North County Housing Conditions North County Housing Conditions: Cities of Paso Robles and Atascadero Jose Ismael Marquez Regional Planning and Analysis Lab, CRP 554 Department of City and Regional Planning California Polytechnic State University Richard Lee, Instructor 1 North County Housing Conditions 2 NORTH COUNTY (ATASCADERO AND PASO ROBES) REGIONAL HOUSING CONDITIONS According to the City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element (Draft) the previous housing element sought to increase the proportion of affordable multifamily units, primarily to accommodate larger families and the increasing number of senior citizens. It is consider that to a considerable extent, the City has been successful in achieving this objective. According to the Draft the goals and policies contained in the previous housing element were appropriate to meet the housing needs of the City. The U.S. Census 2000 reported a population of 26,411 for the City of Atascadero. The City has grown in a very rapid pace (e.g. in the 1950s decade the city grew almost 100 percent). In the past decade (1990s) the City grew by 14 percent, and is expected to maintain the same trend for the next two decades. Historically, the City of Atascadero experienced periods of explosive growth rates following World War II. During the decade of the 1990's these rates began to stabilize into more sustainable growth rates averaging between 1% and 2% annually. The General Plan assumes that an annual growth rate averaging 1.25% will be sustained during the next 20 years. Based on this assumption the General Plan build out would be reached around 2025 (See table below). North County Housing Conditions 3 Table1 POPULATION TRENDS AND PROJECTIONS: 1960-2025 CITY OF ATASCADERO YEAR POPULATION 10 YEAR RATE Year Population Increase rate 1940 2,600 1950 3,400 31% 1960 4,583 35% 1970 9,100 99% 1980 16,232 78% 1990 23,138 43% 2000 26,411 14% 2010 29,904 13% 2020 33,860 13% 2025 36,030 Source: City of Atascadero General Plan 2000-2002. Public Hearing Draft – June 7, 2002. Retrieved from The following table shows the current Square Footage by Land Use Type (Commercial and Industrial) and the number and type of Residential Units (See table below). North County Housing Conditions 4 Table 2 EXISTING DEVELOPMENT Land Use Type Square Foot Commercial 2,683,000 Industrial 416,000 Residential Units Group Quarters 260 du’s Single Family Detached 6,768 du’s 2-to-4 Unit 869 du’s 5-plus Unit 1,217 du’s Mobile Home 601 du’s Total Units 9,995 Population 26,411 Source: City of Atascadero General Plan 2000-2002. Public Hearing Draft – June 7, 2002. Retrieved from The City as the Region in general has a very different composition if is compare with the rest of the State of California. Accordingly, to the U.S. Census 2002 and the Draft City of Atascadero General Plan, the City had almost 90 percent White-non Hispanic; however, minority groups grew in the past decade such as Blacks and Hispanics. This could have implications in the housing needs of these particular ethnic groups (See table below). North County Housing Conditions 5 Table 3 ATASCADERO ETHNICITY GROUPS Population Group 1990 2000 Number Percent Number Percent White (non-Hispanic) 21,747 94.0% 23,451 88.8% Black 260 1.1% 623 2.4% Hispanic (all races) 1,972 8.5% 2,783 10.5% Native-American (non-Hispanic) 270 1.2% 247 0.9% Asian 262 1.1% 336 1.3% Other (non-Hispanic) 589 2.5% 1,754 6.6% Source: City of Atascadero General Plan 2000-2002. Public Hearing Draft – June 7, 2002. Retrieved from Income distribution in the north county cities of Atascadero and Paso Robles is concentrated especially in the upper medium cohorts (S50,000 to $100,000). Also, we have to consider that the lowest income group spikes considerably in the household medium income distribution in these two cities (See figure below). North County Housing Conditions 6 Household Income by Income Category $200,000 or more El Paso de Robles (Paso Robles) city $150,000 to $199,999 Atascadero city $125,000 to $149,999 $100,000 to $124,999 $75,000 to $99,999 $60,000 to $74,999 $50,000 to $59,999 $45,000 to $49,999 $40,000 to $44,999 $35,000 to $39,999 $30,000 to $34,999 $25,000 to $29,999 $20,000 to $24,999 $15,000 to $19,999 $10,000 to $14,999 Less than $10,000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Number of Households Figure 1: Household Income by Income Category The number of Households in the City of Atascadero increased 11.4 percent from 8,557 in 1990 to 9,531in the year 2000 (see table below). Table 4 HOUSEHOLDS, 1990 AND 2000 Households 1990 2000 City Only 8,557 9,531 Increase 974 Percent Increase 11.4% Annual Rate of Increase 1.1% North County Housing Conditions 7 Source: City of Atascadero General Plan 2000-2002. Public Hearing Draft – June 7, 2002. Retrieved from The size of the household is the City of Atascadero y quite small, 35 percent of the Households only have 2 individuals, 22 percent are compose by only two persons, 17 percent are made up by 3 persons, and 16 percents of the Households are made up by 4 persons (see table below). Table 5 HOUSEHOLD SIZE AND OWNERSHIP, 