. 9.3 Introduction of Extended Common Marking Scheme Most Schools comment on the introduction of the ECMS. From Schools’ comments, it appears that in general the ECMS has as yet only had limited effect on marking habits, though practice is variable across the College. Whilst several Schools point to some changes in patterns in marking in the B and A bands, in general there is little evidence of increased use of the full 30 point range of the A grade. The College held a workshop for Schools on 21 March 2007 to enable Schools to raise issues regarding the operation of the ECMS. The College will continue to encourage Schools to further implement the ECMS, through discussion in College Committees, and through encouraging Schools to take forward discussion in their own forums. OLL (which had an exemption that allowed it to introduce the Scheme one year later, in 2006-07) is to be commended for having organised tutor development for the introduction of the scheme, and three Schools are planning to proactively discuss the ECMS during the latter part of 2006-07, for example through discussion at an away day (Classics). The University’s plans to standardise examination board practices should assist in implementing the ECMS consistently across the College. 9.4 Impact of increases in student numbers As was the case last year, almost half of Schools refer to the impact on staff workload of increases in student numbers, largely in relation to increases in taught postgraduate student numbers. It is clear that some Schools are beginning to develop strategies for coping with the challenges involved in PGT expansion by introducing greater efficiencies in teaching methods, for example by reviewing the viability of courses with low student numbers, and developing cross-School courses. The College has developed an academic staff workload allocation model, which is intended to assist Schools to take a fair way to assessing existing staff workload arrangements and to allocating additional work. Where Schools utilise this model, it should assist them to manage the workload involved in teaching of increased student numbers. 9.5 Plagiarism This issue is more pronounced in this year’s report. It is clear that some Schools are becoming increasingly proactive in detecting plagiarism (two Schools report that they have started to use the Turnitin plagiarism detection software), raising student awareness of University policy regarding academic misconduct, and developing students’ referencing skills. For example, MSE has run sessions for students on good Page 9 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 citation practice, in response to plagiarism cases. eca has introduced staff development sessions on academic misconduct, and student workshops. 9.6 Library resources As in the last two years, some Schools have reported concerns about the provision of Library resources and the implications for teaching. These comments have been passed on to the College Library Committee. 9.7 Teaching accommodation Teaching accommodation continues to be a common issue in School reports. Half of Schools raise concerns regarding difficulties with the operation of the central room booking services. In particular staff have experienced difficulties in booking rooms of the appropriate capacity and with adequate equipment. Some Schools also report frequent negative student feedback regarding the appropriateness and quality of teaching accommodation. The College and individual Schools are working with the University’s Learning & Teaching Spaces Study Project to help the University develop its long-term vision regarding its future learning, teaching and study spaces. However, it appears from School QAE reports that many Schools are preoccupied by practical issues regarding current demands on space, and the College recommends that the relevant stakeholders (MALTS and Estates and Buildings) take steps to address these practical issues. 9.8 English Language Skills Last year one School raised concern at the poor English language abilities of a number of postgraduate students whose first language is not English. Two different Schools raised similar issues in their reports this year, and it is likely that other Schools are facing similar issues. In response to these issues, on behalf of the College the Institute for Applied Language Studies (IALS) has introduced for-credit courses in Academic English for International Students with effect from 2007-08, to help raise the participants’ English language and study skills to enable them to participate fully in undergraduate programmes. These courses will initially be compulsory for students on the Japanese Exchange programme, and will be available for other students on undergraduate exchange programmes. IALS has an established English Language Testing and Tuition (ELTT) programme for postgraduate students, and Schools should liaise with IALS regarding the needs of their PG students. 9.9 Provision of feedback to students on examinations There has been ongoing discussion of the issue of feedback to students at the College Undergraduate Studies Committee over the past year. In addition, CQAEC discussed the issue at its meeting on 13 November 2006, in the context of the findings of the National Student Survey. The majority of formative assessment is provided by staff in relation to on-course assessment and tutorial participation. However, the extensive discussions at CUGSC and CQAEC have led to an increased awareness within the College of the importance and benefits of providing student feedback in relation to examinations in particular. Whilst Schools have raised some practical concerns regarding the provision of feedback on examinations (for example, logistical Page 10 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 difficulties in providing students access to examination scripts) they have also suggested positive solutions such as providing group feedback through producing model answers and electronic feedback. In line with Academic Policy Committee’s position, the College has encouraged Schools to introduce a ‘staged approach’ to feedback to students on level 7 and 8 examination performance. In addition, four Schools have agreed to participate in pilot examination feedback activities. School QAE provide further evidence that Schools are reflecting on these issues. For example, Education and MSE plan to formally review their assessment feedback activity during 2006-07. 10. Enhancement and Good Practice During 2005-06 the College continued to emphasise the importance of quality enhancement as well as quality assurance. To assist it in promoting quality enhancement, in 2005-06 it created a new post of Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching Innovation). The College’s most significant quality enhancement activity during 2005-06 was to develop a formal Learning and Teaching Strategy, which its Planning and Resources Committee approved in December 2006. The College held an event in March 2007 to formally launch the Strategy, and has now begun to implement it (see Forward Look section). In addition, in 2005-06 the College supported and facilitated enhancement activities in three areas: Teachability. The College has continued to encourage Schools to undertake Teachability reviews, and has provided advice and support to individual Schools in relation to this. The College has achieved good progress in relation to Teachability in 2005-06. Prior to 2005-06, one School (Law) and a number of individual subject areas had completed Teachability reviews. In 2005-06 four further Schools (Health in Social Science, SPS, PPLS, and Divinity) completed reviews (though Divinity plans to do some additional work on its review). The majority of other Schools have indicated that they are making good progress with their reviews, and expect to complete them in 2006-07. Employability and Personal Development Planning. The College has explored practices across Schools in CHSS in relation to promoting employability through learning and teaching, and has identified examples of good practices, some of which it documented and circulated within the College. In December 2005 the College ran a workshop to highlight these good practices and to stimulate thinking in the College on the issue. Introducing Personal Development Planning is an important element of the College’s L&T Strategy. The College held a wellattended workshop in December 2006 to initiate a College-wide debate regarding the form that PDP should take in the College and how it could be implemented and supported on an ongoing basis, in parallel with the introduction of e-portfolio software. The College has established a steering group to coordinate its work on PDP. It anticipates that activities supported by the Scottish Funding Council’s employability funding will assist it to take forward PDP, as well as employability in a wider sense. E-learning. During 2005-06 the College e-learning consultant continued to assist the College to enhance its use of e-learning. The consultant has focussed on Page 11 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 assisting Schools and individual members of staff to develop projects and bids for funding. He has also taken the lead on developing a College e-learning Strategy, which is now in an advanced draft form. School QAE reports provide evidence of increasing use of WebCT and other forms of e-learning, including some very positive and innovative practices. It would however be helpful for Schools to provide some reflection on student and staff feedback on these developments, in order that the Committee can better understand how these are enhancing learning and teaching at UG and PG level. In addition, the College has identified and shared good practices on specific issues such as assessment. From Schools QAE reports, and the reports of OLL and eca, it is clear that there is great variety of Learning and Teaching practices within Schools. Identified examples of good practices include: Introduction of an internship in the History of Art’s Masters Programme, which has proved highly successful in recruiting students. Audio essays in Scottish Ethnology, which enable students to make use of the Scottish Studies sound archive resource and to develop new transferable skills in the field of editing, scripting and oral delivery. Innovative peer-assisted approaches to student learning support in the Management School and Economics, in particular the ‘Maths Base’ for undergraduate Economics students, and the MSc Economics Help Desk. 11. A Forward Look During the remainder of 2006-07, the College will focus its QE activities on implementing its L&T Strategy. The Strategy identifies the following activities for action by the College in the course of 2006-07: Exploring ways to connect students more closely to the research culture of the College, and suggesting specific areas for action. Reviewing student induction and study skills support arrangements and identifying areas for improvement, with a view to working with relevant stakeholders to introduce changes in the short to medium term. Continuing to engage with the employability agenda, including taking forward work on Personal Development Planning and working with the Transkills Unit to improve transferable skills provision for postgraduate students. Working with Human Resources to review the current appraisal process (including frequency), ensuring that it is fit for purpose; agreeing with Schools how to measure the implementation of appraisal; and setting realistic targets that Schools/College Office are able to work towards. Conducting a review of current practices in team-teaching in the College, and reflecting on pedagogical research and practices at other institutions, in order to identify where there would be benefits in extending the use of team-teaching. Working with Schools to clarify their current and anticipated future learning and teaching space requirements. Page 12 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 By early 2007 agreeing an e-learning strategy which will be fully integrated with the Learning and Teaching Strategy. Monitoring how the College intends to implement the CUGSC report on Assessment, and considering ways in which innovations in assessment might be introduced in line with the current Enhancement theme. Continuing to liaise closely with the Library over the redevelopment of the Main Library building and seeking to ensure insofar as possible that this work meets the needs of staff and students, that it is in line with relevant aims within the Strategy as well as with College’s other priorities, such as research. The College will also encourage Schools to implement the Strategy in ways most compatible with their particular disciplines and contexts, and will ask Schools to report on their progress in their annual QAE reports. It is clear from School QAE reports on 2005-06 that some Schools are already reflecting on and addressing issues central to the Strategy, for example, issues of team teaching and teaching-research linkages. The College has in 2006-07 continued to encourage and support Schools to complete Teachability reviews, where they have not already done so. It will consider holding an event later in 2006-07, or early in 2007-08, to highlight the findings from School Teachability reviews. The College has continued to encourage Schools to engage with the QAA Enhancement themes, particularly where the themes meet the specific needs of the College and its Schools. From Schools’ QAE reports, and the reports of eca and OLL, it is clear that they plan many positive developments, including: eca’s plans to further develop its induction programme for External Examiners. Plans for Classics to introduce annual Teaching Away Days, the first of which will focus on implementing the Extended Common Marking Scheme. Divinity’s plans to better support students with disabilities by piloting the recording of classes and placing lecture material on the web, once the relevant software is available. The College plans to continue to work with OLL to align their QAE procedures with CHSS’s requirements. In 2006-07 the University introduced arrangements whereby students that study abroad in year three are classified solely on the basis of their year four work. In 200708 the Committee will carefully review the impact of this major development in terms of programme outcomes. Page 13 