FALL 2016 UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION PLEASE NOTE: This application is for UNDERGRADUATE applicants only. The MasterCard Foundation (MCF) Scholars Program at Michigan State University (MSU) for undergraduate students is open to first-time freshman applicants who are residents or citizens of an African country. This program targets academically qualified, yet economically disadvantaged, young people in Africa who will contribute to the transformation of the continent. For more information on this program and the qualifications, please visit www.mcfscholars.isp.msu.edu. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. In order to apply for the MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program at Michigan State University, you MUST also apply to MSU and arrange to have required test scores and supporting materials sent to the University. To apply visit: www.beaspartan.msu.edu. For more information on application requirements visit: www.admissions.msu.edu/admission/international_requirements.asp. IMPORTANT: Be sure to save your Applicant ID and password during the MSU application process. You will need your Applicant ID to complete the MCF Scholarship Application. 2. Students must be admitted to Michigan State University to be considered for this scholarship. To maximize consideration, apply early and ensure that the University receives all required admission application materials and test scores by January 4, 2016. To monitor the status of your application for admission you can log in to your personalized online admissions portal at www.beaspartan.msu.edu with your MSU Applicant ID and password. 3. Complete this scholarship application and upload it electronically via your online admissions portal no later than January 4, 2016. You may submit the scholarship application at the same time as your MSU application. If you are submitting a hand-written scholarship application, you should ensure the document and scanned copy are clearly legible. Fill out this application with as much detail as possible. Incomplete applications will not be considered. 4. Provide a copy of the MCF Recommendation Form to an appropriate individual per the form instructions (find form at www.mcfscholars.isp.msu.edu/apply/undergrad.htm). Have your recommender complete this form and email it as an attachment to mcfs@msu.edu no later than January 4, 2016. 5. Please select someone other than a family member who knows you well and can confidently speak to your family’s economic circumstances to complete the Family Background Form. Be sure to select someone whom we can contact in order to ensure your eligibility. OVERALL FALL 2016 TIMELINE (For August 2016 intake): JANUARY 4, 2016 JANUARY 4, 2016 MARCH 2016 APRIL 1, 2016 MAY 1, 2016 Application for admission and all supporting academic materials (official transcripts, mark sheets, external exams, test scores) received by MSU Submission deadline for MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program at MSU Undergraduate Scholarship Application and Recommendation Form Finalist interviews Notification of scholarship status Awardee decision due date Please email further inquiries regarding this scholarship to mcfs@msu.edu. MCFUN 2.0 p. 1 PERSONAL / FAMILY INFORMATION 1. Date of application (MM/DD/YYYY): ______________________________________________ 2. Family name:___________________________Given name: ___________________________ 3. Name you prefer to be called: __________________________________________________ 4. Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY): ___________________________________________________ 5. Gender: Male ____ Female _____ 6. MSU Applicant ID: ____________________________________________________________ 7. Address where you reside (when not at school): _____________________________________________________________________________ 8. Email address: _______________________________________________________________ 9. Internet Access: A. Where do you access the Internet? ___________________________________________ B. How often are you typically able to access the Internet? ___________________________ 10. Phone Capability: A. Do you own a smartphone? YES _____ NO ______ B. If so, which model? __________________________________________________________ 11. Kindly provide one or more telephone number(s) where we may reach you, below. In each instance, identify whether the number is a landline or mobile phone and whose phone number it is. If at all possible, provide at least one landline number where you can be reached. Contact Name MCFUN 2.0 Relationship Phone Number Landline or Mobile? p. 2 12A. Parents Education and Employment Parent Name Mother Occupation (please be specific, even if self-employed ) Employer/Workplace Estimated Annual Wages in local currency Highest Level of Education Estimated Annual Wages in U.S. Currency Father 12B. If your parents are deceased, please state the name, relationship to you and occupation and workplace of your legal guardian Legal Guardian Name Relationship to You Estimated Annual Wages (local currency) Occupation Workplace Estimated Annual Wages (U.S. currency) 13. List any other sources of household income, in order of importance, such as livestock (what kind and how many), rental income, income earned by self or siblings (be specific), transfer of income from outside the household, etc. Estimated Annual Income (local currency) Income Source Description Estimated Annual Wages (U.S. currency) Source 1: Source 2: Source 3: Source 4: MCFUN 2.0 p. 3 14. List the names of your direct siblings, their ages, gender, and whether or not they are in school. If they are in school, also provide the name of the school, grade/form/level in school, cost of their school fees, and how much of the school fees are funded by your family. Attach additional pages if required. Sibling 1 2 3 4 5 Name Age Gender Living at Home (Yes or No)? In School (Yes or No)? Grade/Form/ Level Currently or Highest Completed School Name Annual Cost of School Fees Currently or When Left Family’s Financial Contribution to Educational Costs Currently Employed? Employer Annual Wages (local currency) 15. List the number of other dependent people currently living with, and supported by, your family and their relationship to you. Attach additional pages if required. Name MCFUN 2.0 Relationship Age p. 4 16. Do any of your relatives have an affiliation with Michigan State University? If so, please provide their name, relationship to you, and how they are affiliated with Michigan State University (current student, alumnus, professor, employee, etc.). Name Relationship Affiliation with MSU 17. School Fee Information: A. Amount of your current annual school fees in local currency (inclusive of all top-up fees and levies and boarding fees). If you have already graduated, list fees for your last year of high school. _______________________________________________________________________________ B. Who currently pays for your school fees (if graduated, who paid for them while in school?)