Dallas Independent School District Jimmie Tyler Brashear Elementary School 2015-2016 Scholar and Parent Handbook Jacquelyn Burden, Principal Efrain Tovar, Assistant Principal Karen DeCuire, Counselor Address: 2959 South Hampton Road, Dallas, TX 75224 Phone: 972-502-2600 Fax: 972-502-2601 School Hours 7:55am – 2:55pm School Colors: Teal, Black and White School Mascot: Bears Our Mission… At Jimmie Tyler Brashear Elementary we empower scholars to reach their highest potential, while laying the foundation for success in college, career and beyond. 1 Dear Parents & Scholars: Welcome to Jimmie Tyler Brashear Elementary (JTB) where we promise to make “Every Second Count” for every child in the quest for college/career –readiness. Within the pages of this handbook are the policies, rules, and procedures. Please read them carefully with your scholar and refer to them throughout the year. By familiarizing yourself with this information, you can help support the school’s efforts in establishing and maintaining a safe, orderly and quality academic learning environment. With your help, our scholars will be well informed and be able to avoid situations that result in an administrative consequence. We would like to extend an invitation to each of you to become an active part of your scholar’s Jimmie Tyler Brashear experience. This year we will continue to seek ways to provide more avenues for parents to become informed. Consider joining the PTA as it provides an excellent avenue for parent involvement. We welcome input, feedback and questions. Please feel free to contact us at any time. Sincerely, Jacque Burden Principal jburden@dallasisd.org 2 SCHOOL IDENTITY Mission Statement: At Jimmie Tyler Brashear Elementary we empower scholars to reach their highest potential, while laying the foundation for success in college, career and beyond. School Colors: Teal, Black, White Mascot: Bears Bear Creed: I believe in myself and my Ability to do my best on this day. For this day will not come anymore I will think, listen, read and write, compute and problem solve. I will do all of these things with one purpose in mind To do my best and not waste this day. I believe that I have the power to create positive possibilities’ on this day, for this day will not come anymore. SCHOLAR SCHEDULES School Hour: 7:55 am – 2:55 pm Breakfast in the Classroom: Grade Level PK Kinder *Grades 1 – 5 Breakfast in the Classroom 7:55am – 8:20am 7:50am – 8:15am 7:50am – 8:10am Bells: Time 7:45am 7:55am 8:10am 2:55pm Purpose of the Bell Teachers in grades K-5 pick-up scholars from morning drop off location (gym) Official start of the school day Tardy Bell End of the instructional day *In order to begin instruction promptly at 8:10 scholars are asked to arrive each day by 7:45. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY Academic dishonesty is detrimental to our school culture, and is treated as a severe discipline infraction. Forms of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to, the following: Turning in copied information (from books, magazines, essays, the Internet, etc.) as your own Paraphrasing with minimal word changes Borrowing ideas and patterns of thought without proper citation 3 Collaboration on independent assignments Copying and submitting the work of another as your own Allowing another scholar to copy your work Using a “cheat sheet” or other unauthorized notes during a test or quiz Looking at someone else’s paper for an answer on a test or quiz and changing an answer Failing to mark an answer wrong when self-grading Telling others or asking others the content of an exam or quiz Giving a scholar or using an old test without teacher permission Looking at an exam prior to taking it without teacher permission ARRIVAL TO SCHOOL Doors open for scholars at 7:15 a.m. For safety reasons, scholars should not arrive before 7:15am. From 7:15am –7:55am, scholars enter either through exterior doors facing east (at the back of the building), or the gym doors facing north. Scholars may not enter through the front door. Staff has been designated to cover these areas, other doors are unmonitored and therefore scholars are not allowed to enter. Morning carline ends promptly at 7:55am. All exterior doors are locked at this time. Scholars arriving after 7:55am must enter through the front door. The front door will remain open until 8:10am. After 8:10am, scholars will need to ring the bell to gain entrance into the school. Limiting the number of adults in the halls helps us to safely monitor all scholars more easily. Therefore, we ask parents to say goodbye to their children outside the building. Parents may not walk their children to the classroom in the morning. An exception will be made if a parent is assisting a child with carrying heavy or large object. In this case the parent must check-in the front office first and get a visitor’s pass before proceeding through the hallways. We appreciate your support in this endeavor. Please remember that during the morning arrival time, teachers are busy supervising scholars and preparing for instruction. Teachers are not available for parent conferences during this time. Parents wishing to speak with their child’s teacher(s) should make an appointment for before school, after school or during the teacher’s planning period. In order to being instruction promptly at 8:10 scholars are asked to arrive each day by 7:45. ASSESSMENTS Assessment are an important part of a scholar’s education and therefore are taken seriously at Brashear. Although we know it does not tell all there is to know about a scholar it does provide invaluable information about what scholars are learning and how well teachers