Shewhart Control Charts Let M be some measure of quality. We will also call M a control statistic. Let the mean of M be M and the standard deviation be M. Then the central line (CL), the upper control limit (UCL) and the lower control limit (LCL) are fixed at UCL = M + kM CL = M LCL = M - kM where k is the distance of the control limits from the central line, expressed in standard deviation units. This configuration, known as Shewhart control chart, is shown in Figure19. The estimation of M and M and fixing a value for k are statistical problems. Say that M has a normal distribution. If we assume a value of 3 for k, the probability that an observed value of a statistic falling outside the control limits is 0.0027. If k is fixed as 3.09, then the probability of fallout will be 0.002. In order to compute the control limits, the unknown parameters M and M of the process are estimated using a reasonable number of subgroups. Even if the original characteristic of interest X does not follow a normal distribution, the value of k is generally fixed as 3. Hence the control limits are known as 3-sigma limits. The central limit theorem forms the underlying foundation for control charts and fixing a value of 3 for k is justified if M is an average of the various X values. That is, even if the original characteristic of interest does not follow a normal distribution, the statistic under consideration such as the mean will follow a normal distribution provided the sample or subgroup sizes are large. In fact the central limit theorem requires the averages be independent random variables, though not identically distributed. This is the reason why great care must be taken in forming rational subgroups. Since the assumption of normal distribution is not always easy to justify for the individual characteristic values, 3-sigma control charts for individual values are to be used with caution. If the computed value of the quality measure for a given subgroup breaches the 3-sigma limits, action will be initiated to look for assignable causes. Hence, we will also call the 3-sigma limits as action limits. Figure.1 Shewhart Control Chart The control charting procedure is actually a sequence of tests of hypothesis. If one is using a Shewhart chart with mean as the quality measure, the chart is nothing but a sequence of tests that the current mean is equal to the hypothesised mean (central line). The control limits may therefore be viewed as confidence limits. The parameters of the probability distribution of the quality characteristic may be estimated using extensive past (or historical or retrospective) data. This may help to hypothesise the constants of a control chart such as the mean, standard deviation etc. Such control charts based on the hypothesised values will be called standards given charts. We will also describe nominal or target values as standard values. But it is necessary that the target or nominal values are consistent with the historical performance. Certain terms relevant to the technique of control charting are summarised below: central line: A line on a control chart representing the long term average or a standard (nominal or target) value of the quality measure. control limits: These are the lines on a control chart which are used as the criteria for a signal for action. That is, control limits help find whether the data indicate a state of statistical control or not. lower control limit: A (control) limit for the points below the central line. upper control limit: A (control) limit for the points above the central line. The Shewhart control charts can be classified as of variables or attribute type depending on the type of quality measure M used. See the following table: Control Chart Types Quality Name of Measure M Chart Average chart Type Variables Standard S-chart Variables deviation S Range R R-chart Variables Proportion p-chart Attribute defective p Number of np-chart Attribute defectives np Number of count or Attribute defects c c-chart Defects per u-chart Attribute unit u If the characteristic of interest has a standard value (such as nominal or target), then such charts are distinguished from those charts having no standard values. Note that the Shewhart control chart model is based on the following assumptions: 1. The control statistic is normally distributed so that the control limit constant k can be fixed as 3. 2. The variation between subgroups is absent when the process is in control. 3. The control statistic is independently distributed (and there is no autocorrelation in the production process). If any of the assumptions is violated, the frequency of false alarms(chart showing an out-of-control situation when it is actually under control) will increased. False alarms result in unnecessary engineering investigation of the process variables, stoppage of production etc and are expensive. Hence it is necessary to ensure that the control chart assumptions are not grossly violated Establishing a Control Procedure The following are the steps for establishing control of a production process recommended in ANSI/ASQC Standards A1 (1987) and B3 (1986). Steps 1 to 4 are preliminary ones, steps 5 to 7 are for starting the control chart, while steps 8 to 11 relate to using a control chart during production. It should be noted that these steps are merely guidelines, and the actual practice may vary depending on the type and nature of the industry or process. 1. Selection of Quality Characteristic Select the characteristic(s) affecting the performance of the product. Characteristics selected may be features of materials or the component parts or even finished product. (eg. the COUNT of cotton yarn produced by a spinning machine by which we mean the number of 840 yard length in one pound of yarn). 