COMSTAT, Log-linear, p. 1 I Log Linear Analysis or Likelihood Ratio Chi Square A. Steps in Log Linear Analysis B. Warning about Log-Linear Analysis II. SPSS Alternatives to Chi Square for Frequency Data There are times when researchers need alternatives to chi square analyses. Log-Linear Analysis or Likelihood Ratio Chi Square Also known as the G test, this method permits analysis of nominal level dependent variables in ways that are similar to analysis of variance for interval or ratio level dependent variables. In fact, Sokol and Rohlf (1981) recommend that it be used as a wholesale replacement for chi square test (p. 692). In the case of 2 x 2 tables, it is a simple alternative to chi square that provides much of the same information. Hence, researchers use log-linear analysis when they can examine more than two independent variables and look for interactions on some nominal level dependent variable. The researcher may examine different main effects and then add effects together to make meaningful interpretations. There are few assumptions in the use of this method. First, it is assumed that the data are frequencies from a multinomial distribution, rather than a normal distribution. This requirement is usually handled as a result of identifying classification categories whose probabilities sum to 1.0 within the range of the study. A second assumption is randomization. Beyond these assumptions, the log-linear analysis requires few serious assumptions. The approach of log-linear analysis is a bit different from other statistical tools. Though most analyses explore if a collection variables is significantly different from a zero contribution, loglinear analysis attempts to fit a collection of models to the data. In these cases, the researchers (in COMSTAT, Log-linear, p. 2 most cases) are interested in finding that there are no significant differences between the model and the data. In addition, the analysis usually produces more than one model that shows no difference from the data. Hence, researchers need to know how to compare one model to another. The language of log linear analysis sometimes puts off researchers. But the concepts, themselves are relatively straightforward. Two terms often are used without explanation in the method. Hierarchical models are simply models that include all lower level effects as well. For instance, if a researcher examines a hierarchical model of the interaction among age, communicator competence, and amount training in communication, the hierarchical model also includes the possible two-variable interactions (age by competence, age by amount of training in communication, and competence by amount of training in communication). The model also includes contributions made by the main effects of age, communicator competence, and amount training in communication. Though this type of thinking model may seem initially confusing, its approach actually permits researchers to partial out the sources of variance in a fairly direct way. Saturated models include all possible effects within them. When you do not know the contours of a model, you start by assuming a saturated model. Then, the reduced elements may be separated for subsequent analysis. Restricted models refer to models that involve highly limited numbers of parameters. For instance a model that includes only one variable is the most restrictive. Models that include all possible effects among multiple variables (a.k.a saturated models) are called “least restrictive” models. To test if the model fails to deviate from the data, the -2 Log Likelihood statistic (sometimes COMSTAT, Log-linear, p. 3 called the deviance) is used. If this statistic shows statistical significance, it means that the model does not fit the data. Hence, researchers typically are looking for statistically insignificant results. Comparing the observed and the expected frequencies, researchers use applications of the k Oj G 2 2 O j ln E j 1 j formula, (Upton & Cook, 2002, p. 201). Steps in Log Linear Analysis. In essence, log-linear analysis includes identifying a model to fit the data. Then, the researchers attempt to identify the specific parameters. Though they can be computed by hand, the author has never met a researcher who does so. Hence, in this analysis, the use of SPSS output (for the most part) will be used to illustrate the notion. Step 1: Choose a method to select models. When there are three or more variables in the log linear model, there are many effects (three variables