Modelling mussel growth in ecosystems with low suspended matter loads using a Dynamic Energy Budget approach P. Duarte a,b,, M.J. Fernández-Reiriz c, U. Labarta c a University Fernando Pessoa, CIAGEB, 349 Praça 9 de Abril, 4249-004 Porto, Portugal b Interdisciplinary Centre for Marine and Environmental Research—CIIMAR, Rua dos Bragas, 289, 4050-123 Porto, Portugal c Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas, Eduardo Cabello 6, 36208 Vigo, Spain Keywords: Mussel Growth, Modeling, Individual Based Models, DEB, Low Seston, Galician Rias abstract The environmental and the economic importance of shellfish stimulated a great deal of studies on their physiology over the last decades, with many attempts to model their growth. The first models developed to simulate bivalve growth were predominantly based on the Scope For Growth (SFG) paradigm. In the last years there has been a shift towards the Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) paradigm. The general objective of this work is contributing to the evaluation of different approaches to simulate bivalve growth in low seston waters by: (i) implementing a model to simulate mussel growth in low suspended matter ecosystems based on the DEB theory (Kooijman, S.A.L.M., 2000. Dynamic and energy mass budgets in biological systems, Cambridge University Press); (ii) comparing and discussing different approaches to simulate feeding processes, in the light of recently published works both on experimental physiology and physiology modeling; (iii) comparing and discussing results obtained with a model based on EMMY (Scholten and Smaal, 1998). The model implemented allowed to successfully simulate mussel feeding and shell length growth in two different Galician Rias. Obtained results together with literature data suggest that modeling of bivalve feeding should incorporate physiologic feed-backs related with food digestibility. In spite of considerable advances in bivalve modeling a number of issues is yet to be resolved, with emphasis on the way food sources are represented and feeding processes formulated. 1. Introduction Bivalve filter-feeders form the basis of many aquaculture systems and fisheries worldwide. However, the exploitation of this important resource has a number of problems, that have a major importance on shellfish production and that are, at least to some degree, physiologically related. For example, carrying capacity limitations (Dame and Prins, 1998), large summer mortalities and species invasions (Van der Veer and Alluno-Bruscia, 2006). The culture of bivalve filter-feeders is probably one of the most environmentally benign aquaculture production systems, since shellfish are near the base of the food web (Crawford et al., 2003) and depend only on natural food items (phytoplankton and organic detritus). Both the quantity and the quality of these food items are important for bivalve growth (Bayne, 1993; Hawkins et al., 1998). However, even these culture systems may have a relevant ecological footprint, depending on the location, farm dimension and stocking densities (Black, 2001; Folke et al., 1998; World Bank, 2006). The environmental and the economic importance of shellfish stimulated a great deal of studies on their physiology over the last decades (e.g. Bayne, 1998), with many attempts to model their growth (e.g. Bacher et al. (1991), Raillard (1991), Pouvreau et al. (2006) and Bourlès et al. (2009), for the oyster Crassostrea gigas, Solidoro et al. (2000), for the Manila clam Tapes phillipinarum, Hawkins et al. (2002), for the Chinese scallop Chlamys farreri, Rueda et al. (2005), for the cockle Cerastoderma edule, Van Haren and Kooijman (1993), Scholten and Smaal (1998) and Rosland et al. (2009), for the blue mussel Mytilus edulis). These physiology models may be broadly divided in Scope for Growth (SFG) and Dynamic Energy Budget Models (DEB) (Duarte et al., 2010). The former are based on an energy balance, where energy available for growth and reproduction is calculated as the difference between energy absorption and maintenance costs. DEB models describe the rates of energy absorption and utilization as a function of the organism and the environment (Van der Meer, 2006). Over the last years, the DEB approach developed by Kooijman (2000) has been increasingly employed in bivalve modeling (e.g. the DEBIB project (Van der Veer and Alluno-Bruscia, 2006)). According to the last authors, one of the objectives of the DEBIB project was to introduce a framework for the analysis of the functioning of bivalve species, considering the limits of available growth models, such as, being species or site-specific and to complex in the representation of some processes. It is therefore important to apply DEB models to a wide range of species and environmental conditions, to get some insight into their generality and to help understanding the variability in parameter values among species in terms of their ecology and phylogeny (Van der Meer, 2006). Studies on bivalve feeding and growth are probably more frequent in ecosystems with high suspended matter loads than in low seston environments such as many coastal areas and fjord like ecosystems (Rosland et al., 2009), in spite of the considerable number of studies carried out in Galician Rias (e.g. Labarta, 2004). One of the critical issues in bivalve physiology modeling is feeding that may be separated in several steps: water pumping, filtration, pre-ingestive rejection/ pseudofaeces production and ingestion of living and non-living organic and inorganic matter. The complexity of the feeding process is expected to be lower in low seston environments, such as the Galician Rias, where selective processes may be less important, since available seston is mostly organic and pseudofaeces are not produced (Duarte et al., 2010; FernándezReiriz et al., 2007; Filgueira et al., 2009; Filgueira et al., 2010). Under similar conditions, Rosland et al. (2009) applied the DEB approach of Kooijman (2000) to model the blue mussel (M. edulis), reared in low seston environments in Norway. According to these authors, model simulations matched fairly well observations with some limitations to simulate long-term starvation. Recently, Saraiva et al. (2011) extended the DEB model of Kooijman (2000) with amechanistic module for clearance, filtration and pseudofaeces production. In a previous work, Duarte et al. (2010) applied a DEB approach based on the EMMY model by Scholten and Smaal (1998) to simulate the growth of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis in a low seston environment in Galicia (Northeast Spain)—Ria de Ares-Betanzos. EMMY was referred as the most sophisticated mussel physiology model by Beadman et al. (2002). The general objective of this work is contributing to the evaluation of different approaches to simulate bivalve growth in low seston waters considering that, ideally, a model should: (i) allow accurate estimates of bivalve growth; (ii) be based on well known and demonstrated physiologic mechanisms; (iii) depend on a relatively small number of easily measurable parameters. Accordingly, the specific objectives of this work are to: (i) implement a model to simulate mussel growth in low suspended matter ecosystems based on the DEB theory (Kooijman, 2000); (ii) compare and discuss different approaches to simulate feeding processes, in the light of recently published works both on experimental physiology and physiology modeling; (iii) compare and discuss results obtained with a model based on EMMY (Scholten and Smaal, 1998). 