2. Analysis of Production Process For the quality characteristic(s) selected, study the production process in detail to determine the kind and location of defects that are likely to give rise to special cause of variation. Also: Review the requirements imposed by the specification limits. Study the relation between each production step and the selected characteristic, noting where and how variation may arise from causes associated with raw material, machine, human operation, etc. Study the method of inspecting a unit, and avoid inspection errors due to faulty gauges, human errors, etc. Decide whether the entire output of a product forms a single process having a common cause system or two or more distinct streams (eg different conveyor lines, machines, shifts, operators, etc, may warrant separate controls). Decide the earliest point in the production process at which inspection and testing can be carried out. 3. Planning Subgrouping and Data collection Decide what quality data should be recorded, and how to divide the data into subgroups. Also bear in mind the following points: Clear instructions for inspecting an individual unit and recording the result are required. The record may be a measured value or a symbol to denote whether the unit is conforming or not, depending on the type of chart to be used. Decide how the observed values are to be grouped, so that the units in any subgroup are produced under identical conditions. Subgrouping requires technical knowledge of the production process and familiarity with production conditions. While making a decision on subgrouping based on time, such as once during every half an hour, hour or day or from every production lot, etc, the periodic factors associated with the production process should not coincide with the time of sampling and such biases should be avoided. If inspection of a unit is simple, like using a ‘go and no-go gauge’, a sample of 4 or 5 every half hour or every hour is preferable. If sampling is done frequently, a consecutive 4 or 5 or even 10 units may be grouped to form a subgroup. When subgrouping is based on the order of production, use of small and frequent subgroups is preferable to infrequent large subgroups. Keep all records of inspection data (check sheets) in a complete form for future reference so that one can identify the source, time, location of the trouble, etc, easily and quickly. 4. Choice of Quality Measures Decide the statistical measures of quality to be used for the control chart(s). Sometimes the unit must be noted on an attribute basis and the control chart may be of p or np type (to be discussed later). 5. Collection and Analysis of Preliminary data Once decisions have been made on the choice of characteristic, subgroup planning and the statistical measures used for the control chart, collect and analyse some inspection data to establish a preliminary or trial control chart ie., central line and control limits. It is desirable to have sample-by-sample data for at least 25 subgroups. If past data are available, they may be directly used for subgrouping. 6. Establishment of Control Limits From the analysis of the preliminary data, establish control limits as action limits. The control limits are to be used as action limits for future inspection results as they are plotted subgroup by subgroup. Use of 3-sigma limits is generally recommended, employing the relevant formulae to compute the central line and control limits. 7. Preparing Control Chart for Use On a suitable form or squared paper, lay out a chart with vertical scales at the left for the statistical measures chosen and with a horizontal scale for the subgroup number, possibly supplemented by date and sample number. Computer software also proves handy for this purpose. 8. Plotting Points on the Control Chart and Taking Action Decide on the general type of action that is to be taken if a point falls outside the control limits. The action may be on the lot of product sampled or on the production process. As soon as the results of inspection are available from a sample, compute the value of the statistical measure and plot a point on the chart at once. If a point falls outside control limits, take the action that is deemed appropriate. Even though all the points fall within the control limits, indications of trouble or change in the process may be observed by unusual patterns such as the following: a series of points falling close to one of the control limits a long series of points falling above or below the central line a series of points revealing a trend. 9. Assumption of Existence of Control It is usually not safe to assume that a state of control exists before 25 successive subgroup points plotted fall within the 3-sigma limits. In addition, if not more than 1 out of 35, or not more than 2 out of 100, fall outside the 3-sigma control limits, a state of control may ordinarily be assumed to exist. 10. Review of Control Chart Standards The standards initially adopted for constructing the control charts should usually be reviewed after 10 to 25 points have been plotted. If special causes are located and eliminated, it is necessary to alter the standard (limits). Even though a fairly high degree of control is attained, it is desirable to have a definite schedule for review, such as after every 50 or 100 points. 11. Record Keeping It is often necessary to keep all control chart records as a permanent records of quality history. These records are also useful in maintaining good producer and consumer relationship. Some of the concepts, such as computing the control limits, drawing a control chart, etc, will explained in the following sections. Some theory behind control charting has already been presented. In the next section, the construction of using an example. and related control charts is discussed Xbar and Related Control Charts -chart is used to control the mean of a quality characteristic (ie the quality measure M is the mean). This chart will be accompanied by either the range (R) chart or standard deviation (S) chart which will monitor the increase in (within subgroup) variability over time. To construct both charts, it is necessary to estimate the mean () and standard deviation () of the quality characteristic during a state of control (ie when the process is subjected to only chance causes) using historical data. The approach followed in SPC for estimating and will be explained considering the following example. The estimated values of and can be used in constructing the control charts limits. Quick methods for computing the control limits using published control limit factors will also be discussed in this section. Cotton yarn is produced by a spinning machine (called a ring spinning frame). This machine will draws slivers of cotton (which are produced by several preparatory machines) and spins them into yarn of continuous lengths. A typical spinning mill will have a number of spinning frames, each machine having a number of spindles with the spinning operation done by each of the spindles. Let us consider controlling the process of spinning yarn with respect to the quality characteristic COUNT of yarn produced by a given spinning frame. The term COUNT means the number of 840 yard lengths in one pound of yarn. Obviously, the higher the COUNT, the thinner the yarn. A unit for inspection purposes is fixed at a 120 yard length of yarn (called a lea). Lea testing and measuring instruments are available which will quickly determine the quality characteristics COUNT, strength, number of thick and thin places, etc. Let the nominal or target COUNT be 40, ie a pound of yarn will give 40(840) = 33600 yards of length. Assume that