Florida International University: Academic Unit: Degree Program: Link to Unit’s Mission: Program Outcome 1. Program faculty will demonstrate: --excellent teaching Program Outcome Assessment 2008-2009 College of Education, Curriculum and Instruction MS in Curriculum and Instruction Jamaica Page 1 To prepare professionals who have the knowledge, abilities, and habits of mind to facilitate and enhance learning and development within diverse settings; promote and facilitate the discovery, development, documentation, assessment, and dissemination of knowledge related to teaching and learning; and develop professional partnerships in the larger community. Assessment Method Procedures: How will it be measured? 1. Graduate One-Year Follow-up Survey. All graduates are surveyed one year after graduation via email on their satisfaction with the quality of the faculty and instruction. What is the desired level of achievement? Graduates will report a rating of satisfied or very satisfied on a three-point scale of “Very Satisfied”, “Satisfied”, or “Not Satisfied”. Results Results Method 1 10 out of 20 graduates responded (50% return rate; of those who responded -100% of graduates were very satisfied with the quality of class discussions. -90% of graduates were very satisfied and 10% of the graduates were satisfied with the appropriate use of class discussions. --50% of graduates were very satisfied and 50% of the graduates were satisfied with the use of a variety of appropriate instructional strategies. -80% of graduates were very satisfied and 20% of graduates were satisfied with the quality of lectures. -90% of graduates were very satisfied and 10% of graduates were satisfied with the use of appropriate assessment and evaluation strategies. -90% of graduates were very satisfied and 10% of graduates were satisfied with the integration of current research into lectures. -100% of graduates were very satisfied with the qualifications of the faculty. -100% of graduates were very satisfied with Florida International University: Academic Unit: Degree Program: Link to Unit’s Mission: Program Outcome Assessment 2008-2009 College of Education, Curriculum and Instruction MS in Curriculum and Instruction Jamaica Page 2 To prepare professionals who have the knowledge, abilities, and habits of mind to facilitate and enhance learning and development within diverse settings; promote and facilitate the discovery, development, documentation, assessment, and dissemination of knowledge related to teaching and learning; and develop professional partnerships in the larger community. faculty knowledge of the subject matter. -70% of the graduates were very satisfied and 30% of the graduates were satisfied with effectiveness of the faculty. -100% of graduates were very satisfied with the faculty’s ability to incorporate related issues and current events into classes. Use of Results for Improving Program 1. The follow-up survey was administered to the graduates of the second cohort (Class of 2008) in May 2009. 10 out of 20 graduates responded (50% return rate). The results show that the graduates were generally satisfied with the quality of instruction and the program faculty. As a result of the accreditation review by the University Council of Jamaica in April 2009, a local qualified Jamaican lecturer will be hired to teach a few courses in the program, serve as an academic adviser to the students, and assist program faculty in supervising the Action Research project. This is with a view to incorporating more of the Jamaican local and cultural content into the curriculum as well as strengthening the supervision of the research projects. 2. A teaching assistant will be hired in Jamaica (preferably a graduate of the program) to assist faculty and serve as a mentor to students. This will enhance students’ access to help when they need it in completing assignments and projects. 3. All courses will be revised to include a significant Jamaican content to ensure that the program is culturally relevant. This will be reflected in topics, readings, activities, and assessments as outlined in course syllabi and other documents. 4. In addition to the face-to-face instruction that takes place in Jamaica, each instructor will add an online component to their course using the blackboard platform, thus facilitating more interaction with the students and among the students, expanding the reading list, and providing an opportunity for students to reflect on their learning and experiences. 5. Each FIU program faculty member will serve as a mentor to a small group of students for their Action Research projects. Depending on the number of students enrolled in a cohort, each instructor will supervise 3-5 students. Efforts will be made to match faculty expertise with students’ research interests. Faculty will have an opportunity to co-publish the studies, thereby enhancing their scholarly productivity. 