Hall Grove Group Practice Hall Grove Group Practice 4 Hall Grove Welwyn Garden City Herts, AL7 4PL Hall Grove 01707 328528 Parkway 01707 332233 Website www.hallgrovesurgery.co.uk When the surgery is closed call 03000 333 333 WELCOME TO HALLGROVE GROUP PRACTICE Getting through on the phones is now much easier as we have a new automated phone line for booking and cancelling appointments. It is open for routine appointments 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Practice has served Welwyn Garden City since about 1930. The present premises at Hall Grove were originally built in 1970 and completely redesigned and rebuilt in 1992. The surgery at Parkway has been in existence since 1953 but was expanded to incorporate the whole house in 1977. In 2010 a further extension of Parkway was completed to provide two extra rooms. Our doctors and nurses do sessions at both Parkway and Hall Grove so you can make an appointment for the same people at either site. We have always been firmly committed to the National Health Service in the provision of services to our patients. From 1st April 2013 we will be part of the East and North Hertfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group. This will affect the services provided locally. To see what impact this will have a look at their website http://www.enhertsccg.nhs.uk/. This website contains information about the practice, such as opening times and how to make appointments as well more general information, such as guidance on self limiting illnesses and the childhood vaccination programme. Download Our Latest Newsletter Home Visits If you require a home visit telephone 323355 or send a message to Hall Grove Surgery between 8.30am-10.30am. Test Results If the doctor has asked you to telephone for a test result please do so between 1.00pm-4.30pm. Most results will be available within 5 working days. Cancelling your Appointment If you are unable to attend an appointment with one of the doctors or nurses, please telephone. OPENING HOURS Monday - Friday Saturday 8:30am - 6:30pm 9:00am-11:00am 6:30 - 7:30pm Hall Grove Surgery Alternate Saturdays (on two evenings a week) (either Hall Grove or Parkway) 8:30am - 5:00pm Parkway Surgery As above EVENING AND WEEKEND SURGERIES We provide extended hours which include 2 evenings on weekdays from 6:30pm - 8:00pm (2 doctors) and alternate Saturdays from 9:00am - 11:30am (2 doctors). Please call the practice to confirm these dates. The evening surgeries will always be at Hall Grove. The Saturday morning surgeries will be at either site, so please check with the reception staff. We are open through lunch time. When We Are Closed Outside normal hours if you ring the surgery you will be advised to ring the Out-of-Hours service. This is now covered by the '111' service. To call dial: 111. They will ask you questions about your problem and then direct you to the most appropriate source of care. For example, they may re-direct your call to 'Herts Urgent Care' the out of hours GP service. This service is for genuine emergencies and not for problems that can wait until the next working day. Out-of-hours service is the responsibility of the East and North Herts PCT (Primary Care Trust). Call 999 in an emergency, for example chest pains with shortness of breath or evidence of a stroke. The QE2 now has a minor injuries unit rather than a full A&E. If you need to attend an A&E and think it is serious enough that you may need admission to hospital we would advise you to go direct to The Lister Hospital A&E in Stevenage. SURGERY CONSULTATIONS Consultations are available at both surgeries Monday to Friday by appointment which can be arranged at the reception desk at either surgery or by telephone to the Central Appointments Desk – 328528 (receptionist 8.30am-6.30pm Monday to Friday, automated line for routine appointments 24 hours a day). If you are unable to keep your appointment for any reason please let us know as soon as possible so that it may be given to another patient. Over 2000 appointments per year are missed so please let us know! You can use the autmoated line to check and to cancel your appointments. Both Hall Grove and Parkway surgeries are part of the same practice with the same computer system and same doctors doing sessions at both sites. If you have a preferred doctor and they are not doing a session at your closest surgery on a convenient day for you consider booking an advanced routine appointment at the other surgery. ______________________________________________________________________ EMERGENCIES In life threatening emergencies call 999 for an ambulance and then our emergency number 01707 323355. ______________________________________________________________________ URGENT APPOINTMENTS We operate an OPEN SURGERY SYSTEM for URGENT PROBLEMS at Hall Grove (every morning) and at Parkway (Tuesday-Friday mornings). You may telephone the appointments line where you will be given a time to attend. We will see EVERY SINGLE PERSON that requires an appointment IF it is an URGENT problem that must be seen that day. Please note you can phone Parkway Surgery to make appointments at Hall Grove and vice versa. We urge patients to only discuss ONE problem with the doctor in the urgent surgeries as these appointments are shorter to ensure everyone can be seen that