Supplementary Methods Details of the parasite-interaction model We modelled the dynamics of a parasite community consisting of three parasite species (P1, P2 and P3) within a single (average) host individual. The burden of parasite species i wss increased by a constant uptake rate, i and decreased at a per capita rate i. Each parasite stimulated an immune response Ii, which increased at rate i proportional to that parasite’s density and decreased at rate i. This immune response had a detrimental impact on that parasite, by reducing its uptake rate in an exponential fashion, so that the uptake rate of the parasite in the face of host immunity was i e i I i where i determined the strength of the immune response’s impact on parasite uptake. We incorporated interactions between parasite species via the host’s immune response by allowing each species (j) to modify the level of immune response raised against one other parasite (i) at a per capita rate j. Hence, if j was positive, parasite species j reduced Ii, leading to a positive effect on parasite species i. Conversely, if j was negative, parasite j increased stimulation of the immune response, leading to a negative impact on parasite i. Finally, we incorporated vaccination (V) as a dynamic variable, which was applied at initial level V0 and decayed at rate V. This vaccine wss assumed to be species-specific, targeted solely at parasite 1 and it worked, like host immunity, by modifying the uptake rate of species 1 in an exponential fashion, according to the parameter . Hence, the full model is: dP1 1e ( 1I1 V) 1P1 dt dPi i e i Ii i Pi dt for i = 2,3 dI i i Pi i I i j P j dt where j = 3 when i = 1, j = 1 when i = 2, j = 2 when i=3 dV V V following an initial application level of V0. dt All parameter values used in the simulations are listed in Table A1. For the simulations, we initially ran the model with no vaccine and record the equilibrium levels of the three parasite species, assuming parasite 1 had a negative impact on parasite 2 (1 = –1), parasite 2 had a positive impact on parasite 3 (2 = +1) and the impact of parasite 3 on parasite 1 was allowed to vary between –1 and +1. Once the parasites had reached equilibrium, we applied the vaccine and recorded the post-vaccine equilibrium levels. The graphs in the main text show the change in abundance following vaccination of each parasite species: i = Post-vaccination level of species i Pre-vaccination level of species i Table A1. Parameter definitions and values used in the simulation model Parameter Definition Value i Uptake rate of parasite i 1, i i Mortality rate of parasite i 1/12, i i Stimulation rate of immune response i 1, i i Decay rate of immune response i 0, i i Impact of specific immune response on parasite i -1, i j Modification of immune system i by parasite j -1 i = 2, j = 1 1 i = 3, j = 2 from –1 to +1 i = 1, j = 3 V0 Initial application dose of vaccine 10 V Decay rate of vaccine 0 Impact of vaccine on parasite 1 -0.5