College of Humanities and Social Science Guidance notes for Personal and Senior Tutors, and Student Support Officers Session 2014/2015 CONTENTS SECTION 1: Introduction Role of Associate Dean (Academic Progress) SECTION 2: Progression, permissible credit loads and academic appeals 2.1 2.2 2.3 SECTION 3: Absence, interruption of study and withdrawal 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 SECTION 4: Changes to course enrolments after beginning of academic year Change of Degree Programme (Transfers) Concessions General Degree (BA Humanities and Social Science) Exchange programmes Other Relevant Information 5.1 5.2 SECTION 6: Short-term absence Authorised Interruption of Study Monitoring student attendance Withdrawal Exclusion Changes to curricula 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 SECTION 5: Progression and permissible credit loads Academic Appeals Special Circumstances Distressed students and disruptive behaviour Death of a student Forms and Useful Links 1 Guidance notes for Personal and Senior Tutors, and Student Support Officers Session 2014/15 SECTION 1: Introduction These notes explain the College administrative processes involved in resolving individual student cases. There is University Code of Practice regarding all third-party enquiries relating to students. This can be found at:!/fileManager/DisclosureofStudentInformationGuidance.pdf In brief, please note that you require the permission of the student to disclose any information to any third party, including parents, grandparents, guardians and other relatives. Role of Associate Dean (Academic Progress) In the College of Humanities and Social Science, the Associate Dean (Academic Progress) is the primary source of academic advice for Personal and Senior Tutors on all matters that cannot be resolved at School level. The Associate Dean (Academic Progress) also works with the Dean of Undergraduate Studies, the Dean of Students and the Director of Academic and Student Administration to develop and implement College undergraduate policy and with other senior colleagues across the University to develop and implement University policies. The main responsibilities of the Associate Dean (Academic Progress) are: Advise, as may be necessary, Senior Tutors/Directors of Teaching and Learning of the Schools in CHSS and various Personal Tutors throughout the University; Grant authorised interruption of study to undergraduate students; Consider requests for transfers into the College and those transfers that require an extension to the period of study; Interview, as necessary, students who have not made adequate progress; Work with the Academic Team in the College Academic Administration Office to improve progression monitoring and reporting Advise, as may be necessary, on matters relating to the CHSS BA (Humanities and Social Science) Degree; Consider requests for concessions (on behalf of College Undergraduate Learning and Teaching Committee) and present requests for major concessions to Senatus Curriculum and Student Progression Committee. Represent CHSS on CSPC and on other University committees and task groups as appropriate. Associate Dean (Academic Progress): Alexis Grohmann, College Academic Administration Office, 57 George Square ( College Academic Administration Office, 57 George Square, tel.: 0131 651 3900 (; Academic Support Officer, Cath O’Shea, tel.: 504090 (cath.o’ 2 Guidance notes for Personal and Senior Tutors, and Student Support Officers Session 2014/15 SECTION 2: Progression, Permissible Credit Loads and Academic Appeals 2.1 Progression and Permissible Credit Loads Regulations 28 to 38 of the University’s General UG Degree Programme Regulations outline the University’s procedures in this regard: 28. To gain a specific degree award, students must achieve the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF, credit point and level requirements of the particular programme, as set out in the appropriate Degree Programme Table. 29. Full-time undergraduate study comprises 120 credit points in each year of study. Part-time study is defined on a pro-rata basis in the relevant Degree Programme Table. 30. Students must attain the credits and other requirements, e.g. core courses, for each stage of study, as outlined in the relevant Degree Programme Table. In addition, students must meet any other requirements set out in their programme or course handbook. In order to progress, a full-time student must attain the following minimum number of credits (pro-rata for a parttime student): • • • • • 80 credit points by the end of Year 1; 200 credit points by the end of Year 2; 360 credit points by the end of Year 3; 480 credit points by the end of Year 4; 600 credit points by the end of Year 5 for Integrated Masters. 31. Any student who has not attained the required credit points for their year of study (e.g. 120 credits for full-time students) may be required to take re-sit exams or additional courses to make good the deficit. 32. Where the required minimum credit points as outlined in Regulation 30 have not been attained by the relevant stage, the student will be reported to the Head of College. 33. Students who do not attain sufficient credits within the specified period may be excluded for unsatisfactory academic progress. The College will follow the procedure for Withdrawal and Exclusion from Studies: pdf 34. In pre-Honours years, a student may be allowed to take Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF, level 7 and 8 courses additional to the normal 120 credits, subject to the approval of the student’s Personal Tutor. 