SUSTAINABLE ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION: ENERGY CONSUMPTION AND MATERIAL WASTE GENERATION OF ROADWAYS John A. Gambatese1 and Sathyanarayanan Rajendran2 ABSTRACT Sustainable roadway construction can be defined as the optimal use of natural and man-made resources during the roadway lifecycle causing negligible damage to the environment. Two means of improving the sustainability of roadways are to minimize the amount of energy consumed for their construction and to efficiently use roadway materials to reduce waste. This paper describes two separate studies conducted to estimate the amount of energy consumed and the amount of waste generated in continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) and asphalt pavement (AC) roadways from extraction of raw materials through the end of construction. For CRCP, energy is primarily consumed during the manufacture of cement and reinforcing steel, while for AC the majority of energy is consumed during asphalt mixing, drying of aggregates, and the production of bitumen. With regard to material waste, most of the waste generated from CRCP roadways occurs during extraction and production of cement and aggregates. For AC, the extraction and production of aggregates produce the majority of waste. The results indicate that the amount of waste generated is greater for CRCP than for AC. The results of the two studies highlight where sustainable design efforts to reduce energy consumption and waste generation can best be directed in the initial phases of a pavement’s life cycle. KEY WORDS Asphalt, Concrete, Energy, Waste, Life cycle, Sustainability INTRODUCTION Presently, the U.S. national highway system requires the construction of new roads and the widening, repair, and rehabilitation of existing roads to meet growing traffic demands. As work to increase and improve the roadway system commences, the emergence of sustainable development as a viable concept in civil engineering projects demands more attention to incorporate the concept in roadway design and construction. Sustainable development can be defined in general as “the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (WCED 1987). In their document titled “Agenda 21 for Sustainable Construction for 1 2 Asst. Professor, Oregon State Univ., Dept. of Civil, Constr, and Env. Engrg., Corvallis, OR 97331-2302. Voice: (541) 737-8913; Fax: (541) 737-3300; E-mail: Graduate Student, Oregon State Univ., Dept. of Civil, Constr. and Env. Engrg., Corvallis, OR 97331-2302. Voice: (541) 758-2712; Fax: (541) 737-3300; E-mail: 1 Developing Countries – A Discussion Document”, CIB and UNEP-ITEC provide the following description of sustainable construction: “Sustainable construction means that the principles of sustainable development are applied to the comprehensive construction cycle from the extraction and beneficiation of raw materials, through the planning, design and construction of buildings and infrastructures, until their final deconstruction and management of the resultant waste. It is a holistic process aiming to restore and maintain harmony between the natural and built environment, while creating settlements that affirm human dignity and economic equity.” (CIB & UNEP-IETC 2002) Research questions arise from the sustainable development perspective as to whether energy and materials are being optimally and efficiently used in roadway construction. Is a significant amount of energy consumed and waste generated to construct roadways? What phases of the roadway lifecycle from raw material extraction through construction consume the most energy and create the most waste? Answering these questions provides direction for where to focus sustainability efforts to have the greatest impact. This paper describes two studies designed to address these questions by estimating the amount of energy consumed and the amount of waste generated for the construction of continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) and asphalt pavement (AC) roadways from extraction of raw materials through the end of construction. The conduct and results of the studies are described, and recommendations of where further efforts can be undertaken to minimize the energy consumption and waste generation of each type of pavement are provided. LITERATURE REVIEW Traditional criteria held by the construction industry as project objectives are: cost, schedule, quality, and safety. With the advent of the concept of sustainability, Kibert (1994) proposed three additional project criteria for the construction industry related to sustainability: resource depletion, environmental degradation, and healthy environment. Construction operations consume energy, and can create substantial noise, cause significant environmental damage, and produce large quantities of waste. Changes in construction processes may be needed to protect the environment during construction operations. Excellence in design at all levels is crucial; poor design can lead to unsustainable construction. Kibert suggests that materials should be selected for either their recyclability or their ability to be composted and returned to earth as biomass. To address these issues of sustainable construction, Kibert proposes six principles for sustainable construction (Kibert 