produce seven effects, four variables produce 15 effects, five variables produce 31 effects) that could be tested and included in a final model. In fact, researchers often find that there is more than one model that could be fit to the data. Thus, there are some different suggestions about ways to complete log linear analysis studies. The most popular approach, sometimes called a two-stage analysis, involves two passes through the data. The second major approach involves the use of “stepwise backward elimination” of statistically insignificant effects. The first of these approaches will be described here. Though stepwise often is criticized for capitalizing on chance findings, it is a popular approach. This stepwise approach will be illustrated in the section of this chapter that describes using SPSS to complete log-linear analyses. The two-stage model follows the suggestions of Brown (1976). In this approach, highest order interactions are tested for significance of their contributions to the model (in this case the researcher is looking for a statistically significant effect). After finding significant interactions, COMSTAT, Log-linear, p. 4 the researcher looks for partial and marginal associations and retains only those for which the partial and marginal associations are significant. Though actually a separate approach, this method sometimes is combined with the method of backward elimination of effects. Then, to obtain general parameter information, the general log linear analysis is employed. For example, one researcher prepared an analysis of whether individuals were willing to sign up for a seminar in presentation skills (or not) based on whether they were men or women with high or low communication apprehension, and whether they received persuasive information in flyers containing (or not) evidence from highly and lowly credible sources. To develop the model, the researchers needed to follow two steps. First, they needed to determine a model and second, they needed to get parameter estimates. To secure a fit to the model, the researchers chose Loglinear from the Analysis menu. Then, they chose Model Selection. They transferred evidence use (“evid”), sex of respondent, communication apprehension level (low and high), and source COMSTAT, Log-linear, p. 5 credibility (high and low credibility of the source of the message) to the field identified as “factor(s).” In the “Cell Weights:” field, the variable that constituted the dependent variable count of the number of participants willing to sign up for a seminar in presentation skills (or not) was included. To select a model, the researcher clicked on the Model button and assured that the saturated model was identified. Then, the researcher clicked Continue and selected Options. In the Options window the researchers selected “Association table” to get a display of partial correlations. There was no need to include residuals since, with a completely saturated model they would be zero. The Delta value was set at 0 given the sample sizes involved. Then the researcher would click Continue and OK. Step 2: Check to see if the goodness of fit statistics reveal a fit of the data to the model. The researchers were looking for coefficients that indicated no significant differences between the observed data and the model. Both the Likelihood ratio chi square (G2) and the Pearson χ2 were COMSTAT, Log-linear, p. 6 not statistically significant at the .05 level. With small samples, the Pearson chi square is more Goodness-of-fit test statistics Likelihood ratio chi square = Pearson chi square = .00000 .00000 DF = 0 DF = 0 P = 1.000 P = 1.000 powerful than the Likelihood ratio chi square. In this case, the two statistics were zero since a saturated model was examined. Step 3: Examine global tests to identify differences between the saturated model and models without various and main effects. Researchers look at assessments of classes of effects. The impact of removing these effects is shown on the resulting likelihood ratio chi square and the Pearson chi square. If the effects of each of these source of variation were zero, the coefficients reveal how poorly the model would fit the data. In this case the K = 4 effect corresponded to the single four-variable interaction of all the predictor variables. The K = 3 effect indicated the three-variable interactions and all higher interactions, including the previous four-variable interaction. As can be seen, the only three-variable interaction effects and above