Intermediate Methods in Observational Epidemiology 2008 Exercise No. 5 – Recapitulation Instructors’ Guide Exercise 1. The univariate analysis of a study of the relationship of atherogenic risk factors to uterine leiomyoma (Faerstein E, Szklo M, Rosenshein NB, Am J Epidemiol 2001;153:11-19) yielded the results for age at diabetes diagnosis shown in the table: Age when first diagnosed with diabetes Never diagnosed <35 years ≥35 years Cases Controls 303 9 6 378 9 7 Odds Ratio 1.0 a. Using the category, “never diagnosed” as reference (odds ratio= 1.0), calculate the ratios of the absolute odds of each of the other categories to the reference odds. Show your calculations For <35 years, odds ratio= (9/303) ÷ (9/378)=1.25 For ≥35 years , odds ratio= (6/303) ÷ (7/378)=1.07 b. Which traditional causality criterion is not met by these odds ratios? Dose-response, which would require that the relationship be monotonic Exercise 2. A study to examine the relationship of inflammatory markers (such as interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein) to incident dementia was conducted within the Rotterdam Study cohort (n=6,713) (Engelhart MJ, Geerlings MJ, Meijer J, et al. Inflammatory proteins in plasma and risk of dementia. The Rotterdam Study. Arch Neurol 2004;61:668-672). A random cohort sample (n=727) and the 188 individuals who developed dementia on follow-up were compared. Serum inflammatory markers were measured in cases and in the random sample. a. Which type of study have the authors conducted? A case-cohort study, that is, a case-control study within a defined cohort, in which the control group was a random sample of the total cohort b. During the cohort follow-up, 42 cases in the cohort sample developed dementia. Under which circumstances should they not be excluded from the cohort sample? When a relative risk is the preferred measure of association. c. By dividing the odds of exposure in cases to that in controls, which measure of association is obtained? Relative risk. d. If the authors wished to study the relationship of inflammatory markers to stroke, could they use the same control group? Why or why not? Yes, the same control group (cohort sample) could be used, as for every type of case, the exposure odds ratio would yield the relative risk. e. The relative risk of dementia associated with an IL-6 value in the highest quintile compared with that in the lowest quintile was found to be about 1.9. Assuming no random variability and that the relative risks of the second, third and fourth quintiles compared with the lowest quintile were close to 1.0, calculate the proportion of dementia explained by values in the highest quintile. Prevalence of exposure (IL-6 values in the highest quintile)= 0.20 Relative risk= 1.9 Population attributable risk using Levin’s formula: Percent Population AR 0.20 (19 . 10 . ) 018 . 100 100 15.2% 0.20 (19 . 10 . ) 10 . 118 . Exercise 3. The number and rate per 1000 white residents of Washington County, Maryland State (USA) aged 45-64 years on 15 July 1963, of cases of colon cancer diagnosed 15 July 1963 through 14 July 1975 are shown in the table below, by residence and grades of school completed. Initial Population characteristic Total 18 125 Residence Urban 9 351 Rural 8 774 Grades completed 13+ 2 418 <13 15 707 Cases N Cases/1000 Rate ratio Odds/1000 population population 116 6.4 Odds ratio 50 66 5.3 7.5 0.71 1.0 5.4 7.6 0.71 1.0 23 93 9.5 5.9 1.6 1.0 9.6 6.0 1.6 1.0 a. Calculate the rates, the rate ratios, the odds and the odds ratios for residence and education. See table. b. The investigators selected a random sample of controls from the total population (an actual sampling procedure was done). The results are shown in the table below. Initial Characteristic Total Residence Urban Rural Grades completed 13+ <13 Cases Sample Measure of association 116 116 50 66 57 59 0.78 1.0 23 93 9 107 2.9 1.0 c. Calculate the values of the measure of association for residence and education. Which measures of association have you calculated? Are they the same as those obtained in the table showing prospective data? Why? See table. Rate ratios. No, because they are based on a random sample of controls (and, thus, there is random variability). Next, for each case the investigator selected an individually matched (non-case) control (matching was done for age, gender and race). The results are shown in the table below for residence. Matched controls Urban Rural Urban 23 27 Cases Rural 32 34 d. Using the Mantel-Haenszel method, calculate the odds ratio, treating each pair as a separate stratum, and using “rural” as the reference category. No. pairs 23 Case Urban 1 Rural 0 Control 1 0 2 No. pairs 32 Case Urban 0 Rural 1 Control 1 0 2 No. pairs 27 Case Urban 1 Rural 0 Control 0 1 2 No. pairs 34 Case Urban 0 Rural 1 Control 0 1 2 ai d i 0 0 1 0 23 32 27 34 Ni 2 2 2 2 bi ci 0 1 0 0 N 23 2 32 2 27 2 34 2 i OR MH 27 2 27 2 27 0.84 32 2 32 32 2 e. Calculate the ratio of discrepant pairs. OR= 27 ÷ 32 = 0.84 f. Now pretend that cases and controls are not individually matched. Calculate the “unmatched” odds ratio. Cases Controls Urban 50 55 Rural 66 61 OR= (50/66) ÷ (55/61)= 0.84 g. Why do you think the “unmatched” odds ratio is similar/same/different from the “matched” odds ratio? The “matched” and “unmatched” odds ratios are the same because age, gender and race are likely not confounders of the association between residence and colon