CORTLAND JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL COURSE CATALOG Dear Junior High Students and Parents: The school counselors would like to briefly explain the programs and courses available to you at Cortland Junior High School as outlined in this catalog. As you are reviewing this course catalog, it is important that you become responsible in knowing what the requirements are for completing 7th and 8th grade. In 7th grade, the following courses in the team area are taken each day: English 7, Social Studies 7, Math 7, Science 7, and Home and Career Skills. A 7th grade student will take either French or Spanish one period per day for the entire year. In addition, students take Physical Education and Art every other day all year. Seventh graders are required to take a Music course from the following selections: Chorus, Orchestra, Band or General Music. In 8th grade, the following courses in the team area are taken each day: English 8, Social Studies 8, Math 8, Science 8 and Technology. Students continue with either Spanish or French. In addition, 8th grade students are required to take Physical Education and Health on an every other day basis. Students in 8th grade may elect, with departmental approval, to take Art and/or Music if they wish. Based on achievement test results or teacher recommendation, a student in Junior High may be assigned to a lab for extra help in English Language Arts and/or Math. Promotion meetings held at the end of the school year center around the following criteria for moving to the next grade level: 1. The student must pass 3 of the 4 academic cores (English, Social Studies, Math and Science). 2. The student must have an overall average of 65. (Includes all subjects.) The school counselor is more than willing to help in the course selection process for the next school year. Please do not hesitate to seek our assistance by calling the Guidance Office for an individual appointment at 758-4118. Best Wishes, The School Counseling Staff 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 7TH GRADE ..................................................................................................................................................................4 ENGLISH 7 1020 ..................................................................................................................................................4 SOCIAL STUDIES 7 2020 ........................................................................................................................................4 SCIENCE 7 4020 .......................................................................................................................................................4 FOREIGN LANGUAGE GRADE 7...........................................................................................................................4 JUNIOR HIGH SPANISH 7 OR FRENCH 7 15007 FRENCH; 5307 SPANISH ...................................................4 MATHEMATICS GRADE 7 ......................................................................................................................................5 MATHEMATICS 7A (ACCELERATED) 3010 ............................................................................................................5 MATHEMATICS 7 3020 .......................................................................................................................................5 FUNDAMENTALS OF MATH 3250 ....................................................................................................................5 ART 7 7010 ............................................................................................................................................................6 HOME AND CAREER SKILLS 7 7610 ...................................................................................................................6 MUSIC OFFERINGS – GRADE 7 ............................................................................................................................6 MUSIC ......................................................................................................................................................................6 MUSIC – JUNIOR HIGH GRADE 7 5610...........................................................................................................6 CHORUS – JUNIOR HIGH - GRADE 7 5660 ..........................................................................................................6 JUNIOR HIGH BAND 5710..................................................................................................................................6 JUNIOR HIGH ORCHESTRA 5730 .....................................................................................................................6 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 7 9007 BOYS 7 9070 GIRLS 7 .................................................................................7 8TH GRADE ..................................................................................................................................................................8 ENGLISH 8 1120 ..................................................................................................................................................8 ELA LAB – JR. HIGH 1065 ......................................................................................................................................8 SOCIAL STUDIES 8: UNITED STATES AND NEW YORK STATE HISTORY2120 .......................................8 SCIENCE 8 4120 .......................................................................................................................................................8 FOREIGN LANGUAGE GRADE 8...........................................................................................................................8 JUNIOR HIGH FRENCH 8 AR 5008 ....................................................................................................................8 JUNIOR HIGH SPANISH 8 AR 5008 ...................................................................................................................9 JUNIOR HIGH SPANISH 8 P 5309 .....................................................................................................................9 MATHEMATICS GRADE 8 ....................................................................................................................................10 MATHEMATICS 8 3120 .....................................................................................................................................10 FUNDAMENTALS OF MATH 3250 ..................................................................................................................10 ADVANCED ART 8 7020 .......................................................................................................................................10 JUNIOR HIGH HEALTH 9510 ............................................................................................................................... 10 INTRODUCTION TO TECHNOLOGY 8 7320 .....................................................................................................10 2 MUSIC OFFERINGS – GRADE 8 ..........................................................................................................................11 MUSIC ....................................................................................................................................................................11 JUNIOR HIGH BAND 5710................................................................................................................................ 11 JUNIOR HIGH ORCHESTRA 5730 ...................................................................................................................11 CHOIR – JUNIOR HIGH - GRADE 8 5670 ..........................................................................................................11 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 8 9008 BOYS 8 9080 GIRLS 8 ...............................................................................11 3 JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL COURSE OFFERINGS 7th GRADE ENGLISH 7 1020 Content: The course of study for English 7 concentrates on the development and integration of the four communication skills: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Improvement of research and library skills, refinement of study habits, and the acquisition of spelling and vocabulary skills are stressed as well. Preparation and practice for the New York State seventh and eight grade ELA tests also occurs. SOCIAL STUDIES 7 2020 Content: Social Studies 7 is a study of American History from the time of the American Indian civilizations through the Civil War Period. Included in this study is a close look at New York State, its development, its history and how it is governed. In Grade 8, similar subjects will be traced up to the present day. Seventh graders can also expect a continuation of the building of skills, which have been started in social studies classes in elementary school. SCIENCE 7 4020 Content: General Science 7 introduces students to basic skills and concerns in Life Science and Earth Science. These skills include measurements (metric), use of the microscope and experimentation including dissection of some preserved specimens. The main areas of study in Life Science are: The cell, the plant kingdom, the animal kingdom, the human body, simple living things, and ecology. The areas of study for Earth Science are: The interaction of the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere, as well as volcano and earthquake patterns, rock cycle, and weather and climate changes. FOREIGN LANGUAGE GRADE 7 JUNIOR HIGH SPANISH 7 OR FRENCH 7 15007 French; 5307 Spanish Content: All students are required to start their two-year study of a foreign language in seventh grade. The junior high program offers French or Spanish. Emphasis is placed mainly on listening and speaking with some reading and writing included. Main topics of study are: Personal Identification, Education, Family, House and Home, Health and Welfare, Leisure, Shopping, Travel, Meal-taking, Community, Physical Environment, and Professions. ATTENTION: All students must pass the Foreign Language Proficiency Exam given at the end of eighth grade, or pass a Level 1 Foreign Language course in order to graduate from High School. 