35. Exceptionally, students in their Honours years, with College approval, may take up to 40 credits of additional Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF, level 7 or 8 credit and, more rarely, up to 10 credits at levels 9-11 in the Honours years. 36. Students may attend courses on a class-only basis (i.e. not for credit), with the agreement of the Course Organiser and the approval of the Personal Tutor. Decisions will be based on the overall load (credit and non-credit bearing) on the student, which must not exceed 160 credits. 37. A student who has previously submitted work for one course at the University must not submit the same work to attempt to achieve academic credit through another course. 3 Guidance notes for Personal and Senior Tutors, and Student Support Officers Session 2014/15 38. Students can only be registered for one full-time award at the University of Edinburgh. At the appropriate stages of progression monitoring (e.g. Boards of Examiners, Progression Boards, Progression interviews, PT meetings, &c.), Schools have responsibility for checking that a student’s progress is commensurate with the University’s requirements as outlined above. In cases in which a student’s progress falls short, this should be brought to the attention of the student and the Personal Tutor in the first instance, and the appropriate steps need to be undertaken by the School to address the shortfall if possible. So, for example, with permission from their Personal Tutor, a student may carry a deficit of no more than 40 credits from the first year into the second, and a deficit of no more than 40 credits from the second year into the third (Junior Honours). No deficit can, however, be carried into the fourth (Senior Honours) year (see Reg. 30 above). Non-Honours Schools have authority to grant students permission to repeat Years 1 or 2 of study on a part-time basis (taking courses totalling between 40 and 80 credits). When Schools wish to recommend, in merited cases, that a student be allowed to repeat Years 1 or 2 on a full-time basis, they should seek the permission of the Associate Dean (Academic Progress), who will consider the case carefully and with reference to the limited number of such places available, before making a decision. The Associate Dean (Academic Progress) may decide to interview the student if he believes that the case is particularly complex. In CHSS, Schools have responsibility for ensuring that students have met the requirements for progression, on the basis of information provided by Boards of Examiners. Honours years Regulation 48 of the University’s Taught Assessment Regulations explains that the “Board of Examiners has the responsibility to decide which students can progress to the next year of honours study. Progressing students must: 1. (a) pass at least 80 credits at SCQF level 9 or above in junior honours and level 10 or above in senior honours for undergraduate Masters degrees; and 2. (b) have an overall average of 40% or more for the 120 credits of study taken in the relevant honours year; and 3. (c) must satisfy any other specific requirements for the degree programme, as published in the programme handbook.” In cases of failure to complete all the assessment requirements of a degree programme see regulation 60 of the Taught Assessment regulations, which states that “when a student fails to complete all the assessment requirements of a degree programme the Board of Examiners will investigate the case. If there is no satisfactory reason then Taught Assessment Regulation 61 on unsatisfactory progress applies. If the Board of Examiners is given satisfactory evidence that the performance of a student has been affected for reasons of illness, accident or other circumstances beyond the student’s control they decide which option to pursue.” Furthermore, in the case of non-honours undergraduate assessment, if the Board does not have sufficient evidence of the student's academic performance to award a mark or grade, then it applies 4 Guidance notes for Personal and Senior Tutors, and Student Support Officers Session 2014/15 the re-sit assessment provisions (TAR 24). The Board may recommend that the student’s re-sit assessment be recorded as a first attempt on the transcript. In the case of Junior Honours assessment (or Honours assessment not in the final year), if the student has satisfied requirements, the Board may award credit on aggregate for relevant elements of that year of the degree (TAR 48). If, however, the Board deems that this would be to the student’s detriment or it has insufficient evidence to make an award, it will recommend a concession to the Associate Dean that the student: either (a) repeat the course to which the assessment relates; or (b) take any assessment elements the College deems appropriate. In the case of Senior Honours assessment, if the student has satisfied the specific requirements, the Board may award credit on aggregate for relevant elements of that year of the degree and classify the degree. If the Board considers that this would be to the student’s detriment or it has insufficient evidence to make an award, the Board may recommend that the Associate Dean request a concession from the Curriculum and Student Progression Committee that the student: either (a) repeat the course to which the assessment relates; or (b) take any assessment elements CSPC deems appropriate; or (c) exceptionally, that the Senatus award an unclassed aegrotat degree. In all cases, College can only consider such recommendation on the basis of minuted advice from a Board of Examiners. In certain circumstances, in advance or after a main meeting of a Board of Examiners, the Convener of the Board may need to convene the Board or a sub-committee (e.g. the Special Circumstances Committee), or both, on an ad hoc basis in order to consider cases where there is clear documentary evidence that a student will be or has been unable to make satisfactory progress. Any concessions recommended by the Board must then be referred to the Associate Dean for approval at College or Senatus level and must be reported to the main meeting of the Board for its approval and recording in the minutes. In cases where a student has not taken a significant amount of assessment in an Honours year and wishes to suspend their study, it may be possible to consider an authorised interruption of studies (see 3.2). The Board of Examiners may award a General or Ordinary degree to students who have attained at least 80 credits at level 9 and above and been awarded an aggregate pass for the 120 credits of Junior Honours study but who do not satisfy the other specific Honours degree requirements. 