Information for Applicant
University New South Wales
The Department of Defence recognises the need for a skilled Australia, and is providing one full-time Naval Architecture
Engineering Scholarship for a three year period worth $9 000 per semester. For the purpose of these documents, “the
Department” and “the Sponsor” refers to the Department of Defence.
Eligibility of Applicant
Must be an Australian citizen. There are no exceptions to this condition, and failure to meet this criteria
precludes any further consideration.
Must be in the second year of a full-time four year Naval Architecture Engineering degree.
Must maintain a credit average throughout the degree, with academic transcripts being checked at least twice
Must be able to meet the minimum security requirements for the 12-week industrial placement experience with
the Department of Defence at the end of the second and third year. This process is explained separately.
Must not be in receipt of any other Scholarship. The Applicant can accept, from time to time, one-off
Scholarships and prizes as may be awarded for academic merit. If the Applicant is in receipt of a
Commonwealth Learning Scholarship, or a similar Scholarship, their application may be considered only where
there is no conflict with these Terms and Conditions.
Dual Award Degree
A Dual award degree or the taking of additional courses that extend the duration of the degree are not permitted, unless
otherwise approved in writing by the Sponsor and the Faculty. In the event of a Scholar receiving written permission
from both the Sponsor and the Department to undertake a five-year combined degree, the Scholarship will instead be
valued at $13 500 per annum.
The Scholarship will not be extended an additional year beyond the approved period to achieve Honours [ UNSW
Engineering degrees are of 4 years duration and include Honours].
Cancellation of Scholarships
The Scholarship will be cancelled should the Scholar fail to comply with any of the Terms and Conditions. This
includes, but is not restricted to, failure to maintain a credit average, failure to meet basic security requirements
necessary for the industrial placement component of the Scholarship, or changing from Naval Architecture Engineering
to any other degree. The Scholar will be notified of the cancellation of the Scholarship in writing, and will have 14 days
to appeal the decision in writing.
Deferral of Scholarships
Scholarships are intended to be used in a full-time capacity in the last three years of a four-year Naval Architecture
engineering degree. If circumstances impact on the Scholar changing this status (ie personal injury/illness, immediate
family injury/illness, changing to part-time study etc) then the Scholar must immediately notify the Department.
Deferrals are not automatic, and may not be in the Department’s best interest. The Department will then determine the
appropriate course of action, with the applicant being notified in writing.
Application Process
All the applications will go through an assessment and short-listing process by a panel of Defence and University
staff. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to attend for interview, All the applications will go through an assessment
and short-listing process by a panel of Defence and University staff. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to attend for
interview, and award of the Scholarship will follow. Applicants that do not win a Scholarship will receive written
notification, and will have 30 days to seek feedback.
Assessment Process
Assessment of the applications will be based on a selection matrix which will consider:
Academic merit as indicated by the applicant’s performance in their first year, the minimum accepted being a
credit average. Merit will be judged by academic performance in the first year of university results alone.
Demonstrated interpersonal skills, leadership qualities, communication skills, creativity, innovation and selfmotivation.
Demonstrated achievements in non-academic ventures and involvement in university and community ventures.
Successful Scholar
The successful Scholar will be contacted by telephone and in writing, with details of the award of the Scholarship. The
Scholar will also be provided with contact details for their industrial placement.
Responsibilities of the Successful Scholar
Must make themselves available to attend a ceremony to award the Scholarship, the date of which will be
advised to the Scholar in writing.
Must declare the Scholarship monies to Centrelink or any other agency which requires information on the
applicant’s income. Defence will not accept any responsibility in this issue, as it is up to the successful Scholar
to notify relevant authorities.
Must be available to participate in the annual 12-week industrial placement with the Department during summer
break of the second and third year of study paid at the baseline rate of approximately $43844 p.a. This is likely
to involve interstate travel, with transportation and accommodation costs met by the Department. No other
allowances will be paid, and any additional costs will be met by the Scholar.
