Chapter 5-20. Correlated Data: Multilevel Models In this chapter, we will dicuss multilevel models. These models are also known as mixed effects models, mixed models, heirarchial models, and random effects models. (Rabe-Hesketh and Everitt, 2003, p. 155). Isoproterenol Dataset We will again use the 11.2.Isoproterenol.dta dataset provided with the Dupont (2002, p.338) textbook, described as, “Lang et al. (1995) studied the effect of isoproterenol, a β-adrenergic agonist, on forearm blood flow in a group of 22 normotensive men. Nine of the study subjects were black and 13 were white. Each subject’s blood flow was measured at baseline and then at escalating doses of isoproterenol.” Reading the data in, File Open Find the directory where you copied the course CD Change to the subdirectory datasets & do-files Single click on 11.2.Isoproterenol.dta Open use "C:\Documents and Settings\u0032770.SRVR\Desktop\ Biostats & Epi With Stata\datasets & do-files\ 11.2.Isoproterenol.dta ", clear * which must be all on one line, or use: cd "C:\Documents and Settings\u0032770.SRVR\Desktop\" cd "Biostats & Epi With Stata\datasets & do-files" use 11.2.Isoproterenol.dta, clear _________________ Source: Stoddard GJ. Biostatistics and Epidemiology Using Stata: A Course Manual [unpublished manuscript] University of Utah School of Medicine, 2010. Chapter 5-20 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 1 Listing the data, list , nolabel 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | id race fbf0 fbf10 fbf20 fbf60 fbf150 fbf300 fbf400 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | 1 1 1 1.4 6.4 19.1 25 24.6 28 | | 2 1 2.1 2.8 8.3 15.7 21.9 21.7 30.1 | | 3 1 1.1 2.2 5.7 8.2 9.3 12.5 21.6 | | 4 1 2.44 2.9 4.6 13.2 17.3 17.6 19.4 | | 5 1 2.9 3.5 5.7 11.5 14.9 19.7 19.3 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | 6 1 4.1 3.7 5.8 19.8 17.7 20.8 30.3 | | 7 1 1.24 1.2 3.3 5.3 5.4 10.1 10.6 | | 8 1 3.1 . . 15.45 . . 31.3 | | 9 1 5.8 8.8 13.2 33.3 38.5 39.8 43.3 | | 10 1 3.9 6.6 9.5 20.2 21.5 30.1 29.6 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | 11 1 1.91 1.7 6.3 9.9 12.6 12.7 15.4 | | 12 1 2 2.3 4 8.4 8.3 12.8 16.7 | | 13 1 3.7 3.9 4.7 10.5 14.6 20 21.7 | | 14 2 2.46 2.7 2.54 3.95 4.16 5.1 4.16 | | 15 2 2 1.8 4.22 5.76 7.08 10.92 7.08 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | 16 2 2.26 3 2.99 4.07 3.74 4.58 3.74 | | 17 2 1.8 2.9 3.41 4.84 7.05 7.48 7.05 | | 18 2 3.13 4 5.33 7.31 8.81 11.09 8.81 | | 19 2 1.36 2.7 3.05 4 4.1 6.95 4.1 | | 20 2 2.82 2.6 2.63 10.03 9.6 12.65 9.6 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | 21 2 1.7 1.6 1.73 2.96 4.17 6.04 4.17 | | 22 2 2.1 1.9 3 4.8 7.4 16.7 21.2 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ We see that the data are in wide format, with variables id patient ID (1 to 22) race race (1=white, 2=black) fbf0 forearm blood flow (ml/min/dl) at ioproterenol dose 0 mg/min fbf10 forearm blood flow (ml/min/dl) at ioproterenol dose 10 mg/min … fbf400 forearm blood flow (ml/min/dl) at ioproterenol dose 400 mg/min In this dataset, each of the several occasions represents an increasing dose, so can be thought of as an effect across dose, rather than as an effect across time. To convert the race variable into a 0-1 scored variable, we use capture drop black capture label drop blacklab recode race 1=0 2=1, gen(black) label variable black "Black race" label define blacklab 0 "White" 1 "Black" label values black blacklab tab black race Chapter 5-20 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 2 We can get a feel for these data using a parallel coordinate plot (Cox, 2004). First, the parplot command (ado file) must be added to Stata, if it hasn’t already been. findit parplot parplot from 'PARPLOT': module for parallel coordinates plots / parplot draws parallel coordinates plots. Stata 8 is required. d / KW: graphics / KW: multivariate / KW: parallel coordinates plot / Requires: Stata version 8.0 / Author: Nicholas J. Cox, Durham University / Support: email If not installed already, click on the blue link to install. Then, creating the graph for the first two doses, #delimit ; parplot fbf0 fbf10 , transform(raw) xlabel(1 "0" 2 "10") ylabel(0(1)6, angle(horizontal)) ytitle("forearm blood flow (ml/min/dl) ") xtitle("isoproterenol dose (mg/min)") by(black) ; #delimit cr White Black 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 10 0 10 isoproterenol dose (mg/min) Graphs by Black race Chapter 5-20 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 3 From these first two dose levels, we see that each subject not only has a unique intercept, but also has a unique slope. It seems a better fit to the data could be made using a model that permits a random slope, in addition to a random intercept that was modeled in the previous chapter. Multilevel models can be fitted with just a random intercept, or with both a random intercept and a random slope. To see all the time points, we use #delimit ; parplot fbf0-fbf400 , transform(raw) xlabel(1 "0" 2 "10" 3 "20" 4 "60" 5 "150" 6 "300" 7 "400") ylabel(0(5)45, angle(horizontal)) ytitle("forearm blood flow (ml/min/dl) ") xtitle("isoproterenol dose (mg/min)") by(black) ; #delimit cr White Black 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 10 20 60 150 300 400 0 10 20 60 150 300 400 isoproterenol dose (mg/min) Graphs by Black race A model that attempts to fit an equation to repeated measures like this is called a growth curve model. The GEE model fitted in the last chapter was a growth curve model, fitting the average growth curve through the data points. A growth curve model can also be fitted with a multilevel model, fitting a growth curve separately for each subject. Chapter 5-20 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 4 Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) The multilevel approach models the correlation structure of the data expressed as the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), also called the intracluster correlation coefficient (ICC). The ICC is also know as the reliability coefficient (r or rho) for measuring interrater agreement