? If you have already graduated, list fees for your last year of high school. _______________________________________________________________________________ C. Are you on any bursary/scholarship or were you before graduating? YES ____ NO ____ If so, how much does/did the bursary cover? ___________________________________ D. If your fees are paid by a relative other than your parents, how many other children’s fees are paid for by this same person: __________________ Do you live with this relative? YES ____ NO ____ Not Applicable ________ E. Have you or your siblings ever missed a significant part of a school term because of finances? NO ____ YES ____ If yes, please explain: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ MCFUN 2.0 p. 5 18. Have you ever traveled outside your home country? YES _____ NO _____ If so, please indicate when this was, where you traveled and the duration and purpose of the trip. Destination When Duration Purpose 19. House Information A. Does your family own its own home? YES ____ NO ____ B. How much is the monthly payment for your home in local currency?_______________________ C. Describe the dwelling in which you live, including number and type of rooms, location (where in the city, in rural village, etc.), plumbing (what type of toilet, if any), electricity, and types of appliances and amenities: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 20. Which of the following does your family own? A. Refrigerator: YES ____ NO ____ B. Television: YES ____ NO ____ C. Satellite Dish: YES ____ NO ____ D. Computer: YES ____ NO ____ If yes, which year/model: ______________________ 21. Does your family own a car? YES ____ NO ____ If yes, list the year, make (e.g., Honda, Toyota) and model (E.g., Civic, Prado) of each car. Year MCFUN 2.0 Vehicle Make Vehicle Model p. 6 22. List what type of livestock or poultry your family owns, and approximately how many of each: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 23. What else should we know about your background, family or financial status? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ MCFUN 2.0 p. 7 ACADEMIC BACKROUND AND ACTIVITIES 24. List all schools attended, school location (including city/country) and the grades/form/level completed, and the reason you left that school, if applicable. School City/Country Grade/Form/ Level completed Reason for leaving 27. Have you participated in any special programs that might assist you in preparing to apply and study in the United States (Zawadi, KenSAP, USAP, ALA, UWC, BRAC, Bridge2Rwanda, Fawe, Open a Door, EducationUSA, etc.)? If so, please list which program or school and its location. Program/School MCFUN 2.0 Location Dates p. 8 25. List all clubs, sports and activities that you have participated in at your high school and in your community and/or religious organization. List approximately how many hours per week you have been involved in each. Attach an extra sheet if required. Activity/Year Description Hours involved each week 26. Select one of the above activities that was most meaningful to you and explain why in the space below. MCFUN 2.0 p. 9 28. List any leadership positions you have held at school and note in which grade/form/lear you held that position (e.g., prefect headgirl/boy, president/secretary of a club, team captain, etc.). Leadership Position Description Grade/Form/Level 29. List any academic prizes or other honors you have received. MCFUN 2.0 p. 10 SHORT ESSAY QUESTIONS These questions help us know you as a person. Please take time to answer them carefully, honestly, and completely (up to 300 words each). 1. What do you plan to study at MSU? What career are you pursing at this point and why? 2. Engagement is an important aspect of The MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program. A. What is your responsibility to your community? B. In what ways do you currently give back to your community? C. What is your vision for how you will give back in the future? MCFUN 2.0 p. 11 SHORT ESSAY QUESTIONS (continued) These questions help us know you as a person. Please take time to answer them carefully, honestly, and completely (up to 300 words each). 3. Describe a situation where you had to overcome a significant obstacle(s) or challenge(s) to reach a goal. How did you react to this challenge, and what did you learn from this situation? 4. What else should we know about you that would qualify you for this scholarship? MCFUN 2.0 p. 12 Michigan State University is committed to administering all educational policies and activities without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, handicap or gender. SIGNATURE I certify that all of the answers I have given in this application are complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and, if admitted, I agree to observe all the rules and regulations of Michigan State University. Failure to do so can result in disciplinary action. I agree that all documents submitted as part of this application must be authentic and that any falsification of admission and/or academic records through omission or misstatement by me in this application may result in cancellation of my admission and/or other disciplinary action by Michigan State University. Further, I understand that this information and my university records may be reported to the MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program and used for evaluation and other program purposes. All information will be kept in strict confidence and will not be released in any way that would permit individual identification. I authorize release and use of this information, as described above, to the MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program. Applicant Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________ Applicant Full Name: __________________________________________________________________ MCFUN 2.0 p. 13