Navy Wives Clubs of America, Inc. Scholarship Foundation Bylaws Amended at National Convention Bangor, WA 2014 NWCA Scholarship Foundation Bylaws 2014 1 Certificate of Incorporation We, the undersigned, all citizens of the United States and a majority citizens and residents of the District of Columbia, desiring to associate ourselves as a corporation pursuant to the provision of Title 29 of Chapter 6 of the District of Columbia code (1940), do hereby certify as follows: FIRST, The name or title by which the corporation shall be known in law shall be THE SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION OF THE NAVY WIVES CLUBS OF AMERICA. SECOND, the term for which it is organized shall be perpetual. THIRD, The particular business and objects of said corporation shall be to: (a) administer a scholarship program to assist sons and daughters of enlisted personnel of the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard on active Duty or retired or to sons and daughters of deceased personnel of the above categories, in obtaining college educations, vocational, business, or other training which will fit them to make more valuable contributions to society, and (b) collect, hold and invest funds received from gifts, donations, special fund rising drives and bequests and utilize the same to further the primary purpose of the Foundation as stated above. FOURTH, The number of it’s trustees, directors, or managers for the first year of its existence shall be five. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, we have this 18th day of September 1953, hereunto set our hands and seals. NWCA Scholarship Foundation Bylaws 2014 2 Scholarship Foundation Bylaws Navy Wives Clubs of America, Inc. (Amended at National Convention Bangor, WA 2014) Article I Section 1. The name of this Corporation shall be the Scholarship Foundation of the Navy Wives Clubs of America, Inc. Article II Purpose Section 1. The purpose of the Corporation is to grant Scholarships to eligible applicants and thus assist them in furthering their education; College, Vocational, Technical or Business. Article III Contributions Section 1. Section 2. Contributors are asked to voluntarily support the work of the foundation. An endowment or bequest to the Foundation becomes a Memorial to the donor or one designated by the donor, if desired. (10/14) Article IV Officers Section 1. Section 2. The Officers of the Foundation shall be: a. Director b. Secretary/Treasurer Duties a. The Director shall: (1) Manage the affairs of the Foundation along with Secretary/Treasurer (10/14) (2) Enlist the necessary assistance from NWCA clubs, from branches of the Armed Forces and outside organizations involved in publicizing the work of the Foundation. (10/14) (3) In the absence of the Secretary/Treasurer, accept donations for the Foundation and turn the same over to the Secretary/Treasurer. (4) Work with the Secretary/Treasurer on all business concerning the Foundation. (5) Direct the Secretary/Treasurer to expend funds for Scholarships in accordance with the grants of the Foundation. (6) Be required to submit written quarterly reports. Original copy with receipts attached to be sent to the Secretary/Treasurer. Copies NWCA Scholarship Foundation Bylaws 2014 3 Section 3. shall be submitted to the National President and National Treasurer. Annual reports shall be submitted to the National Board, NWCA clubs, and Members-at-Large. (7) Send a report quarterly (not financial) to the National President as to the activities of the Foundation such as stock sales, donations, etc. (10/14) (8) Send copies of all reports and correspondence to the NWCA National President for permanent filing. (9) Be required to mail applications to all who request one and appear to be eligible. (10) Submit scholarship recipients booklet as an annual report at National Convention and to all NWCA clubs represented. (11) Process all the New and Renewal Application for the Foundation. (10/14) b. The Secretary/Treasurer shall: (1) Handle correspondence and maintain all financial records pertaining to his/her position. (10/14) (2) Send copies of all reports and correspondence to the NWCA National President for permanent filing. (3) Be responsible for and keep account of all money, securities, investments, and properties, and make such investments, dispositions, and transfer of funds as deemed necessary, with the approval of the Scholarship Director and the NWCA National President. (4) Keep the funds of the Foundation in depositories properly insured for at least one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00), with all disbursements to be made by check only. (5) Notify selectees and keep in contact with Scholarship recipients. (6) Submit quarterly reports to the Connection on all donations received. (7) Have an annual audit of the financial accounts made by a Certified Public Accountant, prior to National Convention. The books shall be closed as of August 31, and an annual financial report shall be submitted at the NWCA National Convention. (8) Disburse grant funds directly to the institution selected by the Scholarship recipient. (9) File an annual income tax form provided by the Certified Public Accountant by December 15, to the Internal Revenue Service by mail, return receipt requested. (10) Shall prepare an annual budget to be presented at