are teaching. The following are the assessments given at Brashear. If you would like further information on any of the assessments, please reach out to the counselor and/or the assistant principal. Grade Level Pre-Kinder Kinder Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Assessments OWL, Woodcock –Munoz (as needed) Woodcock –Munoz (as needed), Assessment of Course Performance (ACP), Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS); Logramos (Bilingual sections only), Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) Woodcock –Munoz (as needed), Assessment of Course Performance (ACP), Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS); Logramos (Bilingual sections only), Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) Woodcock –Munoz (as needed), Assessment of Course Performance (ACP), Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS); Logramos (Bilingual sections only), Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) Woodcock –Munoz (as needed), Assessment of Course Performance (ACP), Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS), State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) – Reading and Math Woodcock –Munoz (as needed), Assessment of Course Performance (ACP), Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS), State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) – Reading, Math and Writing Woodcock –Munoz (as needed), Assessment of Course Performance (ACP), Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS), State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) – Reading, Math and Science 4 ATTENDANCE/ABSENCES In order for scholars to receive the most benefit from instruction, and to maximize their learning, it is important for them to attend school every day! As a school, our goal is to have 98% Average Daily Attendance (ADA). We understand that at times, scholar may become ill or emergencies occur. Therefore, we have the following procedures in place: Scholars should attend school every day they are able When a scholar is absent, the absence will be initially be marked as unexcused, and a system-generated phone call will be made to parents to notify them of the absence. If a scholar misses school because he/she is sick, it is the parent’s responsibility to send a note explaining the absence within three (3) days of the scholar’s return to school. Once approved, the absence is changed to “excused.” If a notice is not received within 3 days the absence will remain unexcused. After 5 excused absences, the parent will be asked to provide a doctor’s note in order to excuse any additional absences due to illness. If a child arrives after 10:00 am or is picked up before 10:00 am, the child will be counted absent for the entire day. Absences due to vacations, babysitting, family illness/visits, car trouble, oversleeping, etc., will be marked as unexcused. Scholars are not allowed on campus or to attend off campus school sponsored functions/events, i.e. field trips, school competitions, school performances during school hours if they have been counted absent for the day. The Texas Education Code 25.095 requires schools to report truant scholars to the court system. After the 3rd unexcused absence, a warning letter will be mailed to parents. After the 5th unexcused absence, the parent will be served with a summons to report to truancy court. Parents may be fined up to $500 per unexcused absence, required to attend counseling, and/or complete community service for failure to ensure that the child adheres to the compulsory school attendance law. AWARDS Awards are an important part of a scholars' educational experience. Scholars should be rewarded for their academic achievement, citizenship, attendance and effort. The following the awards will be given at Brashear: Grades PK-1 Principal's Award - All E's for the entire year in every subject including conduct Academic Excellence Award - All E's in the core subjects the entire year (excluding those receiving the Principal's Award Citizenship Award - All E's in Conduct the entire year (excluding those receiving the Principal's Award) Most Improved Academic Award - scholar(s) showing the most academic improvement overall (no more than two scholars per sections) Most Improved Citizenship Award- scholar(s) showing the most improvement in conduct overall (no more than two scholars per section) Excellence Attendance Award - no absences; 3 or fewer tardies Perfect Attendance Award - no absences, no tardies Grade 2 Principal's Award - All A's for the entire year in every subject including conduct Academic Excellence Award - All A or B's in the core subjects the entire year (excluding those receiving the Principal's Award Citizenship Award - Scholars must consistently exhibit the following character traits: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, and have no discipline referrals (excluding those receiving the Principal's Award) Most Improved Academic Award - scholar(s) showing the most academic improvement overall (no more than two scholars per sections) 5 Most Improved Citizenship Award - scholar(s) showing the most improvement in conduct overall (no more than two scholars per section) Math Award - highest overall average in math Reading Award - highest overall average in reading Science Award - highest overall average in science Social Studies Award - highest overall average in social studies Excellence Attendance - no absences; 3 or fewer tardies Perfect Attendance - no absences, no tardies Reasoning Mind Award Grades 3-4 Principal's Award - All A's for the entire year in every subject including conduct Academic Excellence Award - All A or B's in the core subjects