Website Lesson Plan

Year: Year 4
Lesson Coverage: Web
Curriculum Covered: KS2
En1 Speaking and listening
1e, 3a, 8b
En2 Reading
1b, 9b
En3 Writing
2e, 3, 5a
Ma2 Number
Ma4 Handling data
1a,f, 2a, 2b
Sc2 Life processes and living things
1a, 2b
Knowledge, skills and understanding
1a, 3a
About the Website
The My School Lunch Website is a new and exciting website for teachers, adults and children.
It raises awareness of school lunches and the important part they play in educating children
about food, balanced diets and exercise. The unique feature of the site is the funfair of
educational games that link to Key Stages One and Two of the National Curriculum.
The children have a ‘For Kids’ section, which introduces them to a cartoon style character.
This character helps to make healthy eating fun and enjoyable. The character has regular
competitions and also provides the opportunity to learn about email using the ‘Tell’ section.
Included in the ‘For Fun’ section you will find the educational games in the funfair. There are
different skill levels so that children enjoy themselves whatever their age. These teachers’
notes have been prepared by teachers for teachers. They provide a wide range of ideas and
worksheets that will save you time and enable you to link the games in the funfair to the
National Curriculum with ease.
The parents’ section includes information about the catering service, the nutritional content,
how the meals are prepared, sample menus, job vacancies and the benefits of having a school
A number of authorities have joined together to share the costs of the website and they each
have their own character. Therefore each site is personalised. In these notes the word
‘character’ will refer to the character used in your authority. To find out about your character
please visit the website for your area. Some parts of the site are password protected to comply
with the Direct Marketing Association guidelines regarding the collection of personal data. By
giving out the password you are agreeing that the site is suitable for your pupils. If you have
any difficulty obtaining the password please complete the registration process on the website.
You might want to encourage your pupils to register individually.
Lesson Plan
Before online activity
Talk to the children about the My School Lunch website.
Explain to the children what it is for and why we are using it.
Talk to the children about the character on the website.
Tell the children that we can find out a little more about the
character, and that we have a special password that helps us
do this. (The teacher can decide when and how to give out
the password)
5. Explain to the children that they will be mainly looking at the
games in ‘All the Fun of the Fair’.
6. Tell the children they will have to decide on their favourite
game and so should play on all the games.
7. Explain that after the website activity they will have a maths
worksheet to complete dealing with money.
Possible activity questions:
o What do you think will be at the Fairground?
o How many rides/games do you think you will see?
During online activity
1. Introduce children to computer and keyboard.
2. Help children with the computer start up procedures and
entering of the My School Lunch website.
3. Read out the section headings to the children encourage
them to try and follow. ‘For Kids’, ‘For Fun’, ‘For Parents and
Possible online activity questions:
o Which section could you go on?
o Which section could your parents use?
4. Ask the children to select the ‘For Fun’ section, show the
children how to use the mouse to select the arrows and
games, making sure they can locate the white hand on
5. Ask the children to follow the car and begin their journey into
the fair.
6. Remind the children to play on every game so they can make
their decision about their favourite game fairly.
7. Allow the children to now explore the rest of the website,
encourage the children to go on to the competition section in
the club area.
8. Encourage the children to work through the competition
questions with their partner.
Following online
Additional Resources
Worksheet: How much does it
Activity 1: Favourite Games
 Ask the children to make their decision about their favourite
game and record the class results on the board in a venn
Possible questions:
o Which is the favourite game?
o How many children thought so?
o Which is the least favourite game?
o How many children thought so?
o Do any games have an equal score?
o How can we represent this data?
o What can we use for the title of the graph?
 Help the children to produce bar charts from the data collected.
 Ask the children to write answers for the questions above e.g.
Year 4’s favourite game on the My School Lunch website is
Activity 2: The Cost of a Trip to the Fair
 Introduce and explain the worksheet ‘How much does it cost?’.
Support/Extension Ideas
The ideas below are given to support the less able and extend the more able children in Year
Support Ideas
 Seat less able child with a more able partner (child/adult).
Extension Ideas
 Encourage more able children to help less able children during
online activity.
 Encourage the children to show the website to adults and other
children at home, encourage the adults to look at the parents
section. Children could access the ‘Tell character‘ and
‘Competition’ section from home and practice using email.
Some homes do not have access to the Internet and this matter needs approaching
sensitively. Suggestions on alternative Internet access e.g. library could be welcomed
by adults.
Worksheet Description
Additional Resources
Worksheet Summary
How to use
How much does it cost?
This worksheet is based on the Maths curriculum and includes
money related tasks. The children have to work out costs and
change given in different situations at the fair, they also have to
solve problems. The final activity is to design a new game for the
This worksheet is to be used following the online activity.
Children can work independently.
No calculators should be used.
The assessment of this task is by outcome and level of support
during the worksheet activity.