CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Preview In this chapter, the background of the study is presented as well as the statement of the problem. In addition, the objectives and research questions are enumerated. Finally, the purpose and significance as well as limitations and de-limitations are discussed. 1.2 Background of the Study The world has now become a global village and trends in all human endeavours have assumed new shapes and dimensions. It is therefore important that mathematics as a subject should also be revolutionalized in its teaching and learning to meet the challenges demanded of it by the ever-changing world. Teachers in particular, and educational planners in general are therefore implored by society to design practical methods of teaching and learning that are applicable to the learner’s environment and our everyday life situations. As core subjects in the educational system in Ghana and as far as the Basic and Secondary levels are concerned, mathematics is not given the needed attention by teachers and administrators. Some topics in mathematics are usually skipped and relegated to the background by majority of those who teach it; especially the ones they find uncomfortable (Ministry of Education & Sports, 2007). -1- Those topics however may tend to be the bedrock or foundation upon which other important topics could be built. Liner Equation is one of the most prominent ideas in mathematics, and it is the foundation of Algebra (Dugopolski, 2000). Solving Linear Equations as a topic, poses problems to students because of the improper way and manner it is taught by some teachers. The basic skills and pre-requisite knowledge needed to effect a fuller comprehension is normally lacking in the learners and sometimes those who teach them. If well-taught rudiments, concepts and basic skills needed to solve algebraic equations are well understood by students in the Basic and Junior High Schools, it will enable students to subsequently apply their acquired knowledge to solve algebraic equations using the appropriate methods at higher levels. In Ghana, the topic Linear Equations in mathematics with one variable is prominent in both the Core and Elective curriculum for Senior High Schools. The Researcher has taught the topic Solving Linear Equations in one variable to students of the school where he teaches and evaluated them with a test to measure their understanding of the topic. The researcher realized that the students’ performance in the test was abysmally poor. When solving linear equations in one variable, the students of Konadu Yiadom Senior High School Two (SH2) applied algebraic concepts wrongly and used wrong ways of working as well as inappropriate methods, displaying wrong solutions and eventually arriving at wrong answers. According to Lima and Tall (2008), students also build their own ways of working based on the embodied actions they perform on the symbols, picking them up and moving them around with their own magic rules such as change sides, change signs. The researcher observed similar problems with his students when they tried to solve -2- linear equations. The students applied algebraic concepts wrongly and used wrong ways of working and inappropriate methods of solving algebraic equations. Most of the students responded to the general principle of doing the same thing to both sides of the equation but in specific terms in which they shift the objects from one side to the other side of the equation. Students did not solve Linear Equations in one variable by using the general principles of maintaining balance of the equation by performing the same operations on both sides. They are not able to negotiate shift from arithmetic to algebra with the subtle change from embodied actions to symbolisms. Unlike arithmetic, where addition of whole numbers correspond with physical actions on objects, algebra works at a more general level and various embodiments that occur may prove to be more problematic to students (Filloy & Rojano, 1989). Teaching strategies and curriculum design for students should therefore emphasize on the importance of giving meaning to algebraic symbols and using them in solving equations by applying real life situations. Students’ conceptions of algebraic equations, what methods they use in solving equations and what previous experiences interfere in their work with equations constitute the major problems encountered by students of Konadu Yiadom Senior High School. Onivehu and Ziggah(2004) observed that no nation can attain technological breakthrough without a well planned and effectively implemented mathematics education programme, since mathematics plays a leading role in all human endeavour. A well planned use of balance model when implemented effectively in the mathematics classroom will help students in solving linear equations in one variable. The interactive nature of the balance model will enable students to apply what they learn to real life situations. Nabie(2004) -3- argues that the traditional method of ‘talk and chalk’ does not enable learners to apply what they learn to real life situations or solve problems. The poor performance at Junior High School in mathematics and the need to use practical activities, concrete materials, pictures and diagrams for learning linear equations in one variable is reported in Trends in International Mathematics Science Study (TIMSS) (Anamoah-Mensah, Mereku & Asabere-Ameyaw, 2008). The need to use balance model as a concrete material for practical activities will help students to enhance their understanding and performance in solving equations in one variable. Dugopolski (2002), concluded that linear equations in one variable is one of the most important topics in mathematics and also one of the first concepts students encounter in pre-algebra. The topic therefore needs to be taught using concrete methods to ensure application to real life situations. 1. 3 Statement of the Problem Effective knowledge in Science and Mathematics is the basis for human development in all areas of life. In Ghana the Curriculum Research and Development Division (CRDD) of the Ministry of Education and Sports (MOES) recommends the use of educational resource materials for investigation and solving problems of real life situations (Ministry of Education & Sports, 2007). The use of educational resource materials for investigating and solving problems of real life situation help make teaching and learning more effective. But significantly missing in the High School mathematics Curriculum is the specified type of the educational materials to use and at what time and place to use them -4- as well as the topics for which they are to be applied. Most teachers are at a loss at when and where to use these educational materials for effective teaching and learning. What they do therefore is to teach major topics in mathematics without the necessary material inputs that could give better understanding of the topics. The use of the Balance Model in teaching Linear Equations in the mathematics classroom may prove unfamiliar to some teachers who are accustomed to certain routine of instructions like lecturing. However, its use presents an alternative way to overcome these instructional inadequacies and help students to understand key concepts in algebra by making it real. Solving Linear Equations in one variable posed problems to SHS 2 Home Economics students at Konadu Yiadom Senior High School because they followed the use of rules and formulae instead of understanding the principles involved. Some prescribed textbooks used by the students also follow the change of sign rule when solving Linear Equations in one variable. The balance model therefore is to help students to understand Linear Equations in one variable by performing some operations on both sides of the equation to maintain balance. Lack of concrete materials for teaching and learning, hinders teachers’ effective teaching of linear equations in one variable and this results in students’ low understanding of the concepts involved in solving linear equations in one variable (Cockcroft, 1982). -5- 1. 4 Purpose of the Study The purpose of the study was to help students improve their performance in solving Linear Equations by the use of the Balance Model. The study also sought to advocate the use of the Balance Model in classroom mathematics teaching and learning for effective understanding of the concepts involved in solving linear equations in one variable, and to link concrete material representation with abstract symbolic representation to enhance conceptual understanding of mathematics (Capps & Pckreign, 1993). 1. 