Corporate Responsibility (CORE) Coalition, Unit 306, 16 Baldwins Gardens, London EC1N 7RJ t. 0207 400 4162 e. Information Rights Team, Information Management Group, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Old Admiralty Building, Room SG120 London SW1A 2PA e. via email 14 May 2012 Dear Sirs, KIOBEL v ROYAL DUTCH PETROLEUM: FOI REQUEST On behalf of the Corporate Responsibility (CORE) Coalition, I write to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 relating to amicus curiae briefs submitted to courts in the United States by the British Government either alone, or jointly with other national governments, in the case of Kiobel v Royal Dutch Petroleum, petition for certiorari filed, (No. 10-1491). UK government brief filed February 3 2012. We request all records relating to the decision by the British Government to intervene in the above case, including but not limited to: (i) Correspondence, including emails, letters and records of phone conversations, between FCO officials and private companies, organizations and/or private individuals relating to the decision to submit an amicus brief; (ii) Records, including agendas, briefing papers, presentations and minutes, of all meetings attended by FCO officials and private companies, organizations and/or private individuals at which the decision to submit an amicus brief was discussed; (iii) Correspondence, including emails, letters and records of phone conversations, between FCO officials and/or between FCO officials and officials from any other government department relating to the decision to submit an amicus brief; (iv) Records, including agendas, briefing papers, presentations and minutes, of all internal FCO meetings or meetings held by other departments attended by FCO officials at which the decision to submit an amicus brief was discussed. If you are proposing to make a charge for providing the information requested, please provide full details in advance, together with an explanation of any proposed charge. If you decide to withhold any of the information requested, please clearly explain why you have done so specifying which statutory exemption you rely upon. We look forward to receiving the information requested as soon as possible and in any event, within the statutory 20 working days from receipt of this letter i.e. no later than 11 June 2012. Yours sincerely, Marilyn Croser Coordinator