of a continuous measurement between two or more raters, or two or more measurement occasions. To compute the ICC, we use the formula (Streiner and Norman, 1995, p.106) and (Shrout and Fleiss, 1979), reliability = subject variability subject variability + measurement error expressed symbolically as, s2 2 s e2 Note, however, that these sigma’s are population parameters. Population parameters are estimated using the expected value of sample statistics, where the expected value is the long-run average. The ICC cannot be computed, then, simply from the MS(between) and MS(within) from an analysis of variance table. For any ANOVA, depending on whether it is for a fixed effect, random effect, multiple raters for each subject, separate raters for each subject, etc, the expected mean squares (EMS) are different equations containing the MS(between) and MS(within). That is, all versions of the ICC use the same MS(between) and MS(within) from the ANOVA table, but the EMS(between) and EMS(within) has a slightly different equation for each situation. To see graphically what the ICC is estimating, first we need to reshape the data to long format, drop race reshape long fbf , i(id) j(dose) list if id<=1 , sepby(id) nolabel 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. +--------------------------+ | id dose fbf black | |--------------------------| | 1 0 1 0 | | 1 10 1.4 0 | | 1 20 6.4 0 | | 1 60 19.1 0 | | 1 150 25 0 | | 1 300 24.6 0 | | 1 400 28 0 | |--------------------------| Chapter 5-20 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 5 Drawing a scatter diagram, showing each subjects data lined up vertically, 20 0 10 fbf 30 40 sort id twoway (scatter fbf id) , xlabel(1(1)22) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Patient ID Using the formula for ICC, reliability (or ICC) = subject variability subject variability + measurement error if the background noise in the data is small, relative to how each subjects’ measurements are similar, the ICC will be close to 1 (high reliability). If the “tightness” of each subjects’ measurements is not discernable from the background noise in the scatterplot, the ICC will be close to 0 (low reliability). In this dataset, each subject has a “cluster” of fbf’s, where fbf was measured at each of dose levels. Chapter 5-20 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 6 In Stata, the ICC can be computed treating subject as a fixed effect, using loneway fbf id One-way Analysis of Variance for fbf: Number of obs = R-squared = 150 0.3933 Source SS df MS F Prob > F ------------------------------------------------------------------------Between id 4668.2739 21 222.29876 3.95 0.0000 Within id 7200.5365 128 56.254191 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Total 11868.81 149 79.656445 Intraclass Asy. correlation S.E. [95% Conf. Interval] -----------------------------------------------0.30227 0.09435 0.11735 0.48720 Estimated SD of id effect Estimated SD within id Est. reliability of a id mean (evaluated at n=6.81) 4.936652 7.500279 0.74694 However, this is not a correct ICC, because subjects are a random sample from a larger population of subjects that we wish to make an inference to, and so they represent a random effect. Alternatively, the ICC can be calculated using (Rabe-Hesketh and Skrondal, 2005, p.10), xtreg fbf , i(id) mle Random-effects ML regression Group variable (i): id Number of obs Number of groups = = 150 22 Random effects u_i ~ Gaussian Obs per group: min = avg = max = 3 6.8 7 Log likelihood = -529.66028 Wald chi2(0) Prob > chi2 = = 0.00 . -----------------------------------------------------------------------------fbf | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------_cons | 9.688395 1.193338 8.12 0.000 7.349496 12.02729 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------/sigma_u | 4.787002 .9924495 3.188534 7.18681 /sigma_e | 7.501424 .4688391 6.636569 8.478984 rho | .2893841 .091739 .1398512 .4882802 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Likelihood-ratio test of sigma_u=0: chibar2(01)= 22.02 Prob>=chibar2 = 0.000 From this output, the ICC is reported as “rho”. It can be calculated as, display "ICC = " 4.787002^2/(4.787002^2 + 7.501424^2) ICC = .28938412 Chapter 5-20 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 7 The likelihood-ratio test at the bottom of the output is significant, informing us that the ICC is not equal to zero. In other words, the observations are not independent, so an ordinary linear regression should not be used to model these data—a multilevel model (or some alternative such as GEE) is needed. In Stata 9, the xtmixed command was added, allowing for both random intercepts and random coefficients to be modeled. Calculating this same ICC using xtmixed, we can get the terms for the ICC, but we have to calculate the ICC ourself if we want to report that statistic. xtmixed fbf || id: , mle display "ICC = " 4.787002^2/(4.787002^2 + 7.501424^2) Mixed-effects ML regression Group variable: id Number of obs Number of groups = = 150 22 Obs per group: min = avg = max = 3 6.8 7 Wald chi2(0) = . Log likelihood = -529.66028 Prob > chi2 = . -----------------------------------------------------------------------------fbf | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------_cons | 9.688395 1.193168 8.12 0.000 7.349827 12.02696 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Random-effects Parameters | Estimate Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval] -----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------id: Identity | sd(_cons) | 4.787002 .9924497 3.188534 7.186811 -----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------sd(Residual) | 7.501424 .4688392 6.636569 8.478984 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------LR test vs. linear regression: chibar2(01) = 22.02 Prob >= chibar2 = 0.0000 . display "ICC = " 4.787002^2/(4.787002^2 + 7.501424^2) ICC = .28938412 The “|| id:” part of the above xtmixed command informs Stata that observations are nested in patient (each patient’s dose repeated measurements are nested with a specific