2. Methodology The physiological model described below is based on the DEB theory developed by Kooijman (2000). Model setup and simulations were made as similar as possible to those presented in Duarte et al. (2010) to allow a comparison between the model presented by those authors, based on the EMMY approach (Scholten and Smaal, 1998), and the present one. The model was implemented with EcoDynamo—an object oriented modeling software (for details see Pereira et al. (2006)). This model may be run in a “state variable” or an “individual based model” (IBM) mode sensu Grimm (1999) and Grimm et al. (1999). In the first case, an average mussel is simulated with a particular parameter set. In the second case, a population of n mussels is simulated with each individual having its specific parameter set. Under the IBM mode, it is necessary to define ranges for each parameter. In the present work, this definition was based on literature and experimental data obtained by the authors and the specific parameter values for each mussel were generated randomly, within the mentioned ranges. The IBM mode has some interesting advantages discussed in Duarte et al. (2010): (i) running the model for a large number of mussels allows selection of parameter sets that produce the best fit between predicted and observed mussel growth; (ii) from (i) it follows that model results may be used to select parameter ranges that lead to growth predictions within ranges observed in nature, to be used in a “state-variable” model. 2.1. Ecophysiology DEB model In the present work, DEB symbols and notations described in Kooijman (2000) are applied, where square brackets [] denote quantities expressed per unit of the structural volume, while braces {} denote quantities expressed per unit surface area of the structural volume. All rates, i.e. dimension per time, have dots above. In the DEB model described by that author and implemented for several bivalve species by e.g. Van der Veer et al. (2006) and Rosland et al. (2009), there are two state variables: reserve density [E] and structural body volume (V). Eqs. (1) and (2) below describe how these variables change over time. For details see the authors cited above. The first term on the right side of Eq. (1) corresponds to energy absorption from food and the second term corresponds to energy utilization from the reserve pool. The first term on the right side of Eq. (2) corresponds to growth of structural body volume, whereas the second corresponds to maintenance costs. d[E] PA = −c[E] = {PAm}fV−1/3−c[E] dt V dV K PAm [ E ]V 2 / 3 /[ E M ] [ PM ]V = dt [ EG ] K [ E ] (1) (2) Where,1 [E] Reserve density [JL− 3] PA Assimilation rate [JT− 1] C Proportionality coefficient that sets the rate at which the reserve density drops when no assimilation occurs [T− 1]; V Structural body volume [L3]; Κ Fraction of the energy utilized from the reserves that is spent on growth and somatic maintenance; {PAm} Maximum surface-area-specific assimilation rate [JT− 1 L− 2]; [Em] Maximum reserve density [JL− 3]; [PM] Maintenance costs [JT− 1 L− 3]; [EG] Energetic costs to synthesize a unit of structural body volume [JL− 3]. In DEB models, fluxes are, usually, expressed in energy units. In the present work, state variables and fluxes are also expressed in carbon units and, where appropriate, in nitrogen units. This was done for two reasons: (i) comparability with other modeling studies; (ii) possibility of coupling a DEB model with an ecosystem model where book keeping calculations generally require quantifying carbon and nitrogen fluxes. Some of the critical issues in bivalve modeling are water pumping, filtration, preingestive rejection/pseudofaeces production and ingestion of living and non-living organic and inorganic matter. In bivalves, estimates of maximum ingestion and assimilation rates are difficult to determine due to the complicated food intake mechanisms and the dependence on seston load and quality (e.g. Bayne, 1993, 1998; Bayne et al., 1993; Hawkins et al., 1999; Van der Meer, 2006). At low food concentrations (total suspended matter (TPM) <3mg L−1), pseudofaeces are not produced and filtration rate (FR), which is the product of clearance rate (CR) and food concentration, equals ingestion rate (JX) (Rosland et al., 2009). In the DEB model of Kooijman (2000), it is assumed that JX is related to food density though a Hollings type II curve (Eq. (3)). Jx = {JXm} X V2/3={JXm}fV2/3 Xk X (3) Where, Jx Ingestion rate [JT−1]; {JXm} Maximal ingestion rate per unit area of body surface [JT−1 L−2]; X food concentration; Xk half saturation constant. In the present work, CR of a standard 60 mm mussel is first calculated and then recalculated as a function of V2/3 (a proxy for body surface area) in accordance with Eq. (3). Details on CR standardization are given below. CR for a standard mussel is calculated in two different ways, following Duarte et al. (2010): (i) As a function of total particulate matter and the ratio between particulate organic matter (POM) and TPM, below a chlorophyll (Chl) threshold of 1.18mg Chl L−1, following experimental results of Filgueira et al. (2009, 2010), and a constant CR value (3.9 L h−1mussel−1) is assumed above the mentioned threshold (Table 1, Eq. (4)). The previous authors found a parabolic relationship between CR and TPM above the Chl threshold. However, this relationship was not considered in this work neither in Duarte et al. (2010) due to its relatively low R2 of 0.56 and due to the uncertainty of CR being comparable to the variability explained by the parabolic function. (ii) As a function of gut volume (GV), gut passage time (GPT) and food concentration, following the model of Willows (1992) (Table 1, Eqs. (5)–(7)) and EMMY (Scholten and Smaal, 1999). Filtration rate is calculated from the product of total particulate matter (TPM) and CR (Table 1, Eq. (8)). In the present model, there are two different ways of calculating ingestion rate (represented by IR in Duarte et al. (2010)): (i) Equate it with FR (product of CR and food concentration), assuming no pseudofaeces (PF) in accordance with Rosland et al. (2009), when simulating mussel growth in low seston waters (Table 1, Eq. (9)); (ii) Following Scholten and Smaal (1999), with ingestion rate depending on GV and GPT (Table 1, Eqs. (10) and (11)). It is important to note that IRmax is used in Eq. (11) instead of {JXm} for consistency with Duarte et al. (2010) and because units are not the same. In the model, it is assumed that phytoplankton and detritus are ingested according to their proportions in TPM. Absorption is calculated from ingested food and absorption efficiency (AE), following Fernández-Reiriz et al. (2007) (Table 1, Eq. (12)). However, absorption is limited by {PAm} for consistency with Eqs. (1) and (2) above (Table 1, Eq. (13)). According to Kooijman (2000), assimilation rate denotes the free energy fixed into reserves, i.e., food intake minus energy lost in faeces and in losses related with digestion, and it is calculated from Eq. (13) (Table 1). In the present work, PA was equated with absorption rate (AR), rather than assimilation rate, since it does not include energy losses related with maintenance and growth, for consistency with previous works (e.g. Hawkins et al., 2002). By analogy, {PAm} is assumed as a maximum absorption rate. In fact, following Kooijman (2000), assimilated energy enters into a reserve pool that is used at a rate calculated by the second term of Eq. (1). A fraction κ of this used energy is spent on maintenance plus growth. In the present model, both food ingestion and maintenance costs may be limited by temperature using the Van't Hoff-Arrhenius equation (cf.