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 Appendices Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Appendix 4 Appendix 5 Appendix 6 Appendix 7 Remit and Membership of the Committee Review of School Quality Assurance and Enhancement reports Associate Dean (QAE) report on Undergraduate External Examiners’ Reports Formal response to Community Education Teaching Programme Review Formal response to English Literature Teaching Programme Review Formal response to Social Anthropology Teaching Programme Review Formal response to Sociology Teaching Programme Review Page 14 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 Appendix 1 Remit and Membership of College Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee Convener - CHSS Associate Dean (QAE) Secretary - Senior Administrative Officer (Academic) Membership - 10 School QA Directors; representative from the Office of Lifelong Learning; representative from eca; representative from College of Science and Engineering; ex officio Dean (PG); ex officio Dean of UG studies, ex officio Associate Dean(UG); ex officio Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching Innovation); Deputy College Registrar; 2 student representatives Remit - to oversee the implementation across the College of the University's strategy for quality assurance of teaching, including procedures to ensure that: a. all awardbearing courses and programmes have in place staffstudent liaison committees which meet regularly and report action taken in response to issues addressed. b. all award-bearing courses and programmes of study are subject to periodic monitoring and review in accordance with College and University requirements. c. arrangements for external examining are securely in place, and appropriate action is promptly taken where necessary to address issues raised in external examiners' reports. to receive reports from the School QA&E Committees and to act as a College Quality Audit Committee to take a proactive role in promoting Quality Enhancement and to monitor changes and innovation in Teaching and Learning within the College. - Alan Ducklin; (Convener); Tom Ward (Secretary); Dr Martin Current membership: Hammer (ACE); Dr Marcella Althaus-Reid (Divinity); Brian Martin (Education); Dr Graeme Smith (Health); Dr Trevor Griffiths (H&C); Dr Paul du Plessis (Law); Dr Bill Webster (LLC); Dr Tina Harrison (MSE); Dr Jeffrey Ketland (PPLS); Dr Luke March (SPS); Irene Bruce (eca); Graham Venters (OLL); James Bourton (student rep); Guy Bromley (student rep); Dr Andrew Coulson (CSE); Professor Jake Ansell; Dr Chris Clark; Janet Rennie; Donald Rutherford; Stephen Tierney Page 15 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 Appendix 2: Review of School QAE Reports School: Arts, Culture and Environment Checklist The School had a Quinquennial Review of Postgraduate provision in March 2006. At the time the report was written the School had not submitted a formal response. Good Practice Interesting report, demonstrating a depth of reflection on the findings of the 200506 QAE process. Introduction of feedback sheets for History of Art students that had undertaken independent project work in 3rd and 4th years. Increased use of WebCT. Introduction of an internship in the History of Art’s Masters Programme. Actively seeking the views of part-time tutorial staff as part of the process of evaluating pre-honours courses. Introduction of an ACE academic staff workload model that may generate more transparency regarding the allocation of teaching and other responsibilities. History of Art lunchtime meetings to assist students with writing skills and more general matters concerning dissertations, placements, and other forms of independent project work – this model may have wider applicability in the School and College. Positive outcome to professional body reviews of Architecture. Areas for further consideration Further improve the presentation of statistics, in order to allow for easy reflection on trends and to present figures on A grade marks in line with the ECMS. Explore alternative approaches to managing QAE processes in the School, including considering the benefits of standardising approaches to subject level review, and reflecting on the appropriate School Committee arrangements. Continue to look at ways to enhance uptake of Peer Observation in Teaching, including introducing this practice in Music. Review assignment turnaround times in the School and seek ways to minimise delays in returning assessments to students. Consider the possibilities for inter-disciplinary teaching across the School. Determine optimum seminar group sizes for effective teaching and learning. Consider ways to use the Library reserve collection and WebCT to improve Teaching Support Materials. Review whether courses with low intakes represent an efficient use of teaching resources. Page 16 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 School: Divinity Checklist The School had a Quinquennial Review of Postgraduate Provision in August 2005. It has submitted a formal response to this review. Good Practice The further development of e-learning initiatives at all levels. Introduction of an IT skills course for first year undergraduate students. Positive response to issues of Teachability. Plans to pilot the recording of classes and placing lecture material on the web, once the relevant software is available. Development of more transparent moderating processes for team-taught courses at pre-honours level. Effective response to external examiners’ reports. Areas for further consideration Provide the full range of statistics in relation to course and degree outcomes, and provide more reflection on the statistics particularly in relation to courses with high proportions of marks in lower grades. Continue to encourage staff to participate in Peer Observation of Teaching. Page 17 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 School: Education Checklist The School has not managed to obtain Course Monitoring Forms for all courses, though it has provided an explanation for this. All other elements of the checklist are ticked positively. Good Practice Clear evidence that the School is reflecting on the findings of the annual QAE process, and that there is willingness among staff to make developments where necessary. Plans to carry out a School audit of mechanisms for providing feedback to students on assessment. Efforts to close the QAE reporting cycle earlier in the academic cycle. Introduction of monitoring of programme data, such as withdrawal rates, by gender. Positive statements of external examiners regarding the student-centred nature of PG programmes and level of student support for PG students. Re-organisation of taught Masters programmes and development of new postgraduate programmes. Preparation of a discussion paper in order to stimulate discussion regarding ways to improve the marketing of the School’s postgraduate programmes. Areas for further consideration Improve rates of submission of course monitoring forms. Report on plans to formally review the School’s QAE procedures in summer 2007, and as part of this develop a more systematic approach to QAE for postgraduate programmes. Clarify the role of the Director of QAE in the School, and how it relates to the main School Committees, in order that QAE is more explicitly taken into account within the School. Greater analysis of statistics, including reflecting in the QAE report on those programmes and courses which have significantly high failure rates. Consider whether a standard questionnaire for obtaining feedback on programmes might be beneficial. Clarify the position of the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Assessment for QAE purposes. Report back on what is being done to address the issue of dissertation supervisors and the student expectations of this relationship. Review and report on the appropriateness of criteria used to award Merits and Distinctions in PGDE Primary and Secondary programmes. Report back on how the School plans to enhance the student experience at PG level. Continue to make progress on Teachability, in order that the review is completed in the current session. Page 18 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 Report on how the School plans to manage and renew its staffing profile in order to maintain and enhance teaching quality, particularly in the context of projected retirements in the next few years. Page 19 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 School: Health in Social Science Checklist The School obtained all Course Monitoring Forms for Nursing and Counselling Studies, but did not manage to obtain all CMFs for Clinical Psychology. Good Practice Progress in developing a School-wide approach to QAE, including the establishment of a School QAE Committee. Collection of CMFs across all three subject areas (even though they did not obtain all for one of the subject areas), a significant development compared to the previous year. Completion of a Teachability review – it would be useful to report next year about progress on implementing the report. Positive responses to suggestions from external examiners. Staff Student Liaison Committees, which appear to be operating effectively as open forums, and also helping student develop valuable skills such as confidence and knowledge of responsible participation in evaluative exercises. Areas for further consideration Present the full range of statistics in a standardised form as a consolidated annex at the end of the report. Build on progress by producing a QAE report that more fully integrates the activities of the three subject areas, as well as reporting for the first time on the Centre for International Public Health Policy Consider further ways to standardise QAE procedures across the School, where this is appropriate to the particularities and differences of each subject area. Seek to extend the use of Peer Observation of Teaching across all subject areas in the School. Monitor the rate of applications for the MSc/Dip in Nursing and pursue activities to increase recruitment rates. Page 20 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 School: History and Classics Checklist The School did not manage to obtain CMFs for all courses, though it did achieve a higher proportion than the previous year in History, as a result of appointing a QAE representative for this subject area. The School is still developing its CMF processes for PGT courses. Good Practice Provision of an admirably clear and wide-ranging report. The integration of QAE issues into the business of the School Undergraduate and Postgraduate Studies Committees. Generally increased use of WebCT as a teaching resource. Plans for Classics to enhance teaching review and mentoring for postgraduate tutors, and to inaugurate an annual Teaching Away Day. Recent actions to embed peer observation of teaching more securely. The positive attitude towards increasing taught Masters programme provision, and the awareness of the impact this might have on undergraduate teaching and staff workloads. Constructive and creative moves in the direction of a closer integration of the offerings of the different Histories, including the establishment of an Integration Working Group and the consideration given to generic school courses. The establishment of the postgraduate resource centre. Recognition of the potential synergies from the forthcoming integration of Archaeology into the school. Areas for further consideration Reflect on the reasons for the low proportion of A grades in pre-Honours and some Honours History courses. Consider ways to encourage staff to use the full range of the Extended Common Marking Scheme. Consider reducing the use of double marking for examinations, and introducing alternatives (such as moderation) which would assist the School to use staff workload more efficiently. Develop more systematic quality monitoring procedures for PGT programmes. Build on the School’s positive approach to Teachability, by completing the Teachability review in the current session. Consider bringing forward the deadlines for submission and review of CMFs, in order that outcomes can more quickly be taken into account. Consider the appropriateness of introducing a greater standardisation across the School in terms of the use of continuous assessment. Page 21 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 School: Law Checklist The School managed to obtain completed Course Monitoring Forms for all courses, though it did not manage to complete course audit files in a small number of cases. Good Practice Evidence of a robust and comprehensive approach to the auditing of compliance with QAE requirements. Systematic and thorough approach to the creation and maintenance of course audit files and to ensuring ‘audit continuity’. Commitment to full engagement of students with monitoring and review and comprehensive provision for student representation at all levels of the School’s operations. Continued work on Teachability (the “teachability in permanence” project), including training updates for staff. Reported high level of reflection in the reports on the Commercial Law and Criminology courses. The reported innovations in a number of Honours courses, including innovations in seminar teaching such as the use of student presentations, small-group work, sample problems as well as the use of film and multimedia, institutional visits and guest speakers. The plan to encourage those internal examiners who do not already do so to provide brief model answers to examination questions to aid external examiners. These model answers may also assist in providing feedback to students. Areas for further consideration Consider appropriate actions to enable the School to complete all course audit files next year. The School’s intention to set a date before the end of the relevant academic session for completion of course audit files should help ensure this. Continue to explore new ways to manage student questionnaires in order to secure a higher return rate, and report on progress. Continue to encourage staff to use the full range of the Extended Common Marking Scheme, particularly in the light of the absence of any fails for Honours courses. Consider how to more fully align the QAE procedures for the Legal Practice Unit with those for the rest of the School. Since the unitary nature of the Diploma in Legal Practice might