were not significant contributors. Tests that K-way and higher order effects are zero. K DF L.R. Chisq Prob Pearson Chisq Prob Iteration 4 3 2 1 1 5 11 15 .063 6.553 28.360 31.445 .8016 .2561 .0029 .0077 .063 6.502 29.601 33.189 .8015 .2603 .0018 .0044 2 3 2 0 To assess whether individual effects contributed to the model’s good fit, a comparison was made to what the Pearson chi square and the Likelihood ratio statistic would be if each category of effect were omitted one at a time. To identify a good fit of the model to the data, researchers looked for significant differences (any significant difference means that without this source of variation, the model would deviate significantly from the data). Hence, these elements were COMSTAT, Log-linear, p. 7 important ones to retain. In this case, researchers know that only without the six two-variable the Tests that K-way effects are zero. K DF L.R. Chisq Prob Pearson Chisq Prob Iteration 1 2 3 4 4 6 4 1 3.085 21.807 6.490 .063 .5437 .0013 .1654 .8016 3.588 23.099 6.439 .063 .4646 .0008 .1687 .8015 0 0 0 0 model would fail. Hence, a model composed of these types of interactions explains the data. Nevertheless, which two-variable interactions explain the effects? Step 3: Check the association table to identify the specific effects defining the model’s fit. At this point, since many effects have been tested, researchers usually desire to reduce the number of specific effects by looking at specific sources. In the example we are describing, individual tests will be remain at alpha=.05, though an argument from dropping them to alpha=.01 would be reasonable and will be made shortly in another, related context. The association table presents the partial chi square likelihood ratio statistic. It considers the hierarchical model and for each source of variation computes the effects of the same order minus the contribution of the specific element. So, for the two-variable interactions between evidence and sex, it computed the effects of the other two-variable interactions and the contribution of each of the main effects (since a hierarchical design includes all lower level effects) minus the contribution of the specific evidence x sex interaction. Since the global contribution of the three-way and four-way interactions were not found statistically significant, it becomes clear that significant two-variable interactions exist at .05 for evidence in the message and participant’s level of communication apprehension, respondent sex and level of communication apprehension, and evidence in the message and credibility of the source of the message. The researcher would need to include these three interactions and the main effects, since this analysis is hierarchical and lower level effects are a subset of those observed. COMSTAT, Log-linear, p. 8 * * * * * * * * H I E R A R C H I C A L L O G L I N E A R * * * * Tests of PARTIAL associations. Effect Name EVID*SEX*COMMAPP EVID*SEX*CREDIB EVID*COMMAPP*CREDIB SEX*COMMAPP*CREDIB EVID*SEX EVID*COMMAPP SEX*COMMAPP EVID*CREDIB SEX*CREDIB COMMAPP*CREDIB EVID SEX COMMAPP CREDIB DF Partial Chisq Prob Iter 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5.544 .168 .007 .091 .033 7.072 5.397 6.434 1.194 .156 .676 .243 .433 1.733 .0185 .6815 .9352 .7628 .8553 .0078 .0202 .0112 .2745 .6930 .4109 .6218 .5107 .1880 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 Step Four: Obtain the parameters by comparing the effects of viable models. To do so, the researcher may use a different routine in SPSS. In this case, the researcher selected Analyze followed by Loglinear. Selecting General from the menu options, the researcher moved the four variables into the Factor(s): box and “freq” into the Cell Structure: box. Following selection of this structure, the model must be specified. COMSTAT, Log-linear, p. 9 By clicking on Model, the researcher opened the General Loglinear Analysis: Model dialog box and clicked on the Custom radio button. The researcher entered the three variable interaction that was found significant from the table of tests of partial associations. Some might exclude the three-variable interaction since the global test of all three-way interactions was not statistically significant at .05, but interactions may warrant “further scrutiny” because in global tests large individual effects sometimes become overwhelmed by a host of small statistically insignificant effects (Stevens, 2002, p. 587). Clicking on the Continue button and the Options… button, the researcher