—Van der Meer, 2006), with two parameters: Arrhenius temperature (TA) and a Reference Temperature (T1). In Table 2, model parameter meaning, values and units are synthesized. Whenever ranges were available they were considered for model calibration. In the DEB approach described in Kooijman (2000), physiologic rates are scaled to the surface area of the organism, expressed as V2/3 and alometric coefficients are not used. Therefore, it was necessary to recalculate CR of a standard mussel on a surface area basis. This was done using data from Filgueira et al. (2008), where CR is allometrically related with shell length (L). Therefore, CR for any mussel is calculated from: V 2/3 CR = CRsa. Vsa (14) Where, CRsa stands for clearance rate per unit of body surface [L3T−1 L−2] of a 60 mm length mussel with a volume Vsa. In the model, it is important to relate body volume with meat dry weight and with shell length, for the sake of comparison between model results and available data: V = (δ.LShell)3 (15) Where, LShell Shell length (mm). This equation relates body volume with body length (L) through a shape factor (δ). For a first estimate of δ dry flesh mass measurements from experimental data described below (cf.—2.2) were converted to wet flesh mass by a dry-to-wet-mass conversion factor of 5 following Rosland et al. (2009). Afterwards, estimated wet mass was used to substitute structural volume V (cm3) in Eq. (15), assuming a body density of 1 g cm−3 according to Rosland et al. (2009). The shape factor was estimated by plotting V1/3 against L, and determining the slope of a linear regression that was forced to pass through the origin, following other works (e.g. Rosland et al., 2009) and using experimental mussel growth data described below (cf.—2.2)—a value of 0.294 was obtained for δ (r2=0.894). However, since observed flesh mass of mussels grown in a natural cycle includes gonads, structure and reserves (i.e. not only structure) this value is not an accurate estimate of δ and it was used only as a starting estimate in model simulations (see below). Vsa may be calculated from Eq. (15) as c.a. 5.5 cm3 for δ=0.294 and, knowing that CR of a 60 mm (CR60) mussel is c.a. 3.9 L h−1 (Filgueira et al., 2009), CRsa may be calculated dividing CR60 by V raised to 2/3, i.e., a proxy of body surface, obtaining 1.25 L h−1 cm−2. In Duarte et al. (2010), CR was calculated from an allometric relationship with shell length (in fact there is a printing error in Eq. (6), Table 1 of Duarte et al. (2010), where all the right hand side of the equation should be raised to b, the allometric coefficient for feeding): LShell b CR = CR60 LSt (16) Where, LSt Shell length of a standard mussel (60 mm); b—Allometric coefficient for feeding. In Fig. 1, a comparison between CR estimated from Eq. (14) and from Eq. (16), with three allometric coefficients in the range reported in the literature (Filgueira et al., 2008) is shown. Both equations show similar results, especially for the highest allometric coefficient. In the model, V is used to derive shell length from Eq. (15). V and E are used to calculate meat dry weight by: (i) converting structural volume to wet and then to dry weight (following a similar reasoning as described above to estimate body volume); (ii) converting reserves energy to wet weight using a conversion factor of c.a. 1900 J cm−3 and (iii) adding estimated structural and reserve weights . Shell length is allowed to increase only. Under a reduction in V, shell length remains constant. Dry shell weight (DSW) is calculated from an empirical relationship with shell length (Eq. (17)), obtained from the experimental growth data described below. DSW is necessary for the calculation of mussel condition indexes (CI). DSW = 0.00002LShell3:053 (17) A simple approach was adopted for reproduction, as described in Duarte et al. (2010), by imposing a storage loss at a predefined time (e.g. Julian day 120). This loss was estimated as c.a. 60% of storage tissue (Labarta, unpublished). This simplification was assumed because it was difficult to determine reproduction moments due to its quasi continuous nature over spring–summer seasons (Villalba, 1995). Moreover, the absence of observational data regarding reproductive tissue prevented any comparison with model prediction of the reproductive buffer used in the DEB theory of Kooijman (2000). 2.2. Field data for model forcing and calibration Observations on mussel growth—shell length, meat and shell dry weight—and on raft cultivation ropes, are those described in Fernández-Reiriz et al. (2007) and Duarte et al. (2010). The former data was obtained in Ria de Arousa and the latter was obtained in Ria de Ares-Betanzos—two low seston ecosystems in Galicia (NW Spain) (Fig. 2). Ria de Arousa data were obtained in two different growth experiments: one between the 27th of November 1995 and the 3rd of July 1996 and another between the 28th of January and the 8th of July 1998, covering the first stage of mussel cultivation from seeding to thinning out (50–60 mm), with mussels harvested along the seashore and with mussels harvested from collector ropes placed inside the Ria. In total, 16 cultivation ropes (12 m) were used, with a seed density of 19 kg per rope (1.6 kg m−1 of rope or 2600 mussels m−1 of rope). Ria de Ares-Betanzos data were obtained during two different growth experiments at Lorbé (Fig. 2): one between the 1st of April 2004 till the 18th of May 2005 (hereafter referred as Experiment 1), with mussels harvested along the seashore, and another between the 10th of June 2004 and the 19th of May 2005 (hereafter referred as Experiment 2), with mussels harvested from collector ropes placed inside the Ria. M. galloprovincialis were collected monthly from each rope, at 3–4 m depth, using two replicates of 200–300 mussels. Water quality characteristics—water temperature, TPM, POM and Chl concentration— used to force the model are depicted in Fig. 3, regarding Ria de Arousa simulations. More details may be found in Fernández- Reiriz et al. (2007). Concerning Ria de AresBetanzos simulations, forcing function data were the same presented in Fig. 1 of Duarte et al. (2010). TPM and POM concentration were determined gravimetrically (in triplicate) following the methodology described by Filgueira et al. (2006). Chl was extracted using acetone (90%) and quantified by means of the equation of Jeffrey and Welschmeyer (1997) for natural seawater. A detailed explanation of the methods is provided in Peteiro (2009). Shell length, meat dry weight and condition index were calculated according to the methodology described in Peteiro et al. (2006). 