day. We strongly advise patients for non urgent or chronic problems to book routine appointments. ______________________________________________________________________ ADVANCED ROUTINE APPOINTMENTS If you would like to be seen for a routine problem (such as a medicines review, a problem that has been present for months, or chronic illness review) then it is best to book an advanced routine appointment with your preferred doctor. Please let the receptionist know if you have a preferred doctor. SEEING YOUR PREFERRED DOCTOR If you have a specific doctor you prefer to see please ask for them when you book your appointment. If it is for a routine problem (such as medicines review, a problem that has been present for months, or chronic illness review) then it is best to book an advanced routine appointment with your preferred doctor. If you make a book on the day appointment for an urgent problem your preferred doctor may not be doing a urgent appointment session that day. If they are then we will try and fit you in with your preferred doctor if you ask. HOME VISITS Home visits are reserved only for patients who as a result of their medical condition are unable to leave the house. The decision whether a home visit is appropriate is at the discretion of the visiting doctor who may call before visiting. Approximately 4 patients can be seen in the time it takes for the doctor to do 1 home visit so please only request this if you are unable to come to the surgery. Not having transport is not accepted as a reason to request a home visit. If you require a home visit telephone 323355 or send a message to Hall Grove Surgery between 8.30am-10.30am. Only emergency visits should be requested after 10.30am. There is only one of the doctors doing visits each day and therefore we cannot accept requests for visits by a specified GP. If you have a preferred doctor and the problem is not urgent please try to arrange for transport/help to get into see your preferred doctor at the surgery in an advanced routine appointment. Every 3 months across the country 200 people from each GP practice are called and asked a series of questions about their local surgery. Scoring badly can have serious consequences for the services the practice provides, for example the health authority could remove services such as minor operations or annual health checks for our patients with learning disability. At a recent meeting we discussed our on going plans for improving access to the surgery with representatives of the health authority. Phone access: This has been our lowest scorer in the survey but we have made significant improvements after employing more receptionists to answer phones, increased number of phone terminals and lines, and the new automated phone line enabling you to book appointments 24 hours a day. Please help us by using the automated service, and by delaying non urgent calls until after the busy early morning period. Opening hours: We are open from 8.30am-6.30pm 5 days a week. We do not shut any lunch times or afternoons like some practices still do. In addition we have extended hours until 7.30pm two evenings a week, plus alternate Saturday mornings for routine appointments. There are few GP surgeries in Hertfordshire with more extensive opening hours. Seeing patients with urgent problems: We run an open surgery policy all day, everyone that has a medical problem (most commonly infections) who need to be seen that day will be seen. If the morning surgeries are full we will continue seeing any urgent cases that must be seen that day. In the afternoon if you call to be seen you will be put on the triage list for the duty GP to phone you back. Being told there are ‘no appointments left today’ does not mean that we will not see you if you have an urgent need. Number of appointments: We now have a new full time partner to increase the number of appointments we offer. On top of that we also now have Fin, our minor illness and dermatology nurse. Calling patients back: If you have a problem/question but feel it doesn’t need a face to face consultation you can call reception to leave a message for a doctor. The doctor will call you back between sessions that day if possible. Many practices do not offer this kind of service. If you are called for the survey we hope you remember the efforts we have gone to improving the service and feel able to mark us as high as possible as we would like to continue providing the current range of services and more. We have been trying our best to improve how easy it is to get through to us on the phone. To significantly improve this further we have installed a new automated phone system for booking doctor appointments. By using this system you will not have to wait to speak to a receptionist to book your appointment. It can be used for both urgent appointments in the morning as well as normal advanced routine appointments 24 hours a day . With receptionists no longer spending so much time booking appointments it will become much easier to get through to them for other queries (please call after 10am for these). The option will still be there to speak to a receptionist to book your appointment if you need. The automated system will also allow you to cancel your appointment and check your appointment time. We needed to set the options you