TITLE I PARENT INVOLVEMENT POLICY July 2014 Lackawanna City School District Office of Instruction 245 South Shore Blvd. Lackawanna, NY 14218 PART I: GENERAL EXPECTATIONS Purpose: Lackawanna City School District strives to be a supportive learning community that values academic achievement and personal development for all students, and the personal and social development of each student. Collaborative partnerships between parents, students, faculty, staff and administration are needed to provide students the opportunity to develop the relationships needed to promote academic achievement and personal development. Parents and community are sought by the school as critical players and partners in the development of the whole child. Rationale: Research shows that when parents are involved in schools the benefits include: Higher student achievement - higher grades and tests scores, more homework done. Better attendance. More positive attitudes and behaviors. Fewer placements in special education programs. Higher graduation rates. Greater enrollment in postsecondary education. Improved teacher morale. More support from families. Increased motivation to seek school's help. Increased parental satisfaction and higher confidence in teachers and administrators. Increased teacher satisfaction and higher confidence in parents, students, and community. Increased 2-way communication leading to a greater understanding of concerns and a broader base of student academic support. Increased student attendance during the school day and increased parent supports for all activities. Schools have better academic achievement. Schools have a better reputation in the community and surrounding areas. It is the goal of Lackawanna City School District to assess and review the needs of this community to determine the appropriate activities and opportunities to support the academic achievement and personal development of all Lackawanna Students. Lackawanna has a philosophy and mission that reflects the intellectual and developmental needs and characteristics of young adolescents and plans to have parents and community as an integral part in students' learning. An educational program that is comprehensive, challenging, purposeful, relevant, integrated, and standards-based and the degree to which the district's educational programs involves family, community, and the world outside the school in the development of children and young adolescents. An organization and structure that supports both academic excellence and personal development and utilizes the talents and skills of the family, community and business partners to promote an education that routinely extends beyond the school. Classroom instruction appropriate to the needs and characteristics of young people provided by skilled and knowledgeable teachers and the degree to which the school communicates with the parents/guardians and community regarding student achievement resulting in home-school collaboration. A process for informing parents, families, and community groups of the essential role they play in ensuring students attend school and access available services, in expanding and enhancing venues for significant learning, in promoting you development, and in supporting positive school change. A well established, collaborative network of local community organizations and leaders partner with the school to provide monetary and material support, expand student learning experiences and give students opportunities to contribute to the community through service learning, etc. A network of trained professionals, resources, and services provides the necessary prevention and intervention services to students and their families in a coordinated manner. All requirements of the Title 1 Parent Involvement regulations will be incorporated in all of the aspects of this plan including planning activities, annual review of the plan, monies spent on parent involvement activities, providing information to parents in native languages, and etc. PART II: HOW THE DISTRICT WILL IMPLEMENT REQUIRED DISTRICT WIDE PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT POLICY COMPONENTS The Lackawanna City School District will take the following actions to involve parents in the joint development of the Title I Plan: District Wide Title I Advisory Council District Wide Parent Community Outreach Center District Wide PTA (Parent Teacher Association) that are building based The Lackawanna City School District will take the following actions to involve parents in the process of school review and improvement: District Wide PTA meetings Building level PTA meetings Building level PAC meetings Parent participation in writing the yearly DCIP/SCEP plan District Wide Parent Community Outreach Center The Lackawanna City School District will provide the coordination, technical assistance, and support necessary to assist participating schools in planning and implementing effective parent involvement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance. Hold UPK Collaboration meetings Transition meetings for parents Truman PTA and UPK coordinator meet and collaborate District Wide Parent Community Outreach Center District Wide PTA meetings District Wide Open House DCIP committees The Lackawanna City School District will build the schools’ and parents’ capacity for strong parental involvement by: Operating a Parent Community Outreach Center Hold District Wide family nights (i.e. Family Swim Night) Send home necessary notes in the family’s native language Create parent need survey (will be used for PIP, various activities, and support center ideas) Workshops to address academic, behavioral, developmental, and societal issues and needs, and parenting skill builders Family Lending Library on a variety of parenting topics including books, DVDs, videos, magazines, and more Parent-to-parent support groups Orientation and information nights, days Parent – Teacher Conferences Take home homework planners School social worker - support for families District-Wide Communication Plan The Lackawanna City School District will conduct, with the involvement of parents, an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the parental involvement policy in improving the academic quality of the Title I schools, including identifying barriers to greater participation by parents in activities authorized by Title I, and use the findings of the evaluation to design strategies for more effective parental involvement and revise, if necessary, the parental involvement policies at the LEA and school level. On a yearly basis, parents