Student Drug Testing Policy

Dear Parents or Guardians:
The Adair County R-1 School District has found it necessary to adopt Drug Testing Policies.
Legal counsel has reviewed these policies and recommended that we adopt them to reflect
current rulings of the United States Supreme Court concerning drug testing.
The drug policies include:
1) Random Drug/Alcohol Test for Extracurricular Activities
2) Voluntary Drug Testing Program
3) Reasonable Suspicion Testing for Drugs/Alcohol
These policies will allow the District to maintain control of any drug/alcohol problems that may
at school or school functions occur while maintaining a safe environment for our children. The
random test for students participating in extracurricular practices and/or contest falls under the
control and jurisdiction of the District and MSHSAA for the illegal use of controlled substances
and alcohol. This policy addresses the concern of our student’s safety and well being while
participating in these activities. We feel it is necessary for all parents/guardians of participating
students to review the new policies and sign a permission form.
We regret any inconvenience or confusion this may cause. We believe that it is very important
for us to be prudent and judicious in the implementation of this policy for the good of our
children, parents, school and community.
I have read the District policy concerning random drug and alcohol testing and
agree to participate in the testing program. I understand that my/our signatures
below authorize the District to obtain an urine sample from whose signature
appears below if his or her name is selected as part of the random selection
procedures described in the proceeding program materials. I also understand that
my/our signatures on this form authorizes LabOne, Inc. Laboratories to perform a
drug test on the urine sample to test only for the presence of illegal substances or
performance enhancing drugs. I/we also understand that if a “positive” test
results, the student and parents or guardians may need to disclose any over-thecounter or prescription medications the student is or has taken. I also understand
that currently available drug tests are not 100% reliable and that false positive
tests may result.
STUDENT _____________________________________DATE________
Random Drug and Alcohol Testing Program for Extracurricular Activities
The Adair County R-1 School District reserves the right to conduct a program of
random testing for students participating in extracurricular activities for the illegal
use of controlled substances and alcohol, as defined by applicable law, that may
present a safety risk during activities. For this purpose, any student participating
in extracurricular practices and/or contest, under the control and jurisdiction of the
district and MSHSAA will be subject to random testing during the period
commencing with the first day of practice authorized by MSHSAA for any
activity and ending on the last day of student participation in that activity.
Consent. The parent or guardian and the student participant will be required to
sign a written consent for random testing prior to participating in the
extracurricular program. Upon refusal to be tested, the participant will be
suspended from the program for the remainder of the season.
Medication. Student participants who have been or who are taking prescription
medication must provide verification (either by copy of the prescription or by a
written physician’s statement) prior to being tested. This information may be
provided confidentially by the student, parents or guardian, to the testing
laboratory upon request to the school administration. The administration will
provide a number, code, or other means of identification for the student to provide
to the laboratory with such information so as not to personally identify the
student. Students who refuse to provide information required for verification and
who test positive will be subject to the consequences specified for positive tests.
Selection. All student participants may be tested at the beginning of a season.
Random testing may be conducted during any season on students participating in
that activity. Students selected for random testing will be selected by having their
names drawn at random from a pool of all student participants, for the activity
being tested.
Testing. Testing will be administered by urinalysis. Appropriate steps will be
taken to respect the privacy of students while at the same time prevention
falsification of the testing. Testing procedures shall be conducted according to
procedures designed to ensure the integrity of specimens and chain of custody of
the specimens. Testing laboratories will not be given a student’s name or
personally identifiable information about a student. Testing procedures applicable
to mandatory testing of transportation employees may be utilized, but shall not be
required. All students randomly selected during a season will be tested, and will
be given reasonable notice under the circumstances of the time, place and manner
in which they will be required to provide the sample. Test results will remain
confidential, and will only be released on a need to know basis in accordance with
applicable law. The superintendent may provide for regulations governing the
testing process that are consistent with this policy.
Positive Test. If a student’s test is positive, a second test will be administered to
confirm the initial results. If the second test is negative, no further action will be
taken . If the second test is positive, the student and, if the student is under 18,
parents or guardian will be notified.
Consequences. Consequences for positive tests shall be suspension from
participation from all activities until the student tests negative. At a minimum,
the student will be suspended from the activity in which he or she was
participating for ten days. If a student test positive a second time, during any
activity season in one school year, they will be suspended from all activities for
that school year. After a student tests positive, any additional testing or education
and counseling required of the student in order to participate in extracurricular
programs shall be at the expense of the student, parents or guardian.
Confidentiality. Parents of students who are under 18 and who still have the
right of access to student records will receive all information applicable to the
testing of their children under this policy. All information and records relating to
a student’s participation in the testing program under this policy shall remain
confidential and shall be maintained in a separate file.
Appeals. Students may appeal any suspension from activities under this policy
through the student grievance policy.
Adopted: February 22, 1999
Adair County R-1 Board of Education
Voluntary Drug Testing Program Policy
In order to assist students and parents in avoiding illegal drug and alcohol use by students and in
identifying illegal drug and alcohol use by students, a voluntary program of random testing for
the use of illegal drugs or alcohol by students is established by the Adair County R-1 School
District Board of Education. All students and their parents will be provided with information
concerning participation and the opportunity to execute a written consent form for participation,
which consent may be revoked at any time.