National Convention of Navy Wives Clubs of America, Inc. Qualifications a. Director (1) Shall be a member of NWCA in good standing and must reside within the boundaries of the United States, excluding Alaska and Hawaii. (Amended 2010) NWCA Scholarship Foundation Bylaws 2014 4 (2) Section 4. Section 5. Shall have been a member of NWCA for a three (3) year period and have at least two (2) accumulative years in any of the following offices: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, or Chaplain in a club or clubs of NWCA. (Amended 2010) b. Secretary/Treasurer (1) Shall be a member of NWCA in good standing and must reside in the boundaries of the United States, excluding Alaska and Hawaii. (Amended 2010) (2) Shall have been a member of NWCA three (3) accumulative years in any of the following offices: President, Vice President, Secretary Treasurer, Parliamentarian, or Chaplain in a club or clubs of NWCA. (Amended 2010) (3) Shall be bondable. (4) Shall have the knowledge and experience of a bookkeeper and typist. Term of Office and Elections: a. The term for each Scholarship Office shall be two (2) consecutive years. The consecutive terms a Scholarship Officer may serve in each office shall not exceed two (2). (10/02) b. Elections shall take place at the NWCA National Convention. Nominations may appear in the official Call to convention, and may also be accepted from the floor. c. Once an individual has served as both Director and Secretary/Treasurer she/he may not run for these offices for at least two (2) consecutive years. (10/14) Expulsion: a. Any Scholarship Officer, who, for a period of ninety (90) days fails to perform the duties of her office shall be replaced by the NWCA President with the approval of the NWCA Board of Directors, without the formality of a resignation, and shall be notified of her replacement. Article V Expenses Section 1. Operating expenses of the Scholarship Foundation and its Officers shall be paid from the Bank Accounts. a. The Director shall have an expense account in the same amount as allotted by the National Chairmen for stationery and supplies and other expenses to maintain this office. b. The Secretary/Treasurer shall have an expense account in the same amount allotted the National Officers for stationery supplies and other expenses to maintain this office c. The Secretary/Treasurer, upon election, shall be bonded for not less than one hundred-fifty thousand dollars ($150,000.00). NWCA Scholarship Foundation Bylaws 2014 5 d. Transportation and related travel expenses or package fee for the Director and Secretary/Treasurer to and from National Convention of NWCA shall be paid, not to exceed least expensive airfare available with tickets purchased thirty (30) days in advance whenever possible. Package fees, if paid, shall include all time required for mandatory Board Business. Receipted bills must be turned into the Secretary/Treasurer of the Scholarship Foundation. e. Transportation and related travel expenses for one of the Scholarship Officers to meet once a year with the other officer for the purpose of selecting the recipients of grants shall be paid, not to exceed least expensive airfare available. Receipted bills must be turned into the Secretary/Treasurer of the Foundation, with a copy being sent to the National President of NWCA. f. Transportation and related travel expenses, not to exceed least expensive airfare available for the Director and/or Secretary/Treasurer shall be paid to and from the place of business where the stockbroker is located, not to exceed one a term. Receipted bills must be turned into the Secretary/Treasurer of the Foundation, with a copy being sent to the National President of NWCA. (10/98) Article VI Eligibility for the Grants Section 1. The Scholarship Officers of the Foundation shall select the recipients for the grants on the following basis: a. To be eligible, the applicant shall be a dependent son or daughter (natural born, legally adopted, or step child) of active duty, retired with pay, or deceased enlisted member of the Navy, Marine Corps or Coast Guard. The applicant shall hold a valid military dependent ID card (Untied States uniformed Services Identification & Privilege Card). b. Need of financial assistance to further their education shall be a primary factor in selecting the recipients for the grants. c. An applicant shall be a graduate of an accredited high school or its equivalent, or one who will qualify for graduation prior to beginning eligibility for assistance. d. The applicant’s scholastic standing shall be at least a 2.5 average for a first time applicant. Renewals to be selected at the discretion of the Scholarship Officers and Advisory Board, if necessary. e. The applicant shall have applied for admission to an accredited school. (10/98) f. Applicants for graduate studies shall not be eligible for a scholarship, except for a Member’s child. (10/98) g. Application shall be postmarked no later than the date stated in the Scholarship application, unless extended due to necessity by the Scholarship Officers. NWCA Scholarship Foundation Bylaws 2014 6 Article VII Nature of Awards Section 1. Each member’s child Scholarship awarded by this Foundation shall be a grant of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00), if possible, per academic year. All other scholarships