choose when booking your appointment. The options will be: 1. Parkway or Hallgrove; 2. Urgent or Routine; If you need a routine appointment you can choose: 1. Next available appointment; 2. male or female doctor; 3. specific doctor. For urgent on the day appointments you will be given the next available slot that morning. If all slots are filled you will be diverted to a receptionist. Please use the automated system if possible. REPEAT PRESCRIPTIONS Please allow 2 working days notice for repeat prescriptions and deliver your repeat prescription slip to the surgery clearly marking on the request slip which drugs are required. We frequently receive requests for prescriptions to be done in 24 hours. This can not be guaranteed. Please do not attend the surgery to pick up the prescription sooner than 48 hours. The reception staff can not leave the front desk to interupt a doctors session. You can arrange with your local Pharmacist to drop the prescription request off with them and they will pick up the new one from us. Please allow atleast 3 days for this. Our reception staff are not permitted to accept telephone requests for prescriptions because of the risk of error. If you require the prescriptions to be returned to you by post please enclose a stamped addressed envelope. If somebody else is collecting your script on your behalf then please supply them with a written note of authority. MEDICATION REVIEWS There may be occasions that you will be requested to see a doctor for a medication review. This is to ensure the medications you are taking are still relevant to your health. If a doctor requests this, please enquire at reception. We strongly urge patients to book a routine appointment for a medication review. Please do not use the urgent surgery appointments for this purpose. Prescriptions Charges and Exemptions Extensive exemption and remission arrangements protect those likely to have difficulty in paying charges (NHS prescription and dental charges, optical and hospital travel costs). The NHS prescription charge is a flat-rate amount which successive Governments have thought it reasonable to charge for those who can afford to pay for their medicines. Prescription prepayment certificates (PPCs) offer real savings for people who need extensive medication. NHS charges From 1 April 2011, the charges are: Prescription (per item): £7.65 12-month prepayment certificate (PPC): £104.00 3-month PPC: £29.10 If you will have to pay for four or more prescription items in three months, or more than 14 items in 12 months, you may find it cheaper to buy a PPC. The charge for a single prescription item is £7.65, whereas a three month PPC will cost you £29.10 and a 12 month PPC £104.00. Telephone advice and order line 0845 850 0030 General Public - Buy or Renew a PPC On-line There is further information about prescription exemptions and fees on the NHS website (www.nhs.uk/NHSEngland/Healthcosts/Pages/Prescriptioncosts.aspx) Please allow 48 hours, excluding weekends and Bank Holidays, for your request to be processed. Any problems please telephone the surgery. Clinics & Services FAMILY PLANNING CLINICS AND CERVICAL SMEARS We offer a full range of contraceptive services including the fitting of caps and coils. One of our practice nurses is trained in family planning and can give advice on all methods and arrange prescriptions. We also offer cervical smear tests which can be arranged with the practice nurses. There is a written recall system in operation for cervical smears for women between the ages of 25-65 years. ANTENATAL AND POSTNATAL CLINICS Appointments are available with the midwife at Hall Grove for routine appointments. There is an antenatal clinic with a doctor on a Tuesday afternoon for initial appointments and problems in pregnancy. If urgent, appointments can be made with any doctor during normal appointment times. After delivery six week checks are carried out by a doctor in the postnatal clinic on a Tuesday afternoon (and this is run at the same time as the child health clinic for baby checks). CHILD HEALTH CLINICS Advice on child health care and routine examinations to check that a child is developing normally are carried out by doctors and health visitors. Please do not bring children who are unwell to these clinics. CHILD IMMUNISATION CLINICS Appointments for immunisations are by computer recall. Please call reception if you need to change your appointment. FOREIGN TRAVEL CLINICS We offer a full travel immunisation and advice service. There is a charge for some of the services. Please allow at least four weeks before you travel to organise your course of immunisations. ASTHMA, CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE (COPD) AND DIABETIC CLINICS These clinics are held regularly and are run by the doctors and/ or by the practice nurses. Please enquire at the reception. We encourage patients with these conditions to attend these clinics. MINOR SURGERY We are able to perform minor surgery under local anaesthetic within the practice. FLU PROTECTION CLINICS Flu vaccinations are available in October for those patients who may be at special risk e.g. sufferers from chest or heart trouble, diabetes and kidney disease and for everybody who is aged 65 and over. We also advise protection for patients taking certain drugs e.g. Steroids and