Georgetown-IBM Russian-English translation 1954

Russian to English
Experimental system
(Georgetown University in collaboration with IBM)
Demonstrated on 7 January 1954 at IBM Headquarters, New York
Garvin, Paul L. (1967): ‘The Georgetown-IBM experiment of 1954: an
evaluation in retrospect’, in his: On machine translation: selected papers
(The Hague: Mouton, 1967), p.51-64.
1. Приготовляют тол.
2. Тол приготовляют из угля.
3. Тол приготовляется из угля.
4. Боец приготовляется к бою.
5. Качество угля определяется калорийностью.
6. Тол приготовляется из каменного угля.
7. Бензин добывают из нефти.
8. Бензин добывается из нефти.
9. Аммонит приготовляют из селитры.
10. Аммонит приготовляется из селитры.
11. Спирт вырабатывают из картофеля.
12. Спирт вырабатывается из картофеля.
13. Крахмал вырабатывают из картофеля.
14. Крахмал вырабатывается из картофеля.
15. Тол приготовляется химическим путем из каменного угля.
16. Аммонит приготовляется химическим путем из селитры.
17. Крахмал вырабатывается механическим путем из картофеля.
18. Цена картофеля определяется рынком.
19. Величина угла определяется отношением длины дуги к радиусу.
20. Калорийность определяет качество нефти.
21. Обработка повышает качество нефти.
22. Железо добывается из руды.
23. Медь добывается из руды.
24. Динамит приготовляется из нитроглицерина с примесью инертного
25. Возвышение определяется нивелированием.
26. Угол места цели определяется оптическим измерением.
27. Цена пшеницы определяется рынком.
28. Цена пшеницы определяется спросом.
29. Цена картофеля определяется спросом.
30. Дороги строятся из камня.
31. Войска строятся клином.
32. Мы передаем мысли посредством речи.
33. Железо добывают из руды.
34. Медь добывают из руды.
35. Железо добывается из руды химическим процессом.
36. Медь добывается из руды химическим процессом.
37. Динамит приготовляется химическим путем из нитроглицерина с примесью
инертного материала.
38. Дома строятся из кирпича.
39. Дома строятся из бетона.
40. Военный суд приговорил сержанта к лишению гражданских прав.
41. Уголовное право является важным отделом законодательства.
42. Наука о кислородных соединениях является важным отделом химии.
43. Владимир является на работу поздно утром.
44. Международное понимание является важным фактором в решении
политических вопросов.
45. Ведутся переговоры о перемирии.
46. Федерация состоит из многих штатов.
47. Радиостанция передает последние сообщения о погоде.
48. Радиостанция передает последние политические известия.
49. Владимир получает большое жалование.
Other examples were given in newspaper reports at the time:
50. Владимир является на работу поздно утром.
51. Дороги строятся из бетона.
52. Командир получает сведения по телеграфу.
Translated at IBM demo 7 Jan 1954:
(* = examples recorded in contemporary news reports)
[For commentary on the demonstration and its impact
see my articles in MT News International 8 (May 1994),
and at the AMTA-2004 conference.]
1. They prepare TNT.
2. They prepare TNT out of coal.
3. TNT is prepared out of coal.
4. Fighter is prepared for battle.
5*. The quality of coal is determined by calory content.
6. TNT is prepared out of stony coal.
7. They obtain gasoline out of crude oil.
8. Gasoline is obtained out of crude oil.
9. They prepare ammonite out of saltpeter.
10. Ammonite is prepared out of saltpeter.
11. They produce alcohol out of potatoes.
12. Alcohol is produced out of potatoes.
13. They produce starch out of potatoes.
14. Starch is produced out of potatoes.
15. TNT is prepared by chemical method out of stony coal.
16. Ammonite is prepared by chemical method out of saltpeter.
17*. Starch is produced by mechanical method out of potatoes.
18. Price of potatoes is determined by the market.
19*. Magnitude of angle is determined by the relation of length of arc to radius.
20. Calory content determines the quality of coal.
21. Processing improves the quality of crude oil.
22. Iron is obtained out of ore.
23. Copper is obtained out of ore.
24. Dynamite is prepared out of nitroglycerine with admixture of inert material.
25. Elevation is determined by leveling.
26. Angle of site is determined by optical measurement.
27. The price of wheat is determined by the market.
28. The price of wheat is determined by the demand.
29. The price of potatoes is determined by the demand.
30. Roads are constructed out of stone.
31. Troops line up in wedge formation.
32.* We transmit thoughts by means of speech.