patient, identified by the variable id). Chapter 5-20 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 8 To fit a growth model, we add dose, xtreg fbf dose , i(id) re mle <or> xtmixed fbf dose || id: , mle Random-effects ML regression Group variable (i): id Number of obs Number of groups = = 150 22 Random effects u_i ~ Gaussian Obs per group: min = avg = max = 3 6.8 7 Log likelihood = -476.95216 LR chi2(1) Prob > chi2 = = 105.42 0.0000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------fbf | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------dose | .0352574 .0027581 12.78 0.000 .0298517 .0406631 _cons | 4.966772 1.246024 3.99 0.000 2.52461 7.408935 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------/sigma_u | 5.232768 .897282 3.739149 7.323018 /sigma_e | 4.97302 .3108209 4.399658 5.621103 rho | .5254345 .0924609 .3477587 .6981109 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Likelihood-ratio test of sigma_u=0: chibar2(01)= 64.59 Prob>=chibar2 = 0.000 So far we have fitted a random intercept model, where a separate intercept is estimated for each subject, but the slope across dose is assumed the same for each subject. Chapter 5-20 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 9 Next, we will permit each subject to have a unique growth curve slope. We cannot do this with the xtreg command, but we can with the xtmixed command. The xtreg command, which only allows a random intercept, is also more correctly called a random intercept model. A model that has both random intercepts and random slopes is called a random coefficients model. This much precision in naming the model is usually not reported by researchers, however. When more than one random effects variable is included following the “||” in the xtmixed command, we must also specify the “unstructured” correlation structure as an option. Otherwise, Stata will set the covariance (and correlation) to zero by default (Rabe-Hesketh and Skrondal, 2005, p.70). xtmixed fbf dose || id: dose , mle cov(unstructured) Mixed-effects ML regression Group variable: id Log likelihood = -437.38499 Number of obs Number of groups = = 150 22 Obs per group: min = avg = max = 3 6.8 7 Wald chi2(1) Prob > chi2 = = 50.82 0.0000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------fbf | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------dose | .0356267 .0049976 7.13 0.000 .0258315 .0454219 _cons | 4.929394 .6680961 7.38 0.000 3.61995 6.238838 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Random-effects Parameters | Estimate Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval] -----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------id: Unstructured | sd(dose) | .0215309 .0038137 .0152156 .0304673 sd(_cons) | 2.527519 .5522903 1.647015 3.878745 corr(dose,_cons) | .9999998 .0001242 -1 1 -----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------sd(Residual) | 3.560716 .2225561 3.150174 4.024762 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------LR test vs. linear regression: chi2(3) = 143.72 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 Note: LR test is conservative and provided only for reference By specifying “|| id: dose” in the xtmixed command, we are informing Stata to model both a random intercept and a random slope, so that each patient has their own intercept and their own slope. Chapter 5-20 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 10 Just to verify that an independent covariance structure is fitted by default, we try xtmixed fbf dose || id: dose , mle Mixed-effects ML regression Group variable: id Number of obs Number of groups = = 150 22 Obs per group: min = avg = max = 3 6.8 7 Wald chi2(1) = 42.31 Log likelihood = -447.54794 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------fbf | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------dose | .0356907 .005487 6.50 0.000 .0249364 .046445 _cons | 4.89908 .6878314 7.12 0.000 3.550955 6.247205 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Random-effects Parameters | Estimate Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval] -----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------id: Independent | sd(dose) | .0238898 .0042098 .0169128 .0337449 sd(_cons) | 2.594299 .6065499 1.64062 4.102342 -----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------sd(Residual) | 3.669354 .2424493 3.223645 4.176687 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------LR test vs. linear regression: chi2(2) = 123.40 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 Note: LR test is conservative and provided only for reference Note: a correlation coefficient is a standardized covariance (similar to a z-score and a variable in its original units. Thus, when we specify the covariance structure, we are also specifying the correlation structure. The available covariance structures for xtmixed are (Stata 9 Longitudinal/Panal Data reference manual, p.178): Covariance( ) option independent exchangeable identity unstructured Description one unique variance parameter per random effect, all covariances zero; the default unless a factor variable is specified equal variances for random effects, and one common pairwise covariance equal variances for random effects, all covariances zero all variances/covariances distinctly estimated Stata 11 stills offers only these four structures. Chapter 5-20 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 11 To verify that the unstructured covariance structure provides the best fit, we can try all the available structures and see which one gives the smallest model log likelihood. xtmixed xtmixed xtmixed xtmixed fbf fbf fbf fbf dose dose dose dose || || || || id: id: id: id: dose dose dose dose , , , , mle mle mle mle cov(independent) cov(exchangeable) cov(identity) cov(unstructured) . xtmixed fbf dose || id: dose , mle cov(independent) Log likelihood = -447.54794 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------fbf | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------dose | .0356907 .005487 6.50 0.000 .0249364 .046445 _cons | 4.89908 .6878314 7.12 0.000 