the entire year (excluding those receiving the Principal's Award Citizenship Award - Scholars must consistently exhibit the following character traits: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, and have no discipline referrals (excluding those receiving the Principal's Award) Most Improved Academic Award - scholar(s) showing the most academic improvement overall (no more than two scholars per sections) Most Improved Citizenship Award - scholar(s) showing the most improvement in conduct overall (no more than two scholars per section) Math Award - highest overall average in math Reading Award - highest overall average in reading Science Award - highest overall average in science Social Studies Award - highest overall average in social studies Gold Award - Advanced on all STAAR Tests Silver Award - Advanced on two STAAR Tests (Grade 4)/ Advanced on one STAAR Test (Grade 3) Bronze Award - Advanced on one STAAR (Grade 4) Reasoning Mind Award (3rd grade only) Grade 5 Principal's Award - All A's for the entire year in every subject including conduct Academic Excellence Award - All A or B's in the core subjects the entire year (excluding those receiving the Principal's Award Citizenship Award - Scholars must consistently exhibit the following character traits: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, and have no discipline referrals (excluding those receiving the Principal's Award) Most Improved Academic Award - scholar(s) showing the most academic improvement overall (no more than two scholars per sections) Most Improved Citizenship Award - scholar(s) showing the most improvement in conduct overall (no more than two scholars per section) Math Award - highest overall average in math Reading Award - highest overall average in reading Science Award - highest overall average in science Social Studies Award - highest overall average in social studies Gold Award - Advanced on all STAAR Tests Silver Award - Advanced on two STAAR Tests (Grade 4)/ Advanced on one STAAR Test (Grade 3) Bronze Award - Advanced on one STAAR (Grade 4) President's Gold Award - Advanced on 6 of the 8 STAAR Test taken in Grades 3-5, good citizenship from grades 3-5, all A's and B's in grades 3-5, no C's President's Citizenship Award - good moral character, seen has a leader on campus, always willing to go the extra mile for others 6 BEYOND THE CLASSROOM Field Trips Parents will be notified in writing when field trips are planned. Permission/Release forms must be signed by the parent and presented to the field trip organizer before a scholar is permitted to participate in a field trip activity. All scholars are expected to be in full uniform unless special permission has been obtained from a campus administrator. Parents are invited to chaperone field trips. Each teacher will determine how many chaperones are needed, depending on the location and activity of the field trip. Chaperones must attend volunteer training and complete a background check each school year. Parent chaperones must pay their own admission fee and may ride the school bus when attending a field trip. To ensure chaperones are giving each scholar they are charged with monitoring their full attention chaperones are not allowed bring other children and/or guest along on the trip. To ensure safety, the parent of a scholar with frequent behavior concerns will be required to accompany the scholar on all field trips. Scholars counted absent on the day of the field trip are not permitted to attend. Clubs, Organizations and Teams Participation in clubs, organizations and teams is a privilege and is contingent upon the scholar’s successful performance in the classroom, regular attendance (including tardies and early picks) and citizenship. Scholars can be removed from a club, organization or team activity if their grades fall below passing, excessive absences (2 or more per grading period), excessive tradies (2 or more per grading period), excessive early-picks (2 or more per grading period), or inappropriate behavior. Examples of clubs, organizations and teams include, but not limited to the following: Band, Glee, Drama, Soccer, Robotics, Jr. BLT, Girls and Boys Scouts, CELEBRATIONS Each class is permitted to have two (2) class celebrations a Winter Celebration (at the end of the first semester) and an End-ofYear Celebration (at the end of the second semester). Celebrations may begin as early as 1:30 in your child’s classroom. The time is at the discretion of the teacher. Teachers will work with parents to coordinate healthy snacks for each celebration, along with one dessert per class. Please contact your classroom teacher if there is something you wish to bring, or if you would like to help out. Scholar’s birthdays are announced during morning announcement; and each scholar receives a birthday surprise from the school. Birthdays may be recognized by the homeroom class during the last 15-minutes of class. Parents are allowed to provide a small treat for class. Due to state and federal nutritional guidelines, scholars may not celebrate with a treat in the cafeteria. Parents are allowed to provide the their child’s class a small, easy-to-eat snacks such as cookies, two-bite brownies, mini-cupcakes or mini-muffins, to be shared during the last 15 minutes of school. Goodies bags are also appropriate when providing one for each student in the classroom. However, candy treats, (if sent) will be sent home with the scholars to be eaten with parental consent. The following items are not permitted: pizza, cakes, drinks, flowers, or balloons. CHANGE OF INFORMATION It is vital that the school maintain current information on our families, such as, addresses and telephones numbers. During the course of the school year, if a change is made to either an address or phone number, it is the responsibility of the parent to notify the school immediately. CHILD NUTRITION - MEALS Nutrition At Jimmie Tyler Brashear we serve free breakfast and lunch to all scholars. To maintain our funding all families (with or without need) must fill out the designated form, which is distributed at the beginning of the school year. Scholars not choosing to partake in the school provided meals must eat breakfast at home and supply their own healthy sack lunches. 