Must provide a post-placement report to the Department, the format and topic of which will be provided, within a
month of the completion of the placement.
Checklist for Eligible Applicants
Please check your application for the following:
the Application Form is fully completed in neat, legible writing, with passport-sized photo affixed;
all academic information is attached, including latest academic transcript;
all supporting documentation attached, of no more than five (5) pages;
Section Four has been completed by the UNSW Development Unit, and authorised with the Faculty stamp;
the Permission to Disclose to Sponsor form is signed and dated;
the Security Requirements form is signed and dated; and
that you have taken a photocopy of the Application and attachments for your own records
Defending Australia and its National Interests
Section 1. Personal Details
Family Name:
First Name(s):
Affix passport-sized
photo of yourself here
Student ID:
Date of Birth:
Country of Birth:
Section 2. Please answer the following questions (please limit your responses to a maximum of 500 words and attach separate
pages if required):
a. Provide a brief statement of your career aspirations. Why engineering? Where do you see yourself after graduation?
b. Provide an example of your leadership abilities and/or how you have taken initiative recently.
c. Tell us about any part-time work you have undertaken.
d. Provide an example of your ability to be creative or innovative (eg something you have made or a hobby you undertake).
Section 3. Special achievements. Provide information about (please limit your responses to a maximum of 500 words and attach
separate pages if required):
a. your two best academic achievements:
b. significant contributions you have made to your community or to charities (national, local, ethnic, religious, sporting or other):
c. your personal strengths and weaknesses:
Applicant’s Declaration
I hereby declare that I have read, understood and accepted the Terms of Conditions of the Civilian Defence Engineering
Scholarship Scheme (CDESS). I further declare that the information I have supplied herein is complete and accurate.
I hereby give permission for the Scholarships Office to obtain my academic transcripts each semester throughout the
three years of the Scholarship. I agree that my completed application form and attachments will be released to the
Department of Defence for the purposes of assessing, short-listing and awarding this Scholarship. I will supply
evidence of my Australian citizenship and other documentation to meet Department security processes when requested.
I acknowledge that I am to provide the Department of Defence with a certified true copy of my academic transcript within
3 weeks of results being issued.
Defending Australia and its National Interests
Pass the application form and attachments to the Faculty of Engineering Development Unit to complete Section
Section 4. Comments from UNSW Development Unit
Please comment on the applicant’s overall academic performance.
Declaration by Faculty of Engineering Development Officer
Name: …………………………………………………………………..………. Position: …………………………………
Signed: ………………………………………………………………….……… Date: …………………………….
Please pass the completed form back to the applicant for return to:
Faculty of Engineering Development Unit, Faculty Office, Level 6, K17, UNSW.
Closing date: 30 March 2012
Defending Australia and its National Interests
Terms and Conditions
The Scholarship may be suspended or withdrawn should the Scholar fail to comply with any of the Terms and Conditions as follows.
Terms and Conditions
The Scholarship shall be open only to Undergraduates who:
are Australian citizens. There are no exceptions to this condition, and failure to meet this criteria precludes any further
are in their second year of a full-time four year Naval Architecture Engineering degree.
maintain a credit average throughout their degree, with academic transcripts being checked at least twice annually.
must be able to meet the minimum security requirements for the 12-week industrial placement experience with the Department of
Defence at the end of each year.
must not be in receipt of any other Scholarship. The Applicant can accept, from time to time, one-off Scholarships and prizes as
may be awarded for academic merit. If the Applicant is in receipt of a Commonwealth Learning Scholarship, or a similar
Scholarship, their application may be considered only where there is no conflict with these Terms and Conditions.
There shall be no commitment from either party with regard to employment within the Department of Defence after graduation.
The recipient of the Scholarship will hold no other scholarship, but may accept from time to time such one-off scholarships and prizes
as may be awarded for academic merit, subject to approval from the Sponsor and Faculty.