Cancer drugs. If you are unsure whether you are eligible for a flu vaccination please discuss with the doctors or nurses. PNEUMONIA VACCINE Pneumonia vaccine is now also available to some groups of patients. Please ask at reception if you are eligible. SMOKING CESSATION CLINICS From Summer 2009 our nurses will be starting clinics to help patients stop smoking. Please enquire at reception if you are interested. SICK CERTIFICATES If you are off work for less than seven days you do not need to obtain a sick note from the doctor. This period is covered by a self-certificate SC2 which can be collected from our receptionists at the surgery or from the Post Office or DSS. PRIVATE CERTIFICATES AND FORMS A fee is charged for filling in driving licence applications, holiday cancellation forms, insurance forms and other private reports. The list of current fees is displayed at each surgery. PRIVATE MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS We are able to conduct medical examinations for special purposes e.g. insurance, fitness to drive and employment. Contact the surgery for a special appointment. We charge the standard rates as recommended by the British Medical Association. Travel Information If you require any vaccinations relating to foreign travel you need to make an appointment with the practice nurse to discuss your travel arrangements. This will include which countries and areas within countries that you are visiting to determine what vaccinations are required. There is further information about countries and vaccinations required on the links below Europe & Russia North America (www.fitfortravel.scot.nhs.uk/destinations/europe-(www.fitfortravel.scot.nhs.uk/destinations/northrussia.aspx) america.aspx) Central America South America (www.fitfortravel.scot.nhs.uk/destinations/central(www.fitfortravel.scot.nhs.uk/destinations/southamerica.aspx) america.aspx) Carribean Africa (www.fitfortravel.scot.nhs.uk/destinations/caribbean.aspx) (www.fitfortravel.scot.nhs.uk/destinations/africa.aspx Middle East Central Asia (www.fitfortravel.scot.nhs.uk/destinations/middle(www.fitfortravel.scot.nhs.uk/destinations/asiaeast.aspx) %28central%29.aspx) Australasia and Pacific East Asia (www.fitfortravel.scot.nhs.uk/destinations/asia(www.fitfortravel.scot.nhs.uk/destinations/australasia %28central%29.aspx) -pacific.aspx) It is important to make this initial appointment as early as possible - at least 6 weeks before you travel - as a second appointment will be required with the practice nurse to actually receive the vaccinations. These vaccines have to be ordered as they are not a stock vaccine. Your second appointment needs to be at least 2 weeks before you travel to allow the vaccines to work. Some travel vaccines are ordered on a private prescription and these incur a charge over and above the normal prescription charge. This is because not all travel vaccinations are included in the services provided by the NHS. Registration New Patient Registration To register with our practice please see our reception staff at one of our surgeries. You will be asked to fill in a form and to book an appointment for a health screening examination with a nurse. Please note that Parkway is a branch surgery with limited opening hours. Therefore sometimes you may be asked to attend Hall Grove Surgery. The new contract for General Practitioners has brought many changes to the way we work. One of them is that you as a patient are now registered with the practice rather than with an individual doctor. However you can still express a preference to see your chosen practitioner in non emergency situations on our practice premises (but not normally for home visits). Practice Boundary Patients living in Welwyn Garden City, Digswell, Stanborough and Lemsford may be accepted onto the practice list. Confidentiality Confidentiality All consultations are held in the strictest confidence including those with teenagers. The information about you is kept on computer and in paper record at the surgery. We are registered under the Data Protection Act. The practice will ensure that patient confidentiality is maintained at all times by all members of the practice team. However for the effective functioning of our multi-disciplinary team it is necessary that members of the team have access to your medical records when dealing with your case. Complaints Complaints Procedure We make every effort to give the best service possible to everyone who attends our practice. However, we are aware that things can go wrong resulting in a patient feeling that they have a genuine cause for complaint. If this is so, we would wish for the matter to be settled as quickly, and as amicably, as possible. Simply contact the Practice Manager and he/she will set all the necessary wheels in motion. Further written information is available on the complaints procedure from reception. We are continually striving to improve our service. Any helpful suggestions would be much appreciated and a suggestion box is located in the waiting area. Zero Tolerance A zero tolerance policy towards violent, threatening or abusive behaviour is now in place throughout the NHS. At no time will any such behaviour be tolerated in our practice – whether it is directed towards our staff, doctors or any member of the public. If a person is violent