indicate a programme-wide rather than course-specific approach, the School may wish to take into account future discussion at College level regarding the appropriate balance between course and programme monitoring. Although CQAEC has noted the reservations in the School regarding peer observation of teaching, the School should seek to give positive messages to staff regarding the benefits of POT. Conclude and report on its review of supervision and assessment of the LLB dissertation. Page 22 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 School: Literatures, Languages and Cultures Checklist The School did not manage to obtain Course Monitoring Forms for a small number of pre-Honours courses, though it did slightly improve its return rates compared to the previous year. The School does provide an explanation for the missing forms. During the review process, the College has identified a need for the School to take a more systematic approach to course monitoring at Honours and PGT level. The School has submitted formal responses to the Teaching Programme Review that took place in 2005-06 in English Literature. It has also since last year submitted formal responses to the TPRs that were held in 2004-05: Asian Studies; European Languages and Cultures (including Celtic); Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies. Good Practice Autonomous Learning Groups in English Literature. Increased use of WebCT in Scottish Ethnology. Audio essays in Scottish Ethnology, which enable students to make use of the Scottish Studies sound archive resource and to develop new transferable skills in the field of editing, scripting and oral delivery. Induction and mentoring arrangements for Teaching Assistants in English Literature. Thorough analysis of the findings of the National Student Survey, and the commitment to exploring efficient ways of providing feedback to students on assessment, which the NSS identified as an issue. Areas for further consideration Provide greater depth of analysis and detail in the report. Provide more reflection on statistics in relation to course and degree outcomes. Set out the steps the School has taken to develop its processes for course monitoring at Honours and PGT level in order to more effectively identify and address issues in relation to individual courses. Consider appropriate actions to increase the proportion of completed CMFs received. Monitor at programme level on an annual basis. Seek to extend the use of Peer Observation of Teaching, for instance by utilising cross-School mechanisms to support the operation of POT in small subject areas. Seek new ways for synergy and connectivity across the School in terms of learning and teaching. Build on the School’s work on Teachability by completing the audit during 200607. Page 23 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 School: Management School and Economics Checklist All ticked positively. Good Practice A thorough and robust report that provided a full range of statistics and showed evidence of systematic reflection on them. The use of a formal Issues Management System to allow MBA students to log issues and to allow staff to record how they have responded. Innovative peer-assisted approaches to student learning support, in particular the ‘Maths Base’ for undergraduate Economics students, and the creation of an MSc Economics Help Desk. Innovative strategies for addressing academic misconduct, through training for students and web-based plagiarism detection software. The award of the 2005 Scottish Financial Enterprise Innovators’ Award to the MSc in Finance & Investment. Plans for the School’s Assessment Working Party to review mechanisms for feedback to students on assessment. Areas for further consideration Explore the reasons for low response rate to WebCT course questionnaires for postgraduate courses, seeking to learn from experiences of using WebCT for course questionnaires elsewhere in the School and College. Continue to review the achievement and failure rates for the Industrial Management course, in order to evaluate the impact of the changes to this course. Continue to review whether higher entry requirements lead to improved achievement rates for the MSc in Economics and MSc in Economics (Finance). Review whether there are ways to provide greater emphasis on transferable skills within the MSc in International Business and Emerging Markets. Page 24 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 School: Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences Checklist The School has not yet produced a formal response to the TPR of English Language, which was held in 2005-06. Good Practice The School’s procedures seem to be appropriate, comprehensive and effective, and the report is remarkably integrated given the diversity of the School. The introduction of a mechanism to give feedback to students on QAE procedures in the subject area of Linguistics and English Language, in order to enable students to see the results of responses to their course feedback and discussions at SSLC meetings. Introduction of course and programme monitoring for all PGT provision. Provision of the full range of statistics, and evidence of valuable reflection on trends. Useful reflection on trends in student outcomes in Logic 1. Areas for further consideration Continue to experiment with approaches to student questionnaire design and management, taking account of discussion at College level. Encourage staff to use the full range of the Extended Common Marking Scheme, particularly in the context of the low proportion of A grades in some Philosophy and Philosophy of Sciences courses. Review the pre-Honours provision in Linguistics and English Language in the light of comments from students regarding overlap between courses in these areas. Clarify the arrangements for QAE for the courses run by the Institute of Applied Language Studies. Provide a formal response to the English Language TPR. Page 25 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 School: School of Social and Political Studies Checklist All ticked positively. Good Practice Increasingly widespread use of WebCT “as standard across the School”. Completion of a School Teachability review. Support for postgraduate tutors, including production of a Tutor’s Manual, the provision of induction, and on-going feedback and training. Proactive work on detecting plagiarism, through piloting the use of the web-based ‘Turnitin’ software, which the School plans to roll-out more widely. The introduction of programme monitoring in Sociology. Areas for further consideration Present statistics on PGT degree outcomes in a format that allows for easier analysis of trends across years. Monitor the operation of the use of WebCT, in the light of the concerns of some staff that it might lead to “spoon-feeding” of students. WebCT also provides a potential avenue for providing feedback to students. Report on progress on the School’s plans to re-launch Peer Observation of Teaching. Give further attention to the provision of feedback to students on assessment. Page 26 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 Office of Lifelong Learning Checklist OLL does not currently use Course Monitoring Forms, though it has other processes in place for monitoring its Continuing Personal Education and Continuing Professional Development provision. Not all courses have questionnaires every year. Good Practice Clear evidence that OLL is seeking to embed QAE more firmly within its CPE provision, and to align with CHSS requirements where possible. This will continue to pose challenges for QAE personnel given the nature of its provision, and the diversity of student and staff engagement. Proactive approach to tutor development for the introduction of the Extended Common Marking Scheme, through running a seminar and providing guidance. Consideration of new ways to enable student feedback, such as the consideration of web-based electronic mechanisms for providing feedback on courses. Consideration of new ways to support student involvement in OLL QAE procedures. Further developments to the ‘Moving On’ course, which seeks to enhance preparation for University study for students from non-traditional backgrounds. Areas for further consideration Devise mechanisms for course tutors / organisers to annually feed back on their CPE courses, by developing an equivalent mechanism to CMFs. Continue to devise mechanisms for systematic student feedback on CPE courses, including annual student questionnaires. Continue to seek ways to better represent the student perspective within QAE procedures, in ways appropriate to OLL’s context. Provide a full three-year set of data on course outcomes. Clarify what the appropriate arrangements should be for QAE monitoring and reporting of OLL’s CPD provision. Establish a formal examination board and external examiner for the Scottish Tourists Guide Association programme, and clarify the examination board and external examiner arrangements for its for-credit course in Forensic Medicine. Complete the Teachability review by the end of 2006-07. Page 27 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 Edinburgh College of Art Checklist In many respects eca’s quality reporting format is already aligned with CHSS’s quality assurance and enhancement reporting guidelines. The main area of current divergence is that CHSS expects monitoring to occur at the level of the course as well as the programme, whereas eca monitors solely at programme level (through its Annual Programme Monitoring and Review, APMR, processes). The joint eca/ University Accreditation Committee has discussed the possibility that over time eca will become more closely aligned with CHSS’s requirements. In particular, eca could plan to pilot monitoring at individual module / course level (whilst retaining monitoring at programme level) within one School in 2007-08, with a view to introducing this across all of ECA. The Accreditation Committee will discuss this at its next meeting in June 2007. eca has signalled that it will confirm at that meeting that monitoring down to module level is inappropriate for a non-modular studio based structure. The present APMR takes consideration of all the levels of the programme and incorporates feedback and comments from students, staff and external examiners. Good Practice Evidence of well developed and developing teaching-related collaboration with the University and other institutions across Scotland. The introduction of an induction programme for External Examiners, and plans to further develop this in 2006-07. Development of a web based mechanism for the external examiner process including the submission of reports. Introduction of a QAE Handbook, and plans to further develop this. Ongoing involvement and support for student participation in quality. Progress in taking forward the recommendations / conditions from the Institutional Review of Academic Programmes on Sculpture and Drawing. Ongoing audit of student feedback mechanisms as part of the development of an eca Code of Assessment. Ongoing development workshops on plagiarism for staff and students. In the School of Design and Applied Arts, the development of transferable skills as part of the Professional Practice programme element. In the Centre for Visual and Cultural Studies, the development of staff research clusters based on teaching interests. Areas for further consideration Report on progress on developing an eca Code of Assessment. Report on progress on redesigning programme with the objective of establishing a module / programme descriptor database. Provide statistics on grade profiles for UG and PGT programmes, and provide more reflection on the statistics. Review progress on developing and embedding an E-Learning environment, where appropriate, to benefit all learners (on and off campus), and report on the outcomes of this activity. Page 28 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 Review the high number of learning profiles across the institution especially those linked to dyslexia, and report on whether learning profiles are needed in all cases. Page 29 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 Appendix 3: Associate Dean (QAE) report on Undergraduate External Examiners’ Reports 1. Introduction 1.1 This report has been compiled by the Associate Dean (QAE) in CHSS and provides an overview of the comments of External Examiners’ in their submitted reports. It seeks to identify areas noted for good practice that can be disseminated widely and to highlight areas which may warrant attention. Schools will, of course, provide their own responses directly to the External examiners in their area in order to respond to any issues being raised. The Associate Dean (QAE) will also provide a further report to each Head of School and to the Head of College, this report will serve to summarise the points of action suggested in Externals’ reports and identify points that exemplify good practice. 1.2 There are 140 External Examiners across CHSS at Undergraduate level and all but 2 of their reports (both in Education) have been submitted, follow-up action has been instigated in order to ensure that the missing reports are received if possible. In total 147 reports have been reviewed (a small number of External Examiners provide more than one report). 