6. A faculty orientation will be held one week prior to the beginning of classes in Kingston. All FIU program faculty and pertinent Florida International University: Academic Unit: Degree Program: Link to Unit’s Mission: Program Outcome Assessment 2008-2009 College of Education, Curriculum and Instruction MS in Curriculum and Instruction Jamaica Page 3 To prepare professionals who have the knowledge, abilities, and habits of mind to facilitate and enhance learning and development within diverse settings; promote and facilitate the discovery, development, documentation, assessment, and dissemination of knowledge related to teaching and learning; and develop professional partnerships in the larger community. administrators will participate. The orientation will include presentations on the educational system of Jamaica, cultural sensitivity training, and school visits. The Faculty Orientation will be held in conjunction with the New Student Orientation. Program Alumni will also be invited to participate in the orientations. Library and technology training sessions will be held for faculty and students as part of the orientation. Florida International University: Academic Unit: Degree Program: Link to Unit’s Mission: Program Outcome 2. Quality advising and support services will be provided. Program Outcome Assessment 2008-2009 College of Education, Curriculum and Instruction MS in Curriculum and Instruction Jamaica Page 4 To prepare professionals who have the knowledge, abilities, and habits of mind to facilitate and enhance learning and development within diverse settings; promote and facilitate the discovery, development, documentation, assessment, and dissemination of knowledge related to teaching and learning; and develop professional partnerships in the larger community. Assessment Method Procedures: How will it be measured? Graduate One-Year Follow-up Survey. A one year follow up email survey of all graduates is administered to measure graduates’ satisfaction with the quality of advising and support services on a three point scale of “Very Satisfied”, “Satisfied”, or “Not Satisfied”. What is the desired level of achievement? Graduates will report a rating of satisfied or very satisfied on a 3 point scale. Results (Data Summary and Analysis) 10 out of 20 graduates responded (50% return rate; of those who responded -20% of the graduates were very satisfied; 60% were satisfied; and 20% were not satisfied with the quality of academic advising. -40% of the graduates were very satisfied; 40% of the graduates were satisfied; and 20% of the graduates were not satisfied with the quality of communication with FIU administrators. -50% of the graduates were very satisfied; 40% of the graduates were satisfied; and 10% of the graduates were not satisfied with the tuition payment options. -70% of the graduates were very satisfied (10 out of 11) were very satisfied with the method of grade reporting. -60% of graduates were very satisfied; 30% of the graduates were satisfied; and 10% of the graduates were not satisfied with the registration process. -20% of the graduates were satisfied and 80% of the graduates were not satisfied with the library resources at the University College of the Caribbean (UCC) campus. -70% of the graduates were satisfied and 30% of the graduates were not satisfied with the quality of communication with UCC administrators. --90% percent of the graduates were very satisfied and Florida International University: Academic Unit: Degree Program: Link to Unit’s Mission: Program Outcome Assessment 2008-2009 College of Education, Curriculum and Instruction MS in Curriculum and Instruction Jamaica Page 5 To prepare professionals who have the knowledge, abilities, and habits of mind to facilitate and enhance learning and development within diverse settings; promote and facilitate the discovery, development, documentation, assessment, and dissemination of knowledge related to teaching and learning; and develop professional partnerships in the larger community. 10% of the graduates were satisfied with faculty “responsiveness to students’ needs”. -60% of the graduates were very satisfied; 30% of the graduates were satisfied; and 10% of the graduates were not satisfied with accessibility to faculty. Use of Results for Improving Program 1. Academic advising will be improved through the hiring of a local Jamaican lecturer/academic adviser and a teaching assistant. 2. UCC does retain a modest selection of reference books in its collection which are held on reserve for Jamaican students participating in the MSCI programme. However, FIU and UCC will further collaborate on a book loan policy that provides students with additional texts through an inter-library loan arrangement between the institutions. It should also be noted that UCC maintains inter-library loan arrangements with a network of tertiary institutions across Jamaica and in particular for Caribbean texts. FIU students at UCC may also access those loan services to obtain appropriate references. UCC has a strategic development plan for its collection that includes the acquisition of educational reference texts including local and panCaribbean books and journals. UCC has a designated West Indian collection that includes locally published educational texts. 