1994): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Minimization of resource consumption (Conserve) Maximize resource reuse (Reuse) Use renewable or recyclable resources (Renew/Recycle) Protect the natural environment (Protect Nature) Create a healthy, non-toxic environment (Non-Toxics) Pursue quality in creating the built environment (Quality) 2 Kibert defined resource conservation as the first principle because it contrasts the major problem that forces us to address sustainability in the first place: over consumption. He also stressed the importance of reuse and recycling. It is highly desirable to reuse resources we have already extracted. Reuse contrasts to recycling in that reused items are simply used intact with minimal reprocessing, while recycled items are reduced to raw materials and then used in new products. Considering the past negative effects on the natural environment, perhaps it is time to do better than just sustain, but to restore the environment. The fifth principle suggests the elimination of toxics in the indoor and exterior built environment. ENERGY CONSUMPTION Studies of energy consumption during the service life of asphalt and concrete pavements have been conducted. Horvath and Hendrickson (1998) applied an “economic input-outputbased life-cycle analysis” (EIO-LCA) model in an attempt to compare the environmental implications of asphalt and steel-reinforced concrete pavements. The study findings indicate that for the initial construction of equivalent pavement designs, asphalt appears to have a higher energy input, lower ore and fertilizer input requirements, and lower toxic emissions. Asphalt, though, has higher hazardous waste generation and management than steelreinforced concrete. According to the study, the construction of a 1-km section of a typical two-lane highway requires 7.0 x 106 MJ of energy in the case of AC pavement, and 5.0 x 106 MJ for CRCP pavement. The Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL) performed a life cycle assessment for road construction, road maintenance, and road operation (Stripple 2001). The methodology used in this study follows an approach developed by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) and the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The SETAC-EPA technique divides each product or system into individual process flows and attempts to quantify their environmental effects. This process-based method traces back upstream the necessary process or activities to create a product or system. Once the stages have been identified, the environmental inputs and outputs in each stage are evaluated. The study analyzed three different road surface materials: PCC, hot-mix asphalt, and cold-mix asphalt. In addition, two different engine alternatives for vehicles and machines used in the process, conventional diesel engines and modern low emission diesel engines, were studied. The study found that PCC pavements require more energy for their construction and during their entire lifecycle than AC pavements. The conclusions from the two studies presented above appear to be different. In Horvath and Hendrickson’s study, asphalt pavement requires 30% more energy than concrete pavement, while IVL reports that concrete pavement requires 37% more energy than asphalt pavement. Horvath and Hendrickson acknowledge the difference of their study with the findings of other researchers as being primarily due to significant system boundary differences between the methods used. Although some of the results obtained in the two studies have some similarities, there are important differences and contradictions that should be studied in more detail. While the complexity of roadway systems presents difficulties for their study, previous research indicates that asphalt and concrete are both energy-intensive materials. 3 MATERIAL WASTE A literature search uncovered little research on the sustainability of roadway construction and material waste in the lifecycle of roadways. Sustainability of materials is affected by the environmental impacts of mass materials movement throughout the material lifecycle. The flow of materials has significant economic, environmental, and social impacts at each stage of the lifecycle. Wagner (2002) suggests that the materials-flow cycle aids in the analysis of the flow of materials through the environment and economy. The cycle is used to trace the flow of materials from extraction through production, manufacturing, and utilization to recycling or disposal. Throughout these processes, the potential for losses exist either through the discarding of wastes or dissipation of materials to the environment. From this type of analysis, particular processes can be identified for more efficient materials use. The U.S. EPA (1998) conducted a major study on the characterization of building-related construction and demolition (C&D) debris in the U.S., and estimated that 136 million tons of building-related C&D debris was generated in 1996. The study did not include C&D waste from transportation projects. The report cites “Road, bridge, and land clearing wastes represent a major portion of total C&D debris, and some of the materials produced are managed by the same processors and landfills that manage building-related wastes.” However, estimates of