2. Impact of AUT Action Short of a Strike In quite a number of instances it is noted that External Examiners did not attend the university during the course of the academic year with one External seemingly given permission not to attend by ‘the department’. In essence this is contrary to university regulatory requirements that state quite clearly that attendance is a constituent part of the contract, being necessary to ensure that the parties fulfil their obligations to the full. It is clear that in many instances such absence was a direct consequence of the ‘action’ given that the External makes overt reference to this in their report. However, in a number of other instances this has not warranted comment at all. The circumstances of 2005-06 were clearly exceptional, however it is worthy of note that External Examiners ought to be in attendance at the university during the course of an academic year. The vast majority of Externals who comment upon the impact of the AUT action provide reassurances regarding the outcomes. “I was asked by a couple of Edinburgh students whether their degrees were worth less because of the action…I would assure anyone who has concern that… this is absolutely not the case.” (PPLS 1) “The guidelines issued by the University…were faithfully applied and, in the event, proved entirely appropriate…I…have full confidence that the standard of the degree was not affected in any way.” (LLC 17) “ I was most impressed by the conscientiousness of the whole process at New College under such unusual circumstances.” (D 2) Page 30 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 “Ultimately, I feel that the assessment process was not compromised by the industrial action due to the hard work of the assessment team.” (MSE 3) In the main, where reference is made in Reports to AUT action, the view being offered is that procedurally all that could be done to minimise negative impact upon students was done and that the procedures enabled secure outcomes to be enacted. In a very few instances some Externals did offer comment that the university handled the action poorly ( H&C 1, 4, 5, 6 and 10) or that difficulties served as an impediment to clear judgement. “I was kept in the dark about the impact of strike action until the last minute. This was not very helpful and resulted in me being unable to attend the rescheduled meeting.” (Law 6) “I received no information about …assessment procedures this year because of the Union action.” (ED 5) “I found it very difficult to make grade threshold decisions based on a grade rather than on numeric scores.” (ED 9) 3. Overall Assessment of Degree Standards External Examiners across the College provide encouraging comment on the quality of teaching and provided learning opportunities evidenced in the work that they have reviewed, and in a number of instances, the positive comments of students they have engaged with. There are numerous examples of testimony to the fact that the level of work seen is both appropriate and comparable (or better) than that to be found in comparable institutions, as the following quotations suggest. “In this my first year as external examiner …the…programmes…delivered by the University of Edinburgh achieve the highest international standards of quality.” (PPLS 2) “The standards…are fully comparable with those of other institutions of higher education…and the range covered is greater and results achieved often more impressive tha in most.” (D 4) “…equivalent to or better than comparable institutions.” (MSE 1) “In my experience…as a head teacher…the quality and standards of the Edinburgh PGDE course are clearly superior.” (ED 29) “I have no doubt that the Department meets (and exceeds) the nationally established criteria.” (H&C 18) “The single subject and combined honours courses meet their aims fully and students experience a varied and stimulating range of teaching in the discipline.” (ACE 11) “The high standards of the Department and wide range of its interests must make it one of the very best places to study…in Great Britain.” (ACE12) “The prehonours programme is well established and comparable with other…courses in Scotland. Indeed it is arguably the leader in terms of the coherence and depth of each course, the diversity of material and quality of student work.” (SPS 7) “The Edinburgh … course compares very well with the 2 other programmes I know, Oxford and Cambridge.” (LLC 1), this view is echoed almost precisely by another External (LLC 16), whilst “…degrees …at Edinburgh aim high and produce excellent results, fully comparable with top-end HEIs in the UK.” (LLC 10) Page 31 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 4. Assessment Procedures and Practices 4.1 Weighting of Units of Assessment Concerns expressed in this area previously appear not to be exercising the minds of Externals possibly due to action taken; “…concerns about the weight attached to coursework essays as opposed to examinations…were allayed…by the department putting in place mechanisms…” (H&C 10) to allow Externals to gain access to scripts on request. 4.2 Assessment Criteria Here again there seemed to be little cause for concern being expressed by Externals. “I still think that the marking criteria do not always reflect the demands of the assignment: care needs to be taken to ensure that the criteria are flexible and change…need to be weighted…and this needs to be clear on the mark sheet.” (ED 10) 4.3 Mark Descriptors “Marking criteria were clear, appropriate…and applied consistently by markers.” (HSS 1) “Marking criteria were excellent…” (OLL 3) “The marking criteria were full and clear.” (D 4; MSE 7) “The marking criteria were entirely appropriate to the aims and intended learning outcomes of the course, and were well applied by the markers.” (ED18) “All staff worked to common assessment sheets which listed appropriate criteria. There was considerable consistency in the marking and evidence that staff were discussing the process and engaging in internal moderations.” (ED 26) “The criteria employed in assessing oral presentations are quite penetrative and comprehensive.” (LLC 6 and 8) 4.4 Extended Common Marking Scheme (ECMS) A number of Externals make reference to the disparity in banding across the ECSM and advocate (ACE 7, 8 and LLC 8) for grade band widths of equal distribution rather than 30:10:10:10 etc. “Marks in the area of 90 were given and fully deserved.” (PPLS 1) “The introduction of the ECMS has had two beneficial effects: (1) …markers more willing to give marks in the high 70s and the 80s…(2) …greater consistency…in the award of D and E marks…” (PPLS 7) “It was good to see attempts to use the full range of marks, particularly in the First Class division,” (D 4) “I was…pleased to see that there were more marks being awarded across the entire scale with strong work being graded at over 90%.” (ED 1) “There has, this year, been a big improvement in the range of marks applied by markers.” (ED 4) Page 32 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 “I commend the Extended Common Marking Scale (ECMS) and was pleased that it seemed to be being effectively used…” (H&C 1) this view is echoed by another External (ACE 2) who noted, “There was evidence of this in the recorded marks, with some marks in the 90s for excellent work.” “I was pleased to note that internal markers are now using the high First range.” (LLC 11) Not all Externals were as positive with (H&C 4 and LLC 17) noting that the issue ought to be one of encouraging markers to mark above 70 and below 40 rather than using the ECMS as a vehicle for this, and wondering whether statistical recalibration might not generate a suitable outcome. A question regarding the consistency of application of the ECMS was raised by another examiner (H&C 5), whilst another (H&C 8, [also SPS 12]) noted that, “…there was still some reluctance by the majority of staff to use the full range.” “In a small number of essays…the marking criteria appeared to have been applied in a different way and high marks (into the 80’s) were awarded.” (H&C 11) An external (LLC 23) questions the wisdom of having a ‘high first’ at 85 or even of having one at all, suggesting that Edinburgh’s unilateral decision serves to confuse rather than enlighten. They “…deplore any movement in this direction.” 4.5 Double Marking/Moderation “All scripts came…double marked, with helpful comments, and the internal marks were normally agreed.” (PPLS 1) “I note that a process of second marking exists and is being carried out in a relevant manner.” (MSE 1) “I was pleased to see evidence of moderation of scripts by second markers.” (MSE 3) “The procedures applied for second marking and moderation were impressive…” (ED 1) “I have been impressed by the development of very careful and robust moderation procedures within these three courses…” (ED 10) “I commend the staff team on the efforts made through staff development seminars to ensure common understandings of the assignments and indeed the expectations placed on them regarding their marking consistency.” (ED 30) Such procedures were not evident everywhere, however. “Scripts are not doublemarked…marking is not monitored internally either…” (PPLS 3) “I would recommend a more rigorous system of internal moderation to ensure a greater consistency in application of marking criteria.” (H&C 15) “All the exam answers that I saw were marked only by a single internal marker, without internal moderation.” (ACE 6 also noted by ACE 8) The same External refers to Section 7.1 of the Undergraduate Assessment regulations to reinforce the potential difficulties where one member of staff designs, delivers and assesses a course with no second marker/moderator involved. It is not necessary to double mark most work (though it may be desirable for dissertations). It is however necessary that some appropriate form of moderation is in place. “In those courses where assessment is carried out by a relatively wide group of markers …some investment in shared understanding of quality thresholds would further strengthen consistency of outcomes.” (SPS 14) This consideration can also be applied where a large number of part-time tutors are marking. (LLC 18) Page 33 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 4.6 Plagiarism “My comments in relation to the way in which students use and reference others’ work…- traditional plagiarism - …have been taken on board, with a noticeable reduction in incidence…” (HSS 2) One External noted “…the increased potential afforded by ICT itself for plagiarism. Progressively more sophisticated software for its detection is being developed…[this]… should remain at the forefront of discussion…” (ED 13) “Staff were interested in developing use of ‘turnitin’ plagiarism detection service, especially in a role as a deterrent to students. I recommend they be given IT support to do this.” (ED 21) 4.7 Variety in Assessment Many reports allude to the existence of variety in assessment in many courses, as the comments below suggest. “ In the Honours years, there is a mix of assessment types: some courses are assessed by closed examination, others by class assignments, others by a mixture of the two.” (PPLS 1) “The range and types of assessment were suitably wide and comprehensive…The mix and weightings of the various types seemed about right.” (D 4) “…a good mix of assessment…” (MSE 1) “There is a very good range of assessment methods employed. Some assessments were innovative and challenging.” (MSE 2) 4.8 Anonymity One External “…was pleased to note that anonymity is now observed in the …Board.” (PPLS 3), whilst another asks; “What is the point of examination numbers? Why not just use matriculation numbers on exam scripts? (H&C 13) 4.9 Feedback Comment for Externals and Students “Feedback is constructive and helpful, aiming to identify problems (eg poor referencing, lack of evidence of critical thinking) early and promote their correction.” (HSS 1) The tutor sheets are a most useful way to ensure both quantitative and qualitative responses to student work.” (OLL 3) “The work had been marked thoroughly with extensive annotation to provide good feedback for students.” (ED 19) “A general comment to all would be to give full feedback on exam scripts…” (OLL 2) “The feedback on essays was invariably constructive and admirably full. In contrast, I sometimes felt that remarks on exam scripts were so laconic as to be of little help to me as an external marker…” (H&C 6) “I found the comments by internal markers to be very helpful in guiding my decisions.” (SPS 5) Page 34 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 5. Role of External Examiners “…it is not the job of an external examiner to resolve such minor discrepancies [between internal markers]…” (H&C 15) A request for further clarification of the role of externals in light of changes to degree classification is made with the statement; “The university’s thinking on the revised role for its Externals was nowhere apparent.” (H&C 16) In one area the External expresses disquiet regarding non-involvement; “The class examinations, coursework and oral examinations…were conducted and assessed without any reference to me.” (LLC 25) The role of the external examiner is primarily an audit role, and does not require external examiners to mark all scripts. Schools should seek to find ways to manage the expectations of external examiners that want greater involvement in assessment, beyond the audit function. 6. Changes in Academic Structure and Practice Little mention is made in reports regarding the structural changes undertaken, this suggests that in most aspects these changes have bedded in and are seen to be less problematic. “A difficult transition period during the change-over to semesterization has been handled thoughtfully and carefully by the department.” (PPLS 10) 6.1 Final Degree Classification “I continue to believe…that the department should explore ways to enable first class students to really show their abilities relative to their very, but not so, able peers.” (PPLS 9) “I am glad to see that the former (extremely baroque) marking scheme, in which marks from lower classes were ‘traded’ against marks from higher classes, is now being abandoned in favour of a simpler and clearer marking scheme. I approve of the change to the median system…” (PPLS 10) “…it will be imperative to mark using the upper end of the scale or there will be very few First Class degrees awarded.” (H&C 8) There are a number of robust observations made by Externals regarding this issue which are located in Section 10. 6.2 Special Circumstances It was noted by one External (PPLS 3) that marks were being adjusted at the Examination Board in respect of medical Special Circumstances rather than being dealt with prior to the Board with recommendations to the Board already tabled. Another External (H&C 2) is concerned at the ‘avoidance of resits…as a resolution of special circumstances cases’, whilst (H&C 3) “…was astonished to learn of the lack of an August re-sit diet at Honours level…for genuine medical or other special Page 35 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 circumstances.” Concern noted by a number of H&C Examiners of the over-use of SC by students. In general though Externals tended to comment positively on the operation of, and decisions made, in relation to special circumstances. “I attended the Special Circumstances meeting and am pleased to report that was conducted with the customary efficiency.” (D 3) “I was impressed by the Chair’s handling of a ‘special circumstances’ case…as well as the decisions taken to deal with those students affected by staff on industrial action.” (ED 8) 6.3 Learning Profile One External Examiner (SPS 9) comments upon the application of a Learning Profile to a student and the expectation that academic staff marking that students work are expected to ‘make allowances’ within the marking process. The External is of the view that the ‘level playing field’ ought to be in place prior to the student submitting the work with implications for more pro-activity by the Disability Office in this respect. 