2.3. Model simulations Model simulations were analogous with those described in Duarte et al. (2010) for the sake of comparability, except that simulations were run without (as in the previous authors) and with temperature limitation. The IBM described above was run for a virtual population of 10,000 mussels with parameter values and ranges depicted in Table 2. Each mussel had a different parameter set, where each parameter value was randomly assigned from its range (when available). Model results were analyzed and compared with observations, to define those parameter sets that produced the best fit between the former and the latter for calibration purposes. A synthesis of model simulations is presented in Table 3. Eight separate calibration model runs—Simulations 1a, b, c and d and Simulations 2a, b, c and d—were performed for each time period corresponding to Experiments 1 and 2 carried out in Ria de Ares Betanzos (cf.—2.2). The former four were compared with data from Experiment 1 and the latter four with data from Experiment 2. In Simulations 1a, 1c, 2a and 2c, CR was calculated from Eq. (5), whereas in Simulations 1b, 1d, 2b and 2d, CR was calculated from Eq. (4) (Table 1). Simulations 1c, 1d, 2c and 2d included temperature limitation though a Van't Hoff- Arrhenius equation (cf.—2.1). Therefore, model simulations were designed to contrast two different methods of calculating CR and to check the potential importance of temperature limitation. Furthermore, Simulations 1a, 1b, 2a and 2b are comparable with simulations 1a, 1b, 2a and 2b, presented in Duarte et al. (2010). IR was calculated from Eq. (9). Initial conditions for Simulations 1a, b, c and d were a structural body volume (V) of 0.09 cm3 and a reserve density [E] of 2190 J cm−3. For Simulations 2a, b, c and d initial V was 0.18 cm3 and initial [E] was the same used for the previous simulations. Initial conditions were defined to match mussel characteristics at the beginning of Experiments 1 and 2 (cf.— 2.2). After the model was calibrated for mussels collected along the shore (Simulations 1) and in collector ropes (Simulations 2), parameters obtained with Simulations 1a, 1b, 1c and 1d were used to run the model to simulate Experiment 2, as a first validation step. Afterwards, the model was run with growth and water quality data from Ria de Arousa obtained in 1995–96 and 1998 (cf.—2.2). Parameters calibrated with Simulations 1a, 1b, 1c and 1d were used to simulate the growth trials in Ria de Arousa (cf.—2.2). For the 95–96 period, available data included meat dry weight, shell length and also CR and OIR, presented in Table 2 of Babarro et al. (2000a). Therefore, comparisons between model and observations were made not only for meat weight and shell length but also for those physiologic rates, whenever available. To make model predicted physiologic rates comparable to those of the previous authors, predicted values were standardized to the same shell lengths considered by Babarro et al. (2000a) and using the same allometric coefficient of those authors—1.85. No attempts were made to calibrate the model for the 95–96 or the 98 data. The rationale was that of relying on a parameter set calibrated for another ecosystem and check whether it is capable of reproducing physiology and growth on another, yet similar, ecosystem. A good model performance would give some confidence on model applicability for clear water ecosystems. Preliminary tests have shown that reproduction has a negligible effect on Simulation 1 and 2 results. Therefore, it was “switched off” in these simulations. Water temperature, TPM, POM and Chl data were linearly interpolated and used to force the model. These data were reloaded when simulation time was larger than the sampling period. Model outputs include a file with mussel parameter sets, physiologic rates and growth variables such as meat weight, shell dry weigh and shell length. Obtained results for the virtual population were thereafter used to: (i) evaluate the “best” parameter sets—those that lead to closest predictions on mussel growth between model and observations; (ii) compare predicted with observed mussel growth variability. A sensitivity analysis was carried out with model parameters from Simulations 1a–d. Several simulations were run, changing one parameter at a time by ±10% and comparing obtained results, in terms of meat weight and shell length with a standard simulation. 3. Results Figs. 4 and 5 show observed and predicted mussel dry meat weight and shell length for Simulations 1 and 2 mussels (cf.—2.3) that exhibited the best fits to observed data (lower mean square deviation—MS). Corresponding parameter values are shown in Table 2. Both observed and predicted results point out to an increase in meat weight and shell length from 0.02 g and c.a. 16mm, till c.a. 1.4 g and 60mm, respectively. In all simulations, shell length predictions compare better with observed data than meat dry weight predictions. These compare relatively well with observations during the first 200 days of simulation, in the case of Simulations 1a, 1c and 1d, and during the first 150 days, in the case of Simulations 2a and 2c. Meat dry weight is expected to be much more variable than shell length as a result of variability in food availability and quality, as well as reproduction cycles. Comparing Figs. 5 and 8 presented in Duarte et al. (2010) with Figs. 4 and 5 of the present work, it is apparent that the EMMY approach followed in the former led to model predictions of comparable quality with those presented in this paper. However, the EMMY approach required 5 state variables and 29 parameters whereas, in the present model implementation based on the DEB theory of Kooijman, only 2 state variables ([E] and V cf.—Eqs. (1) and (2), other variables are derived from these as explained above, cf.—2.1 Ecophysiology DEB model) and between 15 and 21 parameters were needed, depending on the simulations—those without temperature limitation and using Eq. (4) for CR calculation required 15 parameters whereas, those using Eq. (5) for CR calculation, and including temperature limitation, required 21 parameters (cf.—Table 2). In Figs. 4 and 5 it is apparent a reduction in meat weight in September for simulations 1b and 2d, in the first figure, and for simulations 2b and 2d, in the second figure. This is due to the effect of changing CR calculation when Chl is below the threshold presented in Table 1, Eq. (1) (Lim1=1.18 μg L−1). A small decrease in Chl below the mentioned threshold may lead to a CR reduction (Filgueira et al., 2010). From the same figures, is it apparent that including temperature limitation did not lead to any significant improvement in model performance. Fig. 6 shows measured shell length and meat dry weight in Experiment 2 and predicted values using parameters calibrated in Simulations 1 (cf.—2.3). As it may be seen, shell length predictions are within the range of observations for all but Simulation 1d calibrated parameters. Meat dry weight predictions are relatively poor, except for overall meat weigh increase in Simulations 1a and 1b. Measured and predicted clearance and organic ingestion rates for the Ria de Arousa data obtained between the 27th of November 1995 and the 3rd of July 1996 (cf.—2.2 and 2.3 and Babarro et al. (2000a)) are depicted in Fig. 7. Simulations were run using model parameters calibrated with mussels harvested from rocky intertidal areas (Experiment 1 and Simulations 1a and 1b, cf.—2.3 and Table 3). There is a good agreement between observations and simulations with Simulation 1a calibrated parameters. Similar results were obtained with Simulations 1c and 1d (not shown)—a good agreement between observations and predictions for the former and a poorer agreement for the latter. Fig. 8 shows measured and predicted shell lengths and meat dry weights for the Ria de Arousa data obtained between the 27th of November 1995 and the 3rd of July 1996 (cf.