5 Objectives of the Study The Research focuses on the use of the Balance Model to augment students’ achievement in solving Linear Equations. The Specific Objectives therefore are to: a) Determine the effects of inadequate teaching methods on students’ understanding of the concepts in solving Linear Equations. b) Improve students’ performance in solving linear equations in one variable. c) Promote the use of the Balance Model in mathematics teaching and learning to: (i) Improve students understanding of the concepts involved in solving linear equations in one variable. (ii) Determine the effects of using the Balance Model on students’ achievement in solving Linear Equations. (iii) Enhance students’ cultural and practical experience in solving Linear Equations in one variable. -6- 1. 6 Research Questions The Research Questions formulated for the study were: 1. How can the use of the balance model improve students understanding of the concepts involved in solving linear equations with one variable? 2. In what ways can the use of the balance model improve students’ achievement in solving linear equations in one variable? 3. How does the usage of the balance model affect students’ attitude towards improving their performance in solving linear equations in one variable? 1. 7 Hypothesis The hypothesis formulated for the study was that: There is significant difference in students’ achievements in the test instrument for helping students overcome their difficulties in solving Linear Equations in one variable. 1. 8 Significance of the Study The significance of the study is to assist students to use the Balance Model to solve Linear Equations in one variable and to improve the understanding of the topics. They would gain confidence and be able to solve other related mathematical problems. It is hoped that the use of the Balance Model may have a positive impact on achievement in mathematics and positive students’ attitude towards learning mathematics will be greatly enhanced. -7- The use of the Balance Model, as well as other educational materials make instruction more student-centered, encourages cooperative learning and stimulates student-teacher relationship. The uses of appropriate classroom support materials go a long way to encourage a new and a practical approach to the teaching of algebraic concepts. New focus is being emphasized in the mathematics curriculum for students to gain valuable insights in the classroom that can lead to success in the real world. The use of real life situations, like the Balance Model, in the classroom will enable teachers to respond to challenges of the changing curriculum. 1. 9 Limitations of the Study The study was limited to Konadu Yiadom Senior High School at Asamang in the Ashanti Region. It was also limited to the use of the Balance Model and not other models in solving Linear Equations in one variable. The findings were therefore limited to students of Konadu Yiadom Senior High School. In future, measures should be put in place to allow teachers to interact more with a wider population than it is presently. This will enable teachers to research into wider fields of a national outlook and make findings more applicable to the Global Community. 1. 10 Delimitation The emphasis was limited to solving Linear Equations whereas Algebra covers a lot more than is derived in solving Linear Equations in one variable. The limited coverage is as a result of students’ low performance as discussed in the background. -8- 1. 11 Organization of the Study The study is made up of five (5) chapters. Chapter One comprises the introduction, background to the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study, research questions, purpose of the study, significance of the study, limitations of the study, delimitation, organization of the study and hypothesis. The second chapter covers literature review. Chapter Three discusses the research design, population and sampling, instrumentation, intervention procedures, data collection procedure and data analysis procedure all under methodology. The fourth chapter deals with the data analysis, results and discussion of findings. Chapter Five includes the conclusions, implications and recommendations. -9- CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter reviews the literature that is relevant to solving linear equations in one variable. 2. 1 Theoretical Framework The performance of actions, via step by step procedures, then as input-output processes, and as mental objects in their own right is well-represented in literature (Dubinsky, 1991; Sfard, 1991). However, the actual shift from process to object seems to be a difficult one for many students to accomplish. When symbols are first manipulated, the focus is naturally on the sequence of steps performed, and there is initially considerable mental effort involved in performing the steps. The phenomenon, where symbols represent both a mental concept and also possibly different actions to attain the same effect is called a procept (Gray & Tall, 1994). The idea of giving embodied meaning to procept in terms of the effects of the actions was introduced in Watson (2000) and Watson, Spyrou and Tall (2003). The shift from many actions to a single thinkable concept is an act of compression that is an essential tool in making profound sense of mathematics. As maintained by writers (Dubinsky, 1991; Sfard, 1991; Gray & Tall,1994; Watson, 2002; Watson, Spyrou & Tall, 2003), the (sequence of) steps performed by the use of the balance model enable the shift from many actions to the concept of maintaining balance in solving linear equations in one variable. - 10 - Lima and Tall (2008) suggest three different mental worlds of mathematics. A conceptual embodied world of human perception and action (including pictures mental images and the internal connections we make in our minds). A proceptual symbolic world of mathematical symbols that operate flexibly either as concepts to think about or as processes to make calculations and perform symbolic manipulations. The axiomatic formal world of mathematics expressed as axiomatic systems, formal definitions and mathematical proof that is met in pure mathematics at the tertiary level. The interplay between the worlds of embodiment and symbolism proves to be crucial. A most important aspect is how the symbolic development from process to object is mirrored in a shift from the steps of an action to the effect of the action. For this reason, the balance model seeks to reveal the symbolic nature of the concept involved in solving linear equations in one variable in a more practical approach. Most students find the solving of linear equations more cumbersome task according to Geary (1994) and that solving of linear equations require extensive practice and Kieran (1992) also refers to the skill of solving Linear Equations as not easily acquired by students. The balance model is therefore a valuable educational tool for modelling relationship between children’s practice in “seesaw” game and linear equations, thus making connections between what is taught and children’s everyday life activities. A mathematical equation can therefore be likened to a balance where the items on the left hand side are equal in value to those on the right hand side of the equation (Kieran, - 11 - 1981). Using the balance model is therefore a way of presenting the concept of an equation in concrete terms to students. Tall and Thomas (2001) also described three kinds of algebra: (1) evaluation algebra, in which algebraic expressions are evaluated; (2) manipulative algebra, in which expressions are manipulated to simplify expressions and solve equations, and (3) axiomatic algebra, in which algebraic systems are handled in the formal axiomatic world of concept definition and formal proof on more complicated equations involving embodiment symbolic manipulation. The evaluation algebra describes what kind of balance model to use on the linear equation while the manipulative algebra describes how to use the model. The axiomatic algebra also describes when to use the model to solve the linear equation in one variable. Filloy and Rojano (1989) christened the increased level of difficulty in solving linear equations in one variable as the didactic cut. They reasoned that it would be more difficult for students to find the required value because they now have to operate on the unknown and not just on numbers. From the process-object viewpoint, it is not easy to think of undoing both operations simultaneously; instead, it is easier to think of them as mental objects (or group of mental objects) that can be manipulated mentally. On symbol shifting as embodied action, Filloy and Rojano (1989) stipulated that the wider range of students who focus naturally on detail, and practise the procedure face difficulties in shifting from arithmetic to algebra, compounded by the limitations of - 12 - undoing and for simple embodied actions for equations. Without meaningful embodiment or compressed symbolic meaning, there is a natural