selected displays of the design matrix, model estimates, and deviance residuals. The delta was set at 0. COMSTAT, Log-linear, p. 10 After clicking Continue and OK, the researchers interpreted the results that included the following elements: Goodness-of-fit Statistics Likelihood Ratio Pearson Chi-Square DF Sig. 9.981 9.7082 8 8 .2664 .2861 As can be seen, the goodness of fit test indicated that the model was not significantly different from the data. The researchers noted the parameters associated with effects to determine the direction of the effects. Also useful were plots of residuals. For custom models, the resdearcher also examined various plots including the very helpful Normal Q-Q plot of adjusted residuals. This chart takes the residuals and Normal Q-Q Plot of Adjusted Residuals 2.0 represents them as if they were units 1.5 under the standard normal curve. 1.0 .5 Then, the residuals are plotted 0.0 against the expected normal values. -.5 If the residuals form a generally -1.0 -1.5 normal distribution, as they do in this -2.0 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 case, the points will tend to fall near Adjusted Residuals a straight line. Overall, the emergent model was a relatively good fit. Step 5: Complete Multiple Comparison Tests if Desired. In many cases, researchers also need to test for comparison among specific cells. Unlike simple chi square analyses, there is a way to complete multiple comparisons with log linear analysis. Thus, to the multiple comparisons described in chapter 8, the researcher may explore contrasts using Goodman’s L̂ COMSTAT, Log-linear, p. 11 (1970). The chief formula is L . Obviously, this formula required computing two other terms. sL The first of these elements is: L c1 ln o1 c1 ln o2 ln ok where c1 is a contrast coefficient. For instance, as described in chapter 8, these contrasts between two means could be computed as [“psi”] = (1) 1 + (-1)2. ln o1 is the natural log of the number of observations in the first condition to be contrasted, and so forth through all k conditions. The second of element to be computed is the standard error of a contrast: s L c k2 o . k Then, the coefficient is compared to the values on the z table1 to see if differences are beyond chance expectations at the given alpha risk. As an example, the researcher noted a significant interaction between evidence use and credibility. By examining the portion of output below, it seemed that when evidence was not used in the message (evidence value of 1), having a highly credible source enhanced respondents’ willingness to sign up for a course in presentation skills, just as was the case when a message with evidence was presented by a source who was not highly credible. These conditions were in contrast to situations in which lowly credible sources used no evidence and highly credible sources used evidence. It seemed that evidence benefited most those whose credibility had not already “topped out” in persuasiveness. When the eight conditions that produced the highest effects (indicated in bold in the table) were contrasted with the remaining conditions, the effects were contrasted in the following formula: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L ln 11 ln 7 ln 5 ln 15 ln 15 ln 11 ln 12 ln 8 ln 9 ln 8 ln 4 ln 15 ln 6 ln 4 ln 8 ln 5 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 . Filling in the natural logs and multiplying by the contrast coefficients, one gets the answer: L= COMSTAT, Log-linear, p. 12 .3867. Table Information Factor Value EVID SEX COMMAPP CREDIB CREDIB COMMAPP CREDIB CREDIB SEX COMMAPP CREDIB CREDIB COMMAPP CREDIB CREDIB 1 EVID SEX COMMAPP CREDIB CREDIB COMMAPP CREDIB CREDIB SEX COMMAPP CREDIB CREDIB COMMAPP CREDIB CREDIB 2 Observed Count Expected Count % % . 1 1 1 2 9.00 ( 11.00 ( 6.29) 7.69) 8.26 ( 8.72 ( 5.78) 6.10) 1 2 8.00 ( 7.00 ( 5.59) 4.90) 9.00 ( 9.50 ( 6.29) 6.64) 1 2 4.00 ( 5.00 ( 2.80) 3.50) 5.84 ( 6.17 ( 4.09) 4.31) 1 2 15.00 ( 10.49) 15.00 ( 10.49) 12.90 ( 13.61 ( 9.02) 9.52) 1 2 15.00 ( 10.49) 6.00 ( 4.20) 16.01 ( 11.20) 8.00 ( 5.60) 1 2 11.00 ( 4.00 ( 7.69) 2.80) 7.67 ( 3.84 ( 5.36) 2.68) 1 2 12.00 ( 8.00 ( 8.39) 5.59) 11.32 ( 5.66 ( 7.92) 3.96) 1 2 8.00 ( 5.00 ( 5.59) 3.50) 11.00 ( 5.50 ( 7.69) 3.84) 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 The contrast variance that must be divided into this amount was: sL 2 c k2 o , which is k 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 11 7 5 15 15 11 12 8 9 8 4 15 6 4 8 5 result of such computations was .1837. When the L̂ was computed, the result was 2 . The COMSTAT, Log-linear, p. 13 .3867 2.105 . This statistic is distributed as z, or as a unit under the standard normal curve. .1837 By looking at the table of z, one finds that 2.11 z’s corresponds to .4826, which means that only .0174 of 1.74% of the area lies above this point. Assuming that the researcher was using a twotailed test at alpha risk of .05, the critical value to exceed would be 1.96 in either direction. In this case, 2.11 exceeds 1.96 and, hence, the difference between the set of conditions that explains the interaction was statistically significant. One might wonder if it would be acceptable to “collapse” the cells in this design from their sixteen original conditions to eight or four basic conditions. Though sometimes researchers have used this method, it appears to be suitable only if higher order interactions involving variables in the collapsed categories were not statistically significant and if all the variables in the interactions are independent of other variables. Research indicates that inappropriate collapsing levels across of third variable often leads to misleading results (see Bishop, Fienberg, & Holland, 1975, 41-42). Warnings About Log-linear Analysis. Though its usefulness is undeniable, log linear analysis can create a couple of problems that prudent researchers should take into account: Overfitting models can be a problem. The method of log linear analysis can produce models that seem fit simply because they include too many parameters. Indeed, with all the effects included in a saturated model, the fit is perfect, but it is just an artifact. Some writers have warned researchers to be particularly suspicious about overfitting (Bishop, Fienberg, & Holland, 1975, p. 324) especially when the chi square value is actually smaller than the degrees of freedom (Marascuilo & Busk, 1987, p. 452). In fact, when more than one model seems to produce a chi square suggesting a fit to the data, one bit of advice is to select the model whose chi square value is close to the degrees of freedom (Marascuilo & Busk, 1987, COMSTAT, Log-linear, p. 14 p. 452; see also Stevens, 2002, p. 590). There is no best method for model selection (see Fienberg, 1980, p. 56; see also Stevens, p. 590). The researcher uses statistics to make an argument (based on high quality circumstantial evidence) for the tenability of a model, but the methods themselves do not automatically produce the best model. Researchers should be guided by some hypotheses and/or theories to promote their efforts. The two-stage method of model development and the use of stepwise backward elimination cannot be shown superior to each other in identifying the best models. Ultimately, deciding on the best model requires the researcher to do some sound thinking based on good reasons to prefer one model over another (after Freeman, 1987, p. 214) Type I error can get out of hand by thoughtless use of log linear analysis. Especially when using the stepwise method with backward elimination, researchers test a series of effects, not because they have predictions or hypotheses, but because method goes on the equivalent of a “search and destroy” mission snooping for all significant effects. Rather than having a theoretic foundation for testing an effect, many tests are completed only because some higher order effects have been found to be statistically insignificant. “Unless one can argue that the tests are all of interest a priori, one needs to assess the overall probability of making a type I error” (Sokol & Rohlf, 1981, p. 762). One response is to follow the advice developed by Whittaker and Aitkin (1978) to control alpha risk for individual tests. If each test is announced by the researchers at an alpha risk of .05, one may determine the effects of computing three non independent significance tests by computing total experimentwise (or “study wise”) alpha risk at: experiment wise first test ((1 first test ) second test ) ((1 first test )(1 fsecond test ) third test ). 