—2.2 and 2.3). Model parameters were those calibrated with mussels harvested from rocky intertidal areas (Experiment 1 and Simulations 1, cf.—2.3 and Table 3). There is a good agreement between model and observations regarding shell length but not so good in what concerns meat dry weight. Simulations tend to overestimate meat dry weight during a large part of the simulated period. However, there is a good agreement between observed and predicted total meat weight increase when Simulation 1a and 1c parameters are used. Measured and predicted shell lengths with data obtained between the 28th of January and the 8th of July 1998 (cf.—2.2 and 2.3) are depicted in Fig. 9. Simulations were run using model parameters calibrated with mussels harvested from rocky intertidal areas (Experiment 1 and Simulations 1, cf.—2.3 and Table 3). There is a good agreement between predicted and observed data for all but Simulation 1d parameters. Fig. 10 shows predicted mussel shell length, CI and Reserve Density [E] for a period of c.a. three years, with parameters calibrated from Simulation 1a and depicted in Table 3. Obtained results suggest that [E] is at its minimum at the end of winter–beginning of spring. This is the period when TPM reaches higher values (cf.—Fig. 2 of Duarte et al. (2010)) and food quality, measured as the POM/TPM ratio, is at its minimum. Similar results were obtained for the ratio between storage and somatic tissues—a surrogate of reserve density—by Duarte et al. (2010). At the end of this simulation mussel length was near 90 mm. Peteiro et al. (2006) fitted a Gompertz model to several mussel populations in Ria de Ares-Betanzos, finding Y∞ values between 70.3 and 81.1 mm. Model predicted CIs (Fig. 10) are within the range of those obtained by Duarte et al. (2010)—from c.a. 15 till 22%. Maximum values compare well with observations, where maximal values were 32 and 19% (not shown) in Experiment 1 and Experiment 2 (cf.— 2.2), respectively. In the EMMY approach used in Duarte et al. (2010), energy allocation to the shell is calculated explicitly (cf. Table 3 of the cited authors), whereas in the DEB approach presented here, shell length and dry shell weight are calculated from empirical relationships (Eqs. (15) and (17)). Combining these two equations, Eq. (18) is obtained: DSW = 0.00002 V 1.018 3.053 (18) In this equation, V is raised to an exponent close to one. Therefore, DSW increases at approximately the same rate of V. Results from the model sensitivity analysis are presented in Table 4, showing that all model simulations are more sensitive to parameters κ (Fraction of the energy utilized from the reserves that is spent on growth and somatic maintenance), δ (Shape coefficient), {PAm} (Maximum surface-area-specific assimilation rate) and [PM] (Volume-specific maintenance costs). Model sensitivity to the remaining parameters is between one and three orders of magnitude lower. It is also noteworthy that model sensitivity is larger for meat dry weight than for shell length predictions. One of the results presented in Table 4 is counterintuitive—the negative effect of an increase in {PAm} on meat dry weight regarding Simulation 1d. The effect of increasing this parameter was always positive on structural body volume (not shown). Therefore, this apparently contradictory result is explained by a decrease on reserve density. This decrease may be justified with Eq. (19) of the DEB theory for reserve utilization being proportional {PAm} (see Kooijman, 2000): Pc = PAm [ EG ]V 2 / 3 [E ] [ PM ]V [ EG ] K [ E ] [EM ] (19) The obtained result does not mean that any increase in {PAm} leads to a reserve decrease. However, this may happen depending on the values of the remaining parameters and their interplay in the DEB equations. 4. Discussion Galician Rias are low seston environments with TPM usually less than 3mg L−1 and Chl usually less than 5 μg L−1 (Figueiras et al., 2002). Low seston environments occur under natural oligotrophic conditions and may also take place where high bivalve densities cause seston depletion as in some culture conditions (Blanco et al., 1996; Rosland et al., 2009; Strohmeier et al., 2008). According to Rosland et al. (2009) the Hollings type II function (Eq. (3)) allowed a good fit between simulated and observed ingestion rates for Chl values below 1 μg Chl a L−1, but underestimated ingestion rates at higher concentrations. The complex relationship between bivalve feeding, food concentration and quality (Filgueira et al., 2009, 2010; Hawkins et al., 2002) were the main reasons why the EMMY type model presented in Duarte et al. (2010) and the model presented herein, had specific formulations for feeding (cf.—2.1). Food quality may be viewed in terms of the organic content of TPM and also in terms of the digestibility of suspended organics (Filgueira et al., 2010). The abovementioned complexity may be hardly explained with a simple asymptotic function of the type shown in Eq. (3). Filgueira et al. (2010) found out that the Chl contents of ingested food has an important effect on the CR response to TPM that may be explained by the higher digestibility of phytoplankton cells used in their experimental work, in comparison to organic detritus. It is important to emphasize that a lot of work has been devoted to simulate bivalve feeding. Some authors consider that CR is maximal and constant up to certain TPM limits, above which it exhibits a strong decrease (Raillard and Ménesguen, 1994; Raillard et al., 1993; Smaal, 1997; Winter, 1973; Winter, 1978). Other authors demonstrated that CR changes as a function of seston concentration and quality (e.g. Bayne, 1993; Bayne, 1998; Bayne et al., 1993; Filgueira et al., 2009, 2010; Hawkins et al., 1999). Jørgensen (1990, 1996) stated that these changes depend on the physical environment and not on physiological regulation whereas, Bayne (1993) suggested that such changes are also physiologically controlled. Riisgård (2001) and Riisgård et al. (2003) considered that valve closure is a mechanistic response of physiological regulation. Furthermore, according to some authors (e.g. Bayne, 1993 and Ward and Shumway, 2004), bivalve suspension feeders may selectively ingest and/or digest different food items whilst making adjustments to maximize the utilization of chlorophyll rich particles (Hawkins et al., 1999; Hawkins et al., 2001). Apart from the importance of food quality, other aspects may also play some role in feeding rates such as gut fullness (Willows, 1992) and digestion rate (Kooijman, 2006). The paper of Saraiva et al. (2011) extends the standard DEB model with a mechanistic module for clearance and filtration, in accordance with DEB theory. These authors based mussel feeding behavior in the Synthesizing Units (SUs) concept. Their equation for CR predicts a continuous decrease of this process with substrate concentration in spite of the fact that several authors suggest that CR is constant until a TPM concentration threshold (e.g. Bougrier et al., 1995; Deslous-Paoli et al., 1992) as recognized by Saraiva et al. (2011). Saraiva et al. (2011) calculate clearance and ingestion rates solely as a function of food concentration and quality, not being influenced by gut fullness. However, the model of Willows (1992) and the EMMY model (Scholten and