SSN Anatomy #2 October 9, 2002 Abdomen Schmabdomen 1 a) Abnormalities of Foregut rotation: (A: 24 II B) Rotational Abnormality Possible Sequelae Pyloric stenosis Duodenum fails to reopen its lumen Duodenal stenosis Incomplete recanalization 1. b) Abnormalities of Midgut Rotation Rotational Abnormality Nonrotation of the gut Reversed rotation (situs inversus viscerum) Malrotation Withdrawal failure (incomplete retraction from umbilicus) Meckel’s Diverticulum Possible Sequelae Strangulationnecrosis Situs inversus Small intestine may pass behind ascending or descending colon when it goes to be retroperitonealstrangulates small intestineparaduodenal hernia Congenital umbilical herniation (need to be careful when cutting umbilicus at birth, may also cut part of gut) Gastric mucosa secretioninflammation of diverticulumulceration of ileum NOTE: rule of threes 2. Subdivisions of GI Tract: (A:25) Region Foregut Midgut Structures 1)esophagus 2)stomach 3)duodenum 4)liver 5)spleen 6)pancreas 7)gall bladder 1)jejunum 2)ileum 3)ascending colon 4)transverse colon 5)appendix 6)colon 1)Descending colon Hindgut 2)Sigmoid colon 3) rectum Arterial Supply Celiac artery Hepatic portal vein Innervation Spinal Level Parasympathetic: Vagus n. Sympathetic: Greater Splanchnic Region of Referred Pain Epigastric T5-T9 (Low central thorax) Parasympathetic: Vagus n. Superior mesenteric artery Umbilicus Sympathetic: Lesser Splanchnic n. T10T11 (hypogastric) Sup. Mesenteric vein Inferior mesenteric artery Parasympathetic: Pelvic splanchnic n. (travel retrograde) Inf. Mesenteric vein Sympathetic: Lumbar splanchnic n S2,S3 Perineum, Post. thigh L1,L2 Pubic and inguinal region 3. Somatic Nerves of Posterior Abdomen Nerve Motor Sensory Functions Functions Internal Upper gluteal, Iliohypogastric oblique, pubic regions Transverse abd. m. Internal Upper medial thigh, Ilioinguinal oblique, root of penis or transverse mons pubis, abd. m anterior labia majora Genitofemoral -Genital Cremaster Anterior scrotum m. -Femoral Anterosuperior thigh Lateral Femoral Lateral thigh Cutaneous Femoral Obturator Lumbosacral Trunk Anterior thigh Spinal Level T12-L1, Anterior Connects lumbar plexus to sacral plexus – contributes to the sciatic n. (posterior thigh, leg and foot) Afferent/efferent limbs of abd. reflex L1, Anterior Efferent limb of cremaster reflex L1-L2 Anterior L2-L3 Posterior Anterior and medial L2-L4, thigh and leg Anterior Medial thigh Medial thigh Associated Reflex L2-L4 Anterior L4-L5 anterior+ posterior Afferent limb of cremaster reflex 4.Access to the peritoneal cavity: (A: 23 IV A-B) Incision Vertical: Rectus sheath Nerve supply cut Arterial supply cut Intercostal nerves supplying muscle medial to incision none none Many = bloody Paramedian: Rectus Sheath None None Vertical: Linea Alba none none Must avoid Iliohypogastric n. none Vertical: Intercostal nerves Lateral Abdominal Wall none Horizontal: Rectus Sheath Transverse: Ventrolateral abdominal wall Other pros & cons Damage to nerves: -atrophy of muscle – poten. site of ventral herniation Difficult to suture can rip during valsalva fixation (eg. sneeze) Can avoid rectus abdominus m. by moving it laterally after skin incision 1.Doesn’t heal well b/c no vasc. to area 2.Prone to epigastric hernia 1.Incision is along Langer’s lines 2.Can split muscle fibers after skin incision to avoid tearing 1.Damage nerves loss of innervation to muscles medial to incision atrophy 2.Predisposition to hernia 5. Potential sites of herniation: (A: 23 VII D-F) Weakness in Boundaries Hernia type anterior wall Triangle of 1)Inf. Epigastric a. Direct Hernia Hasselbach 2)Linea semilunaris 3)Inguinal ligament 1)Transversalis + Indirect hernia Deep Inguinal Ring int. oblique m 2)Inf. Epigastric a 3)Inguinal ligam. 1)Inguinal Femoral Ring ligament Femoral hernia 2)Femoral vein 3)Lacunar ligament 4)Pectineal ligament Site of emergence Superficial ring of inguinal canal (weakness of ext. oblique m) Superficial ring of inguinal canal Fossa ovalis of great saphenous vein 6.a) How is the arcuate line formed? (A: 28 III C) Above the arcuate line, the rectus sheath consists of an antrerior portion (external oblique aponeurosis and half of the internal oblique aponeurosis) and a posterior portion (half of the internal oblique aponeurosis and the transverse aponeurosis). Below the arcuate line, all aponeurotic layers pass anterior to the rectus abdominus muscle. The lower free edge of the posterior sheath is the arcuate line –( 1-2 inches below umbilicus) b) What is its clinical significance? Where the arcuate line meets the linea semilunaris is a potential site for herniation = lateral ventral (spigelian hernia) 7. Primary derivatives of ventral and dorsal mesenteries. (A: 24 II A) Ventral Mesentery Dorsal Mesentery Lesser omentum: between stomach and Dorsal mesogastrium: contains liver. gastrosplenic, gastrophrenic and greater 