tendency to build on what they already know. To the authors, the embodied previous knowledge of shifting symbol around in expressions fails when moving symbols over the equality sign. Cortes and Pfaff (2000) found that the principle used by 17-year old students to solve equations in their study were all based on the ‘movement’ of symbols from one side to the other of an equation as if the symbols were physical entities that students ‘pass’ to the other side of the equation with additional change of sign or a shift to place it below (underneath) the number on the other side (in case of division). Thus the use of the balance model will enable students to perform the same operations on both side to maintain balance instead of shifting symbols around the equality sign. Freistas (2000) found that procedures related to phrases such as change sides, change sign, were usually meaningless to students and often resulted in mistakes. As procedures, they are likely to become more complicated as mathematics gets more sophisticated and the increasing complication will cause even greater problems at later stages. One can deduce from the above literature that documents that guide the teaching strategies and curriculum design for students should emphasize the importance of giving meaning to algebraic symbols and using them to model real-life situations. It can be suggested that this meaning comes from human interaction with the world. Things make sense because they work in an expected way and if we look at them from a different perspective we can - 13 - relate it to what we already know. Meaning therefore depends on our human perception and action and how we build on this and on our earlier experiences. Dogbe, Mereku and Quarcoe (2004) categorize students’ difficulties in solving linear equations in terms of misunderstanding algebraic variables. The wrong manipulations of algebraic letters by students seem to stem from the fact that students handle the letters as objects and Umoren (2006) sees teacher factor as being the cause of students’ lack of understanding of mathematics. Teachers do not often use concrete materials in their instructions which could improve conceptual understanding of mathematics. The use of the balance model therefore would help improve students understanding of the concepts involved in solving linear equations in one variable. Lima and Tall (2008) also researched into “procedural embodiment and algebraic equations” and stated that algebra could be frightening for students. This is the reason why for many years there have been large amounts of research in mathematics education, specifically a search for why students face so many problems in learning equations and methods of solving them. Sleeman (1984), Payne and Squibb (1990) and Freitas (2002) diagnose students’ mistakes when solving equations while Dreyfus and Hock (2004), discuss the understanding students have about an equation. Using the balance model, Martin et al (1993) discussed the processes o methods employed by the model to ease understanding and avoid mistake when solving linear equations in one variable. - 14 - Apparently, students from many different countries make the same mistakes. Reasons why such mistakes appear are more often related to the misinterpretations by students, techniques used in solving equations and the lack of meaning attributed to the mathematical symbols used. (Linchevski & Sfard, 1991; Cortes & Kavafian, 1999). Evidence shows that students give meanings related to the procedures and embodiments to equations and the solving methods they use. Students also do give meanings to the ways of working they create (Lima & Tall, 2008). That is to say students take symbols as physical entities that can be moved around, “putting them on the other side” of the equation; with the magic of “changing signs”. According to Lima and Tall (2008), procedural embodiments must be related to their underlying mathematical concepts and algebraic principles. Attempts to minimize such students’ difficulties have involved the use of concrete models like the balance or the geometric models (Vlassis, 2002; Filloy & Rojano, 1989). Vlassis (2002) using equations with the unknown on both sides showed that the balance model was a helpful metaphor for almost all her students in giving meaning to the equal sign as equality between the two sides of an equation. These models have been shown to be very effective in helping students understand the equality between the two sides of an equation but do not support situations in which negative and non-integer numbers are involved. Care should therefore be taken to caution students when using such models of their limitations and efforts should be made to introduce other models that overcome such - 15 - limitations. Lima and Tall (2008), suggest that in the case of quadratic equation, the geometric model can be used as an embodiment for solving such equations. Finally, it is the belief of Sleeman (1984) and Payne and Squibb (1990), that it is not simply a misinterpretation of techniques or lack of meaning for equations that prompt students to use wrong rules. Students also give meanings to the ways of working they create (Lima & Tall, 2008). Students use techniques to solve equations and procedures to perform operations with symbols. In order to understand why students make mistakes in solving equations, it is necessary to search for the roots of these meanings. Applying some of the principles outlined in these research findings above would go a long way in aiding the researcher to analyze and design appropriate lesson strategies to be applied in using the balance model to help students overcome their difficulties in solving linear equations. 2. 2 Inappropriate Procedure for Solving Algebraic Equations In finding solutions to equations, Lima and Tall (2008) considered how students think about Algebra. They considered a theoretical framework which builds from natural human functioning in terms of embodiment, which involves perceiving the world, acting on it and reflecting on the effects of the actions to shift to the use of symbolism to solve linear equations. The authors found out that the students involved in their study neither simplify algebraic expressions from process to the object nor do they solve algebraic equations by undoing - 16 - or reversing the operations or using general principles of maintaining the balance of the equation by doing the same thing to both sides. According to National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM. 2000), students should be able to produce logical arguments and present formal proofs that effectively explain their reasoning. For a student to produce proof he should use proper order of the steps as exemplified with the use of the balance model in solving linear equations in one variable. Otherwise that would be said to be lacking in reasoning skills, due to the fact that they are unable to justify their taught process. Wells (1988) is of the view that problem-solving strategy should be seen as a union of discovery and direct presentation approaches. Hyde (1991) also agrees with Wells (1988) when he stated that problem-solving strategy is a useful approach in assisting learners to form mathematical concepts. 2. 3 Justification for Using the Balance Model On using the Balance Model for solving Linear Equations, Martin et al (1993) explains that one may add or subtract, as well as multiply or divide, objects (for numbers and unknowns), as one wishes, but the scales must balance. That is to say one must perform the same actions on both sides of the equation to maintain balance. Martin (1993) continues to explain that though, obviously, it is not possible to have negative weights in the real world it is possible to imagine them. For example, one can try to imagine (-2) as a negative object. When a negative object is added to a positive object (or vice versa), the two cancel each other out and one is left with nothing. - 17 - There is evidence that earlier educational pioneers advocated the use of concrete equipment in the teaching of elementary number (Orton, 2002). On the other hand, there is some evidence that teachers in Britain who believed that they were under overwhelming pressure from the National Curriculum are rejecting the use of apparatus as being time-consuming (Trelfall, 1996). Whatever the pressure of teaching, the critical questions remain, as they always have; namely, (1) Do students learn better with or without the use of apparatus? and (2), how should apparatus be used in the classroom in order to achieve greater understanding and enlightenment? Cockcroft (1982), in recommending the use of apparatus to teach mathematics to students, suggested that practical work provides the most effective means by which understanding in mathematics can develop and McClung (1998) is