4 MATHEMATICS GRADE 7 MATHEMATICS 7A (Accelerated) 3010 Grade 7 – One Year Prerequisite: Qualification for the course is based on prior testing and student identification/selection. Testing Requirement: Locally prepared final exam (June) and New York State Mathematics 7 assessment in March. Content: The accelerated math program is for the superior mathematics student who has demonstrated outstanding performance in problem solving, mathematical reasoning, and the basic skills of arithmetic. The mathematics topics of both the 7th and 8th grade courses will be covered in ONE YEAR so that the senior high school course Sequential Mathematics 1 may be taken in the 8th grade. It is expected that students who qualify for this level of mathematics maintain a high average in their mathematics courses and take mathematics through Calculus in their senior year in high school. Once a student is in the accelerated mathematics program, continuation in the accelerated program is totally performance based. The students in Math 7A and those 8th grade students in Sequential Mathematics 1 are accountable for their academic performance and progress at two “checkpoints” during each of these school years as indicated below. Checkpoint #1 – End of the First Quarter of the school year a. Quarter grade of less than 80: the student is transferred to a regular Math 7 or Math 8 class b. First Quarter grade of 80-84: Accelerated mathematics program “Academic Probation” in Math 7A or Sequential Math 1 for the remainder of the First Semester Checkpoint #2 – End of the First Semester (end of the Second Quarter) of the school year. The First Semester course average in Math 7A or Sequential Math 1 (cumulative average for the first two quarters of the school year) must be 85 or higher to continue in the accelerated mathematics program in Math 7A or Sequential Math 1 MATHEMATICS 7 3020 Grade 7 – One Year Testing Requirement: Locally prepared final exam (June) and New York State Mathematics 7 assessment in March. Content: Interpreting data and statistics, applications of decimals, algebra – integers, equations, patterns, and functions, fractions and number theory, fraction applications, proportions and percent, geometry and measurement, probability, coordinate plane graphing. For more details, see the district’s website for Grade 7 Mathematics and/or the NYSED Mathematics Core Curriculum. FUNDAMENTALS OF MATH 3250 Grades 7 and/or 8 One Year – Every Other Day Content: This is a remedial class for students who have been designated as being in need of additional mathematics instruction (Academic Intervention Services) because of a low math score on the New York State Mathematics 6 or 7 assessment. The instruction will be based primarily upon the individual deficiencies/needs of each student with a focus toward improving their basic mathematical concepts and skills and preparing them for the next New York State Mathematics assessment. 5 ART 7 7010 Content: Art gives the student varied experiences in several art medias as well as an appreciation for the world around them. They may work on design projects using drawing, painting and sculpture as they explore the elements of art. HOME AND CAREER SKILLS 7 7610 This course involves a program of instruction primarily through applied activities, which will help adolescents live in a society of constant change. It also provides students with activities to prepare them to meet their present and future responsibilities as family members, consumers, and wage earners. Great emphasis is focused on the student’s ability to learn and practice skills of cooperation and problem solving. Content: Modules discussing the following are included: Process Skills, Personal Care, Personal Living Space, Working with Children, Career Exploration, Food, Nutrition and Wellness, Money Management, and Consumerism and Personal Development. MUSIC OFFERINGS – GRADE 7 MUSIC The Junior High Performing organizations of Band, Chorus, and Orchestra are electives that will fulfill General Music 7 requirements. Selection of these performing groups is based on the recommendation of the music teacher. Students in Band and Orchestra can also elect to be in Chorus. MUSIC – JUNIOR HIGH GRADE 7 5610 Content: Students will keep a notebook, which becomes their portfolio for the class. They will be involved in activities of singing, playing instruments, and music appreciation. All students who are not in one of the performing groups will be assigned to general music classes. CHORUS – JUNIOR HIGH - Grade 7 5660 Prerequisite: Recommendation of elementary chorus teacher. Content: Voices are checked for placement purposes. Musical skills are developed in rehearsal through study and practice of vocal development, choral habits, reading music, and a variety of musical styles. Students keep a notebook. All students perform in concerts in December and Spring. Selected students perform in All-County Festival. Combined 7th and 8th Grade classes JUNIOR HIGH BAND 5710 Prerequisite: Recommendation of elementary band director. Content: Rehearsals deal with musical development and exposure to a variety of styles composed and arranged for the Concert Band. December and Spring Concerts are performed as well as selective AllCounty and Area All-State Band Competitions. Weekly lessons and daily practice are required. JUNIOR HIGH ORCHESTRA 5730 Prerequisite: Recommendation of elementary orchestra director. Content: Rehearsals are held as a string orchestra. Concerts are held in November, February and May. Students are required to keep a skills proficiency notebook and complete a portfolio. Weekly lessons and daily practice time are required. 