awarded by this Foundation shall be a grant of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), if possible, per academic year. These grants shall be paid directly to the institution. (10/06) a. Five (5) Members Child Scholarships shall be granted annually to applicants who are the children of regular members or MALs (who qualify for regular membership) of NWCA. These Scholarships shall be continued until graduation, not to exceed four years, as long as scholastic standing and eligibility requirements are met. There will be two (2) first year awards, one (1) second year award, one (1) third year award and one (1) fourth year award, if possible. In the event there are no qualified applicants to award the scholarship for first, second, third and fourth years, then an award may be granted in any year so that all four grants are awarded. A fifth year award may be granted if the student’s program of studies requires five (5) years. These scholarships shall be given in memory of Elise Skylstead. ($1,500.00 each) (10/14) b. Four (4) first year (freshmen) scholarships shall be awarded annually to first year students. These scholarships shall be continued until graduation, but no more than four (4) years, as long as scholastic standing and eligibility requirements are met. These scholarships shall be given in honor of the presiding National President. ($1,000.00 each) (Members child $1,500.00 Amended 2010) c. Four (4) second year (sophomore) scholarships shall be awarded annually to second year students. These scholarships are renewal grants from the previous year’s first year (freshmen) awards and will continue through their senior year provided scholastic standing and eligibility requirements are met. In the event that a renewal applicant does not reapply or becomes ineligible, then a second year student will be selected from the applications received for the current year. These scholarships shall be given in memory of Mary Paolozzi, PNP. ($1,000.00 each) (Members child $1,500.00 Amended 2010) d. Four (4) third year (junior) scholarships shall be awarded annually to third year students. These scholarships are renewal grants from the previous year’s second year (sophomore) awards and will continue through their senior year provided scholastic standing and eligibility requirements are met. In the event that a renewal applicant does not reapply or becomes ineligible, then a third year student will be selected from the applications received for the current year. These scholarships shall be given in memory of Ruth Berry and Doris Smith. ($1,000.00 each) (Members child $1,500.00 Amended 2010) NWCA Scholarship Foundation Bylaws 2014 7 e. f. g. Four (4) fourth year (senior) scholarships shall be awarded annually to fourth year students. These grants are renewal grants from the previous year’s third year awards. In the event that a renewal applicant does not reapply or becomes ineligible, then a fourth year student will be selected from the applications received for the current year. These scholarships shall be given in honor of the Scholarship Officers.($1,000.00) (Members child $1,500.00 Amended 2010) A total of four (4) upperclassmen scholarships shall be awarded annually to a Second, Third and/or Fourth year student who has not previously been selected as a scholarship recipient. These grants may be awarded in any combination of scholastic year. The grants are for one (1) year only. However, each applicant may reapply to be considered for the following year for any grant that he/she is eligible. These scholarships shall be given in memory of John F. Kennedy. (10/14) ($1,000.00 each) (Members child $1,500.00 Amended 2010) Two (2) Viola Cross scholarships shall be awarded annually to a NWCA Member’s Child, if possible, enrolling Special Education (working with the handicapped). The applicant may be a first year student or upperclassman. This scholarship shall be a continued award until graduation provided scholastic standing and eligibility requirements are met, not to exceed four (4) years. A fifth year award may be granted for a NWCA Member’s Child if the students program of studies requires five (5) years. These scholarships shall be given in memory of Viola Cross, NWCA Beeliners #209. ($1000.00 each) (Members child $1,500.00 Amended 2010) h. Two (2) J.J. VanFleck scholarships shall be awarded annually to a premed or medical student. The applicant may be a first year student or upperclassman. These scholarships shall be a continued award until graduation provided scholastic standing and eligibility requirements are met, not to exceed four (4) years. A fifth year award may be granted for a NWCA Member’s Child if the student’s program of studies requires five (5) years. These scholarships shall be given in memory of Hospital Corpsman J.J. VanFleck who was killed in Vietnam. ($1,000.00 each) (Members child $1,500.00 Amended 2010) i. One (1) Jeanne Orrall scholarship shall be awarded annually to a NWCA Member’s child, if possible. The applicant may be a first year student or Upperclassman. This scholarship shall be continued until graduation, not to exceed four (4) years, provided scholastic standing and eligibility requirements are met. A fifth year award may be granted for a NWCA Member’s Child if the student’s program of studies requires five (5) years. This scholarship shall be given in memory of Jeanne Orrall, PNP and for Secretary/Treasurer of the Scholarship Foundation. If this scholarship is awarded to a member’s child, the amount shall increase to $1500.00; otherwise it shall be $1000.00. (Amended 2010) NWCA Scholarship Foundation Bylaws 2014 8 j. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. Section 5. Section 6. Section 7. One (1) Jean S. Lyles Memorial Scholarship shall be awarded annually to a NWCA Member’s Child, if possible. The applicant may be a first year student or upperclassman. This scholarship shall be continued until graduation, not to exceed four (4) years, provided scholastic standing and eligibility requirements are met. This scholarship shall be given in memory of Jean S. Lyles, Past National President and Past National Scholarship Director and Scholarship Secretary/Treasurer. (10/14) The number and amount of each scholarship awarded listed in Article VII, Nature of Awards, Section 1 is based solely on the status of the Scholarship Foundation portfolio and the amount of donations received each year. The number and amount of each scholarship may decrease should circumstances warrant. NWCA Members whose children are applying for the NWCA Member’s Child Scholarship, and the Jeanne Orrall, memorial Scholarship shall send a letter to the Director and/or Secretary/Treasurer stating their membership, which will then be verified by the National Treasurer. (Adopted 1990) These grants are given with the understanding that no payment shall be expected from the recipients. Recipients may contribute to the Scholarship Foundation, if they so desire. Grants are to be applied for tuition, room and board, fees and/or books. If for any reason the grants are unused, the funds are to be returned to the Foundation. All required documentation necessary for accepting the award must be received by the Secretary/Treasurer no later than 01 September of any year. If grants are unable to be presented for any reason, the Scholarship Officers shall be directed to award to the next eligible applicant any previously unused grant. (10/02) Any selectee/recipient who participates in a demonstration degrading our Flag and/or Country shall not be eligible for a grant. Any recipient convicted of substance abuse shall be carefully reviewed by the Scholarship Officers prior to renewal. (10/14) Article VIII Amendments to Bylaws Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. These bylaws may be amended at the National Convention of Navy Wives Clubs of America, Inc., every four (4) years, provided that notice to amend shall have been appended to the Call to Convention. (10/14) Procedure: a. Proposed amendments shall be presented to the bylaws committee at least five (5) months prior to National Convention. b. A brief explanation shall be submitted and shall be included in the Call to Convention. c. All NWCA Scholarship bylaws proposed changes must be identified on the Call to National Convention by club, council, Region or NWCA member’s name. (10/02) Bylaw Committee: NWCA Scholarship Foundation Bylaws 2014 9 a. The bylaw committee shall consist of four (4) members, with one member representing each region. The National Parliamentarian shall serve as the chairman and represent her region. Article IX Parliamentary Authority Section 1. The Scholarship Foundation shall be governed by the Scholarship Foundation Bylaws, Standing Rules, NWCA Bylaws and then Robert’s Rule of Order, Newly Revised, Current Edition. OCTOBER 2014 CONSTITUTES THE MOST CURRENT AND UP TO DATE SCHOLARSHIP BYLAWS. Christel Anderson ~ National Parliamentarian NWCA Scholarship Foundation Bylaws 2014 10 Standing Rules Scholarship Foundation Standing Rules 1. Scholarship month shall be January. 2. Each scholarship recipient shall be notified by the Scholarship Secretary/Treasurer if his/her scholarship is given in someone’s honor or memory. 3. A Board of Advisors to the Scholarship Foundation consisting of three NWCA members shall be appointed by each incoming National Board of Directors. Two of the advisors must have served as a Scholarship Foundation Officer. They shall have no expense account. This shall be a Standing Committee until dissolved by the membership. 4. The Director and Secretary/Treasurer shall send copies of their quarterly and annual report to NWCA National President. Details of expenses shall be included in these reports. Quarterly reports shall be printed in the Connection. (Adopted 2011) 5. In the event the Navy Wives Clubs of America, Inc. ceases to exist, leaving only the Scholarship Foundation of the Navy Wives Clubs Inc., the offices of Director and Sec/Tres. will be selected from Past National Presidents, Past Scholarship Officers and Past National Officers of Navy Wives Clubs of America, Inc. (10/14) 6. A decorative unframed certificate shall be awarded to the top contributor of each category to the Scholarship Foundation. Those clubs having a Thrift Shop are excluded from the First (1st) and Second (2nd) category. The categories are the following: 1. 1-12 in membership; 2. 13 and over in membership; 3. All clubs that have Thrift Shop. (10/14) OCTOBER 2014 – THIS CONSTITUTES THE MOST CURRENT NWCA SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION STANDING RULES, Christel Anderson~ National Parliamentarian NWCA Scholarship Foundation Bylaws 2014 11