
Cintron JR, Park JJ, Orsay CP, Pearl RK, Nelson RL, Abcarian H. Repair of Fistulae-in-Ano Using
Autologous Fibrin Tissue Adhesive. Dis Colon Rectum 1999;42:607-613.
Park JJ, Cintron JR, Siedentop KH, Orsay CP, Pearl RK, Nelson RL, Abcarian H. Technical Manual for
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Park JJ, Cintron JR, Song R, Bokari F, Salvati EP. Case Report: Enterolith Obstruction of the Small and
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Cintron J. Repair of Anorectal Fistula with Fibrin Sealant. Surgical Rounds 1999;22:7 (special supplement)
Cintron JR, Fibrin Sealant: Current and Potential Clinical Applications in Colorectal Surgery, Matrix: The
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Cintron JR, Patient care approaches similar in U.K. and U.S. ASCRS News Summer 1999 p. 11
Cintron JR , Song R, Park JJ, Case Report:Giant anorectal condyloma acuminata (Buschke-Loewenstein
Tumor), Three case reports and literature review. Contemporary Surgery, 2001;57:31-35.
Nelson, RL.; Cintron, J.; Abcarian, H. Dermal Island-Flap Anoplasty for Transsphincteric Fistula-In-Ano:
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Park JJ, Cintron JR, Repair of Chronic Anorectal Fistulae using Commercial Fibrin Sealant, Archives of
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Singer MA, Cintron JR, Fleshman JW, Chaudhry V, Birnbaum EH, Read TE, Spitz JS, Abcarian H. Early
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Chin AC, Singer MA, Mihalov M, Abcarian H, Cintron JR, Radhakrishnan J, Lamba A, Owens CA.
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Singer MA, Cintron JR, Martz JE, Schoetz DJ, Abcarian H. Retrorectal Cyst: A Rare Tumor Frequently
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Singer M, Cintron J. Endoscopic management of fistula in ano (Fibrin glue). Techniques in
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. 2004;6(1):32-37
Singer M, Cintron J. Hidradenitis Suppurativa. Seminars in Colon and Rectal Surgery. 2004;14:186-195
Yudkowsky R. Alseidi A. Cintron J. Beyond fulfilling the core competencies: an objective structured
clinical examination to assess communication and interpersonal skills in a surgical residency. Current
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Singer MA. Cintron JR. Benedetti E. Lamba A. Abcarian H. Hand-sewn versus stapled intestinal
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L. Hauge, M Edison, D. Darosa, T. Saclarides, J. Cintron, S. Sener A Multi-Institutional Mock Oral Exam
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Shuhaiber JH. Lipnick S. Teresi M. Molinari M. Ryoo J. Cintron J. More on Monsel's solution... Surgery.
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M Singer, J Cintron, R Nelson, C Orsay, A Bastawrous, R Pearl, J Sone, H Abcarian Treatment of fistulae
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Chaer R. Sam A 2nd. Teresi M. Cintron J. Endometriosis-induced acute small and large bowel obstruction:
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Singer M. Cintron J. New techniques in the treatment of common perianal diseases: stapled
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Cintron, J.R., Ratych, R.E., Editors. Editors. Zuidema, G.D., Nyhus, L.M: Pneumatosis
Intestinalis in Surgery of the Alimentary Tract , 4th edition, W.B. Saunders Co.,
1995, pp. 755 772 .
Cintron, J.R., Pearl, R.K., Infectious Colitis, Editors, Wexner, S.D., Vernava, A.M.: Clinical Decision
Making in Colorectal Surgery, Igsku Shoin, NY, 1995.
Cintron, J.R. Delpino, A., Anorectal Disease, Editors. Condon, R.E., Nyhus, L.M., Manual of Surgical
Therapeutics, 9th edition, Little Brown and Company, Boston, 1996.
Pearl, R.K., Cintron, J.R., Rectovaginal Fistula, Editor. Cameron, J.L., Current Surgical Therapy, 5th
Edition, Mosby Inc., Philadelphia, 1995.
Abcarian, H., Cintron, JR, Solitary Rectal Ulcer, Editor. Cameron, JL, Current Surgical Therapy, 6th
Edition, Mosby Inc., Philadelphia, 1998
Cintron JR. Abcarian H., Reoperative Surgery for Recurrent Pilonidal Disease, Editor. Longo W.,
Reoperative Colon and Rectal Surgery, 1st edition in press
Cintron JR, Singer M., The Management of Hemorrhoids., Editor. Cameron, JL Current Surgical Therapy,
7th Edition, Mosby Inc., Philadelphia, 2001
Cintron JR., Abcarian H, Management of Pilonidal Disease. Editor. Cameron, JL Current Surgical
Therapy, 7th Edition, Mosby Inc., Philadelphia, 2001
Singer M, Cintron JR., Hidradenitis suppurativa. Editor Beck DE, Guest Editor Vasilevsky CA., Clinics in
Colon and Rectal Surgery, Vol 14 number 3, Thieme, New York, Stuttgart 2001
Chaudhry V, Cintron JR., Abscess and Fistula. Editor Read T., Problems in General Surgery, Vol 18
number 4, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc., Philadelphia, 2001
Bastawrous AL, Cintron JR. Anorectal Abscess and Fistula. Editor. Cameron, JL Current Surgical Therapy,
8th Edition, Mosby Inc., Philadelphia, 2004
Cintron, JR. Anal and Perianal Warts, Editors: Fazio V., Church, Current Therapy in Colon and Rectal
Surgery, 2nd Edition, Mosby Inc, Philadelphia 2005
Cintron J, Abcarian H. Hemorrhoids. Editors: Fleshman, Wolff, Beck, Pemberton, Wexner,
The ASCRS Textbook of Colon and Rectal Surgery, Springer-Verlag, New York, Inc., 2007
V Chaudhry, A Bastawrous , Idiopathic Pruritus Ani , Seminars in Colon and Rectal Surgery. Vol 14 No 4,
196-202, December 2003
A Bastawrous V Chaudhry, Specific Pruritus Ani , Seminars in Colon and Rectal Surgery. Vol 14 No 4,
203-212, December 2003
V Chaudhry, H Abcarian: Chapter 39, Clinical Scenarios in Surgical Oncology, Anal cancer, Editor Vijay
P Khatri LWW 2005