of the view that using diagrams make classroom an interesting and exciting place for both the teacher and learner. The case for using structural apparatus would be overwhelming if research evidence showed that it was clearly beneficial. Unfortunately, and typically with education, it is not as simple and clear cut as that. While some research certainly suggested immediate gains, others say there were usually little long-term benefits (Orton, 2002). What many of these studies also revealed very clearly are the difficulties inherent in carrying educational research. For example if two different groups are being compared, how can one ensure that the two groups are exactly compatible, and that either group is completely - 18 - denied any input other than what they receive from their “official” lessons. Also, what sort of test should be used at the end of the experiment to ensure a fair comparison between the effects of two very different experiments (Orton, 2002)? One additional well-known complication with research studies is that teachers who wish to take part in an experiment in teaching and learning are often stimulated by the whole idea and are very keen to see it succeed. Furthermore their enthusiasm is conveyed to their students which makes them more enthusiastic in turn and so learning may be enhanced through enthusiasm. Under such circumstances, any measured gain is therefore likely to be the outcome of unspeakable combination of the effects of new materials and methods and the total involvement of the teacher and the students. The effectiveness of the apparatus itself must also be addressed (Orton, 2002). The balance model enables students to work both independently and in groups while the teacher provides guidance to the students (Rosechelle, Pea, Hoadley, Gordon & Means, 2002). Working independently with the balance model enables every student derive maximum benefit, while working in groups enables them to socialize and communicate meaningfully at the children’s own level of understanding. Rosechelle, Pea, Hoadley, Gordon and Means (2002) have also shown that learning is most effective when four fundamental characteristics are present; (i) active engagement (ii) participation in groups (iii) frequent interaction and feedback and (iv) connections with real-world contexts. All these characteristics are facilitated when using the balance model in solving linear equations in one variable. - 19 - Using the balance model in teaching linear equations takes away the abstractness seen in mathematical concepts (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2000). The balance model problem solving ability leads to discovery which is aesthetic and favours both sexes thereby encouraging students’ participation in the mathematics classroom (Austin & Vollrath, 1989). The mixed nature of sexes in the researcher’s school of study is therefore suitable for use of the balance model in solving linear equations in one variable. 2. 4 Attitude and Motivation According to Devine & Meaghor (1989), research findings indicate that students attitude have a corresponding implication on their performance in the class and that the success of the individual student rest on his or her mastery of the skill. Brookover, Beady, Flood, Schweitz & Wisenbake (1997) indicated that there exist correlations between self concept of ability and school performance. Hewitt (2006) also indicate the importance of concepts and diagrams in teaching and learning of mathematical concepts. The use of the balance model enhances students’ ability and confidence to solve linear equations and thereby improve their performance. The activities employed by the model serve as flow charts or diagrams which aid understanding of mathematical concepts. - 20 - 2.5 Summary It must be noted that the balance model is not a panacea which if provided will solve problems of solving linear equations. It must also be noted that the use of the balance model for teaching and learning must be done in an appropriate classroom environment and the teacher must discuss the use of the balance model with the students (Orton, 2002). The conclusion one must draw is that far from providing the teacher with materials that students must learn from without any teacher inputs, the provision of apparatus places great demands on both lesson planning and classroom implementation. Dickson, Brown and Gibson (1984) support the view that understanding is best facilitated with the help of concrete materials, Trelfall (1996) has opined that there are benefits which accrue from use of apparatus. At the same time, he points out that the apparatus will not show full value if it is used inappropriately. In using the Balance Model to teach linear equations, the researcher will take cognizance of the points raised in the review of literature above so that he can construct an appropriate and well-structured methodology to undertake the study to benefit his students. - 21 - CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction In this chapter, researcher presents the research design of the study, provides details of the context of the study and also the research procedures used. The chapter also seeks to find strategies to assist students understand the concepts involved in solving Linear Equation in one variable and apply them in their daily activities. 3. 2 Research Design The study is an Action Research which seeks to identify the problem of solving linear equations in one variable, suggest, and recommend the use of the balance model as its intervention tool. The problem was a classroom situation in which the researcher aids students overcome their difficulty in solving Linear Equations in one variable. 3. 3 Population And Sampling The study was carried out at Konadu Yiadom Senior High School at Asamang in Ashanti Region of Ghana. It was targeted at Senior High School Two (SHS2) students of the said school in particular and in Ghana in general. The SHS2 student population was Two Hundred and Six (206); comprising of Arts, Business and Home Economics departments. There were Eighty (80) males and One Hundred and Twenty Six (126) females in the SHS2. The sampling technique used was purposive because the problem of solving linear equation was encountered in the class selected. All the fifty (50) SHS2 business students - 22 - were selected and their results tabulated for further analysis of data. There were Thirty (30) Females and Twenty (20) males which reflect the higher number of females in the class than males. 3. 4 Instrumentation Two test instruments were used in the study. A pre-test (see Appendix A) and post-test (see Appendix C). The Pre-test was administered to the fifty (50) students sampled before the intervention whereas the Post-test was administered after the intervention. There was also an interview (see Appendix D) to determine the effectiveness of the use of the Balance Model in helping the students solve linear equations in one variable. 3. 5 Interview There was also an interview (see Appendix D) to determine the effectiveness of the use of the Balance Model in helping the students solve linear equations in one variable. 3. 6 Intervention Procedures An intervention which involved the use of the balance model was implemented. The Balance Model is a tool used to covey the idea of balance when doing the same thing to both sides of an equation (Wang, 1989; Vlassis, 2002). Four (4) daily sections of teaching, two (2) hours thirty (30) minutes each day, were used to implement the intervention in which the researcher used the balance model to emphasize the idea of performing the same action on both sides of an equation, in an attempt to solve it. An Intervention Implementation Plan (see Appendix B) was put in - 23 - place, in which the students passed through the various steps in using the balance model to solve some linear equations in one variable. After the post-test, an interview (see Appendix D) was used to find out how the students felt with their interaction in the use of the balance model in solving linear equations in one variable. Presentation Students were guided to use the balance model in solving Linear Equation in one variable as presented in the activities below. Activities Day 1 Activity 1 Solve the linear equation below using the balance model. 2x +3 = x – 1 Given: 2 x + 3 = x – 1 Required: to solve for x Objective: the use of balance model in solving linear equations Method: Introduction: write down the equation 2x +3 = x – 1 Step 1: subtract 3 from both sides of the equation to maintain balance. 2x +3 – 3 = x – 1 – 3 Simplify; 2x = x -4 - 24 - Step 2: subtract x from both sides of the equation. 2x – x = x – 4 – x Simplify; x = - 4(answer). ALTERNATIVELY Step 1: add 1 to both sides of the equation 2 x + 3 = x – 1. 2 x + 3 +1 = x – 1 + 1 Simplify; 2x +4 = x Step 2: subtract x from both sides of equation. 