material waste generated as part of roadway construction were not available in the literature. The recycling of reclaimed AC and PCC pavements is being practiced by the majority of the State Highway Agencies in the U.S. (Ellis 1994; U.S. DOT 1993). With regard to the end of service life stages, the majority of highway agencies recycle between 75% and 100% of their asphalt surface (U.S. DOT/FHWA/U.S. EPA 1993). The remainder is reused except for a small percentage of recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) that is disposed of because it was not recoverable from the stockpile or was of poor quality. The U.S. Department of Transportation estimates that 91 million metric tons (100.1 million tons) of asphalt pavement are scraped or “milled” off roads during resurfacing and widening projects each year (U.S. DOT 1993). Of that, 73 million metric tons (80.3 million tons) are reclaimed and reused as part of pavements, roadbeds, shoulders, and embankments, giving a recycling rate of 80%. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The Environmental Council of Concrete Organizations (ECCO) defines an environmental LCA as a detailed, extensive tool used to systematically evaluate the environmental impacts of a product or system (ECCO 1997). According to ECCO, an LCA considers environmental impacts from all possible sources such as extraction of raw materials, manufacture, service life, and disposal. An LCA involves quantification of the environmental burdens (lifecycle inventory assessment or LCI), estimation of the impacts of these burdens on humans and nature (impact analysis), and identification of areas where improvements are possible (Horvath and Hendrickson 1998). Using an abbreviated lifecycle inventory assessment, two separate research studies were conducted to investigate the sustainability of roadways from energy and waste perspectives. The studies attempted to estimate the amount of energy consumed and the amount of waste generated for the construction of CRCP and AC pavement roadways from extraction of raw 4 materials through the end of construction. It should be noted that this paper presents the results for only extraction of raw materials through the end of construction and does not address the entire roadway lifecycle. Starting with a flowchart of the pavement lifecycles, the researchers identified through reviews of literature and discussions with material trade associations, possible points within the initial stages of the pavement lifecycles (extraction of raw materials, manufacturing, and placement) where energy is consumed and waste generated. This was followed by the: selection of the type and characteristics of the roadways to be investigated, identification of energy use and waste generation data sources, collection of data from the identified sources, and finally analysis of the data. The two pavement structures used in the studies are designed for 10 million 80-kN (18 kip) equivalent single-axle loads, which is an estimate of 10 or more years of interstate highway traffic. Both pavement sections are 720 cm wide and are assumed to sit on 15 cm of high-quality cement-treated soil subbase [E = 6.9 GPa]. Because the base was designed to be the same for both pavements, only the energy consumed and waste generated in the manufacture and placement of course materials is compared. The type of PCC pavement selected for the study is a 22 cm thick, continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP), with #4 longitudinal bars spaced 10 cm on center and #4 transverse bars spaced at 130 cm on center. The PCC mix design includes the following percentages by weight: 12% cement, 43% coarse aggregate, 28% fine aggregate, and 17% water. The asphalt pavement design selected is a 30 cm thick pavement, with 5% bitumen and 95% aggregate by weight. These types of pavement are commonly used for roads with high traffic volumes traffic where maintenance has to be kept to a minimum. Life cycle inventory assessments of the energy consumed and waste generated by the pavements were performed once the amount and type of materials needed for their construction were established. Information about energy consumption was collected in two ways. First, an extensive literature review of previous research and of the industries and processes involved in the manufacture and construction of both pavement materials were conducted. The second source of information was construction companies. Material processing and energy consumption data was also collected through interviews with two national heavy-civil construction contractors with offices located in the Pacific Northwest. In the material waste study, an extensive literature review was initially conducted to gather published information about waste sources and quantities. Additional data was collected via surveys of construction industry firms. An on-line questionnaire was created that solicited information about material waste causes and amounts in specific material flow processes of different lifecycle phases. The questionnaire asked the respondents to provide general demographic information and, for each individual material flow processes carried out by the respondent, whether there was any waste and the approximate percent of material that is wasted in the process. E-mails