or abusive on our premises we may choose to inform the police and make arrangements for that person to be removed from our medical list. Practice Charter Practice Charter Our surgery aims to provide the best possible care for all patients. We need you to keep us informed of any problems encountered and welcome your suggestions. We work as a partnership to maintain and improve our patients’ health. What you can expect from us: We will endeavour to treat you with courtesy, respecting cultural, religious and moral beliefs. We will aim to see you whenever possible within 20 minutes of your appointment time or if later you can expect an explanation. You have a right to complete confidentiality in all health matters. You have a right to answers where possible to questions you may have about your health. You may bring a relative or friend with you. You have by law a right to see any medical records written about you subject to limitations within the law. You have a right to appropriate consultant referral when thought necessary by your GP and to a second opinion when agreed by yourself and your GP that this is desirable. You have a right to prescriptions where appropriate. There will of course be times when they are not appropriate What we expect from you: Please be courteous and polite when dealing with the practice team. Let us know in advance if an appointment needs cancellation and please ask for one appointment per patient seen. Please be on time for your appointments. If you are late we cannot guarantee that the doctor will still be able to see you during the same sessions as this may cause undue delay to other patients. Please be prepared to give brief details of your problem to our receptionists when requesting a home visit as this allows the doctor to prioritise his calls. Viewing your notes All patients are entitled to view their medical record. To do this you will need to book an appointment with your normal GP. Your GP can talk you through the entries in both the computer and old paper records. Please let the receptionist know this is why you are booking the appointment so that the GP can have your archived paper records at the appointment. Changes to the NHS Last update: February 2013 A massive reorganisation is taking place across the country. The Primary Care Trusts who previously organised all primary care services are being disbanded. Their responsibility included: contracts with GP practices to provide health care; district nurses; contracts with hospital providers for 'secondary care' services. These will now be replaced by locality boards (this area is 'WelHat'), under a Hertfordshire commisioning group (CCG). GPs have often felt they should have more ability to shape services that they use for their patients. The locality and commisioning groups will contain GPs however there is a lot of concern about the position they will be put in: 1. Use of private providers. Some see the Department of Health rules on how services can be commisioned as restrictive and may make it very hard to chose the most appropriate provider. This may lead to private providers taking control over some services causing some NHS organisations to close. 2. The NHS budget has been climbing for many years. As costs increased the Government would put in more money to cope. The budget has now been frozen, however the demand for services and more expensive procedures/drugs has continued to rise. The concern is that the 'difficult decisions' that have to be made for the health service to survive will be blaimed on 'the GPs' rather than the governement explaining properly why these decisions have to be made. Useful Contacts Out of hours health advice 111 Queen Elizabeth II Hospital 01707328111 QEII Outpatients 01707336737 Hertford County Hospital 01707328111 Lister Hospital, Stevenage 01438314333 St Albans City Hospital 01727866122 07789932856 District Nurses 01707323272 Age Concern Hertfordshire 01707265326 Alzheimer's Society (Welwyn & Hatfield Branch) Council Warden Control 01707263555 Meals on Wheels 01707357000 Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council 01707357000 The Bridge, Community Mental Health 01707363440 Hertfordshire Drug Intervention Programme 01707343801 Hertfordshire Domestic Violence/ Abuse Line 08088088088 Citizens Advice Bureau 01707262607 Police Station 0845 3300222 Samaritans 08457909090 Cruse - Bereavement Support 08444779400 Relate 01727858126 Alcoholics Anonymous 01438747475 Out of Hours 03000333333 Social Services 01438737400 Herts action on disability (inlcuding transport) 01707324581 Test Results If the doctor has asked you to telephone for a test result please do so between 1.00pm-4.30pm. Most results will be available within 5 working days. X-ray results can take about 14 days. If you are making an appointment to discuss test results please try and make this with the doctor who arranged the tests. It is practice policy only to give results of medical tests to the patient (when over 16) not to a relative or representative. Please note that results of investigations requested by hospital doctors do not always come to us. So before making an appointment check with the reception staff first. Local Pharmacies (Chemists) To find a pharmacy in Welwyn Garden City. Go to the following website: http://www.nhs.uk. Click on "more options". Select Pharmacies (chemists). Type in Welwyn Garden City and then click on "search". Teaching Teaching The practice is a Training Practice and often benefits from the services of GP Registrars and junior doctors. These are fully qualified doctors with post-qualification experience in a variety of hospital specialities. They join our practice to gain experience in family medicine. From time to time student doctors and nurses are also taught in the practice and may accompany your doctor. If you would find this embarrassing please tell the receptionist on arrival. Video Recording On occasions both our own doctors and GP Registrars are required to videotape a sample of their consultations for training purposes. These would only be viewed by other doctors and are destroyed after a period of one year. The reception staff will inform you if this is taking place and will ask for your written consent. If you change your mind after the consultation you may ask for the recording to be deleted. Chaperone policy Hall Grove Group Practice is committed to providing a safe, comfortable environment where patients and staff can be confident that best practice is being followed at all times and the safety of everyone is of paramount importance. All patients are entitled to have a chaperone present for any consultation, examination or procedure where they consider one is required. The chaperone may be a family member or friend, but on occasions a formal chaperone may be preferred. If you think your problem will require an intimate examination during the consultation and you would like a chaperone for this please ask, at the time of booking an appointment, so that arrangements can be made and the appointment is not delayed in any way. If advance notice is not given a chaperone may not available, so you will have to book a further appointment. The Healthcare Professional may also require a chaperone to be present for certain consultations. Staff Details Doctors Dr Geoffrey Pugh BSc,MB,BS,MRCGP 1974 UK Part-time: Tues/Weds/Thurs (although may vary) Dr Frances Cranfield MB,BS,DRCOG,DipFMS,DMJ,FRCGP 1976 UK Part-time: Mon/Tues/Thurs Dr Geoff Evison BSc,MB,BS,MRCGP,DCH,DRCOG 1987 UK Full-time (Thurs pm off) Dr Alister Parry MB,BS,MRCGP,DCH,DFFP 1989 UK Full-time (Thurs pm off) Dr Anthea Cecil BSc,MB,BS,DRCOG,DGM,DFFP 1993 UK Part-time: Mon/Tues/Thurs Dr Beata MacDougall lek med,MRCGP,DCH 1993 Poland Part-time: Mon/Weds/Thurs am Dr Ingrid Rowe MU Dr,MRCGP 1991 Slovakia Part-time: Tues/Weds/Fri Dr Preenal Shah Bsc, MB,BS, MRCGP 2000 UK Full-time (Tues pm off) Dr Martin Benfield Bsc, MBBS, MRCGP 2000 UK Full-time (Weds pm off) Dr Steven Price MB,BS, MRCGP 2002 UK Full-time (Tues pm off) Nurses Nurse Finola Bifield RGN Dip HE in Adult Nursing, PN cert, FP cert Finola is a Nurse Prescriber who can assess, diagnose and prescribe medications, so is often an appropriate alternative to seeing a doctor. Most of her sessions are 'minor illness' clinics. Finola also runs skin clinics for conditions such as eczema. Nurse Elaine Clift RGN,PNC,998 Elaine leads at the practice in the area of travel vaccines and advice. Nurse Cathy Friend RGN,DipHEd in Adult Nursing, FP cert and Asthma Dip Cathy leads at the practice in areas of asthma and family planning. Nurse Natalie RGN Dip HE in Adult Nursing, Dip in Chronic Obstructive Grint Pulmonary Disease Natalie leads at the practice in areas of leg ulcers and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Nurse Geraldine Woods RGN Dip HE in Adult Nursing. BSc Honors. Geraldine leads at the practice in areas of diabetes, diabetic foot care and high blood pressure The Practice Nurses main tasks include immunisations, cervical smears, dressings, ear syringing, removal of stitches, health checks and smoking cessation. Healthcare Assistants Gail Pert Gail our health care assistant can help with lifestyle advice, wound care and smoking cessation. She can also do blood pressure checks and do ECG's. Practice Management Mr Geoff Morgan Practice Manager Administration There are a number of secretarial and reception staff. Other staff include those involved with the computer system, financial matters and the day-to-day maintenance and cleaning of the premises. All practice staff are trained to work in complete confidence and you can be assured that they will do their best to deal with every enquiry in an appropriate and sensitive way. Community Midwives Community Midwives, based at Lister Hospital Stevenage, do routine antenatal clinics at Hall Grove. It is usually possible for our own midwife to follow a mother throughout the pregnancy and postnatal care. You can contact Community Midwives via the Lister Hospital. Community Nurses The District Nurses provide nursing treatment to patients in their own home at the request of doctors. They may be contacted through a referral from a GP. Health Visitors Health Visitors offer help and advice on childcare, immunisations and family problems. They can be contacted on the following numbers: 01707386890 or 01438715104. Attached Staff Isabel Hospice Community Nurse Specialist (previously known as MacMillan Nurse) Visits cancer patients in their homes and gives advice and support to them and their families. IHCNS may be contacted through Hall Grove Surgery or the Isabel Hospice on 01707 328500.