3.550955 6.247205 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------. xtmixed fbf dose || id: dose , mle cov(exchangeable) Log likelihood = -454.21473 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------fbf | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------dose | .0357791 .0067294 5.32 0.000 .0225896 .0489686 _cons | 4.86307 .4529122 10.74 0.000 3.975378 5.750761 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------. xtmixed fbf dose || id: dose , mle cov(identity) Log likelihood = -454.56164 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------fbf | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------dose | .0357802 .0067429 5.31 0.000 .0225643 .0489961 _cons | 4.862272 .4542216 10.70 0.000 3.972015 5.75253 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------. xtmixed fbf dose || id: dose , mle cov(unstructured) Log likelihood = -437.38499 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------fbf | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------dose | .0356267 .0049976 7.13 0.000 .0258315 .0454219 _cons | 4.929394 .6680961 7.38 0.000 3.61995 6.238838 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We see the unstuctured covariance structure provided the best model fit, since it has the smallest log likelihood, as well as the best p value out to more decimals places than are displayed here, since it has the largest z statistic. It is always the safest approach to use the “unstructured”, but you should consider the other structures if significance is lost while model fit is not improved. Chapter 5-20 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 12 To determine if a random slope was needed (in other words, the random slope improved the goodness of fit), we compare the log likelihoods between the models, using xtmixed fbf dose || id: , mle cov(unstructured) estimates store modelA // store model estimates xtmixed fbf dose || id: dose , mle cov(unstructured) estimates store modelB // store model with added term estimates lrtest modelB modelA display "LR Chi-square = " -2*(-476.95216 –(-437.38499)) . xtmixed fbf dose || id: , mle cov(unstructured) Note: single-variable random-effects specification; covariance structure set to identity Log likelihood = -476.95216 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------fbf | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------dose | .0352574 .0027581 12.78 0.000 .0298517 .0406631 _cons | 4.966772 1.245969 3.99 0.000 2.524718 7.408827 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------. xtmixed fbf dose || id: dose , mle cov(unstructured) Log likelihood = -437.38499 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------fbf | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------dose | .0356267 .0049976 7.13 0.000 .0258315 .0454219 _cons | 4.929394 .6680961 7.38 0.000 3.61995 6.238838 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------. lrtest modelB modelA Likelihood-ratio test (Assumption: modelA nested in modelB) LR chi2(2) = Prob > chi2 = 79.13 0.0000 . display "LR Chi-square = " -2*(-476.95216 -(-437.38499)) LR Chi-square = 79.13434 The LR ratio test statistic = 79.13, p<0.001 informs us that adding the random slopes improved the fit. The display command, was not needed, but was used just to show that this statistic is -2 × the difference of the two model likelihoods. Chapter 5-20 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 13 Now is a good time to see what the model equations look like. Ordinary linear regression fits the equation (also called the “naïve model” since it does not account for correlation structure), regress fbf dose yi 0 1 xi i , where i represents the observation, i =1 to n (n=sample size) A random-intercept model fits the equation (Rabe-Hesketh and Skrondal, 2005, p.68). xtreg fbf dose , i(id) re mle <or> xtmixed fbf dose || id: , mle yij ( 0 0 j ) 1 xij ij the is the Greek letter zeta. , where i represents the observation, i =1 to n j represents the cluster (subject in this dataset) , j =1 to k so the intercept has a common part and a residual for each cluster A random-coefficients (or multilevel) model fits the equation (Rabe-Hesketh and Skrondal, 2005, p.69), xtmixed fbf dose || id: dose , mle cov(unstructured) yij ( 0 0 j ) ( 1 1 j ) xij ij , where i represents the observation, i =1 to n j represents the cluster (subject in this dataset) , j =1 to k so the intercept has a common part and a residual for each cluster, as does the slope. Chapter 5-20 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 14 Adding the black term, the black × dose interaction, and the quadratic term, similar to what we did with the GEE model in the previous chapter, and then plotting the model fit use 11.2.Isoproterenol.dta, clear capture drop black capture label drop blacklab recode race 1=0 2=1, gen(black) label variable black "Black race" label define blacklab 0 "White" 1 "Black" label values black blacklab tab black race drop race reshape long fbf , i(id) j(dose) capture drop dose_sq gen dose_sq = dose*dose capture drop blkxdose_sq gen blkxdose_sq=black*dose_sq xtmixed fbf black dose dose_sq blkxdose blkxdose_sq || id: dose /// , mle cov(unstructured) * capture drop predfbf predict predfbf sort dose #delimit ; twoway (scatter fbf dose if black==1 , msymbol(triangle) mfcolor(green) mlcolor(green) msize(medium)) (scatter fbf dose if black==0 , msymbol(circle) mfcolor(blue) mlcolor(blue) msize(medium)) (scatter predfbf dose if black==1 , msymbol(none) connect(direct) clpattern(solid) clwidth(thick) clcolor(green)) (scatter predfbf dose if black==0 , msymbol(none) connect(direct) clpattern(solid) clwidth(thick) clcolor(blue)) , legend(off) ytitle(forearm blood flow) xtitle(dose) ; #delimit cr Chapter 5-20 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 15 40 30 0 10 20 forearm blood flow 0 100 200 dose 300 400 30 20 10 0 forearm blood flow 40 Comparing this to the final model graph from the GEE model in the previous chapter, 0 100 200 dose 300 400 We see that the multilevel model has less separation between Whites and Blacks in the