UCSF KURe Scholar Biannual Review Template

Multidisciplinary K12 Urologic Research (KURe)
Career Development Program
Schedule of KURe Scholar Reviews
All KURe scholars, in consultation with their mentors create or update a career development
plan (CDP) by September 30 of each year. A suggested template for the CDP is attached.
At the completion of the meeting(s) forward the CDP with your mentors signature and yours for
review by the executive and advisory committee members.
All KURe scholars update their career development plan for review with their career, lead and
co mentors and by the end of March each year.
At the completion of the meeting(s) forward the CDP with your mentors signature and yours for
review by the executive and advisory committee members.
Send a condensed progress report to the program director by March 31st describing your
research and didactic training experiences that have been completed and/or are ongoing, as
well as plans for the following year. Include information about present and future efforts to
obtain independent research support. Attach an NIH style CV with the progress report.
The semi-annual reviews in September and March are the main opportunities to discuss ways to
enhance the scholar's career development infrastructure, and to identify actions the scholar needs to
take to assure continuation in the program the following July.
Scholar Milestones
Since our shared goal is for scholars to become independently funded by the end of their K award
period (or earlier), we set out these general guidelines for scholars:
By the end of the 2nd year, and each year thereafter:
3 original research multidisciplinary peer-reviewed publications submitted, two of these as first
or last author.
By the end of the 3rd year, and each year thereafter:
One multidisciplinary extramural grant of any size submitted (typically R21, R03, or other
federal, state, foundation, industry, or intramural grant).
By the middle of the 4thYear (or end of the 3rd year for scholars taking ATCR, Masters, other full time
course work in the first year):
One multidisciplinary, R01 grant (or equivalent) submitted.
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UCSF Urology KURe : Career Development Plan Outline
UCSF – KURe Scholars Program - Career Development Plan
Scholar's Name:
Date of Report:
Career Mentor's Name:
Lead Mentor's Name:
Co: Mentor's Name:
Project Title
I. Scientific / research goal(s):
a. Objective 1:
i. Education/training
ii. Research activities
iii. Products (abstracts, papers, talks,etc. (include dates)
b. Objective 2:
i. Education/training
ii. Research activities
iii. Products (include dates)
II. Career / leadership goal(s):
a. Objective:
i. Education/training
ii. Other related career activities
iii. Products (include dates)
III. Attach an updated CV using the NIH biosketch format.
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UCSF Urology KURe : Career Development Plan Outline
Career Development Activities Checklist (check list for discussion with your mentors; no need to
fill it out)
1. Resources : What financial, staff, laboratory, clinical and space resources are provided to you
by your mentors, department, etc? Are they meeting your needs? If not, what else would be
2. Coursework/Training: What courses, seminars, conferences, lab meetings, etc. do your
participate in? Are they meeting your needs? If not, what else would be helpful?
3. Clinical Duties: How much, in percent effort? Is this sufficient for maintaining/enhancing skills?
Are these duties interfering with research productivity?
4. Teaching Duties: How much, in percent effort? Is this sufficient for developing multidisciplinary
academic skills? Are these duties interfering with research productivity?
5. Administrative and Other Duties: How much, in percent effort? Do these duties have a positive
impact on your career, or are they interfering with research productivity?
6. Protected Time for Research: If you are a clinician do you have 50% of your work week
available for research, training and career development?
7. Mentoring:
a. How often are you meeting with your Lead Mentor? Is this sufficient?
b. How often are you meeting with Co-Mentors? Is this sufficient?
c. How often are you having Multidisciplinary Team meetings? (ie, meeting with 2 or more
members of your multidisciplinary teams (mentor and/or collaborators, simultaneously)
d. What else would be helpful?
8. Personal Issues (optional):
a. Work environment: How are things at work? Any problems with financial/administrative
issues, colleagues, infrastructure that we can help with?
b. Home environment: Are there stresses or problems at home that we can help with?
How are things going generally? How is your quality of life?