2 parts: gastrohepatic ligament, omentum hepatoduodenal ligament Coronary ligaments: attach liver to diaphragm Falciform ligament: contains round ligament of the liver Median umbilical fold: contains urachus, runs from bladder to umbilicus (clinical: patent urachus) Dorsal mesointestine 8. Peritoneal subdivisions. (A: 338 Table 24-1) Explain what each term means and give an example of each: Retroperitoneal –develops outside peritoneum. Can be converted to adventitia or peritoneum (Eg. Thoracic esophagus, rectum) Peritoneal – has mesentery (Eg. Transverse colon, jejunum, ileum) Secondarily retroperitoneal –develops with mesentery and then it fuses with peritoneum (Eg. Ascending and descending colon) 9. Peritoneal landmarks (A: 24 III B) Peritoneal Structure Foramen of Winslow Subphrenic recess Boundaries Sup: caudate lobe of liver Post: Inf. Vena cava Inf: superior duodenum Ant: hepatoduodenal ligament Anterior and superior to liver, beneath diaphragm Posterior to liver Pouch of Morrison Right colic gutter Lateral to ascending colon (communicates with supracolic compartment, pouch of Morrison and pelvic cavity) Clinical Significance Omental herniation: If loop passes through, none of the boundaries can be incised, bowel must be deflected and withdrawn Second most frequently infected abdominal space, pulmonary abscess may erode across diaphragm When supine it is the lowest portion of the abdominal cavity fluid will collect here, frequent site of infection Route for spread of infection between pelvis and upper abdominal region. 12. a)Which vessels contribute to the marginal artery of the colon? (A p.377, Netter plate 287)The superior and inferior mesenteric arteries b) What are three clinical significance points of the marginal artery and why are they important? There is not a lot of collateral circulation at these three points: 1.splenic flexure – middle colic a. and descending left colic a. 2.rectosigmoid junction – rectosigmoid a. and superior rectal a. 3. ileocecal junction – ileal branch od sup. Mes. A. and ilealcolic a. 13. Liver vasculature and biliary drainage. (A: 25 II D) Arterial Supply Biliary Drainage Right hepatic artery Right hepatic duct Left hepatic artery Left hepatic duct Liver lobe that is supplied or drained Right lobe and half of caudate lobe Left lobe (smaller), Quadrate, and half of caudate 14. Trace the sympathetic and afferent innervation of the kidney: Sympathetic: Preganglionic (T12-L2) – least splanchnic n – aorticorenal ganglion (near renal a.) – postganglionic via renal plexus to kidney (function: decreased urinary output) Afferent (Sensory): principal path follows symp. Pathway back via white rami communicantes to T12, secondary path is through lumbar splanchnics to L1-L2 15. Ureter innervation (A: p. 390) Part of Ureter Innervation Upper abdominal Least splanchnic n. ureter (T12) Lower abdominal ureter Lumbar splanchnic n. (L1-L2) Pelvic ureter Pelvic splanchnic n (S2-S4) Refers pain to: T12 – inguinal ant. And sup. Thigh, lower back L1-L2 – inguinal, pubic region, sup. And ant. Thigh S2-S4 – posterior thigh, leg, perineum Area of narrowing Renal pelvis to ureter Where ureter crosses over pelvic brim Ureter to bladder 16. From where does the adrenal vasculature supply arise and to where does the venous drainage empty? ( A p. 392) Arterial: 1)Inferior phrenic a.- Superior suprarenal a. 2)aorta – middle suprarenal a. 3)renal a. – inferior suprarenal a. Venous: 1)Right suprarenal v. - IVC 2)Left suprarenal v. – left renal v. – IVC Clinical Cases 1. One day, a 48-year-old nurse practitioner comes to your office, complaining of a “colicky” pain in the epigastric region. She notices that eating foods that are high in fat exacerbates the pain. When you examine her, you find that she is jaundiced. Upon taking her history, you also find that she has two children and that she had been slightly obese until she started her “Deal-a-Meal” program a couple of months ago. a. What do her symptoms and history indicate as a diagnosis? Inflammation of the gall bladder = cholecystitis (Predisposing factor: “Four F’s.” Female, fat, forty, and fertile.) b. Upon further testing, you decide that a gallbladder removal is indicated. After entering the peritoneum, what should you locate before clamping or severing any structures? Triangle of Calot. c. What are the boundaries of this structure? Cystic duct, liver, hepatic duct. d. What is its significance? There is a lot of variability in the arteries within the Triangle of Calot (e.g. cystic artery, right hepatic artery, accessory bile duct). Structures should be clearly identified before clamping or ligating. 