3. In addition to the face-to-face instruction that takes place in Jamaica, each instructor will add an online component to their course using the Blackboard CE platform, thus facilitating more interaction with the students and among the students, expanding the reading list, and providing an opportunity for students to reflect on their learning and experiences. 4. UCC administrators will participate in the orientation program as way of improving communication between them and the students. Florida International University: Academic Unit: Degree Program: Link to Unit’s Mission: Program Outcome 3. The program prepares graduates for leadership positions in education. Program Outcome Assessment 2008-2009 College of Education, Curriculum and Instruction MS in Curriculum and Instruction Jamaica Page 6 To prepare professionals who have the knowledge, abilities, and habits of mind to facilitate and enhance learning and development within diverse settings; promote and facilitate the discovery, development, documentation, assessment, and dissemination of knowledge related to teaching and learning; and develop professional partnerships in the larger community. Assessment Method Procedures: How will it be measured? All graduates are surveyed via email one year after graduation to find out their job placements, and current positions/assignments and salaries. What is the desired level of achievement? Graduates will report that the program has prepared them for their current jobs/positions (3 choices: adequately, moderately adequately, and inadequately). Graduates will be promoted due to their degree qualification (yes or no). Graduates will receive a higher salary commensurate with their job assignments due to their degree qualification (yes or no). Results (Data Summary and Analysis) 10 out of 20 graduates responded (50% return rate; of those who responded -100% of the graduates said they thought the program has prepared them adequately for their current jobs/positions. -30% of the graduates reported that they were promoted due to their degree qualification. -50% of respondents indicated they had received a salary increase. The program desires its graduates to be more successful in their profession based on completing degree. With a 50% response rate to the survey, one does not know the success of the other 10 graduates. The program was accredited by the University Council of Jamaica in April 2009. It is expected this will bring about more promotion/salary increases among program graduates. Use of Results for Improving Program The University Council of Jamaica (UCJ) has accredited the MSCI program in Jamaica. This positive outcome will enhance the stature of the program in Jamaica. Since graduates are employed in school systems, UCJ accreditation is well recognized. . It is expected this will bring about more promotion/salary increases among program graduates (hence program satisfaction). Florida International University: Academic Unit: Degree Program: Link to Unit’s Mission: Program Outcome Assessment 2008-2009 College of Education, Curriculum and Instruction MS in Curriculum and Instruction Jamaica Page 7 To prepare professionals who have the knowledge, abilities, and habits of mind to facilitate and enhance learning and development within diverse settings; promote and facilitate the discovery, development, documentation, assessment, and dissemination of knowledge related to teaching and learning; and develop professional partnerships in the larger community. Program Outcome 4. Students will successfully complete the program. Assessment Method Procedures: How will it be measured? Program enrollment and graduation data monitored by the Program Director each term and upon cohort program completion. Class rolls are examined. Since PD is responsible for registering students, awareness of program enrollments can be reviewed. Results 2007-08 Cohort: Of 21 students, 20 completed and 1 is scheduled to complete at the end of Fall 2009. What is the desired level of achievement? All students will complete the program within 14-18 months. Use of Results for Improving Program Program will continue to work with future cohorts for a timely program completion. Anticipatory counseling of students while enrolled in courses helps to eliminate failure. A local advisor will be used on future cohorts and will be a mentor to facilitate program completion. Florida International University: Academic Unit: Degree Program: Link to Unit’s Mission: Program Outcome Assessment 2008-2009 College of Education, Curriculum and Instruction MS in Curriculum and Instruction Jamaica Page 8 To prepare professionals who have the knowledge, abilities, and habits of mind to facilitate and enhance learning and development within diverse settings; promote and facilitate the discovery, development, documentation, assessment, and dissemination of knowledge related to teaching and learning; and develop professional partnerships in the larger community. Summarize use of results for continuous improvement of the educational program: 1. The follow-up survey was administered to the graduates of the second cohort (Class of 2008) in May 2009. 