the lower and upper specification limits for COUNT are respectively 39.8 and 40.2. The mill has been sampling five leas from randomly selected spindles from the spinning frame for testing during a production shift. On some days/shifts samples were not taken. Multiple samples were taken on a few shifts. Table.2 provides the historical data collected by the mill. This Table indicates certain important process conditions that were noted during the period of study. The mill found that the input for the spinning machine, namely the yarn slivers produced in the preparatory process, was not uniform during certain periods. Such cases, indicated as 'input sliver problem', occurred intermittently. It took some time to locate the sources of trouble in the preparatory stages and correct this problem. Samples numbered 17 and 34 are associated with clear (engineering) evidence that they represent unusual production conditions or measurement problems. These samples must be dropped. The same is the case with subgroups associated with 'input sliver problem' and hence the samples numbered 4, 14, and 21 are also dropped. All cases where there is no strong technical evidence for lack of control such as sample 25 (casual operator employed) will be included in the analysis using control charts. It is also very likely that certain unusual production conditions or special causes would have existed during the period of data collection which are not evident in the ordinary course of production operations. A trial control chart will be used to detect the presence of special causes so that further technical investigation can be initiated to locate and eliminate the sources of trouble. TABLE.2 Retrospective Data for Trial Control Chart Sample # Date Shift Obs-1 Obs-2 Obs-3 Obs-4 Obs-5 1 28-09 1 40.029 39.928 39.998 40.053 40.004 2 28-09 2 39.984 39.995 40.089 40.034 40.080 3 28-09 3 39.971 39.966 39.996 39.957 39.918 4 29-09 1 41.009 40.895 40.990 41.041 40.997 input sliver problem 5 29-09 2 40.033 39.978 40.066 40.018 39.994 6 29-09 3 40.006 40.001 40.041 39.942 39.904 7 30-09 2 39.968 40.091 40.024 40.008 40.006 8 30-09 3 40.000 39.952 39.941 39.988 40.065 9 04-10 1 40.070 40.019 39.901 40.004 39.980 10 04-10 2 40.005 39.965 40.053 39.963 39.981 11 04-10 3 40.004 39.996 40.037 40.057 39.995 12 05-10 1 40.049 40.031 39.953 40.032 40.025 13 05-10 2 40.041 39.956 40.018 39.853 39.991 14 05-10 3 40.508 40.989 40.950 40.839 41.005 input sliver problem 15 06-10 2 40.027 39.932 39.994 39.999 40.010 16 06-10 3 40.092 40.016 40.030 40.002 40.014 17 07-10 1 40.054 * * * * 18 07-10 2 40.072 39.967 40.073 39.922 39.918 19 07-10 3 40.018 39.939 39.965 40.064 39.994 20 08-10 1 40.060 40.005 40.010 39.973 40.082 21 08-10 2 39.031 38.076 38.996 39.012 39.598 input sliver problem 22 08-10 3 39.975 40.006 39.960 40.143 39.981 23 11-10 1 39.949 40.032 39.912 40.002 39.997 24 11-10 1 40.004 40.032 40.020 40.063 40.063 25 11-10 2 40.152 40.011 40.067 39.999 39.977 26 11-10 3 40.057 39.995 40.024 40.006 39.939 27 12-10 1 40.055 40.074 40.053 39.966 40.088 28 12-10 2 40.048 40.006 39.965 39.977 39.984 29 12-10 3 39.952 40.053 39.968 39.914 40.028 30 13-10 1 40.006 39.980 40.071 40.003 40.017 31 13-10 2 39.934 39.993 39.993 40.072 39.910 32 13-10 2 40.015 40.013 40.012 40.031 40.067 33 13-10 3 39.941 39.981 40.077 39.971 39.922 34 14-10 1 60.027 59.936 60.012 40.068 40.037 count mix up in lab 35 14-10 2 39.993 40.067 40.052 40.023 40.004 36 14-10 3 40.087 40.054 39.995 39.943 40.031 spinning motor failed casual operative 37 15-10 1 40.948 40.974 39.945 40.029 41.023 38 15-10 2 39.897 39.958 40.003 40.056 40.095 39 15-10 3 40.068 40.019 40.111 40.021 39.954 How COUNT varies during a shift is important for rational subgrouping and effectiveness of the control charts. More studies must be done by collecting data in the same shift at different time intervals to understand how other process variables such as interference due to doffing, operatives, maintenance schedules, etc, affect COUNT. They may suggest more frequent sampling during a given shift of operation, etc. With the available data, the subgrouping is made based on shifts over time. Let us first quickly explore the distribution of COUNT (without samples 4, 14, 17, 21 and 34) using the following plots: Figure 2 Plots to Explore the Distribution of COUNT Obviously the historical data appear to indicate mostly periods of stable production (which can be modelled by a normal distribution) as well as some unstable periods which may be associated with special causes. We will use the control charts to test this. In order to estimate the true mean () or standard deviation () of the quality characteristic COUNT, the historical data will NOT be pooled. The retrospective data may contain periods dominated by one or more special causes, and a pooled estimate of the standard deviation can be used only when the process is in control, ie dominated only by chance causes. The Shewhart control charts allow only variation within a subgroup, and any extra variation between subgroups is inadmissible and is attributed to the presence of special causes. For any given subgroup i, the usual standard deviation Si (n-1 in divisor) or the range Ri will be used to estimate . If there are k (say) such subgroups, the mean of the k subgroup standard deviations (Si values) or ranges (Ri values) will be used to estimate the process . Similarly the mean of the k subgroup means ( i (say) values) is used to estimate the true process mean . Consider the following table which gives the means, standard deviations and ranges for the COUNT data. Note that this table omits the samples 4, 14, 17, 21 and 34 and relates to a total of 34 subgroups only. The subgroup numbers match with the original sample numbers for easy reference. Table 3 Table of Subgroup Means, Ranges and Standard Deviations Old sample number Subgroup i 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 18 19 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 i 40.0024 40.0364 39.9616 40.0178 39.9788 40.0194 39.9892 39.9948 39.9934 40.0178 40.0180 39.9718 39.9924 40.0308 39.9904 39.9960 40.0260 Ri Si Old sample number Subgroup i 0.125 0.105 0.078 0.088 0.137 0.123 0.124 0.169 0.090 0.062 0.096 0.188 0.095 0.090 0.155 0.125 0.109 0.046971 0.047784 0.028343 0.034296 0.054888 0.044998 0.048915 0.061933 0.037320 0.027797 0.037417 0.073578 0.036060 0.035626 0.077378 0.048275 0.044153 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 i 40.0130 39.9784 40.0364 40.0412 40.0042 40.0472 39.9960 39.9830 40.0154 39.9804 40.0276 39.9784 40.0278 40.0220 40.0638 40.0018 40.0346 Ri Si 0.183 0.120 0.059 0.175 0.118 0.122 0.083 0.139 0.091 0.162 0.055 0.155 0.074 0.144 0.329 0.198 0.157 0.074542 0.047564 0.026235 0.070279 0.043356 0.047620 0.032673 0.056727 0.033872 0.062883 0.023341 0.059923 0.031316 0.055453 0.123918 0.078305 0.058901 The overall mean of the 34 (= k) subgroups estimates . Let us denote the grand or overall mean as = where (X double bar). That is = (40.0024+40.0364 + ....