7. Administrative Issues 7.1 Examination Timetabling “…if a problem arose over marking, it might simply not be possible to deal with it adequately in time, and the college should allow more time. (PPLS 1) “Time available for scrutinizing pre-Honours scripts is impossibly short.” (PPLS 4) 7.2 Information for External Examiners “…it would have been good to be able to comment on essay titles before the submission of coursework.” (PPLS 2) “Externals are not routinely sent course handbooks and lists of aims and objectives.” (PPLS 3) Schools should systematically provide external examiners with appropriate information on courses as part of induction and on an annual basis, “I did not receive any of the markers’ comments explaining how they arrived at their marks. I cannot comment on methods for course monitoring as I don’t know what they are.” (PPLS 5) ”I would recommend that procedures be put in place to ensure that internal examiners have reached agreement on the content of draft papers before they are despatched to external examiners for comment.” (Law 2) “ I have yet to receive feedback on my report for the year 2004-05.” (ED 29) Page 36 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 7.3 Student Absenteeism “…the extremely high degree of administrative accuracy that is now demanded in order to ensure that the draconian penalty of failing students who do not attend a given number of tutorials is applied correctly..” (MSE 6) “…there should be minimum requirements for credit (including attending seminars and handing work in by deadlines) and unless a student meets these they be refused credit and not permitted to take the resit. (This is the practice at Glasgow). (H&C13) 8. External Examiner Reporting Across the range of External examiners Reports there are examples which contain hardly any comments at all. Whilst the use of tick boxes on the reporting form is indicative External Examiners detailed comments provide a very useful basis for discussion and response with some indicating helpful and reflective ways in which enhancement might be enacted. This phenomena of limited feedback from Externals appears to be more marked within some schools than others and raises questions regarding the extent to which Examiners accept a role as having a developmental rather than purely confirmatory function. 9. Useful Feedback from External Examiners “I also think that a meeting with module leaders and markers ahead of the main meeting would be valuable.” (PPLS 5) ‘The Group Project [in Psychology] allows students to develop (and be assessed on) transferable skills.” (PPLS 8) “At the start of the academic year it would be useful to see one revised list of the courses to be examined. (MSE 4) “ I only wish Examiners’ Boards were as efficient in my own institution.” (MSE 6) “Most courses had elaborated on the general criteria and staff provided useful descriptions about their expectation of students through the use of outline model answers. This is excellent practice.” (ED 19) “The Department…should maintain its mentoring activities for new staff at a high level.” (MSE 8) “…there remains an issue of quality assurance of the assessment of the placement element of the course [Education 1 and 2].” (ED 1) “I felt that the use of an external convenor for the mathematics board was very helpful both in the operation of the Board and in supporting consistency across individual boards.” and “…issues emanating from examiners’ reports are taken seriously and acted upon.” (ED 5) Page 37 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 “It may be helpful…to place a greater emphasis on study and research skills…” (ED23) “There were opportunities for students to develop a range of transferable skills, including writing and presentation skills, group work, problem solving and networking.” (ED 26) “Perhaps the course team might consider how they could develop the assessment procedures used within the oral presentation to incorporate more peer feedback and analytical reflection.” (ED 30) 10. College or University Issues A number of comments from Externals are directed at college or the university. These are represented in the quotes offered below; “…the transition next year from a profile-based system to an averaging system.” (PPLS 3) is seen to have implications for 2005-06 if markers do not appreciate the consequences. “I welcome the revisions being made to the procedures used in the Honours Board to arrive at degree classifications…” (ED 5) ‘I would suggest that the University consider whether its language entrance requirements are stringent enough.” (PPLS 5) “Is it possible to get an electronic External Examiner Report form?” (ED15) An External (LLC10) intimates non-receipt of the updated Assessment Regulations from the university. “The new college regulations on dealing with borderzones were not well understood by the board. Having seen briefly the ‘orange paper’ I am not surprised since the language is tortuous.” (ED 19) “There is a lack of clarity in the wording of the regulation pertaining to the opportunity to resit failed courses in years 3 and 4…They should be permitted to resit one fail in 3rd year and one fail in 4th year.” also “A D grade in one element of the course disqualifies access to high grade classifications. This is a very punitive regulation in a vocational degree with many elements.” (ED 25) The issue of mean mark towards classification is raised as problematic particularly in the light of ever tighter marking timetables, “That the system will crash in the near future seems pretty well certain.” (H&C 10) whilst another External (ACE7) suggests, “…that the university seriously consider relaxing the final assessment timetable by about 1 week.” Similar and lengthy statements are offered (H&C 15, 16 and 17) regarding both mean mark and the university marking scale coupled with a request for more detailed information to Externals regarding its implementation. Given the tight marking schedule in the summer one external questions why the university loses two days in May to holidays (H&C 16), this same External, in Page 38 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 referring to various university reorganisations, suggests that the academic and intellectual needs of History have been marginalised. One external (ACE9) refers to the possibility of transfer error where Chairs of Boards hand write outcomes onto a mark sheet with an expectation that externals wait until the process is complete to sign these off. This is considered to be wasteful of time and potentially prone to error, asking why the marks cannot be provided centrally by computer and tabulated. Alan Ducklin Associate Dean QAE, CHSS Page 39 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 Appendix 4: Formal response to Community Education Teaching Programme Review The University of Edinburgh Moray House School of Education Response to TPR for Community Education Programmes We welcome the report and its positive tone. We are pleased to have the quality of the programmes and the work of the CE Programme Team recognised in the report and in particular in the 29 commendations. We welcome the recommendations and the thought that has gone into the development of these. Our response to specific recommendations addressed to us follows: 7.31 The reviewers recommend that Community Education give some consideration to the timing and monitoring of the distributed placement in Year 2 of the undergraduate programme and the current postgraduate placement in semester one. The postgraduate placement in semester one has been discontinued in the new MSc/PGDCE programme. The timing and monitoring of the year 2 practice component is under review by a placement sub-group. An extra tutor has been assigned to this component. We will report back in due course to the School’s Undergraduate Studies Committee on the impact of this and on any further required changes. 7.32 The review team recommends that guided ‘lab’ induction sessions be introduced for the Mac computers and the First Class Package. Such sessions will be provided at the commencement of each academic year, initially by the Division but with a view to these being developed and delivered in the longer term by EUCS. 7.33 The review team recommends that Community Education explore ways to ensure that their students have (and make use of) a better choice of outside courses than is currently the case. Discussion took place at the annual residential planning meeting in June and this will be taken forward at subsequent staff meetings. The possibility of drawing on expertise across the University in relation to core courses was also discussed, and this will also form part of ongoing discussions. 7.34 The reviewers recommend that more information will be provided for students, prior to entry, on IT provision and the extent to which it is used by Community Education. A briefing and advice note will be prepared and sent to entrants to the programme a few weeks prior to commencement. Page 40 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 7.35 The reviewers recommend that School reflects upon the level of basic IT induction offered to students based at Moray House in general. All new undergraduate students have the opportunity to participate in induction sessions run by the Senior Computing Officer. These focus on the use of the First Class email system, including the Helpdesk and other self-help resources, and how to access on-line records and other relevant university information via the MyEd portal. Each session is tailored to the likely needs of students on particular degree programmes. Incoming students have a wide variety of IT experience and the considerable number who have a high level of proficiency are encouraged to share their expertise. This is often a particularly productive and non-threatening strategy with those who are less confident, including many of those entering the undergraduate programme in Community Education. 7.36 The review team recommends that community Education move to WebCT for provision of teaching and learning as this will soon be the norm across the University. Some courses have already adopted this and it will be the focus of on-going discussion across the programmes. However, as First Class remains the intranet platform for the School, it will continue to be used for email communication and distribution of course materials etc for the foreseeable future. 7.37 The review team recommends that the issue of staff succession be explored at division and school level. The School has a procedure for staff succession at head of division/department level, which relies on expressions of interest, discussion with the Head of School, and 'soundings' being taken from the division. A similar procedure exists for programme co-ordinators. The School is currently developing a systematic approach to the issue of succession planning at all levels of academic staffing. 7.38 The team recommends that the Division and School explore the opportunity to make proleptic appointments… We welcome this suggestion and will pursue it with the School and College. The School has instigated a 'new blood' scheme and a small number of proleptic appointments should be possible. 7.39 The review team recommends that staff within Community Education should improve the ‘marketing’ of the Honours route by setting out the clear intellectual benefits of this year. Greater prominence will be given to the Honours route in all publicity and in recruitment process. The programme will be presented as a four year one, with an exit point at the end of three years – a change of emphasis from the past. Students will be approached in second year about the honours route, rather than in third year as is currently the case. This is intended to give the message that fourth year study is an expectation. Page 41 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 7.40 The reviewers recommend that Community Education consider introducing a delayed and/or part-time Honours years or perhaps a postgraduate Masters course as a ‘surrogate’ Honours year to which students who have left after three years may return. We would be positive about such a development and will review it in light of resource/staffing implications at a future date. 7.41 The team recommend that CE develop the MSc imaginatively to maximise the number of students willing and able to complete the final dissertation phase of the MSc. We have attempted to do so and the early signs are that many/most of the new cohort due to start in September will be so willing and able. Critical to this will be the continuation of SAAS funding of 20 places through the PG Awards Scheme. 