Medication. Students who have been or who are taking prescription medication must provide
verification (either by copy of the prescription or by a written physician’s statement) prior to
being tested. This information may be provided confidentially by the student to the testing
laboratory upon request to the school administration. The administration will provide a number,
code or other means of identification for the student to provide to the laboratory with such
information so as not to personally identify the student.
Testing. Students to be tested may be periodically selected at random from the pool of
participating students, and may be included in a pool of students participating in a mandatory
random testing program for student participants. Testing for illegal drugs or alcohol will be
administered by urinalysis. Appropriate steps will be taken to respect the privacy of students
while at the same time preventing falsification of the testing. Testing laboratories will not be
given a student’s name or personally identifiable information about a student. Testing
procedures applicable to mandatory testing of transportation employees may be utilized, but shall
not be required. Students will be tested for controlled substances, and may be tested for alcohol.
Students will be given reasonable notice under the circumstances of the time, place and manner
in which they will be required to provide the sample. Test results will remain confidential, and
will only be released in accordance with applicable law. The superintendent may provide for
regulations governing the testing process that are consistent with this policy.
Positive Test. If a student’s test is positive, a second test will be administered to confirm the
initial results. If the second test is negative, no further action will be taken. If the second test is
positive, the student and, if the student is under 18, parents or guardian will be notified and
provided with an opportunity to explain the positive results. If, based upon the test results and
other information, it appears that the positive test is a valid indicator of illegal drug or alcohol
use, the student will be referred for appropriate education and counseling.
Confidentiality. Parents of students who are under 18 and who still have the right of access to
student records will receive all information applicable to the testing of their children under this
policy. All information and records relating to a student’s participation in the testing program
under this policy shall remain confidential and shall be maintained in a separate file.
Adopted: February 22, 1999
Adair County R-1 Board of Education
Reasonable Suspicion Testing for Illegal Drugs and Alcohol
If the school administration has reasonable suspicion to believe that a student is
engaging in or has engaged in illegal drug or alcohol use or attendance under the
influence on school property, a school bus or while attending or participating in a
school activity, based upon objective facts known to the administration, which
may include statements of credible witnesses, the student may be required to
submit to urinalysis testing for the presence of illegal drugs or alcohol, or
breathalyzer analysis for the presence of alcohol. If the student admits such
illegal drug or alcohol use or attendance under the influence, or if the evidence of
such use or attendance under the influence is deemed sufficient by the
administration to support a finding of a violation of district policy without such
testing, then no such testing shall be required.
Notice. Prior to a final decision to require a student to submit to such testing, the
student will be provided with the information forming the basis for such
reasonable suspicion determination (without naming confidential informants), will
be provided a copy of this policy, and shall be afforded an opportunity to
demonstrate that the information is incorrect or to provide other information
demonstrating that such testing should not be required.
Medication. Students subject to testing under this policy who have been or who
are taking prescription medication must provide verification (either by copy of the
prescription or by a written physician’s statement) prior to being tested. This
information may be provided confidentially by the student to the testing
laboratory upon request to the school administration. The administration will
provide a number, code or other means of identification for the student to provide
to the laboratory with such information so as not to personally identify the
Testing. Testing for illegal drugs will be administered by urinalysis. Appropriate
steps will be taken to respect the privacy of students while at the same time
preventing falsification of the testing. Testing procedures shall be conducted
according to procedures designed to ensure the integrity of specimens and chain
of custody of the specimens. Testing laboratories will not be given a student’s
name or personally identifiable information about a student. Testing procedures
applicable to mandatory testing of transportation employees may be utilized, but
shall not be required. Students will be tested for the illegal drug or drugs indicate
by the information upon which the reasonable suspicion determination was based.
Students will be given reasonable notice under the circumstances of the time,
place and manner in which they will be required to provide the sample.
Breathalyzer analysis shall be conducted by trained personnel in confidential, and
will only be released in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Test results will remain confidential, and will only be released in accordance with
applicable law. The superintendent may provide for regulations governing the
testing process that are consistent with this policy.
Positive Test. If a student’s drug test is positive, a second test will be
administered to confirm the initial results. If a second test is negative, no further
action will be taken. If the second test is positive, the student and if the student is
under 18, parent or guardian will be notified and provided with an opportunity to
explain the positive results. If, based upon the test results and other information,
including the information upon which reasonable suspicion was based, it appears
that the positive test is a valid indicator that the student has been engaging in or
has engaged in illegal drug or alcohol use or attendance under the influence on
school property, a school bus or while attending or participating in a school
activity, appropriate disciplinary action may be taken under applicable district
policies, subject to appropriate due process requirements, and the student may be
referred for counseling.
If the test is positive, but the administration determines based upon all the facts
available, that there is insufficient evidence that the student has been engaging in
or has engaged in illegal drug or alcohol use or attendance under the influence on
school property, a school bus or while attending or participating in a school
activity, the student may be referred for appropriate education and counseling.
Refusal to Submit to Testing. Students who refuse to comply with a request for
reasonable suspicion testing under this policy may be subject to discipline for
illegal drug or alcohol use or attendance under the influence of illegal drugs on
school property, a school bus or while attending or participating in a school
Confidentiality. Parents of students who are under 18 and who still have the
right of access to student records will receive all information applicable to the
testing of their children under this policy. All information and records relating to
a student’s participation in the testing program under this policy shall remain
confidential and shall be maintained in a separate file.
Adopted: February 22, 1999
Adair County R-1 Board of Education