+ 40.0018+40.0346) / 34 = 40.008 i is the ith subgroup mean. The process standard deviation is estimated as = where /c4 is the average of the subgroup standard deviations, viz where Si is the standard deviation of the ith subgroup and c4 is a constant that ensures an unbiased estimator of . That is c4 = E(S)/. Hence, the constant c4 is known as the unbiasing constant. c4 is purely a function of the subgroup size n and values are given in Table in the appendix 1 to this chapter. For COUNT data, = (0.046971 + 0.047784 + .... + 0.078305 + 0.058901) / 34 = 0.050372 giving = 0.050372 / 0.94 = 0.0535872. It is also possible to estimate the process sigma using ranges. That is, the estimator will be = where /d2 is the mean of the subgroup ranges given by and d2 is the unbiasing constant for the range. That is, d2 = E(R)/ values are given in appendix for selected subgroup sizes. For COUNT data, we find = (0.125 + 0.105 + .... + 0.198 + 0.157) / 34 = 0.12715 yielding = /d2= 0.12715 / 2.326 = 0.0546647. In general (ie if subgroup size n > 2), the range estimate of is inefficient compared to the estimate based on the standard deviation. The control limits of an -chart can be established using the above estimated values of and . If if X ~ N( , ), then limits for the ~ N( , /n). Hence the 3-sigma control -chart are: ±3 Hence the control limits for the are: /n -chart based on the standard deviation estimate of , . For COUNT data, it is easy to see that LCL = 40.008 - 3(0.0535872/ 5) = 39.936. UCL = 40.008 + 3(0.0535872/ 5) = 40.080. Hence the control limits for the -chart based on the range estimate of are: , The . -chart control limits for the COUNT data are: LCL = 40.008 - 3(0.0546647/ 5) = 39.935 LCL = 40.008 + 3(0.0546647/ 5) = 40.081. It is easy to compute the control limits using the control limit formulae appearing in Appendix. The table also gives certain constants (A2, A3, B1, B2 , B3, B4, D1, D2, D3, D4) called control limit factors for computing control limits. For example, Appendix 1 gives the control limits (based on the estimate of ) as ±A2 with control limit factor A2 = 0.577 (which is equal to 3/d2n). The control limit factors are useful for manual computation of control limits. The control limits will be displayed on a time sequence plot or run chart for the mean. That is, the subgroup means i will be plotted against the subgroup number i with reference lines for the control limits. The overall mean will also be placed on the chart to produce a central line. The following is a MINITAB COUNT data based on the -chart output for the estimate of . Figure 4 Xbar-Chart None of the plotted points (subgroup means i ) crossed the control limits and hence we call the mean COUNT to be under control. Note that the significance of subgroup means is tested using the estimated which is based on the variation within the subgroups. In other words, the above chart indicates that there is no significant shift in the mean COUNT level for the production period related to the 34 subgroups given the amount of variation within a subgroup due to chance causes. In order answer the question whether the variability within the subgroups is stable, either an R-chart (range chart) or a S-chart (standard deviation chart) will be used. These charts evaluate the variability within a process in terms of the subgroup ranges and standard deviations. One of these two charts will accompany the monitoring the variation within the subgroups over time. S chart: The control limits are given by LCL = B3 line being and UCL = B4 -chart for with the central . For the given subgroup size of 5, one finds the factors for control limits B3 = 0 and B4 = 2.089. For COUNT data, = 0.050372 and hence LCL = 0(0.050372) = 0 and UCL = 2.089(0.050372) = 0.1052. These control limits are then placed on a run chart of Si values with a reference central line for = 0.050372. The following is the S chart for COUNT data drawn using MINITAB: Figure 5. S-Chart breaches the UCL of 0.1052. This means that the variability within the process represented by the 34 subgroups is not in control. Now consider the computation of control limits for the R-chart. R chart: The control limits are given by LCL = D3 and UCL = D4 with the central line being . For the given subgroup size of 5, one finds the factors for control limits D3 = 0 and D4 = 2.115. For COUNT data, = 0.12715 and hence LCL = 0(0.12715) = 0 and UCL = 2.115(0.12715) = 0.2689. These control limits are then placed on a run chart of Ri values with a reference central line for = 0.12715. The following is the R-chart for COUNT data drawn using MINITAB: Figure 6 R-Chart Again subgroup #32 signals that the variability within the process is not under control. We will be using either - and S-charts or - and R-charts for monitoring the process mean level and the variation within the process respectively. It is therefore desirable to show the two charts on a single display as shown below: Figure 7 Two Charts On a Single Display From the above analysis of retrospective data, we find that the quality characteristic COUNT is not under control. The reasons for an increase in variability for subgroup #32 must be explored and then the charts must be revised. This is discussed in the next section. Revision of Control Charts When a signal (which could possibly be a false alarm) is obtained for lack of control from a control chart, one usually looks for the presence of special causes. In the event of finding and eliminating a special cause, it is necessary to revise the control limits deleting the subgroup(s) which signalled the presence of special causes. It may also be possible that this identified special cause affected the process represented by certain subgroups adjacent to the one that signalled its presence. Any such subgroup which was influenced by the special cause variables must be dropped. In other words, we identify a set of subgroups that represents a process subjected to only chance causes. An out-of-control point on the -chart need not necessarily be an out-of-control point on the R- or S-chart (and vice versa). Such a point need not be dropped from the associated R- or S-chart; nor will it call for a revision. For a normally distributed quality characteristic X, the mean and the sample variance S2 are independently distributed, and hence such an action may be justified. (In the revised charts given in Figure 8 the out of control point #32 was dropped for both charts