Is It Lunch Yet - Wayzata Public Schools

Plymouth Creek Update
Plymouth Creek Elementary School
16005 41st Avenue North
Plymouth, MN 55446
Phone: 763.745.5800
Attendance: 763.745.5815
School Hours:
Kindergarten: Tuesday, September 6th, Kindergarten Orientation
Wednesday, September 7th, First day of class
9:10 – 11:40 a.m.
1:20 – 3:50 p.m.
Grades 1 –5: 9:10 a.m. – 3:50 p.m.
Tuesday, September 6th – School begins!
Principal’s Welcome:
Welcome to the 2011 - 2012 school year at Plymouth Creek Elementary! We hope you have had a
wonderful summer. We know how eager students are to meet their teachers and learn their classmates’
names! Please mark the following dates and times on your calendar and join us as we kick off another great
year at Plymouth Creek. Enjoy these last days of summer, read one more good book, and we’ll see you soon.
Dr. Karla Thompson
New Family Orientation: Tuesday, August 30th from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Welcome, Introductions and Overview of Plymouth Creek: please meet in the gym
“Passport to Plymouth Creek” scavenger hunt
Open House: Thursday, September 1st from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
*NEW THIS YEAR - Classroom Curriculum Meetings for Parents during the Open House.
 Class lists will be posted September 1st on “Family Access” beginning at about 8:00 a.m.
and in the commons on Thursday, September 1st from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Following the Open House, class lists will be posted on the front windows, September 2nd – Sept. 7th
 Teachers and specialists will be in their classrooms to greet students.
 Family packets will be available for every Plymouth Creek Family. Packets may be picked up in the
classroom of the youngest or only child in each family. Please return for use as a Thursday Folder.
 Make lunch account deposits.
 Please stop by the PTO table in the commons to learn more about how to get involved at Plymouth
Creek and pick up your tickets for a refreshing treat from the ice cream truck in front of the school.
All ice cream must be eaten outside of the school. Thank you.
* Classroom Curriculum Meetings for Parents will be held at 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. in your child’s
classroom. The same information will be presented at each session so please be sure to attend one
of these curriculum meetings for important information from your child’s teacher. Students in
Grades 1-5 will gather in the gym for activities during the Parent Curriculum Meetings.
Kindergarten students and younger siblings should remain with parents. Kindergarten Curriculum
information will be provided at Kindergarten Orientation on September 6th.
* Parents need to pick students up from the gym following your Classroom Curriculum Meeting.
School Supply Lists
A list of recommended school supplies for students is available at:
If you need a paper copy of that list, you may get one during the Open House or stop in at the Plymouth
Creek front office, Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Donations Needed:
School Supplies, Back Packs, Recorders, Recorder Book, or 5th grade Calculators no longer being
used are much appreciated.
- OVER -
School Communication: Please sign up following enclosed directions for new website.
1. We will not be sending home a weekly Thursday folder with school information unless you inform us
that you do not have computer access. Thursday folders will only be sent home when an electronic
option is not available. i.e. school picture order packet, fundraising packet etc.
2. Please sign up for a weekly Thursday Folder News alert following the enclosed directions.
3. The Thursday Folder can be accessed from several new locations on the Plymouth Creek website.
• For Parents - Thursday Folder
• Our Parents - Thursday Folder
• Quicklinks - News and Information - Thursday Folder
• About Us - News and Information - Thursday Folder
4. “Family Access” is found under “Quick Links” … you will need this to access your child’s class
placement, report card, check attendance etc.
5. “Student Info Change” is found under “Quick Links” Please update student/family information. We
especially need to have updated phone numbers, address, and email address for communication.
Is It Lunch Yet?
Lunch prices are $2.50 for hot lunch and $.50 for milk to accompany a cold lunch. Staff will be available to
take your check and deposit money in your account at the Open House. Be sure to put the student’s name,
teacher’s name, and grade level on each check. Returning students, you will continue using your Personal
Identification Number (PIN) – do you remember it? Do You Want Breakfast? Students may choose to
purchase breakfast any day from 8:50 – 9:10 a.m. The cost for breakfast is $1.35. There is no charge for
those who qualify for a free or reduced lunch plan. The application for Free or Reduced Lunch is
available on-line or you may call the Wayzata Culinary Express office at 763.745.5154 or pick one up in the
Plymouth Creek office. Applications need to be submitted on a yearly basis. Adult lunch: $3.65.
Medication at School
Students receiving any medication at school (even Tylenol) must turn in an Authorized to Give Medication
form. This form may be obtained in the school office.
Plymouth Creek Attendance Line: To Report all student absences, call: 763.745.5815.
All about buses!
Bus transportation is available to all students in our attendance area. Bus cards will be mailed to your home
by the Wayzata District transportation office in August. This card will tell your bus number, time, and stop.
If you ever need to ride another bus to a friend’s home, you need to bring a note from your parent(s) and get
your plan approved by the school office. This is valid only if space is available on the bus and on a “child
care need” basis. Transportation for play dates must be arranged outside of the school bus system.
Plymouth Creek PTO – Your Partner in Education
The Plymouth Creek PTO invites you to become a member. Pick up your family packet at the Open House;
PTO membership information is inside.
Our first PTO meeting will be on Tuesday, September 13th , at 6:30 p.m. in the PC Commons. The PTO does
many wonderful things for the students of our school, and we encourage you to be a part of this organization.
PTO Officers: Co-Chair - Jodi Rae Foss and Carol Hamre
Fundraising Coordinator - Michele Gonyea
Events Coordinator – Pam Koehler
Communications Coordinator – Tracy Sellman
Secretary - Heather Hanks
Treasurer - Marlene Dehm
Volunteer Facilitator - Jill Fusaro
Panther Pride T-Shirts may be purchased for $7.00. If your child has outgrown or lost their Panther
Pride shirt and if you are interested in purchasing a new T-Shirt for your child, please order on-line at by August 15. Please include your child’s name and T-Shirt size. New
students will receive their first T-Shirt at no charge.