Governments, 1950-1995 Codebook August 2002 Version Michael D. McDonald Silvia M. Mendes Department of Political Science Binghamton University (SUNY) Binghamton, NY 13902-6000 UNITED STATES Universidade do Minho Escola de Economia e Gestão Departmento de Gestão e Adm. Pública Gualtar 4710 Braga PORTUGAL Acknowledgements: We are grateful to Aida Paskeviciute for identifying several errors in our seats and votes input and to Jaap Woldendorp for supplying us with information and understandings about various parliaments and governments. 1 Data Set Description The data report on the governments of 21 Western countries. Except for France, Portugal, and Spain, the time period covers a country’s first government after its first election in the 1950s through any government forming before 1996. Data on France cover the Fifth Republic through any government forming before 1996. For Portugal and Spain, coverage begins after they democratized in the middle-1970s and continues through any government forming before 1996. Cases are ordered by nation and government. Number of Cases Governments = 486 Elections = 266 Accuracy Status as of August 2002 Each variable has been checked for accuracy numerous times in various ways. Still, on occasion when using these data we have come across inconsistencies or other forms of errors. Based on experience cleaning and using these data, we estimate that the accuracy rate, with respect to correspondence between our data and information reported by our sources, greatly exceeds 99.5%. Contact both McDonald and Mendes by e-mail, if you suspect that an entry is in error. Sources We rely on five sources. These are identified here, followed by a short title in parentheses. In the Variable List below, we identify the source of each variable by that short title. Variables that are either created or computed as logical or arithmetic derivations of other data are also identified as such. Budge, Ian Hans-Dieter Klingemann, Andrea Volkens, Eric Tannenbaum, and Judith Bara. 2001. Mapping Policy Preferences: Estimates for Parties, Electors, and Governments 19451998. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (source = CMP98) European Journal of Political Research, annual country political updates. (source = EJPR) Mackie, Thomas T. and Richard Rose. 1991. International Almanac of Electoral History, 3rd ed. Washington: Congressional Quarterly, Inc. (source = MR) Volkens, Andrea, Kai-Uwe Schnapp, and Jürgen Lass. 1992. Data Handbook on Election Results and Seats in the National Parliaments of 26 Contemporary Democracies, 19451990. Berlin: WZB. (source = Volkens et al.) Woldendorp, Jaap, Hans Keman, and Ian Budge. 2000. Party Government in 48 Democracies (1945-1998). Amsterdam: Kluwer Academic. (source = WKB) 2 VARIABLE LISTING Var #1 NATION: Country name (source = created) Var #2 NATIONID: Country numeric code (source = CMP98) Var #3 GOVTSEQ: Government sequence number (source = WKB) Var #4 GOVTDATE: Government starting date (source = WKB) Var #5 GOVTTIME: Government duration (source = WKB) Var #6 TOTLTIME: Total time governments in data set (source = created) Var #7 ELECDATE: Election date (source = Volkens et al, MR, & EJPR) Var #8 ELECSIZE: Size of the electorate (source = Volkens et al, MR, & EJPR) Var #9 TURNOUT: Voter turnout (source = Volkens et al, MR, & EJPR) Var #10 VALIDVOT: Valid votes cast (source = Volkens et al, MR, & EJPR) Var #11 PARLSIZE: Var #12 CARETAKE: Caretaker government (source = WKB) Var #13 NONPARTY: Nonpartisan government (source = WKB) Var #14 TRANSITN: Var #15 GOVTELEC: Government formed after an election (source = created) Var #16 INCMBGOV: Incumbent government (source = created) Var #17 GPTYVOTE: Government party votes (source = created) Var #18 GPTYSEAT: Government party seats (source = created) Var #19 GPVPCT: Government party vote percentage (source = computed) Var #20 GPSPCT: Government party seat percentage (source = computed) Var #21 EPTYPLUR: Electoral plurality party in government (source = created) Var #22 PTY2ND: Var #23 PARLPLUR: Parliamentary plurality party in government (source = created) Var #24 NPTYGOVT: Number of parties in government (source = computed) Var #25 GOVLRE: Government left-right position, simple mean using electionspecific left-right score (source = created using CMP98) Var #26 GOVLR3: Government left-right position, simple mean using three-election moving average left-right score (source = created using CMP98) Var #27 GOVLRX: Government left-right position, simple mean using post-war average left-right score (source = created using CMP98) Parliamentary size, lower chamber (source = Volkens et al, MR, & EJPR) Transition government (source = created) Party with 2nd highest vote in government (source = created) 3 Var #28 WGOVLRE: Government left-right position, weighted mean using electionspecific left-right score (source = created using CMP98) Var #29 WGOVLR3: Var #30 WGOVLRX: Government left-right position, weighted mean using post-war average left-right score (source = created using CMP98) Var #31 MDN_LRE: Var #32 MPNGOVE: Party of median parliamentarian in government (source = created) Var #33 NMDNPTYE: Number of parties forming median position, based on electionspecific left-right score (source = created using CMP98) Var #34 MDN_LR3: Left-right parliamentary median position using three-election moving average left-right score (source = created using CMP98) Var #35 MPNGOV3: Party of median parliamentarian in government, based on threeelection moving average left-right score (source = created) Var #36 NMDNPTY3: Number of parties forming median position, based on electionspecific left-right score (source = created using CMP98) Var #37 MDN_LRX: Var #38 MPNGOVX: Party of median parliamentarian in government, based on threeelection