2 To bring COMSTAT, Log-linear, p. 15 this alpha risk back under control, with experimentwise alpha risk at .05, the researcher could COMSTAT, Log-linear, p. 16 Special Discussion: Logit Analysis A variation of log-linear analysis is the use of LOGIT models (also sometimes called multinomial logit models) in which two or more independent variables (sometimes called explanatory variables) predicted dependent variables (sometimes called response variables). The dependent variable actually analyzed is a logit. “Logit” is “short for ‘logistic probability p , is the unit’ or the natural ‘log of the odds’ (Vogt, 1999, p. 164). The expression ln 1 p actual formula for the “log odds” (Upton & Cook, 2002, p. 207). In essence, the method reports a coefficient indicating the probability of events expressed as a number ranging from 0 to 1. Independent variables can be variable factors (categories created from continuous variables broken into separate levels). In addition, the method may include covariates used to adjust cells by the weighted covariate mean. When using SPSS, two major tests of fit are employed in addition to the Likelihood ration and the Pearson chi square (simply labeled “Pearson” in the SPSS output). Other analyses of dispersion are used including measures of “entropy” and “concentration.” Entropy (also known as the diversity index) is a measure of “the extent to which the different types in a population are unequally common. A value of 0 is attained if there is only one type in the population” (Upton & Cook, 2002, p. 110). Thus researchers most often look for models that distinguished between the categorical dependent variables. Researchers also examine measures of concentration, such as the Gini index (often called the coefficient of concentration. This measure takes “the mean difference between all pairs of values and dividing that by twice the population mean” (Vogt, 1999, p. 123). The coefficient produces a value from 0 to 1 with increased coefficients indicating increased dispersion. COMSTAT, Log-linear, p. 17 set the individual alpha risk at individualalpha risk 1 number of statistical tests 1 - experiment wise . So, if a researcher wants to limit alpha risk to .05 for a study, individual alpha should be set at .017. Large samples can lead researchers to make some misinterpretations. As with most statistical significance tests, when samples get large almost any effects will be identified as statistically significant in the partial associations list. This problem, however, is particularly pronounced in log linear analysis. “Overrestricted models tend to be selected in very small samples and underrestricted models tend to be selected in very large samples” (Bonnett & Bentler, 1983, p. 156). An alternative us the use of Goodman’s ̂ (1970), which reveals how much of a percentage improvement is created in the fit of any model over the base model. This model takes the goodness of fit chi square statistic and makes a comparison using the formula: 2 2 ˆ the base model advanced model . The closer this statistic is to 1, the greater the 2 the base model improved fit. Though there is no criterion for determining how high a percentage should be for retaining an improved model, the researcher often finds these percentages usefully interpreted by looking at experience with such data. SPSS Log Linear Analysis Using Stepwise Methods. As previously described, there are different ways to identify a model. This example will illustrate SPSS to create a model using stepwise methods with backward elimination. From the Analyze menu, the researcher chooses Loglinear followed by Model. The researcher transfers the variable “freq” to the Cell Weights: field and the remaining variables to the Factor(s): field. After this step is completed, the range of levels for each factor must be specified. In this case each variable has two levels, 1 and 2. When the ranges are indicated in the Loglinear Analysis: Define Range dialog box, the COMSTAT, Log-linear, p. 18 researcher clicks the Continue button. To use the stepwise method, the researcher then needs to assure that the radio of button for “Use backward elimination;” is selected. After clicking the Options button, the researcher sets delta at 0 and requests an association table. The association table would be used to help interpret the model, rather than to construct it directly. Afterward, the researcher clicks the Continue and OK buttons. The chart below shows the first portion of the stepwise analysis. The model begins by testing the four-variable interaction. As can be seen, deleting this four-variable from the model would not produce a statistically significant deviation of the model from the data. The next lowest effects COMSTAT, Log-linear, p. 19 (in this case, three-variable interactions) are tested to determine which one contributed the least and may be deleted from the model. If Deleted Simple Effect is DF L.R. Chisq Change Prob Iter EVID*SEX*COMMAPP*CREDIB 