slide1 - Population Studies Center

Research Seminar, Special Topic:
Causal Inference in the Social Sciences
Statistics 711, Section 01 (Susan Murphy,
Sociology 897, Section 02 (Yu Xie,
Education 737, Section 02 (Steve Raudenbush
Week 1 (January 6)
Causal Inference Seminar, Class 1, Page 2
I. Causal Questions
A causal question is a simple question involving only two theoretical
concepts: a cause and an effect. The question is
Cause => Effect?
Note that cause is something we can manipulate. (Example from
thermodynamics.) Let us ignore measurement issues and represent
the two concepts by two variables, X and Y. The question is
X => Y?
How do we ascertain it?
Four examples in social science:
(1) Does pre-marital cohabitation decrease or increase the likelihood
of divorce?
(2) Is it better to have more siblings or fewer siblings for educational
(3) Will children who attend Head Start programs have better life
(4) Is the earnings return to college education overestimated?
Causal Inference Seminar, Class 1, Page 3
Naïve Method: Simple Comparisons.
That is, compare units of analysis who experience X to those who do
not experience X.
Say in a poor community, N1 children attended Head Start, and N2 did
not. 27 years later, you measure the educational attainment of the two
groups, say y1 for those who attended Head Start and y2 who did not
attend Head Start.
We can compute E(y1 - y2) = E(y1) - E(y2) = 13 - 14 = -1.
Should we conclude from this that Head Start has a negative effect on
educational attainment?
No. There are possible biases due to selectivity: those who did not go
to Head Start tended to come from higher SES families, and those
from higher SES families tend to have higher educational attainment:
Graphically, the true causal model could be:
The appropriate research question is not to compare observed y1 and
observed y2.
Causal Inference Seminar, Class 1, Page 4
II. Causal Effect as a Counter-Factual Question
Rather, causal inference asks the counter-factual question: for those
who attended Head Start, what would have happened to them if they
hadn't attended? Or, for those who did not attend Head Start, what
would have happened to them if they had attended?
Same for the cohabitation example, the sibling example, and the
college return example.
III. Selectivity Bias
Thus, the most difficult problem for causal inference is selectivity
bias. That is, how can we be assured that those who experience X are
comparable to those who did?
The issue of comparability is one of potential omitted variable bias.
Let us take a look at a numerical example. The following table
presents data on admissions to the Graduate School at the University
of California-Berkeley:
Row Proportion
% Admission
Sex of
What factors might explain the sex difference? Discrimination?
The reason is sex segregation across majors.
Causal Inference Seminar, Class 1, Page 5
Conditional Relationship between Sex and Admission
for the Six Largest Majors
No. Appl. % Admitted No. Appl.% Admitted
The causal chain is: Sex --> Major --> Admission. The effect of Sex
on Admission is only indirect.
It’s important to recall the following principle:
For a potential variable (Z) to introduce bias to (or distort) the causal
relationship between X and Y, two conditions must be satisfied:
(1) Z must affect Y (relevance condition).
(2) Z must be correlated to X (confounding condition).
It will be useful to remember these two conditions throughout the
Causal Inference Seminar, Class 1, Page 6
IV. Two Types of Selectivity Bias
1. Observable Selectivity
If subjects who experience X and those who do not are different in
observed characteristics, this type of selectivity is called observable
selectivity. This problem can be handled by statistical controls to
make the two groups comparable.
2. Unobservable Selectivity
The more difficult problem is to deal with selectivity in unmeasured
characteristics. This could be true in the examples of Head Start,
cohabitation, college return, and sibship effect.
This problem is also called "endogeneity problem": the occurrence of
X is endogenous to Y.
Potentially at least, the researcher always faces both types of
selectivity, when data are collected from an observational design.
IV. Experimental Approach
The two conditions about omitted variables give rise to two
approaches: the experimental approach and the structural approach.
The experiment approach breaks the confounding between X and all
possible Z through randomization. The structural approach models all
relevant Z that is confounded with X so that the effect of X is seen
within each level of Z.
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The experimental approach takes care of both (observable and
unobservable) types of selectivity. The structural approach can handle
the first type of selectivity well and is quite limited with the second.
As pointed out by Manski and Garfinkel (1992), experimental designs
suffer from shortcomings that are often overlooked. For example,
researchers and policy makers are rarely concerned with the impact of
feedback and changing environments when results from an
experimental study are extended to the whole population. As a
complement, Manski and Garfinkel recommend the continued use of
the "structural" approach, i.e., modeling causal processes statistically
based on observational data.
Manski and Garfinkel identified a major shortcoming of the
experimental approach:
We cannot always extrapolate results from an experimental setting to
natural setting.
-- Commonly referred to as lacking “external validity.”
On p.17, Manski and Garfinkel argue, "In fact, reduced-form
experimental evaluation actually requires that a highly specific and
suspect structural assumption hold: Individuals and organizations
must respond in the same way to the experimental version of a
program as they would to the actual version."
In this paper, Manski and Garfinkel (intentionally) fail to make the
distinction between external validity and internal validity. They
believe that both types of invalidity derive from selection bias, thus
the same source.
Causal Inference Seminar, Class 1, Page 8
V. Structural Approach
Manski and Garfinkel refer to statistical methods that model observed
or unobserved heterogeneity as "structural approach." They are
usually based on observational data, with a strong theoretical
assumption of how the world works.
Difference between structural and reduced-form equations:
Definition: Exogenous variables are variables that are used only as
independent variables in all equations. Endogenous variables are
variables that are used as dependent variables in some equations and
may be used as independent variables in other equations.
1. Structural Equations
Structural equations are theoretically derived equations that often have
endogenous variables as independent variables.
2. Reduced Forms
Reduced form equations are equations in which all independent
variables are exogenous variables. In other words, in reduced form
equations, we purposely ignore intermediate (or relevant) variables.
With reduced form equations, only total effects are obtained.
We will discuss structural equation models in more detail.
Causal Inference Seminar, Class 1, Page 9
VI. Comparison of the Two Approaches
1. Advantages of the Structural Approach:
(1) Since it is conducted in a natural setting, its findings are directly
relevant to the whole population. In contrast, results from an
experimental design need to be extrapolated.
(2) It is less costly. In contrast, experimental research is very
(3) It builds upon and contributes to theory. Since the structural
approach needs strong theory, we gain better theoretical
understanding of the processes. The reduced-form approach only
yields simple answers to simple questions.
Advantages of the Reduced-form Approach
Endogeneity bias can be eliminated through randomization.
It requires fewer assumptions.
(3) It does not require complicated statistical models that the public
and government officials have difficulty understanding.