7 Snacks are sold at an additional cost during lunch times only. Scholars are not allowed to bring breakfast, this includes donuts, coffee, and juice. Scholars should eat the school provided breakfast, or eat breakfast before arriving to school. Breakfast brought to school will be sent home with the scholar excluding items that will spoil such as milk, which will be discarded. Classroom celebrations involving food must be scheduled after the lunch period so that these celebrations will not replace a nutritious meal. Federal regulations do not permit foods of minimal nutritional value to be served before meal periods. Foods otherwise restricted by the policy are not permitted in classroom celebrations. Cafeteria Scholars in grades 3-5 are encouraged to a bring books/magazines, academic flashcards and/or drawing materials to lunch to occupy their time once they have finished eating and on days when recess has been cancelled due to inclement weather. Scholars should not bring these items on the days we attend recess. Lunch Visitation Parents are welcome to eat lunch with their child in the JTB cafeteria on designated days. Space is limited. Visitors are asked to use table designated for families only. We encourage parents to be selective with visits. Consistently eating with your child interferes with his or her opportunity to develop independence and cultivate friendships. If you would like to visit the cafeteria (or the school) more frequently, please consider contacting the office to sign up to volunteer. Our cafeteria volunteers assist all scholars and help keep our cafeteria orderly and inviting. Lunch visitation begins the first Friday of the second 6-weeks and ends the last Friday of the fifth 6-weeks. Below is the schedule: Grade Level PK Grades Kinder and 1 Grades 2 and 3 Grades 4 and 5 Lunch Visitation 1st Friday of the month 2nd Friday of the month 3rd Friday of the month 4th Friday of the month COMMUNICATION Parent and teacher communication is vital for the success of your child. You are invited to contact your child’s teacher with a written note, an email, a call to the main office to leave a message or by stopping by the office and filling out a “Request for Communication” form. Office personnel will place messages in the appropriate mailbox for the teacher’s review at the end of the day. Teachers are not available for conversation during class time (this includes arrival/dismissal). We strive to provide a 24-hour acknowledgement of all notes, emails and phones calls. In addition, each teacher will send home weekly communications from the office in the Communication Folder every Thursday. 8 DEVELOPMENTAL READING ASSESSMENT (DRA) To ensure all scholars in the lower grade are reading on grade level every scholars in Grades K-2 will be given the DRA a minimum of 3 times per year, the beginning of the year (BOY), middle of the year (MOY) and the end of the year (EOY). This assessment is used to determine the scholar’s fluency (how well they read) and their comprehension (how well they understand what they have read). This assessment will be used as indicator for whether or not a scholar should be promoted to the next grade level. The following are the EOY level goals: Grade Level Kinder Grade 1 Grade 2 DRA Level Goal Level 4 Level 18 Level 28 DISCIPLINE The physical and emotional safety of all scholars and teachers is a priority at Brashear. The DISD Code of Conduct will be enforced and may be found on the District’s website: www.dallasisd.org. Physical or verbal abuse will not be tolerated. All scholars who engage in such behavior will face consequences, regardless of who initiated the incident. Scholars who disrupt learning will be removed from the classroom and it may be necessary for the parent to come to school for an immediate conference. Scholars are expected to immediately report acts or threats of violence/harassment to the many adults monitoring the school. DISMISSAL Parents picking up their child at the close of school should do so following carpool guidelines handed out at the beginning of the year. Parents picking up their child before school dismissal must go to the front office to sign scholars out. Valid identification is required to sign your scholar out of school. Scholars are expected to report to the designated scholar pick-up area immediately upon dismissal from school. For traffic control and safety reasons, scholars are expected to carefully follow car line pick up procedures. Scholars who walk home on a regular basis must have a note from their parent or guardian giving permission for them to walk home at the end of the school day. Notes will be kept on file in the front office. It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian of each scholar to ensure that scholars are picked up on time every day. All scholars not picked up 30 minutes after dismissal shall be escorted to the front office. Parents will need to come into the building to sign their child out. The names of the scholars names not picked up on time will be recorded daily. After 5 incidents the parent(s) will be asked to come