33. They obtain iron out of ore.
34. They obtain copper out of ore.
35*. Iron is obtained out of ore by chemical process.
36. Copper is obtained out of ore by chemical process.
37*. Dynamite is prepared by chemical method out of nitroglycerine with admixture
of inert material.
38. Houses are constructed out of brick.
39. Houses are constructed out of concrete.
40*. Military court sentenced the sergeant to deprival of civil rights.
41. Penal law constitutes an important section of legislation.
42. The science of oxygen compounds constitutes an important section of chemistry.
43. Vladimir appears for work late in the morning.
44*. International understanding constitutes an important factor in decision of
political questions.
45. Negotiations are conducted about an armistice.
46. The federation consists out of many states.
47. The radiostation transmits last/latest communications about weather.
48. The radiostation transmits last/latest political bulletins.
49. Vladimir gets (a) large salary.
50. Vladimir appears for work late in the morning.
51. Roads are constructed from concrete
52. A commander gets information over a telegraph.
-----------------------------------Other examples of translations – without original Russian – by the system were
quoted in the ALPAC report 1966, p.23:
“The reader will find it instructive to compare the samples above [from
Bunker-Ramo, Computer Concepts, FTD and Euratom] with the results obtained on a
simple, or selected, text 10 years earlier (the Georgetown IBM Experiment, January 7,
1954) in that the earlier samples are more readable than the later ones.
The quality of crude oil is determined by calory content.
The quality of saltpeter is determined by chemical methods.
TNT is produced from coal.
They obtain dynamite from nitroglycerine.
Ammonite is obtained from saltpeter.
Gasoline is prepared by chemical methods from crude oil.
They prepare ammonite.
Gasoline is produced by chemical methods from crude oil.
The price of crude oil is determined by the market.
Calory content determines the quality of crude oil.
TNT is prepared from coal.”
The ALPAC report does not state when these translations were done. The sentences
were not included in those listed by Garvin in 1967 [see above]. However, each of
them would have been feasible with the rules and vocabulary entries he described.
Comparisons with current systems
The sentences translated by Babelfish (Systran) 19 April 2004:
1. Tolite is prepared.
2. Tolite is prepared from coal.
3. Tolite is prepared from coal.
4. Soldier is prepared to the battle.
5.* Quality of coal is determined by caloricity.
6. Tolite is prepared from the bituminous coal.
7. They obtain gasoline from the oil.
8. Gasoline is obtained from the oil.
9. Ammonite is prepared from the saltpeter.
10. Ammonite is prepared from the saltpeter.
11. They work out alcohol potatoes.
12. Alcohol is worked out potatoes.
13. They work out starch potatoes.
14. Starch is worked out potatoes.
15. Tolite is prepared by chemical means from the bituminous coal.
16. Ammonite is prepared by chemical means from the saltpeter.
17.* Starch is manufactured mechanically from the potatoes.
18. The price of potatoes is determined by market.
19.* The value of angle is determined by the ratio of arc length to a radius.
20. Caloricity determines the quality of oil.
21. Working increases the quality of oil.
22. Iron is obtained from the ore.
23. Copper is obtained from the ore.
24. Dynamite is prepared from the nitroglycerine with the admixture of inert material.
25. Elevation is determined by leveling.
26. Angle of sighting is determined by optical measurement.
27. The price of wheat is determined by market.
28. The price of wheat is determined by demand.
29. The price of potatoes is determined by demand.
30. Roads are constructed from the stone.
31. Troops are assembled by wedge.
32.* We transfer to thought by means of the speech.
33. They obtain iron from the ore.
34. They obtain copper from the ore.
35. Iron is obtained from the ore by chemical process.
36. Copper is obtained from the ore by chemical process.
37. Dynamite is prepared by chemical means from the nitroglycerine with the
admixture of inert material.
38. Houses are constructed from the brick.
39. Houses are constructed from the concrete.
40. Military court sentenced sergeant to the deprivation of civil liberties.
41. Criminal law is the important division of legislation.
42. Science about the oxygen connections are the important division of chemistry.
43. Vladimir appears to the work late in the morning.
44.* International understanding is important factor in resolution of political
45. The truce negotiations are conducted.
46. Federation consists of many states.
47. Radio station transfers last weather reports.
48. Radio station transfers last political Proceedings.
49. Vladimir obtains large salary.
50. Vladimir appear to the work late in the morning.
51. Roads are constructed from the concrete.
52. Commander obtains information on the telegraph.
The Sentences translated by Promt (2003 version)
1. Prepare тол.
2. Тол prepare from coal.
3. Тол prepares from coal.