that are on each building’s PTA committee are chosen to meet and review the district Title I plan. Letters are also sent home and information is put on the District Website to invite any other parents that may be interested in attending and participating in this review. This meeting is usually held in May so that we can review the progress or lack of for the year and plan appropriately for the upcoming year. At this meeting, we plan activities for the upcoming school year, review the plan and make revisions when necessary, and add or delete ideas to the plan. This year we will also create a survey that will be sent home to parents on what they would like to see throughout the year for speakers, presentations, and to gather their feedback on the Parent Community Outreach Center. . Every May, the Parent Involvement Committee, which includes the Principal of Curriculum and Instruction, Building Level Administration, PTA parents, social workers, guidance counselors, attendance officer, and any other parents that wish to attend, meet to review the Parent Involvement Policy. This meeting is held at our central office building for a whole day session. At this meeting, the plan is reviewed, suggestions are taken, changes are made, and activities are planned for the upcoming year. We also discuss ideas on how to increase parent involvement in the district (i.e. Babysitting, transportation, parent center, etc.) The Lackawanna City School District will involve parents in the activities of the Title I Schools. To ensure effective involvement of parents and to support a partnership among the school, parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement, each school and LEA shall provide assistance to parents of children served by the school or LEA in understanding such topics as the State’s Academic Content Standards, State Student Academic Achievement Standards, State and local academic assessments, the requirements of this part and how to monitor a child’s progress and work with educators to improve the achievement of their children. At district open houses, parents meet with the building principals for a portion of the evening. At this time, state and local assessments, state standards and expectations, and student results are explained to the parents. All state and local requirements are also explained to parents and why these are important in student’s education. A letter is also sent to the parents with student assessment results explaining the results and where their child scored. If their child qualifies for Title 1 services, they are also notified of this with this letter. The complaint process and all other Title 1 requirements will also be explained to parents at this time. This information will also be posted on the district website for parents to access if needed. The Lackawanna City School District will provide materials and training to help parents work with their children to improve their achievement, through literacy training and using technology, as appropriate, to foster parental involvement. Family Together Nights District Website “Parent’s Corner” District Wide Parent Community Outreach Center PreK through 12 Parent- Teacher Conferences Open House for ESL families District Wide Open House Lackawanna School District newsletter Parent Calendar in addition to the school calendar Phone Connect - Individual School Information line Eschool Parent Portal Principal Mailings from Individual Schools Use of Lackawanna Front Page and South Buffalo News, and other news source Student Homework Planners - Parent section, use as a means of two-way communication Quarterly Newsletter from the Individual Schools Meeting to create yearly DCIP building plan District Wide PTA meetings District Wide PAC meetings The Lackawanna City School District will educate teachers, pupil services personnel, principals, and other staff with the assistance of parents, in the value and utility of contributions by parents, and in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners, implement and coordinate parent programs, and build ties between parents and the school. During the school year during the professional development time, teachers and staff are trained in the area of parent involvement, why it is important, and the effect it has on student achievement (i.e. Ruby Payne training). They also receive ideas and activities to help improve parent involvement throughout the school year. Teachers also receive activities that can be sent home with students that can be done with their parents in the areas of ELA and Math. This training occurs about four times per year. Courses are also offered through our District Teacher Center in the area of parent involvement. The Lackawanna City School District will coordinate and integrate, to the extent feasible and appropriate, parent involvement programs and activities with Head Start, Reading First, Early Reading First, Even Start, the Home Instruction Programs for Preschool Youngsters, the Parent as Teachers Program, public preschools and other programs, and conduct other activities, such as Parent Community Outreach Centers, that encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children; Hold UPK Collaboration meetings Hold transition meetings for parents Partner with the YMCA for before school child care Hold a summer program for Pre-K students transitioning to kindergarten Coordination of health and county services available in the school district School-business-community partnerships Community Open House Days to come and visit the schools and see what we have to offer (planetarium, music dept., etc.) Operate District Wide Parent Community Outreach Center The Lackawanna City School District will ensure that information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities is sent to the parents of participating children in a format and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand. District Website District Newsletter District Calendar School Improvement plans on the District Website PTA meeting information on District Website and notes home Building Newsletters Student assessment information AIS reports PART III: DISCRETIONARY DISTRICT WIDE PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT POLICY COMPONENTS Parent Community Outreach Center open a variety of times to meet parent needs Provide such services as babysitting, transportation, and food when necessary Train parents in cases where they can work with other parents to increase involvement Conduct home visits if necessary District Administration will meet with PTA/PAC members for input