2.2 Academic Appeals The grounds on which a student may appeal against the decision of a Board of Examiners are set out in the University’s Appeal Regulations. 2.3 Special Circumstances Special circumstances are circumstances that are beyond a student’s control and for which there is sufficient documentary evidence to show that they had a significant adverse impact on the student’s performance in an assessment or resulted in non-attendance or non-submission for a scheduled assessment. 5 Guidance notes for Personal and Senior Tutors, and Student Support Officers Session 2014/15 It is the responsibility of the student to raise the request for consideration of Special Circumstances with the Special Circumstances Committee. Students should complete a SC form in consultation with their Personal Tutor, Student Support Officer or supervisor, and ensure it is sent to the Teaching Office or Subject Area Secretary or Student Support Officer in the School owning the student’s degree programme, who is responsible for copying it to the affected Subject Areas listed on the Special Circumstances form. The form can be downloaded from:!/fileManager/Special%20Circs%20form%20March%202014. doc University policy on Special Circumstances is located at: University procedures on Special Circumstances for staff are located at: University procedures on Special Circumstances for students are located at: 6 Guidance notes for Personal and Senior Tutors, and Student Support Officers Session 2014/15 SECTION 3: Absence, Interruption of Study and Withdrawal 3.1 Short-term absence (up to two weeks): When Student Support Officers are notified by students about short periods of absence (e.g. for health or family reasons) they should inform the relevant Course Organisers. 3.2 Authorised Interruption of Study (required for absences exceeding two weeks): A student may apply for an interruption of study and it may be authorised by the Associate Dean if there is good reason for approving the interruption. Students must provide evidence to support their applications. Interruptions of study may not be applied retrospectively. An interruption of study constitutes a concession and will only be considered in cases in which a student is unable to study due to circumstances that are largely beyond his or her control or if there are other very valid grounds for interrupting study. An interruption is not appropriate when a student is able to study but has failed to perform or to prepare adequately for examinations; or to permit students to take extended annual/holiday leave; or to effectively extend the period available to complete their programme. Authorised Interruption of Study will therefore only be considered when the circumstances surrounding the request are out of the ordinary. All requests for interruption of studies should be submitted to the Associate Dean (Academic Progress) in complete form. They should include an explanation of circumstances and the necessary academic information to support the request. They must also be accompanied by relevant documentary evidence (e.g. medical certificates). Incomplete requests sent to the College Office cannot be considered. The request form can be found at: When AIS is granted for medical reasons, a statement by the student’s medical adviser that s/he is fit to resume studies is required before the Associate Dean (Academic Progress) will authorise resumption of studies. Requests for AIS relating to the current academic year cannot be accepted after the end of February. o Strict limits to backdating of Authorised Interruption of Studies In order to comply with UK Visa and Immigration requirements, and for reasons of consistency and good administrative practice, it is not possible to backdate any request for Authorised Interruption of Studies. When interruption of studies is unplanned, students should inform their School as soon as they realise that they are going to be absent, and the SSO should apply to the Associate Dean (Academic Progress) for AIS as soon as possible thereafter. When the Associate Dean (Academic Progress) grants requests for AIS, the start date for the period of AIS (i.e. the date recorded on the student record) will normally be no earlier than the date at which the application was submitted for approval. Exceptionally, the start date could be backdated for up to 20 working days before the application date, but only if the student was able to establish that (s)he had been unable to apply earlier because of 7 Guidance notes for Personal and Senior Tutors, and Student Support Officers Session 2014/15 illness or other special circumstances (if the student was engaging with his/her studies then backdating would not be appropriate). o Overseas students on study visas When the University grants AIS of 60 days or more for a student on a Tier 4 study visa (i.e. a student who obtained their visa under the immigration