1 .063 .8016 2 Step 1 The best model has generating class EVID*SEX*COMMAPP EVID*SEX*CREDIB EVID*COMMAPP*CREDIB SEX*COMMAPP*CREDIB Likelihood ratio chi square = .06314 DF = 1 P = .802 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - If Deleted Simple Effect is EVID*SEX*COMMAPP EVID*SEX*CREDIB EVID*COMMAPP*CREDIB SEX*COMMAPP*CREDIB DF L.R. Chisq Change Prob Iter 1 1 1 1 5.544 .168 .007 .091 .0185 .6815 .9352 .7628 3 3 2 2 In this case, the evidence by communication apprehension by source credibility interaction produces only a .007 change in the chi square value. Hence, it was deleted in the next step as shown below. Step 2 The best model has generating class EVID*SEX*COMMAPP EVID*SEX*CREDIB SEX*COMMAPP*CREDIB Likelihood ratio chi square = .06975 DF = 2 P = .966 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - If Deleted Simple Effect is EVID*SEX*COMMAPP EVID*SEX*CREDIB SEX*COMMAPP*CREDIB DF L.R. Chisq Change Prob Iter 1 1 1 5.573 .189 .095 .0182 .6640 .7582 4 3 3 The third step involved deleting the three-variable interaction contribution the least to the change in the chi square value. At this point, since the three-variable interactions were exhausted, the stepwise procedure introduced consideration of two-way interactions. Eventually, the result of the work was identification of a three-variable interaction among evidence use by sex of respondent by communication apprehension and the two-variable interaction between evidence COMSTAT, Log-linear, p. 20 Step 3 The best model has generating class EVID*SEX*COMMAPP EVID*SEX*CREDIB COMMAPP*CREDIB Likelihood ratio chi square = .16452 DF = 3 P = .983 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - If Deleted Simple Effect is DF L.R. Chisq Change EVID*SEX*COMMAPP 1 6.187 EVID*SEX*CREDIB 1 .139 COMMAPP*CREDIB 1 .105 Step 4 The best model has generating class EVID*SEX*COMMAPP EVID*SEX*CREDIB Likelihood ratio chi square = .26950 DF = 4 P = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - If Deleted Simple Effect is DF L.R. Chisq Change EVID*SEX*COMMAPP 1 6.239 EVID*SEX*CREDIB 1 .200 Step 5 The best model has generating class EVID*SEX*COMMAPP EVID*CREDIB SEX*CREDIB Likelihood ratio chi square = .46994 DF = 5 P = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - If Deleted Simple Effect is Prob Iter .0129 .7092 .7459 4 4 2 .992 - - - - - Prob Iter .0125 .6544 3 3 .993 - - - - - - DF L.R. Chisq Change Prob Iter 1 1 1 6.239 6.305 1.075 .0125 .0120 .2999 4 2 2 EVID*SEX*COMMAPP EVID*CREDIB SEX*CREDIB Step 6 The best model has generating class EVID*SEX*COMMAPP EVID*CREDIB Likelihood ratio chi square = 1.54453 DF = 6 P = .956 - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - If Deleted Simple Effect is EVID*SEX*COMMAPP EVID*CREDIB DF L.R. Chisq Change Prob Iter 1 1 6.239 6.703 .0125 .0096 3 2 - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * H I E R A R C H I C A L The final model has generating class EVID*SEX*COMMAPP EVID*CREDIB L O G L I N E A R * * * * COMSTAT, Log-linear, p. 21 Step 7 The best model has generating class EVID*SEX*COMMAPP EVID*CREDIB Likelihood ratio chi square = 1.54453 DF = 6 P = .956 The final model has generating class EVID*SEX*COMMAPP EVID*CREDIB use and source credibility. In addition, the model also includes the two-way interaction between evidence and credibility. Though this procedure produced a slightly different model than did the two-stage approach (which found a three-variable interaction and three two-variable interactions), the significant three-variable interaction and the interaction between evidence and credibility were shared with both models. As can be seen, researchers need to rely on sound judgment in interpreting results of log-linear analyses if they are to replicate in related inquiry. COMSTAT, Log-linear, p. 22 End Notes 1 With a large sample size, it has been observed that L divided by the contrast coefficient is distributed as z (the standard normal curve) when the null hypothesis is true. This fact, also means that there is an alternative way to compute the standard error of the contrast. It may be remembered that with one degree of freedom 2 z . Hence, for large sample sizes, one may use the chi square distribution to compute such matters in the 2 formula s degrees of freedom fro the effect examined . The degrees of freedom often reduce to the number of conditions contrasted. 2 An equivalent (and simpler) formula was provided in this book as experiment wise 1 (1 for each individualtest ) number of nonindependent tests.