2x – x +4 = x – x Simplify; x +4=0 Step 3: subtract 4 from both sides of equation. x +4–4=0–4 x = - 4 (answer). NB: Set the students to check their answers by substituting x = - 4 into the original equation. Day 2 To solve Given that Activity 2 2 3 1 x x . 3 5 3 2 3 1 x x . 3 5 3 - 25 - Required: To solve for x by the balance model. OBJECTIVES (1) To clear fractions in the equation; (2) To use of balance model to solve equations. METHOD Step 1: clear all the fractions by multiplying through the equation by 15(the Lowest Common Denominator). 2 3 1 15 x 15 15 x 15 3 5 3 Simplify 5 2x 3 3 15x 5 1 10 x – 9 = 15 x + 5 Step 2: add 9 to both sides of the equation. 10 x – 9 + 9 = 15 x + 5 + 9 Simplify 10 x = 15 x + 14 Step 3: subtract 15 x from both sides. 10 x – 15 x = 15 x – 15 x + 14 Simplify -5 x = 14 Step 4: divide both sides of the equation by -5 5 x 14 5 5 - 26 - Simplify x 14 (answer). 5 NB: Set the students to check their answers by substituting x 14 into the original 5 equation for balance. Day 3 Activity 3 Find the value of x in the equation below by the balance model. 3x 2 2 x. 5 3 Given 3x 2 2 x. 5 3 Required; to solve for x by balance model Objectives; (1) To clear all fractions. (2) To use the balance model to solve equation. METHOD Step 1; clear the fractions by multiplying through the equation by 15 (the L.C.D). 15 3x 2 2x 15 5 3 Simplify 3 (3x 2) 5 2 x 9x 6 10x - 27 - Step 2: subtract 6 from both sides of the equation. 9 x + 6 – 6 = 10 x – 6 Simplify 9 x = 10 x – 6 Step 3: subtract 10 x from both sides of equation. 9 x – 10 x = 10 x – 10 x – 6 Simplify -x = - 6 Step 4: divide both sides of the equation by -1. x 6 1 1 Simplify: x = 6 (answer). NB: Set students to check their answer by substituting x = 6 into the original equation. Day 4 Activity 4 Given that 5(3 x - 2) = Given; 5(3 x - 2) = 4 3x , find the value of x . 3 4 3x 3 Required: to find the value of x . Objectives: (1) To clear fractions in the equations. (2) To expand the factors. (3) To use the balance model to find the value of x - 28 - METHOD Step 1; clear fractions by multiplying both sides of the equation by 3 (the L.C.D). 3 × {5(3 x - 2)} = 3 4 3x 3 Expand 3 × (15 x - 10) = 4 + 3 x 45 x - 30 = 4 + 3 x Step 2; add 30 to both sides of the equation. 45 x - 30 + 30 = 4 + 3 x + 30 Simplify 45 x = 3 x + 34 Step 3; subtract 3 x from both sides of the equation. 45 x - 3 x = 3 x - 3 x + 34 Simplify 42 x = 34 Step 4; divide both sides of the equation by 42 42 x 34 42 42 Simplify x 17 21 NB: Set students to check their answers by substituting x - 29 - 17 into the original equation. 21 Exercise Fill in the steps in the working below: Solve for x in the equation Given 5x 4 . 3x 1 3 5x 4 3x 1 3 METHOD Step 1; clear the fraction by multiplying both sides of the equation by 3 _______ 5x 4 _______ 3x 1 3 Simplify 15 x 4 3x 1 Step 2; clear faction by multiplying both sides of the equation by 3 x + 1 ________ 15 x 4 _______ 3x 1 Simplify 15 x = 4(3 x + 1) Step 3; expand 15 x = 12 x + 4 Step 4; subtract 12 x from both sides of the equation 15 x - ____ = 12 x + 4 – ____ Simplify 3x =4 - 30 - Step 5; divide both sides of the equation by 3 3x 4 3 3 Simplify x _____ (answer) NB. Set students to check answers by substituting the value of x into the original equation. 3. 7 Data Collection Procedure The results of the fifty (50) students sampled for the study from the pre-test (see Appendix A) and post-test (see Appendix C) were collected, recorded, tabled and analyzed for sampled means and standard deviation. An intervention implementation plan (see Appendix B) in which the balance model was used to help students overcome their difficulties in solving linear equations in one variable was put in place. An interview (see Appendix D) was conducted to ascertain the effectiveness of the balance model in helping students to overcome their difficulties in solving linear equations in one variable. . - 31 - 3. 8 Data Analysis Procedures Data collected were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The pre-test and posttest were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics using the SPSS. In the descriptive statistics, the minimum and the maximum scores of the sample size, the mean scores and standard deviations for both the pre-test and post-test were analyzed. For further analysis of data, inferential statistics was used to project the paired sample scores of the sample to determine whether there was a significant improvement in the students’ performances in solving linear equations in one variable. On inferential statistics, the paired sample test for the sample was calculated to determine whether there was any significant difference in the students’ performance in solving linear equations - 32 - CHAPTER 4 DATA ANALYSIS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The design of the research was to help students to overcome their difficulties in solving linear equations using the balanced model. The test analysis used the pre-test and posttest scores in analyzing the data. The pre-test scores were used to determine the initial difference in the means for the sample in the overall pre-test score. Similarly, the posttest scores were used as dependent variable to test the hypothesis for the study. 4. 1 Hypothesis The design of the study was to determine improvement in the performance of the students in solving linear equations based on student’s achievement in the test instrument. As a result, the null hypothesis formulated was that: “There is no significant difference in students’ achievements in the test instrument for helping students overcome their difficulties in solving linear equations in one variable”. 4. 2. Analysis of Pre – Test Results To Test Students Understanding Table 1: Pre – Test Results of Question 1 Response Frequency Percentage Correct 21 42 Wrong 29 58 Total 50 100 - 33 - In Question 1, the students who scored correctly were twenty one (21) representing forty two percent (42%) whereas twenty nine (29) responded wrongly representing fifty eight percent (58%). The twenty one (21) students applied correct principles whiles twenty nine (29) applied wrong principles. It means that students had problems with answering Question 1 involving linear equations in one variable. Table 2: Pre – Test Results of Question 2 Response Frequency Percentage Correct 19 38 Wrong 31 62 Total 50 100 In Question 2, the students who scored correctly were nineteen (19) representing forty two percent (38%) whereas thirty one (31) responded wrongly representing fifty eight percent (62%). The nineteen (19) students applied correct principles whiles thirty one (31) applied wrong principles. It means that students had problems with answering Question 2 involving linear equations in one variable. Table 3: Pre – Test Results of Question 3 Response Frequency Percentage Correct 22 44 Wrong 28 56 Total 50 100 - 34 - In Question 3, the students who scored correctly were twenty two (22) representing forty four percent (44%) whereas twenty eight (28) responded wrongly representing fifty six percent (56%). The twenty two (22) students applied correct principles whiles twenty eight (28) applied wrong principles. It means that students had problems with answering Question 3 involving linear equations in one variable. Table 4: Pre – Test Results of Question 4 Response Frequency Percentage Correct 18 36 Wrong 32 64 Total 50 100 In Question 4, the students who scored correctly were eighteen (18) representing thirty six percent (36%) whereas thirty two (32) responded wrongly representing sixty four percent (64%). The eighteen (18) students applied correct principles whiles thirty two (32) applied wrong principles. It means that students had problems with answering Question 4 involving linear equations in one variable. Table 5: Pre – Test Results of Question 5 Response Frequency Percentage Correct 15 30 Wrong 35 70 Total 50 100 - 35 - In Question 5, the students who scored correctly were fifteen (15) representing thirty percent (30%) whereas thirty five (35) responded wrongly representing seventy percent (70%). The fifteen (15) students applied correct principles whiles thirty five (35) applied wrong principles. It means that students had problems with answering Question 5 involving linear equations in one variable. 4. 