7.45 The review team recommends that the link between the external examiners and placement supervisors is retained. The team is committed to retaining an active link with placement supervisors and to its further development. This was interrupted in the current year due to the impact of the AUT industrial action on assessment. Recommendations 7.42, 7.43, 7.44 are addressed to others. We await with interest the response to these Recommendations, viz 7.42 The reviewers recommend that the collegiality and teamwork culture within Community Education is encouraged and fostered across the University. The reviewers recommend that the Director of Quality Enhancement promotes this type of teamwork through the Senatus Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee (SQAEC). [5.1] 7.43 The reviewers recommend that the Director of Quality Enhancement investigate ways in which to promote similar schemes, where field professionals assist with the delivery of courses, in other relevant areas of the University. [5.2] 7.44 Study support is embedded in the behaviour of the staff and in the ethos of Community Education. The review team recommends that the Vice-Principal (Learning and Teaching) in liaison with Centre for Teaching, Learning and Assessment (TLA) develop this ‘local support’ model for adoption across the University. [5.3] Brian Martin HoD, Higher & Community Education July 2006 Page 42 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 Appendix 5 Review Formal response to English Literature Teaching Programme School response to Teaching Programme Review of English Literature Responses to Recommendations 7.13 The Review Team strongly recommends that the subject area reconsiders the present dissertation structure in the context of common practice for undergraduate dissertations within the University of Edinburgh and English Literature programmes in comparable institutions. [Paragraph 4.7] (English Literature subject area) Dissertation provision has been re-examined as part of the subject area’s ongoing discussions of teaching and assessment. As the report acknowledges [section 4.4], the full run of the two-part dissertation had not taken place by the time of the team’s visit. Since then, the first cohort of students has completed the dissertation and on the basis of their broadly improved results,1 some very affirmative comments by external examiners2 and positive informal feedback from both students and staff about the first full cycle of dissertation work, the subject area has decided to retain the current twoyear structure for at least one more cycle. We will, however, keep this under review. In response to other recommendations made about the dissertation in paragraphs 4.6 and 4.7, the subject area has from session 2006-07 introduced a more formal advisory structure with students for both Part 1 and Part 2 being allocated to named advisors who will meet with them regularly throughout the year and provide technical assistance with their projects. Since the word-length for Dissertation Part 2 cannot be changed mid-cycle it will remain at 6,000 words until a further cohort can be assessed, although this also will be kept under review. 7.14 The Review Team gained the impression that there may be some duplication of teaching in relation to the first part of the dissertation in year 3 and the 3rd year Critical Practice: Presentation course and recommends that the subject area reviews this. [Paragraph 4.8] (English Literature subject area) 1 Old curriculum Long Essay 2005: 89 candidates First class: 24 Upper Second: 44 Lower Second: 21 New 2-part Dissertation 2005-6: Pt 1 (105 candidates) First Class: 30 Upper Second: 57 Lower Second: 18 Pt 2 (103 candidates) 32 63 8 External Examiner comments: ‘Two-part dissertation has proved a very successful innovation in recent years.’ ‘Innovative, and integrative of formative and summative assessment in an imaginative way.’ ‘Envious’ of two-part dissertation. 2 Page 43 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 Since the review, ‘Critical Practice: Presentation’ has been redesigned as ‘Critical Practice: Research Methods for Honours’, which focuses more widely on the research and presentation skills necessary for the successful completion of all honours work. Having introduced a formal advisory structure [see response to 7.13 above], some of the onus on this course to prepare students for Dissertation Part One has been removed. The effect of this has been to maintain the development of key skills suitable for dissertation work while de-coupling the teaching and assessment from the practical completion of Dissertation Part One. 7.15 The Review Team recommends that the School gives consideration to a revision of historic nature of the current budgetary allocation in order to ensure that the subject area be provided with a budget which accurately reflects the number of students it supports. [Paragraph 4.10] (School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures) Response from the Head of School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures Discussions about resource allocations are always under consideration. Although English Literature is working under extreme pressure, there is no scope for shifting resource from one part of the school to another in the short term. LLC is currently in structural deficit and cannot shift resource without declaring redundancies, which is beyond our power. However, we are aiming to control budget deficits over the next 2 to 3 years to make sure that structural budget rebalancing can take place without affecting the range and depth of areas of study we support. Although English Literature is one of the two net contributors to the School budget, (those that generate a surplus) we feel we cannot push the logic of the financial argument to the point where other departments would have to lose staff. 7.16 The Review team recommends that the College Office, School and subject area review the teaching and resource load in relation to visiting undergraduate students. [Paragraph 4.11] (College of Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Literatures, Languages and English Literature subject area) Response from English Literature English Literature has been in discussion with the Visiting Students administration and has reached some agreement about the numbers of places that can be offered in honours courses and the mechanics of assigning them to places. Although the diversity and engagement brought by many Visiting Students is very welcome, there can be difficulties, both pedagogic and administrative, in incorporating large numbers of students who are taking only a few separate courses into what has been designed as an integrated curriculum. Response from the Head of School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures The School recognises difficulties imposed on English Literature by the growing numbers of visiting students it is asked to accommodate (in addition to disproportionate pressures in other areas), and will do what it can to ensure that additional income these students generate is used to help resource the subject area. Page 44 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 The School supports measures the subject area has adopted, in consultation with the College Visiting Student Office, to assign international entrants to courses, to limit the number of courses each is normally allowed to take, and to ensure that, ideally, each is qualified some way above the minimum requirements for this category of entrant to the School. In this and other ways, it is hoped that the demands imposed by visiting students can be monitored, properly resourced, and perhaps shared more equably across the School. Response from Visiting Student Office, College of Humanities and Social Science The College Visiting Student Office will continue to work alongside English Literature in managing enrolment of visiting students. This has worked successfully since introduced in 05/06. It is unlikely that there will be a significant rise in income from visiting students unless further places are made available. However if visiting student places in English Literature are reduced any reduction in income is likely to be completely lost from the School/College, because those visiting students that come to the University to study English Literature would generally not be in a position to consider studying a different subject at the University. Most visiting students who major in Literature will accept offers at other institutions if Edinburgh do not offer an adequate number and level of courses. Redirecting demand more equably across the School is unlikely to be a realistic option, especially at honours level. 7.17 The Team notes the considerable workload already borne by clerical staff and therefore recommends that the School reconsiders the administrative load of the teaching staff within the English Literature Subject Area and give consideration to developing an administrative capability (perhaps in conjunction with the budgetrelated recommendation in 4.10 above) in order to enable academic colleagues to focus more time on teaching and other duties. [Paragraph 4.12] (School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures) English Literature is aware of the significant pressure on the administrative staff and welcomes the report’s recognition of this situation. Further resource, re-organisation or reward for existing staff seems essential. Response from the Head of School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures See response to point 7.15 above. 7.18 The Review Team recommends that the subject area consult the University’s Retention Guidelines, available in the annually published Assessment Regulations to ensure it is not retaining more data than required. [Paragraph 4.14] (English Literature subject area) The assessed material referred to in the Assessment Regulations is not a major difficulty since the timetable for retention is relatively short. Student files, however, need to be preserved for a minimum of 10 years if staff are to be able fulfil their responsibilities in writing references etc. 7.19 The Team was very impressed with the varied assessment techniques used, particularly within the Critical Practice courses, and recommends that the subject Page 45 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 area continues to explore different assessment alternatives. [Paragraph 4.15] (English Literature subject area) Forms of assessment are continually reviewed at Departmental Meetings, at meetings of the Course Management Group, and particularly at the annual Teaching Review Meeting held at the beginning of each academic year. The subject area is open to innovations in assessment and always willing to explore new ideas. Following discussion at this session’s Teaching Review Meeting, it was agreed to explore further the use of WebCT facilities for assessment tasks. (See 7.22 and 7.33 below.) 7.20 The Team was concerned that the subject area was still awaiting final guidance from the University, regarding the introduction of the mean mark scheme and noted that accurate marks could not be passed to 3rd or 4th year students until further guidance had been received from the College Office and therefore recommends that such guidance be provided at the earliest opportunity. [Paragraph 4.16] (College of Humanities & Social Sciences) Response from College of Humanities and Social Sciences The College circulated guidance to Schools regarding the introduction of classification by mean mark during 2005-06, and has circulated this guidance again in 2006-07. This guidance is also published on the College intranet. The College has also discussed the issue on different occasions at the College Undergraduate Studies Committee, and provided Schools with further opportunities to raise issues at a workshop held on 21 March 2007. 7.21 In relation to a late amendment to the procedures surrounding the reporting of student special circumstances towards the end of session 2004-05, the Review Team recommends that in future the University seeks to avoid such procedural changes mid-year. [Paragraph 4.17] (Academic Affairs, University of Edinburgh) Response from Academic Affairs Although the University tries to ensure that changes to regulations and procedures are not made mid-cycle, the complex nature of the University, and the issues which arise, will occasionally mean that changes will need to be implemented outwith the normal approval cycle. In such circumstances Academic Affairs will always attempt to ensure that appropriate advice and guidance is made available to those staff and students for whom such changes may have implications. 7.22 The Team recommends that the Subject Area reviews the operation of the autonomous learning groups, in the context of best practice approaches to such issues used within the Problem Based Learning, or Visual Learning Environment (VLE) communities. [Paragraph 6.7] (English Literature subject area) The subject area is very pleased that the review team recognises the value of the autonomous learning groups [Recommendation 7.12]. Operation of autonomous learning groups is continually under review by the subject area. For a particular Page 46 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 example of developments in this respect, see 7.23 below. 7.23 The Team recommends that the Subject Area explore the possibility of utilising a VLE to deliver the autonomous learning groups in order reduce the administrative burden on staff and provide an archive of material. [Paragraph 6.7] (English Literature subject area) The subject area is in the process of developing VLEs for undergraduate courses using the WebCT system. Following demonstrations and assessment in the summer, all honours courses are from 2006-07 administratively run through WebCT, which now handles the organisation of seminars, the running and communication of autonomous learning groups and the submission of essays. Members of staff are working individually on the various further pedagogic uses of the VLE. 7.24 The Team recommends that the autonomous learning groups be more widely promoted throughout the University and within the UK subject community, as this style of self-administered tutoring should be seen as an example of good practice. (English Literature subject area) Various presentations on autonomous learning groups have been made in recent years at TLA events, and the system is promoted through the annual QA system. It may be that the Institutional Review may prove another forum for this. Page 47 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 Appendix 6 Review Formal response to Social Anthropology Teaching Programme Social Anthropology staff were extremely pleased to read the many commendations contained in the Teaching Programme Review, and with the generally positive and constructive tone of the report and its recommendations. The following response follows the numbering of the recommendations contained in the final section of the Report. The review team recommends that consideration be given to the introduction of an additional year 2 semester 2 course to be led by Social Anthropology. This course should be designed to have broad appeal to a wide range of students from across and outwith the School. In seeking to make an appropriate place for this course within the timetable, consideration might be given to running the year 2 School-wide core courses in separate semesters. (3.3) 7.17 Social Anthropology staff are currently developing a proposal to put to