Plimmerton School School Road, Plimmerton Tel: (04) 233-8677 Fax: 233-8657 MANA SYNDICATE 5 February, 2016 Dear Parents/Caregivers Mana Syndicate Sleepover – 26 to 27 February 2014 As part of our Education Outside the Classroom Programme, Mana Syndicate will hold an overnight sleepover at school on the evening of Thursday 26 February. The purpose of the sleepover is to give children a practical understanding of outdoor living by sleeping away from home in a camp-like environment. This is a natural progression towards participating in future camps with Hongoeka and Taupo Syndicates. All children will be sleeping in classrooms with parents. Porirua Police will be advised of our sleepover. One of the objectives of our sleepover is to give children responsibility for looking after their own gear and we ask that parents let children set up their own bedding, tidy up their own gear in the morning and store it outside classrooms, make their own breakfast and re-assemble classroom. Programme: Thursday, 26 February - Normal school day 6.30-7.00 pm Children must prepare their sleeping area in classrooms 7.00 pm Assemble in the hall 7.20 pm Evening activities 9.30 pm Preparation for bed - supper provided 10.00 pm Lights out Friday, 27 February 7.00 am 9.15 am 12.00 noon 1.00 pm 3.00 pm We will provide - Breakfast in classroom/tidy up sleeping area Free supervised play until 8.50am Travel to Porirua Aquatic Centre Return to school - B.B.Q. lunch Syndicate Time Reassemble classroom, tidy up own belongings Home Supper – Milo and plain biscuits Breakfast - Cereal and fruit, toast, spread & drink Playlunch – fruit, drink and crackers Lunch - B.B.Q. sausages and bread, a drink, fruit, muesli bar The cost will be $14 per child. If your child needs to have anything different from the above menu they will need to bring it from home. Children will need to bring: (all personal items to be named please.) a mug and plate, bowl and spoon (in a plastic bag) change of clothes bedding (sleeping bag, lilo, snowfoam, etc.) sleepwear toilet gear and towel any medication (to be given to teacher with any written instructions) sun screen and hat togs and two swimming towels in a plastic or swimming bag pair of socks (named) PLEASE no sweets, popcorn, chippies, or soft drinks. Supper will be provided. Continued Over/........................... Mana/2015 Sleepover Mana Syndicate Sleepover Notice Continued........................ On Friday, 27 February we will be travelling to Porirua Aquatic Centre at 9.15 am, returning to school at 12 noon. We will provide breakfast, morning tea and a barbecue lunch for the children on this day. We would appreciate children’s sleeping equipment being collected on the Friday morning if possible. Thank you for your support, without it the children would miss out on a valuable learning experience. Please would you complete the permission slip below and return it to school by Thursday, 19 February to enable us to complete planning. Parents who offer to help will be contacted by their child’s teacher. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact us. Yours sincerely, The Mana Syndicate Team .....................................................................................................................................................................................… Please return to the class teacher by Thursday, 19 February PLIMMERTON SCHOOL PERMISSION SLIP MANA SYNDICATE SLEEPOVER – 26 to 27 February 2014 My child .............................................................................................. Room .............................. Please tick as appropriate: Has permission to sleep at school on Thursday, 26 February Has permission to swim at Porirua Aquatic Centre on Friday, 27 February I am available to help with the overnight stay. Name of parent staying __________________________ I am available to help with Friday breakfast I can help provide transport for _________ children (with seatbelts) to and from Porirua Aquatic Centre on Friday, 27 February I am prepared to go in the water with children at the aquatic centre if required. I will provide a car seat for my 6 year old. I am available to help with Friday's lunch/BBQ If your child has any allergies or medical problems please give details below: Signed: ................................................................................ Contact Telephone: ...................................... For Office Use Child’s Name: …………………………………….. Room No: …………………… Payment: I enclose $14.00 (or deduct from my Parent Account No: ……………….to cover the sleepover cost for my child. Signed: ................................................................................ Mana/2015 Sleepover