Recommended Information For Reports From Routine Screening Ultrasound at 16-20 Weeks Gestation (Data elements reflect singleton gestations only) 1. Facility name: 2. General and Patient Demographic Information Patient name Second patient identifier Age or date of birth Date of LMP Examination(s) requested 3. Number of fetuses 4. Fetal Measurements Biparietal Diameter (BPD) - millimeters and weeks Head circumference – millimeters and weeks Abdominal circumference – millimeters and weeks Femur length – millimeters and weeks Calculations of: 1. Gestational age by examination (including range of variation – weeks) 2. Gestational age by LMP 3. Gestational age by previous sonograms Interpretation: 5. Fetal Anatomy (reported as “normal”, “abnormal”, or “not seen” with explanations). The sonologist may choose to list all anatomy scanned but should consult the recommended list below. 1 6. Maternal Anatomy (reported as “normal”, “abnormal” or “not seen” with explanations) Uterus Cervix Adnexa 7. Amniotic Fluid Volume from measurement of the deepest pocket or with reference to the amniotic fluid index (optional). (reported as “normal”, “oligohydramnios” or “polyhydramnios”) 8. Placenta Position such as: “Normal” or “>2 cm from internal os” “Low” or “< 2 cm from internal os” “Previa” or “covering the internal os” “Indeterminate” or “imprecise relation between the edge of the placenta and the internal os” 9. Interpretations should also include: A summary of findings sufficient to address the reason/indication for the study Advice regarding the need and time frame for follow-up studies Advice regarding referral for further assessment when warranted Reason/Indication for request (ie: routine/screening) Requesting physician Date of examination Interpreting radiologist Date of dictation or transcription 1 The following anatomy should be scanned, recorded and interpreted when possible at a routine screening study at 16 to 20 weeks gestational age: *head shape, *ventricles, *posterior fossa, *face, *spine, *diaphragm, *4-chamber heart, *heart axis, *cardiac outflow tract, *stomach, *kidneys, *bladder, *cord insertion, *3-vessel cord, *arms, *hands *legs, *feet CPSA: September 2002 Replaces: June 2000