Scholarship Regulations - Faculty of Social Sciences

The Academic Senate of the Faculty of Social Sciences
in accordance with § 27 Para 1 Letter b) and § 33 Para 2 Letter e) of the law no.
111/1998 Coll., on universities and in amendment and supplementation of other laws
(laws on universities), has adopted the Scholarship Regulations at the Faculty of Social
Sciences as its internal regulations:
Article 1
Introductory Provisions
The Scholarship regulations of the Faculty of Social Sciences (henceforth “regulations”), in
accordance with Article 4 Para 5 and corresponding provisions of the Scholarship regulations
of Charles University in Prague (henceforth “university), stipulate the process of awarding
scholarships at the Faculty of Social Sciences (henceforth “faculty”). In compliance with
Study and examination regulations of University and Rules for the organization of studies of
the faculty, a given segment of studies corresponds to the individual years of studies.
Article 2
Stipulation of Conditions Regarding Scholarships for Excellent Study Results
(pertaining to Article 4 of the Scholarship regulations of the University)
1. Scholarship for excellent study results is paid out in November retrospectively for the
previous academic year in the form of a one-time payment. An alternate date for payment is
December. Scholarship is paid out for excellent study results in the previous academic year.
2. Determining the amount of scholarshipa. Scholarship for excellent study results can only be awarded to the students in bachelor’s
and master’s studies who are enrolled in the standard length of study and face no obstacles in
the provision of scholarship in accordance with Article 8 Para 1 and 2 of the Scholarship
regulations of the University.
The scholarship can be paid outi. To students enrolled in bachelor’s study programme realized by the faculty who in the
previous academic year studied the first segment in their study programme at the faculty and
acquired at least 45 credits
ii. To students enrolled in bachelor’s study programme realized by the faculty who in the
previous academic year studied the second or third segment in their study programme at the
faculty and acquired at least 45 credits
iii. To students enrolled in master’s study programme realized by the faculty who in the
previous academic year studied and successfully completed the bachelor’s study programme
at the faculty identical with the denomination of currently studied master’s programme (see
the table of continuing master’s programmes) and acquired in the last segment of this
bachelor’s programme at least 45 credits.
iv. To students enrolled in master’s study programme realized by the faculty who in the
previous academic year studied at the faculty in his/her first segment and acquired at least 30
b. The students who fulfill all the conditions contained in Para 2 Letter a) point i, ii, and iv
will have their grade-point average calculated for the previous segment of studies in which
they studied the same study discipline. It will be based on all the exams including retakes and
all classified credits. If a student is simultaneously enrolled in several study
programmes/disciplines and has some study obligations recognized within the disciplines,
s/he can apply obtained results for a given segment of studies only once. Calculations of an
average grade-point are based on the number of credits which can be obtained by a successful
completion of courses or exams. If a student acquired more than 60 credits in the previous
academic year, deductions amounting to 0.01 will be set for each credit exceeding the limit.
The study results of a student (indicated as V) will be calculated as a weighted average
reduced by the deductions.
c. Students who met conditions stipulated in Para 2 will be divided into five groups according
to institutes. Each group will be sub-divided into four groups in accordance with Letter 2a. If
a student is simultaneously enrolled in several study programmes, s/he will be evaluated in
each of the programmes.
d. Each sub-group consists of a designated percentage of students (numbers rounded up) with
the lowest study results who will be awarded scholarship. The entire sum of scholarship
money for excellent study results will be distributed evenly among all the selected students
within the sub-groups. The amount of scholarship will be determined linearly according to
study results. Minimum and maximum amount of scholarship and the percentage of students
eligible for scholarship will be stipulated by the Dean upon the statement obtained from the
academic senate in order to fulfill conditions in Article 4 Para 2 and 3 of the Scholarship
regulations of the University.
e. The Dean will on the basis of a request determine whether to award special purpose
scholarship to a student enrolled in master’s study programme who completed bachelor’s
study programme at another faculty or university in the standard length of study in the
previous year.
f. A student simultaneously enrolled in several study programmes or disciplines can be
awarded a scholarship in each study programme or discipline.
