MOSAIC/ Special Education/ Form 11 Low Incidence MOSAIC Phase-in Schedule and Supervisor Responsibilities1 What follows is a suggested phase-in schedule for MOSAIC students; however, it must be stressed that the time and degree of how MOSAIC students assume teaching responsibilities is truly an individual process and must be made jointly with input from the MOSAIC student, the mentor, and the university supervisor. Although a MOSAIC student may assume responsibility for teaching a class, he/she should still have the continual support, input, and feedback from the mentor teacher. This is essential for the growth of the MOSAIC student and for the students in the class(es) to receive effective instruction. FALL SEMESTER – Students in the MOSAIC program participate in both a content practicum experience and a low incidence (special education) practicum experience during the fall semester. The low incidence special education placement takes place during the fall semester. MOSAIC students will split their time equally between their content area placement and their special education placement. The students will be in school all day Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and a half day on Wednesday. The low incidence special education practicum placement should mirror the three stages of practicum experiences outlined by PDE (observing, assisting/pre-student teaching, and teaching). * September & October: MOSAIC students should use the month of September to acclimate into their school and classroom environments by conducting many observations. Students may wish to observe students in school environments outside of a low incidence classroom where they are receiving direct services (e.g., cafeteria, hallways, “specials”, general education classrooms). A meeting should take place towards the beginning of the practicum between the MOSAIC student, the mentor teacher, and the university supervisor (initial meeting). Towards the end of September the MOSAIC student and the university supervisor should co-plan a lesson together. The university supervisor should then observe the lesson and conduct a post-observation conference (observation #1). During the month of October the MOSAIC student should assume some planning and instruction. The university supervisor should conduct observation #2 & #3 in October. MOSAIC students will begin work on their PDE 430 in October and the supervisor will read and comment on this work. * November & December: During the months of November and December MOSAIC students should increasingly assume responsibility for pieces of the mentor's daily teaching schedule. During this time the university supervisor should conduct at least two additional observations (observation #4 & #5), however some MOSAIC students may be in need of additional observations during this time period. The university supervisor should convene a final evaluation conference no later than Friday, December 11th. ***Throughout the entire low incidence placement the mentor teacher is expected to make frequent observations and participate in scheduled feedback conferences with the MOSAIC student. The mentor teacher must provide copies of five observations electronically (preferred) or in hard copy to the university supervisor following each 1 Updated 6.12.15 MOSAIC/ Special Education/ Form 11 observation. The MOSIAC student is also responsible for submitting all formal observation forms for placement in their university file. MOSAIC/ Special Education/ Form 11 During the fall semester, the university supervisor responsibilities are as follows: An initial meeting on site with the MOSAIC student and the mentor teacher to review program expectations and responsibilities (initial meeting – Use Form 2 as guide). Ongoing communication with the mentor teacher about the student teacher’s progress and growth. Co-planning meeting with the MOSAIC student. In this meeting, the MOSAIC student and university supervisor should co-plan at least one lesson so that they share common planning expectations and so that the university supervisor can give her/his expert guidance to the MOSAIC student. The university supervisor is then asked to conduct an observation when the MOSAIC student teaches this lesson (observation #1 – submit Co-Planning Cover Form). A minimum of 3 additional teaching observations of the MOSAIC student implementing an instructional activity or a full lesson (observation #2, #3, & #4). The supervisor will read and evaluate student’s entries to their PDE 430 portfolio. The supervisor should submit a formative evaluation of the MOSAIC student, with mentor input, no later than December 11th. The formative final evaluation will use the MOSAIC/Special Education Final Evaluation Form and should be submitted to the student’s seminar instructor, Dr. Sheila Conway ( The student will also upload a copy of this form into Task Stream. Grades for the Low Incidence Practicum are Pass/Fail. Supervisor assign grades with input from the mentor teacher. MOSAIC students must receive a “Pass” in their field experience and the Practicum course to receive credit for the Low Incidence experience. The University Supervisor is responsible to notify the program coordinator Sheila Conway ( if there are any concerns about the placement experience or the student teacher. Any questions or concerns about the program or a MOSAIC student teacher’s progress should be addressed to the Program Coordinator, Sheila Conway ( 412-648-7212.