3 Analysis of Post-Test Results To Test Students Understanding Table 6. Post – Test Results of Question 1 Response Frequency Percentage Correct 41 82 Wrong 9 18 Total 50 100 Results from Table 6 indicate that out of fifty (50) students sampled for the study, forty one (41) representing 82% answered question one (1) correctly whereas nine (9) students representing 18% answered wrongly. The forty one (41) students applied correct principles whiles nine (9) applied wrong principles. This was due to the fact that the balance model helped students to further understand the steps in answering the question and mastering the concepts involved. There has therefore been an improvement in the pre-test Question 1 scores (see Table 1). - 36 - Table 7. Post – Test Results of Question 2 Response Frequency Percentage Correct 39 78 Wrong 11 22 Total 50 100 Results from Table 7 also indicate that out of fifty (50) students sampled for the study, thirty nine (39) representing 78% answered question two (2) correctly whereas eleven (11) students representing 22% answered wrongly. The thirty nine (39) students applied correct principles while nine (11) applied wrong principles. This was due to the fact that the balance model helped students to further understand the steps in answering the question and mastering the concepts involved. There has therefore been an improvement in the pre-test Question 2 scores (see Table 2). Table 8. Post – Test Results of Question 3 Response Frequency Percentage Correct 42 84 Wrong 8 16 Total 50 100 Results from Table 8 indicate that out of fifty (50) students sampled for the study, forty two (42) representing 84% answered question three (3) correctly whereas eight (8) students representing 16% answered wrongly. The forty two (42) students applied correct - 37 - principles whiles eight (8) applied wrong principles. This was due to the fact that the balance model helped students to further understand the steps in answering the question and mastering the concepts involved. There has therefore been an improvement in the pre-test Question 3 scores (see Table 3). Table 9. Post – Test Results for Question 4 Response Frequency Percentage Correct 38 76 Wrong 12 24 Total 50 100 Results from Table 9 also indicate that out of fifty (50) students sampled for the study, thirty eight (38) representing 76% answered question four (4) correctly whereas twelve (12) students representing 24% answered wrongly. The thirty eight (38) students applied correct principles while twelve (12) applied wrong principles. This was due to the fact that the balance model helped students to further understand the steps in answering the question and mastering the concepts involved. There has therefore been an improvement in the pre-test Question 4 scores (see Table 4). - 38 - Post – Test Results for Question 5 Table 10. Response Frequency Percentage Correct 43 86 Wrong 7 14 Total 50 100 Results from Table 10 indicate that out of fifty (50) students sampled for the study, forty three (43) representing 86% answered question five (5) correctly whereas seven (7) students representing 14% answered wrongly. The forty three (43) students applied correct principles whiles seven (7) applied wrong principles. This was due to the fact that the balance model helped students to further understand the steps in answering the question and mastering the concepts involved. There has therefore been an improvement in the pre-test question 5 scores (see Table 5). 4. 4 Summary of Test Results Table 11. Question Summary of Results of Fifty (50) Students in Pre-Test and Post-Test Wrong Correct Percentage(wrong Percentage(correct Answer Answer answer) answer) Pre-test Post-test Pre-test Post-test Pre-test Post-test Pre-test Post-test 1 29 9 21 41 58 18 42 82 2 31 11 19 39 62 22 38 78 3 28 8 22 42 56 16 44 84 4 32 12 18 38 64 24 36 76 5 35 7 15 43 70 14 30 86 - 39 - In Question 1, the summary results Table 11 indicates that there was a reduction in the wrong answers produced by students from twenty nine (29) in the pre-test to nine (9) students in the post-test. There is equally an increase in the correct answers produced from twenty one (21) in the pre-test to forty one (41) students in the post-test. This means that for students who answered Question one (1), 82% had it correctly in the post-test over 42% in the pre-test. Similarly in Question 2, the summary results Table 11 indicates that there was a reduction in the wrong answers produced by students from thirty one (31) in the pre-test to eleven (11) students in the post-test. There is equally an increase in the correct answers produced from nineteen (19) in the pre-test to thirty nine (39) students in the post-test. This means that for students who answered question two (2), 78% had it correctly in the post-test over 38% in the pre-test. Again in Question 3, the summary results Table 11 indicates that there was a reduction in the wrong answers produced by students from twenty eight (28) in the pre-test to eight (8) students in the post-test. There is equally an increase in the correct answers produced from twenty two (22) in the pre-test to forty two (42) students in the post-test. This means that for students who answered question three (3), 84% had it correctly in the post-test over 44% in the pre-test. - 40 - In Question 4, the summary results Table 11 indicates that there was a reduction in the wrong answers produced by students from thirty two (32) in the pre-test to twelve (12) students in the post-test. There is equally an increase in the correct answers produced from eighteen (18) in the pre-test to thirty eight (38) students in the post-test. This means that for students who answered Question four (4), 76% had it correctly in the post-test over 36% in the pre-test. Similarly in Question 5, the summary results Table 11 indicates that there was a reduction in the wrong answers produced by students from thirty five (35) in the pre-test to seven (7) students in the post-test. There is equally an increase in the correct answers produced from fifteen (15) in the pre-test to forty three (43) students in the post-test. This means that for students who answered question five (5), 86% had it correctly in the posttest over 30% in the pre-test. 4.5 Sample Statistics Table 12 Pair 1 Paired Sample Statistics of Pre-test And Post-test Scores of 50 Students Mean N Std Deviation Std Error Mean Pre-test score of respondents 19.00 5 2.74 1.22 Post-test score of respondents 40.60 5 2.07 0.93 From Table 12, the statistics indicate the mean score of post-test (40.6) greater than that of the pre-test (19.00). The standard deviation for the post-test (2.07) which is lower than that of pre-test (2.74) is an indication that there is an improvement in performance of the post-test over the pre-test. - 41 - Table 13 Paired Differences of Pre-test And Post-test Scores of 50 Students 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Mean Pair Pre-test score of 1 respondents – Post- -21.600 Std Std Error Deviation Mean lower Upper t df sig 3.5777 1.600 -26.0423 -17.157 -13.500 4 .000 test score of respondents From Table 13, the p-value of 0.000 which is less than 0.05 (95% confidence interval). This indication shows that there is significant difference between the post-test scores and the pre-test scores. The hypothesis that there is no significant difference in students’ achievement in the test instrument is therefore not valid. Students’ Wrong and Correct Responses in the Pre-test Number of students Bar Chart Showing Students' Wrong and Correct Answers to Questions in the Pre-test 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Wrong Answer Correct Answer 1 2 3 4 Question Figure 4.1 - 42 - 5 The diagram represents the performance of students in the pre-test conducted. In comparison, it was realized from figure 4.1 that students’ performance was low in all the questions. All the questions indicate upward levels of wrong answers. This is an indication that students did not understand linear equations in one variable very well. Students’ Wrong and Correct Responses in the Post-test Number of students Bar Chart Showing Students' Wrong and Correct Answers to Questions in the Post-test 50 40 30 Wrong Answer 20 Correct Answer 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 Question Figure 4.2 The diagram above represents the performance of students in the post-test conducted. In comparison, it was realized from figure 4.2 that students’ performance was high in all the questions. All the questions indicate upward levels of correct answers. This is an indication that students did understand linear equations in one variable very well after the balance model had been introduced to students. - 43 - Students Wrong Responses in the Post-test Pie Chart Showing Students' Wrong Answers in the Post-test Q5, 15% Q1, 19% 1 2 3 Q4, 26% Q2, 23% 4 5 Q3, 17% Figure 4.3 In figure 4.3, it was observed that more than half of the sample (51%) had lower percentage scores in wrong answers in the post-test. This indicates that a higher percentage of students scored correctly in the post-test. Students Correct Responses in the Post-test Pie Chart Showing Students' Correct Answers in the Post-test Q5, 21% Q1, 20% 1 2 3 Q2, 19% Q4, 19% 4 5 Q3, 21% Figure 4.4 - 44 - In figure 4.4, it was observed more than half of the sample (62%) had higher percentage scores in the correct answers in the post-test. This indicates that