6 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 7 9007 Boys 7 9070 Girls 7 1. Required physical education classes meeting on alternate days are devoted to skill and rules instruction. 2. A report card mark in physical education is an average of preparedness, skills tests, written tests, and fitness tests. 3. Proper gym attire is required for all scheduled classes. 4. All physicians’ excuses should be taken to the school nurse before reporting to homeroom each morning. A single day temporary illness may be excused by a parent note presented to the physical education teacher. Any excuse of over two periods must be signed by a doctor. 5. Any absences from PE must be made up if full credit for the course is to be received 7 JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL COURSE OFFERINGS 8TH GRADE ENGLISH 8 1120 Content: Along with practice on a concentration of essential reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. English 8 assists the students in bridging the gap between young adult and more challenging literature. In writing, students are given the opportunity to practice with a variety of genres, which include creative and expository tasks. Listening tasks are linked with reading comprehension skills to assist in preparation of the New York ELA 8 test given in January. ELA LAB – JR. HIGH 1065 Content: This course provides intense practice on the reading, listening, and writing skills demanded by the seventh and eighth grade New York ELA exams given in January. Students are assigned to this course primarily as a result of their scores on state ELA exams in sixth and seventh grade. Teacher recommendation can also be used in determining placement. This course is typically assigned as part of the state’s requirement to provide Academic Intervention Services (AIS) and therefore is mandatory for assigned students. SOCIAL STUDIES 8: United States and New York State History 2120 Content: Grade 8 Social Studies is a natural continuation of that which is presented in Grade 7, but within a different time period. American History, with a special emphasis on developments in New York State, is presented starting with the time just before the Civil War and continuing up to America in the 1960's. Eighth graders can expect to learn and continue to develop those skills, which have been started in earlier years in school. Units Covered: Division and Reunions (1850's-1880's); Economic Expansion (1865-1900); New York in the Gilded Age (to about 1915); United States: A World Power (1900-1940); New York in a Megalopolis Society and United States: A World Leader (1940 to present). SCIENCE 8 4120 Content: General Science 8 introduces students to basic skills and concepts of Physical Science and Earth Science. Physical Science is a study of matter and its physical and chemical properties. Much of the student’s time is spent on laboratory activities to learn skills as well as scientific principles. Physical Science topics include: motion, work, heat, waves, sound, light, electricity, and magnetism, as well as the chemistry of matter. Earth Science topics of seasonal changes, interactions of air, water, and land, as well as the interaction of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere will be covered. FOREIGN LANGUAGE GRADE 8 JUNIOR HIGH FRENCH 8 AR 5008 (French 8 for Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation) Content: The continuation of the required foreign language study is during eighth grade. Emphasis continues to be on communication, listening and speaking, as well as reading and writing. Areas of study are a continuation of Junior High French 7. 8 JUNIOR HIGH SPANISH 8 AR 5008 (Spanish 8 for Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation) Content: The continuation of the required foreign language study is during eighth grade. Emphasis continues to be on communication, listening and speaking, as well as reading and writing. Areas of study are a continuation of Junior High Spanish 7 including grammatical concepts and thematic vocabulary necessary for success at high school level 2. Passing the course and the Proficiency Exam are prerequisites for enrollment in high school Spanish 2. JUNIOR HIGH SPANISH 8 P 5309 (Spanish 8 Proficiency Level Course) Content: The continuation of the required foreign language study is during eighth grade. Emphasis continues to be on communication, listening and speaking, as well as reading and writing, using specific teaching techniques and modifications to facilitate passing the Proficiency Exam for completion of the required credit. Selection is by teacher recommendation. This course is intended as an exit course. For continued study of Spanish, students would need to take Spanish 1 at the high school level. ATTENTION: The New York State Foreign Language Proficiency exam is the final exam for the twoyear study. Passing the Proficiency earns the student one credit toward high school graduation, with the final course average being figured into their high school cumulative average. This allows the student to enter Spanish 2 or French 2 (please note the specifics described above). All students must pass the Foreign Language Proficiency Exam given at the end of eighth grade, or pass a Level 1 Foreign Language course in order to graduate from High School. 