predicted growth curves. Multilevel models provide what are called shrunken estimates, which are more conservative (show a less jazzy effect) and considered to be more reliable (more likely to be replicated in future patient samples). Chapter 5-20 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 16 The multilevel model is: . xtmixed fbf black dose dose_sq blkxdose blkxdose_sq || id: dose /// > , mle cov(unstructured) note: blkxdose_sq dropped due to collinearity Mixed-effects ML regression Group variable: id Number of obs Number of groups = = 150 22 Obs per group: min = avg = max = 3 6.8 7 Wald chi2(4) = 140.81 Log likelihood = -414.57493 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------fbf | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------black | -2.17419 1.260199 -1.73 0.084 -4.644135 .2957552 dose | .0841474 .0080375 10.47 0.000 .0683942 .0999005 dose_sq | -.0001075 .0000199 -5.41 0.000 -.0001464 -.0000685 blkxdose_sq | -.0000466 .0000178 -2.62 0.009 -.0000816 -.0000117 _cons | 4.341907 .8111189 5.35 0.000 2.752143 5.931671 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Random-effects Parameters | Estimate Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval] -----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------id: Unstructured | sd(dose) | .0160508 .0037041 .0102108 .0252309 sd(_cons) | 2.209726 .5360612 1.373548 3.554944 corr(dose,_cons) | .9999996 .000227 -1 1 -----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------sd(Residual) | 3.099771 .2014891 2.728981 3.520942 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------LR test vs. linear regression: chi2(3) = 107.27 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 The GEE model from the previous chapter was, GEE population-averaged model Group variable: id Link: identity Family: Gaussian Correlation: exchangeable Number of obs = 150 Number of groups = 22 Obs per group: min = 3 avg = 6.8 max = 7 Wald chi2(5) = 428.47 Scale parameter: 28.63631 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------fbf | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------black | -1.922958 1.952956 -0.98 0.325 -5.750681 1.904766 dose | .1136194 .0112688 10.08 0.000 .0915329 .1357059 dose_sq | -.0001669 .0000285 -5.85 0.000 -.0002228 -.000111 blackxdose | -.0722987 .0172973 -4.18 0.000 -.1062008 -.0383966 blkxdose_sq | .0000986 .0000439 2.25 0.025 .0000126 .0001846 _cons | 4.263511 1.253953 3.40 0.001 1.805808 6.721214 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Just by looking at these models, it’s hard to say which provided the better fit. Chapter 5-20 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 17 More Complicated Multilevel Structure A big advantage of a multilevel model over a GEE model is that it can handle a more complicated multilevel structure. The GEE model in Stata can only have one panel ID. So, it can handle the case where there are repeated measurements for each patient, but you cannot specify that patients are nested within physicians. (Perhaps other GEE software exists that handles this, but I’m not aware of it.) We will next model some hypothetical data where patients are nested within physicians, and patients are more alike within a physician than between physicians. The data represent an initial visit and one follow-up visit. use "C:\Documents and Settings\u0032770.SRVR\Desktop\ Biostats & Epi With Stata\datasets & do-files\example.dta", clear * which must be all on one line, or use: cd "C:\Documents and Settings\u0032770.SRVR\Desktop\" cd "Biostats & Epi With Stata\datasets & do-files" use example.dta, clear list , sepby(physician_id) abbrev(15) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. +----------------------------------------------+ | patient_id physician_id visit2 y x | |----------------------------------------------| | 1 1 0 12 1 | | 1 1 1 10 1 | | 2 1 0 13 2 | | 2 1 1 11 3 | | 3 1 0 14 2 | | 3 1 1 9 5 | |----------------------------------------------| | 4 2 0 20 2 | | 4 2 1 18 3 | | 5 2 0 22 4 | | 5 2 1 17 5 | |----------------------------------------------| | 6 3 0 25 4 | | 6 3 1 22 7 | | 7 3 0 23 7 | | 7 3 1 21 10 | |----------------------------------------------| | 8 4 0 30 8 | | 8 4 1 27 9 | |----------------------------------------------| | 9 5 0 30 1 | | 9 5 1 27 2 | | 10 5 0 32 11 | | 10 5 1 29 15 | +----------------------------------------------+ Chapter 5-20 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 18 Graphing these data, #delimit ; twoway (scatter y visit2 if physician_id==1, (scatter y visit2 if physician_id==2, (scatter y visit2 if physician_id==3, (scatter y visit2 if physician_id==4, (scatter y visit2 if physician_id==5, , legend(off) xlabel(0(1)1) ; #delimit cr mlabel(patient_id)) mlabel(patient_id)) mlabel(patient_id)) mlabel(patient_id)) mlabel(patient_id)) 30 10 8 9 10 25 8 9 6 20y 7 5 6 7 4 15 4 5 3 2 1 10 2 1 3 0 1 visit2 From this graph, we see that patients within physicians are more alike than patients between physicians. Chapter 5-20 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 19 Fitting a naïve model, that does not account for the correlation structure of the data, regress y visit2 Source | SS df MS -------------+-----------------------------Model | 45 1 45 Residual | 977.8 18 54.3222222 -------------+-----------------------------Total | 1022.8 19 53.8315789 Number of obs F( 1, 18) Prob > F R-squared Adj R-squared Root MSE = 20 = 0.83 = 0.3748 = 0.0440 = -0.0091 = 7.3704 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------y | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------visit2 | -3 3.296126 -0.91 0.375 -9.924903 3.924903 _cons | 22.1 2.330713 9.48 0.000 17.20335 26.99665 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This incorrect model first of all thinks the sample size is N=20, when there are really only N=10 patients. That is, there are really only 10 independent patients contributing to the sample size. It shows a change from previsit to postvisit of a decrease of 3, which is not significant (p=0.375). We can use the xtreg command, but it only allows for one level of