NDLA Steering Committee Membership Application

NDLA Steering Committee Membership Application
NDLA Steering Committee Membership Eligibility Criteria:
Must be a national organization run by people with disabilities with identifiable grassroots
constituencies that supports the mission of NDLA is eligible to apply to join the Steering Committee;
Organizations applying to join the Steering Committee must be willing and able to commit to fulfilling
their responsibilities as a member of the Steering Committee (please see responsibilities listed in
question 7 below).
Organizations applying to join the Steering Committee are encouraged to participate in NDLA’s
committees prior to applying for Steering Committee membership.
1. What is the name of the applicant organization and how long has it been in operation?
2. What is the legal and/or functional structure of the organization (corporation, association, grassroots group,
etc.)? Is it incorporated as a 501 c organization?
3. What is the organization’s decision-making structure and process? Who are the individuals with authority to
make decisions? How do the structure and lines of authority demonstrate that the organization is run by people
with disabilities?
4. What is the mission of the organization? What are its primary goals? What are its primary activities?
5. Who are the members of the organization? How is membership defined? What are the activities in which
members engage on behalf of the organization? How can the organization demonstrate it has a national
grassroots constituency?
6. Has the organization already participated in one or more NDLA committees? If so, please indicate which
committee(s) and describe the participation.
7. Please describe the organization’s commitment to fulfilling the following responsibilities of NDLA Steering
Committee membership:
Each organization is expected to be represented by someone with decision-making authority on behalf
of his or her organization;
Each representative is expected to attend regularly scheduled meetings;
Each representative is expected to have the authority to receive and share information on behalf of
their organization;
Each representative is expected to participate in one or more of the NDLA’s Task Forces and shall
advocate with the Administration, Congress and other parties of interest on behalf of NDLA positions his
or her organization supports;
Each organization is expected to be willing to make public presentations, give testimony and mobilize
grassroots advocacy on behalf of NDLA issues it supports.
Each representative is expected to participate in developing and circulating position statements, fact
sheets and letters on NDLA issues;
Each representative is expected to mentor and recruit new NDLA member organizations;
Each organization is expected to make cash and in-kind contributions, to the extent possible, to assist
NDLA to fulfill its efforts in the absence of formal dues;
Each organization is expected to be willing to disseminate NDLA information to the organization’s
constituency and stakeholders.