应用概率与统计研讨会 为了进一步加强概率统计青年学者之间的交流,展示本领域学者的最新 研究成果, 2015 年 10 月 23 日在南京航空航天大学理学院举办“应用 概率与统计研讨会”。此次研讨会由国家自然科学基金项目 (11101210),中央高校基本科研业务费项目(NS2015074)共同支持。 研讨会主要组织者: 蒋辉 (副教授) 日程安排 时间:2015 年 10 月 23 日(周五) 地点:南京航空航天大学理学院五楼 547 室 时间 报告人 主题 王春武副院长 9:00-9:10 (南京航空航天大学理学 研讨会致辞 院) 主持专家:耿显民 教授(南京航空航天大学) Prof. Hacene Djellout Estimation of the realized 9:10-10:00 (University Blaise (co-)volatility: large deviation Pascal, France) approach 10:00-10:10 茶歇 主持专家:Prof. Hacene Djellout(University Blaise Pascal, France) 王冉(Ran Wang) Irreducibility of stochastic real 副教授 (Associated Ginzburg-Landau equation driven by 10:10-11:00 Professor) $\alpha$-stable noises and (中国科技大学) applications 郭旭(Xu Guo) Model checking for parametric 副教授(Associated single-index models: A 11:00-11:50 Professor) dimension-reduction (南京航空航天大学) model-adaptive approach 12:00 午餐 主持专家:王冉 副教授(中国科技大学) 14:00-14:50 储为娟(Weijuan Chu) 博士(P.H.D) (南京大学) The small value probability and self-normalized large deviation for supercritical branching processes 刘俊峰(Junfeng Liu) 副 On a class of nonlinear fractional 教授(Associated 14:50-15:40 Stochastic partial differential Professor) equation (南京审计学院) 15:40-16:00 茶歇、照相 主持专家:蒋辉 副教授教授(南京航空航天大学) 严钧(Jun Yan) Deviations and asymptotic behavior 副教授(Associated of convex and coherent entropic risk 16:00-16:50 Professor) measures for compound Poisson (扬州大学) process influenced by jump times 王绍臣(Shaochen Wang) Asymptotic properties of 16:50-17:40 博士(P.H.D) eigenvalues and its functionals for (华南理工大学) several random matrices models 18:00 晚 餐 报告题目、摘要 Prof. Hacene Djellout Title: Estimation of the realized (co-)volatility: large deviation approach Abstract: Realized statistics based on high frequency returns have become very popular in financial economics. In recent years, different non-parametric estimators of the variation of a log-price process have appeared. These were developed by many authors and were motivated by the existence of complete records of price data. Among them are the realized quadratic (co-)variation which is perhaps the most well known example, providing a consistent estimator of the integrated (co-)volatility when the logarithmic price process is continuous. Limit results such as the weak law of large numbers or the central limit theorem have been proved in different contexts. In this paper, we propose to study the large deviation properties of realized (co-)volatility (i.e., when the number of high frequency observations in a fixed time interval increases to infinity. More specifically, we consider a bivariate model with synchronous observation schemes and correlated Brownian motions of the following form: for denotes the log-price, we are concerned with the , where large deviation estimation of the vector and where represente the estimator of the quadratic variational processes and the integrated covariance respectively, with . Our main motivation is to improve upon the existing limit theorems. Our large deviations results can be used to evaluate and approximate tail probabilities of realized (co-)volatility. As an application we provide the large deviation for the standard dependence measures between the two assets returns such as the realized regression coefficients up to time $t$, or the realized correlation. Our study should contribute to the recent trend of research on the (co-)variance estimation problems, which are quite often discussed in high-frequency financial data analysis. The jump case will be also considered. This is a joint work with Jiang Hui, Guillin Arnaud and Samoura Yacouba. 王冉 副教授 Title: Irreducibility of stochastic real Ginzburg-Landau equation driven by $\alpha$-stable noises and applications Abstract: We establish the irreducibility of stochastic real Ginzburg-Landau equation with $\alpha$-stable noises by a maximal inequality and solving a control problem. As applications, we prove that the system converges to its equilibrium measure with exponential rate under a topology stronger than total variation and obeys the moderate deviation principle by constructing some Lyapunov test functions; we also establish large deviation principle by Wu's hyper-exponential recurrence criterion. It is based on joint works with Jie Xiong and Lihu Xu. 郭旭 副教授 Title: Model checking for parametric single-index models: A dimension-reduction model-adaptive approach Abstract: Local smoothing testing based on multivariate nonparametric regression estimation is one of the main model checking methodologies in the literature. However, the relevant tests suffer from typical curse of dimensionality, resulting in slow convergence rates to their limits under the null hypothesis and less deviation from the null hypothesis under alternative hypotheses. This problem prevents tests from maintaining the significance level well and makes tests less sensitive to alternative hypotheses. In this paper, a model-adaptation concept in lack-of-fit testing is introduced and a dimension-reduction model-adaptive test procedure is proposed for parametric single-index models. The test behaves like a local smoothing test, as if the model was univariate. It is consistent against any global alternative hypothesis and can detect local alternative hypotheses distinct from the null hypothesis at a fast rate that existing local smoothing tests can achieve only when the model is univariate. Simulations are conducted to examine the performance of our methodology. An analysis of real data is shown for illustration. The method can be readily extended to global smoothing methodology and other testing problems. 储为娟 博士 Title: The small value probability and self-normalized large deviation for supercritical branching processes Abstract: For the supercritical branching processes, there is a positive, finite and non-degenerate limit W after suitable normalization. The limiting behavior of W is an interesting topic. We considered the small value probability of W, that is the convergence rate of as x converges to zero, in the immigration case. Also we applied Shao QiMan(1997)'s result about self-normalized large deviation to obtain the self-normalizedlarge deviation for supercritical branching processes. 刘俊峰 副教授 Title: On a class of nonlinear fractional Stochastic partial differential equation Abstract: In this talk, we will introduce the following fractional stochastic partial differential equation of the form where process, denotes the Markovian generator of stable-like Feller is a measurable function, and is a double parameter fractional noise. We will study the existence, uniqueness and Holder regularity of the solution. In addition, we prove the lower and upper Gaussian bounds for the probability density of the mild solution via Malliavin calculus and the new tool developed by Nourdin and Viens (Electron. J. Probab. 14(2009)). 严钧 副教授 Title: Deviations and asymptotic behavior of convex and coherent entropic risk measures for compound Poisson process influenced by jump times Abstract: In this article, we study several deviations and asymptotic behavior of convex and coherent entropic risk measures for the compound Poisson process influenced by jump times. The parameters of the risk measures under consideration are assumed to depend on time t. 王绍臣 博士 Title: Asymptotic properties of eigenvalues and its functionals for several random matrices models Abstract:In this talk, we focus on the asymptotic behaviors of severlrandom matrices models, especially the sample covaria nce matrix. Somebasic results of random matrix theory will b e reviewed first. The Cramer type moderate deviations and Berry-Esseen bounds for eigenvaluesand its functionals will be given for sample covariance matrix. Two applications of t hese results will also be presented. 欢迎有兴趣的老师和研究生同学参加!