hierarchical structure. xtreg y visit2 , i(physician_id) <- one possibility xtreg y visit2 , i(patient_id) <- another possibility xtreg y visit2 , i(physician_id patient_id) <- can’t do this Choosing to model a random intercept for patient, xtreg y visit2 , i(patient_id) Random-effects GLS regression Group variable (i): patient_id Number of obs Number of groups = = 20 10 R-sq: Obs per group: min = avg = max = 2 2.0 2 within = 0.0000 between = 0.0000 overall = 0.0440 Random effects u_i ~ Gaussian corr(u_i, X) = 0 (assumed) Wald chi2(1) Prob > chi2 = = 67.50 0.0000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------y | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------visit2 | -3 .3651484 -8.22 0.000 -3.715678 -2.284322 _cons | 22.1 2.330713 9.48 0.000 17.53189 26.66811 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------sigma_u | 7.3249953 sigma_e | .81649658 rho | .98772755 (fraction of variance due to u_i) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Notice the high ICC = 0.99. Although the effect of -3 is the same for this model and naive model, accounting for this correlation reduced the standard error dramatically, and we now get a significant result. Chapter 5-20 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 20 Next, we will try the GEE approach. xtgee y visit2 , t(visit2) i(patient_id) corr(unstr) GEE population-averaged model Group and time vars: patient_id visit2 Link: identity Family: Gaussian Correlation: unstructured Scale parameter: 48.89 Number of obs Number of groups Obs per group: min avg max Wald chi2(1) Prob > chi2 = = = = = = = 20 10 2 2.0 2 75.00 0.0000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------y | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------visit2 | -3 .3464102 -8.66 0.000 -3.678951 -2.321049 _cons | 22.1 2.211108 9.99 0.000 17.76631 26.43369 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The result is very similar. We know, however, that the correlation structure introduced by sampling clusters of patients for each physician has not yet been accounted for. Chapter 5-20 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 21 We next fit a multilevel model with two levels: visits nested within patient at level, and patients nested within phyisician. We are only modeling random intercepts at both levels at this point. xtmixed y visit2 || physician_id: || patient_id: Mixed-effects ML regression , mle cov(unstructured) Number of obs = 20 = = 75.00 0.0000 ----------------------------------------------------------| No. of Observations per Group Group Variable | Groups Minimum Average Maximum ----------------+-----------------------------------------physician_id | 5 2 4.0 6 patient_id | 10 2 2.0 2 ----------------------------------------------------------Log likelihood = -39.582651 Wald chi2(1) Prob > chi2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------y | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------visit2 | -3 .34641 -8.66 0.000 -3.678951 -2.321049 _cons | 23.78311 2.950812 8.06 0.000 17.99963 29.5666 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Random-effects Parameters | Estimate Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval] -----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------physician_id: Identity | sd(_cons) | 6.554588 2.090782 3.507754 12.2479 -----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------patient_id: Identity | sd(_cons) | .670165 .3669838 .2291194 1.960205 -----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------sd(Residual) | .7745963 .1732049 .4997365 1.200631 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------LR test vs. linear regression: chi2(2) = 55.38 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 To determine if both levels of hierarchy need to be included in the model, we can use a likelihood ratio test. xtmixed y visit2 || patient_id: , mle cov(unstructured) estimates store modelA // store model estimates xtmixed y visit2 || physician_id: || patient_id: , mle cov(unstructured) estimates store modelB // store model with added term estimates lrtest modelB modelA Chapter 5-20 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 22 . xtmixed y visit2 || patient_id: , mle cov(unstructured) Note: single-variable random-effects specification; covariance structure set to identity Log likelihood = -48.707467 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------y | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------visit2 | -3 .3464102 -8.66 0.000 -3.678951 -2.321049 _cons | 22.1 2.211108 9.99 0.000 17.76631 26.43369 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Random-effects Parameters | Estimate Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval] -----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------patient_id: Identity | sd(_cons) | 6.949101 1.563549 4.471035 10.80063 -----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------sd(Residual) | .7745967 .1732051 .4997366 1.200632 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------LR test vs. linear regression: chibar2(01) = 37.13 Prob >= chibar2 = 0.0000 . xtmixed y visit2 || physician_id: || patient_id: , mle cov(unstructured) Note: single-variable random-effects specification; covariance structure set to identity Log likelihood = -39.582651 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------y | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------visit2 | -3 .34641 -8.66 0.000 -3.678951 -2.321049 _cons | 23.78311 2.950812 8.06 0.000 17.99963 29.5666 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Random-effects Parameters | Estimate Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval] -----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------physician_id: Identity | sd(_cons) | 6.554588 2.090782 3.507754 12.2479 -----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------patient_id: Identity | sd(_cons) | .670165 .3669838 .2291194 1.960205 -----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------sd(Residual) | .7745963 .1732049 .4997365 1.200631 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------LR