the School for a semester 2 course in Social Anthropology that would be open to second year undergraduates in the School. This proposal was initially discussed at a meeting of the UG Teaching Committee in Social Anthropology on 25th October 2006. Student reps were clear in their view that they welcome this development provided it does not restrict their choice of courses in 2nd year. They therefore strongly favoured making one of the two compulsory School courses optional for 2nd year Social Anthropology students, at the same time as introducing a new Social Anthropology 2B course in semester 2. The review team further recommends that the School has a coordinated investigation of the effectiveness of the year 2 compulsory courses. This should extend beyond the basic analysis of student questionnaires and should seek the views of staff, tutors and students and examine the impact of the courses on individual programmes throughout the School. (3.4) 7.18 This is a matter for the School to take up, but Social Anthropology would support such an investigation. The review team recommended that the Space Project and anthropological methodologies be included in the recommended new year 2 course. (3.5) 7.19 This recommendation falls within the remit of the proposal currently being developed (see 7.17). A preliminary draft of a course proposal for Social Anthropology 2B is attached with this response. The review team recommends that the subject group consider whether Social Anthropology 1(b) provides too much specialisation too soon in the curriculum before students have a clear idea about the fundamentals of the discipline. (3.6) 7.20 The content of this course was partly an artefact of the availability of staff in 2005-6. This year the course has a different content, which is less specialised and may be more appropriate to the level of the course. Page 48 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 The reviewers recommend the introduction of an additional seminar as part of the Imagining Anthropological Research course and suggest that this should take place in the January before submission of proposals. The team considers that a seminar at this later stage would facilitate student focus and help improve the resulting research proposals. (3.8) 7.21 This recommendation appears to be based on a factual error since such a seminar was part of the course in 2005-6. It is recommended that Social Anthropology consider including some discussion within the Imagining Anthropological Research course of possible longer term considerations regarding the dissertation, e.g. future publication or employability issues. (3.8) 7.22 This recommendation has already been implemented for Imagining Research in 20067. The team recommends the reduction of the dissertation proposal coursework assessment from 20% to 10%. (3.9) 7.23 This recommendation has already been implemented in 2006-7. The review team recommends that the School and discipline area continue the exploration of the possible introduction of a placement element. (3.10) 7.24 Social Anthropology staff are actively exploring this recommendation in the current academic year. We note, however, that elsewhere in the School, running placement schemes for undergraduates has been quite costly in terms of the academic time input required. The review team recommends that the subject area think more deeply about the role of coursework at Honours level in instilling an appropriate range of transferable skills in students. The team has the impression that an 80% weighting allocated to examinations was considerable for a degree professing to encourage a range of skills. (3.12) 7.25 This recommendation appears to be based on a factual error. Currently, exams account for the assessment of 80% of ONE HALF of the course units for single honours students (i.e. the core courses but not the optional courses), and combined honours students are examined on 80% of approximately ONE THIRD (depending on their degree programme and choice of courses) of their course units. Given current concerns about plagiarism in academia, this proportion does not seem to be unduly high. The review team recommends more imaginative uses of IT in teaching delivery, for example interactive tutorials in the form of online discussion groups. (3.13) 7.26 Page 49 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 Social Anthropology staff are currently exploring ways of extending uses of IT in teaching. MALTS staff or appropriate equivalent will be invited to make a presentation to Social Anthropology staff in semester 2. The review team recommends that there be more consistency in the use of WebCT for course information and that there be proper training in its use for staff, students and postgraduate tutors. (3.14) 7.27 Ways to implement this recommendation will be investigated in the current academic year (see 7.26). 7.28 The team recommends that all tutors have access to the WebCT sites for the courses on which they are tutoring. (3.14) Tutors already have access to WebCT sites on the courses they tutor. Apparently, they do need to be better informed about this. This matter will be taken up through the Course Organisers and Senior Tutor in 2006-7. 7.29The review team shares Social Anthropology’s ideological opposition to course capping but considers that high student numbers is pedagogically unacceptable. It recommends that the School ensure that any capping system be applied fairly and consistently across all subject areas. (3.16) School matter. 7.30The members of the review team recommend that Social Anthropology consider standardising contact hours across core and optional Honours courses, thus freeing up to one hour per week from core courses. This time could then be used to accommodate smaller groups for discussion of wider issues arising from lectures. (3.17) After initial discussion at a dedicated meeting to consider the recommendations of the TPR, it was decided to seek student views on this matter. Staff were reluctant to withdraw one of the few opportunities for small group teaching at Honours level without first consulting the students concerned. This matter was put to the Undergraduate Teaching Committee at its meeting on 25th October 2006. It was absolutely clear from student reps present at this meeting that students were strongly against the withdrawal of this extra hour of teaching on core courses. In view of this, at the subsequent staff meeting on 25th October it was decided not to implement this recommendation. 7.31The review team would also recommend consideration of further support for those students who need more guidance in choosing dissertation topics, e.g. a register of possible topics, development of new topics from previous dissertation titles etc. (4.1) Social Anthropology staff will consider how students can be further supported in devising dissertation topics through the Imagining Research course. We note that devising an appropriate topic is part of the set of skills that this course endeavours to develop. While we try to support students, we also believe that encouraging students Page 50 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 to devise and execute their own research topic independently with appropriate guidance (rather than simply have topics suggested to them) is an important transferable skill that the dissertation project in its entirety is designed to foster. 7.32The team recommends that Social Anthropology explore taking advantage of the early dissertation submission date to provide oral feedback to honours students on their performance. (4.2) In line with lessons learnt from previous experiences of giving feedback to students on their dissertations, oral feedback will be offered to students after they have taken their exams. This is to avoid causing undue anxiety to students prior to their exams, and takes account of the fact that feedback on the dissertation is not necessarily of relevance for exam revision. 7.33The review team recommends that there be clearer articulation to tutors and students of the aims and objectives of tutorials and their link to lectures. (4.4) Social anthropology staff have resolved to reinstate their former practice of making notes on the main points of lectures available to tutors. (To be implemented immediately). 7.34The team recommends that it may be helpful for students to receive guidance in lectures in years 1 and 2 on assessment preparation and essay writing. (4.4) Such guidance is available both from tutors in 1st and 2nd year and from TLA in their dedicated sessions on these topics. The staff view that large lectures do not offer the most appropriate context for this kind of guidance was strongly supported by students as expressed at the meeting of the Undergraduate Teaching Committee on 25th October. A new element of guidance on essay writing and exams at Honours level is being added to the Imagining Research course in 2006-7. 7.35 The reviewers recommend that consideration should be given to introducing revision classes to help students understand the overall architecture of the degree programme. Revision classes could also provide a helpful review of courses and give students guidance by discussing past examination papers. These classes could take place in the week prior to commencement of the examination period in April. (4.4) This recommendation does not appear to take account of the fact that our students sit two diets of exams one in December and one in April/May. There is very little time for revision classes before the December diet. However, tutors on 1st and 2nd year courses will be asked to provide guidance before exams. Most lecturers already have an element of revision or review at the end of their courses. There will be further discussion through the UG Teaching committee of how to standardise some of these procedures. 7.36The team recommends that there be formal attendance registers in years 3 and 4 and that procedures be implemented for contacting those students who are persistently absent from class. (4.5) Page 51 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 Attendance at weekly support group meetings for Honours core courses is compulsory. Attendance registers will be introduced in 2006-7. Directors of Studies of students who miss more than two classes in succession will be contacted. The introduction of such procedures was discussed at the UG Teaching Committee on 25th October and supported by student reps. 7.37The reviewers recommend that there be more consistency in feedback across courses and by assessors. Consideration should also be given to enabling students to receive more oral feedback on coursework and being given access to examples of coursework or examination scripts. (4.6) The Honours course organiser will provide some guidance in autumn 2006 to markers in order to help standardise feedback and to suggest ways of providing oral feedback where this might be helpful – although inevitably differences between markers will arise. The question of making exam scripts available to students is a matter currently under discussion in the School and College. 7.38The review team recommends that Social Anthropology consider further how to share more systematically good practice in teaching (for example by creating a database). The discipline area may wish to involve the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Assessment in deciding how best to do this. Social Anthropology staff already have various mechanisms at their disposal for sharing good practice, including discussions at staff meetings, the Undergraduate Teaching Committee, and the Staff Student Liaison Committee. The subject area will take the opportunity provided by the TPR to revisit this issue systematically in the current academic year. 7.39The review team recommends the pursuit of further options to secure better integration of staff/student research, both past and present. (5.1) The introduction of new options is consistently encouraged and promoted through discussion among staff, and as staff take up new research interests. The additional credit given to new teaching is designed to encourage staff to integrate new areas of research into their teaching. 7.40 To continue this ongoing quality enhancement of the dissertation experience, the team recommends that Imagining Anthropological Research emphasise the transferable skills to be gained from preparing a dissertation. For instance consideration might be given to introducing a compulsory presentation on the dissertation topic. (5.3) This recommendation has already been implemented in 2006-7. 7.41The review team recommends that the subject area reflect further on how to ensure that students receive and are aware of receiving information on the use that has been made of their feedback. For instance, it may be helpful to make more imaginative use of WebCT or include in course handbooks details of the changes made in light of input from the previous student cohort. (6.1) Page 52 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 This recommendation has been discussed in the UG Teaching Committee and the Staff Student Liaison Committee. It was proposed that access to reports on feedback and action taken as a result of student feedback be made available to students through the Social Anthropology website and also be made available in files in the SPS UG Reading Room. A further proposal from students at the UG teaching Committee meeting to use the procedure adopted on some courses, that course evaluations be collected the week before the end of the course and briefly discussed with students in the final class, was agreed. 7.42It is recommended that there be a mechanism for obtaining feedback on the Honours programme as a whole. For instance, there could be a supplementary section to the student questionnaire where students may comment on the programme. This need only be completed once per student across the range of their courses and it would help the discipline area in considering the overall coherency of the Social Anthropology programme. (6.2) An end of programme element will be added to student evaluation questionnaires at the end of Senior Honour year from 2006-7. 7.43The team recommends that it would be useful to enable and encourage greater staff and student access to the analyses of completed course monitoring forms. (6.2) See response to 7.41. 