4. The fighter prepares for fight.
5. Quality of coal is defined(determined) by caloric content.
6. Тол prepares from coal.
7. Gasoline extract from oil.
8. Gasoline is extracted from oil.
9. Аммонит prepare from saltpeter.
10. Аммонит prepares from saltpeter.
11. Spirit develop from a potato.
12. Spirit is developed from a potato.
13. Starch develop from a potato.
14. Starch is developed from a potato.
15. Тол prepares in the chemical way from coal.
16. Аммонит prepares in the chemical way from saltpeter.
17. Starch is developed by mechanical way from a potato.
18. The price of a potato is defined(determined) by the market.
19. The size of a corner is defined(determined) by the attitude(relation) of length of an
arch to radius.
20. Caloric content defines(determines) quality of oil.
21. Processing raises quality of oil.
22. Iron is extracted from ore.
23. Copper is extracted from ore.
24. Dynamite prepares from nitroglycerine with an impurity of an inert material.
25. The eminence is defined(determined) by levelling.
26. The corner of a place of the purpose is defined(determined) by optical
27. The price of wheat is defined(determined) by the market.
28. The price of wheat is defined(determined) by demand.
29. The price of a potato is defined(determined) by demand.
30. Are dear are under construction of a stone.
31. Armies are under construction a wedge.
32. We transfer ideas by means of speech.
33. Iron extract from ore.
34. Copper extract from ore.
35. Iron is extracted from ore by chemical process.
36. Copper is extracted from ore by chemical process.
37. Dynamite prepares in the chemical way from nitroglycerine with an impurity of an
inert material.
38. Houses are under construction of a brick.
39. Houses are under construction of concrete.
40. The military court has sentenced sergeant to disfranchisement.
41. The criminal law is the important department of the legislation.
42. The science about oxygen connections is the important department of chemistry.
43. Vladimir is for work late in the morning.
44. The international understanding is the important factor in the decision of political
45. Are negotiated for an armistice.
46. The federation will consist of many staffs(states).
47. The radio station transfers last messages on weather.
48. The radio station transfers last political news.
49. Vladimir receives the big salary.
50. Vladimir is for work late in the morning.
51. Are dear are under construction of concrete.
52. The commander receives data on telegraph.
Translated by Systran Personal 5.0 (January 2005)
1. Tolite is prepared.
2. Tolite is prepared from coal.
3. Tolite is prepared from coal.
4. Soldier is prepared to the battle.
5. The quality of coal is determined by caloricity.
6. Tolite is prepared from the bituminous coal.
7. They obtain gasoline from the oil.
8. Gasoline is obtained from the oil.
9. Ammonite is prepared from the saltpeter.
10. Ammonite is prepared from the saltpeter.
11. They work out alcohol potatoes.
12. Alcohol is worked out potatoes.
13. They work out starch potatoes.
14. Starch is worked out potatoes.
15. Tolite is prepared by chemical means from the bituminous coal.
16. Ammonite is prepared by chemical means from the saltpeter.
17. Starch is manufactured mechanically from the potatoes.
18. The price of potatoes is determined by market.
19. The value of angle is determined by the ratio of arc length to a radius.
20. Caloricity determines the quality of oil.
21. Working increases the quality of oil.
22. Iron is obtained from the ore.
23. Copper is obtained from the ore.
24. Dynamite is prepared from the nitroglycerine with the admixture of inert material.
25. Elevation is determined by leveling.
26. Angle of sighting is determined by optical measurement.
27. The price of wheat is determined by market.
28. The price of wheat is determined by demand.
29. The price of potatoes is determined by demand.
30. Roads are built from the stone.
31. The troops are assembled by wedge.
32. We transfer to thought by means of the speech.
33. They obtain iron from the ore.
34. They obtain copper from the ore.
35. Iron is obtained from the ore by chemical process.
36. Copper is obtained from the ore by chemical process.
37. Dynamite is prepared by chemical means from the nitroglycerine with the
admixture of inert material.
38. Houses are built from the brick.
39. Houses are built from the concrete.
40. Military court sentenced sergeant to the deprivation of civil liberties.
41. Criminal law is the important division of legislation.
42. The science about the oxygen connections is the important division of chemistry.
43. Vladimir it appears to the work late in the morning.
44. International understanding is important factor in resolution of political questions.
45. The truce negotiations are conducted.
46. Federation consists of many states.
47. Radio station transfers last weather reports.
48. Radio station transfers last political Proceedings.
49. Vladimir is obtained large salary.
50. Vladimir it appears to the work late in the morning.
51. Roads are built from the concrete.
52. Commander obtains information on the telegraph.