Smaal, 1998), include the mentioned feedbacks. Saraiva et al. (2011) compared their clearance rate estimates with experimental data from several authors. A good agreement was found in most cases. However, important deviations were found between predicted CR and observations under low TPM. These authors justify these deviations based on the lack of detailed information on the experimental setup. Another possible explanation could be that some of the assumptions of their approach are not completely fulfilled under low TPM loads. Detailed laboratory studies on mussel feeding were conducted by Filgueira et al. (2006, 2008, 2009 and 2010) under the environmental conditions found in Galician Rias, concerning food concentration and quality. According to these authors, M. galloprovincialis CR is stable under a wide range of conditions, exhibiting a more complex behaviour when the organic content of TPM has a low digestibility. This low digestibility is reflected by a low chlorophyll concentration, when plant detritus is a large proportion of POM. Under these conditions, clearance rate decreases with the organic content of TPM (cf.—Table 1, Eq. (4), where food quality (Q1) is a negative linear term). Those authors suggest that clearance rate may be limited by a physiologic feedback that is most likely due to food digestibility than to gut fullness. Therefore, the usage of Eq. (5)—where CR is assumed has constant except when limited by gut fullness—and 6—where gut passage time is calculated—is justified to account for CR stability and the negative feedbacks from gut fullness as a function of digestibility of food items. Both Eqs. (5) and (6) are mechanistic. However, Eq. (7) is empirical and based on allometric coefficients. Therefore, it constitutes a sort of a violation to the mechanistic principles of DEB theory. The major drawback of Eq. (7) is the fact that gut volume is calculated from meat weight that may change as a function of reserve density. However, this equation may be substituted by a mechanistic counterpart, once a relationship is established between gut volume and structural body volume of the studied species. Interestingly, the best model performance, considering all data sets, was obtained with Simulation 1a and 1c calibrated parameters, predicting accurately CR and OIR as well as mussel growth for the 95–96 data sets that were not used in the calibration (cf.—Figs. 7–9). This does not prove that the usage of Eqs. (5)–(7) for CR calculation is the best option but it provides some evidence in its favor. Considering the arguments and results presented in the previous two paragraphs, it may be hypothesized that at low TPM values, mussel CR is stable except when food digestibility provides a negative feedback to CR. Therefore, a realistic model should include these feedbacks in the form of Eqs. (5)–(7) or in other comparable form. The equation for ingestion rate used by Saraiva et al. (2011), implies that filtration rate is always larger than ingestion rate (cf.—Table 2 of Saraiva et al. (2011)), the difference corresponding to pseudofaeces production. Therefore, this equation may be appropriate for environments with relatively high suspended matter loads but hardly appropriate for low suspended matter environments such as those found in Galician Rias, where pseudofaeces are not produced (Fernández-Reiriz et al., 2007). This is the reason why in the present work ingestion rate is equated with filtration rate. The first objective of this work was to implement a model to simulate mussel growth in low suspended matter ecosystems using the DEB theory of Kooijman (2000). Whilst this has been done before for similar species (cf.—1) and for clear water ecosystems (e.g. Rosland et al., 2009), there are still a number of questions that deserve further research in several aspects of bivalve physiology modeling as suggested by the discussion above. The results presented herein show that the first objective of this work was accomplished: the model is suitable to predict mussel growth in terms of shell length for a period of over one year. Regarding meat weight, the model does not perform so well. However, it predicts relatively well meat weight for a period of several months in some cases, while in others it predicts reasonably well total meat weight increase. It is possible that some inaccuracies in interpolated forcing data may produce much larger differences in meat weight than on shell length, given the higher variability of meat weight as a result of reserve dynamics and reproduction cycles. The model implemented by Rosland et al. (2009) for a low seston environment simulated fairly well some datasets, in terms of shell length and meat weight evolution, whilst some were not so well represented. Similarly to the present work, shell length appeared to be better simulated than meat weight. Other mussel growth studies with the DEB model of Kooijman (2000) and EMMY successfully simulated mussel shell length evolution in environments with high suspended matter loads (e.g. Scholten and Smaal, 1999; Van Haren and Kooijman, 1993). While it is expectable some variability in model parameters among mussel populations living under different conditions (for an example of the influence of particulate matter on feeding parameters see Kooijman (2006)), it is encouraging to find out that the same parameter set may explain feeding behavior and growth of mussels from different habitats or even ecosystems. According to Rosland et al. (2009), the fact that model simulations of mussels from different places or experimental treatments were validated with a common basic parameter set, demonstrates the robustness and generality of the model. Results shown in Fig. 6 suggest that, to some degree, this was true for mussels harvested along the shore and harvested in collector ropes (cf.—2.2 and 2.3) in spite of their physiologic differences discussed by several authors (e.g. Babarro et al., 2000a; Babarro et al., 2000b; Babarro et al., 2003a; Babarro et al., 2003b; Duarte et al., 2010; Labarta et al., 1997 and Pérez-Camacho et al., 1995). Results depicted in Figs. 7–9 show that model estimates with parameters adjusted for mussels from Ria de AresBetanzos allow simulating accurately mussel clearance and ingestions rates as well as shell growth for mussels from another ecosystem—Ria de Arousa. One critical issue in bivalve physiology modeling is the way food is represented. Rosland et al. (2009) discuss the possible limitations of using Chl as a proxy for food. These limitations may be related, among other things, to the importance of other food sources, the variability of the Carbon:Chl ratio and the digestibility of different algal cells. In a recent work, Bourlès et al. (2009), using a DEB model for the Pacific oyster (C. gigas), found out that phytoplankton expressed in cell number per liter explains the greater part of observed oyster growth. According to Rosland et al. (2009), future work should aim at establishing better food proxies and improving the model formulations of the processes involved in food ingestion and assimilation. Some mussel growth and environmental data obtained in Galician Rias (unpublished) suggest that particle volume may be a good proxy for food. In selecting such proxies, it is important to choose those that may be monitored continuously or that may be easily correlated with the former. In spite of the differences between