a higher of students scored correctly in the post-test. 4.6 Interviews An interview was conducted on the students to find out their understanding of concepts in linear equations in one variable after their interactions with the balance model. They were also interviewed to find out their attitudes towards the number of times they were given class exercises and homework. The Tables 14 & 15 indicate students’ attitude towards the use of the balance model and the number of times they were given class exercises and homework. Students’ Attitude towards Balance Model Table 14 Percentage of Students Response to Use of Balance Model Characteristics Number of students Percentage Accurate & Straightforward 40 80 Excitement Level 42 84 Interactive 41 82 Confidence Level 44 88 Table 14 shows that 80% of the sample of fifty (50) students, find the use of the balance model accurate and straightforward. Over 80% of the students find the balance model - 45 - exciting, interactive and confidence. This indicates that more students are positively affected by the use of the balance model. Students’ Attitude towards Class Exercises and Homework Table 15 Percentage of Students Response to Class Exercises and Homework Class Exercise Frequency Homework Number of Students Percentage Number of students Percentage Not at all 0 00 0 00 Once a week 36 72 39 78 Once a month 39 78 40 80 Table 15 indicates percentage of students’ response to class exercises and homework. This shows that over 70% of the students indicate that class exercises and homework have been given once a week or once a month. 4.7 Discussions and Analysis of Findings Under this section, the pre-test, post-test and interview conducted are discussed and the results analyzed enabled the researcher to determine the level of improvement of students’ performance in solving linear equations in one variable. Research Question 1: How can the use of the balance model improve students’ understanding of the concepts involved in solving linear equations with one variable? With the help of the balance, students were able to perform same operations on both sides - 46 - of the equal sign to maintain balance as in the activity 1(see Appendix B). The balance model was able to help students clear fraction in the given equations by multiplying both sides of the equal sign by the least common divisor (LCD) to maintain balance as in activities 2, 3 & 5(see Appendix B). Students were able to expand the factors before performing same operations on both sides of the equation as in activity 4 as stated by Corte & Pfaff (2000) that the use of the balance model enables students to perform the same operations on both side to maintain balance instead of shifting symbols around the equality sign. Kieran (1992) also agrees that the use of the balance model is a way of presenting the concept of an equation in concrete terms to students. These answer the research question 1. Research Question2: In what ways can the use of the balance model improve students’ achievement in solving linear equations in one variable? According to the summary results of Question 1 (see Table 11), there was an increase in the correct responses of students after the introduction of the balance model. The increase in correct responses from 42% of the total students in the pre-test to 82% in the post-test is an indication of improvement in students’ achievement results in solving linear equations in one variable. Similarly, students’ achievement results of correct responses in Question 2 improved from 38% of the total number of students on the pre-test to 78% in the post-test. Then again in Question 3, the summary results (see Table 11) indicates that there was an increase in the correct responses produced, an improvement of students’ achievement of 84% in the post-test over 44% in the pre-test. Additionally, the summary results (see Table 11) for Question 4 indicates that there was an improvement in the correct responses - 47 - from 36% of the students population of fifty (50) to 76% in the pre-test and post-test respectively. For Question 5 the summary results (see Table 11) shows 86% correct responses in the post-test over 14% in the pre-test, an indication of much improvement achievement results. As stated by Hewitt (2006), the use of diagrams in teaching mathematics concepts enhances students’ understanding and performance, and that answers the research question 2. Research Question 3: How does the usage of the balance model affect students’ attitude towards improving their performance in solving linear equations in one variable? From the interviews conducted after the implementation of the intervention, thus, the introduction of the balance model, forty (40) out of fifty (50) students representing 80% of the total sample find the balance model accurate and straightforward for use. This is an indication that the balance model positively affected the students in their quest to solving linear equations in one variable. With regards to the excitement level, the interview conducted revealed that forty two (42) out of fifty (50) students representing 84% of the total sample claimed the balance model to be exciting. Forty one (41) and forty four (44) out of fifty (50) students representing 82% and 88% of the total sample respectively also find the balance model interactive and very confidence to use. This attitude towards the use of the balance model affected the students positively and was reflected in the improved achievement scores and as indicated by Devine & Meaghor (1989), students’ attitudes have a corresponding implication on their performance. Thus the research question 3 has been answered. - 48 - The findings are indications that using teaching models like the balance model make the classroom an interesting and exciting place for both the student and the teacher. When the balance model is used in the teaching and learning of concepts involved in solving linear equations in one variable it becomes self explanatory and clear to students. Again the pre-test, post-test and interview findings indicate that students’ performance in the solving of linear equations in one variable improved significantly after the introduction of the intervention tool and as a result the balance model was effective. - 49 - CHAPTER 5 IMPLICATIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION 5.0 General Overview The purpose of the study was to use the Balance Model as a practical approach to help students improve their performance in solving linear equations in one variable. The five (5) weeks process of the intervention revealed statistical differences between mean achievement scores of the students using the balance model to solve linear equations in one variable. The statistical differences show the intervention tool (balance model) used improved students’ performances in solving linear equations. Moreover, the students exhibited more positive attitudes towards solving linear equations and mathematics as a whole because they were more focused as they could easily answer questions and reached the final solutions. 5. 1 Implications and Recommendations When students were able to overcome their difficulties in solving linear equations, the confidence gained could be applied in tackling similar difficulties in other topics in mathematics thereby enhancing their problem solving abilities. Teachers are encouraged to use appropriate concrete teaching and learning materials in the classroom and give more classroom exercises and homework to students to ensure effective practice. Educational planners should include the use of concrete classroom teaching materials in the curriculum. - 50 - When students are positively affected by the use of concrete model in the teaching and learning process, they discover the synthesis elements implicit in those actions (Filloy & Rojano, 1989). Teachers and Educational Planners should ensure that the use of concrete models in the teaching and learning of mathematics concepts bring out the discovery of the syntax elements involved in those actions. The balance model could be developed in collaboration with other suitable models for use in solving major mathematical problems when effectively used. 5. 2 Suggestion For Future Research Future efforts should be made to research into the use of other suitable models like the geometric models in solving quadratics equations. The Pulley balance can be uses to progress towards solution of a more extensive family of linear equations (Vlassis, 2002; Filloy & Rojano, 1989). 5. 