March 11, 2014

Springfield, Vermont
March 11, 20144
Present: HCRS Staff: George Karabakakis (Facilitator), Will Shakespeare, Vanessa Lane, Bill Metcalfe,
Karon Eagles, and Crystal Morey Client/Community Representation: D. Slade, G. Zdunek, K. Beach, P.
Morse, T. Ford, J. Paradis, W. Verboncoeur, P. Landry, B. Gagliardi, and C. Cheney
Board Representation: Sarah Carter and Carlotta Gladding
Present by Video Conferencing: Brattleboro Elm – Lori Lintner (and guests) Hartford Office: B.
Austin and K. Benson
Welcome: At 12:10 PM, George Karabakakis welcomed everyone to the meeting. Introductions were
made including those participating via video conferencing.
Joint Standing Committee Minutes: The December 10, 2013 Joint Standing Committee Meeting were
approved previously at the individual Local Standing Committee meetings. These minutes have been
posted to the HCRS Internet Site. The Internet website is:
Update on Agency Changes: George Karabakakis provided an update on what is happening up at the
state level. The legislature is in session and there are ongoing discussions going on around education and
advocacy. They are focused on building capacity within the inpatient and outpatient systems, specifically
around bolstering support and filling in the gaps to assist people living and receiving treatment in their
communities. The new state hospital will be opening sometime in June/July. George also noted there is
some movement in the appropriations committee to cut increases for mental health. More information
will be provided at a later date.
George announed that he recently attended an Adult State Standing Committee meeting and really valued
the information he received from the group. He thanked the HCRS Board of Directors for their
participation on the local standing committees, specifically Sarah Carter and Carlotta Gladding who were
able to attend today’s meeting.
At HCRS, George announced there are plans to develop new programs, partnerships, and housing options
in the community. Discussion also took place around his new role at HCRS as the new Chief Executive
Officer as Judith prepares for her retirement as of January 1, 2014.
The move to full EMR implementation is drawing near as HCRS plans to move to an all electronic
medical record. As this date approaches, George talked about boundaries and the sharing of client
information. While there are pros and cons to health exchanges, many local hospitals are looking into
sharing information electronically when they are admitted, discharged, or transferred from area hospitals
which should help doctors’ better coordinate care and improve outcomes.
George noted that preparations are being made for the 2013 Client Satisfaction Survey to begin in
February. Minor changes will be made to the survey form that will help guide many of HCRS’ decisions.
They are due back no later than March 31, 2014.
Adult Standing Committee and Program Update: The Adult mental health, CRT, and substance abuse
integration continues to move forward. The admission process has been combined and they are working
on a single point of entry by hiring Access Coordinators at each area office. Steve is in the process of
reviewing groups across sites to see how they can be combined. He’s also working on enhancing
substance abuse services for CRT clients. HCRS will still have the Walk-In Clinics, but the single point
of entry will help speed up services for our clients. This also correlates with the System of Care Plans
which were born out of feedback from stakeholders, standing committees, etc.
AMHAS staff are currently working with community partners, specifically with corrections and presentencing programs and working with folks in the legal system with involvement with substance abuse
issues and/or domestic violence issues.
Barbara Austin, chair provided an update on what’s happening in the Adult Standing Committee. The
group has begun to develop packets for new clients seen at HCRS. They are also looking to see how they
can provide peer support to clients who are admitted to the ER during a crisis. Barbara noted there is a
similar program in St. Johnsbury that we could model for our use. The group would like to continue to
work with NAMI involving peer and family support as a way of prevention. George noted we should
look into this further.
Commissioner, Paul Duprey responded positively to the letter that was sent by the Adult Standing
Committee about six months ago.
Since many hospitals have been struggling to place their psychiatric patients, Bennington hospital now
has plans to renovate existing storage space near the ER into a three-bed area specially designed to house
patients suffering a mental health crisis.
DS Standing Committee and Program Update: The Developmental Services Program is working on
their system of care plan, i.e what’s working, what’s not working, and what can make it better. Housing,
independent living, provider model, community supports are just a few things they are looking at to see
how they are delivering those services. Bill Metcalfe, DS Director noted that the upcoming client
satisfaction survey is an important tool and will help guide their decisions. A meeting is tentatively
scheduled for tomorrow where they will focus on “choice”.
The group continues to talk about the mission statement and what it is the group wants to accomplish
specific to the Developmental Services Program. Bill noted DS and the Children’s Program are working
together to make sure folks know how to access the Crisis Team. (DS Safe Team).
On May 29-30, 2014, Green Mountain Self-Advocates (GMSA) will hold Vermont’s 16th Annual
“Voices and Choices” Self-Advocacy Conference at the Killington Grand Resort Hotel & Conference
Center in Killington, VT. The conference provides an opportunity for Vermonters with developmental
disabilities, their families, service providers, and allies to collectively learn about decision-making, selfadvocacy, and relationships.
The advocacy group is scheduled to meet next Tuesday from 5-8. People from the Springfield, Bellows
Falls, and Brattleboro areas are welcome to attend.
On February 19, 2014 – VCDR (Vermont Coalition for Disability Rights) held its annual Disability
Awareness Day at the Vermont State House. Folks from HCRS attended this meeting to talk with
On March 20, a DS State Standing Committee is scheduled to take place in Waterbury. Lori Litner is
scheduled to attend and hopes to have other people attend as well.
Children’s Standing Committee: Chrissy Cheney, chair provided an update on what’s happening in the
Children’s Standing Committee. They have begun to discuss their system of care plan and the need to get
involved more with the schools, family, and police departments. There is a gap in communication
between HCRS and they would like to make a public relations announcement inviting selectboard
members and school board members to become a part of the Children’s Standing Committee. A new
parent rep will be joining the group next month. The group is also in the process of reviewing the
upcoming client satisfaction survey.
HCRS is trying to develop a plan for more family involvement. Resources to help make that happen
could be NAMI, Morgan Brown, or Ann Donahue from Counterpoint.
Family stress moments happen at any time. When the office is not open there needs to be a way for deescalation of a behavioral issue vs. hospitalization. DS has the SAFE Team on call and Will has worked
with the State to shift some funding around to be able to buy some of the SAFE Team time for these types
of situations. The structure of how this is going to look is currently being worked on.
Next meeting: The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 10, 2014 at 12:00 PM. Lunch will be
Minutes by Crystal Morey, Recorder