Article 3
Special Purpose Scholarship
(pertaining to Article 5 Para 2 Letter a), c) and d) of the Scholarship regulations of the
1. Conditions regarding the award of scholarship for remarkable scientific, research or
development results deepening the general knowledge (letter a) of the Scholarship regulations
of the University) and the methods of request submission are governed by the following
regulationsa. Scholarships can generally be awarded fori. Individual results which are nationally and internationally recognized (students
competitions and awards)
ii. Team results which are internationally recognized (students competitions and awards)
b. The organizer of a corresponding study programme or the head of a corresponding
scientific-research team submits the proposal for scholarship award to the dean of the faculty.
The request must contain a statement from the faculty secretary and a corresponding vicedean.
c. Scholarship regulations of Charles University stipulate the total amount of scholarship
awarded to the student in a given academic year.
2. Conditions regarding the award and total amount of scholarship for the purpose of studies
abroad or compulsory practice in the Czech Republic or abroad (Letter c) of the Scholarship
regulations of the University) and methods of request submission are governed by the
following regulationsa. Scholarships can generally be awarded fori. studies abroad realized as part of inter-university or inter-faculty agreements and
international programmes (ERASMUS, SOKRATES and others) if these studies form an
acceptable part of a given study discipline
ii. compulsory practice in the Czech Republic if this practice is part of an accredited study
b. A student submits an application for scholarship to the Dean of the faculty prior to the
departure abroad, but generally upon return from the stay abroad, and only upon the
completion of the practice.
c. Prior to the departure abroad, the request for the scholarship can be submitted by a student
undergoing hard social and living situations which can be properly documented. The
application is submitted by a student to the Dean in writing and must contain a statement from
the organizer of a corresponding study programme, documentation of the student’s stay
abroad and length of the stay from the department for international relations, a documentation
of financial resources the student acquired to cover the expenses connected with the study
abroad, and a documentation of a hard social situation of a student. The reason for granting
the scholarship prior to the study abroad is generally documented by a hard social situation of
an applicant supported by the documentation of the support allowance to reach the subsistence
level, or a documentation of child allowance or disability due to which the applicant is the
ZTP, ZTP/P holder (certificate of disability). A student will submit the request for a
scholarship prior to the departure abroad by the end of May at the latest (if the study stay
materializes in the following winter semester) or by the end of November (if the study stay
materializes in the following summer semester). Scholarship can be awarded in the maximum
sum amounting to the half of documented expenses covered by a student on travel allowances
(to the destination and back) and stay abroad allowances, amounting to the half of the average
flat sum of the scholarship paid per 1 month within the Erasmus programme for a
corresponding academic year multiplied by a coefficient of financial demands of the
destination as stipulated in the regulations herein (see the table) and the number of months
abroad, decreased by the income from other sources, the highest amount being 40 000.
d. A student submits an application for scholarship to the Dean of the faculty upon return
from the stay abroad. The request must contain a statement from the organizer of a
corresponding study programme and the documentation of the completion and length of the
stay from the department for international relations. Such application shall be submitted by
the end of April at the latest (in case the study stay materialized in the previous winter
semester) or by the end of September (in case the study stay materialized in the previous
summer semester or an academic year). The applicant can be awarded the scholarship
corresponding to the amount calculated according to the procedure stated in Para e), the
highest amount being 40 000.
e. In accordance with Para 2a i) of the regulations, the amount stipulated by the budget of the
faculty for special purpose scholarships for a given academic year will be divided by the Dean
into 2 parts- two-fifths and three-fifths. The first part shall cover the expenses for special
purpose scholarships awarded in accordance with para c) in May and in accordance with para
d) in April. The other part shall cover the expenses for special purpose scholarships awarded
in accordance with para c) in November and in accordance with para d) in September. The
amount of scholarships in accordance with Para d) is determined as follows- the sum left after
the scholarships have been paid out in accordance with Para c) is divided by the number of
students who submitted the request for a scholarship within a corresponding date and by the
number of months they spent abroad. hle result is the basic value of a study month. The final
value awarded to individual applicants is reached after the basic value of a study month has
been multiplied by the coefficient of demand of a given country (see the table) and the
number of months of the stay. Should the final value exceed the budget of the faculty for the
special purpose scholarship in accordance with Para 2 a i) for a corresponding academic year,
the Dean is entitled to decrease the basic value of a study month by a necessary amount.