in for a conference with an administrator. Often scholars become worried when they have not been picked up on time. Therefore, as a courtesy we ask that parents inform the office when they are going to be late picking up so we can inform the scholar. For more detailed information on carline see the back of your Brashear issued carline number car. Early pick-up A picture ID is required to pick up a child early from school. Only adults listed on the child’s emergency card or enrollment form may take the child from campus. Once cleared by the attendance office, the child will be called to meet the parent in the office. If a child leaves the campus before 10:00 am, the child will be counted absent for the entire day. Scholars are expected to remain at school each day from 7:55 am to 2:55 pm. Our school day is (7) seven hours. It is mandatory that scholars attend school 90% of the day. 9 Only in the case of an emergency will children be released from the office between 2:25pm – 2:55pm. After 2:25pm parents will need to use our carline procedure to pick up their child. Every minute of classroom instruction is important and frequent early releases not only disrupt the learning of your child but of all children in the classroom and sends the message that staying at school all day is not important. Whenever possible please plan appointments after 2:55 pm. DRESS CODE School uniforms are an important part of maintaining a learning environment free from distractions. Scholars who come to school inappropriately dressed will not be permitted to attend any classes until they are in proper uniform. All members of the Jimmie Tyler Brashear staff are responsible for enforcing the dress code policy. Campus administration has the final decision in determining when attire is unacceptable. DRESS CODE (FNCA Local DISD policy) The Uniform Dress Code at Brashear is a positive factor which contributes to school discipline and safety. Furthermore, uniforms foster a spirit of teamwork in our school community. We urge Brashear parents to fully support all policies in regards to the school uniform. The purpose of the Brashear School Uniform Dress Code is to establish a safe environment where outsiders are easily recognized and self-control and obedience to rules is established. Shirt colors: White or Navy Blue Bottom colors: Navy Blue, Black or Khaki In compliance with Local DISD policy, all scholars must follow the uniform dress code. Scholars are required to wear solid khaki, navy blue, or black bottoms. If the bottoms have a belt loop, a belt should be worn. Scholars are required to wear a solid white or solid navy blue collared shirt. While inside the building, scholars may wear light jackets, cardigans, and sweaters that are a solid uniform color (white, black or navy). Emblems must be smaller than 1 inch and scholar are not allowed to wear their hoods while in the building. Scholars may wear a long or short sleeved undershirt underneath their collared shirt, but it should be the same solid color as the collared shirt on top. Girls who wear skirts and dresses may wear solid white or navy blue tights under their bottoms. Male scholars may not wear earrings. Female scholars may not wear shorts, skirts, or dresses that are shorter than FINGERTIP length. Scholars move about regularly during the day, at times sit on the carpet, and participate in PE and recess twice weekly. Please keep this in mind when dressing your child so that he/she is comfortable doing these various activities. We strongly recommend girls wear privacy shorts underneath their skirts or jumpers. Shorts should be a solid color. Scholars should wear athletic shoes, loafers, dress shoes, or other closed-toe/closed-heel shoes. Shoes with heels and open-toed shoes are not appropriate for school and should not be worn. Please contact the counselor’s office, if you need assistance with uniforms. If scholars or parents have any questions about a particular article of clothing they should forward those questions to the Campus Principal. 10 ELECTRONIC DEVICES The first priority of Jimmie Tyler Brashear is to create a rigorous and engaging learning environment for all scholars, teachers and staff. We understand that electronic media is a valuable component in our modern world. We wish to encourage the appropriate use of technology to enhance the curriculum and engage scholar learning. We also understand that these items can often be a distraction that can take away from our goal. With that in mind please be aware of the following Jimmie Tyler Brashear guidelines for electronic devices: 1. Scholars are ultimately responsible for any loss, damage or theft of their personal property. The school will not investigate nor be responsible for lost or stolen items. Parents, we ask that you carefully consider whether or not your child needs to have any of these items at school. 2. Scholars may not have electronic devices out during instruction unless given permission by their teacher or supervising staff member. 