but this need not be done.) Consider the signal given by the subgroup #32 in case of the COUNT data. Assume that a process variable was identified that caused an increase in variability for subgroup #32. We will drop #32 and recompute the control limits without this subgroup. If a thorough investigation reveales no trouble with the process, then the signal given by the subgroup #32 is a false alarm and we will not recompute the control limits and use them directly for any real time control of COUNT. Figure 8 shows the revised control charts drawn for the COUNT data using MINITAB. Subgroup #32 was ignored for control limit calculations but not for display. Figure 8 Revised Control Charts Here all the points (other than subgroup #32) lie within the control limits (sometimes another revision may be necessary if a further point falls outside the revised limits). Hence, one sets the Standard values as for the mean and standard deviation as: standard value for mean = ' = 40.00 standard value for standard deviation = ' = /c4 = 0 04814/ 0.94 = 0.0512 It is also possible to fix a standard value for the range of subgroup size 5 as = R'4= d2'= (0.0512)(2.326) = 0.1191. This value sightly differs from the figure of 0.1210 displayed on the revised R-chart. This value can also be used as a standard value for range. But estimation of the true process sigma using standard deviations is more efficient than estimating it using ranges. While using MINITAB for standard values, they should be input as historical mean and sigma in the appropriate windows. Using the fixed standard values, one can draw - and R-charts or - and S-charts for future use, ie for on-line or real timecontrol. That is, the production process will be sampled for quality monitoring, ie subgroups are formed one by one. As soon as a subgroup is formed, the point must be plotted on the control charts for the standards known case. If a later subgroup is associated with a special cause, then it is necessary to disregard the subgroup while revising the standards or during the periodic revision of the chart once 50 or 100 subgroups are taken. Before any real time control of the process takes place, it is also necessary to compare the standard values with the constraints imposed by the specifications. This is discussed below: By natural process limits (also called natural tolerance limits), we mean the limits which include a stated fraction of the individuals in a population. For populations following a normal distribution, the natural process limits are . If placed around the standard level, these limits identify the boundaries which will include 99.7% of the individuals of a process that is properly centred and in a state of statistical control. Natural process limits will be mostly used to compare the natural capability of the process to specification limits. Consider Figure 9. Here the proportion defective is where , the cumulative standard normal distribution function. Specification limits, as discussed earlier, are determined externally and have no mathematical relationship with control limits. Specification limits should be sufficiently wider than the natural process limits; otherwise, the percent defective production will be high. Figure 9 Natural Process and Specification Limits Since control limits of the chart are set at ± 3/n the control limits will lie within the natural process limits as can be seen from Figure 9a Figure 9a Natural Process and Control limits Whenever a signal is received from the control chart for lack of control, one should see that the value falling outside the control limits does not exceed the lower or upper specification limit. If this is so, it indicates a major shift in the process level. It is usually desirable to have the state of the art of the process such that the natural process limits are within the specification limits. The control limits of the -chart are also ideally set at a distance of inside the natural tolerance limits. This is to reduce the risk of accepting an unsatisfactory shift in process level near the specification limits. In the above discussion, we have assumed that the values of and are known, rather than estimated using a large number of subgroups. If they are estimated, the interval that includes a desired fraction of individuals will be called a statistical tolerance interval and a constant different from 3 will be used in constructing such intervals. This course does not cover this topic. We will discuss process capability ratios, which are more popular than the statistical tolerance intervals, in a separate section. Before any real time control begins, it is necessary to ensure that the process is capable of meeting the specification requirements, ie it will avoid production of nonconforming units. Average Run Length (ARL) and Operating Characteristic (OC) Curves The performance of a control chart is revealed by its ARL and OC curves. By average run length (ARL), we mean the average number of times the process will have been sampled before a shift in the process level is signalled by the control chart. By operating characteristic (OC) curve, we mean a curve showing the probability of accepting a process as a function of the process level. Recall that by false alarm we mean the situation when a control chart gives a signal for lack of control when it is in control. The probability of such a false alarm can be read from the OC curve. If the process is operating at an acceptable level, the probability of accepting the process as in control should be high from its control chart. This is equivalent to saying that if the process is operating at an acceptable level, then the average run length at that process level should be very high. Similarly, if the process is operating at an unacceptable level, the probability of accepting the process should be low and a signal for a shift in the process level should come from the control chart with a smaller number of subgroups drawn. That is, the ARL at unacceptable process level should be small. If sampling is done for every h hours, then the quantity (ARL)h will be the average time to signal (ATS). That is, the measure ATS expresses the ARL in time units. It is also possible to express the ARL in terms of the number of units produced. That is, the ARL can be multiplied by the number of units that will be produced during a sampling interval so that the performance of the control chart can be evaluated in terms of the quantity of units produced. We will be following the terminology of ARL only, rather than the linear transformations of it. OC curve of Chart Suppose that we have an -chart configured only with action lines (that is, with only 3-sigma limits). Let 0 be the acceptable process