containing a link to the questionnaire and a request that the questionnaire be completed and returned were sent to 163 construction contractors and material producers and suppliers located in the Pacific Northwest and across the U.S. Thirty of the contractors were taken from the list of Top 300 Federal Highway Contractors as ranked by Transportation Builder Magazine (2003). Completed questionnaires were received from 17 constructors, four aggregate producers, one cement producer, three asphalt binder producers, and three steel rebar producers. In addition, ten ready-mix concrete producers and 5 five hot-mix asphalt producers were surveyed via the telephone. The questions asked during the telephone interview were similar to those contained in the on-line questionnaire. The most significant obstacle for the studies was a lack of existing and available information regarding certain processes or activities. This barrier introduced limitations with regards to some of the collected data in the studies and necessitated making several assumptions. A limitation in the lifecycle assessment is the uniqueness of the conditions and the design chosen for the studied road sections. There are many local factors that affect the design of pavement structures, and it is impossible to develop a “standard” design that accounts for all and dissimilar variables considered in roadway construction. As with all assessments using a systems approach, the placement of the system boundary can also impact the results. Both studies neglect the energy consumed and waste generated in the construction of production plants, such as refineries and cement plants, as well as the manufacture and maintenance of the equipment necessary for the construction of roads such as pavers, concrete mixers, rollers, etc. RESULTS Energy use and material waste data collected from the literature and surveys was organized according to the specific roadway material and different life cycle phases. Table 1 shows the results related to energy consumption for the different materials at various stages of the lifecycle for both CRCP and AC pavement. All of the values are taken from previous studies and reports except the concrete mixing, PCC placement, and AC placement values are calculated from fuel consumption information collected in the interviews of the two construction contractors. No attempts were made to verify whether the values provided by the contractors were an accurate representation of the actual consumption of energy. Some of the materials exhibit a wide range of values. The wide range can be attributed to the differences in study methodologies and system boundaries. Results related to the percent of material wasted for different materials at various initial stages of the lifecycle are provided in Table 2. The results come primarily from the survey of construction industry firms. The values shown in the table are the mean values calculated from the survey responses, and include waste generated from all different causes, e.g., poor workmanship, procurement errors, spills, etc. In the waste study, all of the data collected through the survey and interviews was in terms of percent wastage of total materials. The percentages shown in Table 2 represent a “waste factor” which has excluded the materials that were recycled from the total waste. For example, in cement production waste, the percentage of cement kiln dust recycled has been excluded from the total waste to get a net waste estimate. ENERGY AND WASTE QUANTIFICATION FOR SELECTED ROADWAY DESIGNS The total amounts of energy consumed and waste created for the specific pavement designs being considered were then calculated as the sum of the expenditures of energy and waste generated of the individual processes and subsystems, respectively. These values reflect the specific mix design and physical characteristics of the roadways selected for the study. The results of these calculations are shown in Table 3 for CRCP and in Table 4 for AC pavement. 6 Table 1: Energy Consumption of CRCP and Asphalt Materials Process Extraction of Aggregates (coarse and fine aggregate) Energy Consumption (J/Ton of Material) 53 x 106 22.2 x 106 74 x 106 24 x 106 (gravel) 52 x 106 (crushed aggregates for asphalt) 38.18 x 106 (crushed aggregates) Steel Manufacturing Concrete Mixing PCC Pavement Placement Production of Bitumen NCSA, 1977 Berthiaume and Bouchard, 1999 Stammer and Stodolsky, 1995 Häkkinen and Mäkelä, 1996 Stripple, 2001 5.35 x 109 – 10.2 x 109 6.7 x 109 6.36 x 109 School of Resources, Environ., and Society (PCA 1990 data) Berthiaume and Bouchard, 1999 Stammer and Stodolsky, 1995 Twinshare, 2003 5.35 x 109 4.77 x 109 1.90 x 1010 1.8 x 1010 – 2.3 x 1010 0.62 x 1010 2.53 x 1010 Häkkinen and Mäkelä, 1996 Stripple, 2001 Stubbles, 2000 Stammer and Stodolsky, 1995 Häkkinen and Mäkelä, 1996 Stripple, 2001 6.875 x 106 Contractor interviews 6.33 109 Cement Manufacturing Data Source 107 3.40 x (Concrete) 0 (Reinforcing steel) 0.63 x 109 0.42 x 109 6 x 109 2.93 x 109 Contractor interviews Stammer and Stodolsky, 1995 NCSA, 1977 Häkkinen and Mäkelä, 1996 Stripple, 2001 Asphalt Storage 5.43 x 108 Stripple, 2001 Asphalt Mixing and Drying of Aggregates 0.32 x 109 – 0.39 x 109 (per ton of asphalt mixture) Ang et al., 1993 AC Pavement Placement 1.34 x 107 Contractor interviews Where multiple consumption values were found, as shown in Table 1, the mean of these values was used in the energy calculations for Tables 3 and 4. For the waste quantities, the values for manufacturing of the materials include the waste of PCC and AC in production (mixing) plants. For placement of the PCC and AC, the percentage of waste is shown for the material as a whole with the individual quantities obtained from the mix design. From the results shown in Tables 3 and 4, the percent contributions of each life cycle phase to the total energy consumption and waste generation were also calculated. These results are presented in Figure 1 for both CRCP and AC pavement. 