3. When these devices cause a distraction or disruption to the learning environment, or when a scholar uses an electronic device in an inappropriate manner, they will be subject to classroom or administrative consequences. HEALTH INFORMATION Medication will be secured, stored and administered only in the nurse’s office. Dispensing of Prescription Medications at School All prescriptions MUST be in the ORIGINAL, current, pharmacy-labeled bottle with drug name, date, dosage, time of dosing, physician’s name and phone number printed on the bottle. A physician/parent Request for Administration of Medicine or Special Procedure by School Person (H72) must be completed and signed by the physician/licensed prescriber and parent/guardian. Parents should deliver medications to the clinic or nurse’s office for their children. Scholars should NEVER have any medications in the backpacks, purses, or on their person. Sample medication can be administered at school when accompanied by a written order from a licensed medical prescriber for the scholar and has written permission from the parent/guardian. The prescription medication must be in a proper labeled medical container. Scholars with asthma or severe allergic reactions are required to have signed medication administration and emergency forms on file in the nurse’s office. Dispensing of Over-the-Counter (OTC)/Non-Prescription Medications at School Over-the-counter (OTC) medication are not routinely administered at school. When OTC medications are needed at school, the rules for prescription medication apply. OTC medication must be in the original product container/package with a pharmacy label affixed to the OTC medication to clarify administration of medication. A physician/parent Request for Administration of Medicine or Special Procedure by School Personnel (H72) must be completed and signed by the physician/licensed prescriber and parent/guardian. The nurse does not keep medications of any kind in stock. Any scholar found taking medication or giving medication to another scholar will be subject to school disciplinary action. Severe Allergic Reaction Medication must be kept with the physician’s written consent in the nurse’s office for a scholar with known hype-allergic reaction. Examples of such medications include but limited to Benadryl in a lotion or pill form, Epi-pen, or topical creams. It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the nurse if their child is hypersensitive to food/environment/insects. 11 Fever A fever is a temperature of 100.0° (or greater) orally or 99.4° (or greater) under the arm. Scholars should not be medicated to reduce a fever and sent to school. Scholars must be fever free for 24 hours (temperature of 98.6°) without the use of analgesics, i.e. aspirin, Tylenol®, Advil®, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, before attempting to return to school. Immunizations Scholars must be fully immunized against certain diseases before they may attend school. The immunizations currently required are specified on the Department of State Health Services website: http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/immunize/school/ Proof of immunization may be established by personal records from a licensed physician or public health clinic with a signature or rubber-stamp validation. In addition to routine immunizations, new state requirements and Dallas Independent School District immunization requirements are as follows for all Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten scholars: If your child is going into Pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten: MMR Vaccine (measles, mumps and rubella) – two doses required Hepatitis A Vaccine –two doses required Varicella (Chicken Pox) – two does required PARENT CONFERENCES Conferences are a vital part of the parent teacher relationship. They provide an excellent opportunity for teachers to provide information and parents to ask questions. Although conferences can be scheduled at any time during the school year the District sponsors two mandatory parent conferences each school year. During the conference parents can expect to receive their child’s report card along with general updates on their child’s progress. These district scheduled conferences are only scheduled for ten (10) minutes. If a longer conference is needed the parent or the teacher can schedule a conference for another time. Conferences should be scheduled for before school, after school or during the teacher’s planning period. PHYSICAL EDUCATION PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS A scholar may be excused from activity due to health reasons for a maximum of three (3) days with a note from a parent. If it is necessary to be excused for an extended period of time, a doctor’s note must be provided to the school. PTA (PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION) PTA is a great way to involve and remain in constant contact with the school. PTA meeting once a month. There is a membership fee which allows you to exercise your right to vote. If you are interested in joining PTA contact the office and speak with the Parent Instructor for more information. RECESS Recess is an important part of our program. If weather permits scholars in grades 1-5 attend recess on Mondays and Fridays, and scholars in grades PK-K attend recess daily. Weather conditions that allow for recess are dry with temperatures no cooler than 45° and no hotter than 98°. If necessary ozone levels and wind chill factors are also taken into account. Scholars are allowed to bring balls and jump ropes. If these items cause a distraction in the classroom, cafeteria or hallways they will be taken and the scholar will asked not to bring the item any more. Since recess is specifically provided for children to play with other children. Parents not permitted to attend recess. 12 REPORT CARDS PK and K Each six weeks, scholars in grades PK and Kindergarten will receive a report card that indicates the mastery level of academic skills. The card will also include behavior and attendance ratings. The primary focus in these grades is to ensure scholars are reading on or above grade level, as reading ability is a strong predictor of future success. Grading Each six weeks, scholars will receive a computer generated report card with numeric grade or letter grades. In addition, scholars will receive a 3-week progress report. Parents are encouraged to review these carefully and set goals with their children for achievement. 