2000 Persons/HH Owner Renter Total Percent 1 1,061 1,033 2,094 22% 2 2,456 921 3,377 35% 3 1,012 601 1,613 17% 4 1,058 445 1,503 16% 5 426 194 620 7% 6 155 57 212 2% 7 or More 81 31 112 1% Total 6,249 3,282 9,531 100% Source: City of Atascadero General Plan 2000-2002. Public Hearing Draft – June 7, 2002. Retrieved from North County Housing Conditions 8 The House/Job balance in the City of Atascadero is considerable stable, although they are still more jobs in the City (16,900) than Households, creating a House shortage in the area. Jobs per Employed Resident balance is even worse, there is only 0.8 jobs per employed resident, this figure implied that Atascadero’s residents are commuting to other areas to work (See Table below). Table 6 JOBS/HOUSING BALANCE, 1990 Component Number Jobs 16,900 Households 15,138 Employed Residents 21,796 Jobs per Household 1.1 Jobs per Employed Resident 0.8 Source: City of Atascadero General Plan 2000-2002. Public Hearing Draft – June 7, 2002. Retrieved from If we analyzed the Atascadero’s Housing need by Income Category, we may inferred a greater housing need in the Very Low Income, and Low Income category, because housing units are not being built that could accommodate the need of this group. Only Houses for households who earn above the Moderate Income and secondly around the median income are being built (See Table below). North County Housing Conditions 9 Table 7 CITY SHARE OF REGIONAL HOUSING NEED, 2001-2008 Income Category % of City Units Need Built Since Assisted 1990 2001-2008 1/1/2001 Units Very Low (<50% median) 20% 343 1 Low (50-80% median) 14% 239 70 (80-120% 20% 343 43 300 Moderate 46% 788 100 688 1,713 214 1,499 Moderate Needed 341 19 150 median) Above (>120%median) Total 100% Source: City of Atascadero General Plan 2000-2002. Public Hearing Draft – June 7, 2002. Retrieved from Special Groups There are also special population groups that have a greater need for adequate housing, such as the Disabled Population, Large Families, Single-Parent Households, Persons in Need of Emergency Shelter, and Farm workers. Disabilities may affect a persons’ housing need in two ways according the City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element: a mobility or self-care limitation may require modifications to housing to accommodate the disability; and a work disability may limit a person’s ability to afford adequate housing. Large Families with low income generally faced overcrowding problems, this social group generally can not afford to buy a house, and therefore they are renters. North County Housing Conditions 10 Atascadero’s Rental Market, do not provide the type of units for this groups (more than 2 rooms), therefore large households may often find themselves in overcrowded conditions. Single-Parent Households (around 11 percent in the City of Atascadero) is another group that faced a great housing need, the majority of these households are headed by woman. Any household with only one person able to earn wages is at a significant disadvantage in the housing market, and single parents may have to take more time off from work to care for their children. Persons in Need of Emergency Shelter and Farm workers are other groups that also face the housing crisis. The first group requires adequate sites that are accessible to public services and that provide emergency shelters and transitional housing. Providing adequate Farm workers Housing is another problem that the City will be facing more and more due to the increasing numbers of parcels that are being cultivate for vineyards. Income Groups and Ability to Pay Overpayment for housing is a problem for may Atascadero households, particular renters and low income groups. About one-fourth of households were paying more than 35 percent of their income for housing in 1990. Generally, if a household spends more than 30 percent in housing, it is considered to be overpaying (See Table below). Table 8 OWNERS AND RENTERS HOUSEHOLD COST Owners Households HH Renters Percent HH All Households Percent HH Percent North County Housing Conditions 11 Less than $20,000 …Less than 35 percent 245 45% 247 21% 492 37% …35 percent or more 296 55% 527 79% 823 63% …Less than 35 percent 561 60% 869 87% 1,430 74% …35 percent or more 372 40% 132 13% 504 26% …Less than 35 percent 942 77% 484 99% 1,126 79% …35 percent or more 288 23% 5 1% 293 21% …Less than 35 percent 1,597 91% 303 100% 1,900 93% …35 percent or more 150 9% 0 0 150 7% $20,000 - $34,999 $35,000-$49,999 $50,000 + Source: City of Atascadero General Plan 2000-2002. Public Hearing Draft – June 7, 2002. Retrieved from Comparing home prices with the amount a household would usually be expected to pay for housing indicates that only moderate and above-moderate income households could afford to purchase a single-family home in 2002 (base in the median income for San Luis Obispo County) (See Tables Below). Table 9 OWNERSHIP AFFORDABILITY, 2000 Income Category Percent Median Income Limit Affordable Home North County Housing Conditions 12 Price Very Low 50 $25,100 $63,500 Low 80 40,160 120,200 Median 100 50,200 153,000 