the EMMY and the DEB approach of Kooijman (2000) followed in the present work, both models performed similarly. The former depends on more parameters since it is based on more empirical formulations than the later. Another disadvantage of the former was the need to impose an asymptotic mussel shell length to prevent unrealistically large shells in long term simulations. This was not Fig. 10), presumably, because the area/volume ratio of the organisms decrease as they grow bigger, reducing food intake in relation to maintenance costs. Rosland et al. (2009) mentioned that the current DEB model does not allow energy extraction from the structural tissue. However, Eq. (2) may produce negative changes in structural body volume, when energy in reserves is low for maintenance needs. Another advantage of the DEB model is that growth depends directly on reserves and not on absorbed food whereas, in the EMMY model, when scope for growth is negative growth does not occur and reserves are used only for maintenance. Whilst this may be realistic at some temporal scales it may be hardly the case at small temporal scales, when organisms have a good condition index. 5. Conclusions In this work, an IBM model of mussel growth based on the DEB theory of Kooijman (2000) was implemented for ecosystems with a low concentration of high quality seston and compared with a previous model based on EMMY. The model was designed for flexibility and generality, allowing the usage of different formulations for feeding processes. Model runs were carried out with a large number of mussels and randomly assigned physiologic parameter values. These values and respective ranges were taken from the literature and experimental data obtained with M. galloprovincialis. Obtained results allowed selecting parameter sets that produced the best fit between model and observations following the same methodology of the previous work with the EMMY approach. Model sensitivity analysis and the study of parameter variability together with model predicted growth, allowed determining those parameters that explain more growth variability and that should be experimentally assessed more accurately for improving model performance. Model performance is similar to that obtained previously with the EMMY approach and encouraging, suggesting that it is possible to reproduce reasonably well mussel growth. In spite of considerable advances in bivalve modeling a number of issues is yet to be resolved, with emphasis on the way food sources are represented and feeding processes formulated. Obtained results together with literature data suggest that modeling of bivalve feeding and growth should incorporate physiologic feed-backs related with food digestibility. Acknowledgements This study was supported by the contract-project PROINSA Mussel Farm, codes CSIC 20061089 and 0704101100001, and Xunta de Galicia PGIDIT06RMA018E and PGIDIT09MMA038E. We wish to thank L. G. Peteiro, H. Regueiro, M. García, B. González, L. Nieto and O. Fernández-Rosende for technical assistance, PROINSA mussel farm and their employees and also M.J. Guerreiro for her help with English writing. References Babarro, J.M.F., Fernández-Reiriz, M.J., Labarta, U., 2000a. Feeding behavior of seed mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis: environmental parameters and seed origin. Journal of Shellfish Research 19, 195–201. Babarro, J.M.F., Fernández-Reiriz, M.J., Labarta, U., 2000b. Metabolism of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis from two origins in the Ria de Arousa. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 80, 856–872. Babarro, J.M.F., Labarta, U., Fernández-Reiriz, M.J., 2003a. 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(4) and (5), from Filgueira et al., 2010 and Willows, 1992, respectively, and Eqs. (6) and (7) from Scholten and Smaal (1999) where, CR60—Clearance rate of a 60 mm mussel; Lim1—Chlorophyll threshold (1.18 μg L− 1); Q1—POM/TPM; GV—Gut volume calculated allometrically as a function of body weight as in Scholten and Smaal (1999)(mm3); VTPM—TPM in volume units (mm3/L); GPT—Gut Passage Time (h); GPTmin and GPTmax (minimal and maximal gut passage times); PHYORG and DETORG—Phytoplankton and detritus organics (mg L− 1) in TPM; α and β—Digestibility coefficients (0–1); Agc and Bgc—Allometric coefficients.Eq. (9) from Rosland et al. (2009), Eqs. (10) and (11) from Scholten and Smaal (1999) and Eq. (12) from Fernández-Reiriz et al. (2007). In Eq. (13) FoodEnergy (Food energy contents) is in J g− 1. It is calculated from the quantity of ingested food assuming a conversion ratio of 23.5 J mg− 1 (Slobodkin and Richman, 1961). Table 2. Initial model parameter values and ranges and calibrated parameters from two simulations with 10,000 mussels: one between the 1st of April 2004 till the 31st of March 2005 (Simulations 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d) and another between the 10th of June 2004 and the 19th of May 2005 (Simulations 2a, 2b, 2c and 2d). *—parameters not used in the simulation, **—parameters not used for calibration (cf.—2.3 Model simulations). Parameter Value or Units range Clearance rate of a standard 60 mm mussel 3.9 (CR60) (Eqs. (4)–(5)) Carbon fraction of food 0.4 items (CDWFood) Nitrogen fraction of 0.04 food items (NDWFood) Reference Calibrated parameters in simulations Calibrated parameters in simulations 1a Filgueira et al., 2009, Navarro et L h− 1 al., 1991, ** −1 mussel Iglesias et al., 1996 and Labarta et al., 1997 Average conversion for natural algal g C g− 1 food blooms within ** DW nearshore waters (Soletchnik et al., 1996) From nitrogen g N g− 1 food carbon ratios ** DW reported in 1b 1c 1d 2a 2b 2c 2d ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Parameter Value or Units range Reference Calibrated parameters in simulations Calibrated parameters in simulations 1a 1b 1c 1d 2a 2b 2c 2d 13.2 * 12.4 * 18.6 * 12.9 * Jørgensen et al. (1991) Parameter for the allometric relationship between gut volume and meat dry weight (Agc) Allometric coefficient for the relationship between gut volume and meat dry weight (Bgc) Phytoplankton digestibility α 12–20 mm3 g− 1 Scholten and Smaal (1999) 0.4– 0.7 Dimensionless 0.63 * 0.63 * 0.62 * 0.59 * 1 Dimensionless ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 1.0 * 1.0 * 1.2 * 1.9 * 9.3 * 10.6 * 10.3 * 8.3 * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Detritus digestibility β 0.6 Dimensionless GPTmin 1–2 h GPTmax 2–12 h SpFoodMass 1 mg mm− 3 Phytoplankton energetic contents 23.5 J mg− 1 Bayne and Widdows (1978) Scholten and Smaal (1999) Scholten and Smaal (1998) Scholten and Smaal (1999) Slobodkin and Richman (1961) Parameter Calibrated parameters in simulations Calibrated parameters in simulations 1a 1b 1c 1d 2a 2b 2c 2d J mg− 1 A similar energetic contents was assumed for detritus and phytoplankton organics ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 60 mm – ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 33– 420 J cm− 2 d− 1 98.0 89.6 102.2 390.7 142.3 399.7 131.9 299.3 Value or Units range Reference (PHYenergeticcontents) Detritus energetic contents 23.5 (DETenergeticcontents) Length of a standard mussel Maximum surfacearea-specific assimilation rate Maximum reserve density—[Em] Energetic growth costs per unit of growth in structural body volume—[EG] Shape coefficient—δ 2085– J cm− 3 2295 1900 J cm− 3 0.175– 0.381 Fraction of the energy 0.45– utilized from the Dimensionless 0.8 reserves that is spent on Lower and upper 2159.2 2087.5 2094.0 2163.1 2245.6 2273.4 2285.4 2094.8 values from Van der Veer et al. (2006) and this ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** work in the case of the shape coefficient 0.2477 0.2298 0.2474 0.2948 0.2479 0.2752 0.2510 0.2670 0.78 0.75 0.74 0.46 0.56 0.46 0.72 0.47 Parameter growth and somatic maintenance—κ Volume-specific maintenance costs— Arrhenius temperature—TA Value or Units range 23– 32.3 J cm− 3 d− 1 5800– 7022 °k Reference temperature—T1 288.6 Reference Calibrated parameters in simulations Calibrated parameters in simulations 1a 2a 1b 1c 1d 2b 2c 2d 26.49 25.67 26.35 29.80 25.47 30.17 29.93 32.18 Upper value from Van der Veer et al. (2006) and lower * value from Rosland et al. (2009) Experimental conditions of ** Filgueira et al. (2009) * 5871.1 6811.9 * * 5975.6 6026.7 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Table 3. Model simulations (cf.