3 Conclusion It is evident from the findings in this study that using the balance model improved students achievement in mathematics by helping them overcome their difficulties in solving linear equations. It is also evident that the balance model was effective in helping students to use appropriate methods when solving linear equations. They were able to gain confidence in solving linear equations and would be able to tackle similar difficulties in solving mathematical problems. - 51 - The students develop cooperative learning skills when working in groups. They also had real-world experiences in solving problems in mathematics when using the balance model. - 52 - REFERENCES Anamuah-Mensah, J., Mereku, D. K. and Asabere-Ameyaw, A. (2008). 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Find the value of x 5x 1 x 2 3 4. Given that 2(4 x 3) 6 7x , find the value of x . 5 5. Solve for x in the equation 2x 1 . x 1 2 - 59 - APPENDIX B Activities and Worksheets (Balance Model) NB: Students should undertake these activities both individually and in groups. ACTIVITY 1 Solve the linear equation below using the balance method. 2x +3 = x – 1 Given: 2 x + 3 = x – 1 Required: to solve for x Objective: the use of balance method in solving linear equations Method: Introduction: write down the equation 2x +3 = x – 1 Step 1: subtract 3 from both sides of the equation to maintain balance. 2x +3 – 3 = x – 1 – 3 Simplify; 2x = x -4 Step 2: subtract x from both sides of the equation. 2x – x = x – 4 – x Simplify; x = - 4(answer). - 60 - ALTERNATIVELY Step 1: add 1 to both sides of the equation 2 x + 3 = x – 1. 2 x + 3 +1 = x – 1 + 1 Simplify; 2x +4 = x Step 2: subtract x from both sides of equation. 2x – x +4 = x – x Simplify; x +4=0 Step 3: subtract 4 from both sides of equation. x +4–4=0–4 x = - 4 (answer). NB: Set the students to check their answers by substituting x = - 4 into the original equation. WORKSHEET FOR ACTIVITY 1 Fill in the empty spaces in the steps to solve the equation below. Question 1 Solve the linear equation 3 x – 3 = 2 x + 1. Using the balance method; we have: Equation: 3 x – 3 = 2 x + 1 Step 1: add 3 to both sides of the equation. - 61 - 3 x – 3 + ___ = 2 x + 1 + ___ Simplify: 3x =2x +4 Step 2: subtract 2 x from both sides of the equation. 3 x – ___ = 2 x + 4 – ___ Simplify: x = ___ (answer). NB: Set students to check their answers by substituting the value of x into the original equation. ACTIVITY 2 Solve 2 3 1 x x . 3 5 3 Given that 2 3 1 x x . 3 5 3 Required: To solve for x by the balance method. OBJECTIVES (1) To clear fractions in the equation; (2) To use of balance model to solve equations. METHOD Step 1: clear all the fractions by multiplying through the equation by 15(the Lowest Common Denominator). 2 3 1 15 x 15 15 x 15 3 5 3 - 62 - Simplify 5 2x 3 3 15x 5 1 10 x – 9 = 15 x + 5 Step 2: Add 9 to both sides of the equation. 10 x – 9 + 9 = 15 x + 5 + 9 Simplify 10 x = 15 x + 14 Step 3: subtract 15 x from both sides. 10 x – 15 x = 15 x – 15 x + 14 Simplify -5 x = 14 Step 4: divide both sides of the equation by -5 5 x 14 5 5 Simplify x 14 (answer). 5 NB: Set the students to check their answers by substituting x equation for balance. WORKSHEET FOR ACTIVITY 2 Fill in the steps in the working below. Question 2 - 63 - 14 into the original 5 Use the balance method to solve the equation Equation: 3x 5 1 2x 4 6 2 3x 5 1 2x 4 6 2 Step 1: clear all fractions by multiplying through the equation by 12 (the L.C.D). 3x 5 1 __ __ 2 x __ __ 4 6 2 Simplify (3 x × 3) + (5 × 2) = 24 x – (1 × 6) 9 x + 10 = 24 x – 6 Step 2: subtract 10 from both sides of the equation. 9 x + 10 – __ = 24 x – 6 – __ Simplify 9 x = 24 x – 16 Step 3: subtract 24 x from both sides of the equation. 9 x – ___ = 24 x – 16 – ___ Simplify - 15 x = - 16 Step 4: divide through both sides by -15 15 x 16 15 15 Simplify x = ____(answer). NB: check your answer by substituting the value of x into the original equation. - 64 - ACTIVITY 3 Find the value of x in the equation below by the balance method 3x 2 2 x. 5 3 Given 3x 2 2 x. 5 3 Required; to solve for x by balance method Objectives; (1) To clear all fractions. (2) To use the balance method to solve equation. METHOD Step 1; clear the fractions by multiplying through the equation by 15 (the L.C.D). 15 3x 2 2x 15 5 3 Simplify 3 (3x 2) 5 2 x 9x 6 10x Step 2: subtract 6 from both sides of the equation. 9 x + 6 – 6 = 10 x – 6 Simplify 9 x = 10 x – 6 Step 3: subtract 10 x from both sides of equation. 9 x – 10 x = 10 x – 10 x – 6 - 65 - Simplify -x = - 6 Step 4: divide both sides of the equation by -1. x 6 1 1 Simplify: x = 6 (answer). NB: Set students to check their answer by substituting x = 6 into the original equation. WORKSHEET FOR ACTIVITY 3 Fill in the steps in the working below. Question 3 Given that 2 x 7 3x , find the value of x by using the balance method. 3 2 Equation: 2 x 7 3x 3 2 Step 1: clear the fractions by multiplying both sides of the equation by 6. _____ 2 x 7 3x _____ 3 2 Simplify 2 ( 2 x 7) 3 x 3 4 x + 14 = 9 x Step 2: subtract 14 from both sides of the equation. 4 x + 14 – ___ = 9 x – ___ - 66 - Simplify 4 x = 9 x – 14 Step 3 subtract 9 x from both sides of the equation 4 x – ___ = 9 x – 14 – ___ Simplify -5 x = - 14 Step 4: divide both sides of the equation by -5 5 x 14 5 5 Simplify x = ____ (answer) NB: check your answer by substituting the value of x into the original equation. ACTIVITY 4 Given that 5(3 x - 2) = Given; 5(3 x - 2) = 4 3x , find the value of x . 3 4 3x 3 Required: to find the value of x . Objectives: (1) To clear fractions in the equations. (2) To expand the factors. (3) To use the balance method to find the value of x - 67 - METHOD Step 1; clear fractions by multiplying both sides of the equation by 3 (the L.C.D). 3 × {5(3 x - 2)} = 3 4 3x 3 Expand 3 × (15 x - 10) = 4 + 3 x 45 x - 30 = 4 + 3 x Step 2; add 30 to both sides of the equation. 45 x - 30 + 30 = 4 + 3 x + 30 Simplify 45 x = 3 x + 34 Step 3; subtract 3 x from both sides of the equation. 45 x - 3 x = 3 x - 3 x + 34 Simplify 42 x = 34 Step 4; divide both sides of the equation by 42 42 x 34 42 42 Simplify x 17 21 NB: Set students to check their answers by substituting x - 68 - 17 into the original equation. 21 WORKSHEET FOR ACTIVITY 4 Fill in the steps in the working below: Equation 4 Given that 6 x 4 Given: 6 x 4 3x 7 , find the value of x . 5 3x 7 5 METHOD Step 1; clear the fraction by multiplying both sides of the equation by 5 (the L.C.D). __________ 6 x 4 3x 7 _________ 5 Step 2; expand ________ 6 x 24 3x 7 ________ 5 Simplify 30 x + 120 = 3 x + 7 Step 3; subtract 120 from both sides of the equation. 30 x + 120 - ________= 3 x + 7 - __________ Simplify 30 x = 3 x -113 Step 4; subtract 3 x from both sides of the equation. 30 x - ______ = 3 x - 113 - ________ Simplify 27 x = - 113 - 69 - Step 5; divide both sides of the equation by 27. 27 x 113 27 27 Simplify x = _______ NB: Set students to check their answers by substituting the value of x into the original equation. ACTIVITY 5 Solve for x in the equation 3x 3 . 2x 1 5 Required; to solve for x . Objectives: (1) To clear the fractions in the equation. (2) To solve for x . METHOD Step 1; clear the fraction by multiplying both sides of the equation by 5. 5 3x 3 5 2x 1 5 Simplify 15 x 3. 2x 1 - 70 - Step 2; clear fraction by multiplying both sides of the equation by 2 x - 1. (2 x 1) 15 x 3 (2 x 1) 2x 1 Simplify 15 x = 6 x - 3 Step 3; subtract 6 x from both sides of the equation 15 x - 6 x = 6 x - 6 x - 3 Simplify 9 x = -3 Step 4; divide both sides of the equation by 9 9x 3 9 9 Simplify x 1 (answer). 3 NB: Set the students to check their answer by substituting x equation. - 71 - 1 into the original 3 WORKSHEET FOR ACTIVITY 5 Fill in the steps in the working below: Equation 5 Solve for x in the equation Given 5x 4 . 3x 1 3 5x 4 3x 1 3 METHOD Step 1; clear the fraction by multiplying both sides of the equation by 3 _______ 5x 4 _______ 3x 1 3 Simplify 15 x 4 3x 1 Step 2; clear faction by multiplying both sides of the equation by 3 x + 1 ________ 15 x 4 _______ 3x 1 Simplify 15 x = 4(3 x + 1) Step 3; expand 15 x = 12 x + 4 Step 4; subtract 12 x from both sides of the equation 15 x - ____ = 12 x + 4 – ____ Simplify - 72 - 3x =4 Step 5; divide both sides of the equation by 3 3x 4 3 3 Simplify x _____ (answer) NB. Set students to check answers by substituting the value of x into the original equation. - 73 - APPENDIX C Post Test Name __________________________ Date ________________________________ 1. Solve the linear equation for x . 5 x – 1 = 3 x + 11 2. Solve for x in the equation 3x 3 1 2x . 7 6 3 3. Find the value of x in the equation 4. Given 5( x 2) 2x 3 x . 5 2 1 3x , find x . 6 5. Solve for x in the equation 3x 1 . 2x 1 3 - 74 - APPENDIX D Interview Questions 1. How confident did you feel when using the balance model to solve linear equations? 2. Was it helpful to use the balance model in order to solve linear equations? 3. Did you feel more exciting when using balance model to do the worksheet in solving linear equation? 4. Was it easy to use balance model in solving linear equations? 5. What features of the balance model appealed to you for the enhancement of solving linear equations? - 75 -