Skin fold measurements Triceps At the level of the mid-point between the acromiale (lateral edge of the acromial process, e.g. bony tip of shoulder) and the radiale (proximal and lateral border of the radius bone, approxiately the elbow joint), on the mid-line of the posterior (back) surface of the arm (over the triceps muscle). The arm should be relaxed with the palm of the hand facing forwards. A vertical pinch, parallel to the long axis of the arm, is made at the landmark. Biceps At the level of the mid-point between the acromiale (lateral edge of the acromial process, e.g. bony tip of shoulder) and the radiale (proximal and lateral border of the radius bone, approximately the elbow joint), on the mid-line of the anterior (front) surface of the arm (over the biceps muscle). Pinch The arm should be relaxed with the palm of the hand facing forwards. A vertical pinch, parallel to the long axis of the arm, is made at the landmark. Subscapular Landmark The lower angle of the scapula (bottom point of shoulder blade) If there is difficulty finding this landmark, get the subject to reach behind their back with their right arm, while feeling for Pinch The pinch is made following the natural fold of the skin, approxiately on a line running laterally (away from the body) and downwards (at about 45 degrees Illiac crest Landmark Immediately above the iliac crest (top of hip bone), on the most lateral aspect (side). Pinch The fold is directed anteriorly and downward in line with the natural fold of the skin. Supraspinale The intersection of a line joining the spinale (front part of iliac crest) and the anterior (front) part of the axilla (armpit), and a horizontal line at the level of the iliac crest. Pinch The pinch is directed medially (towards the centerline) and downward, following the natural fold of the skin (at an approximate angle of 45 degrees). Abdominal Landmark 5 cm adjacent to the umbilicus (belly-button), to the right side. Pinch The vertical pinch is made Do not place the calliper or fingers inside the navel FRONT THIGH Landmark The mid-point of the anterior (front) surface of the thigh, midway between patella (knee cap) and inguinal fold (crease at top of thigh). Pinch A vertical pinch MEDIAL CALF Landmark A point on the medial (inside) surface of the calf, at the level of the largest circumference Pinch A vertical pinch parallel to the long axis of the leg The subject should place their foot on a chair or box so that the knee is at approximately 90 degrees. Landmark pinch: chest Between the axilla and nipple as high as possible on the anterior axillary fold A diagonal pinch Landmark At the point where a vertical line from the mid axilla (middle of armpit) intersects with a horizontal line level with the bottom edge of the xiphoid process (lowest point of the breast bone).