10 out of 20 graduates responded (50% return rate). The results show that the graduates were generally satisfied with the quality of instruction and the program faculty. As a result of the accreditation review by the University Council of Jamaica in April 2009, a local qualified Jamaican lecturer will be hired to teach a few courses in the program, serve as an academic adviser to the students, and assist program faculty in supervising the Action Research project. This is with a view to incorporating more of the Jamaican local and cultural content into the curriculum as well as strengthening the supervision of the research projects. 2. A teaching assistant will be hired in Jamaica (preferably a graduate of the program) to assist faculty and serve as a mentor to students. This will enhance students’ access to help when they need it in completing assignments and projects. 3. All courses will be revised to include a significant Jamaican content to ensure that the program is culturally relevant. This will be reflected in topics, readings, activities, and assessments as outlined in course syllabi and other documents. 4. In addition to the face-to-face instruction that takes place in Jamaica, each instructor will add an online component to their course using the blackboard platform, thus facilitating more interaction with the students and among the students, expanding the reading list, and providing an opportunity for students to reflect on their learning and experiences. 5. Each FIU program faculty member will serve as a mentor to a small group of students for their Action Research projects. Depending on the number of students enrolled in a cohort, each instructor will supervise 3-5 students. Efforts will be made to match faculty expertise with students’ research interests. Faculty will have an opportunity to co-publish the studies, thereby enhancing their scholarly productivity. 6. A faculty orientation will be held one week prior to the beginning of classes in Kingston. All FIU program faculty and pertinent administrators will participate. The orientation will include presentations on the educational system of Jamaica, cultural sensitivity training, and school visits. The Faculty Orientation will be held in conjunction with the New Student Orientation. Program Alumni will also be invited to participate in the orientations. Library and technology training sessions will be held for faculty and students as part of the orientation. 7. Academic advising will be improved through the hiring of a local Jamaican lecturer/academic adviser and a teaching assistant. Florida International University: Academic Unit: Degree Program: Link to Unit’s Mission: Program Outcome Assessment 2008-2009 College of Education, Curriculum and Instruction MS in Curriculum and Instruction Jamaica Page 9 To prepare professionals who have the knowledge, abilities, and habits of mind to facilitate and enhance learning and development within diverse settings; promote and facilitate the discovery, development, documentation, assessment, and dissemination of knowledge related to teaching and learning; and develop professional partnerships in the larger community. Summarize use of results for continuous improvement of the educational program: (Cont’d) 8. UCC does retain a modest selection of reference books in its collection which are held on reserve for Jamaican students participating in the MSCI programme. However, FIU and UCC will further collaborate on a book loan policy that provides students with additional texts through an inter-library loan arrangement between the institutions. It should also be noted that UCC maintains inter-library loan arrangements with a network of tertiary institutions across Jamaica and in particular for Caribbean texts. FIU students at UCC may also access those loan services to obtain appropriate references. UCC has a strategic development plan for its collection that includes the acquisition of educational reference texts including local and panCaribbean books and journals. UCC has a designated West Indian collection that includes locally published educational texts. 9. In addition to the face-to-face instruction that takes place in Jamaica, each instructor will add an online component to their course using the Blackboard CE platform, thus facilitating more interaction with the students and among the students, expanding the reading list, and providing an opportunity for students to reflect on their learning and experiences. 10. UCC administrators will participate in the orientation program as way of improving communication between them and the students. 11. The University Council of Jamaica (UCJ) has accredited the MSCI program in Jamaica. A positive outcome will enhance the stature of the program in Jamaica. Since graduates are employed in school systems, UCJ accreditation is well recognized. 12. Program will continue to work with future cohorts for a timely program completion.