Example APP Plan - Equations

Assessment Plan
Title of lesson: ‘APP-ing’ Solving Linear Equations
Learning Objectives
(We Are Learning Today)
By the end of this work I will be able to:
Step 1
Construct and solve linear
equations with integer
coefficients, using an appropriate
method (Level 6)
Step 2
This lesson focuses more upon solving,
rather than constructing, equations.
SNS Progression Maps:
Algebra  Equations, Formulae &
Identities  Step 7.
Step 3
Learning Outcomes
(What I’m Looking For)
know the difference between an equation, a
function and formula
solve equations with the unknown on one
solve equations with the unknown on one
side, including with brackets
solve equations with the unknown on both
construct an equation when given the answer
solve a range of equations including with:
 brackets;
 negative or fraction answers.
Key Vocabulary
Equation, function, formula, linear, unknown, balance (method), inverse (function machine), cover-up
method, construct, integer, coefficient, positive/negative, fraction,
Learning/Assessment Episodes
Starter (5-10 mins)
This lesson is designed to assess progress on solving linear equations after the topic has been taught.
The starter can be a quick re-cap of how to solve some simple linear equations – but keep it very brief!
Possible examples: 6x + 3 = 21, 7(x – 2) = 56, 3x + 5 = 2x + 9
(Stress the use of some different methods, other than balancing, such as cover-up, inverse function
machine, diagrammatic representation).
Learning/Assessment episodes (35-45 mins)
Plenary (10-15 mins)
1. 10 mins
Ask pupils to group themselves in to pairs/threes. Give
them the matching activity (provided below) to work through.
2. 10 mins
Spend this time asking 2/3 groups to come up and present
one of their matched solutions to the rest of the group. The
class should be asked to comment on/ask questions of the
presentations given
3. 10 mins
Q “Is it easy to make up your own equations?”
Write “x = -10” on the board.
Q “Can you construct an equation that gives this answer?”
Give time for this – then ask a couple of groups to share
their approach. Obtain agreement that this is easy to do
and that you could make up loads of equations, very quickly,
with the same answer.
You can also make up some quite difficult ones!
4. 10 mins
Ask pupils to make up an equation with one of the following
answers (or similar):
x = 4.5
x = 1/3
1. Groups then challenged to make
up their own equations, with:
 unknown on both sides;
 fraction/negative answer.
They then swap and try to solve
each other’s equations. Allow
discussion between groups to
resolve any problems.
2. Share the learning outcomes
with the class again. Ask
students to spend some time
thinking about where they are in
their learning in relation to the
learning outcomes identified,
using the work done in the
lesson to help them to do this, (if
they can do all 3 steps they are
working at Level 6 on this
assessment criteria).
Ask students to write, “I can…’
and, “To improve…” statements,
(using the outcomes!).
Focused Assessment Materials (FAM) – draft
Probing questions
Solve linear equations such as:
 3c – 7 = -13
 4(z + 5) = 8
 4(b – 1) – 5(b + 1) = 0
Construct linear equations, e.g. The
length of a rectangle is three times
its width. Its perimeter is 24cm.
Find its area.
I think of a number, multiply it by 7
and add 3 to the results. The
answer I get is the same when I add
23 to twice the number I thought of.
Construct an equation to help you to
find the number I'm thinking of.
Q How do you decide where to start when solving a linear
Q Given a list of linear equations ask:
Which of these are easy to solve?
Which are difficult and why?
What strategies are important with the difficult ones?
Q 6 = 2p – 8. How many solutions does this equation have?
Give me other equations with the same solution? Why do they
have the same solution? How do you know?
Q How do you go about constructing equations from information
given in a problem? How do you check whether it works?
Q 2x + 7 = 13. What is the question?
Copy of the Learning Intentions and learning outcomes on interactive whiteboard.
Matching activity (provided below) – 1 copy per group of 2/3 pupils.
Plain A4 and A3 sheets.
Progression Maps
Further support for this objective can be found within the Secondary National Strategy ‘Progression
Maps’ at www.standards.dfes.gov.uk/progressionmaps/maths/sec_ma_prgrsn_index.htm :
Algebra  Equations, Formulae & Identities  Step 7:
“Construct and solve linear equations with integer coefficients (with and without brackets, with
negative signs anywhere in the equation, and with a positive or negative solution) using an
appropriate method”.
Follow up
Review, moderate and record pupils’ self-assessments to check understanding of the
objective/outcomes covered.
Solving Linear Equations : Matching Activity
Each solution has only three stages. Can you match them up?
2x = 30
x = 90
3(x + 6)=24
x = 15
x = 9
x + 6 = 8
3x = 30
/3 – 6 = 24
2x = 18
x = 10
3x - 6 = 24
/3 = 30
x = 2