—2.3). Simulations Ria de Ares-Betanzos Simulated experiment (cf.—2.2 Field data for model forcing and calibration) 1a 1b 1c 1 Mussels harvested in intertidal areas 1d 2a 2b 2 Mussels harvested in collector ropes Ria de Arousa Simulated Comparable experiment Clearance Temperature simulations in (cf.—2.2 Field rate Simulations limitation Duarte et al. data for model calculation (2010) forcing and calibration) Eq. (5) Simulation (cf.— No 1a 1a Table 1) parameters Eq. (4) Simulation (cf.— No 1b 1b Table 1) parameters Mussels harvested in Eq. (5) Simulation intertidal areas (cf.— Yes – 1c Table 1) parameters Eq. (4) Simulation (cf.— Yes – 1d Table 1) parameters Eq. (5) Simulation (cf.— No 2a 1a Mussels Table 1) parameters harvested in Eq. (4) Simulation collector ropes No 2b (cf.— 1b Clearance Temperature rate limitation calculation Eq. (5) (cf.— Table 1) Eq. (4) (cf.— Table 1) Eq. (5) (cf.— Table 1) Eq. (4) (cf.— Table 1) Eq. (5) (cf.— Table 1) Eq. (4) (cf.— No No Yes Yes No No Simulations Ria de Ares-Betanzos Simulated experiment (cf.—2.2 Field data for model forcing and calibration) 2c 2d Ria de Arousa Simulated Comparable experiment Clearance Temperature simulations in (cf.—2.2 Field rate Simulations limitation Duarte et al. data for model calculation (2010) forcing and calibration) Table 1) parameters Eq. (5) Simulation (cf.— Yes – 1c Table 1) parameters Eq. (4) Simulation (cf.— Yes – 1d Table 1) parameters Clearance Temperature rate limitation calculation Table 1) Eq. (5) (cf.— Table 1) Eq. (4) (cf.— Table 1) Yes Yes Table 4. Sensitivity analysis as % variation in final meat dry weight and shell length predicted by the model after changing each calibrated model parameter by ± 10%. For the meaning and calibrated values of each parameter refer to Table 2. For Simulation setups refer to section Model simulations (see text). Mussels harvested along the seashore—Simulation 1a Meat weight Agc + 10% 5.47 Agc− 10% − 5.71 Bgc + 10% 1.57 Bgc− 10% − 1.45 GPTmin + 10% − 0.15 GPTmin− 10% 0.15 GPTmax + 10% − 5.04 GPTmax− 10% 5.90 κ+ 10% 23.46 κ− 10% − 21.14 ShapeCoeff − 0.01 δ+ 10% ShapeCoeff 0.00 δ− 10% Em + 10% 1.67 Em− 10% − 1.91 + 10% 22.73 Mussels harvested along Mussels harvested along the the seashore—Simulation seashore—Simulation 1b 1c Mussels harvested along the seashore—Simulation 1d Shell length 1.79 − 1.94 0.52 − 0.49 − 0.05 0.05 − 1.71 1.92 7.45 − 7.76 Meat weight * * * * * * * * 24.00 − 21.54 Shell length * * * * * * * * 7.55 − 7.87 Meat weight 5.56 − 5.92 1.00 − 0.93 − 0.16 0.16 − 5.24 5.99 23.69 − 21.25 Shell length 1.84 − 2.03 0.34 − 0.32 − 0.06 0.05 − 1.80 1.98 7.53 − 7.81 Meat weight * * * * * * * * 30.05 − 25.29 Shell length * * * * * * * * 8.60 − 8.58 − 9.09 − 6.88 − 10.91 − 1.10 − 9.43 − 43.66 − 22.44 11.11 6.41 13.12 0.00 11.11 87.85 33.32 − 0.95 0.96 7.04 − 0.05 − 0.12 25.74 − 1.51 1.56 8.09 1.73 − 1.89 22.03 − 0.88 0.94 6.81 1.60 − 1.62 − 1.47 − 0.55 0.56 0.51 − 10% PM + 10% PM− 10% TA + 10% TA− 10% Mussels harvested along the seashore—Simulation 1a Mussels harvested along Mussels harvested along the the seashore—Simulation seashore—Simulation 1b 1c Mussels harvested along the seashore—Simulation 1d Meat weight − 20.12 − 15.31 18.63 * * Meat weight − 22.41 − 15.13 18.32 * * Meat weight 1.71 − 19.97 26.31 0.65 − 0.62 Shell length − 7.20 − 5.50 6.00 * * Shell length − 8.24 − 5.39 5.85 * * Meat weight − 20.02 − 15.39 18.76 0.21 − 0.26 Shell length − 7.14 − 5.53 6.04 0.08 − 0.10 Shell length − 0.66 − 5.02 7.56 0.31 − 0.30 Fig. 1. A comparison between clearance rate estimated from Eq. (14) and from Eq. (16), with three allometric coefficients (b) in the range reported in the literature (see text). Fig. 2. Ria de Ares-Betanzos and Ria de Arosa (upper and lower panels, respectively, with the geographical coordinates of the lower right and upper left limits of both panels shown according, to the WGS84 datum). The asterisks show the places where growth experiments took place (see text). Fig. 3. Ria deArousa Forcing function data formodel simulations covering the periods 27th of November 1995–3rd of July 1996 and 28th of January–8th of July 1998. (see text). Fig. 4. Simulations 1a, b, c and d. Measured shell lengths±1 standard deviation error bars (upper panel) and meat dry weights (lower panel) and predicted values (for individuals exhibiting best fit between model and observations). Measured data from the 1st of April 2004 till the 18th of May 2005 for the Lorbé station (Experiment 1, cf.—2.3). Fig. 5. Simulations 2a, b, c and d. Measured shell lengths ±1 standard deviation error bars (upper panel) and meat dry weights (lower panel) and predicted (for individuals exhibiting best fit between model and observations). Measured data from the 10th of June 2004 till the 19th of May 2005 for the Lorbé station (Experiment 2, cf.—2.3). Fig. 6. Measured shell length ±1 standard deviation error bars (upper panel) and meat dry weights (lower panel) and predicted values. Measured data from the 10th of June 2004 till the 19th of May 2005 for the Lorbé station (Experiment 2, cf.—2.3). Model parameters were those calibrated with mussels harvested from rocky intertidal areas (Experiment 1 and Simulations 1, cf.—2.3 and Table 3). Fig. 7. Measured and predicted clearance and organic ingestion rates for the Ria de Arousa data obtained between the 27th of November 1995 and the 3rd of July 1996 (cf.—2.2 and 2.3 and Babarro et al. (2000a)). Model parameters were those calibrated with mussels harvested from rocky intertidal areas (Experiment 1 and Simulations 1a—upper panel—and 1b—lower panel, cf.—2.3 and Table 3). Fig. 8. Measured and predicted shell lengths and meat dry weights for the Ria de Arousa data obtained between the 27th of November 1995 and the 3rd of July 1996 (cf.—2.2 and 2.3). Model parameters were those calibrated with mussels harvested from rocky intertidal areas (Experiment 1 and Simulations 1, cf.—2.3 and Table 3). Fig. 9. Measured and predicted shell lengths for the Ria de Arousa data obtained between the 28th of January and the 8th of July 1998 (cf.—2.2 and 2.3).Model parameters were those calibrated with mussels harvested from rocky intertidal areas (Experiment 1 and Simulations 1, cf.—2.3 and Table 3). Fig. 10. Shell length, condition index (CI) and Reserve Density [E] predicted by the model for a mussel for a period of 32 months, with parameters calibrated from Simulation 1a and depicted in Table 2. Arrows show simulated gamete release (see text).