moving average left-right score (source = created) Var #39 NMDNPTYX: Number of parties forming median position, based on post-war average left-right score (source = created using CMP98) Var #40 MAX1VOTE: Maximum vote percentage won by a party among those in government Var #41 MVE_KF: Median voter left-right position, election-specific and using Kim and Fording approach (source = created) Var #42 MV3_KF: Median voter left-right position, moving average and using Kim and Fording approach (source = created) Var #43 MVX_KF: Median voter left-right position, post-war average and using Kim and Fording approach (source = created) Var #44 MVE: Median voter left-right position, election-specific and using adjusted Kim and Fording approach (source = created) Var #45 MV3: Median voter left-right position, moving average and using adjusted Kim and Fording approach (source = created) Var #46 MVX: Median voter left-right position, post-war average and using adjusted Kim and Fording approach (source = created) Government left-right position, weighted mean using threeelection moving average left-right score (source = created using CMP98) Left-right parliamentary median position using electionspecific left-right score (source = created using CMP98) Left-right parliamentary median position using post-war average left-right score (source = created using CMP98) 4 VARIABLE DESCRIPTIONS Var #1 Var #2 Var #3 NATION: Country name Australia Austria Belgium Canada Denmark Finland France Germany Iceland Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands New Zealand NATIONID: Country numeric code 11 12 13 14 15 21 22 23 31 32 33 35 41 42 Sweden Norway Denmark Finland Iceland Belgium Netherlands GOVTSEQ: Luxembourg France Italy Spain Portugal Germany Austria Portugal Norway Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom United States 43 51 53 61 62 63 64 Switzerland United Kingdom Ireland United States Canada Australia New Zealand Government sequence number Waldendorp, Keman, & Budge (2000) EJPR government sequence number Var #4 GOVTDATE: Government starting date Year (last two digits), month, and day government took office. Var #5 GOVTTIME: Government duration Number of days government remained in office. Var #6 TOTLTIME: Total time from first to last government in data set Time in days from a country’s first government in data set through government that formed before 1996 (sum of VAR #5, GOVTTIME). Var #7 ELECDATE: Election date Year (last two digits) and month of election preceding government formation. 5 Var #8 ELECSIZE: Size of the electorate Number of persons legally eligible to vote in election preceding government formation. Var #9 TURNOUT: Voter turnout Number of persons who turned out to vote in election preceding government formation. Var #10 VALIDVOT: Valid votes cast Number valid ballots cast in election preceding government formation. Var #11 PARLSIZE: Parliamentary size, lower chamber Number of seats in the national parliament during the government (Note: in the U.S., where presidential elections are coded, the entry refers to the number of electoral college members) Var #12 CARETAKE: 0 1 Caretaker government not a caretaker government caretaker government Rule: a government is classified as caretaker based on Waldendorp, Keman, and Budge (2000) designation of caretaker governments. Var #13 NONPARTY: Nonpartisan government 0 partisan government 1 nonpartisan government Rule: a government is classified as nonpartisan if it existed as a nonpartisan administration according to Waldendorp, Keman, and Budge (2000) or all parties associated with government agreed to support but not to have been in government. Var #14 TRANSITN: Transition government 0 not a transition government 1 transition government Rule: a government is classified as a transition government if it lasted for less than two months immediately prior to an election. 6 Var #15 GOVTELEC: 0 1 Var #16 Government did not form immediately after an election Government did form immediately after an election INCBGOVT: 0 1 Government formed after election Incumbent government Not an incumbent government Incumbent government Rule: an incumbent is the partisan, non-caretaker, and non-transition government serving closest in time to an upcoming election. If a nonpartisan or a caretaker or a transition government was in office immediately prior to an election, then the government before that one is an incumbent government. Var #17 GPTYVOTE: Government party votes Number of votes received in the preceding election by the party or parties in government Var #18 GPTYSEAT: Government party parliamentary seats Number of seats in parliament held by the party or parties in government Var #19 GPVPCT : Government party vote percentage Percentage of votes in preceding election won by party or parties in government Var #20 GPSPCT : Government party seat percentage Percentage of seats in parliament held by party or parties in government Var #21 EPTYPLUR: 0 1 Electoral plurality party in government party that won the largest number of votes in preceding election is not in government party that won the largest number of votes in preceding election is in government 7 Var #22 PTY2ND: 0 1 Var #23 1 2 3 4 Var #24 party that won the second highest number of votes in preceding election is not in government party that won the second highest number of votes in preceding election is in government PARLPLUR: 0 Party with the 2nd highest vote total in government Parliamentary plurality party in government party holding the largest number of parliamentary seats is not in government party holding the largest number of parliamentary seats is in government one of two parties holding, equally, the largest number of parliamentary seats is in government (not a valid code) both parties