Moderate 120 60,240 200,000 Source: City of Atascadero General Plan 2000-2002. Public Hearing Draft – June 7, 2002. Retrieved from Table 10 RENTAL AFFORDABILITY, 2000 Income Category Percent Median Affordable Rent/Mo. Very Low 50 $625 Low 80 1,000 Median 100 1,250 Moderate 120 1,500 Source: City of Atascadero General Plan 2000-2002. Public Hearing Draft – June 7, 2002. Retrieved from According to the City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element (Draft) residential construction in the City declined significantly in the 1990’s compared to the 1980’s, but that trend appears to be changing: 2001 was the first year with more than 200 new units built since 1987. The City records from 2001 show that the majority of housing units in Atascadero were single-family homes. Some of the 31.7 percent of units in North County Housing Conditions 13 multifamily buildings are in mixed-use developments, and Atascadero also has a significant number of mobile homes (See Table Below) Table 11 HOUSING UNIT TYPE 2001 Type of Home Units Percent of Total Units Single-Family 6,001 62.1% Multifamily 3,062 31.7% Mobile Homes 600 6.2% Source: City of Atascadero General Plan 2000-2002. Public Hearing Draft – June 7, 2002. Retrieved from Identification of gaps between projected housing market conditions and existing housing and economic development programs North County as the rest of the Central of California is facing a major housing crisis. Atascadero and Paso Robles as other cities in the region have experience and inflow of new migrants primarily from other areas of the State (San Francisco and Los Angeles regions) due to their desirability living conditions. This desirability among other factors has increase the housing demand in the north county region, tied with slow growth policies especially in the rest of the County have impacted housing affordability considerably in the area. The service and commerce sectors have been the main employers in the north county economy. However, in recent years due to the expansion of the agriculture industry in the surrounding areas of the cities of Paso Robles and North County Housing Conditions 14 Atascadero, more low income people have been employed to work in the fields, therefore a migration of this group to the area is still in process. With more people migrating to the area especially from both ends of income levels (upper middle class retirees and low class workers) the housing affordability problem is very likely to increase. The cities of Atascadero and Paso Robles have had considerably pro growth policies if we compare them to other cities in the County, this has steered growth from the region to this area. However, the primarily development taken place is characterize by single dwelling units, only affordable to the upper medium class residents or to new retirees from other regions. If this trend continues, housing affordability will become a bigger issue especially for those in the lower ends of the income spectrum. Governmental Constrains According to state law, local governments should address any constrains that will affect the development of housing and therefore its residents capacity for affordable housing. The primary governmental constraint on housing production is the limitation o the number of units in a given area imposed by the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. According to the Atascadero’s Draft General Plan any small amount of land available for multifamily housing development could be a significant constraint to meeting Atascadero’s share of the regional housing need. Any other land utilize for this purpose would have to be rezoned, or given substantial subsidies and/or density bonuses in order for development to occur. Housing production is constrained by development review procedures, fees, and standards. Residential projects proposed in Atascadero may be subject to design, North County Housing Conditions 15 environmental, zoning, subdivision and planned unit development review, use permit control, and building approval. The following table shows the Development Fees in the city of Atascadero: Table 12 ATASCADERO’S DEVELOPMENT FEES Item Cost City Fees Planning and Building $3,495 Development $2,222 Sewer Connection Total City Fees $578 $6,295 Other Agency Fees School District $5,125 Water Connection $3,130 Total Other Agency Fees $8,435 Total Fees $14,730 Source: City of Atascadero General Plan 2000-2002. Public Hearing Draft – June 7, 2002. Retrieved from The Cities of Atascadero and Paso Robles employ the Uniform Building code and Standards, The National Fire Code, the Uniform fire Code, the Uniform Plumbing Code, the Uniform Mechanical Code, the national Electric Code and the State health and Safety North County Housing Conditions 16 Code. Also, Energy conservation measures can add to construction cost but can reduce housing costs for the occupants. These regulations add to housing construction house. Housing density, especially affect housing affordability, the General Plan and the Zoning Ordinances particular favor the development of detached dwellings and neglecting