test vs. linear regression: chi2(2) = 55.38 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 . lrtest modelB modelA Likelihood-ratio test (Assumption: modelA nested in modelB) LR chibar2(01) Prob > chibar2 = = 18.25 0.0000 From the likelihood-ratio test (p<.001), we see that using both the physician level and patient level provided a better fit than the patient level alone. Chapter 5-20 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 23 Next, let’s add the covariate x, and specify that we want to model a random slope for it at the patient level. xtmixed y visit2 x || physician_id: || patient_id: x , mle cov(unstructure) Mixed-effects ML regression Number of obs = 20 = = 74.87 0.0000 ----------------------------------------------------------| No. of Observations per Group Group Variable | Groups Minimum Average Maximum ----------------+-----------------------------------------physician_id | 5 2 4.0 6 patient_id | 10 2 2.0 2 ----------------------------------------------------------Log likelihood = -38.369514 Wald chi2(2) Prob > chi2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------y | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------visit2 | -3.214062 .38211 -8.41 0.000 -3.962984 -2.46514 x | .1184616 .0915592 1.29 0.196 -.060991 .2979143 _cons | 23.20502 2.843082 8.16 0.000 17.63268 28.77736 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Random-effects Parameters | Estimate Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval] -----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------physician_id: Identity | sd(_cons) | 6.264573 1.99897 3.351819 11.70853 -----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------patient_id: Unstructured | sd(x) | .0664193 .123227 .0017501 2.520696 sd(_cons) | .0545017 .6798772 1.31e-12 2.26e+09 corr(x,_cons) | .9997077 .2113569 -1 1 -----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------sd(Residual) | .7859827 .1639858 .5221798 1.183058 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------LR test vs. linear regression: chi2(4) = 47.60 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 This covariate is not significant, and so can be dropped from the final model. Notice that specifying cov(unstructured) had no effect until we added a random slope. In the previous model, cov(identity) was maintained by Stata, even though we specificed cov(unstructured). Chapter 5-20 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 24 Example Use of a Multilevel Model Pronovost et al. (N Engl J Med 2006) report using multilevel Poisson regression models, wth two and three levels: “To explore the exposure-outcome relationship, we used a generalized linear latent and mixed model18,19 with a Poisson distribution for the quarterly number of catheter-related bloodstream infections. In the model, we used robust variance estimation and included two-level random effects to account for nested clustering within the data, catheter-related bloodstream infections within hospital, and hospitals within the geographic regions included in the study.18,20 The addition of a third level of clustering for a potential ICU effect (catheter-related bloodstream infections within ICUs, ICUs within hospitals, and hospitals within the geographic regions) did not change the results.” Example Use of a Random Intercept (Mixed) Model Hillmen et al. (N Engl J Med 2006) report using a mixed effect (random intercept) model, with baseline as a covariate: “Changes in scores on the FACIT-Fatigue instrument and the EORTC QLQ-C30 instrument from baseline through week 26 were analyzed with the use of a mixed model, with baseline scores as the covariate, treatment and time as fixed effects, and the patient identifier as a random effect.” Are Models That Account for the Correlation Structure (Chapters 5-17 through Chapter 520) Being Used Enough? Bryant (2006) conducted a systematic review of high-impact orthopaedic journals to determine how frequently correct statistical methods were being used for repeated measurements within the same patients. In articles published in 2003, she found that out of 76 studies that used statistical analyses involving two limbs or multiple joints from single patients, only 16 (21%) used methods to adjust for within-patient relationships of the repeated measurements. Chapter 5-20 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 25 Case Study: Schroerlucke Dataset Returning to the case study, where ordinary logistic regression could not be fitted, we can fit the univariable exact logistic model. After reading in the dataset, schroerlucke.dta, we fit the model without covariates, using exlogistic failed blount note: CMLE estimate for blount is +inf; computing MUE Exact logistic regression Number of obs = 31 Model score = 7.536232 Pr >= score = 0.0096 --------------------------------------------------------------------------failed | Odds Ratio Suff. 2*Pr(Suff.) [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------------------blount | 12.48967* 8 0.0111 1.655921 +Inf --------------------------------------------------------------------------(*) median unbiased estimates (MUE) Next, adjusting for weight, exlogistic failed blount weight note: CMLE estimate for blount is +inf; computing MUE Exact logistic regression Number of obs = 31 Model score = 7.65015 Pr >= score = 0.0178 --------------------------------------------------------------------------failed | Odds Ratio Suff. 2*Pr(Suff.) [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------------------blount | 8.495888* 8 0.0600 .9205344 +Inf weight | 1.01012 762.3 0.7005 .9613036 1.064392 --------------------------------------------------------------------------(*) median unbiased estimates (MUE) Sorting the data and listing, sort id sequence list , sepby(id) abbrev(15) Chapter 5-20 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 26 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | id sequence blount age deformdeg weight bmi failed | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | 1 1 1 10 19 90.7 35.4 1 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | 2 1 1 9 16 92.6 38.1 1 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | 3 1 1 12 20 77.1 33.2 1 | | 3 2 1 12 20 77.1 33.2 1 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | 4 1 1 10 10 89.5 37.3 1 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | 5 1 1 9 17 108.1 44.4 1 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | 6 1 1 12 22 86.2 32.4 1 | | 6 2 1 12 22 86.2 32.4 0 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | 7 1 1 12 12 141 48.2 1 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | 8 1 1 11 10 80.3 32.2 0 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | 9 1 1 12 17 121 45 0 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | 10 1 1 10 13 87 34.9 0 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | 11 1 1 13 10 99.8 40.2 0 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | 12 1 1 7 19 55.4 27.5 0 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | 13 1 1 13 12 99.4 39.3 0 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | 14 1 1 11 14 109 39.1 0 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | 15 1 1 10 11 102.8 38.5 0 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | 16 1 1 11 19 74.8 33.3 0 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | 17 1 0 14 8 70 26.3 0 | | 17 2 0 14 8 70 26.3 0 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | 18 1 0 12 11 54.1 19.6 0 | | 18 2 0 12 11 54.1 19.6 0 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | 19 1 0 14 13 47.3 17 0 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | 20 1 0 11 20 72 32 0 | | 20 2 0 11 20 72 32 0 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | 21 1 0 12 12 32 16.3 0 | | 21 2 0 12 12 32 16.3 0 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | 22 1 0 11 20 102.8 38.5 0 | | 22 2 0 11 20 102.8 38.5 0 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | 23 1 0 7 20 70.8 54.2 0 | | 23 2 0 7 18 70.8 54.2 0 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ We see that in 8 patients, both legs were included in the dataset. Our dataset, then, is an example of a study that Bryant (2006) mentioned, two pages above, as “multiple joints from single patients”. Chapter 5-20 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 27 A multilevel version of exact logistic regression is not available in Stata. We might try treating implant as a repeated measurement in the same patient, and use the maximum of the failed variable as a summary measure. The collapse command is an easy way to accomplish this. Since the covariates are constant for the same patient with two joints included in the dataset, we can use the max of all variables without loosing any information on the covariates, collapse (max) blount-failed , by(id) list , abbrev(15) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. +--------------------------------------------------------+ | id blount age deformdeg weight bmi failed | |--------------------------------------------------------| | 1 1 10 19 90.7 35.4 1 | | 2 1 9 16 92.6 38.1 1 | | 3 1 12 20 77.1 33.2 1 | | 4 1 10 10 89.5 37.3 1 | | 5 1 9 17 108.1 44.4 1 | |--------------------------------------------------------| | 6 1 12 22 86.2 32.4 1 | | 7 1 12 12 141 48.2 1 | | 8 1 11 10 80.3 32.2 0 | | 9 1 12 17 121 45 0 | | 10 1 10 13 87 34.9 0 | |--------------------------------------------------------| | 11 1 13 10 99.8 40.2 0 | | 12 1 7 19 55.4 27.5 0 | | 13 1 13 12 99.4 39.3 0 | | 14 1 11 14 109 39.1 0 | | 15 1 10 11 102.8 38.5 0 | |--------------------------------------------------------| | 16 1 11 19 74.8 33.3 0 | | 17 0 14 8 70 26.3 0 | | 18 0 12 11 54.1 19.6 0 | | 19 0 14 13 47.3 17 0 | | 20 0 11 20 72 32 0 | |--------------------------------------------------------| | 21 0 12 12 32 16.3 0 | | 22 0 11 20 102.8 38.5 0 | | 23 0 7 20 70.8 54.2 0 | +--------------------------------------------------------+ Fitting the exact logistic regression again, controlling for weight, exlogistic failed blount weight Exact logistic regression Number of obs = 23 Model score = 4.464865 Pr >= score = 0.1013 --------------------------------------------------------------------------failed | Odds Ratio Suff. 2*Pr(Suff.) [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------------------blount | 3.483329* 7 0.2963 .3615471 +Inf weight | 1.014742 685.2 0.5928 .9643557 1.072998 --------------------------------------------------------------------------(*) median unbiased estimates (MUE) Chapter 5-20 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 28 We went from OR=12.5 (p=0.011) when weight was not included, to OR=8.5 (p=0.060) when weight was included, to OR=3.5 (p=0.29) when weight is included and the maximum of the outcome summary measure was used. Which model is correct, the OR=8.5 or this last one OR=3.5? Recall this article was referring to the screws that attach the implanted plate, where a failure outcome was noted if the screw broke. One could make the argument that the screws were the “unit of analysis”, rather than patient. Then, the screws really are independent, since each screw is a different unit. The fact that the screws are in the same patient simply means they had a similar exposure, but that does not make them a “repeated measurement”. Making this argument, a multilevel model, or repeated measurements model, is not needed so the OR=8.5 model is correct. An example of what Bryant was referring to as “two limbs or multiple joints from single patients” is bone mineral density (BMD), measured around the implant in the implanted limb and in the same anatomical location of the non-implanted limb of the same patient. These are patient-level outcomes, where the biology is similar between the two limbs, since both limbs are in the same patient. In contrast, the patient biology does not affect the physical properties of the screws discussed in the preceding paragraph. References Bryant D, Havey TC, Roberts R, Guyatt G. (2006). How many patients? How many limbs? Analysis of patients or limbs in the orthopaedic literature: a systematic review. J Bone Joint Surg 88-A(1):41-45. 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