arrangements that have applied since 1 April 2009), the University normally has to curtail its sponsorship of the student. When the University curtails its sponsorship, UK Visa and Immigration will cancel the visa and the student must leave the UK within one month, unless they are undergoing essential medical treatment or in the event of other exceptional circumstances. The student then has to apply for a new visa prior to their return to their studies. The implications for individual students will depend on the exact status of their visa and the circumstances of their case. It is therefore important that when a member of staff discusses the possibility of AIS with an overseas student they mention the potential visa implications and suggest the student seek advice from the International Office. It is also important that when a member of staff submits an AIS request for an overseas student they indicate any relevant circumstances that may affect the student’s ability to leave the UK, and the College will then seek further guidance on the implications for the visa status of the student. o Tuition fees The University charges tuition fees on the basis of student attendance as recorded in the student record. The tuition fees will therefore normally be calculated on the basis of the agreed period of AIS. If the student has not been attending for a longer period than can be covered by backdating the AIS (see above), and if the student can establish that (s)he had been unable to apply for AIS earlier because of illness or other special circumstances, the AIS request should explain these circumstances. Academic Registry’s Fee Section may be able to take this additional information into account when establishing tuition fee arrangements. Students on Authorised Interruption of Study remain ineligible for Government benefits. o Students in Honours years The Regulations only allow the Associate Dean (Academic Progress) to consider a request to permit students to interrupt an Honours year of study if they have not undertaken or failed to complete a significant amount of assessment. This will require judgement on the basis of the circumstances of a particular student. However, it is unlikely that a student would be allowed to suspend an Honours year of study after the end of February, since in most cases a student will have completed (or been due to complete) a significant amount of assessment in that year. Only in very exceptional cases (e.g. major illness) will a year’s Authorised Interruption of Studies between the third and fourth years of an Honours programme be permitted. 3.3 Monitoring student attendance The University is obliged to monitor closely the attendance of international students, on behalf of the Home Office. The University has issued specific guidance on monitoring student attendance that applies to all relevant staff in CHSS. See: 8 Guidance notes for Personal and Senior Tutors, and Student Support Officers Session 2014/15 3.4 Withdrawal A student may withdraw permanently from the University at any point in the year (unless he or she has been previously excluded; see below). If a student intends to do so, he or she should advise their Student Support Officer or Personal Tutor in writing. The Student Support Officer should then immediately inform Academic Registry on the usual online request change form giving the date the student withdrew and the reason for withdrawal. It should be emphasised to overseas students that they will not be eligible to remain in the UK if they withdraw permanently. 3.5 Exclusion Students may be excluded from studies by College on the grounds of: unsatisfactory academic progress; poor attendance; non-matriculation; lapse of time; disciplinary offence; or debt. Detailed information on the University’s policy can be found at: - 9 Guidance notes for Personal and Senior Tutors, and Student Support Officers Session 2014/15 SECTION 4: Changes to curricula 4.1 Changes to course enrolments after beginning of academic year No student will be admitted to a degree programme or a course that is part of their degree programme more than two weeks after the start of the semester in which the course is taught without College permission (General UG Degree Programme Regulation 9). 4.2 Change of Degree Programme (transfers) A student may be allowed to transfer to a different degree programme. Students should be informed that while transfer to a different degree programme in CHSS is possible, it is not automatic and some transfers are not possible. Students must comply with the pre-requisite and co-requisite requirements of the new programme shown in the Degree Programme Table. New first-year students wishing to transfer during Induction Week and Weeks I and II of the academic year All first-year students who wish to transfer degree programme should be directed to the CHSS Undergraduate Admissions Office, 2nd Floor, David Hume Tower, George Square. The Undergraduate Admissions Office will make decisions on all such requests. First-year students who wish to transfer degree programme after the end of Week II of Semester 1 should consult the Director of Undergraduate Studies in the School into which they wish to transfer. Transfers within a School and inter-School transfers that do not extend the length of the period of study Students should be advised by Personal Tutors or Student Support Officers to contact the School into which they wish to transfer. Schools are free to consider these requests at any point in the year. Some Schools may set particular deadlines for considering transfer applications and therefore Personal Tutors or Student Support Officers should encourage students to contact the relevant School as soon as possible