level and 1 be the unacceptable process level. Also let 1 = 0 +k where is the population standard deviation which is not affected by a shift in the average level of the process. The constant k stands for the shift in the process level in standard deviation units. Let the signal from the chart for out of control be a point falling outside the control limits (upper or lower). For the chart, the upper and lower control limits are UCL = 0 + 3/n and LCL = 0 - 3/n since follows normal distribution with mean and standard deviation /n. Then the probability of accepting the process (ie a subgroup average falling within the limits) at the unacceptable process level 1 is Pa = Pr { LCL UCL = = +k } or where denotes the standard cumulative normal distribution. Substituting for UCL and LCL and simplifying one gets: Pa =[+3-k n ] -[-3-k n]. Figure 10 shows the OC curves for a given level of (upward) shift k in standard deviation units for various subgroup sizes. Note that large subgroup size n leads to faster detection of shifts, ie it keeps Pa low. Figure 10 OC Curves of Xbar-Chart for Various Subgroup Sizes If k is zero, then there is no shift in the process level. In such a case, Pa is [3]- [-3] = 0.99865-(1-0.99865) = 0.9973. This means that if the process is operating at an acceptable level, the control chart accepts it with a very high probability. Suppose that k = 2. This means that the process has shifted upwards to an unsatisfactory level above two standard deviations to the acceptable level. Now Pa stands for the probability of failing to pick up a shift in the process level with a single sample after the shift has occurred. Let the subgroup size be 5. In this case Pa will be [3-2 5]- [-3-2 5] = ( -1.47214)- ( -7.4721) = 0.070492-0.000000 0.0705, which is a low figure. That is, the control chart will detect the shift with the very high probability of 0.9295. In case of a shift in process average, 1- Pa is the probability of detecting the shift with one sample (subgroup) only. If the shift is not detected with the first subgroup, it may be detected with the second subgroup and so on. Thus we may have a run of points falling within the control limits and then a shift may be detected with a point falling outside the limits. One therefore has the run length (RL) distribution (geometric) given in Table 4. Here the definition of run length includes the last subgroup that gave a signal. Table 4 Run Length Distribution Run Length Probability 1 (1-Pa) 2 Pa(1-Pa) 3 Pa2(1-Pa) 4 Pa3(1-Pa) . . . . m . . . Pam-1(1-Pa) . . . The mean and variance of the run length are: ARL = E(RL) = m Pam-1(1- Pa ) = 1/ (1- Pa ). V(RL) = Pa / (1-Pa )2. For example, let the process level shifts to two standard deviations on the upper side. Then the average run length will be 1/ 0.0705 = 14.18. That is, the chart will detect the shift in the process average with about 14 subgroup averages plotted on the chart. The variance of the above RL is 185.37. For example, to draw the OC curve of an -chart having UCL = 11, LCL = 9, subgroup size = 5 and = 0.70, consider the following: Pa = Pr (LCL UCL) = ( ZUCL) - ( ZLCL) where and For the given problem '/n = 0.3130495. For assumed values, Pa can be computed Using and Pa values, the OC curve is then drawn as shown in Figure 11. This OC curve gives the Pa values when the shift is either upward or downward. Note that the Pa is high at the central value 10 and starts to drop if the process level shifts from 10. If one considers an unacceptable process level, say 11, the Pa is still high, which is not desirable. Figure 11 OC Curve of an Xbar-Chart OC Curve of R-chart Table 5, giving the percentage points of the distribution of relative range W = R/ (for normal distribution), is useful in constructing the OC curve of an R-chart. Table 5 Percentage Points of W w values for Pr[W w] 0.999 0.995 0.990 0.975 0.950 0.900 0.750 0.500 0.250 0.100 0.050 0.025 0.010 0.005 0.001 n=4 n=5 n=6 n=10 5.31 4.69 4.40 3.98 3.63 3.24 2.62 1.98 1.41 0.98 0.76 0.59 0.43 0.34 0.20 5.48 4.89 4.60 4.20 3.86 3.48 2.88 2.26 1.70 1.26 1.03 0.85 0.66 0.55 0.37 5.62 5.03 4.76 4.36 4.03 3.66 3.08 2.47 1.93 1.49 1.25 1.06 0.87 0.75 0.54 5.97 5.42 5.16 4.79 4.47 4.13 3.59 3.02 2.51 2.09 1.86 1.67 1.47 1.33 1.08 The probability that R will be less than or equal to UCL is the same as W being less than or equal to a limit of UCL/ . This implies that = (UCL/w). Using the above table, w values are obtained and then the OC curve of an R-chart is drawn. For example, let n = 4 and UCL = 2.0. A table of true R and Pa values is obtained as shown below: Table 6 Points for drawing OC Curve of an R-chart w for n = = 4 (UCL/w) 0.999 5.31 0.3766 0.995 4.69 0.4264 Pa true R= d2(d2= 2.3059) 0.8685 0.9833 0.990 0.975 0.950 0.900 0.750 0.500 0.250 0.100 0.050 0.025 0.010 0.005 0.001 4.40 3.98 3.63 3.24 2.62 1.98 1.41 0.98 0.76 0.59 0.43 0.34 0.20 0.4545 0.5025 0.5510 0.6173 0.7634 1.0101 1.4184 2.0408 2.6316 3.3898 4.6512 5.8824 10.0000 1.0481 1.1587 1.2705 1.4234 1.7602 2.3292 3.2708 4.7059 6.0682 7.8166 10.7251 13.5641 23.0590 Charts with Probability Limits The standard control chart factors are based on the assumption that the control statistic is normally distributed and hence "three sigma" limits can be used. This may be hard to justify in the case of sample variance, range etc. One therefore makes use of the exact distribution of the control statistic, and the control limits fixed in this manner are known as probability limits. When working with an S-chart, one can avoid using the factors for control limits namely B1 to. B4 and use the probability limits directly. It is known that if X ~ N( , ), then with n-1 d.f. It therefore follows that If the process sigma is estimated, then the control limits become and where = /c4is the usual unbiased estimate of sigma. For a subgroup size of 4, one has c4 = 0.921 and 20.001 = 0.024 and 20.999 = 16.266. Once computation of the control limits will be straight forward. is computed, the Some directly use the sample variance S2 instead of S and draw an S2 chart. Note that S2 is an unbiased estimate of 2 . For given k rational subgroups, one may compute the mean of the sample variances and set the control limits at where n is the subgroup size. The control limits of the S-chart based on probability limits are not the square root of the corresponding control limits of the S2 chart since is not equal to An R-chart with probability limits may also be constructed using the percentage distribution of the relative range W. For example, when the subgroup size is five, the probability limits for an R-chart having 0.002 false alarm probability are LCL = 0.37 /d2 UCL = 5.48 /d2. and Supplementary Run Rules for Shewhart Control Charts The operation of a