holding, equally, the largest number of parliamentary seats are in government NPTYGOVT: Number of parties in government Number of parties in government. Count does not include parties pledged to support government Var #25 GOVLRE: Government left-right position, simple average of election-specific party left-right scores Computed as the mean left-right position of parties in government using the election-specific party left-right scores. See codebook on Governments & Parliaments for a description of coding for party left-right positions, under VAR #xx PTY_LRE. Var #26 GOVLR3: Government left-right position, simple average across parties of three-election moving average of party left-right scores Computed as the mean left-right position of parties in government using the three-election moving party left-right scores. . See codebook on Governments & Parliaments for a description of coding for party left-right positions, under VAR #xx PTY_LR3. Var #27 GOVLRX: Government left-right position, simple average across parties of post-war average of party left-right scores Computed as the mean left-right position of parties in government using the post-war average of party left-right scores. . See codebook on Governments & Parliaments for a description of coding for party left-right positions, under VAR #xx PTY_LRX. 8 Var #28 WGOVLRE: Weighted mean left-right party score based on election-specific party positions Computed as the weighted mean left-right position of parties in government using the election-specific party left-right scores. Weights are the proportion of seats in parliament held by each party in government. See codebook on Governments & Parliaments for a description of coding for party left-right positions, under VAR #xx PTY_LRE. Var #29 WGOVLR3: Weighted mean left-right party score based on threeelection moving average of party positions Computed as the weighted mean left-right position of parties in government using the three-election moving average party left-right scores. Weights are the proportion of seats in parliament held by each party in government. See codebook on Governments & Parliaments for a description of coding for party left-right positions, under VAR #xx PTY_LR3. Var #30 WGOVLRX: Weighted Government left-right position using postwar average of party left-right scores Computed as the weighted mean left-right position of parties in government using the post-war average party left-right scores. Weights are the proportion of seats in parliament held by each party in government. See codebook on Governments & Parliaments for a description of coding for party left-right positions, under VAR #xx PTY_LRx. Var #31 MDN_LRE: Left-right position of parliamentary median position based on election-specific left-right party positions The left-right position of parliamentary median as determined using the electionspecific party left-right positions. Parliamentary median is the position of the party with which the median parliamentarian affiliates. Var #32 MPNGOVE: Whether party of parliamentary median, based on election-specific left-right party positions, is in government Whether the party with which the median parliamentarian affiliates is in government. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Party of median parliamentarian not in government The one party of the median parliamentarian is in government One of two parties that form parliamentary median is in government (does not exist as valid code) Both of two parties that form parliamentary median is in government (does not exist as valid code) Two of three parties that form parliamentary median are in government 9 Var #33 NMDNPTYE: Number of parties that form the score of the parliamentary median based on election-specific party left-right positions Codes the number of parties that form the parliamentary median This is coded 1 or 2, with the exception of the Netherlands Govt #14 when all three Christian parties had the same left-right score on the election-specific leftright variable and two or those three parties were in government. Code = 3 for Netherlands, Govt #13. Var #34 MDN_LR3: Left-right parliamentary median position based on three-election moving average left-right party positions The left-right position of parliamentary median as determined using the threeelection moving average party left-right positions. Parliamentary median is the position of the party with which the median parliamentarian affiliates or, in the case where parliamentary median falls between two parties, the midpoint between those two parties’ left-right position. Var #35 MPNGOV3: Whether party of parliamentary median, based on three-election moving average of left-right party positions, is in government Whether the party with which the median parliamentarian affiliates is in government. 0 1 2 3 4 Var #36 Party of median parliamentarian not in government The one party of the median parliamentarian is in government One of two parties that form the parliamentary median is in government (does not exist as valid code) Both of two parties that form the parliamentary median is in government NMPGOV3: Number of parties that form the score of the parliamentary median based on three-election moving average party left-right positions Codes the number of parties that form the parliamentary median (1 or 2). Var #37 MDN_LRX: Left-right parliamentary median position based on post-war average left-right party positions The left-right position of parliamentary median as determined using the post-war average party left-right positions. Parliamentary median is the position of the party with which the median parliamentarian affiliates. 10 Var #38 MPNGOVX: Whether party of parliamentary median, based on post-war average of left-right party positions, is in government Whether the party with which the median parliamentarian affiliates is in government. 