the development of multifamily housing, consequently affecting the capacity for affordable housing especially for low income people. Non-governmental constraints Besides governmental constraints there are other factors that affect housing affordability according to the California Housing and Community Development Department such as: 1. Availability of financing 2. Price of land 3. Cost of Construction 4. Other nongovernmental constraints Today and in past years interest rates have been lower than 7 percent, however this has not reduce significantly the housing affordability problem, it has created a big demand for housing but only the upper and upper middle class have been available to afford a house, also construction financing is difficult to obtain for multifamily construction, which poses a significant constraint on the production of affordable housing in Atascadero. Price of land is the main determinant in the cost of Housing, and if we tied high demand for housing/land with a restricted supply of it in the region, invariably the prices will go up, affecting housing affordability. North County Housing Conditions 17 According to the Draft General Plan of Atascadero location and amenities, the availability and proximity of public services, and the financing arrangement made between the buyer and seller also affect the housing cost. Another primary nongovernmental constraint is the high cost of producing housing, especially multifamily projects. Production of attached condominiums, which provided significant housing supply for low and moderate income families in the 1990s, has diminished sharply statewide. Attached condominiums projects are consider by developers as a liability, due to implications of law suits risks. Housing resources for the development of housing Infill projects and denser housing developments still have opportunities to be developed in both cities. Low density patterns are a characteristic of these cities, especially in Atascadero where sprawl can be is a big issue in the near future. The are areas where housing development can occur such the Chandler Ranch area in Paso Robles, and along the Highway 101 in the City of Atascadero. The City of Atascadero in its Draft General Plan mention different policies and programs to promote home ownership opportunities such as the development and construction of new housing units for ownership target especially to low and moderate income families through densities bonus for projects that include low and moderate income housing. It also promotes and encourages availability of new housing units to first time homebuyers through the participating in mortgage credit certificate programs to assist first time homebuyers. North County Housing Conditions 18 The City of Atascadero also aims to ensure the proportion of low and moderate rental housing is not significantly reduced through working with non-profit agencies, such as the County Housing Authority and Peoples’ Self-Help housing, to convert existing units for low-and-moderate income families using available programs such as CDBG. The City also strives to protect and conserve the existing housing stock and neighborhoods trough several policies and programs through federal grant programs such as CDBG, HOME funds and other grants to obtain loans and/or grants for housing rehabilitation, and conservation. Housing Element Review Both the Atascadero’s Housing Element Draft and Paso Robles current Housing Element designate adequate sites and implementation programs to help meet these cities Regional Housing Needs Allocation by the State of California. If we analyzed Atascadero’s Housing Element Draft it: Continues to allow mixed residential and commercial development in the especially in the downtown districts. Continues to allow small lot single family homes in planned developments in multifamily areas not appropriate for large complexes. Continues to allow small lot single family homes in planned developments in multifamily areas not appropriate for large complexes. North County Housing Conditions 19 Plans to adopt an ordinance to allow the use of Specific Plans throughout the City to facilitate the production of affordable housing via such as reduction in setbacks, shared parking, and mixing of uses and housing types. Continues to allow manufactured housing and group housing in accordance with State law. Allow planned developments with detached units on individual lots or airspace condominiums on commonly owned lots. Promotes development and construction of new housing units for ownership, especially by low and moderate income families through: 1. Offering a 35 percent density bonus for projects that include deed restricted very low, and low and moderate income housing. 