2. In the ER, you are presented with a 13 y/o girl who complains of diffuse, colicky pain in the umbilical region. Her dad says she is just faking a stomachache because she wants to avoid going to a family reunion. You feel her abdomen and it shows no guarding (i.e. no muscle contraction to protect peritoneum upon touch). a. What is her differential diagnosis? Umbilical region T10 i. appendicitis ii. Meckel’s diverticulum iii. volvulus Due to several trauma cases that take you away, the girl and her father end up waiting for three hours in the ER. The next time you come in, the girl is doubled over, her abdomen displays guarding, and she shrieks when you press the lower-right quadrant. a. Explain the guarding and the localized pain, and how this affects your diagnosis. The infection has moved to the parietal peritoneum ( guarding or contraction of the abdominal muscles to protect the peritoneum) and the pain has localized to a specific region of the peritoneum. Diagnosis: appendicitis. 3. A 48 y/o male alcoholic visits his physician asking for treatment of painful hemorrhoids. The patient’s liver is found to be enlarged, and a diagnosis of portal hypertension is made. a. What causes portal hypertension? Cirrhosis of the liver b. Name three other manifestations of portal hypertension. i. Esophogeal varices ii. Veins of Retzius (veins connect secondarily retroperitoneally to IVC) iii. Caput medusae (in falciform ligament) = enlarged paraumbilical anastomoses. c. What surgical means are used to circumvent portal hypertension? i. Anastomose splenic and left renal vein to IVC ii. Anastomose portal vein to IVC. 4. You’re a third-year medical student in the ER and a 50 y/o male comes in complaining of lower back pain. You suspect kidney stones. a. Given the location of his pain, where do you think the stone has lodged? Lower back T12 renal pelvis to ureter narrowing b. What is the best way to access the kidney at the renal pelvis? Surgical access to the kidney is best via the lumbar trigone. The abdominal wall is thin at this point. Boundaries: posteriolateral edge of external oblique, anterolateral border of latissimus dorsi, superior aspect of iliac crest. c. What complication is associated with this structure? Lumbar herniation d. Upon surgical access to the kidney it is found that there is no stone, but rather an acute kidney infection. How can this infection spread to other parts of the body? Inferiorly, the renal fascia (=false fascia or Gerota’s fascia) is open. It forms periureteral sheaths around each ureter. Infection can spread within the sheaths to the pelvis. “Quickies” What’s the difference between the falx inguinalis and the conjoined tendon? (324) Falx inguinalis: the lower, curving portion of the transverse abdominis muscle and its aponeurosis. (sickle-shaped) Conjoined tendon: the fusion between the internal oblique and the transverse abdominis aponeurosis as they form the anterior wall of the rectus sheath. What’s the “rule of 3’s” regarding a Meckel’s diverticulum? (365) Occurs in 3% of adults, within 3 feet of iliocecal junction, and is less than 3 inches long. What are the “lineas” that surround the rectus abdominis? Lateral: Linea Semilunaris Medial: Linea Alba What three muscles comprise the posterior abdominal wall? (393) Diaphragm, Quadratus Lumborum, and Iliopsoas What’s the significance of the “bloodless line” at the gastroduodenal junction? (348) Poor collateral circulation; to surgically remove the duodenum, you have to take out the distal stomach. Kidney: Which kidney lies lower in the abdominal wall and why? (385) Right kidney, because of the liver. Is the kidney supported by mesentary? (385) No. Name the three structures at the renal hilus. (386) Renal pelvis, renal artery, and renal vein. Where do the left and right gonadal and phrenic veins empty? (388) Right: IVC Left: Left renal vein Where is the kidney vascular and parenchymal pain principally referred? (388)h T12: Least splanchnic nerve The vascular supply of the ureters comes from: (390) Everywhere. (Twigs from renal arteries, aorta, small arteries in the posterior abdominal wall, gonadal arteries, common iliac arteries, internal iliac arteries, inferior vesical arteries. Internal Structure of the Kidney Region of Kidney Contents Medulla renal corpuscles, proximal and distal convoluted tubules 12-18 renal pyramids - fuse @ apices to 8-12 renal papillae Pelvis collectes urine from kidney, narrows to ureter Cortex What is the 1-3-3 rule for internal kidney structure? 1 pelvis receives from 3 major calyces, each of which receives urine from 3 minor calyces (each of which receive from 1-3 renal papillae What are two relatively common variations in renal arterial supply? 1. Polar artery – arises directly from aorta 2. Hilar artery – arises from renal artery, usually smaller than polar artery Renal Developmental Anomalies Name of Developmental Anomaly Effect of Anomaly polycystic kidney collecting tubules don't join to form a calyx horseshoe kidney 2 kidneys join across midline lobated kidney maintain fetal segmentation (rarely a health problem) ectopic kidney located in pelvis