0 1 2 3 4 Var #39 Party of median parliamentarian not in government The one party of the median parliamentarian is in government One of two parties that form the parliamentary median is in government (does not exist as valid code) Both of two parties that form the parliamentary median is in government NMDNPTYX: Number of parties that form the score of the parliamentary median based on post-war average party left-right positions Codes the number of parties that form the parliamentary median (1 or 2). Var #40 MAX1VOTE: Maximum vote percentage won by a party among those in government Vote percentage from the preceding election won by the party in government that won the largest vote percentage Var #41 MVE_KF: Median voter left-right position, election-specific and using Kim and Fording approach Computation of median voter left-right position. Left is negative, zero marks the center, and right is positive. The computation of this variable uses the ELECL_R scoring of parties and the PTYVPCT variables. Otherwise, except for the data adjustments to parties in Iceland and Portugal (see ELECL_R above), the computation follows the formula and decision rules used by Kim and Fording. The computations are organized in a separate data file, MedianVoter.sav. Var #42 MV3_KF: Median voter left-right position, moving average and using Kim and Fording approach Computation of median voter left-right position. Left is negative, zero marks the center, and right is positive. The computation of this variable uses the MA3L_R scoring of parties and the PTYVPCT variables. Otherwise, except for the data adjustments to parties in Iceland and Portugal (see ELECL_R above), the computation follows the formula and decision rules used by Kim and Fording. The computations are organized in a separate data file, MedianVoter.sav. 11 Var #43 MVX_KF: Median voter left-right position, post-war average and using Kim and Fording approach Computation of median voter left-right position. Left is negative, zero marks the center, and right is positive. The computation of this variable uses the PTYX3L_R scoring of parties and the PTYVPCT variables. Otherwise, except for the data adjustments to parties in Iceland and Portugal (see ELECL_R above), the computation follows the formula and decision rules used by Kim and Fording. The computations are organized in a separate data file, MedianVoter.sav. Var #44 MVE: Median voter left-right position, election-specific and using adjusted Kim and Fording approach Computation of median voter left-right position. Left is negative, zero marks the center, and right is positive. The computation of this variable uses the ELECL_R scoring of parties and the PTYVPCT variables. Also, the data adjustments to parties in Iceland and Portugal apply (see ELECL_R above), and the voter distribution in certain instances is assumed to be different from that assumed by Kim and Fording. When the farthest left or farthest right party in a system is involved in the formula, Kim and Fording allow the extreme score of –100 or +100 to mark the endpoint where voters of that party are located. Rather than assuming the party’s voters are so widely dispersed, this variable assumes they are spread in a symmetrical interval around the party’s position. For example, for a leftmost party at –15 and a 0 midpoint between it and an adjacent party on the right, we assume the left boundary of that party’s voters is –30. The computations are organized in a separate data file, MedianVoter.sav. Var #45 MV3: Median voter left-right position, moving average and using adjusted Kim and Fording approach Computation of median voter left-right position. Left is negative, zero marks the center, and right is positive. The computation of this variable uses the MA3L_R scoring of parties and the PTYVPCT variables. Also, the data adjustments to parties in Iceland and Portugal apply (see ELECL_R above), and the voter distribution in certain instances is assumed to be different from that assumed by Kim and Fording. When the farthest left or farthest right party in a system is involved in the formula, Kim and Fording allow the extreme score of –100 or +100 to mark the endpoint where voters of that party are located. Rather than assuming the party’s voters are so widely dispersed, this variable assumes they are spread in a symmetrical interval around the party’s position. For example, for a leftmost party at –15 and a 0 midpoint between it and an adjacent party on the right, we assume the left boundary of that party’s voters is –30. The computations are organized in a separate data file, MedianVoter.sav. 12 Var #46 MVX: Median voter left-right position, post-war average and using adjusted Kim and Fording approach Computation of median voter left-right position. Left is negative, zero marks the center, and right is positive. The computation of this variable uses the PTYXL_R scoring of parties and the PTYVPCT variables. Also, the data adjustments to parties in Iceland and Portugal apply (see ELECL_R above), and the voter distribution in certain instances is assumed to be different from that assumed by Kim and Fording. When the farthest left or farthest right party in a system is involved in the formula, Kim and Fording allow the extreme score of –100 or +100 to mark the endpoint where voters of that party are located. Rather than assuming the party’s voters are so widely dispersed, this variable assumes they are spread in a symmetrical interval around the party’s position. For example, for a leftmost party at –15 and a 0 midpoint between it and an adjacent party on the right, we assume the left boundary of that party’s voters is –30. The computations are organized in a separate data file, MedianVoter.sav.