2. Adopting an affordable housing density bonus ordinance that establishes procedures for obtaining and monitoring density bonuses. Promotes and encourage availability of new housing units to first time homebuyers through Mortgage Credit Certificate programs. Ensures and adequate amount of rental housing stock via working with non-profit agencies, and second units. Prioritize construction of additional assisted housing units via federal and state loans and grants programs. Protects housing affordability where it currently exists through developing and adopting a Zoning Ordnance provision to prohibit replacement of lower cost housing with higher cost housing, unless, (1) the lower cost units can be conserved, or (2) an equal number of similar units are included in a new project. North County Housing Conditions 20 Improves housing opportunities and living conditions for people with low and moderate incomes and those with special needs regardless of race, religion, age, sex, marital status, ancestry, national origin, or color. Encourages lending institutions to provide loans for projects for special needs groups, including one-parent households. Encourages multi-family projects that provide affordable housing. Encourage the development of multi-bedroom units for families. Governmental and non-governmental constraints Although that Atascadero’s Draft Housing Element does consider policies and programs that tried to ensure an adequate amount of affordable housing, in some of its policies is very vague or is not stringent enough. One of its policies goals is to ensure that the proportion of low and moderate rental housing is not significantly reduced, due to the housing conditions in the region, in my perspective the this policy should tried to increase the supply and proportion of rental housing in the City. Also in the way this policy is written it only requires City government intervention when the proportion of low and moderate rental housing is significantly reduced (but, who determines when this proportion has significantly been reduced?). Also, second units’ development is tightly restricted to lots designate as SFR-Y and that have the following characteristics: Lots shall be a minimum of 1-acre net. Units are subject to a maximum square footage of 800 square feet. One covered parking space shall be provided. North County Housing Conditions The unit shall maintain the same setback requirements as the primary residence. The unit shall be architectural compatible with the primary residence. Grading and native tree impacts shall be minimal. The unit shall be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. A conditional use permit approval shall be required. Guesthouses shall be prohibited in the SFR-Y land use. 21 Both the cities of Atascadero and Paso Robles want to supply adequate, sufficient and affordable housing for its residence, however development patterns and the policies and programs that the General Plans of both cities reflect does not always replicate these intentions. Single detached housing has been the main stream type of development in northern county. Sprawl has been the characteristic in the housing development patterns especially in the City of Atascadero, more mix-use development has to be developed and housing development should be denser in order to have an adequate and affordable housing supply for all the residents of north County. North County Housing Conditions 22 BIBLIOGRAPHY City of Atascadero General Plan 2000-2002. Public Hearing Draft – June 7, 2002. Retrieved from City of Paso Robles General Plan. Housing Element Websites City of Atascadero Home Page (data accessed: 11/02) City of Paso Robles Home Page (data accessed: 11/02) North County Housing Conditions 23 TABLE OF CONTENTS North county (atascadero and paso robes) regional housing conditions ..................... 2 Special Groups .................................................................................................................. 9 Income Groups and Ability to Pay ................................................................................ 10 Identification of gaps between projected housing market conditions and existing housing and economic development programs ............................................................ 13 Governmental Constrains .............................................................................................. 14 Non-governmental constraints ....................................................................................... 16 Housing resources for the development of housing ..................................................... 17 Housing Element Review ................................................................................................ 18 Governmental and non-governmental constraints ...................................................... 20 North County Housing Conditions 24 TABLE OF FIGURES AND TABLES Table 1: Population Trends and Projections: 1960-2025 3 Table 2: Existing Development 4 Table 3: Atascadero Ethnicity Groups 5 Table 4: Households, 1990 and 2000 6 Table 5: Household Size and Ownership, 2000 7 Table 6: Jobs/Housing Balance, 1990 8 Table 7: City share of regional housing need, 2001-2008 9 Table 8: Owners And Renters Household Cost 10 Table 9: Ownership Affordability, 2000 11 Table 10: Rental Affordability, 2000 12 Table 11: Housing Unit Type 2001 13 Table 12: Atascadero’s Development Fees 15 Figure 1: Household Income by Income Category 6