7 Table 2: Waste Generated for CRCP and Asphalt Materials Waste (% of Material) Process Data Source Extraction and Processing of Aggregates (coarse and fine aggregate) 0.2 (Extraction) 11.5 (Processing-materials remaining in wash ponds and stockpiles) Aggregate producer interview Cement Manufacturing 2 (Raw materials) 37.25 (Production) 0.3 (Finished product) Cement producer survey and PCA, 2003 Steel Raw Materials Extraction and Manufacturing 0 Steel producer survey and Trade Associations RFI Concrete Production 0.173 (Concrete) 0.02 (Aggregates) 0.8 (Cement) Ready mix concrete producers interviews Returned Concrete 0.393 Ready mix concrete producers interviews and Concrete Trade Associations RFI PCC Pavement Placement 2.5 Contractor survey Production and storage of Bitumen 0.52 Asphalt producer survey AC Production 0 HMA producers interviews AC Pavement Placement 0.102 Contractor survey Table 4 indicates that no energy is consumed for the extraction and initial transformation of bitumen. In this process it is not easy to differentiate how much energy is used in the distillation of each oil sub-product, and the consumption of energy is affected by the type of petroleum and the conditions and location of the oil field. Hence, while some energy is consumed for bitumen in this phase of the lifecycle, the amount consumed was not included in the study because of the difficulties in accurately quantifying it during extraction, transformation, and transportation. ENERGY CONSUMPTION CRCP and AC pavements consume 4.58 x 106 MJ and 3.78 x 106 MJ, respectively, in the first three sub-phases of the roadway lifecycle (extraction, manufacturing, and placement). For both types of pavement the consumption of energy for the extraction of aggregates and the placement of course materials is almost negligible compared with the energy required for the manufacture of concrete and asphalt. Figure 1 reveals that the extraction of raw materials and the placement of concrete account for only 6% of the total amount of energy consumed in CRCP pavement. The remaining 94% of the energy is spent in the manufacturing process, where the production of cement makes up 65% of the energy consumed, while the production of steel and concrete mixing process account for 34% and 1%, respectively. 8 Table 3: Energy Consumption and Waste Generation for Selected CRCP Pavement Design Sub-step Raw Materials Extraction and Initial Transformation Material or Process Energy Consumed (J/Ton) Portland cement Coarse aggregate 0 5.30 x 107 Total Energy Consumed (MJ) 0 8.38 x 104 Fine aggregate 5.30 x 107 Reinforcing steel 5.30 x 107 Subtotal Portland cement Manufacturing Placement 109 6.33 x Waste Generated (%) Total Waste Generated (Metric tons) 2 0.2 14.4 3.2 5.46 x 104 0.2 2.1 6.61 x 103 0 0.0 1.45 x 105 2.80 x 106 19.7 37.25 270.3 Coarse aggregate 0 0 11.5 214.9 Fine aggregate 0 0 11.5 140.0 Reinforcing steel 1.90 x 1010 1.48 x 106 0 0 Concrete mixing 106 104 -- -- 2.5 1.79 625.2 77 1.39 Concrete Rebar 6.875 x 2.53 x 106 Subtotal 3.40 x 107 0 4.31 x 1.25 x 105 0 Subtotal 1.25 x 105 78.39 Total 4.58 x 106 723.29 Table 4: Energy Consumption and Waste Generation for Selected AC Pavement Design Sub-step Raw Materials Extraction and Initial Transformation Material or Process Bitumen Aggregates 0 5.30 x 107 Subtotal Bitumen production Manufacturing Energy Consumed (J/Ton) 2.53 x 105 Waste Generated (%) Total Waste Generated (Metric tons) 0 0 0.2 10 2.53 x 105 10 6.00 x 109 1.51 x 106 0.52 1.31 108 105 0 0 Bitumen storage 5.43 x Asphalt mixing and aggregate drying 3.62 x 108 1.82 x 106 0 0 0 0 11.5 619.4 Aggregates Subtotal Asphalt Placement Total Energy Consumed (MJ) 0 1.34 x 107 1.36 x 3.46 x 106 6.70 x 104 620.71 0.102 5.11 Subtotal 6.70 x 104 5.11 Total 3.78 x 106 635.82 9 100% 3% 2% 90% 11% 1% 80% 70% 60% 50% 94% 91% Placement 86% 97% Manufacturing Extraction 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 3% 7% 3% 2% CRCPEnergy AsphaltEnergy CRCPWaste AsphaltWaste Figure 1: Percent Contribution of Lifecycle Phases to Total Energy Consumption and Waste Generation in CRCP and AC Pavements From Figure 1 it can also be seen that the extraction of raw materials and the placement of AC pavement account for 9% of the total energy consumption of the system. The remaining 91% of the energy is consumed in the manufacturing process, where the asphalt mixing and drying of aggregates accounts for 53% of the energy consumed and the production of bitumen and its storage account for 43% and 4%, respectively. Since cement production consumes a significant amount of energy, an analysis