when they express interest in changing degree programme. In considering transfer requests, Directors of Undergraduate Studies should take into account academic achievement at University and prior to entry, relevant special circumstances, fit with intended curricula, students’ personal statements, the overall number of places available for transfers, and the particular student number constraints of subject areas. If the Director of Undergraduate Studies approves the transfer, s/he allocates the student to a new Personal Tutor and a Student Support Officer will inform both the old and new Personal Tutor. The Student Support Officer will then notify the change of degree programme to the Academic Registry using the standard EUCLID procedure. Inter-College transfer applications and transfers within the College that extend the length of the period of study Students should complete a CHSS Transfer Application Form and submit it to the CHSS College Office, 57 George Square, by the deadline stipulated below. The form can be downloaded from: 10 Guidance notes for Personal and Senior Tutors, and Student Support Officers Session 2014/15 In session 2014/2015 the deadline for receipt of transfer application forms in the College Office is 3 April 2015 for all programmes. Transfer requests submitted after this deadline will not be considered. The Associate Dean (Academic Progress), with guidance from the Undergraduate Admissions Office, will consider the applications using a ‘gathered field’ approach. In doing so, he will take into account academic achievement at the University and prior to entry, fit with intended curricula, students’ personal statements, the overall number of places available for transfers and the particular student number constraints of subject areas. A student who has failed a course at the University will not be considered for a transfer, irrespective of whether they have been passed at a subsequent attempt. By mid-August, the Associate Dean (Academic Progress) will contact the students to inform them whether their transfer requests have been approved. It is then the responsibility of the Student Support Officer in the receiving school to confirm the student’s attendance, approve his/her selection of courses and confirm the Personal Tutor for that student. If a student’s transfer request is rejected, they may be able to appeal to the Dean of Undergraduate Studies. Any student wishing to submit an appeal must have legitimate grounds for doing so, namely one or both of: 4.3 a) substantial information directly relevant to the transfer request which, for good reason, was not available to the Associate Dean (Academic Progress) when this decision was taken. b) alleged irregular procedure or improper conduct in the process of considering the transfer request. Concessions Every undergraduate student must comply with the University’s General Undergraduate Degree Programme Regulations. In exceptional circumstances, a concession to allow relaxation of a specific regulation may be granted by College or by CSPC (Reg. 1). Powers of Personal Tutors Personal Tutors can permit a student in a pre-Honours year to take up to 40 additional credits and can approve requests for students to “carry” or take additional credits at Level 7 or 8 in the Junior Honours year. No concession is required in these circumstances. Powers of Directors of Undergraduate Studies Directors of Undergraduate Studies are responsible for considering requests for concessions to substitute one course for another course at the same level or to substitute a higher-level course for a lower-level course. They are also responsible for considering requests for students to waive prerequisites or co-requisites for course enrolment. The application form for a concession is available at:!/fileManager/Concession%20request%20form%202012%2 0%282%29.doc Forms should be completed by the Personal Tutor and sent to the Director of Undergraduate Studies for approval. If the Director of Undergraduate Studies is also the student’s Personal Tutor, s/he 11 Guidance notes for Personal and Senior Tutors, and Student Support Officers Session 2014/15 should send any concession request to the Associate Dean (Academic Progress) for consideration. If approved by the Director of Undergraduate Studies, the Student Support Officer can then record the concession on the student’s EUCLID record. An example of a format for recording those concessions approved by the Director of Undergraduate Studies is: “To be permitted, by the Director of Undergraduate Studies in the School of (INSERT NAME OF SCHOOL), to take (INSERT NAME OF COURSE ON WHICH THE STUDENT WISHES TO ENROL) in place of (INSERT THE NAME OF THE COURSE REPLACED BY THE NEW COURSE) for the degree of MA with Honours in (INSERT NAME OF PROGRAMME OF STUDY) (DATE)” Concessions requiring College Learning and Teaching Committee and Senatus Curriculum & Student Progression Committee approval All concessions required for graduation, including those which arise through a student’s failure to complete degree assessments for “reasons of illness, accident or other circumstances beyond the student’s control” (Taught Assessment Regulation 60), must be approved by the College Learning and Teaching Committee and Senatus Curriculum & Student Progression Committee. The main examples of this category of concession are permission to substitute a lower-level course for a higherlevel course; to graduate short of credit; to take more than 120 credits in the final Honours year; or to be allowed an additional opportunity to take courses and/or assessments in the final Honours year. Requests for these concessions should be presented by the Board of Examiners to the Associate Dean (Academic Progress) as soon as possible after its meeting accompanied by the relevant section of the minutes of the meeting. 