f. In accordance with Para 2a ii of the regulations, the request for scholarship related to the
practice performed in the Czech Republic will be submitted by the student to the Dean in
writing, stipulating the length and location of the practice, a statement from the organizer of a
corresponding study programme, and a copy of a corresponding page from the Report of the
studies at university indicating the performance of a practice. The request is submitted twice a
year, by the end of October and by the end of April at the latest, for the practices performed in
the past 6 months. Scholarship can be awarded in the maximum sum amounting to the half of
documented expenses covered by a student on travel allowances (to the destination and back)
and stay abroad allowances, amounting to the half of the average flat sum of the scholarship
paid per 1 month within the Erasmus programme for a corresponding academic year
multiplied by a coefficient of financial demands of the destination as stipulated in the
regulations herein (see the table) and the number of months abroad, decreased by the income
from other sources, the highest amount being 40 000.
Table of financial demands of destinations
Bulgaria, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland,
Romania, Slovenia, Turkey
Coefficient of
Cyprus, Hungary, Malta, Portugal, Greece,
Slovakia, the Czech Republic (to calculate
the practice-related scholarship)
Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, other
countries, Austria, Spain
Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, the
Netherlands, Sweden
Denmark, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway,
Great Britain, the USA, Australia, New
3. Conditions in regards to the award of scholarship and amount of scholarship for remarkable
achievements, such as pedagogical or scientific-research activities, a contribution towards the
development of information technologies or international cooperation and others (Letter d) of
Scholarship regulations of University) will be governed more in detail by the Dean’s
provision. The maximum amount of such a scholarship is governed by the Scholarship
regulations of University.
4. The Dean can issue a provision governing details regarding submission and handling of
requests for special purpose scholarship in accordance with Para 1 and 2.
Article 4
Doctoral Scholarships
(pertaining to Article 6 Para 3 of the Scholarship regulations of the University)
1. In the second year of doctoral full-time studies students can be awarded scholarship
amounting to 7,400 CZK, eventually higher as in accordance with Article 6 Para 4 of the
Scholarship regulations of the University.
2. In the third year of doctoral full-time studies students can be awarded scholarship
amounting to 7,400 CZK, eventually higher as in accordance with Article 6 Para 4 of the
Scholarship regulations of the University.
3. If studies were accredited as a four-year study, students can be awarded scholarship
amounting to 7,400 CZK in the fourth year of doctoral full-time studies, eventually higher as
in accordance with Article 6 Para 4 of the Scholarship regulations of the University.
4. Students granted the extension of full-time studies in accordance with Article 9 Para 1 of
Study and Examination Regulations of University can be awarded scholarship amounting to
7,400 CZK in the fourth year of full-time studies, eventually higher as in accordance with
Article 6 Para 4 of the Scholarship regulations of University.
Article 5
Common and Concluding Provisions
1. Scholarships paid out in accordance with Article 3 Para 1 Letter a) to c) of the Scholarship
regulations are paid out through the Dean’s office of the faculty in the form of a cashless
transfer to the receiver’s bank account.
2. Requests for scholarships are submitted through the Studies department of the Dean’s
office or the Department for post-gradual studies and other forms of education.
3. These regulations were approved by the academic senate of the faculty on the 20th of
Februar, 2007 and come into force on the day of approval by the academic senate of the
university [1]’.
4. Amendments in Articles 2, 3, and 4 come into effect on the first day of an academic year
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[1]’ § 9 Para 1 Letter b) of Law no. 111/1998 Coll., on universities in its valid form. The
academic senate adopted these regulations on the 30th of March, 2007.