was made to test its impact on total energy consumption. It was found that if part of the cement in the PCC mix design is replaced by fly ash, a byproduct of coal combustion, the consumption of energy is dramatically reduced. When the content of cement is reduced from its original value of 12% by weight to 8%, the consumption of energy will drop from 4.58 x 106 MJ to 3.64 x 106 MJ (20.5% reduction), the latter value being less than the energy required for AC pavement. WASTE GENERATION CRCP and AC pavements generate 723 and 636 metric tons of waste, respectively, in the first three sub-phases of the roadway lifecycle. Similar to energy consumption, for both types of pavement the amount of waste generated in the extraction of aggregates and in the placement of course materials is almost negligible compared with the waste created during the manufacture of concrete and asphalt. Figure 1 shows that the extraction of raw materials and the placement of concrete account for only 14% of the total waste generated from the 10 CRCP pavement. The remaining 86% of the waste comes from the manufacturing process where the production of cement accounts for 43% of the materials wasted. Figure 1 shows that the extraction of raw materials and the placement of AC pavement account for a mere 3% of the total waste output from the system. The remaining 97% of the waste is the result of the manufacturing process. In order to further understand the relation between the materials and waste, additional analyses of the data were made. First, to understand the impact of cement on the total waste generated for CRCP pavement, the relationship between the percent of cement in the concrete mix design and the total waste was studied. It was found that for every one percent replacement of cement by fly ash, there was a decrease of rougly 25 metric tons in total waste. A second analysis was made with respect to the size of reinforcing steel used. When the steel rebar size was increased to the next larger size, the total waste increased exponentially. It can be seen that the larger the bar size, the more waste will be generated. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The two studies were successful in developing an estimate of the amount of energy consumed and materials wasted for selected CRCP and AC pavement designs from extraction of raw materials through placement on the project site. These assessments differ from previous studies in that they attempt to quantify energy consumption and waste generation using the collective findings of previous studies and incorporate actual values experienced by the construction industry. This study is a starting point in the estimation of waste quantities during the roadway lifecycle; no previous study results were available to make a comparison. In the case of energy use, the results reflect that of previous studies combined. Significant conclusions and recommendations from these studies are as follows A key aspect of the research is the application of the sustainability concept to the roadway lifecycle from energy and material perspectives. The associated findings enhance our understanding of the relationship between sustainability and roadways. Both studies indicate that material extraction and production are two critical stages where optimization of energy and material is required. Use of recycled materials (e.g., fly ash, RAP, and RCP) in the construction of roadways will eliminate the energy consumed and waste generated during the production of virgin materials. The major consumption of energy in the production of AC pavement occurs during asphalt mixing and drying of aggregates as opposed to during the extraction of crude oil and the distillation of bitumen. Changes in the storage of aggregates and in their drying process can substantially reduce the consumption of energy in the production of AC pavement. Cement is the driving element in the consumption of energy and generation of waste for PCC pavements. If low percentages of cement are replaced with industrial waste products such as fly ash, the amounts of energy consumed and waste generated in the production of concrete pavements will be substantially reduced. A large quantity of waste materials is created during the virgin aggregate production processes. Use of recycled aggregates can significantly reduce this problem. 11 A preplanned material waste management plan should be developed and implemented on projects. The plan should use the “principle of 4R’s” (Reduce, Recover, Reuse, and Recycle) for the materials wasted during the roadway lifecycle. Incorporation of a requirement for a waste management plan in contracts can help minimize waste during the construction process. To ensure that roadway construction is fully sustainable, other factors such as emissions, noise levels, hazardous waste, and worker safety should be considered in addition to energy and waste. Sufficient knowledge of all of these factors will help material producers and suppliers, construction contractors, State Highway Agencies, and other project stakeholders involved in the roadway lifecycle create sustainable roadways. REFERENCES Ang, B.W., Fwa, T.F., and Ng, T.T. (1993). Analysis of Process Energy Use of Asphaltmixing Pants. 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