4.4 General Degree (BA Humanities and Social Science) Academic staff advising students on General Degrees or potential such students, should be aware of the requirements of the degree when advising students on specific courses. For the award of the degree of BA (Humanities and Social Science) students must obtain 360 credit points. The 360 credit points must include at least: 240 credit points at SCQF level 8 or above. 140 credit points in a major subject of study (80 credit points at SCQF level 7 or 8, and 60 at SCQF level 9 or 10), taking courses in this subject each year. 200 credit points in College of Humanities and Social Science courses, or under Geography in Schedule N. 40 credit points from each of two other subjects of study as listed in Schedules A-Q,T and W. The subject areas must be chosen from two different Schedules. General Degree (BA Humanities and Social Science) in a designated subject With effect from session 2014/2015, the BA (Humanities and Social Science) can be awarded in a designated subject. For the award of the degree of BA (Humanities and Social Science) in a designated subject, students must obtain 360 credit points. The 360 credit points must include at least: 240 credit points at SCQF level 8 or above. 12 Guidance notes for Personal and Senior Tutors, and Student Support Officers Session 2014/15 4.5 160 credit points in a major subject of study (80 credit points at SCQF level 7 or 8, and 80 at SCQF level 9 or 10), taking courses in this subject each year. 200 credit points in College of Humanities and Social Science courses, or under Geography in Schedule N. 40 credit points from each of two other subjects of study as listed in Schedules A-Q,T and W. The subject areas must be chosen from two different Schedules. Exchange Programmes The University has a large number of recognised international exchanges which students usually undertake in year 3. Information about available exchanges, key dates and procedures in the application process can be found on the International Office website at: Students are not permitted to embark upon an exchange programme unless they have attained a total of 240 credits from their first two years of study. Since most overseas and European Universities begin before re-sit results are known, it is unlikely that any student who requires to take a re-sit exam will be able to embark on a year abroad if they have failed a course at the first attempt. Students who voluntarily undertake a Junior Honours year on exchange should be advised that they must pass the courses that they take abroad in order to obtain University of Edinburgh credits. Marks for these courses will not, however, contribute to Honours degree classification, which will be based entirely on Honours work undertaken in year four. Independent Study Abroad, that is, study at an overseas institution with which this University has no recognised links, is not permitted. In the first instance it is not always clear that courses taken equate in level, weight or content to Edinburgh courses, nor that this University’s Quality Assurance processes would necessarily approve them as adequate substitutes for Edinburgh University courses. Since there is no fee waiver for a student who chooses to undertake independent study abroad, the student would be liable for the full fees of that institution AND for at least 50% of University of Edinburgh fees. It is also the case that the University has a duty of care towards its students. If there are no official links with another university it is not possible to adequately fulfil this role. Therefore, in light of the above, this College does not permit a student to undertake independent study abroad. (This paragraph does not apply to degree programmes which require students to spend a year abroad. In those cases, the School concerned is responsible for approving and monitoring the suitability of the arrangements). 13 Guidance notes for Personal and Senior Tutors, and Student Support Officers Session 2014/15 SECTION 5: Other Relevant Information 5.1 Distressed Students and Disruptive Behaviour Guide for staff on supporting distressed students: You may also find it helpful to reflect on your personal boundaries, see: Very occasionally, a Personal Tutor or Student Support Officer may consider that there is a serious risk to the safety of the student or of others. The “Helping Distressed Students” Guide and the Code of Practice on Student Mental Health contain emergency contact information for such situations. 5.2 Death of a Student If Personal Tutors or Student Support Officers are notified of the death of a student, they should communicate this information immediately to Academic Registry, which is responsible for ensuring that relevant individuals within the University are informed. 14 Guidance notes for Personal and Senior Tutors, and Student Support Officers Session 2014/15 SECTION 6: Forms and Useful Links Forms: Authorised Interruption of Study: Concession Request Form:!/fileManager/Concession%20request%20form%202012%20%282%29. doc Self-certified Statement of Illness/Absence form:!fileManager/self-certified_statement_of_illness.pdf Special Circumstances proforma:!/fileManager/Special%20Circs%20form%20March%202014.doc Transfers - College form: Links: Student Administration Academic Services (Information for staff): Advice Place: Appeals: Taught Assessment Regulations: Careers Service: Complaints: International Office: 15 Guidance notes for Personal and Senior Tutors, and Student Support Officers Session 2014/15 Support Services: Student Counselling Service: Student Disability Service: 16