9 MATHEMATICS GRADE 8 MATHEMATICS 8 3120 Grade 8 – One Year Testing Requirement: New York State Mathematics 8 assessment in March and locally prepared final exam in June. Content: Drawing conclusions from statistical data, algebra – integers, variable expressions, equations, inequalities, coordinate plane graphing, rational and irrational numbers, applications of proportions and percent, geometry and measurement, functions and polynomials, probability. For more details, see the district’s website for Grade 8 Mathematics and/or the NYSED Mathematics Core Curriculum. FUNDAMENTALS OF MATH 3250 Grades 7 and/or 8 One Year – Every Other Day Content: This is a remedial class for students who have been designated as being in need of additional mathematics instruction (Academic Intervention Services) because of a low math score on the New York State Mathematics 6 or 7 assessment. The instruction will be based primarily upon the individual deficiencies/needs of each student with a focus toward improving their basic mathematical concepts and skills and preparing them for the next New York State Mathematics assessment. ADVANCED ART 8 7020 Students must be recommended by their 7th grade art teachers. If students are not recommended for 8th grade Art, they are encouraged to consider Comprehensive Art, New Media, or Studio in Art in Grade 9 or in later years. Content: In 7th grade the emphasis is on design based experiences. In 8th grade much time and effort is given to drawing realistically observed objects. The course is a significant change from 7th grade and the expectations are higher. JUNIOR HIGH HEALTH 9510 Content: New York State requires that each student must successfully complete one-half year of health in Junior High and one-half credit in Senior High. The eighth grade course is designed to be an introduction to senior high health and, therefore, is a necessary requirement towards graduation. This comprehensive course covers knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and life skills, including critical thinking, decision-making, resistance, and coping skills. These skills are related to units on Consumer, Personal, Community, and Environmental Health; Nutrition and Fitness; Wellness vs. Disease; Chemical Substances; Mental Health; First Aid & Safety; and Human Growth, Development, Sexuality, and Family Life. All Health Education courses provide valuable learning experiences for students to discover more about themselves and others as they strive to develop and maintain healthy life-styles. INTRODUCTION TO TECHNOLOGY 8 7320 This course involves a program of instruction designed to develop an understanding of problem solving through the use of systems in fields such as production, transportation, and communications by emphasizing applied activities through working with tools, machines, and devices used in the home and workplace. Content: Instruction includes modules addressing: What is technology, what is needed for technology, how people use technology to solve problems, systems and subsystems, how technology affects people and the environment, choosing the right resources, how resources are processed by technological systems, and impacts, decisions, and choices about technology and you. 10 MUSIC OFFERINGS – GRADE 8 MUSIC The Junior High Performing organizations of Band, Choir, and Orchestra are electives that will fulfill General Music 7 requirements. Selection of these performing groups is based on the recommendation of the music teacher. Students in Band and Orchestra can also elect to be in choir. Combined 7th and 8th Grade classes JUNIOR HIGH BAND 5710 Prerequisite: Recommendation of elementary band director. Content: Rehearsals deal with musical development and exposure to a variety of styles composed and arranged for the Concert Band. December and Spring Concerts are performed as well as selective AllCounty and Area All-State Band Competitions. Weekly lessons and daily practice are required. JUNIOR HIGH ORCHESTRA 5730 Prerequisite: Recommendation of elementary orchestra director. Content: Rehearsals are held as a string orchestra. Concerts are held in November, February and May. Students are required to keep a skills proficiency notebook and complete a portfolio. Weekly lessons and daily practice time are required. CHOIR – JUNIOR HIGH - Grade 8 5670 Prerequisite: Recommendation of director of this chorus Content: Musical skills are developed in rehearsal through study and practice of vocal development, changing voice, choral habits, reading music, and a variety of musical styles in three and four part harmony. Students keep a notebook. All students perform in concerts in December and in spring. Selected students perform in Area All-State and All County Festivals. PHYSICAL EDUCATION 8 9008 Boys 8 9080 Girls 8 1. Required physical education classes meeting on alternate days are devoted to skill and rules instruction. 2. A report card mark in physical education is an average of preparedness, skills tests, written tests, and fitness tests. 3. Proper gym attire is required for all scheduled classes. 4. All physicians’ excuses should be taken to the school nurse before reporting to homeroom each morning. A single day temporary illness may be excused by a parent note presented to the physical education teacher. Any excuse of over two periods must be signed by a doctor. 5. Any absences from PE must be made up if full credit for the course is to be received. 11