The Scholarship shall be tenable in Naval Architectural Engineering and shall not be transferable to any other degree.
The Scholarship shall be tenable for the normal full-time duration of the recipient’s degree program, subject to the Scholarship
recipient meeting all the obligations of the program, and subject to academic progress being deemed satisfactory by UNSW. The
Scholarship recipient is expected to achieve a credit average each academic year, monitored twice yearly.
Dual award degree or the taking of additional courses that extend the duration of the degree are not permitted, unless otherwise
approved in writing by the Sponsor and the Faculty. In the event of a Scholar receiving written permission from both the sponsor and
the Department to undertake a five-year combined degree, the Scholarship will instead be valued at $6 750 per semester ($13 500
per annum).
The thesis topic chosen, in fourth year, must be related to a relevant topic and approved by mutual agreement between UNSW, the
scholar and the Department of Defence. The Department of Defence, where possible, will provide support with facilities, engineering
supervision and technical material.
The Scholarship will not be extended an additional year beyond the approved period to achieve Honours [UNSW Engineering
degrees are of 4 years duration and include Honours].
Awarding of the Scholarship
The Scholarship shall be awarded on the basis of:
Academic merit as indicated by the applicant’s performance in their first year of university study (a minimum of credit average).
Demonstrated interpersonal skills, leadership qualities, communication skills, creativity, innovation and self-motivation.
Demonstrated achievements in non-academic ventures and involvement in university and community ventures.
Industrial Experience
A Scholar shall, at the conclusion of each academic year, undertake twelve weeks industrial experience with the Department of Defence.
Payment will be as a non-ongoing employee in addition to the Scholarship monies. Under the current Defence Enterprise Collective Agreement
(DeCA), the salary will be approximately $43 844 p.a.
Industrial Experience Schedule:
 At the end of second year of degree – 12 weeks between November and February
 At the end of third year of degree – 12 weeks between November and February
Defending Australia and its National Interests
Cancellation of Scholarships
The Scholarship may be suspended or cancelled should the Scholar fail to comply with any of the Terms and Conditions. This includes, but is
not restricted to, failure to maintain a credit average, failure to meet basic security requirements during the industrial placement component of
the Scholarship, or changing from Naval Architecture Engineering to any other degree. The Scholar will be notified of the cancellation of the
Scholarship in writing, and will have 14 days to appeal the decision in writing. Payment of Scholarship monies will cease from the date the
Department is notified of the Scholar’s failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions. Repayment of Scholarship monies will then be
Deferral of Scholarships
Scholarships are intended to be used in a full-time capacity in the last three years of a four-year Naval Architecture Engineering degree. If
circumstances impact on the Scholar changing this status (ie personal injury/illness, immediate family injury/illness, changing to part-time study
etc) then the Scholar must immediately notify the Department. The Department will then determine the appropriate course of action, with the
applicant being notified in writing. Payment of Scholarship monies will cease from the time the request is lodged until a decision has been
made. If a deferral is granted, there will be no payment of Scholarship monies during the period of the deferral. Deferrals are not automatic,
and may not be in the Department’s best interest. If a deferral is not granted, the Scholarship will be cancelled as per paragraph 5.
Responsibilities of the Successful Scholar
Scholars must:
make themselves available to attend a ceremony to award the Scholarship, the date of which will be advised to the Scholar in writing.
declare the Scholarship monies to Centrelink or any other agency which requires information on the applicant’s income. Defence will
not accept any responsibility in this issue, as it is up to the successful Scholar to notify relevant authorities.
be available to participate in the annual 12-week industrial placement with the Department during summer break, paid at the baseline
rate of approximately $43 844 p.a. This is likely to involve interstate travel, with transportation and accommodation costs met by the
Department. No other allowances will be paid, and any additional costs will be met by the Scholar.
submit a post-placement report to the Department of Defence and their Engineering Faculty. The format and topic of the report will be
directed by the Department of Defence, and the Scholar is to submit the report within one month of the completion of the placement.