7.44The review team supports the University’s re-launching of teaching peer observation but recommends that the College properly communicates its importance to colleagues in all subject areas. (6.3) A College matter. 7.45The reviewers recommend that there be further discussion on adopting a more formalised supervision and monitoring scheme to track contact hours with supervisors in regard to the dissertation and to ensure consistency and fairness across the board. (6.5) For the current academic year, this matter has been discussed in a staff meeting at the start of the academic year, and more explicit guidance has been given to staff by the Honours Course Organiser orally, and staff have been advised to discuss the allocation of supervision hours with their dissertation students. From next academic year, 2007-8, more detailed guidance on this matter will be available for staff and students in the Honours course book. Recommendations 7.17, 7.19, 7.24, 7.29 7.18 7.20 -7.23, 7.25-7.28, 7.30-7.43, 7.45 7.44 Responsibility of: Social Anthropology jointly with School of Social and Political Studies School of Social and Political Studies Social Anthropology College of Humanities and Social Sciences Page 53 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 Janet Carsten Head of Subject, Social Anthropology 26th October 2006 Page 54 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 Appendix 7 Formal response to Sociology Teaching Programme Review The following lists the department’s response to each recommendation of the report, any relevant action taken and future changes envisaged. 7.15 The Review Team recommends that the Subject Area considers ways of continually developing and exploiting WebCT in its teaching, having regard at all times to the needs of disabled students (such as the need to provide large-print versions of web materials). The Honours, Soc.1 and Soc. 2h convenors and Departmental secretary have reviewed this and extended use of WebCT to include, e.g. tutorial sign-up. 7.16 The Review Team recommends that the Subject Area considers allocating the member of staff who will supervise a student’s Honours Project, in replacement of the current system whereby some students identify and select potential supervisors, in order to ensure that students are not disappointed if their potential supervisor is unable to work with them, and to ensure equity of treatment of students and of staff workloads. We now ensure that supervision is allocated so that the load is distributed evenly across staff. We allocate supervisors to students where necessary. The Honours handbook will be revised to describe this system more clearly. 7.17 The Review Team recommends that the Subject Area reflects on the tightening up of guidelines regarding what supervisors are allowed to provide in the way of support to students undertaking the Honours Project. Clearer guidelines have been drawn up by the projects convenor and will be inserted in the Honours handbook. 7.18 The Review Team recommends that the Subject Area consider making the Skills Course compulsory for Single Honours students as a minimum and that they give consideration to enhancements that may be required to enable this recommendation to comply with University regulations, for example by requiring students to produce a reflective report. The course has been completely redesigned with more emphasis on orientation towards the project. The course now requires students to provide a ‘reflective report’. This has substantially increased participation. 7.19 The Review Team recommends that consideration be given to identifying further ways of evaluating the success of the Social Inquiry and Social & Political Theory courses as a preparation for Honours study, and suggests that a questionnaire or feedback form might be completed by Third Year students, to seek their views on the content and learning outcomes from the lectures and tutorials, and as to how well the courses prepare them for the Honours curriculum. Page 55 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 J MacInnes will coordinate a meeting of methods and theory teams in semester 2 (once students have sufficient experience of the relevant honours courses) to consider this. 7.20 The Review Team recommends that the Subject Area feed into the College review of the Directors of Studies system their concerns regarding the current system, namely that Directors are overburdened by the number of students allocated to them. The HoS has written to Luke Marsh outlining our concerns. In response to school advise, we intend to increase number of Dos as permitted. 7.21 The Review Team recommends that serious thought should be given to their suggestion that more established, senior colleagues take on Director of Studies roles and that staff in their first year in post and those on temporary contracts or probation should be excluded. The department has resolved that all staff are eligible for DOS duties and that it is desirable that these should be shared more widely, that the HoD should attempt to ensure that at least one DOS is a female member of staff and that no staff in their first year of employment should take on this role. We also aim to increase the number of Dos in the coming year, with an aim to minimizing the burden on all individuals. 7.22 The Review Team recommends that the Subject Area insist that the relevant support service ensures that places on Directors of Studies training courses are always made available to new Directors before they take up their duties. To be recommended at school level. 7.23 The Team recommends that the Subject Area review the gender balance of Directors of Studies, noting their concern that the current Directors are all male. See 7.21 7.24 The Review Team recommends that the Subject Area consider providing guidance to new Directors of Studies to assist them in identifying when it is appropriate for them to refer students experiencing difficulties to specialist areas within the linked network of support services, and further consider how to encourage students to attend TLA courses rather than rely on Directors to provide support for learning skills. HoS will write to Luke Marsh and TLA about this. 7.25 The Review Team further recommends that the Subject Area reflect on the current gender balance in general across the Subject Area, with particular attention given to the desirability of recruiting more female staff, particularly at lower levels of appointment. Page 56 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 The HoS will draw this to attention of future appointment panels, within such constraints as are laid down by equality legislation. The department has since appointed a further female member of staff. 7.26 The Team shares the general concerns expressed by the Subject Area regarding the provision of teaching rooms and recommends that they continue to raise their concerns regarding the allocation of unsuitable rooms through the Room Bookings System, which is disruptive of good teaching and a deterrent to committed learning. HoS will write to relevant SVP (Mike Anderson) Sue R. has brought forward room planning & booking. 7.27 The Review Team recommends that the Subject Area request that Registry provide them with data which allows them to match degree entry and exit qualifications, to enable better determination of the ‘value added’ on completion of degree programmes. J. MacInnes has drafted letter for HoS to write to registry, copying to relevant SVP. 7.28 The Review Team recommends that the Subject Area reflect on whether a more structured review might be undertaken of which Honours options are offered, suggesting that it might be beneficial to alternate more courses, offering them every second year, or simply to reduce the number of options available. A department working party has been set up to consider this and has already agreed to drop the expectation that each staff member offer an honours course every year, and empowered the HoS to alter the balance of courses offered in semester 1 and 2, so as to avoid courses with low numbers of sociology honours students. 7.29 The Review Team recommends that the Subject Area reflect on whether the practice of allowing both Third and Fourth Year Honours students to take the same Honours options, with the same modes of assessment, is compliant with current SHEFC guidance. HoS has sought advice and determined that our current procedures are fully compliant with SHEFC guidelines. 7.30 The Review Team recommends that the Subject Area reflect on the issue of student absence to ensure consistency in reporting procedures, for example by detailing procedures in course handbooks. The Year 1, Year 2 convenors and J.Hearn as director of undergraduate teaching are reviewing this. 7.31 The Review Team recommends that the Subject Area reflects on whether, in Page 57 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 the interests of equity of treatment, the process for granting extensions might be harmonised, with a single member of staff being given sole responsibility for considering all extension requests. Procedures and handbook entries have been changed. There will now be 2 mitigating circumstances meetings each year. 7.32 The Review Team recommends that the Subject Area implement the provision of provisional feedback with immediate effect and suggests that it comply with University regulations by including a disclaimer to the effect that this feedback is wholly provisional and subject to confirmation by the external examiner. The Honours handbook now states that all teachers should provide feedback to students on semester 1 assessment performance, and comments on long essays. 7.33 The Review Team recommends that the School remain sensitive to the career development needs of postgraduate tutors and reflect on their progression by allowing them to accumulate experience of teaching First and Second Year students, before possibly being considered for involvement in Honours teaching. School has to an extent changed its procedures by opening out and formalizing recruitment of tutors. 7.34 The Review Team recommends that postgraduate tutors be provided with feedback on their performance, including the quality of their teaching, and suggests that this might be implemented by the Subject Area redesigning the current student feedback forms for collecting data to allow for tutor names to be paired with the feedback. Yr 1 and 2 convenors have agreed to do this. 7.35 The Review Team recommends that the Subject Area address the issue of consistency across tutorials, by reviewing the guidance provided in handbooks, to ensure that learning outcomes are identified which map to the learning outcomes and aims of the course and that specific questions are invariably included for discussion in each tutorial. Yr 1 and 2 convenors have agreed to do this. 7.36 The Review Team recommends that the Subject Area continues to encourage more varied and efficient methods for collecting student feedback on courses and ensure that there is proper reporting back to students on how such feedback is being acted on. Handbooks will in future contain reports of action arising from liason committee meetings where appropriate. Page 58 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 7.37 The Review Team recommends that the Subject Area consider including summary evaluations of students’ feedback from the previous academic year in the following year’s course handbook, along with a summary of the actions taken or an explanation of the reasons for not taking action. This would be unduly burdensome. The summary evaluations are placed on file in Sue Renton’s office for students to consult if they wish. Putting all summaries in the honours handbook would be problematic, and it makes little sense to put them in course documents. 7.38 The Review Team recommends that the Subject Area consider introducing peer-to-peer reviews for postgraduate tutors. Year 1 and 2 convenors doing this. PGs will be paid to peer review each other. 7.39 The Review Team recommends that, in the interests of equity in the distribution of, and transparency in the management of, staff workloads, the School might assist the subject area by providing data on staff/student ratios. HoS has written to School Administrator requesting this. 7.40 The Team further recommends that the Subject Area should seek to increase awareness of the College’s and School’s resource allocation model and how it might impact on their planning. This will be tabled at a future departmental meeting. 7.41 The Review Team recommends that the Subject Area undertake further consideration of workload norms and how it might manage variances, taking account of the large number of small credit weighted courses offered and whether this might be having a disproportionate effect on individuals’ teaching workloads. A working party is currently considering how best to update our workload model, including less credit for honours classes with small numbers and integration of administration and teaching workloads. 7.42 The Review Team recommends that the Subject Area investigate opportunities for using WebCT to assist in the collection of data for the Degree Programme Assessment, to determine whether the current process might be made less labour intensive. Ross Bond and Sue Renton and Kate Orton Johnson, who have relevant expertise, are reviewing this. 7.43 The Review Team recommends that the Subject Area make known to the School its concerns regarding pressures caused by changes in the First semester and differentials in revision periods between semesters One and Page 59 of 60 CHSS Quality Report for 2005-6 Two, in order that such concerns may inform School consideration of semesterisation. This has been raised at relevant school meetings. The situation has improved due to removal of first semester reading week. 7.44 The Review Team recommends that the Subject Area investigate what it might do to manage the strains of the current semesterised system, for example, by reviewing assessment procedures and examination weightings in the context of what the University is doing as a whole, and also investigate whether data is available to monitor the impact of semesterisation on exam performance between semesters One and Two. The move to only one optional honours course in semester 1 of Senior Honours deals with this. Ross Bone has investigated performance and discovered only random variation across S1 and S2. Page 60 of 60