2nd – 5th Grades o A=90 and above, o B=80-89, o C=70-79 o Below 70 is failing PK – 1st Grades o E=90 and above o S=70-89 o U=Below 70 As educators, it is our goal to ensure that grades reflect performance levels and are aligned with the content and rigor of state and national standards. The following scoring weights are used: Grades 2-5: 50% Class work (Homework is included within this category) 20% Tests/Quizzes (retake opportunity provided for failing tests) 20% Projects 10% 6 weeks test (retake opportunity provided for failing tests) Grade 1: 50% Class work (Homework is included within this category) 50% Test/Quizzes Scholars will be given 2 days after each absence to makeup work without penalty. Grade penalties will be applied for other late assignments, as determined by the teacher. Tutoring will be required for scholars scoring below grade level standards. Brashear will host an annual Award Ceremony for all scholars SAFETY AND EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS Campus safety is a team effort. Our strict policies regarding background checks, campus visits, ID verification, and scholar pick up helps ensure the safety of all children. Please report any unauthorized adults on school property and always wear a visible visitor’s identification badge while on campus. Every year, as a school, we practice emergency drills including fire and tornado drills, campus evacuation, and lock down procedures. These drills help us ensure we are ready in the event of an actual emergency. 13 SETTING SCHOLARS UP FOR SUCCESS In order to create and sustain a focus on achievement, we must make TEACHING and LEARNING the focus in every classroom every day – not discipline or management. We cannot assume that our scholars know how good listeners behave; how to get teachers’ attention appropriately; how to get in line without pushing someone, etc. If we are to follow through on the promises we have made to our scholars, we must invest significant time and energy in teaching procedures and expectations. Every time we ask our scholars to do something new, we must teach it, explain it, have them model it, etc. Before we teach any content/subject matter, we must embrace the following key ideas: Discipline precedes instruction A well-ordered, structured classroom is safe and allows scholars to remain focused on learning. Every second counts To put time in perspective, 3 minutes/day = one (1) full 9 hour school day/year. Using 3 minutes/day to learn = a full day of preparation for top-quality colleges, dream jobs and life. In everything we do we must convey a sense of urgency. Our scholar must sense from us (school and home) that school is important and that time is valuable and should not be wasted. Scholars must understand the “Why” behind expectations, rules and procedures. At Brashear, we do everything for a reason. It is the responsibility of the teacher to ensure that scholars understand why we do the things we do. To specifically and explicitly set up our scholars for success, Brashear teachers/staff must enforce and reinforce the following non-negotiable expectations at all times: Scholars in grades 2-5 are expected to SLANT during direct instruction. SLANT Sit Up Both feet should be flat on the floor, your back straight, your head up and facing the speaker, and your hands on top of your desk. Sitting with proper posture helps you pay better attention to lessons, and interact more with discussions and activities. Lean Forward Leaning forward will show you are interested in the lesson and you are listening. Ask Questions Stay on the topic and ask meaningful, interested questions about the discussion and activities. Your question might help others understand the lesson better too. Nod Yes and No Nodding your head shows the teacher you understand the lesson. It is a non-verbal conversation between you and the teacher. Communicate with the teacher both during and after class to make sure you understand, get extra help, check on your progress, or get missed alk With Teachers assignments. If you are confused about something, ASK the teacher. Also attend tutorials ~ they are there to help you. T 14 Every scholar is always on task. If there is a partner or collaborative group activity, scholars are engaged in conversation pertinent to the activity and are speaking at a reasonable, conducive volume for learning. Scholars speak in complete sentences (when appropriate) Scholars speak at appropriate times and with appropriate tone. Procedures for the following are clear and understood by all scholars. a. Entering class b. Starting “Do Now” c. Receiving and passing in papers d. Sharpening pencils e. Raising hands/getting teachers’ attention f. Getting scholars’ attention immediately g. Writing down homework h. Requesting to use the restroom SPIRIT FRIDAY Spirit Friday Spirit Friday is the last Friday of every month. Scholars are encouraged to wear Bear-Wear or College Wear to show their support of Brashear and college readiness, jeans are also permitted. Be mindful that jeans can only be worn with Bear-Wear, College Wear or regular school uniform shirts, no other tops are permitted. Jean Friday Jean Friday is the first Friday of the month. Jeans may be worn for a fee of $2.00 along with Bear-Wear, College Wear or regular uniform shirts, no other shirts are permitted. Funds collected from Jean Friday are used to support academic, extracurricular activities and are occasionally donated to for a good cause. SCHOLAR SERVICES Our school offers specialized