Value and Payments to the Scholar
The Scholar should keep in mind that the funds provided by the Department of Defence are public monies, and as such are accountable to the
The Scholarship shall be valued at $9 000 per semester for students in their second-year, third year and fourth year of study.
The Scholarship will be paid to the scholar by the university as a living allowance.
In the event of a scholar receiving written permission from both the sponsor and the Department to undertake a five-year combined
degree, the scholarship will instead be valued at $13 500 per annum.
In the event of a scholar:
withdrawing from the Scholarship voluntarily;
failing to comply with the Terms and Conditions;
bringing or likely to bring the Department into disrepute; or
acting or failing to act in such a way as to breach the intent and spirit of the Scholarship;
the Scholarship will be deemed to be cancelled, with all payments immediately ceased. The Scholar will be notified in writing confirming this
decision, and will be required to repay the monies paid in the semester prior to the event causing the cancellation of the Scholarship. The
Scholar will then have 14 days to appeal the decision in writing.
Defending Australia and its National Interests
If awarded the Scholarship, the Scholar will be supplied with a security pack. This pack
will include all the detail and explanations to assist the Scholar in complying with the security
clearance process. A summary of the information which the Scholar will need to provide is
listed below and will include:
Residential information for the past 10 years (if they do not know exact dates, years are
acceptable eg 2001-2002 - 10 Commonwealth Ave, Canberra City ACT 2600)
Original birth certificate
Original evidence of citizenship (if born overseas)
One work referee from the last two years
Two character referees if not employed (must not be related)
Certified True copy of current driver’s licence
Certified True copy of any name change (ie marriage certificate)
All the information you provide will then be processed through our central Security
Agency, and the information confirmed, and Referees will be contacted. The Australian Federal
Police will conduct their own checks and verify all this information.
All original documentation will be returned.
If the security process is rejected for any reason, the Scholarship will be withdrawn.
I have read, understood and accepted the above security information. I hereby
acknowledge that I will be required to supply the aforementioned information and
documentation when requested. I also acknowledge that if I do not meet the security
requirements or if my security clearance is rejected, my Scholarship will be cancelled.
Civilian Defence Engineering Scholarship Consent Form
Family Name:
Given Names:
Date of Birth:
The Civilian Defence Engineer Scholarship Scheme will be administered by the UNSW pursuant to the
agreement between the Commonwealth of Australia represented by the Department of Defence
through People Strategy and Policy Group (PSP) and the UNSW dated November 2007 (“The
Australian Defence Force Scholarship in Naval Architecture at UNSW”).
I consent to and understand that all my records and personal information pertaining to me, or
provided by me, about my attendance, performance and academic results (which may include contact
details, course enrolments and discontinuations, attendance records, assessment results [both
historical and future]), academic misconduct (where relevant) and any other information while enrolled
at UNSW, recorded or maintained by UNSW, may be disclosed by UNSW to the PSP for the purposes
enabling the PSP to ensure the efficient, effective and ethical use of Commonwealth resources
in the utilisation of the Scholarship scheme; and
confirming that I am complying with the terms and conditions of the Scholarship scheme to
maintain my on-going sponsorship
I consent to and understand that the PSP may release such UNSW records and personal
information, in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), to relevant Department of Defence
I acknowledge and understand that enrolment in any given UNSW program or program subject
is not guaranteed by either PSP or UNSW and is subject to the individual decision of UNSW in
accepting my enrolment, and according to its Statutes, Rules, Orders and policies made with authority
under the [relevant University Act 1991(Cth)].
I acknowledge and understand that any course failure, failure to maintain a credit average each
semester at UNSW or expulsion from enrolment in my approved engineering course may result in my
suspension or cancellation from the Scholarship scheme.
I agree to comply with the Scholarship’s Terms and Conditions and with any amendments
made to them by the sponsor or UNSW Engineering Faculty from time-to-time.
Defending Australia and its National Interests