control chart with only action limits is slow in detecting shifts of smaller order in the process level. In control charts with only action limits, the signal comes only if a point falls above or below the control limits. In order to improve the performance or sensitivity of the chart, it is usual to consider warning limits which are set at ±2 as well as at ±1 (the symbol is used to represent the standard deviation of the control statistic, ie M). The rules for using these limits differ according to practice. In general, the warning limits are used in the same manner as control limits, but a count of continuous or interrupted runs of points lying between the warning and action limits is also taken as a signal for action. A control chart with the three zones for warning is shown in Figure 12 Zone A : +2 to +3 and -2 to -3 limits Zone B : +1 to +2 and -1 to -2 limits Zone C : -1 to +1 limits. Figure 12 Control Chart with Warning Lines When the process is in control, the probability that a point will fall in each of the zones can be found. If the characteristic of interest X ~ N( , ), then ~ N( , n ) or The control limits for the statistic ~ N( 0 ,1). -chart are and ±3 for the standardised . Hence, one has the following table: Table 7 Warning Zone Probabilities Zone A B C beyond A Probability of a point falling in the Zone 2[(3) - (2)] = 2[0.99865-0.97725] = 0.04280 2[(2) - (1)] = 2[0.97725-0.84134] = 0.27182 2[(1) - (0)] = 2[0.84134-0.50000] = 0.68268 2(-3) = 0.00270 The following is a list of tests (or the supplementary run rules, also called Western Electric run rules) generally adopted for use: Test or Rule 1: one point beyond zone A (usual signal with action limits). Test or Rule 2: nine points in a row in Zone C and beyond. Test or Rule 3: six points steadily increasing or decreasing. Test or Rule 4: fourteen points in a row alternating up and down. Test or Rule 5: two out of three points in a row in Zone A or beyond. Test or Rule 6: four out of five points in a row in Zone B or beyond. Test or Rule 7: fifteen points in a row in Zone C (above and below central line). Test or Rule 8: Eight points in a row on both sides of central line with none in Zone C. The sample graphs showing the eight different rules are shown in Figure 13. The following points on the application of the run rules are noteworthy (see Nelson (1984)). 1. When the process is in statistical control, the probability of a false alarm is less than five in a thousand for each of the rules. 2. If rules 1 to 4 are routinely applied then the probability of a false alarm is about one in a hundred. 3. If the first four rules are supplemented by rules 5 and 6 when it is desirable to have earlier warning, it will increase the probability of a false alarm to about two in a hundred. 4. Rules 7 and 8 are diagnostic tests for stratification. These rules show when the observations in a subgroup have been taken from two or more processes. Rule 7 reacts when the observations in the subgroup always come from both processes. Rule 8 reacts when the subgroups are taken from one process at a time. Figure 13 Illustration of Run Tests One should be careful while using several or all of the above run rules simultaneously. If k rules with probability of false alarm i for rule i are used, then the overall false alarm probability will be provided the rules are assumed to be "independent". Assuming that the probabilities of all the false alarms are equal to 0.005 (being the maximum), the total probability of false alarm will be = 1-(1-0.005)8 = 0.039. That is, nearly four out of 100 cases could be a false alarm. Hence, one should be careful in applying a number of tests simultaneously, particularly tests 7 and 8. The commonly used run rules are 1, 5, 6 and 8. MINITAB has a provision to perform one or more of the above tests when the subgroup sizes are equal. (see Figure 14). Figure 14 MINITAB Run Test Sample Output Whenever run rules are used, no closed form expression for the OC function or Type I error is available. Further, the run rules are not independent. For example, rules 5 and 8 cannot be assumed to be independent. In such a situation, obtaining an overall value of Type I error as will be approximate and may be avoided. This is one of the reason why SPC researchers prefer to use the concept of ARL in place of the OC curve or Type I error. Champ and Woodall (1987) have provided a method of obtaining the exact ARLs for Shewhart charts with run rules for a normally distributed quality characteristic. The procedure is based on Markov chain formulation and is computationally intensive and hence not discussed here. Table 8 gives the ARL values for an chart with certain run rule combinations and for various levels of shifts in process level. This table is based on the method of Champ and Woodall and produced using a SAS procedure. Table 8 Average Run Lengths for Various Shift Levels and Run rules Process level shift (in terms) Rule 1 Rules 1 & 5 Rules 1 & 6 Rules 1, 5 & 8 0 or no shift 370.352 (369.653) 225.410 (224.226) 166.034 (163.582) 122.036 (118.347) 0.5 155.205 (154.621) 77.715 (76.501) 46.176 (43.538) 36.171 (32.335) 1.0 43.889 (43.363) 20.003 (18.824) 12.663 (10.202) 11.725 (8.491) 2.0 6.302 (5.778) 3.646 (2.633) 3.680 (1.923) 3.502 (2.199) (Standard Deviations of Run Lengths are in brackets.) It is noted that the in-control ARL (corresponding to shift level zero) is decreasing with the application of run rules. The gain is that of reducing the ARL corresponding to a shifted process level, which is the main purpose of the run rules. In practice, one may perform a sensitivity analysis: that is, varying the process level and finding what types of signals (false negative or false positive) are obtained from the chart. For successful application of supplementary run rules, symmetric distribution of the control statistic at least is necessary. Zone Control Chart Jaehn (1991) introduced the zone control chart with the objective of signalling at roughly the same time as a Shewhart chart with the commonly used run rules. A zone control chart has eight zones, four on each side of the central line with boundaries of the central line, one and two sigma limits (see Figure 15). Scores will be assigned to each zone in the following manner: Zone Score Between central line and one sigma 0 Between one and two sigma 2 Between two and three sigma 4 Beyond three sigma 8 The score for points between the central line and one sigma can also be fixed at one instead of zero. For the first observation of the control statistic, the score is shown in a circle drawn in the appropriate zone. For the subsequent observations of the control statistic, the circled scores will be cumulated. That is, the score for the