services for scholars who are experiencing challenges. As with any scholar-related concern, please begin by sharing with your child’s teacher. If additional information is needed, please call the front office and your call will be directed to the appropriate individual. Below is a summary of some of the most common services provided at the school and district-level: School counseling: The goal of school counseling is to support each child’s academic success by ensuring the social and emotional wellbeing of all scholars. Counselors meet with scholars as a class, in small groups, or individually to help them learn positive social and emotional skills to cope with life’s challenges. Parents or teachers may refer a child for counseling, and scholars may also self-refer. Youth & Family Centers (YFC): When a scholar requires more intensive and long-term counseling than can be provided at Brashear, a referral to YFC may be appropriate. YFC is a joint effort between Dallas ISD and Parkland Hospital to offer physical and mental health services to scholars in the district. Scholar Support Team (SST): This group of educators meets regularly to discuss the needs of individual scholars who are facing challenges related to but not limited to academic achievement, behavior, attendance, medical conditions, speech differences, etc. The function of the SST is to review interventions and create an action plan for continued support in the hopes of helping the scholar overcome their difficulty. In the event the scholar continues to struggle despite extensive campus intervention, the SST may coordinate with other district services. Services for scholars who are recent immigrants, refugees, homeless, or hospitalized long-term are also available through the district. Please let your child’s teacher or the counselor know if your child needs these services. 15 SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES Jimmie Tyler Brashear provide special education services to meet our scholars’ academic needs. If you have questions regarding Special Education (SPED), 504 or Talented and Gifted (TAG) please contact the counselor for further information and guidelines for each program. TESTING DATES During state assessments and certain local assessments such as ACP’s and ITBS, schools are required to ensure test security and confidentiality. On testing days, parents will not be allowed to eat lunch with their child. We are also required to limit all traffic and noise in the halls on these days. Attendance is imperative. Please ensure your scholar is in attendance and on time. Please avoid scheduling appointments including doctor’s and dentist’s appointments on testing days. TRANSFER STUDENTS Brashear is happy to serve students on transfers when classroom space is available. Transfer renewal is contingent upon complying with the district’s requirements of: o o o o passing grades positive behavior good attendance and promptness parent involvement Each spring, a committee of Brashear faculty members reviews each child’s progress according to each of the above criteria. Each criterion must be met for transfers to be approved for an additional year. Volunteering with the PTA is an important way to fulfill one of the criteria above while adding invaluable benefits to the school. VISITORS Jimmie Tyler Brashear uses Raptor Technologies V-Soft visitor registry program to screen and identify those individuals who are listed as Registered Sexual Offenders who might try to enter the school. Upon entering the school, a visitor will present a valid state or government issued photo identification card (usually a person’s driver license) to the front desk attendant to be scanned into the Raptor system. Once completed, a visitor’s badge will be issued with the person’s name and photo, the date, the time, and the destination within the building for the visit. All visitors need to sign out before leaving. Please note that an appointment is required before visiting a classroom or meeting with a teacher. Visitors will not be allowed to walk throughout the hallways during the school day without an appointment. Visitor badges must be worn and visible at all times. VOLUNTEERS Volunteers are an important part of Brashear. Parents are greatly encouraged to contact the Parent Instructor or main office for additional details. Frequently needed support: o o o o o o Reading with scholars, grades K-2 Library support Thursday Folder weekly preparation Cafeteria support Field Trip chaperones Carline support (morning/afternoon) All volunteers working with children are required to: 16 1. Attend a volunteer training and 2. Complete a background check online at www.dallasisd.org/partners/volreg_form.cfm Your support and partnership is of great value and we appreciate everything you do to help our scholars and our entire school community. If you are interested in volunteering contact our Parent Instructor. Both the volunteer training and background check must be completed every year. 17 PARENT/SCHOLAR HANDBOOK ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM Please read the following information carefully. Both Parent and scholar must sign these forms. Return the signed forms to the homeroom teacher. We, the undersigned, have read the Jimmie Tyler Brashear parent/scholar handbook and we accept the policies and procedures contained within it. As members of the Jimmie Tyler Brashear learning community, we understand that our failure to follow the expected policies and procedures may result in disciplinary action or loss of privileges. Scholar Name: Scholar Signature: Date: Parent/Guardian Signature: Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: 18