cancer. Exercise 4. The authors of the paper on melanoma and tanning ability mentioned in the lecture (Weinstock et al. Am J Epidemiol 1991;133:240-5) provided the following information for cases only: Pre-melanoma diagnosis (gold standard) Exposed Unexposed 8 7 1 18 9 25 Post-melanoma diagnosis information No tan or light tan (exposed) Medium, average, deep or dark tan (unexposed) Total (true classification) Total defined according to the melanoma diagnosis informa 15 19 34 a. Using the data on the table, calculate the sensitivity and specificity of the postmelanoma diagnosis information for cases. Answer Sensitivity: 8/9 (89%); Specificity: 18/25 (72%) b. Assuming that the misclassification was non-differential for cases and controls, use the table below showing the “gold standard” results to calculate the biased (post-melanoma diagnosis) odds ratio. “Gold standard results” (pre-melanoma diagnosis) Tanning Cases Controls ability Exposed 9 79 Unexposed 25 155 Odds Ratio: [9 x 155] / [79 x 25] = 0.71 Answer In cases Exposed Unexposed Exposed Unexposed total 8 1 9 7 18 25 In controls Exposed Unexposed total Exposed Unexposed Misclassified total 70 9 79 43 112 155 113 121 234 Misclassified total 15 19 34 Study (post-melanoma diagnosis, biased) results based on the assumption of non-differential misclassification Tanning Cases Controls ability Exposed 15 113 Unexposed 19 121 Odds Ratio= 0.84 c. The post-melanoma diagnosis (“misclassified”) odds ratio was found by Weinstock et al to be 1.6. On the basis of your calculations, was the misclassification in Weinstock et al’s study non-differential? Answer No. If the misclassification had been non-differential, the above odds ratio would not have been found to differ from the “misclassified” odds ratio (1.6) observed in the study. Exercise 5. The association between presence of factor V Leiden allele (heterozygotes and homozygotes), oral contraceptives (OC) and risk of venous thromboembolism was examined in a case-control study conducted by Vanderbroucke and colleagues (Lancet 1994;344:1453-7). Factor V is activated in the coagulation process, where it acts as a cofactor for other factors involved in thrombus formation. Factor V Leiden (FV Leiden) is a mutation of factor V that renders factor Va resistant to cleavage by activated protein C. This mutation predisposes the patient to thrombosis. Results are presented in the following table. Factor V OC use Cases Controls + + 25 2 + 10 4 + 84 63 36 100 Total 155 169 interaction between Factor V and OC use. OR stratified 1.0 1.0 Ignore random variability as well as the possibility of a. Calculate the odds ratios using as reference categories those indicated by 1.0 in the table. Answer: Factor V + + Total use. OC use + + - Cases 25 10 84 36 155 Controls 2 4 63 100 169 OR stratified 5.0 1.0 3.7 1.0 b. Ignoring Factor V, calculate the (crude) odds ratio for OC OC use + - Cases Controls OR stratified 109 65 3.8 46 104 1.0 c. Using 155 169 the MantelHaenszel method, calculate the factor V-adjusted odds ratio for the relationship of oral contraceptive use to thromboembolism. Show your calculations. OR MH 25 4 84 100 41 283 3.8 2 10 63 36 41 283 d. Based on the comparison between factor V-adjusted odds ratio and the crude odds ratio, do you conclude that factor V is a confounder? No: the crude and the adjusted odds ratios are identical. e. Why is the factor-V-adjusted OR closer to one of the factor V strata than it is to the other? Because the study sample is weighted towards the Factor V negative stratum f. In general, is significance testing indicated to evaluate a potential confounding effect? Why? No. A small difference between groups under comparison (cases vs. controls or, in cohort studies, exposed vs. unexposed) in the prevalence (or level) of the confounder may confound the association if, in addition, the confounder is strongly related to the exposure (in case-control studies) or the disease (in cohort studies) Exercise 6. A recent case-control study examined the relationship of alcohol drinking to cancer of the liver (Donato F, et al. Am Journal of Epidem 2002; 155: 323-331). Unadjusted results are shown below. (Adjustment for age, residence, alcohol drinking, hepatitis B surface antigen and Hepatitis C virus by using unconditional logistic regression analysis did not change the patterns). For this exercise, assume that the data are valid and that there is no random variability. Distribution of liver cancer cases and controls according to alcohol drinking of men and women, Brescia, Italy, 1995–2000 Men Women Alcohol Cases Controls Cases Controls drinking No. % No. % OR* No. % No. % OR* Never 8 2.1 42 6.1 24 28.6 54 39.1 1.0 1.0 Former 151 39.7 89 13.0 31 36.9 19 13.8 8.9 3.7 Current 281 58.2 555 80.9 29 34.5 65 47.1 2.1 1.0 *OR- odds ratio a. Calculate the odds ratios separately for men and women in the above table using “never” drinkers as the reference category. See table. b. What kind of interaction can be inferred by inspecting the above table? Multiplicative. c. What are some possible reasons why results are heterogeneous? True (biologic) interaction; residual confounding and/or misclassification of different magnitude between gender strata; random variability; former or current drinking heavier in men than in women. d. State a plausible explanation for why odds ratios are higher for former than for current drinking. Individuals with liver disease symptoms stop drinking.