latest one is added to the previous score. This cumulation will take place only when an observation falls on one side of the central line and the cumulation will stop if a point falls on the other side of the central line. At this point, the score restarts on the latest actual score. This scoring method is simple to apply and no pattern checking or counts of points are needed to apply the supplementary run rules. Once the cumulative score reaches or exceeds 8, the zone control chart signals action for an assignable cause. It may be seen that the scoring method roughly corresponds to the application of run rules, viz: 1. A point falling outside the three sigma limits, 2. Two of three consecutive points falling outside the two sigma limits on the same side of the central line, 3. Four out of five consecutive points falling outside the one sigma limits on the same side of the central line, and 4. Eight consecutive points falling on the same side of the central line. This does not mean that zone control chart and the Shewhart chart with the usual tests will give the signals at the same time. For instance, the score is reset if a point is on the opposite side. The usual run rules 5 and 8 discussed earlier do not reset. The zone control chart basically combines the points of different zones but not necessarily the run rules. Figure 15 Zone Control Chart Davis et al. (1994) have shown that zone control charts with score zero instead of one (for points between the central line and one sigma) outperform the Shewhart charts whenever the shift to be detected is of the order of two standard deviations or less. Also because of its simplicity, the zone control chart is a viable alternative to Shewhart charts. However does not compare favourably with more complicated charts such as CUSUM and EWMA (to be discussed later). Fast initial response (FIR) is a technique used to provide a rapid signal in case of an initial out-of-control situation whenever decisions are based on a cumulative type of control statistic such as a score considered in the zone control chart. That is, the FIR feature gives a "head start" by initialising the score at a state where a signal is very likely after the few observations if the process is not in control. It is also possible to introduce the FIR feature to the zone control chart; the FIR feature will be further discussed in the section on CUSUM charting. It is also possible to adopt a different weighting pattern for initial process conditions and yet another weighting pattern to detect shifts of smaller order once the process condition is stable. This practice is currently empirical and more research is required in the area. Control Chart for Individual Measurements (X-chart or I-chart) The I-chart for individual observations monitors the process level in terms of a single measurement per sample. This chart is equivalent to using an -chart with subgroup size equal to one. Control charts for individual measurements are used under any of the following situations: Technology permits 100% inspection of individual units. Slow production rate and hence samples can accumulate. Chemical processes and continuous process conditions such as paper production etc. For a series of measurements X1, X2, X3, ....Xk, we compute . That is, the process mean is estimated using the sample mean. The sample standard deviation S, given by , can be used to estimate the true sigma through the unbiasing constant c4 (c4 corresponding to sample size k). That is, we estimate as S/c4 and set the control limits at ± 3S/c4 with the central line at range given by . It is also common to estimate using the average moving . That is, is estimated as then set at = /d2 (d2 for sample size 2). The control limits are ±3 /d2 with the central line at . Example: Consider the series of measurements of a quality characteristic (one-at-atime data) given in Table 9 Table 9 Data for I-Chart 4.1 5.9 5.0 4.4 5.4 5.0 4.1 5.0 6.1 4.5 4.2 3.5 3.0 4.3 5.6 6.6 7.3 5.0 3.9 4.7 6.1 5.3 2.5 6.2 5.4 5.7 5.2 3.1 4.5 4.9 5.2 4.1 5.2 6.1 5.3 7.3 5.6 5.0 4.9 5.0 6.4 5.3 4.3 6.3 3.9 4.7 7.1 4.5 4.1 5.4 (Read from left to right) It is easy to compute = 5.0440 , S = 1.0475 giving = S/c4 = 1.0475 / 0.9949 = 1.0528. The control limits are therefore 5.044 3(1.0528). That is, LCL = 1.8856 and UCL = 8.2024. The following control chart is then drawn for the data in Table 9 Figure 15 I-Chart Based on the Standard Deviation Estimate of Sigma It is easy to compute the average of the moving ranges (absolute values) as = (1.8 + 0.9 + 0.6 + 1.0 + .... + 2.6 + 0.4 + 1.3)/49 = 1.1735 and compute = /d2 = 1.1735 / 1.128 = 1.0404. The control limits of the Ichart (based on the moving range estimate of sigma) are 5.044 3(1.0404), ie LCL = 1.9228 and UCL = 8.1652. The individual values are then shown on the I-chart in Figure 16 Figures 15 and 16 both suggest that the quality characteristic under consideration is under control. One may also conduct the supplementary run tests (preferably using MINITAB). Figure 16 MINITAB I-Chart Output The assumption of normality and independence for individual measurements must be justified for using the Shewhart chart for individual measurements. Random errors such as measurement error are likely to be present in individual values. Further, the moving range values may have correlated errors. These aspects should be noted before applying the chart for individual measurements. The normality assumption of the control statistic is more relevant in the case of a Shewhart chart for individual values. There are several methods available for testing the normality assumption such as regression test, chi square goodness of fit test, distance tests, moment test, etc. MINITAB provides for three tests namely, 1) the Anderson-Darling test, 2) the Ryan-Joiner test and 3) the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. To apply these tests, a value for alpha, the Type I error, needs to be chosen (usually 10% or above) and compared with the P-value that is displayed in the MINITAB normal plot. If the displayed P-value is smaller than the alpha value chosen, one rejects the assumption of normality. On violation of the normality assumption, transformations need to be tried (log, square root, square etc). Box and Cox (1964) provided maximum likelihood methods for choosing normalising transformations. The Box-Cox power transformation is useful for correcting non-normality as well as unstable variation in the process data. MINITAB provides for optimal estimation of the appropriate power of the transformation Y()= Y { log Y e = 0 =0 with common transformations such as square root, etc, being particular cases as seen below: Value of Transformation 2 Y2 0.5 Y 0 loge Y -0.5 1/Y -1 1/Y